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. t. . - 1111 1. o DI\IBEOIIIIIfI _......... ~ 'JJ11J 0 ern cir _ ............ C> BI!k)I~--r IDR ~T.cttIu_."'~... ........... F.ralI: RENNElH J. BI!MERSCIl ---1tive Director SUbject: .....T:r.. DI-.- :uaw a:i1.1IImDI Cl'1Y M1D '1!IB DD -- ('15) DIlte: Dec-'.4lr 13, 1990 Sz- T"~. of Pnri.CIua ~..~-.f'/O-uittee ~ In Sept -.. <<:,. 1989, the Mayor am t\ ..... "1 0i:mIcU IIdcpted ResClluticll 1fI111'i'ler 89-340 ap- pI:'aITiDJ a lIIIBll bJsJness 10lln to '!be Mad Gnlek in the 8IIlClJrJt of $50,000. BeL _I'I~ IIotlca.I . 'DIaT.1JBB 1CI....Mm....... ro'PI!.... "&"AN.~"" 181 CJII UII1I__....,..",4:I P1DI JP"f"CI\U '1!IB IM'IO m _ ~ OJ' _ o.rwuua SIGH IlBLUDD m IIII\Ltr --..-SO UWiT --..._ Cl'1Y .III) mil DD .-~~- ('15). ~~_..- Dent ~ -L CCI1tact Pe1:....a: Ken ~~nI"" 1bI,..1'""to Bxine: 5065: 5081 Project Area: SUppc:lrt.in] DIlta AttaciIed: FUNDING ~: NIA wani(s) : One(ll SbtH 'D.a. or t. A1Icunt: $ NIA SaD:tle: li!I"ID T,...n Flmd aJdget Autharity: ~ -.ioIVClCIUIIClil Ibt:es: (0 . lab: 4169 ~n.JIo: .", ~ c I'G C) ~ - -- .L - - o o """imW~a!- IIIBWIUDff 8'DW _-~ 'lbIt u.A ell:: -- ..." ......--- t'~ ~.L 'D1e MlId Greek R8IIta1mmt, located at 480 SCIutb "E" S.........t, san Ilemardino, is an Eca~ Devel___d.. P1.+_ client tar Tohich a SIIIal.l J:uIJmss 101m in the lIIIICU1t of $50,000 ws ~_.ed in August, 1989.. In put, the pm:pose of the loan ws tar the eooJ.osuz:e of the patio area. tar the d1ni.n1 pl-m.1r8 of its i-a......... 'D1e IIpllC8 .is ~y eight~..d (800) II!qW:8 feet $II! 1IaJld haYe A^. .-.. dated lip- praxiatsly ~ (27) addit:icll1a1 patrc.. and nine (9) addit:icll1a1 t:ables en a year-round J-esis. . :. :~:~ to 101m _....nIl by the Kayar.. . and n ..... u 00Unci1, the Pl.anninJ and services DllparI:ment did JlDt ~....... the pemit xequired to .....'..... the patio.... .nus denial_ based upc:n the City Zegu1at1m ~ certain !me spIlC8 beh~ the stxucture of 'D1e IfllId Greek and ~~. Ao........d- !D:l1Y, the clilint bas sutmitted a request IIIIII!IllUng that pdrticn of the arig1nal use of fu!m as st:atsd in the 101m 9'1oatiat fraD tn::l.osing the patio area to the p.u:ci1ase and inlIta1.1aticnof an cutdcar sign.'D1e balance ~ in the loan fund tar 'D1e MlId Greek is $4,326.81. nus lIIIICU1t 1IaJld CXIII8r the prcduc:t1.cn and insta1laticn of an cutdoat: sign. staff bas since zw1sed the Small am.r- lam guidelines for <XIl"".....-tlen pr0- jects. P.rellminaxy written _..val by the Pl.anninJ and 1'"1'<Urq Scvices DepIrt_ merIt is required prier to the appJj.cat.icn for firllux:ia1 assistance tleiD1 ~,.::IS Md. Witbcut 8IJCb written, prilJ.Jminary ~....nIl, the llIpp1.ic::atic is CX'II1S1dered ~let:e and JlDt subject to further 1&" .....~in]unti1 8IJCb aw......nIl is pmvided. I %'lDlo" ...._IaJ. adqJt:icn of the fom JII:Jticn. ~N-nr~ab, -xiv. DI.nct:or Drwel'l _Irt. ~ IOH:NN: lab: 4169 ~D.. -..".......-. IfIIet:iJIq Ilat:el U/17/'O .L SIGNS BY -CQ.....ee> . ..... o lltI4-)~ . 272 souTtt I Smea. SAN ~NO. CA 12410 PH. 7,. .85 me FAx 7,... II CIII. a.......... UDIMt No. 117141 p CONOlnONAL SALES AGREEMENT THIS AGAEEMENT. _ June 19. . ,.~. - ClUIEl. --. EI.ECTRIC _lIEIMCE CO. INC. _. ond ~ 1l€ GREEK (In IndIwIduoI) (a :."...""", (a ......