HomeMy WebLinkAbout15-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION From: JAMES FUNK, Director Subject: Resolution ofIntention: Proposed vacation of a I O-foot public utility easement located between 20th Street and 21 st Street, west of Kenwood Avenue. Dept: Development Services/, I : "",r" ; . , :L Date: January 2, 2003 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: File No.15.30-368 MCC Date: 01-21-2003 09/09/02 - Authorization to proceed was given for the proposed vacation of a 1 O-foot public utility easement located between 20th Street and 21 st Street, west of Kenwood Avenue and Plan No. 10514 was approved Recommended Motion: Adopt Resolution !ZG~ ;; it~ -I- 1r James Funk 7 C t t EILEEN GOMEZ on ac person: Supporting data attached: Staff Report/Map/Reso Phone: 5328 Ward: 2 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $1,000 (processing fee paid by applicant) Source: (Acct. No.) 001-000-4780-0000 (Ar.r.t np.~r.rirtinn) Vacation Processing Fee Finance: Council Notes: 'i4:-~ :t+2CD3- 22- Agenda Item No. /5 jJ-Jj/)3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Staff Report SUBJECT: Resolution ofIntention: Proposed vacation of a I O-foot public utility easement located between 20lh Street and 21s' Street, west of Kenwood Avenue. BACKGROUND: On September 9, 2002, staff was authorized to proceed with the proposed vacation of a 10-foot public utility easement located between 20lh Street and 21 sl Street, west of Kenwood A venue and Plan No. 10514 was approved, pursuant to the owner's request. The subject property is located at 399 E. 21 sl Street at the southwest corner of 21 sl Street and Kenwood Avenue. The present owner of the property, Donboyd Leasing, Inc., is in the process of planning for the construction ofa 5,012 square foot building. The building will be an addition to an existing 5,994 square foot medical facility. The additional building is proposed to be located on the east side of the property over the existing easement area. City Departments, utility companies, and all adjacent or affected property owners were mailed notification of the proposal, and were given the opportunity to submit comments on any conflicts or requests for relocation of existing facilities. All responses received were favorable. The existing utilities will be granted temporary easements in the Resolution of Intention and the Resolution Ordering Vacation. All temporary easements will be in effect pending the completion of the relocation process. The City Water Department, Southern California Edison and Verizon California Inc., submitted requests to reserve temporary easements for their existing facilities. When development starts, existing facilities will either be relocated or abandoned, at which time the temporary easements will terminate. On behalf of the property owner, Adkan Engineers is requesting that the City vacate the existing easement in order to comply with the proposed plan. The sewer facilities will be relocated and new easements will be recorded. Adkan Engineers is corresponding with utility companies requiring easements in that area to coordinate a design for the relocation of existing facilities. The attached Resolution of Intention sets a public hearing for February 18, 2003. Upon approval, the Resolution will be published in The Sun, the street will be posted and adjacent and affected property owners will be given notification of the public hearing. At the public hearing, a Resolution Ordering Vacation will be submitted for Council action. FINANCIAL IMP ACT: The $1,000 processing fee was paid by petitioner. