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Date: February 27, 2003
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Subject: Independent Accountants'
Report evaluating San Bernardino
Stampede compliance with the Stadium
Lease Agreement for the year ended
September 30, 2002
From: Fred Wilson, City Administrator
Dept: City Administrator's Office
Synopsis of Previous Council Action:
Recommended motion:
That this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee.
Contact person: Lori Sassoon
Phone: 384-5122
Supporting data attached: Staff report, auditor's report Ward: 2
Source: (Accl. No.)
(Accl. Description)
Council Notes:
Agenda Item No. ~ ~
Independent Accountants' Report evaluating San Bernardino Stampede compliance with the
Stadium Lease Agreement for the year ended September 30, 2002
When the San Bernardino Stadium was constructed in 1996, the City entered into a Lease
Agreement with the San Bernardino Stampede, Inc., for their use of the stadium. Among other
provisions, the Agreement established rent provisions that include:
-.J Payment of base rent of $10,000 per month for the five (5) months of the baseball season;
-.J Payment of additional rent based on the Stampede's gross revenues, minus certain
adjustments. Additional rent begins at 6% of gross revenues exceeding $1 million, with the
percentage increasing as revenues are higher;
-.J Payment of 20% of gross non-baseball concession revenues;
-.J Payment of 50% of the costs of two (2) groundskeepers on a year-round basis;
-.J Payment of 50% of net parking revenues
The base rent amounts are paid to the City during the baseball season; all additional payments
are due by December 31 of each year.
In addition, the Lease Amendment approved by the Mayor and Council in January 2002 allows
the team to manage and market the Stadium for non-baseball events on a year-round basis. That
amendment allows the Team to retain all non-baseball revenues, and requires the Team to be
responsible for all Stadium electricity costs. The City is then required to annually reimburse the
team for 50% of net electricity costs, after applying a formula that factors in non-baseball
revenue and a $40,000 marketing credit. The Amendment requires that these calculations be
made annually following the end of the team's fiscal year on September 30.
The City contracted with our auditor, Conrad and Associates, to evaluate the Stampede's
compliance with the Lease Agreement. Similar reviews have been conducted in prior years by
our auditors (including the previous auditing firm, RAMS) in reports dated May 3,1998; January
14,2000; and March 14,2001.
This review raises certain issues for discussion and review with the Stampede. The review
concludes that the Stampede underca1culated the additional rent to the City by approximately
$141,800. Also, the auditor's report raises issues regarding the Stampede's internal cash
controls; these same issues were raised in previous reports. A copy ofthe report is attached for
your review.
In addition to the auditor's report, there remain several outstanding issues for resolution with the
team. One key issue is the payment of the electricity bill, which the City has continued to pay
since the January 2002 lease amendment. Although, the team has acknowledged their
responsibility to pay this bill, they have recently solicited proposals to add a new meter which
they indicate will save on electricity. They have approached the City about cost sharing the
upgrade. The City has also incurred costs for non-baseball events that should have been paid for
by the team in accordance with the amendment. From the team's perspective, there is an issue
concerning the sharing of security costs that needs to be resolved.
Staff has begun discussions with team representatives regarding these issues. Given the
Council's concerns regarding this matter, staff is recommending that this matter be referred to
the Ways and Means Committee.
It is recommended that the Mayor and Council refer this matter to the Ways and Means
(949) 474.2020
Fax (949) 263.5520
February 7,2003
Ten Baker, Administration
City of San Bernardino
300 North "D" Street
San Bernardino, CA 92418
Dear Ten:
Enclosed please find one (1) copy of the draft Independent Accountant's Report on Applying Agreed-
Upon Procedures in regard to a Lease Agreement with the San Bernardino Stampede. These
procedures were performed for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002.
This is a draft report and is subject to change. We can incorporate any changes or modifications that
you may have, There are some issues for which we are waiting for clarification from the City and
Stampede. The resolution of those items may change the report. We will finalize the report upon
receiving the City's approval.
Should you have any questions please give me a call 949.474.2020, ext. 277.
Very truly yours,
Dean A. Votava, C.P.A.
Senior Manager
(949) 474-2020
Fax (949) 263-5520
Mr. Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
San Bernardino, CA 92418
We have performed the procedures enumerated below, which were agreed to by the City
of San Bernardino (City), solely to assist City management in evaluating San Bernardino
Stampede compliance with Section 4 of the Lease Agreement (dated June 18, 1996)
between the City of San Bernardino and San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. for the year
ended September 30, 2002. This engagement to apply agreed-upon procedures was
performed in accordance with the standards established by the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants. The sufficiency of the procedures is solely the
responsibility of the specified users of this report. Consequently, we make no
representation regarding the sufficiency of the procedures described below either for the
purpose for which this report has been requested or for any other purpose.
The procedures performed and the results of those procedures are identified below in
detail. The following is a summary of the more significant items noted as a result of
those procedures.
a) In Stampede's calculation of gross revenue, net of deductions, there were
$203, I 02 in deductions that did not appear to be deductible as outlined in the
lease agreement. These items were for advertising costs, printing programs,
promotional event expenses and certain deferred revenue items.
b) In the lease payment calculation, Stampede included a deduction of $86,307.49
for security costs. This amount included security costs from 1996 through 2002.
Of that amount only 11,728.18 pertained to the 2002 fiscal year. As a result, we
lowered the deduction by $74,579.31.
c) There is a clause in the lease agreement for the sharing of concession revenues for
non-baseball events. It was determined that the City's share of this amount was
$3,449.81, which had not been remitted to the City as of January 17, 2003.
d) Stampede included an amount owed to the City for groundskeeper costs. The City
and Stampede are to share in these costs. The actual groundskeeper costs paid by
the City during the period under review was $90,908. As a result, half of that
amount, $45,454, should have been reported as owed to the City for?'/3!/);)
groundskeeper costs instead of $28,000. '-" L(..)
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Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 2 of 12
e) In certain years, Stampede will include a deduction for "Prior Year Outstanding
Receivables". However, this application is not consistent from year to year. A
decision should be made regarding calculating gross revenues under the cash basis
or according to GAAP.
f) Testing of internal controls disclosed numerous issues regarding missing
documents, reconciliation variances and incomplete records. Internal control
issues have also been noted in prior years.
g) The additional amount owed to the City as a result of performing these agreed
upon procedures is summarized on Exhibit 2.
Our procedures and findings are as follows:
1. We obtained a copy of the Lease Agreement, dated June 18, 1996 between the City of
San Bernardino and San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. We read the agreement to
determine those revenue categories to be included and excluded in the calculation of
additional rent. We prepared a summary of the significant items within the lease
agreement. As documented on the Lease Payment Calculation Form (Exhibit I), the
total rent calculation is derived from various types of revenues and is composed of
several sections. We specifically tested each section of the calculation for compliance
with the lease agreement. We segregated the lease payment calculation into the
following sections:
. Gross Revenues,
. Gross Revenue Rent Calculations,
. Parking Payment,
. Groundskeeper,
. Naming Rights Sponsorship, and
. Payments made to City During Year.
Results: We found that the format used by San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. in
preparing the lease payment calculation for the fiscal year ended September 30,
2002 was in accordance with the terms identified in the Lease Agreement.
Gross Revenues
2. For the Gross Revenue section, we obtained a copy of Stampede's "Profit and Loss
YTD" Schedule for the period October 2001 through September 2002 and compared
the total gross revenue per the schedule to the actual gross revenue of $1,684,252
reported on the Lease Payment Calculation Form (Exhibit 1).
For each of the additions and deductions reflected in the gross revenue section, we
obtained support. The revenue and expense items were compared to the Profit and
Loss YTD schedule and the deferred revenue additions and deductions to prior year's
lease payment calculations. We also reviewed each item to ensure that it was being
accounted for in accordance with the Lease Agreement. We then recalculated the
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
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section to determine if the reported "Gross Revenues per Lease" amount of
$1,048,424 was mathematically correct.
