HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06- RDA Item .-. O JZVIl!rnaa.r JZlIARDa.r ag ~ Clft ag aN IlERllJDnnI"I -v ~ lOR ,......".~~...:I.. 1- ~. I. .....&."11.. o Prall: _ maumr J. HENI:ERSCN 'Il'wocIrt:iva Director SUbject: JlllaT.T. MI~J'L'la lour WZ'DI ftft'....... 1IIIBBL MID TIRB ~'"Y Date: I)l>. .J...r 4, 1990 S)-~i. ~ Pnri.cus ~ ..f.cmIt--U/a.....d.ttee llI::t:iciDl em NoI...t-. 30, 1990, the Eocllaldc D8I/el.1..-lt p.,~GIII ClaIIIIit:tee (!me) 1'8Ir18ied lIrxi CXII'ISidered the IIIIlIlll business lam i"elplst sutDitted l:ly Inlard 1Il8el. lIrxi Tire lIrxi ~ ....-ded ~oNal. of same to the Mayor lIrxi n ..... "\ CD.mpU. - - 'It.., . -~ 1IotiaD.. (IfaJar IID4 0 "'- ",.........') o BBIOItr.......... or DIll JiAJrm MD CDIDI.OJv--". or.. CDY",.. ~ JaI):.-........ A1lD ~-.l..uG '1'811 _.l'.wn ag A _U. ..,U""''!' UlUIAo-lLIDI'1' du_ '1'BI Clft ag aN ~ t8VBIDIIa.r !liI!:PARDam' mID ftft'....... 1IIIBBL MID TIRII ClCIIPMIY~ =~- DllV-1, '1 -.,L ~ Ca1tact Persau Project Area: - Ran. ~J'Uae+o___ Na7.Jlt"""O Hlcne: 5065: 5081 Net:. a......., f,..h1. wardell) : One (1\ ~ Data Attac::bed: R't'.JItf'''' 'C'aI.~..l, ~'ution: nm-PiTUl!l~ A....L~lJt PUNOIN:; ~: .lImamt: $ 50.000.00 SCIume: F.I'lP T""'" P\md lb3get Authority: n.-f ..iozvnr.~l BoWsI o lab:4156 JIg8DlSa It:8a au .6 -.-_.., _.~.- ..._'---_._--~----~---_._-~-._._.__.- o c - , o o ~ I81'ARDa.r 8'lAI'J' &Q:i&'UlU TIt'.""....1 """ '1'ir8 B'ID T~ 9'111-_ _lat:lan. O~ ^ _ ....Iy Caryls a..-..- 1t.J.es, Inc., dbIl: Inland lIh8el and Tim, has been in qlerllticn for three (3)}'8ImI. ~ ~ was established en Mim:'h 1, 1987. '!be pmb:tS and services offered by the ~. in::1ude the sale an:! inst:al.1atiai of _'''', tires, .stemos and ",..,.", systems. '!be primaty IIIID'et area for the n..,oflIlyls prcducts and services is the Inland~; bcwaver, ~use of trade IIbcws and pmlDticluctivit1es, a significent: cl1ent:ele is at.l:.......Ud f:raa areas as far I1!Ay as san Oiego and Ial Arg!>'ow. 0JstaDer satiafact:icr1 in this highly ~f.' iHd area serws to belpin tb8 pm- lIICItic:rl of the ~18 pn:XIuct:i!I an:! services. '!be pmb:ts Offered by the Q:m- pmy inwlve a high degx~ of ~.1f,~ in ~ oflllll8l:1niJ the r.a. of its c:ust:cIIIl!irs. 'lba~ haS ~ted V8Xy ..". N~tuUy in several EMlrJts for high-end stereo scun:i systems far aut-............1le&. . '!be ~IW is an.......aUy located at; 640 West: Hill SL.._t, san ilemarcsino. 1ft- sent IIpIIC8 .... to be 1MdeQuate far the l8ve1 of services ofA.....cl. A planned EIXplmIIicIn 1111:0 *A('fJit1es within the 8lllIl8 <u~.....c1a1lYWlp'eic wa1ld provide llItii- tia1a1 8lJJU'8 footl!Ige for the servJ.c1n,;r llSpec:t: of the business. A V8Xy 0...--.- vative grgwthptOjectian.is pnwided en the at;t-~ cuhflclllr d1art given the highly "Ip"('f_1f'AId Illltur:e of the businesS and the an......d., incI:elIsJ.n;J cSemm1 far the ~'s pn:XIuct:i!I and services. JmIauftt: Jmd ..~ or T~ Inland tbIel. and Tim is ~ a.1can in the IIIIlICUrtt of $50,000 f:raa.the EIP loan fund far the putpOse of prcv1ding cpatia1a1 cash flclIIr far the pm:tue of invent:ar:y, labor and costs re1atintJ tq the n."~l\Y18expensicn})lans. 'lb8 Q:m- pany is in the pl.......... of ~ its cperaticn f:raa p:avi.c:lilq sales and ser- vices to the g&l-.&1 pnhl ie, to ~ sales and services to area car dea- lersh1ps. '!be effect: of this is that the n-oopany will now receive pI!lyIIIIlnt far services nuldt.....cl thJ:aIgh mcntbly invcJ.c1n}. Rata IlII4 -.... of T_ '1be lam in the IIIIlICUrtt of $50,000, if aw...W8d, will be amart:ized over a period of eight (8) years, at an interest rate of eight pero....L (M). 0.., 111.....' '!be 0 .'1 errz is offeJ:'iJq the use of invent:ar:y and aooount:s receivable valued at $134,657.65 and $20,000, respectiV8ly. Please note that the. invent:ar:y IIIIlICUrtt is stated at CXlSt, and has a retail value of $300,000. o KlH:1ab:4156 I'YWIIT.II'.... '...IIIC....~...l.. IIIetiD;r llIltaa 12/1O/1HO o o. - - " ~ ~.Q,. "Da<<6: Tn,.....1Ihee1.lIIIl! '1'ln BDP IDIIJI. ~_......... PIIge -2- o Jab ~~_ '!be O..,eny 8llplICta to ~ ~y tcur (4) DIllif positicnl, bio (2) of Wich havabeen -""ecl to begin eIIpl.oyment en Dee-.J<< 5, 1990. Ita.... ...-...1At-:..cm. '!be EcanaIIic DBvel..........d. P.l.....".,.....Q:aaittee (mE'C) has rev1eIoi8d and evaluated the SIIBll I:lusineu lcBn ~ subaitted by Inland 1II88l and Tim and :r:-.. ...,-.ldto to the Mayor and t\_.~._II. Cl:IunCi1 ~\dal of _. I :t9. ....-.Id adcpticn of the ~......-, %1lSOluticn. ~_..- DIvel.-~ --,.1. . o KJH:lab:4156 ~:D:ef ~...... IIIetiDq Ilatel 12/10/11'0 - - .-. ~-_._-~ - - .- ---- --- -- -.--. _.~.__..._--- o INlAND TIRE AIID IlIlEEL o 1990 "IUd proJ.cted 1991 "IUd proJeCt.d ~- o 1992 ....d. proj.ct.d 1993 ....d projected Gros. R.c.ipt. or SlI.s L.s.: R.turll . AlloMlIC's ..------- .-------- --------- --------- 706,998 l00.00t 921,085 100.00' 1.200,000 l00.00t 1.563.374 100.00t ---------- --- Totel Cost of 600ds Sold -- -------___ __ J. -- 706,998 100.00t 921,085 100.00t 1,200.000 l00.00t 1.563.374 100.00t 565,140 79.94t 736,271. 79.94' 959,222 79.94t 1.249.685 79.94' --__ J. 6ross Profit -.-- -------..--- --------- -------- 141.858 2O.06t 184,814 20.06t 240.778 20.06t 313.688 20.06' Dividlllds IIt.rllt Oth.r hco.. "O~ U ~* ~ ~* ~ O~ 1,384 0.20t 1.803 0.2Ot . 2.349 0.2Ot 3.060 .0.20t &ROU IIICOIlE --------- .. 111 143,256 20.2" 186.636 2O.26l 243.151 2O.26l 316.780 2O.26l J _____ " EXPENSES: . Adv.rtisil8 Bilk Servic. Cher... Clr end Truck OUII lid SUbscriptio.. Insur..CI L.gII lid Prof.sliolll Offic. EIP. R..t EIP. RlPlIrs 511Iri.. lad WIg.. 5uppli.s TIIII Travel utilities Oth.r Elp,ues 22,656 4,358 2.726 1.132 9.504 2.100 13.166 11.460 2.054 o o 1.600 o 6,502 8.700 3.2Ot U2t . o.m 0.16l 1.34t 0.30t 1.86l 1.62t 0.29t 0.23l 0.92t 1.2n 29,516 B78 3,551 1.132 12.382 1,000 17.153 11 ,460 2.676 o o 2.084 o 8,471 U.334 3.20t U2t U" 0.l2l 1.34l o.m 1.86l 1.m 0.2" O.23t 0.92t 1.23t . 38.454 7.397 4.627 1.132 16.131 1.000 22.347 11,460 3.486 o o 2.716 o 11.036 . 14.767 3.m U2t o.m O.on 1,,34l O.08t 1.86l O.96t 0.29t 0.23t 0.92t 1.2n 50,099 9.637 6.028 1.132 21,016 1.000 29.114 11.460 4.542 o o 3.538 o 14.378 19.238 3.20' 0.62t o.m 0.078 U4l 0.06l 1.86t 0.73l O.29t 0.23l O.92t 1.23l TOTAL EXPENSES ------------ ---..- -- .. - --------- 87.260 12.34' 106.438 11.56t 134.553 11.21' 171,181 10.95' TOTAL NET INCO~ 55,996 7.92t -- ----------- ------------ ---------- Curr.nt I.t.r.st EIP. 10.512 1.4" 8.,197 8.71t 108.598 9.051 145,598 9.31t 9.461 1.03t 8,515 0.71' 7.663 0.49t ------ --------- -------- ------ 45,484 6.43l . City IIt.rest PIYlllt O.OOt City PrilCipd Ply..nt O.OOt ---- o AIlOUIlT or LOAN . 850 .000 INTEREST RATE . 8.* TERll Of LOAII . 8 YEARS (96 NONTNS) "ONTNlY'AYB . 706.83 70.737 .7.68t 100.083 8.34t 137.935 8.82t 3.832 0.421 3.446 O.29t 3.028 0.19l 4.650 0.50t 5.036 U2t 5,454 0.351 o.on ----- --..----- 91,601 7.63t 129,453 8.28' 62.255 6.7" ------------------.. () o o o o 1J'IISOUr&AAAI ~ ......... <B 1. '!he Kayar of the City of San Bemardino is b-dby autharizec1 to execute, en beha1t of the City of San Ben1atdi.no, a loan ~_d. with Cklty's ~ ,des, dba: Inland Wbeel. an:! Tire ~, 1d1ic:h loan ~_d. is attacbed hereto - Exhibit "1" an:! is moo.._..ted here1n by xefa......... _ tbw fUlly set forth at lerJ;Jth. '!he ag1._1t provides tar the loaninq of tun:Js tr the small busbIess loan Pl.......CIIU in the amount of $50,000.00. ~.f1"llR2. '!he aut:harizaticns to execute the abc:Ma mfem.....cl ...............d. are rescind 14 ir the parties to the agL..........l fall to execute same within sixty (60) days of 15 the P"--)8 of this msolutic:n. 16 17 Mayer an:! n ..... .\ 0:uncU of the City of San Bemardino at a 18 IIl8liltin:J thImlof, beld en the _ day of 19 . follcwin] vct:e to wit: 20 21 IIII 22 IIII IIII 23 IIII IIII 24 IIII IIII 25 IIII IIII IIII 26 1111. 