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution. LOCA TION OF PROPOSED VACA TION No Scale 5th 51. Mill 51. .; > '" ~ o c o o ~ Orange Show Rd. ~ i= -, , . o VICINITY MAP CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REAL PROPERTY SECTION Vacation of a portion of a 10 foot Public Utility Easement located between 20th Street and 21 st Street, west of Kenwood Avenue. ~ indicates un-incorporated areas ~ within City's Sphere of Influence Created by: LoO';z/o F oqo??y Date: 01/29/2002 I I l I- I I I r ~ 3/\\f-QOOMN3*- I I .z;._~ I o::gn; 55 E ~ t:,g~> I 0.0 (Q .8 l- I a..~w.9 lJ.J lIJ g: I I C/) I .... '" ,os .... .... ~, I .... 10 I ..... CO ~ b ....:~Q-3Q/S>l~\fd- I "' c::l l') I 1 '" <0 ~ ~ c:::; "- II ":t ~ lli ~ to. cQ '" II Co:! .... 0 10 <0 g: Q" II ~ =e C\J .... .... C/) II ~ II '" II .... J L_ <0 <0 ---- <0 0 \. ~~ 5 ~ ; (l)'O-M ...... =>e2Oc:i ~>. CI) .~Ill~liz '" ..- :E ~:s Eo <9...........~OOWQ\fO~fJ_ C\J ::Jw QJ to 0.. 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Q) Q) ..c:: CI) 1 R[SULLTIO,\ '\U. 2 RESOLlTHY\ OF THE CITY OF SA'\ BER'\ARDI'\O DECL\RI'\C ITS 3'1' I'\TE'\TIO'\ TO ORDER THE \'.\C.\TIO'\ OF A IO-FOOT PlBLIC lTIUn L\SE\lE'\T LOCATED BET\YEE,\ 20'" STREET A'\D 21" STREET, \\EST OF 4 I KE'\\\'OOD A YE'\lE. . I , 5 I BE IT RESOL \EO BY THE \1.\ YOR .\'\0 CO\I\10'\ COL''\CIL OF THE LITY UI 6 ! S."-'\ BER'\.\RDI'\O .\S FOLLOWS ! 7i I 8 h~r,b\ ekelarcs its intention tl) order the vacation of a lll-llJot public utility caSeI11ent IOLat~d SECTIO'\ 1. That the \Jalor and Common Council 1'1' the Citl llfSan Bernar,li:]I) 91 ! bet \\"'('n ~U' Street :lIld ~! " Stree!. \\ cst uf Kel1\l oud ,.\ wnlle. descri bed :is Illl II HI,;: 10, i I, .-\ Public L tilitl Ease'men!. in the City I,f San Bernardino. across the souther!1 ti,e-lCet 'ill i (;' I of LOh,J :lIld ~. and the 1l1)1~herh tilc-kct (~.( uf Luts ~ and 6. Ill' Tr:let '\u. ~6~(J. as 1') I; SJ1\~\\'n by plat ()ll hie l!1 Buok 4,:' oj \1ars_ Pagc~ 9~-l)-t l!lcluSI\-c. rccl1rcb ut S~m .......1 i B-.::rardinn CULil1l\'. State uf Cl.difnrlli~L 131: ,. "l.r: SECTIO'\ 2. l"hat thl.... \Li\or ~-l)1l1 Cdll1ll1\)!1 Cuullci! \11' the Cit\ (It'SJI1 B>..'i'lu:'.jino. III ! yaCJ:l:lg the abll\'c cks..:ribc(! pub!il: utility ca'-;i.:.'111~11t. ck'l'tS 111 r"\t"ui..'l'L'd ulhk'r ~llld ill ~lI..'~\ \1'd~lIH':,-' }~ .j r,;: \\it!~ :)](' nl\I\':~i\\]b ufthe "Public ~lr~('h. f Ii~.dl\\~l\S. :md ~c'~'\'iCl' E~:S\?l11l>nt~ \'acati()~l L:1\\-". --1 ....'. _ . :' II 17 i: bcil'; Dil isiun I). Part J. of the Streeb and Hi~hll':!\ s CI,(k Ilf the Sute of Calif,'rni:\. 1C 1u SECTIO'\ 3. Th'll the' holI" ,If -1:11') p.m.. l'll TuesdCl\. February I S. ~UII~. ill the' Cuullcil El, ; Clu!1~h.:rs ~)l' City Hall. ~UU :\onh H[)" Str\.\.:l. S~ll~ Bcnl~ll\_!\1ll1. Ccllit~)rni,L i;-; !i\l'~! ,1:; th-: tim(' :2011 ')11 j and r,Llc(' \\hell and \\-her.... all p~'r:-;l)lb inkrc'slCll ill or llb.iccting tn the propos,.'d \'acJtil.)[l III a:' - Ii ~21' arl".::l:' beldrc the said \Ie!