Results: We found that reported total gross revenue of $1,684,253 agreed to
Stampede's "Profit and Loss YTD" Schedule for the period October 2001 through
September 2002. The format used by San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. in preparing
the lease payment calculation for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002 was in
accordance with the terms identified in the Lease Agreement.
During our review of the deductions made to gross revenues on Exhibit I, we
determined that the following deductions should not have been made:
Advertising Costs
Printing PrograrnlPocket Schedules
Promo Item Production
Promo Events
1999 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue
2000 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue
All other items were properly recorded. As a result, the reported "Gross Revenues
per Lease" is understated by $203, I 02 and should have been reported as
$1,251,527. Our restated amount is summarized as follows:
Gross revenues
Less: Non-baseball events
Less: Ticket back advertising
Less: Advertising costs
Less: Parking
Less: Scoreboard advertising
Less: Skybox revenue
Less: 2002 outstanding receivables
Less: RadiolMedia Advertising
Less: Printing program/pocket schedules
Less: Promo item production
Less: Promo events
Add: 200 I revenue paid in 2002
Add: 2002 season ticket deferred revenue
Less: 1999 season ticket deferred revenue
Less: 2000 season ticket deferred revenue
Less: 2001 season ticket deferred revenue
Gross revenue per lease agreement
$1.251 527
Per the lease agreement, additional rent is to be paid if "net" gross revenues
exceed $1,000,000. The effect of this adjustment does result in an increase to
additional rent. This additional amount is calculated below in the Gross Revenue
Rent Calculations section.
We also noted that Stampede reduced reported gross revenue for outstanding
receivables, whereby converting gross revenues to the cash basis. This has not
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
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been consistently over the years. It was reported as a deduction in the 2000 and
2002 calculations but not the 1999 or 2001 calculations. It appears that it is
reflected as a deduction when gross revenue per lease is over $1,000,000.
Stampede needs to be consistent in applying this deduction. We recommend that
Stampede discontinue the practice of having a reduction for outstanding
receivables and calculate gross revenues in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles.
Gross Revenue Rent Calculation
3. We recalculated the information contained in the gross revenue rent calculation
section of the Lease Payment Calculation Form. We compared the amounts reported
for "6 Luxury Skyboxes" and "$10,000 per month April-Aug Rent" to the applicable
sections of the lease agreement. Based upon the gross revenue percentages reflected
in the lease agreement, we generated a revised gross revenue rent calculation from the
adjustments noted during our gross revenue testing.
Results: We found that the calculation performed on the original lease payment
calculation was mathematically correct. The amounts reported for "6 Luxury
Skyboxes" and "$10,000 per month April-Aug Rent" were in accordance with the
applicable sections of the lease agreement. Our revised calculation for gross
revenue rent is as follows:
6 Luxury Boxes (City Share)
$10,000 per month April-Aug rent
6% gross revenues ($lm-$1.2m)
8% gross revenues ($1.2-$1.5m)
Parking Payment
4. Per Section 4.04 of the Lease Agreement, parking revenue is not included in the
definition of "gross revenues". Net parking revenues from baseball events is to be
split equally between the City and San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. after deduction for
San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.'s actual parking lot related expenses, including
parking lot attendants and security.
We recalculated the information contained in the Parking Payment section of the
Lease Payment Calculation Form. We compared the amounts reported for "Gross
revenue parking lot" and "Parking expenses" to the amounts reflected in the "Profit
and Loss YTD" Schedule for the period October 2001 through September 2002. We
also verified that the calculation (1/2 of net parking revenue) was in accordance with
the applicable sections of the lease agreement.
Results: No exceptions were noted as a result of our procedures.
5. According to Section 5.04 of the agreement, "City and Tenant agree to equally
provide funding for two groundskeepers, approved by both the City and Tenant, on a
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
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full-time equivalent, year-round basis". Stampede determined that amount to be
$28,000, which is owed to the City since the City covered the full cost of the
groundskeepers. The $28,000 was calculated as follows:
One groundskeeper for eight months
8 months x $3,500 x Yz
Two groundskeepers for four months (May-Aug)
4 months x $7,000 x Y.
Results: We found that the actual cost of groundskeepers for the year ended
September 30, 2002 was $90,908. According to the agreement, the City and
Stampede are to share in the costs of the groundskeepers. As a result, we have
made an adjustment to increase the amount owed to the City for groundskeeper
costs to $45,454, one-half of $90,908.
Naming Rights Sponsorship
6. Stampede calculated the amount owed to the City as the result of an ACU
(Arrowhead Credit Union) Naming Rights Sponsorship. Based on a contract with the
City, Stampede determined that the amount owed to the City as a result of this
sponsorship was $18,750. The annual contract amount is $25,000 and Stampede
reflected 9/12ths of the calendar year amount.
Results: No exceptions were noted as a result of our procedures.
Amount Paid to City During Year/Security
7. The Amount Paid To City section of the lease calculation had two separate amounts'
reducing the amount owed to the City; $50,000 for Amount Paid to the City During
the Year and $83,307 for Security. We inquired about the basis for each reduction
and obtained support for the two amounts. The support provided for the $83,307 in
Security costs is included as Exhibit 3.
Section 4.03 of the agreement states, in part, "In addition to any other sums payable
by Tenant to City hereunder, Tenant shall pay to City by December 31 of each
calendar year the ... Additional Rent". Based on the adjusted amounts per our
review, we determined if the additional rent balance had been paid be December 31,
Results: The $50,000 balance reported as Amount Paid to City was paid to the
City in $10,000 installments between June 1,2002 and September 18,2002. The
$83,307 reduction for Security was the City's portion of security costs from 1996
through 2002. Stampede provided a summary of these security costs which
totaled $172,612.96. Stampede determined the City's share of these costs to be
50% ofthat number or $86,306.48. Only $11,728.18 of the City's share related to
the 2002 fiscal year. As a result, we have made an adjustment to lower the
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
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Security reduction from $86,306.48 to $11,728.18. The effect of this revision is
summarized on Exhibit 2.
We also noted that Stampede submitted a check to the City for Additional Rent by
December 31, 2002, as required in the agreement.
Total Due City of San Bernardino
8. We recalculated the amount owed to the City of San Bernardino as a result of the
adjustments noted above. We reduced the amount of additional rent by the amount of
rent paid during the fiscal year under review.
Results: For a summary of the revised amount owed to the City of San
Bernardino see Exhibit 2.
9. We requested a copy of San Bernardino Stampede Inc.' s tax return to compare to the
revenue amounts reflected on the financial statements.
Results: We were informed that the tax returns were not available at the time of
our reVIew.
1 O. We inquired as to whether San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. has any externally prepared
or reviewed financial statements, and if so, we would compare the revenue amounts
on those financial statements to those reflected in the general ledger.
Results: We were informed that were not any independently prepared financial
11. We obtained a copy of the Addendum to the Lease Agreement, dated August 2,1999,
and summarized significant terms. The Addendum relates to the Fall Baseball
League, which was conducted between September 15, 2001 and November 10,2001.
San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. is to pay rent to the City the sum of $700 per game or
a sum equal to 6% of gross revenues, excluding concession revenues, whichever is
greater. We reviewed general ledger amounts to ensure that the Stampede was in
compliance with the addendum. We recalculated the amount owed as rent under the
Results: We found that, per San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.'s general ledger,
gross revenue under the Addendum period was approximately $15,000. During
the term of the Addendum, there were 14 game days, per the general ledger, and
San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. made three payments to the City totaling $10,500,
which is in accordance with the addendum.
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
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12. Section 4.05 of the lease agreement states that, "As to gross concession revenues paid
to Tenant for non-baseball events, City shall be entitled to twenty (20%) thereof."
Stampede contracts with Diamond Concessions, Inc. to provide concessions.
