HomeMy WebLinkAboutR35-Economic Development Agency ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FROM: Maggie Pacheco Deputy Director ORlGiNAl SUBJECT: PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. - CITY CONSENT FOR THE TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY FROM THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDlNO- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT .......(~!>!lg)I'~Q.(;.~.M...... ............................ DATE: March 27, 2003 SvnoDsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): In June 1999, the Mayor and Common Council approved the CDBG contract between the County of San Bernardino, City of San Bernardino and Provisional Educational Services for S45,000. On March 6, 2003, Redevelopment Committee Members Anderson, Suarez and Estrada unanimously voted to rcconunend that the Mayor and Conunon Council consider this action for approval. -----------------~----------------- ----------------. -~------------------ ---------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------------.- - Recommended Motion(s): (Mavor and Common Council) MOTION: RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORJZING AND APPROVING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. I TO CONTRACT NO. 99-471 DATED JUNE 29,1999, BY AND BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ("COUNTY"), THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ("CITY"), AND PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. WHEREBY THE COUNTY WILL GRANT OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 1680 AND 1686 WEST 19n1 STREET, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, TO PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. FOR CDBG RELATED ACTIVITIES. ______n_____. _.________________. _______________ ------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------,------------------ Ward(s): (909) 663-1044 6 Contact Person(s): Maggie Pacheco Phone: Project Area(s) Supporting Data Attached: 0 StafIReport 0 Resolution(s) 0 Agreement(s)/Contract(s) 0 Map(s) 0 Letters FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Amount: $ N/A Source: NIA /f . Gary 'Van Osdel, Executive Dire nnn.m.nmmmmnnmn.m.m.mnnn' /mmmnmnnm.nnnmnnmnnnnm.mnmmmmmnnm.mm.mmmnnm Commission/Council Notes7---- ~ ________ N 1 A II ) ) ;~_/ SIGNATURE: Budget Authority: -12 ~ -. ~ " l-.~{-). LC'C.J _.:-r .-:- __________________________________________________________________________u__________________._____________________ _________________________________________________________----------------------------. P:\ClcrLcal Services Dcpl\Margarcl Parkcr\AgcnJa\CDC 2003\03_04_07 Provi,ion~1 Educalional Scrvicc>.d(lc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 04/07/2003 Agenda Item Number: R35" ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT ____________________ __________________n.____________________ _____________________~__________________________________-------------------------------------------------------------.----------------------. Provisional Educational Services. Inc. - Citv Consent for the Transfer of Real Propertv from the Countv of San Bernardino - Communitv Development Block Grant (CDBG) Prol!ram BACKGROUND: On June 29, 1999, the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors approved Contract No. 99-471 with the City of San Bernardino and Provisional Educational Services, Inc., in the amount of ninety thousand dollars ($90,000). The County and the City contributed $45,000 each for the purpose of acquiring the property located at 1686 West 19th Street, in San Bernardino (APN 0143-191-50), and for maintenance and operation of this property and the adjoining County-owned property (APN 0143- 191-49) by Provisional Educational Services for the provision of childcare services to low- and moderate-income households. The two properties are currently leased to Provisional Educational Services under a consolidated lease agreement. CURRENT ISSUE: The property is currently being used as Provisional Accelerated Learning (PAL) Childcare Center, administered by Provisional Educational Services, Inc., under the Consolidated Lease Agreement, who provides childcare services to low- and moderate-income households in the area. The County desires to continue this benefit to the public by granting ownership of the properties located at 1680- 1686 West 19th Street ("Properties") to Provisional Educational Services, Inc. (see attached letter). Due to the City of San Bernardino's CDBG investment in the property, the County is requesting concurrence in the form of the Mayor and Common Council's approval of the intended disposition of the property. Thus the County has prepared Amendment No. I to Contract No. 99-471 (see attached). The PAL Center will continue to be used for CDBG eligible activities (i.e., childcare programs and services to low/mod income households) for a period of twenty (20) years. Provisional Educational Services will be responsible for submitting to the County the Public Facility Maintenance Certification form required annually certifying their maintenance and occupancy of the Properties and the County will have complete oversight of administering the Contract. Should at any time Provisional Educational Services violate the Contract, the County will have the right to terminate the Contract and ownership of the Properties would revert to the County. If the County sells the Properties at a later date, the City will receive their equity share in the sale. ENVIRONMENT AL IMPACT: None. ________________________________________.