HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-Mayor's Office CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Dept: Mayor's Office Subject: Approve the appointment of William Nation to the Senior Affairs Commission per Mayor Judith Valles req uest. From: Mayor Judith Valles Date: April 11 , 2003 OR\G\NAL Council Date: Aoril21. 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: Recommended Motion: Approve the appointment of William Nation to the Senior Affairs Commission, per Mayor Judith Valles' request. 9fu4~ (j Signature Contact person: M"ynr .Jllrlith V"II.." Phone: 51~~ Supporting data attached: Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Acct. No.) -0- (Ar.f"t n~~rrirtinn) _0_ Finance: Council Notes: Agenda Item No. if /:11 /{)3 I I ~A 3-25-2003 0,22AM FROM P.2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND C:OMMrlTEES l.ist. in ...-.let of pr"fC<'Cllee. lit" ~ommillC<.'$) on which,You wislt to gen>e (see li$\ on !'C"elSe ...Ie), "" ' /. .~. - I)",~{~~ '.~. -'- 2) _. 4) ~ . Name:.aJ/l/;""" a:Lj~,>- ~ Dale of Birth: /..2= :u! . 37 Hom.:Addres.; il:;'2.r!k~~f-}/~ _ City; $'13 ._ Zip: (!.,~/t> - Home Phone: (ivy> !iP3 Ilil':h,,; j ) 1t)4- c-Mail: ~ liJ4-,. , / h .I ()c(:up"lion: 10 ~"h 'n {J,o! . 1;r....R-r-//(~c/ --' ~ --- Adm--: CilY: _ . _ Zip: _.. Years li...,.jfwotl<ed in San Bern;mlino: .~ ' Work Phone; ( > 1'~lucalionalbackgroundl~; ,/;11.-(: cti.......olr).Lnr,-,,-- I am l12t am not 0 lL rcgistcml voter. ward: 'J1*-- Manlal Status: t;ml'loycr: , .t/)r1~ Licenses Of &fX'Cial certifICates: J~/4 . . From I To: -Pnwious City orSan Bernardino Comniis..iol1$l'CommilleL'S: 'Ofg-,a;;izatioDS u'; ;"hich yo\l belong (j.ror~'Sio.ual. technical. comlnuniIY):' , _, E LA- #'71/ {, .._1J<>>v~ HAJJ ~O~ Dia~Q ~fk,/ 'rlle inrormaUon pn>vi<led is l~ 10 the bosI of my knuwledge. I ~enland that I may be requirc<1 to complete II Slatemenl of Economic llUem;l$ Form 85 l'II<iwre4 by law. ;uKllhal I will abide by all Ih~ codC$. "n1I~t:$ and rq:Ulaliuli}?~the Cily of ~ BcmanlillO ;ami tlle Slate of Cabfumia, ..<{/:-I$/~_ 8/ fA (1!!JL~, ~.. ,:?-7- cjJ 'gnatllfC I)ate NQle: Applicallons will be kepI on lile for a period ofone(l) year. Kdal'a 10: aacltd G. Clark. City Cler1l.)OO N. "0" StJ'ttt, San Bernardillo. CA '141f.UOOl 10t!6flUOl l.fqlF.al~'"tht.(."Y(.lt'1k.t.ttlfA'tf CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE; SUBJECT: Veronica Rivera, Mayor's Office Walt Bratton, CPRP, Recreation Superintendent February 24, 2003 Nomination of William Nation to the Senior Affairs Commission for the City of San Bernardino Per our conversation a few weeks ago, Ms. Fay Rodgers is no longer able to actively participate on the Senior Affairs Commission as a City Commissioner/Mayor's Appointee, thus, we are requesting this 'seat' be replaced by an active participant with senior affairs at our two facilities. Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department staff believe we have found such a person. Below is a brief biography on Mr. William Nation. We are respectively requesting that he replace Fay Rodgers (as one of the two Mayor's Appointees) on the Senior Affairs Commission as a City Commissioner, effective March 1, 2003. Please let me know if there is further information that is needed. Charles Nation has a degree in Liberal Arts from the United States Army. He has a strong background in kitchen operations. Charles is a family man. Charles has been a volunteer for three years now. He currently sets on the Perris Hill Senior Center Advisory Board and volunteers at all the city senior events at both Perris Hill and the Fifth Street Senior Centers. His responsibilities include: assisting with the opening and grounds check of the facility, assisting in the nutrition program (he is an asset to this program in serving the handicap), conducting daily announcements, greeting the participants, and disseminating information and referrals. Because of his outgoing personality he was nominated and awarded the prestigious "Senior of the Month" in our monthly newsletter in May - 2002 and was also named Senior of the Quarter (for one quarter in 2002). Charles has been a great asset to the staff, seniors and programming at the Perris Hill Senior Center. He would make a great Commissioner on the Senior Affairs Commission. cc: Oscar Perrier, Senior Recreation Supervisor Linda Carter, Community Services Center Manager