Stampede maintains the books for Diamond Concessions, Inc., which is maintained
separately from Stampede's general ledger.
We obtained the "Transaction Detail by Account" for the "Non-Stampede Outside
Events" revenue accounts reflected in Diamond's Concession's general ledger. This
account detail was obtained for the 2001 and 2002 calendar years. From that
information we summarized the non-baseball event concession revenue from October
1,2001. We then multiplied that sum by 20%, which is the City's share as outlined in
the agreement. That amount was compared to any remittances made during the fiscal
Results: We determined that the amount owed to the City under Section 4.05 of
the agreement is $3,449.81. This was calculated as follows:
Non-Stampede Outside Event Revenue:
October 2001 - December 2001
January 2002 - September 2002
Total outside event revenue
$ 6,700.96
City's Percentage per agreement (20%)
City's Share of Outside Event Revenue
Amount Remitted to City
Amount Owed to City for Outside Event Rev.
The amount that should have been remitted to the City totaled $3,449.81. No
documentation was provided to substantiate that this amount was paid to the city.
13. Since Lease rental payments are calculated from "gross revenues" of San Bernardino
Stampede, Inc., we gained an understanding ofthe flow of transactions and collection
procedures over revenue sources to determine if controls appear adequate to ensure
that revenue transactions are properly recorded. Through meetings with appropriate
personnel and review of San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.'s written revenue procedures,
we ascertained the flow of information for the following revenue areas:
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
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Ticket Sales (approx. $512,000)
Concessions Sales (approx. $239,000)
Paraphernalia Sales (approx. $71,000)
Advertising Sales (approx. $383,000)
Parking Income (approx. $68,000)
Other Income/Revenue (approx. $161,000)
After we had documented our understanding of the controls in place over the above
areas, we selected various days and requested the documentation supporting that day's
receipts to determine if the controls in place were working as described.
Results: From our review, we found that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.
generally has written procedures that if followed would help ensure that revenue
transactions are properly recorded. However, we noted instances where the
prescribed procedures were not being followed and supporting documents were
not being prepared that should have explained certain variances noted between
amounts recorded in the general ledger and that days cash receipt documents.
Below we have identified the specific areas where the deficiencies were noted:
Ticket Sales - We selected one day to test for Bonus Books (8/31) and two
days to test for: Buy - Out Night Tickets (5/31, 7/31); Daily Gate Fees (7/31,
8/31); Group Sales (5/31, 8/31); Merchant Nights (6/28, 7/23); Partial Year
Plan Season Ticket (5/31, 7/31); Picnic Area (6/30,8/31); and Season Ticket
Revenue (7/31, 8/31). We requested copies of the documents supporting the
samples selected and compared that support to the amounts recorded in the
general ledger.
We did not receive any support for the selected day(s) for: Bonus Books
(8/31), Merchant Nights (6/28,7/23), Partial Year Plan Season Ticket (5/31,
7/31), Season Ticket Revenue (7/31, 8/31)
It was noted that the ticket allocations for July and August 2002 for daily gate
fees (7/31, 8/31) did not tie to the Monthly Ticket Allocation spreadsheets for
July and August 2002. According to the general ledger, the July 2002 ticket
allocation (7/31) was $71,779.85 and the August 2002 ticket allocation (8/31)
was $44,029.99. The amounts shown of the Monthly Ticket Allocation
spreadsheets for July and August 2002 were, $67,706.32 and $42,709,
It was noted that the selected days for Group Sales (5/31, 8/31) and Picnic
Area (6/30,8/31) did not tie to the San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. generated
spreadsheet showing all the revenue generated from group sales for fiscal year
ended September 30, 2002.
Concessions Sales - Concession sales are paid to San Bernardino Stampede,
Inc. from Diamond Concessions, based on revenues eamed and expenses
incurred on game days. San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. actually compiles the
financial information on behalf of Diamond Concessions, using QuickBooks.
We selected five days to test the recording of Concession revenue (Concession
Management Fees) (4/30, 5/31, 6/30, 7/31, 8/31). We requested copies of the
documents supporting the samples selected and compared that support to the
amounts recorded in the general ledger.
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
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We did not receive any support for the selected days; therefore, testing of
Concession revenue could not be performed.
We recommend that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. consider maintaining
copies of the documents used to compile the Diamond Concessions monthly
income statements. Maintaining these records, including original game day
reports, will help substantiate concession sales applied under the terms in the
Lease Agreement.
Paraphernalia Sales - We selected six days to test the recording of Souvenir
revenue (3/28, 4/19, 4/30, 5/3, 5/24, 7/3). We requested copies of the
documents supporting the samples selected and compared that support to the
amounts recorded in the general ledger.
We obtained the deposit summary for each of the selected days and ensured
the amount on the deposit summary tied to the deposit ticket for the day. We
then traced the souvenir revenue stated on the deposit summary to the
Stampede Baseball Summary Sheet, and then to the Merchandise Summary
Sheet prepared that day.
For one of the selected days (4/19), souvenir revenue consisted of souvenir
revenue and miscellaneous revenue. The souvenir and miscellaneous revenue
stated on the Stampede Baseball Summary Sheet tied to their corresponding
Summary Sheets prepared for that day. It was noted that two of the selected
days (3/28, 5/3), miscellaneous revenue was classified as souvenir revenue as
well, on the Deposit Summary.
It was noted that one of the selected days (5/24), the beginning bank amount
was $300; however, the amount subtracted (less beginning bank) to derive the
total sales, was $400. For one of the selected days (7/3), were missing deposit
tickets and the beginning bank amount on the Merchandise Summary Sheet
prepared for that day was left blank. The following selected days (4/30, 5/3,
5/24), had deposit summaries that showed they were short, $4.24, $50, and
$21.90, respectively.
We recommend that the San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. ensure that daily cash
receipt entries are supported by source documentation and that the source
documentation supports the amounts recorded in the general ledger. We also
recommend that reconciliations be prepared and retained to explain variances
noted between the source documents and the amounts actually collected.
Advertising Sales - We selected five days to test the recording of Advertising
revenue in the following categories: Fence Sign Advertising (4/30, 5/31, 6/30,
7/31,8/31); Program Advertising (4/30,5/31,6/30,7/31,8/31); Ticket Back
Advertising (4/30, 5/31, 6/30, 7/31, 8/31); and Scoreboard Signage (4/30,
5/31, 6/30, 7/31, 8/31). We requested copies of the documents supporting
those sales and compared that support to the amounts recorded in the general
We noted that the San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. entered into Advertising
contracts throughout the year prior to the beginning of the season. This
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
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revenue is recorded as deferred revenue and allocated evenly over the five
months of the regular season. The selected days (to test) pertain to the
monthly-deferred revenue allocations (April through August) for the four
advertising revenue centers. We tested the monthly-deferred revenue
allocations that corresponded to the days we selected to test, by tracing the
amounts to the 2002 Corporate Advertising Allocation spreadsheet, which is
prepared by San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.
We noted that the five days to test for Fence Sign Advertising (4/30, 5/31,
6/30, 7/31, 8/31) did not tie to the 2002 Corporate Advertising Allocation
spreadsheet. According to the general ledger, Fence Sign Advertising
monthly-deferred revenue allocations were $46,852; however, the 2002
Corporate Advertising Allocation spreadsheet shows the allocations were
$48,452. This is not considered a significant variance.
Parking Income - We selected twelve days to test the recording of Parking
revenue (4/19, 4/30, 5/3, 5/4, 5/17, 5/18, 6/21, 6/22, 7/3, 8/9, 8/11, 917). We
requested copies of the documents supporting those days' receipts and
compared that support to the amounts recorded in the general ledger.
We obtained the deposit summary for each of the selected days and ensured
the amount on the deposit summary tied to the deposit ticket for the day. We
then traced the parking revenue stated on the deposit summary to the
Stampede Baseball Summary Sheet, and then to the Parking Summary Sheet
prepared for that day.