_~ """"-r. fill 480 South E Street. San BernardIno. CA - WITNElI8ETH: ,. IILUII _........._ _.....-1Ild poylor"_ dIoploy ......._ _... "DIopIof' In . hIrIlI~ .. torIh. .. PIlICI: 1lle...... fill DIopIoy _ be, 4.3&9 .69 ....... ._: .. -.. 1,469.69 _~ _. 2.900.00 ...... CQIOleUon :'.......272_ .,..~:; =='~~'0 b=::""......::':.,.....":. --.~~-~1.~~-...- 4. ..w1CA-'-, AoporQUELIIlO8.PItI..5I0478 c.Io 6/l8nO (A) F'abrl~te end install tlIO 8' xli' fece replaCllllllnt. for one ex1lUng doIble face internally fluorescent Illllll1nated .Ign a. per Sketch f90478.' . A.."wllhhllJ<<- "I. _1fId I. 'mU: o...r-",~.... _In _......"'..__-. ond.."'....._.___...,........._. _...... fIII.lnJuIy..or-......fllllIIIpIo)'...._fIII...or__"'~_._ln...r . ."'_or..__.___.__ or"-'....fIII....._. 6'l.' PAlIN\' PIIG1K.""" - _.. _.... -...ry _......., ond.. _lor _ fill............. _ _ fill 1IItpIaf.1n.._ \!JII mlllna.._.........-......_. '.' . 7. _AIlLT: -..-..-..-....In..-.,;-._Iir__fIII..,"'.... 1-....................__or.......... ..... of.... '-.-ll.. q,ntenIlDn thinof. ~.lRlOh~CCII$l..." ,*,.;_~... __ __... ~.... ..~ ... - fIII"-""; or' i .:ez:" ......- .. - p . . '" ......... '" _. or . _. iii...... . .......... ond, or.. """"- ~~.. ......... "lOcalild. or.... Of'" or_.. _.. ....boNII. -"'..........iIIln-.or____or._poI\ -.' or...............lIoi. .....!lIllk!nond__"'. _....,. -....-. "","",1ooIonci "'.....-__.... ~I1', duo.... or----..PiIroI.--.."'.............__...............~...n"'_.ond_............_ond_or_ 1ogaI_.~~~~Jllbr' " ."'DIII*1....--.___.........8IIIliiId......_p . 11' ''''~..._'''n....''-_.. =--....... 1i . 1Wt.............,.......Ul r ..............,. _ . ....~ "I"Ic',,-...,Ilt..... ...... 1AW........;TiI ._......far _flllDIepIaJ.....~.. __"_"L I1n,_,.,_~..' -.........-.-...-II!l..............__.Ioul_...be_ '" "" 10, aoI! pitjlIOr.. PIlII!!iI Of I!I\VaIO -. - _lor ~......... _ or....................... (It_ _ _.. __.. __...... .. .....In.... ..__I...... iuIIolanI)L.... or - .......1!fopIar.... ..... '" _. ond _ .. __In ..... _. _ _ .... ...... ond _ !!'Il'1IId"'any ~ .... ........-.....- - oddaCl..... _ ......... _ br........ _.110 "'" _ .. _ __.. be paid br ........ -........_fIII.-.ondlOOlllllngllltDlav............iO_..poy.._...~_. -. :r.1n_--.......,......., .. - Dltplayor-.,.anr....duo -...._..... 1'11"'-....... "poy__ ..... ond lor......,.. .....CaurI_......, .-. M___-__II.._Gl1\Vpor_. .. an"~_____ALl' __ond__.,- . ..... .. ACCIPTANCE OF ~ -IT: 1NIAlrllRllnl ~ ..~~ 1''''''' 10.. IIMI:........... .... ...... lOr 11'1 ..4.......... unit........ "oran -fill -.... ...in.....,.. - fill -.... z: ....lIIntanClimor............. hoioIir--.:s:- ond...... I ..___ :::---.... ~~'-'-_-~_~~'- ~~"':.w. _ __ , ~ ACCEPTED By_ ~ -41~ - 4..~1WU __ 0II0Ir Tille Tille (j? tv HwTt. n.t. CIUAIIAH1'Q: . For__. IOf.....-.Jgnad.)alnllyond__. ..........~. ond......odIIfc.4Il_..~..... "''''''III_duo ~-"loowgolno-~. ..._ondlor....~.......lIIIlId;ond.._,\_..."'.._ ~ brCloar._~. fI '" ..... ...... -...,.. -. Ao . ..1lI..-.... ..=. . _..- _ be IIIndInt _.... . ..... -. ....... \. ...._..._-.fIII_'" ..ldooolflllOd._... ........no-"'"":_...Ownor"'..__beNqUkoil'" . ._-"'any-.....-..~chorigooOfm.r. .--brOwnorond . ~ ., ., 9lt r .tkW " ca..-._.h..