____________________________________________________________ ______________________n____.___________________________n____.______________________________.________. P:\Clcrical Scrvice~ Dcpl\Margarcl Parkcr\Agcnda\CDC 2003103-04-07 Provisional Educational Services,doe COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 04/07/2003 Agenda Item Number: R3S' Economic Development Agency Staff Report Provisional Educational Services, Inc. Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Mayor and Common Council approve the attached Resolution. Maggie Pacheco, Deputy Director ~ P:\Clcrical Service, Dcpl\Margarel Parkcr\Agcnda\CDC 2003\03-04-07 Pl'oyi~ional Educaliotlal Scrviccs.doc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 04/07/2003 Agenda Item Number: XJs- RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.1 TO CONTRACT NO. 99- 471 DATED JUNE 29, 1999, BY AND BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ("COUNTY"), THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ("CITY"), AND PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. WHEREBY THE COUNTY WILL GRANT OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 1680 AND 1686 WEST 19TH STREET, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, TO PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. FOR CDBG RELATED ACTIVITIES. 4 5 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS, the County of San Bernardino (the "County"), the City of San Bernardino 10 (Ihe "City") and Provisional Educational Services, Inc. have previously entered into Contract II No. 99-471 (the "Contract") dated June 29,1999, in the amount of Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000), for the purpose of acquiring the property located at 1686 West 19th Street in the City of San Bernardino (APN 0143-191-50) (the "Property") so that Provisional Educational 12 13 14 Services, Inc. can provide childcare services andlor services to low- and moderate-income 15 households; and 16 WHEREAS, the County, City and Provisional Educational Services, Inc. desire to 17 amend the Contract to grant ownership of the Property including the County-owned property located at 1680 West 19th Street in San Bernardino which is also leased to Provisional 18 19 Educational Services, Inc.; and 20 WHEREAS, Amendment No. 21 Common Council for approval. 22 III 23 III 24 III III 25 1 to the Contract has been presented to the Mayor and -1- P:\C1erkll.l Sen'lce~ Dept\Margarel ParkerIRn(llutlons\2003\OJ-04-07 PES :\lce Ruolution.doc NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED 2 BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS 3 FOLLOWS: 4 Section 1. The Mayor and Common Council hereby approve Amendment No.1 to 5 the Contract attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 6 Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute Amendment No.1 on behalf 7 of the City in substantially the form attached hereto, and any other documents necessary to authorize the transfer of the Property to Provisional Educational Services, Inc. together with 8 9 such nonsubstantive changes therein as may be approved by the Mayor and City Attorney. 10 Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption and execution in the 11 manner as required by the City Charter. 11/ 12 11/ 13 11/ 14 11/ 15 11/ 16 /11 17 /11 18 11/ 19 11/ 20 11/ 21 11/ 22 11/ 23 11/ 24 /11 25 /11 -2- P:\Clerl(al Services Depl\Margarel Parker\Resolutions\2003\OJ-04-07 PES MCC Rcsolution.do( 2 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.1 TO CONTRACT NO. 99- 471 DATED JUNE 29, 1999, BY AND BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ("COUNTY"), THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ("CITY"), AND PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. WHEREBY THE COUNTY WILL GRANT OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 1680 AND 1686 WEST 19TH STREET, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, TO PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES,INC. 3 4 5 6 7 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and 8 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the 9 day of ,2003, by the following vote to wit: 10 Council Members: Ayes Nays Abstain Absent 11 ESTRADA LONGVILLE MCGINNIS DERRY SUAREZ ANDERSON MC CAMMACK 12 13 14 15 16 17 Rachel G. Clark, City Clerk 18 19 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of ,2003. 20 21 Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino 22 Approved as to form and Legal Content: 23 By: -;7.~ "ty Attorney 24 25 -3- P:\Clerical SHv!ces Depl\.\targaret Parker\Resolutlons\200J\OJ-04-07 PES MCC Resolutlon.doc DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 'Iorth "0" Street, Sixth Floor' San Bernardino, CA 92415-0040 . (909) 388-0800 Fax (909) 388-0844 ~~ \.:'''~';;'W;"'i' <-.