We did not receive any support for the VIP Parking Allocation for the month
of April (4/30). It was noted that the selected days (6/21, 6/22, 7/3, 917), were
missing deposit tickets. It was noted that the selected days (4/19, 4/30,5/17,
6/21, 6/22, 7/3, 8/9, 8/11, 917) had parking revenue amounts that were not
evenly divisible by $2, which is the cost of a parking ticket. Two of the
selected days (5/3, 6/22), had deposit summaries that showed they were short
$50 and $27, respectively.
We recommend that the San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. ensure that daily cash
receipt entries are supported by source documentation and that the source
documentation supports the amounts recorded in the general ledger. We also
recommend that reconciliations be prepared and retained to explain variances
noted between the source documents and the amounts actually collected.
14. In order to ensure that amounts of revenue are not being recorded in other accounts of
San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. (general ledger assets, liabilities and equity),
procedures were performed to review accounting documents for unusual transactions
In association with the testing discussed above, we reviewed the revenue accounts
detail for unusual debit entries. We also obtained and reviewed the General Ledger
summary and detail for certain asset accounts for unusual credit entries in search of
any unrecognized revenue amounts. We obtained explanations for unusual items
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
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Results: We noted one accounts receivable account on the balance sheet with a
substantial credit balance as of September 30, 2002. This account receivable is
classified as an AIR-PMT Clearing, and is used to record contract receivables not
due in the current month. This is done so that accounts classified as AIR-
Customers only reflects receivables due within 30 days. When the contract is
signed, the full value of the contract is booked as Deferred Revenue and AIR-
PMT Clearing, while a portion is reclassified to AIR-Customers as it comes due.
The balance sheet as of September 30, 2002, shows that the AIR-PMT Clearing
account has a credit balance of$55,813.38.
We recommend that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. review its accounting for
these types of transactions.
15. We obtained a copy of the prior Agreed Upon Procedures Report, dated March 14,
2001. That report contained various recommendations regarding internal control
issues and reconciliation deficiencies. Those previously reported findings are
summarized as follows:
Internal Controls:
Ticket Sales - We recommend that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. ensure that
daily cash receipt entries are supported by source documentation and that the
source documentation supports the amounts recorded in the general ledger.
Reconciliations may need to be prepared and retained to explain variances noted
between the source documents and the amounts actually collected.
Paraphernalia Sales - We recommend that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.
conduct (and retain) beginning and ending inventory counts in accordance with its
written policy. We also recommend that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. ensure
that daily cash receipt entries are supported by source documentation and that the
source documentation supports the amounts recorded in the general ledgc:;r.
Reconciliations may need to be prepared and retained to explain variances noted
between the source documents and the amounts actually collected.
Parking Income - We recommend parking slips be completed by a manager
specifying the exact number of tickets sold per attendant. These parking slips
need to be reconciled to the cash received on a daily basis, in accordance with
written procedures.
Advertising and Skybox Rental Contracts - We recommend that the Stampede
clearly specify revenue amounts by line item on the contracts prior to them being
signed, and also maintain copies of the signed contracts.
Diamond Concessions Recordkeeping - We recommend that San Bernardino
Stampede, Inc. consider maintaining copies of the documents used to compile the
Diamond Concessions monthly income statements. Maintaining these records,
including original game day reports, will help substantiate concession sales
applied under the terms in the Lease Agreement.
Other Procedures:
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 12 of 12
Entries to the AIR-Pmt Clearing Account - When a contract is signed, the full
value of the contract is booked as "Deferred Revenue" and "AIR-Pmt Clearing",
and a portion is reclassified to AIR-Customers as it becomes due. From this
explanation, we believe that this account receivable account should not have a
credit balance as of September 30, 2000. We recommend that San Bernardino
Stampede, Inc. review its accounting for these types of transactions.
We inquired with Stampede as to the current status of the comments identified in the
Agreed-Upon Procedures Letter Dated March 14, 2001 and also compared those
comments to the findings noted during the current year.
Results: We found that the internal comments noted in the Agreed Upon
Procedures Letter dated March 14, 2001 had not been adequately resolved.
Similar conditions were noted while performing agreed upon procedures for the
year ended September 30, 2002.
We were not engaged to, and did not, perform an audit, the objective of which would be
the expression of an opinion on the specified elements, accounts, or items. Accordingly,
we do not express such an opinion. Had we performed additional procedures, other
matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.
This report is intended solely for the use of the City of San Bernardino and should not be
used by those who have not agreed to the procedures and taken responsibility for the
sufficiency of the procedures for their purposes. However, this limitation is not meant to
limit the distribution of this report which is a matter of public record.
to"11/lA.J bd As~~,,;/i;/ LI.~
January 17, 2003
Exhibit 1
Stampede Professional Baseball
City of San Bernardino Lease
FYE: 9-30-02
Gross Revenue: $ 1,684,252.57
Less: Taxes Collected $
Less: Non Baseball Events $ (57,660.45)
Less: Ticket Back Advertising $ (6,500.00)
Less: Advertising Costs $ (37,252.61 )
Less: Trade outs $ -
Less: Parking $ (68,003.97)
Less: Program Sales $
Less: Scoreboard Advertising $ (96,659.00)
Less: Sky Box Revenue $ (117,812.50)
Less: 2002 Outstanding Receivables $ (46,654.07)
Less: Radiol Media Advertising $ (40,100.00)
Less: Printing Programl Pocket Schedules $ (10,956.56)
Less: Promo Item Production $ (44,054.93)
Less: Promo Events $ (71,965.41 )
Add: 2001 Revenue Paid in 2002 $ 14,800.92
Add: 2002 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue $ 13,792.50
Less: 1999 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue $ (19,259.99)
Less: 2000 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue $ (19,613.48)
Less: 2001 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue $ (27,929.00)
Gross Revenues per lease $ 1,048,424.02
Gross Revenue Rent Calculations:
6 Luxury Skyboxes (City Share) $ 40,000.00
$10,000 per month April-Aug rent $ 50,000.00
6% Gross Revenues $1 m-$1.2m $ 2,905.44
8% Gross Revenues $1.2m-$1.5m $
10% Gross Revenues $1.5m++ $
Rent Due City for FYE 9-30-02 $ 92,905.44
Parking Payment
Gross Revenue Parking Lot $ 68,003.97.
Less: Parking Expenses $ (8,461.25)
Net Parking Revenue per Lease $ 59,542.72
Parking Payment due City (1/2 net) $ 29,771.36
Per Agreement $ 28,000.00
ACU Naming Rights Sponsorship
Contract Based on Calander Year (9/12th) $ 18,750.00 .
