HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: James Funk, Director File: 13.96 ORIGINAL Subject: Ordinance Amending San Bernardino Municipal Code Section 10.24.190 to prohibit commercial vehicles on Poplar Street between Pepper A venue and Meridian A venue and on Meridian A venue between Mill Street and the end of Meridian A venue north of Walnut Street. Dept: Development Services Date: January 27, 2003 MCC Date: February 18, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: None Recommended Motion: That said Ordinance be laid over for final adoption ,~/ Ml-rF v James Funk Contact person: ANWAR WAGDY, Traffic Engineer Phone: ";711 Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Map, Ordinance Ward: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 300.00 Source: (Acct. Nos.) 001-187-5111 Acct. Description: Signing & Striping Materials Finance: Council Notes: fy\{> 113 '1 Agel ~D, 1 3!'3)tu CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Subiect: Ordinance Amending San Bernardino Municipal Code Section 10.24.190 to prohibit commercial vehicles on Poplar Street between Pepper Avenue and Meridian Avenue and on Meridian A venue between Mill Street and the end of Meridian A venue north of Walnut Street. Backeround: A neighborhood meeting was held at City Hall with residents of the neighborhood located in the area of the intersection of Poplar Street and Meridian A venue. Councilman McGinnis was present at the meeting. The residents expressed several concerns in the meeting including the travel of commercial vehicles within their neighborhood. Traffic Engineering Staff investigated and evaluated the truck traffic situation. Trucks were observed using these streets. Apparently, some of the truck drivers live within this area, as their vehicles are sometimes parked overnight illegally. Staff also believes that some of the truck drivers are turning into Meridian Avenue under the impression that Meridian Avenue continues north, across the railroad tracks. Meridian Avenue actually ends approximately three blocks north of Mill Street at the tracks, requiring that truck drivers turn around in a residential area in order to return to Mill Street or Pepper A venue. Staff believes that prohibiting trucks in this residential area is not unreasonable. Additionally, it is more practical for this type of vehicle to use Mill Street and Pepper A venue instead. Staff therefore recommends that commercial truck travel be prohibited on Poplar Street between Pepper A venue and Meridian A venue and on Meridian A venue between Mill Street and the end of Meridian A venue north of Walnut Street. Local deliveries will be exempt from the proposed restriction. Financial ImDact: The estimated cost of $ 300.00 for installing the new truck prohibition signs will corne from Account No. 001-187-5111 (Signing and Striping Materials) Recommendation: That said Ordinance be laid over for final adoption Poplar Street between Pepper Avenue and Meridian Avenue & Meridian Avenue between Mill Street and the end of Meridian Avenue north of Walnut Street y. y.)( Location of Proposed Commercial Truck Prohibition HS :::::j ill.. :-0 ~ '" I ==- !::r> : lX(~ ~i <: ~ ~i ~, l. <(~, 0' ' i .....J ' ",L~J I R ~~ 'I 410 0;,\1" KA i IN 5T i~ Ui Iv ~tGON ~t;;i I-i . V'J I..LJ ,..... 11; 0 U s;~SON ~~l ~i ~ i 4'ALNUT :;:~~i '-"""""""lS"" - "':;: I V; Vl r-!:J1'" ':! (Ill y" l ~, I L- ,... ' , t/; I II illli........,'~l~...,.,., . i'--- ........ _ kn V'J, ..m.'~.__'_~ - ,........ 1CHISON w S1-'--~t ~I ;., Vl V>~c5 51' ~ " Q ~, '" WI 12 S'7w >< :5U~' UJ 0. """I 0::: 3\: i ~J:; V'l1~ESTHlfT 1,3 f --sTl.'