HomeMy WebLinkAbout27-City Administrator CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: Fred Wilson Subject: Central City Lutheran Mission's "Run for the Children" Request for fee waiver Dept: City Administrator 0 RIG I N A l Date: April 14, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: 4/9/03 - Ways and Means Committee referred the request to Mayor and Council for consideration Recommended motion: That $620 be transferred from the FY 02/03 civic and promotion account to the Police departmental account as listed in the attached staff report; that a refund of $211.25 be authorized to the Central City Lutheran Mission for prior payment of insurance; and that a waiver of fees for the use of City personnel and equipment to assist the Central City Lutheran Mission in their "Run for the Children" event scheduled for May 3, 2003, be approved. fitd {u~ (fJ .f/-; ) Signature ( Contact person: Fred Wilson Phone: 5122 Supporting data attached: yes Ward: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $831.25 Source: (Acct. No.) 001-091-5186 (Acct. Description) civic and promotion Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. :L 1 1 / ;)../ / b 3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Request for waiver of fees in connection with Central City Lutheran Mission's "Run for the Children" scheduled for May 3, 2003. BACKGROUND: Councilwoman Susan Longville has requested a waiver of fees on behalf of the Central City Lutheran Mission who is hosting a "Run for the Children" on Saturday, May 3, 2003. This Run is designed to promote awareness and involvement in efforts to support development programming for children. It is designed as a multi-year program to encourage healthy activities and promote physical fitness not normally available to low- income youth. This item was presented to the Ways and Means Committee on April 9, 2003. The Committee expressed concerns about funding new events of this nature in light of the City's budget situation. The Committee also voted to require all non-profit organizations to submit complete applications including a complete budget proposal at least 60 days in advance of the Ways and Means Committee review. Based on the discussion at the Ways and Means Committee, Lutheran Mission has worked with the Police department to scale back the size of their event in an effort to reduce costs. In addition, they have agreed to pay $200 towards costs of the Police services. The Police Department has determined these services to be $820 as outlined in their attached memorandum. With the Mission agreeing to pay $200, the cost of the waiver is $620. In addition, they are requesting reimbursement of $211.25 be made for their prior payment to the City for the cost of the insurance certificate. FISCAL IMPACT: $831.25 to the civic and promotion account. Attached for your information is a matrix showing the allocations of civic and promotion funding to date. RECOMMENDATION: That $620 be transferred from the FY 02/03 civic and promotion account to the Police Departmental account; that a reimbursement of $211.25 be made to the Central City Lutheran Mission for their prior payment of the City's insurance certificate; and that a waiver of fees for the use of City personnel and equipment to assist the Mission with their "Run for the Children" be approved. NAME OF ORGANIZATION: REQUEST FOR CIVIC AND PROMOTION FUNDING (PART 1lI) REQUEST FOR FEE W AIYERS (List all City services for which you are requesting fee waivers) C. Fee Waivers Amount Police Security Traffic Control 620 Fire Site Inspections Crowd Control Facilities Sound Svstem Civic Center Use Permit Public Services Refuse Bins Street Sweeping Development Services Planning TUP Building Other (Explain) refund of insurance nayment 211.25 Total Amount of Fee Waivers (In-Kind Services) 831.25 For Office Use Only: Departmental Costs In: Police Fire Public Services Public Works Development Services Facilities Previous Year's Accounting Reviewed: Admin: Finance ~Ia I~III~. III ;.II~'1 1~.III~_lll'l 'I;. 