2002 Lease Payment, Cost and Revenue Sharing $ 169,426.80
Less: Amount paid to the City during Year $ (50,000.00)
Less: Security $ (86,307.49)
Total Due City of San Bernardino $ 33,119.31
'Funds placed In an Atloumey/Cllent Trust Account on 0110812003
Exhibit 2
Stampede Professional Baseball
City of San Bernardino Lease
Fiscal year ended September 30, 2002
Submitted by Per
Stampede Review
Gross Revenue: $ 1,684,252.57 $ 1,684,252.57
Less: Taxes collected
Less: Non baseball events (57,660.45) (57,660.45)
Less: Ticket back advertising (6,500.00) (6,500.00)
Less: Advertising costs (37,252.61)
Less: Trade outs
Less: Parking (68,003.87) (68,003.87)
Less: Program sales
Less: Scoreboard advertising (96,659.00) (96,659.00)
Less: Sky box revenue (117,812.50) (117,812.50)
Less: 2002 outstanding receivables (46,654.07) (46,654.07)
Less: Radio/media advertising (40,100.00) (40,100.00)
Less: Printing program/pocket schedules (10,956.56)
Less: Promo item production (44,054.93)
Less: Promo events (71,965.41)
Add: 2001 revenue paid in 2002 14,800.92 14,800.92
Add: 2002 season ticket deferred revenue 13,792.50 13,792.50
Less: 1999 season ticket deferred revenue (19,259.99)
Less: 2000 season ticket deferred revenue (19,613.48)
Less: 2001 season ticket deferred revenue (27,929.00) (27,929.00)
Gross revenues per lease $ 1,048,424.12 1,251,527.10
Gross Revenue Rent Calculations:
6 luxury skyboxes (City share) $ 40,000.00 40,000.00
$10,000 per month April- Aug. rent 50,000.00 50,000.00
6% gross revenues Slm-SI.2m 48,424 2,905.44 200,000 12,000.00
8% gross revenues $1.2m-Sl.5m 51,527 4,122.00
10% gross revenues $1.5m
Rent due City from FYE 9-30-02 92,905.44 ] 06,122.00
Parking Payment
Gross revenue parking lot 68,003.97 68,003.97
Less: Parking expenses (8,461.25) (8,461.25)
Net parking revenue per lease 59,542.72 59,542.72
Parking payment due City (]/2 net) 29,771.36 29,77].36
Per agreement 28,000.00 45,454.00
ACU naming rights sponsorship
Contract based on calendar year (9/12th) ]8,750.00 ]8,750.00
2002 lease payment, cost and revenue sharing $ ]69,426.80 $ 200,097.36
Less: Amount paid to the City during year (50,000.00) (50,000.00)
Less: Security (86,307.49) (1I,728.18)
Total due City of San Bernardino $ 33,119.31 $ ]38,369.]8
Concession Revenues for Non-Baseball Events
Gross revenues ~ non-event concessions $ 17,249.07
Percentage to be remitted to City (20%) 20%
City Share $ 3,449.81
Grand Total due City of San Beruardino $ ]41,818.99
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Mr. Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
San Bernardino, CA 92418
(,"'';1' ",I;lllvOevCms Mtg: .3 3 1100 MAIN STREET; SUITEC
C. L /I, . .~ (949) 474.2020
bi._. ~ -.., ~ A Fax (949) 263.5520
re A4",,~a Item .> u
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City Clerk/COC Secy
City of Sail Bernardino
We have performed the procedures enumerated below, which were agreed to by the City
of San Bernardino (City), solely to assist City management in evaluating San Bernardino
Stampede compliance with Section 4 of the Lease Agreement (dated June 18, 1996)
between the City of San Bernardino and San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. for the year
ended September 30, 2002. This engagement to apply agreed-upon procedures was
performed in accordance with the standards established by the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants. The sufficiency of the procedures is solely the
responsibility of the specified users of this report. Consequently, we make no
representation regarding the sufficiency of the procedures described below either for the
purpose for which this report has been requested or for any other purpose.
The procedures performed and the results of those procedures are identified below in
detail. The following is a summary of the more significant items noted as a result of
those procedures.
a) In Stampede's calculation of gross revenue, net of deductions, there were
$203,102 in deductions that did not appear to be deductible as outlined in the
lease agreement. These items were for advertising costs, printing programs,
promotional event expenses and certain deferred revenue items.
b) In the lease payment calculation, Stampede included a deduction of $86,307.49
for security costs. This amount included security costs from 1996 through 2002.
Of that amount only 11,728.18 pertained to the 2002 fiscal year. As a result, we
lowered the deduction by $74,579.31.
c) There is a clause in the lease agreement for the sharing of concession revenues for
non-baseball events. It was determined that the City's share of this amount was
$3,449.81, which had not been remitted to the City as of January 17, 2003.
d) Stampede included an amount owed to the City for groundskeeper costs. The City
and Stampede are to share in these costs. The actual groundskeeper costs paid by
the City during the period under review was $90,908. As a result, half of that
amount, $45,454, should have been reported as owed to the City for
groundskeeper costs instead of $28,000.
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 2 of 12
e) In certain years, Stampede will include a deduction for "Prior Year Outstanding
Receivables". However, this application is not consistent from year to year. A
decision should be made regarding calculating gross revenues under the cash basis
or according to GAAP.
f) Testing of internal controls disclosed numerous issues regarding missing
documents, reconciliation variances and incomplete records. Internal control
issues have also been noted in prior years.
g) The additional amount owed to the City as a result of performing these agreed
upon procedures is summarized on Exhibit 2.
Our procedures and findings are as follows:
I. We obtained a copy of the Lease Agreement, dated June 18, 1996 between the City of
San Bernardino and San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. We read the agreement to
determine those revenue categories to be included and excluded in the calculation of
additional rent. We prepared a summary of the significant items within the lease
agreement. As documented on the Lease Payment Calculation Form (Exhibit I), the
total rent calculation is derived from various types of revenues and is composed of
several sections. We specifically tested each section of the calculation for compliance
with the lease agreement. We segregated the lease payment calculation into the
following sections:
. Gross Revenues,
. Gross Revenue Rent Calculations,
. Parking Payment,
. Groundskeeper,
. Naming Rights Sponsorship, and
. Payments made to City During Year.
Results: We found that the format used by San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. in
preparing the lease payment calculation for the fiscal year ended September 30,
2002 was in accordance with the terms identified in the Lease Agreement.
Gross Revenues
2. For the Gross Revenue section, we obtained a copy of Stampede's "Profit and Loss
YTD" Schedule for the period October 2001 through September 2002 and compared
the total gross revenue per the schedule to the actual gross revenue of $1,684,252
reported on the Lease Payment Calculation Form (Exhibit 1).
For each of the additions and deductions reflected in the gross revenue section, we
obtained support. The revenue and expense items were compared to the Profit and
Loss YTD schedule and the deferred revenue additions and deductions to prior year's
lease payment calculations. We also reviewed each item to ensure that it was being
accounted for in accordance with the Lease Agreement. We then recalculated the
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 3 ofl2
section to detennine if the reported "Gross Revenues per Lease" amount of
$1,048,424 was mathematically correct.
Results: We found that reported total gross revenue of $1,684,253 agreed to
Stampede's "Profit and Loss YTD" Schedule for the period October 2001 through
September 2002. The fonnat used by San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. in preparing
the lease payment calculation for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002 was in
accordance with the tenns identified in the Lease Agreement.
During our review of the deductions made to gross revenues on Exhibit 1, we
determined that the following deductions should not have been made:
Advertising Costs
Printing Program/Pocket Schedules
Promo Item Production
Promo Events
1999 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue
2000 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue
All other items were properly recorded. As a result, the reported "Gross Revenues
per Lease" is understated by $203,102 and should have been reported as
$1,251,527. Our restated amount is summarized as follows:
Gross revenues
Less: Non-baseball events
Less: Ticket back advertising
Less: Advertising costs
Less: Parking
Less: Scoreboard advertising
Less: Skybox revenue
Less: 2002 outstanding receivables
Less: RadiolMedia Advertising
Less: Printing program/pocket schedules
Less: Promo item production
Less: Promo events
Add: 200 I revenue paid in 2002
Add: 2002 season ticket deferred revenue
Less: 1999 season ticket deferred revenue
Less: 2000 season ticket deferred revenue
Less: 200 I season ticket deferred revenue
Gross revenue per lease agreement
$1.25\ 527
Per the lease agreement, additional rent is to be paid if "net" gross revenues
exceed $1,000,000. The effect of this adjustment does result in an increase to
additional rent. This additional amount is calculated below in the Gross Revenue
Rent Calculations section.
We also noted that Stampede reduced reported gross revenue for outstanding
receivables, whereby converting gross revenues to the cash basis. This has not
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 4 of 12
been consistently over the years. It was reported as a deduction in the 2000 and
2002 calculations but not the 1999 or 2001 calculations. It appears that it is
reflected as a deduction when gross revenue per lease is over $1,000,000.
Stampede needs to be consistent in applying this deduction. We recommend that
Stampede discontinue the practice of having a reduction for outstanding
receivables and calculate gross revenues in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles.