27 IIII 28 lab: 0681 I HEREB! ~'.Ll'"t that the 1'Ql~iD;J msolutic:n was duly adcpted by the , 1990, by the 1 mp ~J1"U'~ 12/10/10 ale 11:9. . -~ -----~_.- - ------- --. - ". -. - I o o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 . 20 21 Bl(: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Rt!lEIClIDrDr ~ SHALJ. BD8DlE:SS UllIH ~ m:u_ cr.rr W DIUIID 1IIJII!ZL >>II) TIRB -----,.,,- O:mntd 1 ......1...1.:. MIll - MI8TAnI . 1!S'DWlA plP.TTry FIalES M1lIJtSIEl( MINOR !OPE-IDDIllH MIIl.ER CityCltmc '!be icmIgoirq msol.ut:ia1 .is he1.ct.y IIRlt'CMId this _ day of , 1990. W.R. '1JlCI8" B:I:aJGl, IIUCR Clty of 8aIl ~ AR;lrov8d as to fmm am legal ~,t...,L: JAMES F. PJ!HfAN City Attamey lab: 0681 2 BDP 1nMII'W...U'".~ 12/10/90 ax: Ktq. o o o .L 11 - o o C~TY 0., sa BB8nRDllIO COJOl1JBITJ DIIVBLOPJlBII'1' DBPUDlIl'1' "BCloaoaiCl D..elopllleDt: 1I1'091'u" ( IDB-.,iDuCled) BORROWER: Inland Wheel and Tire PROJECT TITLE: Business EXDansion/ODerational Cash Flow PROJECT ADDRESS: 640. West M111 Street San Bernardino. CA 92410 LOAHISNUHBER DEPARTMENT CONTRACTs. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT lOlI/lab/0256 ." . o o o - SeotloD 1fI11II".r SIICTIOR I S101. S102. S103. S104. 8105. ill j - - o o TABU 01' .cg.z..zJ. (IDB-l'lDaDoed) lI.flt:l. PUTIIS, TlllUI8, CORDUIORS PRIICIIDIJIT UD IRDIIPIIRDIJIT STATUS Partie. to the Agre8lllent Representative. of the Partie. and Service of Rotic.. Term of this Agreement Condition. Precedent Independent Contractor statu. of the Borrower SIICTIOR II PURPOSII 01' AGRllJIJIIIft ARD LOU, LOU TIIUI8, ARD PROJC:r:SSOay RO!'I S201. S202. S203. S204. Purpose of the Agre8lllent Purpose of the Loan Terms of the Loan Promi.sory.Rote SIICTIOR III . RIIPRIISIJITATIORS UD COVDlAR7.'s 01' . BORROna, UD DIII'AULT S301. S302. S303. Repre.entations of the Borrower Covenants of the Borrower Default S401. SIICTIOR IV RllPORTS, RllCORDS ARD AUDITS S402. S403. S404. Reporting Requir8lllent. . Kaintenance of Records. AUdits and Inspections Validity of Financial Documentation Submission. i ZI!a 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 - . 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 o o o seotion Nulllher 8405. 8406. 8BCTIOII V 8501. 8502. 8503. 8504. 8505. 8506. 8507. 8508. 8509. 8510. 8511. 8512. 8513 . 8514 . 8515. 8516. 8517. 111 1 - T~ 01' conDITs (CC)n~...) (IDB-I'inaaoee Aqr....n~) o l'i~l. .ba Release of Funds from Escrow 12 Reconveyance Fee 12 GDIlur. TlIlII8 &lID COIIDITIOll8 Indemnification and Insurance Requirements Prohibition Against Assignment Limitation of Corporate Act. Amendment. and Waivers 12 14 14 14 Compliance with 8tatutes and Requlations Conflict of Interest Political Activity Prohibited Lobbying Prohibited 14 15 16 16 Installation of Financial Assistance 17 8ign Press Relea.es 17 Discrimination Prohibited 17 lIondiscrimination, Equal Employment 17 Practice., and Affirmative Action Plan Employment OPportunitie. fOr Business 17 and Lower Income Persons Participation of Minorities, Women and 19 8mall Businesses Captions 19 Effect of Legal JUdgment 19 Choice of Law Governing this Agreement: 19 11 o s.ctioll "I~h.r S518. S519. - T~ or COIl'1'DlTS (C9IltiIlU.4. ~ (IDB-'illallo.d Agr....nt) '1it1. Prohibition of Legal Proceedings Right. and R...die. S601. SBCTIOB VI DlTIRB AGRBBMBII'1' S602. KJH/lab/0257 o o Complete Agreement Number of Pages and Attachments Execution (Signature) Page AT'l'ACHHBRTS Attachment I -- Employment Action Plan Attachment II -- Insurance Requir..ents iii ZAa 19 19 19 20 21 o c o l J. ~ L ~ ~ o o AGUBHBJr1' IlUllBBa (IDB-J'iDuce4) BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE Inland Wheel and Tire Bu~in~~~ f~pan~fon/ODerational Cash Flow (RELATING TO) THE PROJECT ------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS AGREEMENT is Jll&de and enter.d into by and betwe.n the City of San Bernardino, a municipal corporation, her.inafter call ;~;;r:~f:: call~gltt~'t'~1:~~.~&: ' )(%%11.44.%8 WHEREAs, the City has enter.d into a Grant Agr...ent with the United States Department of Bousinqand Urban Development, hereinafter called the Grantor, i'ursuant to Title I ot the Bousinq and CODllllunity Development Act of 1974, as amended, hereinafter referred to as BCDA, to address the cODllllunity development n.eds of the City; and WHEREAS, the CODlIIIunity Developlll8nt Department, hereinafter called the "COD", has baen. d...iqnated by the City to provide for proper planninq, coordination andaainistration of the City'S pro- qralDB as described in the City'. Grant Agr....nt with the Grantor, and of c.rtain proj.cts fund.d by the City; and . WHEREAs, the CDD cooperates with private individuals and oZ'9anizations, Oth.raqencies of the City and aqencies of oth.r qov.rnm.ntal jurisdictions. in carryinq out c.rtain functions and proqrlUlls which are its responsibility; and . WHEREAS, the SlIIall Busin.ss R.vo1vinq Loan Fund proqram has b.en established by the City as part of a City of San Bernardino Economic Development :ProqrlUll C"EDP"), and hall been approved by the San Bernardino Mayor and CODlIIIon Council; and WHEREAs, the project which is the subj.ct of this aqreement meets the requirements of the above described proqram; and WHEREAs, Borrower has applied to the City for a loan to help finance the project; and . WHEREAs, the City is willinq to lend monies to the Borrower on the t.rms and conditions set forth h.rein; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of and in reliance upon the foreqoinq and upon the covenants, aqreements, representations and warranties her.in contained, the City and the Borrower aqree as follows: ~-_._-- -----------.. Q () Q aHALL 8Ua%Oa8 LOut ~UBJIBIl'l %D8-Fln_oe4 V I'eqe -2- o 8BeTZOR Z. PAR'l'rBS. '1'.RM. COIID:ITIOHS PUCBDBJI'1'. 2Um :IHDBPBRDRft .S'1'A'1'U8 8101. Par~i.. ~o ~h. .Gr..m.B~. The parties to this Aqreement are: 1) The city of San Bernardino, a municipal corporation, having its principal office at 300 North .D" street, San Bernardino, California 92418. 2) The Borrower, ..Inbnd WhUl and Tire having its priiiClpal address at. 640 west H111 Street ~an RArnArdfnn. CA 92410 , . The Borrower is (a ) sole Prorfetor (fictitious name enterprise, ndividual, California Corporation(qeneral partnership/limited partnership.) 8102. R.D~...n~.~iv.. of ~h. Par~l.. and Servla. of .o~ic... The representatives of the respective parties who are authorized to administer this Aqreement and to whom formal notices, demands and communications shall be given are.as follows: 1) The representative of the City shall be, unless other- wise stated in the Agreement: .1Ir. JteDDeth J. Ben4ersoa, Direotor Community Developmeat Department 300 Rorth !'D" 8treet, Fifth I'loor . 8aa Berau4iao, cA 12418-0001 2) The representative. of the Borrower shall be: =~n ~:~~i:fl~eft~~t San Bernardfno. CA 92410 3) Formal notices, demands and communications to be given hereunder by either party shall be made in writing and may be effected by personal delivery or by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt reques- ted and shall be deemed communicated as ol the date of - mailinq. 4) If the name of the person desiqnated to receive the notices, demands or commUnications or the address of such person is chanqed, written notice shall be given, in accord. with this section, within live (5) workinq days of said chanqe. SMALL BUSInS8 LOU AGRBBMBIl'I ~DB-FiD&DGed C) Page -3- o 4:) S103. ~.ra o~ ~his Aar..meft~. This Aqreemen~ shall 'remain in full force and effe~ frOll ~e date of execution by Borrower of ~e ProIIl18sory Note, until such time as said Prom18sory Note is paid according to its terms, subject to ~e provisions of 8303 herein. 