-" . \~i COUNTY OF SAN 8ERNARDlNO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES GROUP THOMAS R. LAURIN Director February 18,2003 Ms. Maggie Pacheco, Director Housing and Commumty Development City of San Bernardino 20 I North "E" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507 RE: TRANSFER OF COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1680-1686 19TH STREET, SAN BERNARDINO Dear Ms. Pacheco: On June 29,1999, the BOS approved Contract No. 99-471 with City of San Bernardino and Provisional Educational Services, Inc. in the amount of ninety thousand dollars ($90,000). The County and City contributed $45,000 each for the purpose of acquiring the property located at 1686 West 19th Street in San Bernardino, (APN 0143-191-50), and for maintenance and operation of this property and the adjoining County owned property, (APN 0143-191-49), by Provisional Educational Services. The two properties are currently owned by the County and leased to Provisional Educational Services under a consolidated lease agreement. Since 1992, the County has supported, through the County's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, the Provisional Accelerated Learning (PAL) Childcare Center in San Bernardino. This program, which is administered by Provisional Educational Services, Inc., provides childcare services to low- and moderate-income households in the area. We would like to continue this benefit to the public by terminating the lease agreement and b'I'anting ownership of the properties located at 1680-1686 West 19'h Street in San Bernardino to Provisional Educational Services. The PAL Center will continue to be used for CDBG eligible activities for a period of twenty (20) years. This provision will be included in the transfer deed and maintenance and operation contract. As stated previously, the City of San Bernardino has a vested interest in the property located at 1686 West 19th Street. Therefore, we would like the City's concurrence in the form of City Council's approval for our intended deposition of the property. When we receive the City's approval to transfer ownership of the property to Provisional Educational Services, we will prepare a maintenance and operation contract that will require sib'1latures from the City, County and Provisional Educational Services. Should you require further information, please contact me at (909) 388-0990 or Norm Buckner, of my staff, at (909) 388-0965, Sincerely, .i] DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THOMAS R. LAURIN, Director r 1\ ~<\ '\..-' Lc J,---v- ",---,' \. l .., ,\ ,~ DOUGLAS PAYNE Deputy Director ) . ~I DP:NB:cr 't E I- New Vendor Code Dept. Contract Number M ~ Change SC ECD A X Cancel County Department Dept. Orgn. Contractor's License No. Economic and Communitv Develooment ECD PROJ County Department Contract Representative Ph. Ext. Amount of Contract THOMAS R. LAURIN/Norm Buckner 0808 $ Fund Dept. Organization Appr. Obj.lRev Source Activity GRCIPROJ/JOB Number SBA ECD PROJ 200 2005 . 0000 Commodity Code Estimated Payment Total by Fiscai Year FY Amount liD FY Amount I/D Project Name - - Fifth District: Property Acquisition- - - PAL Childcare Facility - - (#350-23118\ FOR COUNTY USE ONL Y County of San Bernardino FAS CONTRACT TRANSMITTAL CONTRACTOR Provisional Educational Services, Inc. Birth Date NIA Federal 10 No. or Social Security No. 95-9083043 Contractor's Representative Dr. Mildred D. Henry, President Address P.O. Box 7100, San Bernardino, CA 92411 Phone 909-887-7002 Nature of Contract: (Briefly describe the general terms of the contract) 1 June 29, 1999, the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors approved Contract No. 99-471 with the _o(y of San Bernardino and Provisional Educational Services, Inc., in the amount of ninety thousand dollars ($90,000). The County and City contributed $45,000 each for the purpose of acquiring the property located at 1686 West 19'h Street in San Bernardino, (APN 0143-191-50), and for maintenance and operation of this property and the adjoining County owned property, (APN 0143-191-49), by Provisional Educational Services for the provision of childcare services to low- and moderate-income households. The two properties are currently leased to Provisional Educational Services under a consolidated lease agreement. This contract Amendment No.1, grants ownership of the properties located at 1680-1686 West 19th Street in San Bernardino to Provisional Educational Services, Inc., and requires continued maintenance and operation of the childcare facilities for a period of twenty (20) years. All other provisions and terms of Contract No. 99-471 will remain the same except as noted. ....~~l:. " "- "~'l_~ - -". ,no . (".,. '~.1,. ~).~;'-> " ~~...-:^- .~~ l~ , \,~. -"; 11 'r. Y' ',,, . -'~"'t~t;;4...~) ,',"^ The attached contract cons,&:.ill" 3 ",~ges. .r:, . .r.... ~';".~ ''1ttach this tr~~~m!l!~(~1I c6';;t;acts not prepar€fd, on IP'9,:';~ar(d~;ct~on!tr'actlfJrm.) . ,t-lproved as to regal Form::", " Revie~ed to ';ffirmative.Ac:tit1n ":,..- Reviewed for Processing ^ >' .