Gross Revenue Rent Calculation
3. We recalculated the information contained in the gross revenue rent calculation
section of the Lease Payment Calculation Form. We compared the amounts reported
for "6 Luxury Skyboxes" and "$10,000 per month April-Aug Rent" to the applicable
sections of the lease agreement. Based upon the gross revenue percentages reflected
in the lease agreement, we generated a revised gross revenue rent calculation from the
adjustments noted during our gross revenue testing.
Results: We found that the calculation performed on the original lease payment
calculation was mathematically correct. The amounts reported for "6 Luxury
Skyboxes" and "$10,000 per month April-Aug Rent" were in accordance with the
applicable sections of the lease agreement. Our revised calculation for gross
revenue rent is as follows:
6 Luxury Boxes (City Share)
$10,000 per month April-Aug rent
6% gross revenues ($lm-$1.2m)
8% gross revenues ($1.2-$1.5m)
Parking Payment
4. Per Section 4.04 of the Lease Agreement, parking revenue is not included in the
definition of "gross revenues". Net parking revenues from baseball events is to be
split equally between the City and San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. after deduction for
San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.'s actual parking lot related expenses, including
parking lot attendants and security.
We recalculated the information contained in the Parking Payment section of the
Lease Payment Calculation Form. We compared the amounts reported for "Gross
revenue parking lot" and "Parking expenses" to the amounts reflected in the "Profit
and Loss YTD" Schedule for the period October 2001 through September 2002. We
also verified that the calculation (1/2 of net parking revenue) was in accordance with
the applicable sections of the lease agreement.
Results: No exceptions were noted as a result of our procedures.
5. According to Section 5.04 of the agreement, "City and Tenant agree to equally
provide funding for two groundskeepers, approved by both the City and Tenant, on a
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 5 of 12
full-time equivalent, year-round basis". Stampede determined that amount to be
$28,000, which is owed to the City since the City covered the full cost of the
groundskeepers. The $28,000 was calculated as follows:
One groundskeeper for eight months
8 months x $3,500 x y,
Two groundskeepers for four months (May-Aug)
4 months x $7,000 x Y2
Results: We found that the actual cost of groundskeepers for the year ended
September 30, 2002 was $90,908. According to the agreement, the City and
Stampede are to share in the costs of the groundskeepers. As a result, we have
made an adjustment to increase the amount owed to the City for groundskeeper
costs to $45,454, one-half of $90,908.
Naming Rights Sponsorship
6. Stampede calculated the amount owed to the City as the result of an ACU
(Arrowhead Credit Union) Naming Rights Sponsorship. Based on a contract with the
City, Stampede determined that the amount owed to the City as a result of this
sponsorship was $18,750. The annual contract amount is $25,000 and Stampede
reflected 9/l2ths ofthe calendar year amount.
Results: No exceptions were noted as a result of our procedures.
Amount Paid to City During Year/Security
7. The Amount Paid To City section of the lease calculation had two separate amounts
reducing the amount owed to the City; $50,000 for Amount Paid to the City During
the Year and $83,307 for Security. We inquired about the basis for each reduction
and obtained support for the two amounts. The support provided for the $83,307 in
Security costs is included as Exhibit 3.
Section 4.03 of the agreement states, in part, "In addition to any other sums payable
by Tenant to City hereunder, Tenant shall pay to City by December 31 of each
calendar year the ... Additional Rent". Based on the adjusted amounts per our
review, we determined if the additional rent balance had been paid be December 31,
Results: The $50,000 balance reported as Amount Paid to City was paid to the
City in $10,000 installments between June 1,2002 and September 18, 2002. The
$83,307 reduction for Security was the City's portion of security costs from 1996
through 2002. Stampede provided a summary of these security costs which
totaled $172,612.96. Stampede determined the City's share of these costs to be
50% ofthat number or $86,306.48. Only $11,728.18 ofthe City's share related to
the 2002 fiscal year. As a result, we have made an adjustment to lower the
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 6 of 12
Security reduction from $86,306.48 to $11,728.18. The effect of this revision is
summarized on Exhibit 2.
We also noted that Stampede submitted a check to the City for Additional Rent by
December 31, 2002, as required in the agreement.
Total Due City of San Bernardino
8. We recalculated the amount owed to the City of San Bernardino as a result of the
adjustments noted above. We reduced the amount of additional rent by the amount of
rent paid during the fiscal year under review.
Results: For a summary of the revised amount owed to the City of San
Bernardino see Exhibit 2.
9 . We requested a copy of San Bernardino Stampede Inc.' s tax return to compare to the
revenue amounts reflected on the financial statements.
Results: We were informed that the tax returns were not available at the time of
our review.
10. We inquired as to whether San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. has any externally prepared
or reviewed financial statements, and if so, we would compare the revenue amounts
on those financial statements to those reflected in the general ledger.
Results: We were informed that were not any independently prepared fmancial
II. We obtained a copy of the Addendum to the Lease Agreement, dated August 2,1999,
and summarized significant terms. The Addendum relates to the Fall Baseball
League, which was conducted between September 15, 2001 and November 10, 2001.
San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. is to pay rent to the City the sum of $700 per game or
a sum equal to 6% of gross revenues, excluding concession revenues, whichever is
greater. We reviewed general ledger amounts to ensure that the Stampede was in
compliance with the addendum. We recalculated the amount owed as rent under the
Results: We found that, per San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.'s general ledger,
gross revenue under the Addendum period was approximately $15,000. During
the term of the Addendum, there were 14 game days, per the general ledger, and
San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. made three payments to the City totaling $10,500,
which is in accordance with the addendum.
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 7 of 12
12. Section 4.05 of the lease agreement states that, "As to gross concession revenues paid
to Tenant for non-baseball events, City shall be entitled to twenty (20%) thereof."
Stampede contracts with Diamond Concessions, Inc. to provide concessions.
Stampede maintains the books for Diamond Concessions, Inc., which is maintained
separately from Stampede's general ledger.
We obtained the "Transaction Detail by Account" for the "Non-Stampede Outside
Events" revenue accounts reflected in Diamond's Concession's general ledger. This
account detail was obtained for the 2001 and 2002 calendar years. From that
information we summarized the non-baseball event concession revenue from October
1,2001. We then multiplied that sum by 20%, which is the City's share as outlined in
the agreement. That amount was compared to any remittances made during the fiscal
Results: We determined that the amount owed to the City under Section 4.05 of
the agreement is $3,449.81. This was calculated as follows:
Non-Stampede Outside Event Revenue:
October 2001 - December 2001
January 2002 - September 2002
Total outside event revenue
$ 6,700.96
City's Percentage per agreement (20%)
City's Share of Outside Event Revenue
Amount Remitted to City
Amount Owed to City for Outside Event Rev.
The amount that should have been remitted to the City totaled $3,449.81. No
documentation was provided to substantiate that this amount was paid to the city.
13. Since Lease rental payments are calculated from "gross revenues" of San Bernardino
Stampede, Inc., we gained an understanding of the flow of transactions and collection
procedures over revenue sources to determine if controls appear adequate to ensure
that revenue transactions are properly recorded. Through meetings with appropriate
personnel and review of San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.' s written revenue procedures,
we ascertained the flow of information for the following revenue areas:
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 8 of 12
Ticket Sales (approx. $512,000)
Concessions Sales (approx. $239,000)
Paraphernalia Sales (approx. $71,000)
Advertising Sales (approx. $383,000)
Parking Income (approx. $68,000)
Other Income/Revenue (approx. $161,000)
After we had documented our understanding of the controls in place over the above
areas, we selected various days and requested the documentation supporting that day's
receipts to determine if the controls in place were working as described.