810C. COD4i~ioD. Pr.a.4.ft~. A. Prior to ~e execution of~is Aqreement, the Borrower shall submit to the City for approval in wri1:ing an Affirmative Action Proqram Plan in accordance with 8ection'512 herein. . B. In the event that Borrower is a corporation, then prior to the exeCUtion ofth18 Agreement, the Borrower shall Provide ~e City with copi.s of the following dOC\Ul8nts: . '. 1) o Borrower's Articles of Incorporation, and all amendments thereto, as, filed with the Secretary of state. Borrower's By-Law., and all amendments thereto, as adop- ted by the Borrower and properly attested. 3) Resolutions or o~er co:i:porate a~iona of the Borrower's Board of Directors, properly attested or certified, which specify the nameCs) of the personCs) authorized to obligate the Borrower and execute contra~ual documents. 2) 4) Certificate of Good standing frOll California Secretary of state. . C. In the event that Borrower 18 a partnership, ~en prior to ~e execution of ~is Agreement, ~e BOrrower shall provide ~e City with copies oftbe Borrower's Partnership Agree- . ment, and evidence of filing thereof with appropriate filing official.' . D. In the event the Borrower is an individual doing business under fictitious name, a copy of ~e Fictitious Name State- ment and evidence of the proper filing ~ereof. 8105. %D4.b.D4.D~ eOD~r.a~or 8~a~u. e~ ~~. Borro.er. The parties agree that the Borrower is an independent con- tractor and that no employees of ~. Borrower hav4l! been, are, or shall be employees of ~. City by virtue of this Agreement, and the Borrower shall so inform each employee organization and each employee who is hired or retained by it. o --- - ------.-.--..------------------.---- .,SMALL BU8IHB88 LOUAGRBBMDI'I IDB-pilluced V Palle -c- o 4:) 8BCTIO. II. PURP08E 01' AGRIIBMBII'l' AIm LOU. LO~ R1UUI. AIm PROIO:880R" IIqR 8201. ParDo.. e~ ~h. .ar....B~. The purpose of this Aqre..ent 18 to provide Fi ftv Thqusand -----------------------------------------------------00~ (50,000.00 ) of EDP un s to oane e C y to the Borrower, hereinafter oalled the wLoanw, for the purpose and under the terms and conditions set forth herein. 8202. PurDo.. or the LaaD. The purpose of the Loan i. to provide financial assistanoe to enable the Borrower to: c 1. Provide operation cash flow to enable the business to pur- chase additional inventory and acquire labor assistance in the business expansion efforts. 2. The company is in the process of converting its operation from providing sales and services to,the general public, to sales and services to area car dealerships. The borrower will, however, continue to service the general public; but his primacy focus will be on area dealerships. 8203. "arm. ar the LoaJl. A. The City aqrees to lend the Borrower, and the Borrower . aqrees to borrow from the . City, an amount not to exceed f:iJbY Thnll"llnil ,nit og/100-------------_______DO~, ($50.000.00 ), su transact10n ereinafter referred to as the wLoanw. The Loan is to be evidenced by, and lIIade aqainst delivery of a Promissory Hote executed by the Borrower, hereinafter called the WHotew and by this reference incorporated herein. The Hote shall (1) be dated as of the olosinq, (H) bear interest on the unpaid prinoipal at the rate of eight percent (81 ) per annum, (Hi) be for a term of Eight (8 . ) years, and (d) provide for payment of the principal amount thereof and the interest thereon in. Ninety Six B. o o () o . .SMALL BUSIOS,. LOAWGUBMBft IDB-J'illuoe4 '" . Page. -5- o ( 96) equal monthly installments of Seven HlJndred Six and 00/100- ------------------------------------------------------------- DO~ ($ 706.83 ), each includinq principal and int.rest, and continuing until said principal and inter.star. paid in full. C. Each monthly installment shall h. applied first to the payment of interest then accrued to the date the payment is receiv.d, and the halanc., if any, to the reduction of the principal.! S20e. promi..orw .o~.. A. The ohliqation of the City to make the Loan is subject to rec.ipt hy the City of the Hote and, at the City's sol. discretion, to the followinq additional conditions prece- ~M: . 1) The representations and warranties made herein hy the Borrower shall he true and correct at the time of consideration hy the Mayor and Co_on COuncil of the City of San Bernardino with the same eff.ct as though mad. at the closing. 2) Rec.ipt hy the City from the Borrower of all executed dClCUlllents in conn.ction with this Agreement; satisfac- tory in fOrm and substance to the City. 3) If matching funds constitut. a part of this Agr....nt, then Borrow.r ahal.l ohtain _tching funds in an amount equal to the amount of this loan and, as required hy the City, deposit said _tching funds into an account with N/A 'scrow Aqency. The City and the Borrower have mutually agr.ed to the terms and conditions as set forth in the BlDployment Action Plan, which is attached-hereto as Attachment I and hy this reference is incorporated herein. 4) B. The Hote is to he secured as follows: 1. Inventory (wholesale) valued at $134,657.65 with a retail value of $300,000.00. 2. Accounts receivable with an estimated valued at $20,000.00. 3. Personal guarantee. C. Borrower shall have the riqht, without penalty,. to prepay the Hote together with the accrued interest thereon as of the date of such pr.payment. o () '0 I ."HALL BUSI1IBSS LOU MUBIIBJI'l' IDB-~lDanoe4 V .&ge -.- o ~,,, D. The Borrower acknowledges and agrees that tbe amount being provided under this loan sball be for a total of Fifty ---------------------------------------~~, ( 50,000.00), and that no add onal fun s to cover addi- tional projects costs, anticipated or unanticipated, incur- red as a result of cost overruns or expenses' in ~inancing this project, are available under this Agreement. SBCT:IOH III. UPUSBH'l'A.'l'rONS MID COVBNA.H'l'S O. BOllllOWRll. MID DB.A.UL'l' 8301. BI!Dr...Il'tat:ioll. of 'the Borrmrar. , To induce City to enter into this Agreement, Borrower cove- nants and represents to City that: 1) The execution, delivery and performance of the Note .and this Agreement by Borrower bave been duly authorized by BorrOwer. This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Borrower, entorceable in accord- ance with its terllS.. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the note, and consWlllDation of the transac- tions her. in contemplated, will not conflict with, or result in a breach of, any of the teX'lllS, provisions or conditions of any indenture, contract, instrwaent or agreement, including any partnersbip agreement, to which Borrower or any of its Officer. i. a party. No appro- val, consent or authorization of any governmental authority is necessary for the execution, delivery or performance by the Borrower of this Agreement or of any of the teX'lllS and conditions. . 2) Borrower has good and lIUlrketable title to the real pro- perty identified in 8204B of this Agreement, located at N/A , San Bernardino, California, and it is free and clear frOlll all liens except as set fort~ herein: N/A . 