HomeMy WebLinkAboutR11-RDA Item o o o - - -0----- o . Redevelopment Agenc)' · Clt)' of San Bernardino 300 Ncnh "D" S1IeeI, '-dl FIaat. Sill BIIIIIrdinIl, CIIifIlIIIia 92418 (714) 384-S081 FAX (714) S88-9413 PrIde ./ ~- FIVE LEVEL PARKING STRUCTURE (CONVENTION CENTER ROOF) October 9, 1990 Synopsis of .Prevlous Commission/Council/Committee Action: 82-07-20 Resol utlon No. 2557, fifty (50) year lease from Agency to Cl ty for Five-Level Parking Structure. 87-08-04 City, Agency and Maruko, Inc., executed Covenant and Agreement regarding parking. 88-05-02 Commission authorized Agency staff to reimburse the City an. amount not- to exceed $60,000 for painting, striping and slgnage for the Five-Level Parking Structure. 88-09-18 Commission authorized an additional expenditure not to exceed $40,000. 90-07-19 The Redevelopment Committee recommended approval of an additional. cost overrun of $45,580.86 and payment to the City, but requested a written explanation from the Director of PUblic Works.. Recommended Motlo~: (Community Development Commission) That the Community Development Commission authorize the additional expenditure of an amount not to exceed $5,888.86 to reimburse the City for the striping, slgnage and other related activity In connection with the refurbishment of the Five-Level Parking Structure. and to authorize bUdget authority to. pay $39,698.00 to the City for correction of design defects In the convention center roof. Respectfully Submitted. Director PROJECT: Central City FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: $5.888.86 . HARD: First 8UDGET AUTHORITY: See above Commission Notes: 3281H Agenda of: October 15. 1990 ~~ o o o S T A FF REPORT SUMMARY Thl s report forwards a request by the CI ty for payment by the Agency of $5,888.86 for painting, striping and slgnage of the FlYe level Parking Structure, which Is a cost overrun over the approved $100,000 reimbursement. It aho requests that budget authority be glYen to allow payment of $39,698 to the City for work previously authorized by the Commission to correct design defects In the convention center roof. BACKGROUND On May 2, 1988 the Commission authorized the Agency to reimburse the City up to $60,000.00 for painting,. striping and slgnage of the Five-level Parking structure. This was based on an estimate provided by the Facilities Management Department. On September 19, 1988, the Commission authorized reimbursement of an additional $40,000.00 to the City due to cost overruns. This estImate was also provIded by the FacilItIes Management Department. The Agency reImbursed various amounts totaling $71,929.29 and then received an additIonal Invoice from the CIty which would bring the total to $145,586.86, whIch Is $45,586.86 over the authorIzed reImbursement. of $100,000.00. o The Committee discussed thIs matter on July 19, 1990 and recommended that this Item be forwarded to the CommissIon for Its revIew, after receIpt of a wrItten explanatIon from the DIrector of PublIc Harks. ANALYSIS Attached Is the requested explanation from Mr. Hardgrave whIch states that $39,698 of the cost overrun was actually for repairs of design defects on the conventIon center roof and had nothIng to do wIth the FlYe-level ParkIng Structure. The actual cost overrun for the parkIng structure Is $5,888.86, whIch was caused by the unavailability of CCC personnel which necessItated the use of City staff .and temporary personnel. . The Commission has previously approved repair of th'e design defects In the conventIon center roof. The CIty entered Into a contract and had the work done, but has never Invoiced the Agency for the work performed. The current budget requires amendment to authorIze payment. at thIs tIme. . RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the form motIon. o G8H:3281H . ". ,.. .0. 0', o o - , ., ". ~ I ., o o CI'1'Y 01' SAil BERII~RJ)IIIO . IN'1'EROI'I'ICE MBMORARJ)UM , " ~I . ROBER'!' J. '1'EMPLE, ActingZXecutive J)irec=r Ree!evelopment Agency ROGER G. HARDGRAVE, J)irector of Public Works I Ci'ty Engineer Cost Overna - Painting 5 SilJDiDg 1:be Pive-J.lnrel ParlWlg S~aze September 25, 1990 Sbauna Ec!wins, Ane!y Green, WaYne averstreet, Pile 110. 6.51-9, Reac!ing ~ile PROM I SUBJEC'1'1 J)A'1'E1 COPIES I ---~---------------------------------------___~__~L_~ ~_____ RT JH l7VJir ME~ IL .G~c.... ~ . Cc: OFlIG7iI: ROUTE r,')py '1'bis is in reply to youraemo of 8-6-90, requesting a written report for the JU)A ,"...-itt.. explaiQing,the cost overrun. I une!erstand t:bat' 10U would. like responses to the three" . following questions, as pose4in the aemo of 6-20-90 from Gary Wagoner to Wayne OVerstreet. l~ sfor the Cost Overrun? -- 1'be or g na est te prepare y ayne OVentreet waa $60,000 ,for painting ane!' aigning the five-level parking structure an4 $40,000 for repairing the ceil~ng to the convention center. Tbe JtDA waa obligate4 by the Agreement wi tb Maruko . Botel to upgra4e the aign1ilg 1n the structure.. A contract for $3,500 was awar4ee! to ;tPD for preparation of the plans ane! specifications. ~, . '!'he bill submittee! to the JU)A contain. charges of $36,198 to BRS Construction for repair of the convention ceiling ane! $3,500 for preparation of plans. . 1'be total of $39,698 for these cbarges was not inclue!ee!'in the original estimate of $60,000, or the ae!just:mentto $100,000, aince the RDA was committee! to pay these COsts from other sources. '!'he original estimate was basee! upon using CCC personnel to apply tbe paint. Bowever, the CCC personnel were .ssigned to an emergency situation, which nece.sitated the use of Ci ty forces an4 temporary penonne1. 1'be cost for City forces was at least $14,518, and for .temporary personnel was $19,447. '1'be total of $33,965 'was not reflected in the original estimate. An airless .prayer was also ac~uire4, at an a4ditional cost ,of $3,794. '. , O' -. o o o o , -., ROBER'l' J. 'tEMPLE 5-teve1 Parking St:ructure September 25, 1"0 Page - 2 - .. . !l'he total co.t of the.e three it.. i. $77.457. none of which WU ~ncorporated hto the original or adju.ted e.timate. . 2. lanationaa to 1111 of the Coat 0verraD8 'wa. DOt a ta Pr or to ..., Our co.t aCCO\1ft ng ayatem . not autOJllAt c. y provide regular report8 on amolint. expended on work order.. !l'herefore.. we are\1ftahleto track co.t. charged to a work order and take appropri.te action during. the tillle the Work i. being done. 3. Be' ..t for BetrGacti". al of the O..ex~IIII' and Re1a- 8!!!!Dt --De uct OD . . the .... or . repa r ng e convention . center c.iUng. and preparing plan. for the dgning upgrade. l.av.. AD overrun of U,888.86. We recQmmend that the $5,888.86. co.t ov.rZ'\1ft b. approv.d and r.~ur.ement to the City authoriz.d.. . . I tru.t the ahov. information will be .ufficient to anawerthe RDA ~~4tte.'. question.. Pl.... .dvi.. ~f you would .like any further information. ()~~ ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Dir.ctor of Public Work./City BngiDeer BGBar. .....- ..-