Results: From our review, we found that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.
generally has written procedures that if followed would help ensure that revenue
transactions are properly recorded. However, we noted instances where the
prescribed procedures were not being followed and supporting documents were
not being prepared that should have explained certain variances noted between
amounts recorded in the general ledger and that days cash receipt documents.
Below we have identified the specific areas where the deficiencies were noted:
Ticket Sales - We selected one day to test for Bonus Books (8/31) and two
days to test for: Buy - Out Night Tickets (5/31, 7/31); Daily Gate Fees (7/31,
8/31); Group Sales (5/31, 8/31); Merchant Nights (6/28, 7/23); Partial Year
Plan Season Ticket (5/31,7/31); Picnic Area (6/30,8/31); and Season Ticket
Revenue (7/31, 8/31). We requested copies of the documents supporting the
samples selected and compared that support to the amounts recorded in the
general ledger.
We did not receive any support for the selected day(s) for: Bonus Books
(8/31), Merchant Nights (6/28,7/23), Partial Year Plan Season Ticket (5/31,
7/31), Season Ticket Revenue (7/31, 8/31)
It was noted that the ticket allocations for July and August 2002 for daily gate
fees (7/31, 8/31) did not tie to the Monthly Ticket Allocation spreadsheets for
July and August 2002. According to the general ledger, the July 2002 ticket
allocation (7/31) was $71,779.85 and the August 2002 ticket allocation (8/31)
was $44,029.99. The amounts shown of the Monthly Ticket Allocation
spreadsheets for July and August 2002 were, $67,706.32 and $42,709,
It was noted that the selected days for Group Sales (5/31, 8/31) and Picnic
Area (6/30,8/31) did not tie to the San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. generated
spreadsheet showing all the revenue generated from group sales for fiscal year
ended September 30, 2002.
Concessions Sales - Concession sales are paid to San Bernardino Stampede,
Inc. from Diamond Concessions, based on revenues earned and expenses
incurred on game days. San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. actually compiles the
financial information on behalf of Diamond Concessions, using QuickBooks.
We selected five days to test the recording of Concession revenue (Concession
Management Fees) (4/30, 5/31, 6/30, 7/31, 8/31). We requested copies of the
documents supporting the samples selected and compared that support to t~e
amounts recorded in the general ledger.
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 9 of 12
We did not receive any support for the selected days; therefore, testing of
Concession revenue could not be performed.
We recommend that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. consider maintaining
copies of the documents used to compile the Diamond Concessions monthly
income statements. Maintaining these records, including original game day
reports, will help substantiate concession sales applied under the terms in the
Lease Agreement.
Paraphernalia Sales - We selected six days to test the recording of Souvenir
revenue (3/28, 4/19, 4/30, 5/3, 5/24, 7/3). We requested copies of the
documents supporting the samples selected and compared that support to the
amounts recorded in the general ledger.
We obtained the deposit summary for each of the selected days and ensured
the amount on the deposit summary tied to the deposit ticket for the day. We
then traced the souvenir revenue stated on the deposit summary to the
Stampede Baseball Summary Sheet, and then to the Merchandise Summary
Sheet prepared that day.
For one of the selected days (4/19), souvenir revenue consisted of souvenir
revenue and miscellaneous revenue. The souvenir and miscellaneous revenue
stated on the Stampede Baseball Summary Sheet tied to their corresponding
Summary Sheets prepared for that day. It was noted that two of the selected
days (3/28, 5/3), miscellaneous revenue was classified as souvenir revenue as
well, on the Deposit Summary.
It was noted that one of the selected days (5/24), the beginning bank amount
was $300; however, the amount subtracted (less beginning bank) to derive the
total sales, was $400. For one ofthe selected days (7/3), were missing deposit
tickets and the beginning bank amount on the Merchandise Summary Sheet
prepared for that day was left blank. The following selected days (4/30, 5/3,
5/24), had deposit summaries that showed they were short, $4.24, $50, and
$21.90, respectively.
We recommend that the San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. ensure that daily cash
receipt entries are supported by source documentation and that the source
documentation supports the amounts recorded in the general ledger. We also
recommend that reconciliations be prepared and retained to explain variances
noted between the source documents and the amounts actually collected.
Advertising Sales - We selected five days to test the recording of Advertising
revenue in the following categories: Fence Sign Advertising (4/30,5/31,6/30,
7/31,8/31); Program Advertising (4/30,5/31,6/30,7/31,8/31); Ticket Back
Advertising (4/30, 5/31, 6/30, 7/31, 8/31); and Scoreboard Signage (4/30,
5/31, 6/30, 7/31, 8/31). We requested copies of the documents supporting
those sales and compared that support to the amounts recorded in the general
We noted that the San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. entered into Advertising
contracts throughout the year prior to the beginning of the season. This
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 10 of 12
revenue is recorded as deferred revenue and allocated evenly over the five
months of the regular season. The selected days (to test) pertain to the
monthly-deferred revenue allocations (April through August) for the four
advertising revenue centers. We tested the monthly-deferred revenue
allocations that corresponded to the days we selected to test, by tracing the
amounts to the 2002 Corporate Advertising Allocation spreadsheet, which is
prepared by San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.
We noted that the five days to test for Fence Sign Advertising (4/30, 5/31,
6/30, 7/31, 8/31) did not tie to the 2002 Corporate Advertising Allocation
spreadsheet. According to the general ledger, Fence Sign Advertising
monthly-deferred revenue allocations were $46,852; however, the 2002
Corporate Advertising Allocation spreadsheet shows the allocations were
$48,452. This is not considered a significant variance.
Parking Income - We selected twelve days to test the recording of Parking
revenue (4/19, 4/30, 5/3, 5/4, 5/17, 5/18, 6/21, 6/22, 7/3, 8/9, 8/11, 9/7). We
requested copies of the documents supporting those days' receipts and
compared that support to the amounts recorded in the general ledger.
We obtained the deposit summary for each of the selected days and ensured
the amount on the deposit summary tied to the deposit ticket for the day. We
then traced the parking revenue stated on the deposit summary to the
Stampede Baseball Summary Sheet, and then to the Parking Summary Sheet
prepared for that day.
We did not receive any support for the VIP Parking Allocation for the month
of April (4/30). It was noted that the selected days (6/21, 6/22, 7/3, 9/7), were
missing deposit tickets. It was noted that the selected days (4/19, 4/30, 5/17,
6/21, 6/22, 7/3, 8/9, 8/11, 9/7) had parking revenue amounts that were not
evenly divisible by $2, which is the cost of a parking ticket. Two of the
selected days (5/3, 6/22), had deposit summaries that showed they were short
$50 and $27, respectively.
We recommend that the San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. ensure that daily cash
receipt entries are supported by source documentation and that the source
documentation supports the amounts recorded in the general ledger. We also
recommend that reconciliations be prepared and retained to explain variances
noted between the source documents and the amounts actually collected.
14. In order to ensure that amounts of revenue are not being recorded in other accounts of
San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. (general ledger assets, liabilities and equity),
procedures were performed to review accounting documents for unusual transactions
In association with the testing discussed above, we reviewed the revenue accounts
detail for unusual debit entries. We also obtained and reviewed the General Ledger
summary and detail for certain asset accounts for unusual credit entries in search of
any unrecognized revenue amounts. We obtained explanations for unusual items
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 11 of 12
Results: We noted one accounts receivable account on the balance sheet with a
substantial credit balance as of September 30, 2002. This account receivable is
classified as an A/R-PMT Clearing, and is used to record contract receivables not
due in the current month. This is done so that accounts classified as A/R-
Customers only reflects receivables due within 30 days. When the contract is
signed, the full value of the contract is booked as Deferred Revenue and A/R-
PMT Clearing, while a portion is reclassified to A/R-Customers as it comes due.
The balance sheet as of September 30, 2002, shows that the A/R-PMT Clearing
account has a credit balance of$55,813.38.
We recommend that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. review its accounting for
these types of transactions.