3) Borrower is in compliance with all applicable statutes, laws, regulations, and executive orders of the United States of America and all states, foreign countries, other governmental bodies and agencies having juriSdic- tion over its business or properties, including (without limitation) all tax laws and Borrower bas not received notice of ,ny violation of such statutes, laws, regula- tions or orders wbich bave not been remedied prior to the date of this Agreement. Borrower possesses all licenses, tradenames, trad8llUlrks, and permits as are required for conduct of its business without conflict with the rigbts of others. o o o 41 - .l,. UllL- - III 0 _ 4 "SHAloL DVSlnss z.o~GUBllDl'i IJ)D-l'iDUCle4 . ny- paqe -7- 8302. D. There is not pending or threatened against Borrower, or any of its officers, any act:ions, suits, proceedings or investi- gat:ion. at lIlw or in equit:y or before or by any federal, state, municipal or governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or instl'Ulll.ntality which, if d.ter- mined adversely, would b. likely to have a materially ad- v.rs. eff.ct on the busin.ss or properti.sof Borrower. Each and .very financial statement, docum.nt and, r.cord . d.liv.red by Borrow.r to the City in conn.ct:ion with this Agr...ent and the proposed ~ansact:ion h.r.under iIIi a true and compl.te copy of said financial statement, docum.nt or record, and fairly and ac;:curately refl.cts the information it purports to .portray. Ther. has been no change in the COndition, financial or otherwis.,of Borrower a8 ~own in ~e financial stat...nts dated li.,tnh.... 1 q _ 1990 . , exc.pt changes in the ordinary course of busin.ss, none of which, individually or in the aggregat., has be.n ..t.rially adv.rs.. E. .A44i~IOft.l COV.ft.B~. or ~h. Borrov.r. Borrow.r cov.nants and agr..s that, f1"Olll the date h.r.of, until payment in full on the Note and the int.r.st th.r.on, that it will: 1) Pay the principal and inter.st on the Not. according to its t.rms. 2) par any other amounts that ..y b. due or become due and ow ng to the City und.r or pUrsuant to the t.rms of this Agr....nt or the Not.. " 3). Ex.cut. and d.liv.r all instruments, and perform 8uch act:s, as the City may reasonably d.em n.c.ssary or de- sireable to confirm and s.cur. to the City all rights and remedies conff'rred upon the City by the terms of this Agr.ement and Not.. 4) In the .vent that Borrower shall grant the City a se- curity interest in ae.al Property a.collat.ral under S204 (B) herein, th.n Borr~er agr..s to ..intain at Borrow.r's sol. expense a policy of title insuranc. cov.rage .qual to the amount of the loan. S) Giv. notic. to the City of any .vent .that constitut.s. an. Event of Default as set forth in S.ct:ion 303 of this Agreement or that would, with notic., or lapse of time or both, constitut. an Event of Default under this Agreement. Notice shall specify the nature of such Event of Default. 4. - - - - - - AI_ _ - ,~L BU8IIIB88 LOU,.A.GREBHBn IDB-J'1nuce4 \,j Page -8- o o 6) Not enter into any agreement or other cOlllllitment the performance of which would const,itute a breach of any of the covenants contained in th18 Agreement. Use the Loan proceeds only for the purposes 'stated in this Agreement and for no other purpose or purposes. Observe all applicable federal, state and local statutes and regulations as well as City ,of San Bernardino Ordi- nances as further defined and set forth in Section 505 of this Agreement. 9), In the event that Borrower is a corporation, then Bor- rower shall do or cause to be done all things necessary to preserve and keep in full force and effect its corpo- rate existence, rights and franchises. 7) 8) o 10) Not violate any laws, ordinances, governaental rules or regulations' to which it 18 subject and not fail to ob- tain any licenses, permits, franchises or other govern- mental authorization necessary to conduct its business, which violation or failure,to obtain might have a mate- rial adverse effect on the business, prospects, profits or condition (financial or otherwise) of Borrower. 11) Submit an Annual Employment Report on or before the fif- teenth (15th) day of J1lfte for the year(s) 1991 . The Annual Employment Report shall de- tail Borrower's compliance with the Employment Action ' Plan, Attachment I attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, for the ,preceding twelve (12) month period. 12) Maintain adequate insurance with respect to the col- lateral and the (proprietorShip, partnership or cor- porate) business which 18 the subject of this Agreement, with reputable insurance companies. The Borrower shall maintain insurance in such amounts and against such risks as 18 customary with companies in the same or ' similar business, in addition, said insurance cover- ages(s) shall be in accordance with the general insur- ance provisions of this Agreement as specified in S501(B)(5), including fire, hazard and general compre- hensive liability insurance, worker's compensation, con- struction/rebabilitationliability, to protect such bus iness and a,ll property securing the City'S loan. Said insurance shall be maintained throughout the term of this loan. The City shall be named as an additional insur8d, and the pOlicy or policies shall not be subject to cancellation, reduction or nonrenewal without thirty (30) days prior written notification to the City Attor- ney by certified mail. o ~ o o ,0 8MALL 8U8ID88 LOU AGUBHEIl'l . 'ID8-J'iDaJlOe4 0 Page -tOo o 13) Pay all ind.bt.ne.. and obligation. promptly in accord- . ance with normal ~erJ118 and promptly pay an~ discharge or cau.e to paid and d18charged all taxe., a.....ment. and governmental charge. or 1evie. impo.ed upon it or upon it. income and profit. or upon any of it. property, real, per.ona1 or mixed, or upon any part thereof, r.- .p.ctiv.1y, b.fore the .ame .hall become in default. 8303. Default. A. The entire unpaid ,principal of th. Note, and intere.t then accrued thereon, .hall become and be forthwith due and pay- ab1.e upon written 'demand by the City or'the City'. a..ign., without any other notice or demand of any kind or any pre- sentment or prote.t, if ey cme of the following events (herein Called an "Event of Default") shall OCClU' and be continuing at the tiJlle of such demand, whether VOluntarily or involuntarily, or, without limitation, occurring or brought about by operation ~f law or PUr.uant to or in compliance with any jUdCJl!lent, decree' or order of any court of any order, rule or regulation or any governmental body, pr.,vided however that such. sum .hall not be payable if ' Borrower'.. payments have been expre..1y .xtended by the City or the City's a.sign.. "Events of Default" uall include: 1) Payment of any installment of principal or inter_t on the Note 18 not paid when due and, .uch payment remains unpaid for thirty (30) days. ' 2) Borrower fails to pay when due, or declared due, 'the obligations secured under thi. Agre_ent. 3) Borrower fail. to perform or comply with any terJll8, . conditions, or covenants as provided in this Agreement or in any instruments .ecuring or related to this Agree- ment. 4) If any repre..ntation or warranty made by the Borrower in this Agre_ent shall prove to be untrue in any mate- rial respect, or if any report, financial .tat_ent or financial .chedul. or other instrum.nt delivered under or pursuant to this Agreement or the transaction. con- . t8lllp1ated her.in', to the City or to any other holder of th. Note .hal1 prove to be untrue in any material re- .pect as of the date as of Which mad.. A court enters a decree or ord.r for relief ,in respect of the Borrower in an inVOluntary case under any appli- cable bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or h.reafter in effect, or appoints a receiver, liquidator, assign.., custodian, trustee, sequ.strator (or similar Official) of the Borrower or for any sub.tantia1 part of 5) o~ o o - u . ~JIALL aVSIDSS LOU ~RBDDI'l IDB-~iD&DCe4 ~. P&ge -10- . o its property, or orden the winding up or liquidation of its affairs and such decree or order reaains unstayed and in effect for a period of sixty (60) consecutive days. The OQcurrence (1) of Borrower's becoming insolvent or bankrupt, or ceasing, being unable, or admitting in writin9 its inability to pay its debts .s they IIature, or IIakin9 a general assignment for the benefit of, or enterin9 into any composition or arran98l1lent with credi- tors, (11) of proceedin9s for the appointment of a re- ceiver, trustee or liquidator of Debtor, or of a sub- stantial part of its assets, being authorized or. insti- tuted by or against it, or (111) of prOQeedin9s under any bankr\1ptcy, reoZ'9anization, readjustment of debt, inSOlvency, dissolution, liquidation or other similar law of any juriSdiction being authorized or instituted by or against the Borrower. A cessation.or substantial reduction of operations in the business which is the Subject of thia Agreement under cirCUll8tances indicative to the City of a. lack of intention or ability to provide continuing 8lIlployment and economic benefits for the area in which the business is located. 