\"-~ l i Vl l- => Z f- V> '" or W Vl"'tt:: VlVl C) -l CJ ic{]5P;~ANI.A ;; <<:' 51 :E: ,.,- i I --.. W HUFF ST i ' "'0-;:",1 " 0> <( :>- lOT I- <( U'," o ~ 0 <t: I .....J Z ",,) :>::'~ ~ ~:;: d ,.NELl~..N1 u V) l/)- V'Ji!CIR ,v) ~ W ':@1998ThomasBrosMaps 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTION 10.24.190 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT COMMERCIAL 2 VEHICLES ON POPLAR STREET BETWEEN PEPPER A VENUE AND MERIDIAN 3 AVENUE AND MERIDIAN AVENUE BETWEEN MILL STREET AND THE END OF MERIDIAN AVENUE NORTH OF WALNUT STREET. 4 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO 5 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 6 SECTION I: Section 10.24.190, Subsection A, of the San Bernardino Municipal 7 Code is amended to add Subsections 21 and 22 as follows: 8 "10.24.190 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES PROHIBITED ON CERTAIN STREETS shall operate or drive any commercial vehicle upon the following streets, and the Traffic Engineer shall cause appropriate signage to be erected giving notice thereof: 21. Poplar Street between Pepper Avenue and Meridian Avenue. 22. Meridian Avenue between Mill Street and the end of Meridian Avenue north of Walnut Street." /1/ /1/ ORD: AMENDING SECTION 10.24.190 OF SBMC TO PROHIBIT COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON POPLAR STREET AND MERIDIAN A VENUE. 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and 2 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting 3 thereof, held on the 4 5 , 2003 by the following vote, to- day of wit: COUNCIL MEMBERS AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 6 7 ESTRADA 8 LONGVILLE 9 MC GINNIS 10 DERRY 11 SUAREZ 12 13 ANDERSON MC CAMMACK 14 15 16 17 The foregoing ordinance 18 19 20 Rachel Clark, City Clerk IS hereby approved this day of ,2003. Judith Valles, Mayor City of San Bernardino 21 Approved as to form and legal content: 22 James F. Penman 23 City Attorney 24 25 26 27 28 2 .......:. "'... . ~J..r.A ~~ . **.!()R OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT, A PUBLIC DOCUHENT Uo." "~':~r~f-- '. 1 " :"~~~~~:..' '-'-;j:~E:~Jt~ _, _ ". .-- -:'~.~~.S~~~::/.~"' ~ , . . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO :'CITY CLERK'S OFFICEo-'~ .o_~,,, RECORDS & INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date/Dale Adopted: S / '3/ () ::s Item No. r ( Resolution/Ordinance No. A1:" - II ;;9 , , Effective Date: ~131/ 0 'S Vote: Ayes: / - 7 Abstain'-&-' Date Sent to Mayor: 3 / L~/C 0'1 Date of Mayor's Signature: I ~/L/ 03 Date Summary Sent to Attorney: ;.l / 'f,/tJ":>' Date Published: :'3/'7/ Q3 I , . Meeting Type: 9~~ f2.'J A.^ t!A..J Continued From/To & Item No. 9 Ordinance Urgency: Yes Termination/Sunset Date: I@ /J/-, , Nays: G- Absent: .~ Date Returned from Mayor: 3 /:<,-j 03 , ' Dale of Clerk's Signature: 1,/ T;/O '3 Date Summary Returned from Attorney: ~~/y'o-:s Date Seal Impressed: Date Sent for Signature: To Whom: Expiration Date: ~./ L..-~ ~ate Returned: ' Copies Distributed To: % '--: (~. h~ ,:Ib<:, fJ a~vc.-- .;2'~ j/d~ .....--;;:; C7 . '/ J ../ "'/ ./c.---' vY / I'U. C/>.~ "-,, ~*-I cVu~ ~y-.a~~ - 'oJ'!. :se (2.) I ~ / Exhibits Complete & Attached to Resolution/Ordinance: Reminder Letter Sent: Rem i nder Letter Sent: Rem i nder Letter Sent: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Yes Notes: J'~J;..( /..d~ - j/S /03 , I I ;/ If /~) No Ready to File: Date: DOCUMENT tOCA TlON: fORMSI~ II1em Trac:kins Fonn.CC fonn No. 111. Ust Up:;WI!d: 121OV19'J6