15. We obtained a copy of the prior Agreed Upon Procedures Report, dated March 14,
2001. That report contained various recommendations regarding internal control
issues and reconciliation deficiencies. Those previously reported findings are
summarized as follows:
Internal Controls:
Ticket Sales - We recommend that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. ensure that
daily cash receipt entries are supported by source documentation and that the
source documentation supports the amounts recorded in the general ledger.
Reconciliations may need to be prepared and retained to explain variances noted
between the source documents and the amounts actually collected.
Paraphernalia Sales - We recommend that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc.
conduct (and retain) beginning and ending inventory counts in accordance with its
written policy. We also recommend that San Bernardino Stampede, Inc. ensure
that daily cash receipt entries are supported by source documentation and that the
source documentation supports the amounts recorded in the general ledger.
Reconciliations may need to be prepared and retained to explain variances noted
between the source documents and the amounts actually collected.
Parking Income - We recommend parking slips be completed by a manager
specifYing the exact number of tickets sold per attendant. These parking slips
need to be reconciled to the cash received on a daily basis, in accordance with
written procedures.
Advertising and Skybox Rental Contracts - We recommend that the Stampede
clearly specify revenue amounts by line item on the contracts prior to them being
signed, and also maintain copies of the signed contracts.
Diamond Concessions Recordkeeping - We recommend that San Bernardino
Stampede, Inc. consider maintaining copies of the documents used to compile the
Diamond Concessions monthly income statements. Maintaining these records,
including original game day reports, will help substantiate concession sales
applied under the terms in the Lease Agreement.
Other Procedures:
Fred Wilson, City Administrator
City of San Bernardino
Page 12 of 12
Entries to the AIR-Pmt Clearing Account - When a contract is signed, the full
value of the contract is booked as "Deferred Revenue" and "AIR-Pmt Clearing",
and a portion is reclassified to AIR-Customers as it becomes due. From this
explanation, we believe that this account receivable account should not have a
credit balance as of September 30, 2000. We recommend that San Bernardino
Stampede, Inc. review its accounting for these types of transactions.
We inquired with Stampede as to the current status of the comments identified in the
Agreed-Upon Procedures Letter Dated March 14, 2001 and also compared those
comments to the findings noted during the current year.
Results: We found that the internal comments noted in the Agreed Upon
Procedures Letter dated March 14, 2001 had not been adequately resolved.
Similar conditions were noted while performing agreed upon procedures for the
year ended September 30, 2002.
We were not engaged to, and did not, perform an audit, the objective of which would be
the expression of an opinion on the specified elements, accounts, or items. Accordingly,
we do not express such an opinion. Had we performed additional procedures, other
matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.
This report is intended solely for the use of the City of San Bernardino and should not be
used by those who have not agreed to the procedures and taken responsibility for the
sufficiency of the procedures for their purposes. However, this limitation is not meant to
limit the distribution of this report which is a matter of public record.
toM-4 / bid' As-;~.i1L;/ L/.,p.
January 17, 2003
Exhibit 1
Stampede Professional Baseball
City of San Bernardino Lease
FYE: 9-30-02
Gross Revenue: $ 1,684,252.57
Less: Taxes Collected $
Less: Non Baseball Events $ (57,660.45)
Less: Ticket Back Advertising $ (6,500.00)
Less: Advertising Costs $ (37,252.61 )
Less: Trade outs $
Less: Parking $ (68,003.97)
Less: Program Sales $
Less: Scoreboard Advertising $ (96,659.00)
Less: Sky Box Revenue $ (117,812.50)
Less: 2002 Outstanding Receivables $ (46,654.07)
Less: Radiol Media Advertising $ (40,100.00)
Less: Printing Programl Pocket Schedules $ (10,956.56)
Less: Promo Item Production $ (44,054.93)
Less: Promo Events $ (71,965.41 )
Add: 2001 Revenue Paid in 2002 $ 14,800.92
Add: 2002 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue $ 13,792.50
Less: 1999 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue $ (19,259.99)
Less: 2000 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue $ (19,613.48)
Less: 2001 Season Ticket Deferred Revenue $ (27,929.00)
Gross Revenues per lease $ 1,048,424.02
Gross Revenue Rent Calculations:
6 Luxury Skyboxes (City Share) $ 40,000.00
$10,000 per month April-Aug rent $ 50,000.00
6% Gross Revenues $1m-$1.2m $ 2,905.44
8% Gross Revenues $1.2m-$1.5m $
10% Gross Revenues $1.5m++ $
Rent Due City for FYE 9-30-02 $ 92,905.44
Parking Payment
Gross Revenue Parking Lot $ 68,003.97.
Less: Parking Expenses $ (8,461.25)
Net Parking Revenue per Lease $ 59,542.72
Parking Payment due City (1/2 net) $ 29,771.36
Per Agreement $ 28,000.00
ACU Naming Rights Sponsorship
Contract Based on Calander Year (9/12th) $ 18,750.00 .
2002 Lease Payment, Cost and Revenue Sharing $ 169,426.80
Less: Amount paid to the City during Year $ (50,000.00)
Less: Security $ (86,307.49)
Total Due City of San Bernardino $ 33,119.31
'Funds placed In an Atloumey/Cllent Trust Account on 01/0812003
Exhibit 2
Stampede Professional Baseball
City of San Bernardino Lease
Fiscal year ended September 30, 2002
Submitted by Per
Stampede Review
Gross Revenue: $ 1,684,252.57 $ 1,684,252.57
Less: Taxes collected
Less: Non baseball events (57,660.45) (57,660.45)
Less: Ticket back advertising (6,500.00) (6,500.00)
Less: Advertising costs (37,252.61)
Less: Trade outs
Less: Parking (68,003.87) (68,003.87)
Less: Program sales
Less: Scoreboard advertising (96,659.00) (96,659.00)
Less: Sky box revenue (117,812.50) (117,812.50)
Less: 2002 outstanding receivables (46,654.07) (46,654.07)
Less: Radio/media advertising (40,\ 00.00) (40,100.00)
Less: Printing program/pocket schedules (10,956.56)
Less: Promo item production (44,054.93)
Less: Promo events (71,965.41)
Add: 2001 revenue paid in 2002 14,800.92 14,800.92
Add: 2002 season ticket deferred revenue 13,792.50 13,792.50
Less: 1999 season ticket deferred revenue (19,259.99)
Less: 2000 season ticket deferred revenue (19,613.48)
Less: 2001 season ticket deferred revenue (27,929.00) (27,929.00)
Gross revenues per lease $ 1,048,424.12 1,251,527.10
Gross Revenue Rent Calculations:
6 luxury skyboxes (City share) $ 40,000.00 40,000.00
$10,000 per month April- Aug. rent 50,000.00 50,000.00
6% gross revenues $lm-SI.2m 48,424 2,905.44 200,000 12,000.00
8% gross revenues $1.2m-S 105m 51,527 4,122.00
10% gross revenues $1.5m
Rent due City from FYE 9-30-02 92,905.44 106,122.00
Parking Payment
Gross revenue parking lot 68,003.97 68,003.9'(
Less: Parking expenses (8,461.25) (8,461.25)
Net parking revenue per lease 59,542.72 59,542.72
Parking payment due City (1/2 net) 29,771.36 29,771.36
Per agreement 28,000.00 45,454.00
ACU naming rights sponsorship
Contract based on calendar year (9112th) 18,750.00 18,750.00
2002 lease payment, cost and revenue sharing $ 169,426.80 $ 200,097.36
Less: Amount paid to the City during year (50,000.00) (50,000.00)
Less: Security (86,307.49) (11,728.18)
Total due City of San Bernardino $ 33,119.31 $ 138,369.18
Concession Revenues for Non-Baseball Events
Gross revenues - non-event concessions $ 17,249.07
Percentage to be remitted to City (20%) 20%
City Share $ 3,449.81
Grand Total due City of San Bernardino $ 141,818,99 ,/
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