8) Failure to submit the Annual Employment Report referred to in 8302(12) within ninty (90) days of the scheduled due date for said Report~ 7) 6) 9. The loss, theft, substantial damage, destruction, aban- donment, sale or encumbrance to or of any of the colla- teral securing payment of the Note,. in any IIanner not fully covered by insurance, or' the making of any levy, seizure or attachment thereof or thereon. B. If Borrower shall at any tille default in JIllkin9 any payment of principal or interest on the Note, Borrower shall to the full extent permitted by laW, pay to the City or other holder of the Note, in adclition to any other amounts that IIaY be due from Borrower to such holder, an amount equal to the reasonable costs and expenses incurred by such.holder, in its efforts to protect its collateral, secure payment, or otherwise defend its interests hereunder in any jUdicial or administrative proceeding. SBC'1'J:OR %V. "PaR'!'. ~ "COIlD. um AUO%llJ.IS S401. ReDortin~ Reauirements. A. At such tilles and in such forms as the City IIaY require, there shall be furnished to the City such statements, JIl. ] 8MU.r. BU8IRB88 LOU AGItUHBIlT .IDB-J'i,JlIUlCe4 0 page -11- U L o c records, reports, data and infonaation as the City may request partaining to matters covered by this Agreement. B. Borrower will provide its financial and accounting state- ments to the City for the period ending December 31. 1990" and annually thereafter during term of this Agreement, but not later than three (3) months fOllowin9 the expiration of any such period, and at each.other time and in such form as the City may prescribe. 8402. Main~.ft.Da. of ..corda. ,0 A. Records, in their original form, shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Grantor and the City with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement. Such records shall be ret:~ined for a period of six (6) years after tenination of this Agre..ent and after all other pending matters are closed. wPendin9 Matteraw in- clude, but are not limited to, an audit, litigation, or other actions inVOlving records. The City may, at its dis- cretion, take possession of and retain said records. B. Records in their original form pertaining to matteracovered bI this Agreement shall at all times be retained within the - C ty of San Bernardino, or som.other locationspacifically authorizing in writing by the Director of Community Develop- ment, unless authorization to remove them is granted in writing by the City. 8C03. au4i~. and ZD.D.a~ioB.. I A. At any time during normal business. hours and as often as the Grantor, the U.S. ComptrOller General, AUditor General of the State of California or the City may d.em necessary, the Borrower shall makeavaUable to the City for examination, all of its records with respect to all aattera covered by this Agr....nt. Th. City, Auditor General of the Stat. of California, Grantor, and the U.S. comptroller General shall have the authority to audit, .xamine and aake excerpts or transcripts :trom records, inCluding all contracts, invoices, materials, payrOlls, records of personnel, conditions of employment and other data relating to all matters covered by this Agreement. B. The City shall have the authority to make physical inspec- tions and to require such physical safeguarding devices as locks, alarms, safes, f~re extinguishers, sprinkler system, etc., to safeguard property and/or equipment funded or secu,.. red by this Agreement. Notwithstanding such inspaction authority, Borrower ~s soley responsible for the provision of security and for the safe guarding of the business and its property. o a - SMALL BUSlRESS LOU AGRBEHDlT 'IDB-FiDaDce4 ~ .aq. -12- o ~_;,o o S404. ValieU tv of Pinancial DoCUlllentation 8uhaissions. Financial reports required to be prepared and submitted by the Borrower to the City shall be accurate and correct in all respects. .C05. R.le... c~ Yu~4. frea ..crov. A. All loan proceeds shall be deposited into an escrow aCCount with an escrow company designated by the City. Disburs,ement of funds shall be jointly authorized by the Borrower and the City. Each disbursement shall be in accordanc. with 8202 "Purpose of th. Loan" and sball b. properly supported by invoices, vouchers, executed payrolls, tille records or other documentation evidencinq an expenditure and/or enCUlllbrance of funds. B. The costs a.sociated with the loan such as escrow fees, credit reports . (TRW) , title reports, or other .imilar eost. shall be deUneated in the escrow instructions and disbursed from the loan proceeds upon openinq of the escrow account. 840.. RecoRvevanc. ~.. '0 I I I i I I I In the event that real property is used to .ecure this Loan, then Borroweraqree. to pay any costs incident to title re- conveyance, incIUdinq, if applicable, trustee's fees, attor- ney fees, document preparation fee., recordinq fees or any other related expenses. 8BO':%OR V. GBllBRAL HUS :AIm ClORDU'l:OR8 8501. rD4.mBifia.~ion 884 r~.ur.Da. ..aulr".Q~.. A. Indemnification: ,0 i , t , I I The Borrower undertake. and aqrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and any and all of the City's offi- cers, aqents, employees, 'assigns, and successors in interest from and against all suit. and causes of act:ion, clailllS, cost of litigation, damage or liability of any nature what- soever, for death or injury to any person, including Bor- rower's employees and agents, or damage or destruction to any property of either party hereto or third persons in any manner arising by reason of or incident to the performance of this Agreement on the part of the Borrower or subborrower any tier whether or not contributed to by any act: or OIIIIIis- sion, active or passiv., negligent or otherwise, except for the sole negligence of the City, or the .ole negligence of any of the City'S officers, agents or employees. City ap- Do- , ,8HALL B08IIII:88 LOAJ.,.AGRB, BMEII'f IDB-l'iDUced V P.qe -13- o o proval of the Borrower's performance, or failure to object, shall be no defense to'Borrower concerning its undertaking herein to defend and indemnify City and others. B. Insurance: o 1) The Borrower shall provide and maintain at its own, ex- pense throughout the term of this Agreement the insur- ance'requirements specified herein. Evidence of insur- ance shall be submitted for approval by the City. The City special endorsement forms, referenced hereto end incorporated by reference, are the preferred form of evidence of insurance. Alternatively, Borrower IlaY submit two (2) certified copies of the full policy con- taining the appropriate cancellation notice language and additional insured/loss payee language as' specified. 2) No release of funds from the Iscrow Account shall be made to the Bol'rQW8r until such time as the Borrower has complied with all insurance alld bonding requirements under this Agreement. The City's Additional Insured Endorsement form, or a form approved by the City, stat- ing that the Borrower is so insured, IlIl.1st accompany any demand for funds unl..s said form has been previously submitted and approved by the City. (Certification of insurance shall be procured, filed and approved in strict compliance with City rules and regulations.) 