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Thursday, January 23, 2003
A. Legislative update - Lee Ann Garcia
B. Regional Representative Report - Nancy Cisneros
. Update on the State Budget crisis and what the budget reduction
proposals mean to cities
"" I IN: ..solution to support Assembly Speaker Herb
'\lesson s lec ,slation to restore the VLF has not been passed by
ur cuunci '''' at. to please do so as soon as possible.
. Grassroots report, including update on the "Call to Action 2003" effort
.e -'IN
. J~IIUal"' ,,'d Sacramento Bee article quoting Finance Director
Steve Peace Nas distributed and discussed. Council Member Diane
Williams repol"' dO that League Executive Director Chris McKenzie
>nlnediatelv 'ailed Governor Davis and demanded Director Peace's
Inq or an atJo1ogy to the Cities for his comments. Director Peace
III .all Mr McKenzie and apologize within the half hour.
JClcramento League Staff has issued a press release and a memo,
'. ~ill 'insmitted to League members and Grassroots
,Jannen, conr ep1ing this issue.
. f'ssemb Tlember Gloria Negrete-McLeod is holding a 12:45
press ..)nTe ~Il. ~ on Friday, January 24th at Chino City Hall to
annOUIl,;e n..r ,-UPPort of Speaker Wesson's VLF restoration
legislation t" ,II~ Safety was alerted to attend and show support.
. h 'Ie .... \eting of the Labor/LOCAL Group is scheduled for
'Dr Jar, I ty should have adoptea the joint Mission
,dtement b' tn,. date.
. ,II ~ity /I, nagers should have received their Call to Action
v J. ,.;ket. a should be scheduling presentations with their
tnQ la, and then Community Organizations through the
J"1l)fj(t "t Fe""lIary. Initial presentations in some communities have
"roduced ou :standing results.
. ,. d the 'late of March 6th open for a LOCAL Legislative Dinner
enco[1' passll Ie 54 Cities of the Inland Empire, Riverside, and
Jeser /I0Ul tall ulvisions at the Ontario Convention Center All
'I 1'1 Ill?
_eolsiators IP,:senting this region have been invited. Invitations
v '''''S 'Ill.. 'I, mers to follow.
. ,lfr,rma 0 was presented regarding a new tool for Cities to
l'Ic ii, ad~ v regarding priority legislation. This is a website,
)ptm v all. 'c.llable on the Web at: www.cacities.org.c1ick on
l'vvCdCY. "'" site will allow you to utilize a draft letter, which
m tle ust'Hr.ized to your City and automatically forwarded to
C. Update on Action for Better Cities (ABC) - Janice Rutherford
JVe Our Services (50S) Resolution has not been
.ouncil, please do so during the month of
JlJr Resolution has been passed, contact Division
p Rutherford at (909) 772-2314; Regional
'Iancy Cisneros at (909) 377-7110; or ABC CEO
, (916) 658-8272 for questions, concerns or
meeting with your department heads or labor
e~ ....
~pl lS :lltaL e-
ll",,, Madric
D. Update on Housing Issues - Lori Sassoon/Janice Rutherford
.~'1 f)1 II )W-UP visit from State Director of Housing and
IT 'ity 110pment Julie Bornstein is scheduled for January
~ \I ~~,ed housing projects in the Inland Empire.
E. Update on Transportation Issues - Darren Kettle, SANBAG
,,'or, a don a~ f.lrovided regarding transportation funding deficits
Ie.., ~ ludget crisis and CalTrans' overestimation of gas
u' "'ss to transportation agencies statewide totals
F. Upcoming Events
. March 6, 2003 - keep this date open for a Tri-Division Legislative Dinner at
the Ontario Convention Center, details will be forthcoming
. March 27/28, 2003 - City/County Conference (no March Legislative task
Force meeting)
. May 14/15, 2003 - Legislative Action Days, Sacramento
F. Next meeting - Scheduled for February 27, 2003
If your City's Legislative Task Force Representative or contact information has
changed, please notify Cherise Kuzminski at (909) 477-2700 ex!. 2022 or email at: