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From: Larry E. Reed, Director
Dept: Planning and Building Services
Date: Mayor and Camon Council Meeting November 19, 1990
Subject: Presentation-Air ~ity Managemmt Plan
Synopsis of Previous Council action:
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Recommended motion:
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That the Air Quality Management Plan prepared by South Coast Air Quality
Management District (AQMD) and SCAG be received -and filed.
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Contact person: Valerie C. R:lss
Phone: <;0<;7
Supporting data attached: Staff Reoort
Ward: {';t:~ Win.,
Council Notes:
! 75-0262
Agenda Item No.
. .
SUBJECT Presentation-Air Quality Management Plan
Mayor and Common Council Meeting of
November 19, 1990
(The 1989 Air Quality ~ana, gement Plan (AQMP) was prepared ,bY
SCAG in conjunction with the South Coast Air Quality Manage-
ment District (AQMD) in response to federal and state laws,
primarily the Clean Air Act., 'The AQMP is interrelated with
the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), the Growth
Management Plan (GMP) and the Regional Mobility Plan (RMP).
~e AQMP identifies 122 measures to improve the region's air
,quality, of which 29 are the responsibility of local
government. The AQMP consists of three tiers pertaining to
transportation, land use and energy conservation. Tier I
consists of actions to be undertaken within five years (and
includes the 29 measures for which local governments are
responsible) and transportation improvements which can be
built with funds available in the next 20 years. Tier II
includes actions to be undertaken from year 6 to 20 and
actions that rely on additional funding or new legislative
authority. Tier III contains actions that rely on future
Each year, all jurisdictions in the South Coast Air Basin
file reasonable further progress reports in which they show
what they have done to implement the Tier I measures. If we
don't show reasonable further progress, the AQMD has the
authority to step in and implement some of those measures.
The city has been participating with the County and all of
the cities in the County in the air basin to prepare an air
quality plan for this area. The intent is for each jurisdic-
tion to adopt this element into their respective general
plans. The element will consist of goals, policies and
programs and action options. The programs and action options
will allow each jurisdiction to implement the goals in the
manner that works best for them.
As part of this process the County has established a policy
advisory committee and a technical advisory committee, each
of' whom meet on a monthly basis. councilmember Miller
represents the City on the policy committee and Valerie C.
Ross sits on the technical committee. The policy committee
provides input related to the political acceptability of the
proposed programs and action items. The technical committee
provides the input for the draft documents.
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Mayor and Common Council
Presentation-Air Quality Management Plan
November 19, 1990
page 2
The attached document was prepared by the consultant and
includes the Tier I measures that will be included in our air
quality plan. Attachment A of this document is an Action
Profile Matrix that ranks the measures as to possible air
quality outcome, political acceptability, local applicability
and priority. Attachment B contains a summary, analysis and
comments for the key measures.
The draft air quality plan is scheduled for completion in
March, 1991. Each jurisdiction will be responsible for their
own environmental review, although the consultant on this
project will prepare an environmental assessment. After
that, Planning will bring the air quality plan back to the
Planning commission and Mayor and Common Council as a general
plan amendment for inclusion in the city's General Plan.
No official action is being requested of the Mayor and Common
Council at this time. The purpose now is to bring this topic
to your attention, get some initial feedback and get you to
start thinking about the measures and their implications.
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A Bmfing Pap.. Jor Us. b, Ekd<<l O/fieillls
November 7, 19!1O
Fifteen citiealllCl die County of SID Bernardino bave been wortlDg topther to fashion a mocIc1 Air
Quality Plan tbat would wort for each of those jurildictlons. It Is now time to bring IOIDC key
ideas directly to local omcials 10 they can become II1CR involved.
A Policy list Force (PTF), with a representative from each participating jurisdiction, bas begun
a review of actious in the South Coast AIr Quality Management Plan to be taken by local
govemmenlS to improve air quality. This Paper briefly eJ:.mincs five types of actions which will
soon have to be acted upon by fifteen City Councils and the Board of Supervisors.