3) With respect to the interests of the City, such insur- ance shall not be cancelled, reduced in coverage or limited or non-renewed, except after thirty (30) days written notice by receipted delive~ has been given to the Office of the City Attorney, City -Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92418-0001. Policies of , insurance and fidelity bonds, except for policies cover- ing Worker's COIIpensation,alld Employees' and Volunteer's Owned and/or Leased Vehicles, shall name the City as an Additional Insured and said endorsements or other evi- dence of insurance shall so indicate. Pidelity bonds shall name the City as loss payee or additional insured. In the event of any cancellation, non-renewal, reduction or limitation of coverage, or notice that such will be effected, 'City IlaY, but is not required to, obtain insu- rance to prQtect its interests, in which event the cost thereof shall be reillbursed by Borrower fo~with. Any failure to forthwith reimburse such expense shall con- stitute an Event of Default. ' 4) The City reserves the right at any time during the term of this Agreement to change the amounts and tYpes of insurance required hereunder by giving Borrower ninty , (90) days written notice. , _ ' ' o o o o .' SMALL BtJSINBS8 LOUAGUBJIBft IDB-l'iDIUlCle4 "" Page -14- 8502. 8503. 8504. o !5 . The Borrower shall maintain .inilDUll insurance coverages prescribed in AttachmentlI of tJ1is Agre...nt, which by this ref.rence is incorporated herein. '!'he Borrow.r shall not assign this Agr....nt, nor assign or transf.r any int.r.st or obligation in this Agr...ent (Whe- ther by assignment or ..novation) without prior written con- sent of the City. No part of the property s.curing this Agre..entshall be assigned or transferred (except .sa1es of inventory in the ordinary course of business), nor shall such property be pl.dged; without the prior writt.n consent of City. The Borrow.r shall not ent.r into any agr....nt with any other party under which such oth.r party sball become the . recipi.ntof claims due or to become due to the Borrower from the City without prior writt.n cons.nt of the City. Prohibi~ioD aaaiB.~ A..iaftm.B~. A. B. . Lt.! t:at:loll or eOrDorat:. Aat:... In the ev.nt that Borrower is a corporation then the Bor- row.r shall not ..end its ArtiCle. of Incorporation oray- Laws, .ov. to dissolv., transf.r any ass.ts derived from funds provided under this Agreement, or take any other steps which .ay .aterially affect its operations within the per- formanc. of this Agre..ent without first notifying the City in writing. The Borrower shall notifyth. City ilIIJDediatsly in writing of any change' in the Borrower's corporate name. balldmen.t:. aIld .aivera. This Agre..ent .ay not be chang.d or a.end.d orally, and no waiver h.reunder may be oral, but any change or amendm.nt hereto or any waiver hereund.r must be in writing and signed by the party or parties against whom such change,' a.enaent, or waiver is sought to be enforced. 8505. eO.blt_Dca wlt:h St:at:ut:.. aDd .eaulat:lon... A. The Borrower warrant. and certifies that in the performance of this Agre..ent, it shall comply with all applicable staa- tutes, rul.s, regulations and orders of the United Stat.s, the stat. of California; the County and City of San Bernar- dino, including laws and regulations pertaining to labor, wagea, hours and other conditions of..ployment and the City'S anti-discri.ination provisions and Affirmative Action Plan which by this reference is incorporated herein. Bor- rower further warrants and c.rtifies that it shall comply with new, a.ended, or revised laws, regulations, and/or procedures that apply to the performance of this Agre..ent, upon being provided notice thereof. o ! () o J lL . SDLL BUSInss r.o~AGUUBft IDB-PillaDoe4 U 1'aqe -15- o Borrow.r covenants that th.Davis-Bacon Act as amended. the Contract Work Hour. and Safety Standard. Act. and th. COpe- land "Anti-Kickback Act" shall be a part of all construction contract. award.d by th. Borrower pursuant to this Agreement and all subcontracts thereto. S501. COBrlia~ or %D~.r..~. A. The Borrower covenants that none of it. directon. offic.rs. employ.... or aqents shall participat. in ..lectinq subcon- tractors. or administerinq subcontract. .upported (in whole oX' in part) by f.deral funds wh.re .uCh person is a dir.c- tor. Officer. employ.e oraq.nt of the subcontractor~ or where .uCh person knows or should have known that: 1) A member of suCh person's immediate flllli1r; or partner. or orqanization has a financial intersst n the subcon- tract, The subcontractor is someone with whoa suCh p.rson has neqotiated or is n.qotiatinq any pro.pectiv. 8Iilployment. or, 2) 3) The participation of suCh. Persons would be prohibit.d by th. Cal~fornia Political Reform Act. California Govern- ment Code Section 87100 et ssq., if suCh person were a public Officer, because suCh Perlion would have a "finan- cial or oth.r interest" in the subcontract. B. Definitions: 1) Th. tera "immediate fllllily" includ.s, but is not limited to, those penons r.lated by blood or ..rriaq.. suCh as husband. wife, fathe!:, moth.r, brother, sister, son, dauqhter, fath.r-in-law, motherin-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law and dauqhter-in-law. 2) Th. tera "financial or other int.rest" includes. but is not limited to: . Ca) Any direct or indirect financial interest in the specific contract, includinq a commission or f.e; a share of th. proceeds, prosp.ct of a promotion or future employm.nt, a profit. or any other fora of .financial r.ward. Any of the followinq int.rests in the subcontractinq entity: partnership interest or other beneficial interest of five percent C5t) or more of the stock, employment in a manaqerialcapacity, or membership on the board of directors.. or qoverninq body. This provision shall not apply to servinq on the board or qoverninq body of anon-profit corporation for whiCh no salary is paid or other comp.nsation. Cb) . 8MALL BV8lD88 I.O~~GlU!lBJDUl'l lDB-J'iDUO.cJ '"" Paq. -11- o o C. Th. Borrow.r furth.r covenant. that no officer, dir.ctor, employee or agent .hall .olicit or accept gratuities, fa- vor., or any1:bing of .onetary value, frOll an actual or po- tential .Ubcontractor,.upplier, a party to a .Ubagreement, (or per.on. who are otherwi.e in a po.ition to benefit from the action. of any officer, employee or agent). D. The Borrower shall not .ubcontract with a former director, officer, or employee within a one (1) year period fOllowing th. t.rmination of the relationship betw..n .aid person and the Borrower. o E. Prior to obtaining the City'. approval of any .Ubcontract, the Borrower shall di.clo.e to the City any relationShip, financial or otherwise, direct or indir.ct, of th. Borrower or any of its Officers, director. or employ.e. of their im- mediate family with the propos.d .Ubcontractor and its offi- cer., director. or employ.... F. For further clarification of the meaning of any of the terms used herein, the parties agree that reference. shall be .ade to the guideline., rule. and laws of the City of San Bernar- dino,State of California, and federal regulation. regarding conflict of intere.t. . G. The Borrower warrants that it has not paid or given and will .not payor give to any third per.on any money or other con- .i~eration for obtaining this Agreement. H. The Borrower covenants that no lI8IIlber, officer, employee of Borrower shall have any intere.t, direct or indirect, in any contract or .ubcontract of the proceed. thereof for work to be performed in connection with this project during hls/her tenure as such elliplOye., memb.r or officer or for one (1) year ther.after. J:. The Borrower shall incorporate the foregoing .ub.ections Of thi. .ection into every agr._ent that it enters into in connection with this project and shal~. sUb.titute the term "Subcontractor" for the term "Borrower" and. "Sub-contractor" for "Subcontractor". 