'I. i !". I.. I"! . liil '~II~ 1"11, ~II' I'! .. ~n-I~ I~!II :~:! II.:~II~I !~I :! i:'11 _. I ..I~I ' I!I~I I~I ~II ~ I!I Illl ~ ~ 1111111111 : 11111111 : I ! II ~ . ~ Ti + II~; H ~! !~L~I-fl":~ I~I.. ~ I 11!111.~lllll~II~11 'III '~ III ~ ~!l i Ilitll~. I~!~!TII. : li!!'~llii. I i_ ~ I II . I! 1111, I ~ ' I 1111 II' 111111111I I ' I I I, ' II ,,' I I I I II Ij' I ~ I ~I ~ I 'Ijl j ~ " 'I I i I~I 1~li~1 I~ i I I .'~llll~1 ~ I ' ,I~I i~1 I~ I~I 1(3 I 1~~151 I .~ i I . I~ Ii .12I'{l I~I .'~I I~, I] i ~ ~I D~ lill~r+~:~1 :~I f8! : ~... "-g I.'!N I I I IN I I I I I I "tJ .. C I"" I 01 N N' 101 N I'" I' I" :EE" .!! I' '. ~ 1881'~' '1811 8, 18 "IS .~ ._ I en -, N IN - N NI 0' 0 ' eG:) 'I: I ~ I r:::: t:::.N'1 N. IN ~'I ~ '10 0" IE' ! N , i~ ~ 0 N ~.::t 2! "" o :E I- '..-- t-' r--- ........-- ..--' I"--- .-.:r oil . .. City of San Bernardino San Bernardino Police Department Interoffice Memorandum To: Lt Mark Garcia From: Sgt BK smith Subject: CCLM 'Run for the Children': Manpower Needs and Cost Analysis Date: Dec 19,2002 Copies: MANPOWER NEEDS AND COST ANALYSIS To ensure a safe environment for the Central City Lutheran Mission's 'Run for the Children', one sergeant and eight patrolmen will be needed. Their primary enforcement responsibilities will be to block major intersections along the racecourse. The racecourse will incorporate portions of several streets in the downtown area of San Bernardino. Manpower - Prior to the Event 1 Sergeant at straight time plus benefits x 2 hours = No Charge Manpower - Day of the Event 1 Sergeant at time Yz x 2 hours = $114.30 8 Patrol officers at time Yz x 2 hours = $705.60 Equipment - Day of the Event 9 Marked police units = No Charge 9 HT Radios = No Charge Total Costs: $819.90 TIlE SBPD IS mMMITIED TO PROVIDING, PROGRESSIVE QUALIlYPOIlCE SERVICE; A SAFE ENVIRONMENT TO IMPROVE TIlE QUALIlY OF IlFE; A REDUCIlON IN CRIME lHROUGHPROBIEM REmGNIll0N AND PROBlEM SOLVING ::".:,-. ': ... '.J ~1::l. n4p CEntral Clt~ Lutheran Mis (909]884-5104 p.2 "Sv,":~m:~ iNSURANCE COMPANY CERTiHCATf.NO,' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE SPECIAL EVENT LIABILITY PROCRAM .,,:)' -~, PUBLIC ENTITY (ADDITIONAL INSURED) :\'~;~~\i Jr"';:;'uGe S.~r\'ices fh\ ." _.~3 '.L~<: (J~. ,',t,. >:;21::9 SJ23 1 ~ City of San Bernardino 300 N. '0' Street San Bernardino, CA 92q18 _ _d'~.: )~ .~,1-,;';6' I~,"\ 'i~b, 2"VE;;r HOLDER): ro\:': I" lan '.~;'n"'" City Lutheran Mission 1 ",-54 :\:. ~G' Stteet _,.;.., ._"-"UUI!.:QiM. CA 92405 I:' EVENT INFORMA110,l1: TYPE: II SI\ Run DATE(S): LOCATION: Seccombe " Sat'p"day.. M.y 1, 20Qi F..ldhy"m I ;hr~ry (C;I~rt) Lake Park r Finish) , , <.~' '_ .~u;")' :.bi ,he jl'Jlir.ies' ofin~ura."1Ce Iiste;: ~Iow have been issued to the lnsured named above for the policy period "'~"o/j'b.i:,,;i,jing lny requirements. terms or conditions of any contract or ether dotument with r~spect to which this .L.:, t.-:- l~.jl-'E.d x may p~rtajn, the ins1.1raace afforded by the policies described he~ein is subject to all the terms. ~ ,.lr... ::..);;1:::(.rs::f s.uch ?('licies. Limi:s shown may have been reduced by paid claims_ ;, T, -~c:, ;;'""(' ('~A..r'L,.ruER Evanston In::;unmce Ccmpany '" ,......;1..ICYN(J~tBER: 02SEP100aOOl "..