} '1:,.,,- ,,~' \;, " ~:z;-"~~ ",'''''~ \ ~ 7 ~; '-.,..j ;\;\ "3. \'" ;, ~:;~~:~,=:(::;,}};, " " ~ County Counsel ",,'-1), r:'" ')"( ~ Agency Administrator/CAO Date Date /"C,^ . '_'~'" " '''' FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. This First Amendment to Contract No. 99-471 is made and entered into, by and between San Bernardino County, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY", the City of San Bernardino, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and Provisional Educational Services, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "EDUCATIONAL SERVICES". WHEREAS, COUNTY, CITY and EDUCATIONAL SERVICES have previously entered into Contract No. 99- 471, hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACT", in the amount of ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) for the purpose of acquiring the property located at 1686 West 19th Street in San Bernardino, (APN 0143-191-50), and for EDUCATIONAL SERVICES maintenance and operation of this property and adjoining COUNTY owned property, (APN 0143-191-49), for the provision of child care services to low- and moderate-income households; and, WHEREAS, the two properties are currently leased to EDUCATIONAL SERVICES under a consolidated lease agreement; and, WHEREAS, COUNTY, CITY and EDUCATIONAL SERVICES desire to amend CONTRACT to grant ownership of the properties located at 1680 and 1686 West 19th Street in San Bernardino to Provisional Educational Services, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein set forth and the mutual benefits to be derived therefrom, the parties agree as follows: I. Replace CONTRACT Section I, with new PURPOSE OF CONTRACT paragraph. PURPOSE OF CONTRACT This Contract is made for the purpose of transferring ownership of the property located at 1680-1686 West 19th Street, San Bernardino to Provisional Educational Services, Inc. The contract also provides for the maintenance and operation of the childcare center, hereinafter referred to as "FACILITY". 2. Replace CONTRACT Section 3, with new SCOPE OF CONTRACT paragraph. SCOPE OF PROJECT COUNTY, CITY and EDUCATIONAL SERVICES agree COUNTY shall provide real estate services necessary to transfer ownership of the property located at 1680-1686 West 19th Street in San Bernardino, parcel numbers (APN #0143-191-49) and (APN # 0143-191-50) to EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES shall use FACILITY for the sole purpose of providing childcare programs and services to low- and moderate-income families located in the San Bernardino area. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES agrees that any cost savings realized through ownership of the property shall result in proper maintenance of FACILITY buildings and playground areas or in the expansion of program services. The improvements or services shall be included as part of the annually required reporting referenced in section 24, PROGRAM REPORTING. Use of FACILITY for any other purpose shall not be permitted unless pre-approved in writing by the COUNTY. Unless as specified otherwise, ECD shall have the authority to represent COUNTY regarding the terms and conditions of this Contract and the administration thereof, and the Economic Development Agency shall have the authority to represent CITY regarding the terms and conditions of the Contract and the administration thereof. . _J''"'I 3. Replace CONTRACT Section 4, with new PROPERTY TRANSFER paragraph. PROPERTY TRANSFER COUNTY and CITY have determined that EDUCATIONAL SERVICES should own the land and improvements at 1680-1686 West 19th 'Street in San Bernardino currently owned by the COUNTY and funded in part by the CITY, with the condition that FACILITY be maintained and operated as described in Section 2, Scope of Project for a term of twenty (20) years. 4. Replace CONTRACT Section 7, with new MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION paragraph. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION EDUCATIONAL SERVICES shall have sole responsibility for the maintenance and operation of FACILITY at the sole expense of EDUCATIONAL SERVICES for a period of not less than twenty (20) years beginning upon the date the deeds are executed to convey property. FACILITY shall be maintained and operated at all times for the purpose of providing childcare programs and services to low- and moderate-income households in the San Bernardino area, as identified in Section 2, Scope of Project, and in accordance with federal, state and local laws, regulations and safety standards. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES shall be responsible for completing and submitting to COUNTY the Public Facility Certification form. This form will be provided by ECD. 5. Replace CONTRACT Section 20, with new VIOLATION OF CONTRACT paragraph. In the event that EDUCATIONAL SERVICES violates any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, COUNTY shall give written notice of violation and demand for correction. If, within thirty (30) days from receipt of written notice, EDUCATIONAL SERVICES has not corrected the violation or shown acceptable cause, COUNTY has the right to terminate this Contract. It is agreed that in the event of a termination due to a violation of the Contract by EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, EDUCATIONAL SERVICES shall transfer property ownership back to COUNTY within ten (10) days or Receipt of Notice of Termination. Should COUNTY elect to sell parcels (APN 0143-191- 49) and (APN 0143-1941-50) in the event of violation by EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, CITY will receive equity share in any sale of (APN 0143-191-50). 