These are not the only actious that will come to you for decision. Others will also be pan of the
Draft Plan you will soon be seeing and are listed in A1f-hment A. This Altachment is a table from
the Draft Air Quality Plan which ",mm..izcs possible actious according to possible imp'lClS on air
quality, degree of probable local acceptability (based on partial surveys). appropriateness for local
government, and overall priority.
Each topic in this Paper was selected at the last PTF m~ng for your attention for one or more of
the following reasons: 1) it could bave a silP"ifi""nt imp-t on air quality; 2) It could demonstrate
a positive commitment to air quality by your jurisdiction; or 3) it involves difflc:ult and controversial
choices for local officials.
This paper USelI plain English. Technical terms and additional detail are found in the attached
"Action Profiles" (Attacbment B).
With revisious based on suggestious from this meeting, ti!is Paper will be a tool each elected
official here can take to his or her colleagues for discussion.
No effort is made here to describe the air quality situation in the SID Bernardino portion of the
South Coast Air Basin. The main point to couslder is that ail of the relatively easy things have
been done and related air quality improvemenlS largely achieved. Without a new surge of
reductious in pollutanlS, particularly from motor vehicles, the recent curve of air quality
improvement will reverse i1Self in light of projected growth in the area.
The AQMP expeclS local jurisdictions to use the powers they already have in improving air quality
Planning - setting priorities and m.lril1g policy through their general plaus and
other policy resolutions;
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Rcp1Itlag _ seHil1g standards and enforcing them through zoning. subdivision
control and project reviews;
Designing - guiding and conditioning development projecls through the
development review process; and
Operating - '-;"8 an eumple by instituting certain changes in how local
government operates.
Each of these functions would be requiJed If your jurisdiction adopted acdoDS dclc:ribed on the
following pages.
Bach of the action categories described involves significant pOlicy commitmel1t if it is to be adopted
and CARRIED OUT. This discussion will help you understand the implications of the policy
choices you face.
. Talking Instellll of Travelinj
The main idea of this strategy is to
CQDCIuct business and JIV"'Ii"l" using
phone systems Inste8d of driving your CIr.
ID the simplest form, it can be done using
CldstIng phone systems for working at
home with a compn- or using
ClIQ(ereDce o..ato.'I and speaker phones
to gondUCl _i'9 Mare IOphiItIcated
<-. effective) approaches require atate-
of~ commllllications centas which
could be jointly sponsored by several jurisdictions.
The purpclIe is to reduce auto trips . generally, the most effective way of cutting emissions. Yea,
this straleJY may DOl have much early effect because it may DOt cut out a lIrp number of trips.
However. ils c:ooperative implemeDtatlon will be a landmark effort by local govcnment when the
planned COmmunicatloDS center is built.
Bach jurisdiction couIcl bCisin progIlDIS .":"'111 ils staff to encourage aml1rf"8 lIII~,.t of trave1iQga
and encourage otber iDstltutinns and blllinemllD do IitI:wlse. ID the meanwhiIc, a c:oncerted effort .
could be IIIIde ID coopentiw1y develop . multi-governmental program for mulmum use of the
communications center. .
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'Ibis Strategy c:aliiilll of putting a price
OD parlting spaces in a County where it is
typically "free" and eventually reducing
parIdng standards so that other means of
travel are more amlpClitive. It could
apply 10 wort. sboppiDg, b1lliness and
rcacadoD trips.
'Ibis has the potcDdaI 10 be one of the
IIlOIt effective waya 10 reduce trips by one
persoD in a car by encouraging people to ride together, take a bus, ride a bicycle or wallt. The net .
result would be to p.llminAte a lot of auto trips. It also could be the cause for considerable concern
by local governments because of fear of lost business, motorist incoD\lClliencc, employee
dissatisfaction and local congestion if other ways of travel can't be used. For this reason, a long-
term incremental program is recommended, beginning with parking invcntories and supply analysis.