-),',, .,...;,'L!!IA . '" :-,;~td');'i~r1I1~OrS '.. <.~i("S '".i,;;') . ~,' ~.jr:Ii'. .1\:' Ob; FiJe) .,' ~i)~> 'J.J,'-{ D,,~ f'.;r~onr TES: EFFECTIVE: IAiWARY 1,2003 EXPIRATION: JANUARY 1,2004 lABILITY I OCCURRENCE FORM DEDUCTIBLE; NONE $ 1.0:)0,000 l'OOo)OO~O I 1.000. ',000 1.000.000 50,(.00 Hoo I: ~"". '-'1' "'lIC-' n' 11.'-"'-"-');"':'-" k...r-. II -.. ..___M' -"" '--\:'.:;'-: '., (.i:!\;;:l.A,~.L {""".,' ". \1",,,,,,' ;1 :.i 1 (~'. "',. ~i'''::'.;.2:::~,~ ~~.:....: '.!l"~ 4"P'Y ~~t1r:1~ly to ea~~vent insu~~' Ihis pdicy ll.'t. if a s'=jlarale policy orinsurance ha; been iswl'd rOl that e\!er1t. , ".1, ,.~ , "l"Iend:r to irdudc-, all an i~!l,Ired, ihe pemnor organization shown in lrus schedule, but uDly with R:!peet to liabilil)' arising Ollt or 1M: ." (,~ ",'e {" '1\(. J:thr: premises usee ~y th.e flum:d inSUf"..d (t:\renl holdlM"). This insurnncc do~ not apply Ill: Any "occutn:nce" which take! place . -; ,:~~.:... ;-e:,,~ ~.; ~'':''' l.enant in that premises. OThER ADDITIONAL INSUREDS ,-- A' <~~ - ';~:; ~"l)'!!j 11" 1h,jv~ descrihed policy to ~anc,!lled l;ltrore Ih! e:llpirarion d.'lte theX\1f. the issuinj company will mail 30 days written notice to 1M!': .2.::.~ ar~;;i:'.?~j J'~u.mts lIs:C:c. /-... ".0 P.EP".E:;El'>'TAT1VE:~7.t1 ~ '," ,',j'l "Fi\!;>l'uary q, 2003 .~. '. , ,I , I 0 [Il ~ " 0 6i ~ ., .. (5 n '!' 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In 0, Ie:; Ie' :.\ Ii _J .;:: r;;- ;--: ~ ~ " .' ~ ~ (') t-~. 1<- .,. ,""'" r,; ,~ ." r f.l I , i I I I . ... .' j:~~j,;;';;&:~i;~lti;:j/~~)~;~..:;i;~i.;:~fi:ir::'i;5f;;;:!!;~iS;'jit1i;';.,~t}~i;'~~;.i~~~1;f~~~~:~:i6?j'~<i(, ~.~ ~nTC-~RRr~n~l SlW ue~a4~n, ~~!J l~~*uaJ dvQ:CD S~ " '. --....... ,--~ .<.... <:. Apr14 03 01:17p Central Cit~ Lutheran Mis (909J884-5104 p.2 CENTRAL cm WTHEUH MISSION A Neighborhood Development Project Empowering People 'BfiIgiIg The lM:lrd 71rough Creation Of Commllity' city Council, City of San BenJardino 1354 North G Sin!<< San 1-"'" CA !l:If05 Phone, gog..w.692l Fox, 909-884-5104 e-","" ~com Fee Waiver Request Central City Lutheran Mission's "Run for the Children" Central City Lutheran Mission requests a waiver of fees for its "Run for the Children", which will be held on May 3r. this year. The support of the City will help youth during the firsl year ofa mulli-year program that will provide healthy activities for hard-to-reach youth. During this first year, youth have been active organizing and promoling lhis event. AI the request oflhe Ways and Means Committee, CCLM has rerouted the race around tbe perimeter ofthe Secombe Lake Park and worked wilh Ihe Police Department 10 create a route that greally reduces the cost for police presence and streel closures. Through sponsorship and f~:s, a majority ofthe costs will be covered during this first year, bul CCLM requests that the city waive the city's fees during this first year, so as to help us defray the considerable ,;osts we are incurring to organize this event. Now. and as it grows, the "Run for the Children" will become an important annual activity that will promole the following key elements for our community: . A youth-led activity that gives hard-la-reach youth an opportunily 10 gain experience leading organized positive activities for the community. . An annual event Ihat promotes physical fitness and community health care in our city. . A healthy community activity Ihat involves Ihe community in new Cinco de Mayo celebrations in San Bernardino. . A venture that brings to~.elher community members in support of our families and programs that