6. Replace CONTRACT Section 24, with new PROGRAM REPORTING AND RETENTION OF RECORDS PROGRAM REPORTING AND RETENTION OF RECORDS EDUCATIONAL SERVICES agrees to prepare and submit financial, program progress, and other reports as required by HUD or COUNTY directives. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES shall maintain such program, property, personnel, financial, statistical and other records, supporting documents, and accounts as are considered necessary by HUD or COUNTY to assure proper accounting for all Contract funds. Said records, documents and accounts are to be retained by EDUCATIONAL SERVICES for a minimum of five (5) years. The retention period starts from the date the COUNTY submits its annual performance and evaluation report, as prescribed in 24CFR 91.520, in which the service under the terms of this contract is reported on for the final time. Said COUNTY submission will follow EDUCATIONAL SERVICES final submission to COUNTY of reports identified under this paragraph. Records and accounts that pertain to something being sued or audited over must be maintained for the five (5) years or until the issue is resolved, whichever is longer. Records that pertain to real estate transactions must be maintained for the five (5) years or the number of years that there is an outstanding obligation, whichever is longer. The starting date for retention of records on CDBG-purchased equipment begins at the end of the equipment's use, when it is disposed of or transferred. The retention period for records relating to program income begins on the last date of COUNTY fiscal year in which the income is earned. All EDUCATIONAL SERVICES records, with the exception of confidential client information, shall be made available to representatives of COUNTY and the appropriate federal agencies. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES is required to submit data necessary to complete the Annual Grantee Performance Report in accordance with HUD regulations in the format and at the time designated by the ECD Director or his designee. 7. NON -APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF CONTRACT NO. 99-471 The following sections contained in the Acquisition, Maintenance and Operations Contract (#99-471) will not be applicable on the date of recordation of the grant deed transferring ownership to Provisional Education Services, Inc. All other provisions and terms of Contract No. 99-471 will remain the same except as noted previously. Section Number 5, Funding Section Number 6, City Funding Requirements Section Number II, Warranty of Adherence to County's Child Support Compliance Program IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contract to be executed as of the day and year first written above. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO By: JUDITH V ALLES, Mayor By: DENNIS HANSBERGER, Chairman Board of Supervisors Date: Date: SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD J. RENEE BASTIAN Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INe. By: MILDRED D. HENRY, President Date: By: Date: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM ALAN K. MARKS COUNTY COUNSEL By: Deputy County Counsel .te: C/Datal Agreements/Con 02 Amendment PAL Child Care Facility 2/20/02/NB/ts DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC 2003-82 AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,.~1ItMI' \~'-I r-=: ~JJl.;!f7)- -"_ ) g~' ~"'''''~'' <-.- '. . J \,.';.;;"'"., J \~ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC OEVELOPMENT ANO PUBLIC SERVICES GROUP 290 North "0" Str.." Sixth Floor' San Bernardino, CA 92415-0040 . (909) 388-0800 Fax 1909) 388-0844 THOMAS R. LAURIN Director February 18, 2003 Ms. Maggie Pacheco, Director Housing and Community Development City of San Bernardino 201 North "E" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507 RE: TRANSFER OF COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1680-1686 19TH STREET, SAN BERNARDINO Dear Ms. Pacheco: On June 29, 1999, the BOS approved Contract No. 99-471 with City of San Bernardino and Provisional Educational SerVices, Inc, in the amount of ninety thousand dollars ($90,000), The County and City contTibutcd $45,000 each Illr the purpose of acquiring the property located at 1686 West 19'10 Street in San Bernardino, (APN 0143-191-50), and for maintenance and operation of this property and the adjoining County owned property, (APN 0143-191-49), by Provisional Educational Services, The two properties are currently owned by the County and leased to Provisional Educational Services under a consolidated lease agreement. Since 1992, the County