\ur ,me! CO:~l!11U1l Cllunc'i[ :llld uner clid~nce ill relatiun thcreto. hll' .,.3l1 turt;:cr pclrtlCular;--; a:::; to the propu;-;e;J \'~lC,1tlUI1. rc'krcI1Cl' I:::. llL.lde to that I11dp marked "PLm :\0. ] ') ill I ..1 ! IO~ Ir. arp:'ll\cd on September 9. ~IJIJ~. a CI'P' llf\\hich is Ull lik ill th~ "fliee Ill' the Citl Clerk i' ')- ! ~;)I' I ! "I' sai,! Citl. I 261 I ')-, i ! - , I 231 I 101 i: UJ ! , , I YCc . IS: I i/21/zq I 1 RESOLlTIO,'i OF I"ITE1'<TIO'l--- YACATlO:\ OF A 10-FOOT Pl'BLlC l'TlLlTY EASF:\IE"IT LOCATED BETWEE"I 20'" STREET A:\D 21'[ STREET, WEST OF KE"IWOOD A YE.'il'E (1'1,," :\0. 1051~). 21 31 SECTIO" .t, '\othin~ in this Resolution shull in un' \\~!\ UnCC\ t'r disturb ell\\ e\IStll\~ 4 t'~lSCll1(,llts I'or public utilit:- purpt)SCS bclonging ('ither tu the Cit~ ('d" S..lll IL.'rl1~\r(Jinu (':" to ~1l1: 5 IpUblic utilit\ und there is hereby spceiticall) resCI'\Cd le)r the City tlt' SClIl Bcrl\Clt,lino, its 6i [ I Slli..Tl'SSur:-i. heirs and assiglb. ~l kmpurary casemc:nt for sJ.nitary s('\\cr and appurtcnant l~lCilitil.'s -[ I I 8 10\,1.'1' the clltire arC'a proposed to be:' "acated. including the right at ~ll1Y timt'. or frlllll time to timC'. ('I to construct. 111ainl~1in. operate:'. replace and renew s~licl s('\\-er or appurtt'l1<1l1Ct'S includinL: the ri!.!ht 011 ' , 101 lot' in~ress U!\J e!!ress theret,,: and \here is hereby spceiticull, rcser\ed le)r Suuthern Calit'ornia 111 i E I'" ' I' I . II -( 15011, lh Sllccessors. 1l~lrs Zinc assIgns. J. tcmjJl,rary ~as~mcnt tu CUlbtnli.':t. pL1C~. up\?ratc. "! l) i ~ ..-: jil1~p~ct. niJint~lin. repair. repbcc anJ r~Il1U\'(' an) u\\:rhcad or Lllh.kr~l\lund clc'ctril.'al '3, i " [, -~ "~l! transmission and ur distributiun structure cUI1:,i:,tin~ (If \\ir;..':.;. cables. c(lI1duit~, Pi..,)cs. pol-: -~ -..,,- i ; , 1 ~{S! ! ancblrs ~ll1d guy \\ircs, nunhul(' marker:, ~ll1d Ilcc\..':')SJr: tI.\.tLlrc::i ~ll1d ~1)lrlllrtL'lUJh_'\..'S, ~1nd :';~lid i: i! 1 f': i .', '.J, ,k'll1p\"Lll": ;..>~;:,,;..'m(,I1t sh~l!l include d1e ri~h: (If ingr;..'s::; ~l~~j ;..'g:\:'~~ th;..':\:t(l: ~1l1,j tlh.'r;..' i." h..:rl.'b: ..,... I .il ' ispL'cifically rcscn'c'J fl.:)!' thc City ufS~lI1 [h:Tllarllinl1 \l1111ii..'ip~d \\'akr Dc'partI11\?nt. its SUCC('SSIJr:-l, heir:--, ~l11d ~hsigns. ~l tempur~lrY ca:SeI11Cl1t 1'\.11' \\ ~lkr utility r'uqXl~L'S u\'cr t]K' cnt!r\..' a:'L'a I'rOpllscl.t < r' l ;)1 ~Ol:. to b;: \'~h:~lt('d, incluJinu the rid1t at an\' tim\..', ur t'rull1 time to timr.:'. to construct.. lllaintain. :1.' I' ". Ii [I ' " . I . t' 211 iopc'ratc. rcpj~ICC anc rene\\ 011(;' or more plpelllk'S or appurtenances tor t 1(' tran::-;ptlrt~lt1nn u \\atcr ,,')1 J-i and r~lclteclll1cident.1I purpose" .1I1d scud tcll\l'llldi\ o.lsement ,h,1I1 II1cluclc th~ !!~h' t,t lngres' -r'[ -')1 ;.lI1d ~glcsS thcrow: ami therc is herd)) sl'ceilicall, rcscned le)[ Verizon Ccrlit'urniCl. Ine" its 241 i '-I iSllCU:::':::'Ol~, heir~ and assigns. a kll1pOr:.1ry eaSL'!1ll'nt tl..l construct. fllaCL'. operate. inspect. 2.=-. . 26111maintain, rel'elir anJ replace underground ancll1\erheaJ structures consisting DI' \\ ires, cables and 27 lnecessan li':lures and appurtenances and said tempDrelr) easell\ent shall include the right of , ! 28 , 10 I 13 03 1 2 RESOLUTlO'i OF I:'iTE"TIO:'i --- \'ACATlO'i OF A 10-FOOT PUBLIC l'TILlTY EASL\IE'iT LOCATED BETWEE,'i 20'" STREET A'iD 21" STREET, WEST OF II:E'iWOOD A \'E"IT (PI:", .'i", 1051~), 3 ingress dllJ l.'grl.'::;s thl....rcw. .-\11 kmpurary caSl.'mr.:nts rcs,.T\-cd h.?l\.:in sh~dl l\...TI11iIl~ll,-' lll~~\j~ 4 relocation or abandl1l11llelH of e~isting lUcilities. 