At an appropriate time local governments could institute this action within their own organization,
then follow up with requirements for other institutional and business uses. Cwging for parkillg,
. dedicating parlting spaces for carpools, providing casb rebates for those who share rides and
limiting parlting spaces could all be part of thls strategy. Limitation of available parlting spaces
sbould occur only if accompanied by a system of price incentives.
. Fewer Trips cuul Shorter Trips'
The thrust of this strategy is to get local
governments and businesses to help
eliminate auto trips by setting up plans so
that a significant number of employees
will share rides or use some other means
of work travcl. 'Ibis is already being
done with large employers (100
employees or more) by the Air Quality
Management District under Regulation
XV. With large employment centclS, an
organization may be set up espccially to administer such a plan.
If taken over by local government and approved by the District, these programs would allow for
local review of regionally slgnific:aJit projCClS, a possible advantage for some jurisdictions. The
Draft Plan also includes provision for similar programs to be extended 10 include smaller fums or
employment ccntclS. An option would be to simply inform employees of opportunities, but not set
up targets for achievcmenL
2 See 1_ or I"".. P.-Id1tr F_... RMa I'IriiIII SII[IpIy ........ . .._111 A... B.
3 See Trip iledIM:IiIm IIIIi. '1MAI1JIO 1'n.". _.4 ill .. - ; ..,. A IIIIi. B.
1bis is one of the most effedive IDClUIS of reducing pollulaDtS ~"'e the number of lrips
eliminated can be substantiaL Substantial employer cost and employee iDcoDvenience, . well.
fear of business loss to firms without such requirement, suggest that an iDcremental approach would
be In order, depending OD wbat occurs through the Congestion t.fR""l""""'t Plan.
. Ltuul Uses Working TogBhe~
The idea of this strategy is to arrange land uses so they poteDtia1ly
require fewer anto trips IS well IS shoner trips wbere they need to
be made. 1bis can be done by nMewlDg new projects, developing
phasing policies, increasing dellsities in transit corridors, encouraslDI
mixed use projects, or lIdjusting pl........t land 1I8CS to reflect better
balance. .
Concern with growth mll"agement programs built around this idea
centers OD potential tu bile losses by certIin jurisdictions, Inability
to monitor or onll""V such a system, and disagrecmealS about the
real air quality benefilS dllimM by the AQMP. The reduced pollution could be very large or quite
limited, del-rti"g on who's interpretation one accepts.
. Las Dust From Roads fI1II1 F""";,,i
, ."SIDce CIllO of the IIDt Iil"lfi"""t
.;.,!.~...'..':.,.,~"'.' ..' IS in this Coun. ty Is dust in the air,
:~::\.. IDg that would reduce die IcveI of
. ~ . .f, . we breathe could have IubstantiaI
.;{. .. . In Iddition, ~ the required dOlll
':;;:~:We_ overly dll'flc:Uk to c:my ouL
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,~~.~,~--;/.:I.,.l1y"eII8bUIhed requh#-_.~.I~ would
foCus on a YIriet14f waya.to CllIIltrol dust . " .
cIurbtJ road and ""flrt.. ClGlAuCdon as well as "'w-~ dust from .the .. of paved .and
IIIIpIV8d surfaces (108dI, partiDa_ driveways). .Jt"""-tive IDOls _uld include .....Itinma,_
IIIOIIitoriiia ~..c:tio.Ii... .........dh.i mil aoaioD onto paved _r..-.1'llpIar.ueet-"i'lg
prOJ1I1D1 and ltsbiIizIDg dirt ClIlllllplMld IUIfaceL WJae agricultare Is pncdmI. _n ...h1I1.......!Io
wind breaks and operationli ""Mlr Ibould be required.
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1bis is an action area in which the combinedelforlS of .'-jurisdiction"wouId be very ~
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