has supported, through the County's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, the Provisional Accelerated Learning (PAL) Childcare Center in San Bernardino, This program, which is administered by Provisional Educational Services, Inc" provides childcare services to low- and moderate-income households in the area, We would like to continue this benefit to the public by terminating the lease agreement and granting ownership of the properties located at 1680-1686 West 19'10 Street in San Bernardino to Provisional Educational Services. The PAL Center will continue to be used for CDBG eligible activities for a period of twenty (20) years, This provision will be included in the transfer deed and maintenance and operation contract As stated previously, the City of San Bernardino has a vested interest in the property located at 1686 West 19'10 Street Therefore, we would like the City's concurrence in the form of City Council's approval for our intended deposition of the property, When we receive the City's approval to transfer ownership of the property to Provisional Educational Services, we will prepare a maintenance and operation contract that will require silo'Tlatures from the City, County and Provisional Educational Services. Should you require further information, please contact me at (909) 388-0990 or Norm Buckner, of my staff, at (909) 388-0965, Sincerely, TI -.=] DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT }llOMAS R, LAU~ Director ~<\.,-~~LLl i/(,~~ ~ \.. J 'l'~ DOUGLAS PAYNE Deputy Director '.J DP:NB:cr CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum RECEIV~ ~'Cln CL Eh.K CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RI1JI) PnAlr. All :33 DATE: April 11, 2003 TO: Margaret Parker, Secretary FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Resolution 2003-82 At the Mayor and Common Council meeting of April 7, 2003, the City of San Bernardino adopted Resolution 2003-82 - Resolution authorizing and approving the Mayor to execute Amendment No.1 to contract No. 99-471 dated June 29,1999, by and between the County of San Bernardino, the City of San Bernardino, and Provisional Educational Services, Inc., whereby the County will grant ownership of properties located at 1680 and 1686 West 19th Street to Provisional Educational Services, Inc., for CDBG related activities. Please obtain all signatures and return the original agreement to the City Clerk's Office. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ex!. 3206. Thank you. Michelle Taylor Senior Secretary I hereby acknowledge receipt of this memorandum. Signed: Please sign and return Date: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Interoffice Memorandum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Records and Information Management (RIM) Program DATE: July 22, 2003 TO: Margaret Parker, Secretary FROM: Michelle Taylor, Senior Secretary RE: Resolution 2003-82 - Provisional Educational Services, Inc. Our office has not received an executed copy of Amendment No. I to contract No. 99-471 by and between the City, the County and Provisional Educational Services, Inc., whereby the County will grant ownership of properties located at 1680 and 1686 W. 19th Street to Provisional Educational Services, Inc., for CDBG related activities. This agreement was approved at the Mayor and Common Council meeting held on April 7, 2003. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at ex!. 3206. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA AND RECO.RD OF ACTION r,\! c1 r....~ 1-';: July 29, 2003 FROM: THOMAS R. LAURIN, Director I I PM lJ: IlJ DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT " :".': DAVID H. SLAUGHTER, Director DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE SERVICES SUBJECT: AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT NO. 99-471 WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC., AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS ("':.1 r-' \)!",'" . ",....".. :,'1 ,1i'hJ RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 99-471 between the County, the City of San Bernardino, and Provisional Educational Services, Inc., which provides for transferring the properties located at 1680 and 1686 West 19th Street in San Bernardino (APNs 0143-191- 49 and 1043-191-50; the "Properties") to Provisional Educational Services, Inc., for continued maintenance and operation of the Properties by Provisional Educational Services, Inc., and other related changes. 2. Determine that the County's ownership interests in the Properties are no longer necessary for County or public purposes. 