favor our eommunity and especially those at most need in our community. We request that the City help us reach our goals by waiving fees during this firsl year so that we can establish an important tradition and continue to promote healthy programs for underserved communities in our city. ~~~ Tom Dolan Administrative Director Central City Lulheran Mission ~p~ 14 03 01:17p Central Cit~ Lutheran Mis (9091884-5104 CCLM'S Run for the Children Course Description CCLM's "Run for the Children" will begin at 8;00 am on May 3rd on the comer of 7th Street and Waterman. Runners will meet at 7:30 to begin the registration process and the race wilJ begin at 8:00. Runners will go south on Waterman to 5th Street, west on 5th to Sierra, north on Sierra to 9th, east on 9th to Waterman, south on Waterman to 5th, west on 5th to 7th, east on 7th to Belle, south on Belle and continuing on the walkway to end at the pavilion in Secombe Lake Park. At 9:00 a.m., the kids races will begin in the park and along 7'h Street. Tb.e races will end by 9:30 and afterwards there will be an awards ceremony in the pavilion. The activities in the park will end at II :00 a.m. p.3 ~pr.l~ 03 01:17p Central Cit~ Lutheran Mis (SOSI884-5104 ..:.,.'_.~":':/."_.' _:. _', '_', ',. ..; ~"'.~:" .:,H ;~Jf!t},.- c,- . .,;~, .. '....,.... ifi San ~r It'ijir.Q~~EStl,t-s{ rn .';. _0""''''''-'.' _" r:-f --& E-I Ingma _J 1_ I I E4t~~ ISl ~j t--i~GOU~Stj _.~_ <L __-'-> 3m s~ E 3n:l St ~j I~i--- ~l ~J:Y-!!\~.~L~~___ ~I I i. i;r;. --~~--- \ ..(-.- I l~-'------ ::~.__.___j ~ E Ki!!g. St!ra___._ est,com, Inc,; 002003 Na....i::latbn TecllnobQB:S .' "IM- 'jT .: z ~ ;r;. ., ~St ., ::T ~ z 1th St)>. ~ liliiJ I:::' 1::1 z 10th St to o c: :::J S S' < ~. )> 18th St ~ J~Sl I I 6th St MonterQ\' r: r-;>" l~ +-- Ir=-_____~Co!' rt r~3rCl-slc~-- ~ I qJ , ~\n~'.:lf~~\\ Way j: I Z!' .- E Ria-tto AVQ (ll ;l> <( () Cl :::J ....I Z E 11th St ~ ~ <? rangQ ~~ ~ " ,#'.1 '''-.-i. :::::I /(;:;.\~'" I, ~ ~ y.,. '.. r......M l ..... IU ~,..f2r~t\I it:N/A'ft~~'\ g) ~.~ ,..... .. '...... E Olive St E 10th SUI ~ E TQmp-IQ St (ll .". <( ~ E 9th St 'C ~ 6 :::J fa Piorleer Memorial cemetery z ~Ot "\ CdY . J~ C"l n o iI 4th St p.4 ~rj D~OI E BasQ Lind !S ~ ~ a .:: Ell !:! S' al -< I\> II) :::J o 16' )> ~ ... C1 ~ il_ palm park OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RACHEL G. CLARK, C.M.C. . CITY CLERK 300 North "on Street. San Bernardino' CA 92418-0001 909.384.5002. Fax: 909.384.5158 \\'Ww .ci. san .bernardino. ca .us ;" April 22, 2003 Mr. Tom Dolan Administrative Director Central City Lutheran Mission 1354 North "G" Street San Bernardino, CA 92405 Dear Mr. Dolan: At the Council meeting held on April 21, 2003, the following action was taken relative to your request for a waiver of fees: That $620 be transferred from the FY 2002/03 civic and promotion account to the Police departmental account as listed in the staff report from Fred Wilson, dated April 14, 2003; that a refund of $211.25 be authorized to the Central City Lutheran Mission for prior payment of insurance; and that a waiver of fees for the use of City personnel and equipment to assist the Central City Lutheran Mission in their "Run for the Children' event scheduled for May 3, 2003, be approved. If you have any questions relative to the waiver of fees, please contact City Administrator Fred Wilson, at (909) 384-5122. Sincerely, ~f:-Jv.10. UtL/'-P<- Rachel G. Clark, CMC City Clerk RGC:1s cc: City Administrator Police Department CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTED SHARED VALUES: Integrity' Accountability' Respect for Human Dignity' Honesty