5 6 7 City SECTIO" :;, That the City EngineeriDeputy Director elf De\e1opll1ent Senil'es i;)!' the' of San Bernardino is hereby directed to cause '\otices of Public L;tility [elss'l1lem \'aeati'ln 8 tll be postcd as required b\ said "Public Streets. I-liglma\s and Scn ice Llselllems \'acatiun 9/ LI\\'" II 1011 SECTIO" (" That the City Clerk shall certify to the adllPtion of this Resolutieln llf -1'1 ~ -II Intention and shall cause the senne to be published once a IIcek fe)r till) sucee"i\e lIeeks in The ! -If),l -"""I,r I Sun. a nellslJaper published and circubkd in the Cit: of San Bernadino. pri,)!' tll the' abl\\e ,bte 13 : ' I ., . i i set forth fllr the public he'lrin~. i -;;1 I .. " , -1"', j;)! .. I. " j: 1 r:; I: 'Q 1'.- i i -'1 0 ~ ~ ~.... i I Ii 2011 ')1 d ~ I i 2211 Ii "3: I ..;... ! 24 25 26 ')- _I 28 I 101 13 U3 21 3'1 I I 4 I CUIllI1Wl' Cuul1cil ur the Cit\ , 5 I hcld un t'k C! I 7i 811 I 91 1 10 ! I, 111 1') 1 -,- ,q "v 1 ~ ..-j , - J ,) ;, j'':;;; '~ -i7 '18 RESOLl T/O'i OF I'iTE'\TIO.'i u_ \'AC\T/O'i OF A 10-FOOT PL'BLlC LTILlTY L\SDIE'iT LOCATED BETWEE'i 10'" STREET ..\..'iD 11" STREET. WEST OF KE'iWOOD A \T'ilE (Pia" 'io. 1051~). I] ILRlBY CLRTIFY th~lt th\..' t'urt?gl)ing rcsulutiun \\~l:) Lilt): ~l,-L,\rtl'd b) lhl..' \ Li:q,r dlh.: uj' S~ll1 I3~n1~1l\.Iinu at a I1h...'\..'ll11::; thlT'-'~'l' da\ ur ,2u_" b~. tlk' f,)llu\\'ing \l)tt.'. kl \\it ('..Htlk'il \kmbt'r:< .\ yp, '\A YrS -\B;;I".\I'\ \13;;[,\1 bTRAD.\ i( J'\(j\-ILLE \ICCI'\'\!;; D:-~RR y ~L.\R[z _\'\DERS(J,\ \'CC.\\I\!.\C "- City Clcrk 20 19 :'llh? L)I<'...>_\;:1~ rc:),Jiull,lll 1:-; heL.'b,- ~l)lPi"l1\-Cl! thi:-; ~_ lb: uf____.___- 2 ()___, i - - ... 21 .2~1 i !; .IL'DIT! I V.\LUS \b:ur Cil: uf S'1I1 Bernardil1" 0,,1 ; "::':dll , , ! j .-\PPl\J\ -..''-: ~L-; to turm " 24[ land kg~l) cuntent: ')-11 -~I iJ \\[E~ j PE'\\I,\'\ 26 I (Jt: -\tl,)1110\ 2i IB: ~/,^rV? '? ~ 28 (j I 10 I I ~O' i ~ ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - NOT A PUBLIC DOCUMENT ** RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEM TRACKING FORM Meeting Date (Date Adopted): I-? 1-63 Item # 1 S Vote: Ayes I, 3- I) Nays .h , Resolution # Abstain L ? (Y:J 3- LZ- Absent ..& Change to motion to amend original documents: Reso. # On Attachments:"'/ Contract term: NullNoid After: - Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: -=-- Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY By: -fl1 Tn-J lufC '0 Date Sent to ~or: Date of Mayor's Signature: j-n-e'-OS (-D.C'-":) Reso. Log Updated: Seal Impressed: / ,/ Date of ClerklCDC Signature: \ . LZ- -<~3 60 Day e on 30th day: See Attached: See Attached: See Attached: Date Retumed:- te Memo/Letter Sent for Signature: 90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day: Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached: Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below): Updated CITY Personnel Folders (6413, 6429, 6433, 10584, 10585, 12634): Updated CDC Personnel Folders (5557): Updated Traffic Folders (3985, 8234, 655, 92-389): Yes /" No By Yes No L.- By Yes No.L By Yes No ~:> By Yes No~ By Copies Distributed to: City Attorney .,/ Parks & Rec. Code Compliance Dev. Services / EDA Police Public Services Water Finance MIS Others: Notes: BEFORE FILING, REVIEW FORM TO ENSURE ANY NOTATIONS MADE HERE ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE YEARLY RESOLUTION CHRONOLOGICAL LOG FOR FUTURE REFERENCE IContract Term, etc,) Ready to File: ,111 Date: )1 ~03 Revised 01/12/01