3. Execute the deed to convey the Properties to Provisional Education Services, Inc. 4. Approve Amendment NO.1 to terminate Contract No. 99-716 for the lease of the Properties. Rev 07/97 BACKGROUND INFORMATION: On October 21,1991, the County acquired the property located at 1680 West 19th Street (APN 0143-191-49), in San Bernardino for the purpose of providing a childcare facility to low and moderate-income households. The Community Development Block Grant ("CBDG") program funded the $66,000 cost of the acquisition. On March 23, 1992, the Board approved a 10-year lease (No. 92-223) of the property to Provisional Education Services, Inc., a non-profit corporation, dba Provisional Accelerated Learning Center ("PAL"). On December 28, 1998, the County acquired the adjacent property located at 1686 West 19th Street (APN 0143- 191-50) in order to expand the childcare program to meet the growing need of the community. The $90,000 cost to acquire this property was also CDBG funded with both the City of San Bernardino and the County each contributing $45,000. On August 10, 1999, the Board terminated lease No. 92-223 and approved a five-year lease (No. 99-716) to lease both of the properties to PAL. The properties total 29,280 square feet, with a 1440 square foot modular classroom and a 1709 square foot masonry building. PAL currently pays $500 annually and is responsible for maintaining the facilities. Upon transfer of the properties, lease No. 99-716 is terminated. cc: ECD-Laurin Record of Action of the Board of Supervisors ECD-Buckner wlagreement AGREEMENT 99-471 A-1 RES-Slaughter w/dccd for APPROVED(CONSENT CALENDAR) recordmg BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Contractor wlagreement cia ECD COUNTY OF SAN BERN INO IDS w/agrcement ...' R' k M t MOTION MOVE:. ,SECOND AYE AYE IS anagemen -----r-:t.,,~ r\-'r.' ,,-- Z.- ~ ----:t County Counsel-Blakemore t - (',:..:',. County Counsel-Hinesley AA OFT CA~-Cole ,*"~.',;<. ' ' ECD-Larsen BY h City of SB-Mayor Valles sg ED/PSG-Goss ISG File w/agreement ITEM 013 AMENDMENT NO.1 TO CONTRACT NO. 99-471 WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND PROVISIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC., AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS July 29, 2003 Page 2 On June 29, 1999, the Board of Supervisors approved Contract No. 99-471 with Provisional Educational Services that provides for the use and maintenance of the properties. The San Bernardino City Council on April 7, 2003 approved the transfer of their interest in the properties to Provisional Educational Services, Inc. With this Amendment, the ownership of the properties will be transferred to Provisional Educational Services, Inc., who will have sole responsibility for the maintenance and operation of facilities for twenty (20) years beginning upon the date the properties are conveyed. If they fail to continue with the program as required by the amendment, the title to the properties will revert to the County. CDBG regulations authorize the transfer of the properties under the conditions set forth in the Amendment. REVIEW BY OTHERS: This item was reviewed by Deputy County Counsel Michelle D. Blakemore on June 13, 2003, and Chief Deputy County Counsel Rex A. Hinesley on July 7,2003; the County Administrative Office, Lynn Chacon, Administrative Analyst, and Patricia M. Cole, Administrative Analyst III on July 18, 2003, and the Department of Economic and Community Development's Contract Compliance designee David Larsen on June 16, 2003. The tripartite contract Amendment was signed by the Mayor of the City of San Bernardino on June 3, 2003, and by Provisional Educational Services, Inc. on May 22, 2003. FINANCIAL IMPACT: ECD will no longer receive the annual rent of $500. The County liability and Risk Management concerns will be eliminated with the transfer of the Properties. This action has no effect on the County General Fund. COST REDUCTION REVIEW: The County Administrative Office has reviewed this item, concurs with ECD's and RESD's recommendation, and recommends this action based on the need to have the non-profit organization continue to provide child care services to low and moderate income households. SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT (S): 5th. PRESENTER: Thomas R. Laurin, Director ECD, 388-0808. David H. Slaughter, Director RESD, 387-7813. .' ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): I-j -'I ~ 0:;' Item # Vote: Ayes 1- " Nays ,0 Change to motion to amend original documents: - rz -7 c--- .'- '~0 Abstain Reso. # On Attachments: L Contract term: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: ~ Direct City Clerk to (circle 1): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY By: Date Sent to Mayor: ~-1-U3 Date of Mayor's Signature: -'I-ICy C -) Date ofClerk/CDC Signature: ~- ,ere -") Resolution # ..('y 2c.()~ Sc_ Absent G- NulVVoid After: Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: /' ./ Date Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: ..iiifDay Reminder Letter Sent on).Odfday: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: A - \ \0 CJ'-) '\ ..:n-C"~ See Attached: ../ Date Returned: ~- ~ :;i--<>.."'? See Attached: ..~ See Attached: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433,10584,10585,12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234,655,92-389): Copies Distributed to: City Attorney ,/' Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services Police Public Services Water Notes: Yes .--L No By Yes No ,/ By Yes No ...L By Yes No V By Yes No / By EDA ,/ MIS Finance Others: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE (Contract Term, etc.) Ready to File: ~ Date: Revised 01/12/01