8507. Political Activitv Prohibitea. None of the funds, material., property or service. provided directly or indirectly under this Agreement shall b8 used for any partisan political activity, or to further the elec- tion or defeat of any candidate for "public office. 8508. Lobbvina Prohibitea. None of the funds provided under this Agreement shall be 1'.0 used for any purpose.design8d to. .upport or defeat any pend- ing legislation or admini.trative regulation. - -~.__._--_._---~-._- --~~- ---- _._~.._._-~-_.__.----- . BULL aUSIDSS LO~GRBBNDl'l ID8-Pinuce4 \.I l'age -17- o c:> S50.. Installation or l'inaDcial assistuce I'lu. The Borrower shall iMtall, or cause to.be installed, for . public 4isplay upon the project pr..d,ses a sign, with 4esign approved by City, identifying the Borrower as receiving financial assistance tl'Olll the City, if suCh a sign is re- quested by the Director or Community Development Department. 8510. ~r... ..1...... In all cOlDllunications with the press, television, radio or any other means of COllllllunicating with the gene~al cOlDllunity, the Borrower shall aake specific referance to the City of San Bernardino cOlDllunity Development Depare.ent as the spon- soring agency of the project. . S511. Discrimination l'rohibite4. No person shall' on the grounds of race, religion, ancestry, color, national origin, sex, age, or physical handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be subjected to discr1aination under this progrUVproject. For purposes of this section, Title 24, Code. of Federal ae- . gulations Section 570.601(b) defines specifid discriminatory actions which are prohibited and correction action whiCh shall be taken in situations aa defined therein. o 8511. .oft4i.cri.iBa~loB. BauaJ "Dlova.B~ ~r.a~ia.. ~4 Affir.a- ~lv. Aa~ioB .roar... > The Borrower shall comply with the nondiscr1a1nation and affirmative action provisioM of the l~ws of the United States of America, the State of California; and the City. In perfonaing this Agreement, the Borrower aball not discri- minate in its employment practices agaift8t any employ.e, or applicant tor employment because of person's race, religion, , ancestry, color, national origin, sex, age or physical handicap. Any subcontract ':ltered into by the Borrower re- , lating to this Agre8lllent, to the extent allowed hereunder, . shall be subject to the provisions of this paragraph. 8513. ZmDlovm.ft~ ODDO~UDi~i.. for Buaia... aDd Lov.r Zncome Per.oBa. o Any project/program funded in part or in. whole with Com- munity Development funds shall comply with the fOllowing provisions (referred to as a Section 3 clause:) 1) The work to be performed under this contract (Agreement) is on a project assisted under a prograa providing di- rect Federal financing,assistance frOll the Departmant of . Housing and Urban Development and is subject to there- quir8lllents of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Deve- SULL BUSIDSS LOU ~ SIIAIoL BUSIDSS !.OU~G"BIID'1' XDB-J'illuce4 \J Page -18- o o ~o o -"'-.' lopment Act of 19~8, as ..en4ed, 12USC 1701u. Section 3 requir.. ~at, to the greate.t extent feasible, oppor- tunitie. for training an4 employment be given to lOWer income residents of the project area an4 contracts (agre_ents) for work in connection with ~e project be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part by persons residinq in the area of the project. The partie. to this contract (Agre_ent) will comply with the provisions of .aid Section 3 and the regula- tions issued p~suant thereto by ~e Secretary of Rous- ing and urban Development ..t forth in Title 24 CPR, Part 135, an4 all applicable rUl.s and orders of the DepartJaent issued thereunder ~rior to the execution of this contract (Agre_ent) certify and aqree that they are under no contractual or other disabi~ity whic:h would prevent them from COIDplyinq with these requir_ents. 3) The Borrower will sen4 to ..db labor organiaation or representative of workers with whidbhe/ahe has a collective bargaininq aqreement or other contract or understanding, . if any, a nodce. advisinq the said labor orqanization or worker's repre.entative of its co_itments under this Section 3 clause an4 shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for _ployment and training. 2) 4) . The Borrower will include this Section 3 clau.e in every subcontract for work in connection with the project an4 will, at the direction of the llpplicant for or recipient of Pederal financial assistance, take appropriate action pursuant to the subcontract upon. a fin4inq that the sub- contractor is in violation of regulations i..ued by the Secretary of Rousinq an4 Urban Development, ~4 CPR, Part 135. The Borrower will not subcontract with any subcon- tractor where it has notice of knowledge that the latter has been found in violation of regulation. under Title 24, CPR 135 ar:l will not let any subcontraCt: unless the subcontractor has first provided it with a preliminary .tat_ent of ability to comply with the requirements of these regulations. 5) Compliance with the provisions of Section 3, the regula- tionsset forth in Title 24 CPR, Part: 135, and all ap- pliCable rules and order of the DepartJaent issued there- under prior to the execution of the contract (Agre_ent) shall be a condition of the federal financial assistance provided to the project, binding upon the applicant or recipient for such assi.tance, its successors., and as- signs. pailure to fulfill the.e requirements shall subject the applicant or recipient, its contractors and subcontractor., its successors an4 a..igns to those . SHALL BU.ID.8 LOU~CJUBJlBJl'1' IDB-~iDaJlG.4 \.) >>aq.-U- o o .anction. specified by the grant or loan agreement or contract through which fe4.ral assi.tance is provide4, and to such. sanction. a. are specified by ~itle 24 CPR, Part 135. .514. . . Part:.ialaat:loll e~ Mlllorit:i... WO..1l aBa ...11 .a.lll...... To the full..t ext.nt po..ible in the admini.tration of this Agreement, BorroWer agrees to provide opportuniti.s for minoritie., women and .mall bu. in..... to participat. in procurement. under this Agreement. .515. CaDtion.. Th. .ection headings app.aring her.inshall not b. deemed to gov.rn, limit, moc!ify or in any way aff.ct the .cop., mean- ing or intent of th... cOndition.. .~11. .ff.at of Leaal 3u4am.nt. Should any covenant, condition or provi.ion h.r.in containe4 be h.ld to be invalid by final jUdgiaent in any court ofcom~ petent juriSdiction, the invalidity,of .uch covenant, condi- tion or provi.ion shall not in any way att.ct any oth.r co- venant, condition or provi.ion h.rein containe4. () 8517. Choice o~ La. GavarnlllG t:hi. Aar....Bt:. This Agr.ement shall be gov.rn.d by and construe4 in accord- anc. with the laws of the Stat. of California. 8518. Prohlblt:loll o~ ~.1 Proc..dlnG.. Th. Borrowsr i. prohibite4 from using Grant fund. r.c.ive4 und.r this Agr.ement, 0;1:' fund. realized a. a r.sult ot this . Agr.ement, tor the purpo.e ot in.tituting legal proc.edings against the City or it. otticialrepre.entativ... 851'. Riabt. a~4 R".41... Inth. event any party tail. to pertorm, in whole or in part, any promise, cov.nant, or agr.ement h.rein, or should any representation made by it be untrue, any aggrieved party may avail itselt to all rights and remedie., at law or equity, in the courts ot law. Said right. and remedies are in addition to those provided tor h.r.in. ..COlZOR n. BIftI%1lB aCJuBJImI'lI. .101. ComDI.t. .ar....nt. o Thi. Agr.ement contains the full and compl.t. Agreement bet- -~-- .- ----- .. ----. -~-_.- --------~. o o o 8HALL BU8I088 LOAWGuBJlBn . IDB-l'buGell V >>age -20- 8"2. 1/11 IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII III/ IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII 1111. IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII o ween the two parti.. .Ro verbal agre_ent or conv.r.ation with any ottic.ror ~loye. ot eith.r party .hall ettect or lIocUfy any of the t.nt. an4 con~ition. of this Aqr."ent. . HU.~.r or Paae. ABa .~~.ahm.B~.. Thi. Aqr....nt is ex.cute4 in thr.e (3) 4uplicate oriqinal., each of whiCh is 4e...4 to be anori9inal. This Aqr....nt inclu4.., Twenty . (12-). page. an4 tn . c.t..> attachllent. whiCh const tute the entir. un4.r.tan4ing an4 agr....nt of the parti... o o o . 8ULL BV8I088 IDB-l'lnoceel Page -21- r.o~GUBllDl'l' o IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of San Bernardino anel the. Borrow.r have caused this Aqr....nt to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on this ___ day of . , 19 . --- ATTB8TI CITY 01' 8U BBJDtARDINO CU}' Clerk .... BOLCCIIIII, DYO. CU, of 80 BenareliDo (CO.PORATION) BY Cozporate pre.ielent ATTEST I BY Cozporate 8ecreta~ Approveel as to fora oel 189&1 content I JAMB8 1'. PBNaJr CU}' Attone}' BYI (.itDe..) KJH,Ilab/0683 o () o .Ii ~ - h ~ o o AftACIIJIDT I "IUIPL01JIBBT ACTIO. PLUPI BCODoalc DevelopeDt Pr09r_ IIIIplo7*eat ActioD Pla stat..at of Borrower Borrower does hereby state that the funds resulting from the Loan Agreement entered into on behalf of the City of San Bernardino (hereinafter "City") and Borrower shall be used solely for furthering the purpose of the Economic Development Program (EDP). The purpose of EDPassistance is to benefit the low and moderate income residents of the City of San Bernardino through the creation and/or retention of "jobs to said per- sons. Pursuant to the purpose of the EDP the Borrower agrees to comply with the following Employment Action Plan: Borrower understands and agrees that in order to deter- mine that said program purpose 18 being met, an Annual Employment Report shall be filed with the city. Borrower understands that failure to meet the objectives set forth in this Employment Action Plan or failure to comply with the requirements of filing the Annual Employment Report may result in the entire outstanding balance of the loan plus interest, being due upon written demand by the City, pursuant to Section 302 of the Loan Agreement and this statement. KJII/lab/0254 Economic Development Program o o o - ...L 4. .l. .. b.- _ , o o .ft~ U XRStJRUICB RBQVX.-IIB1ft'S (Xnstructiona for completing, executing and submitting Evidence of Xnsurance to the City of San Bernardino.) Insured: (Contractor, Lessee, Permi tte., Borrower, Etc.) Agreement/Reference Ro. Date: A. mSlJUD 1. To expedite completion of the insurance requirements, please give your insurance agent or broker a copy of the Insurance Requirements Sheet along with these instructions and en~ dorsement forms. 2. If your agreement requires Workers' Compensation coverage and you have been authorizecl - by the State of california to Self-insure Workers' COlllpenaationl then a copy of the- certificate from the State consenting to self-inaurance will meet the evidence requirements. ' 3. All questions relating to insurance should be directed to the person or office responsible for your contract, lease, permitl or other agreement. (See items 9 and 10 below.) B. XRStJRUICB AG~ OR BROUIt 1. Acceptable Evidence -- The appropriate City Special Endoree- ments are the preferred form of evidenCe. No modifications to the form are permitted. Alternatively" certified copies of the full policy containing additional insured and thirty (30) day cancellation notice language will be accepted subject to review by the City Attorney. Certificates, ~erifications, Memoranda of Xnsurance and other non-binding documents submitted along are not acceptable 'as evidence of insurance. Binders are acceptable as interill evidence until policies are available. 2. MUltiple Policies -- More than one (1) insurance policy may be required to comply with the insurance requirements. Endorsement forms appropriate. to your insured'S agreement, contract, lease or permit have been provided. 3. Signature -- Please bave an authorized. representative of the insurance company unually sign completed endorsement forms. Signatures must be originals as the City Attorney will not accept facsiJllile (rubber stamp, photocopy, etc.) or ini- tialed signatures. 1 - -,,_____ ~..m..__"_ __..._______ ~___". '. ______ o. c :0 JJ. - !U ~ INSVllAHCB RBgOI~8 "Attacha.nt II Ccnt~.4... Pag. -2- o .....,... 4. Underwriter. -- Th. name and addr... of the in.uranc. company underwritinq the coverage JIIu.t be not.d on the .ndor.ement form. In the ca.. of .yndicat.. or .ubscription policie., indicate lead und.rwrit.r. or managinq aq.nt and attach a .ch.dul. of .ubscribers, includinq th.ir percent participa- tion. . 5. Docum.nt Referenc. -- Include r.f.rence to .ith.r the specific City aqr.ement (bid, contract, .l.a.., .tc.) or indicate that all .uch aqr....nt. are cov.r.d. C. INSVllAHCB RBgOIRBMBIr1'8 1. Coveraq. and Limits -- Th. coveraq.. and limit. for eaCh type of insurance are .pecifi.d on the in.uranc. r.quirement she.t. Wh.ncoveraq. i. on a.Chedul.d ba.i., a ..parat. sh.et may b. attached to the .ndor..ent li.tinq .uCh sch.dul.d location., vehicl.., .tc., .0 cov.r.d. 2. Exc... In.uranc. --Endor.ement. to excess polici.. will b. requir.d when .primary in.uranc. i. insuffici.nt to cOJllply with the requirement.. 3. Additional Paqe. -- If th.re i. insufficient .pac. on the rever.. .ide of th.-form to not. pertin.nt information, such a. inclusion., exclusion. or .pecific provi.ions, etc., attaCh .eparate .heet. and not. this on the .ndor.em.nt form. 4. P.r.on to Contact -- Coapl.t.d .ndor....nt., corr..pond.nc. and qu..tion. r.latinq to the r.quired insuranc. are to be directed to the followinq repr..entativ..: T.Chnical As.i.tanc. -- Improperly compl.t.d .ndorsements will be returned to your. insured for corr.ction. Delay in .ubmittinq prop.rly comp.leted e.n4or.ement forms may delay your in.ured'. intended occupancy or operation. R.newal. -- For exten.ions or renewal. of in.uranc. .policies WhiCh have the City'. endors_ent form(.) attaChed, we will acc.pt a renewal endor...ent or a certificate (with an oriqinal .iqnature) a. evidence of continued coveraqe if it include. th. .tateJllant that the in.urance prot.ction. afforded the City of San Bernardino has b.en ren.wed und.r the .ame term. and conditions as previously approved. 5. 6. 7. 2 o o ,0 .IlfSURAlfCB UQVIUJCR'.'S Attachment II cont.\-le4... Page -3- o DHB AGUBHE1fT/UJ'BUlfCB 1ftJJUIBR . DAB The fOllowing coverages noted with an .X. are required with the Combined Single Limit. (CSL) a. noted on the right. Unle.. written exception i. allowed by Risk Mana9lllent. All coverages must add the City as additional insured. Worker's Compensation Employers Liability ( ) ( ) Extended Coverage ( ) Vandali.m imd Malic;:ious Jlisc:hief ( ) Busine.s Interruption (90 days minimun) ( ) Crime (inside and outside) () Sprinkler Leakage ( ) Other 3 Limit. statutory t 100..000 ai.ODO.ODO $ 81.000..000 90t valuA or buildina (Contents at loot of value) . $ (All fixed costs plus payroll) $ () o ., 10 XN8VUl1CB RBgUXltBJIWIII8 Attacbaent II Contflle4... Page -4- o Inland Karine: (total cost of goods. in transit at anyone time) $ COlDlllents: flab 0255 4