HomeMy WebLinkAboutR03-RDA Item o o o . Redevelopment Agency · City of San Bernardino ~ NllrIh 00" SUuI, Founb Floor . Sill BOI1IlIrdino, CaIifomia !noII8 ('714) 384-5081 PAX ('714) 888-9413 PrIcIe -I e. SEPTEMBER 24, 1990 MT. VERNON PAC BYLAWS AMENDMENT Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action: 01/03/90 Mayor: and Common Council adopted Resolution 90-1 approving a Project Area Committee for the Mt. Vernon CorrIdor. 05/07/90 Mayor and Common Council approved amendment to the ByLaws for the Mt. Vernon Corridor. 09/20/90 Redevelopment CommIttee recommended approval of Amendment to the Mt. Vernon Corridor PAC Bylaws. o Recommended Motion: o (MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL> Move to approve an amendment to the BYLaws as recommended by the Mt. Vernon Corridor Project Area Committee. Respectfully Submitted, Project: Mt.Vernon Ward: 1st, 3rd. 8< 6th FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: None Budget authority: N/A Commission Notes: . Agenda of: 10/01/90 Item No. RJT:SSM:mf:1143C ,~ -:i/::."2 o o o o o S T A F F R E P 0 R T This Is to request that the Council approve and ratify the Mt. Vernon Project Area Committee (PAC> ByLaws as amended by the PAC BACKGROUND On August IS, 1990, the PAC approved an amendment to Section VI of the bylaws to reflect "Any amendment may be made by~a majorltv vote of the PAC membership and ratification by the COIIIllOn Council". RECOMMENDATION On September 20, 1990, the Redevelopment Committee recommended approval of the PAC's revised Bylaws. It Is, therefore, recommended that the Council ratify the PAC's action. RJT:SSM:mf:1143C 'f, ., ,0 ~ o .; on o '. " BY LAWS MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE Section I. GENERAL The.e aule. .nd aegul.tions .re provided ~o inform .nd promoteths orderly participation of the aedevelopment Project Are. C---1ttee ("PliC") for the Nt. Vernon Corridor aedevelopment Projeet (.Project"or .PrOject Are..) in conSUlting with .nd .dvi.ing 'the Community. Development Commi..ion .nd the aectevelopment Agency (COllectively, .AgMOJ.) --ben, .t.ff, end consultant. on: (1) tho.e .atters which de.l with the planning and Provi.ion of re.idential faCilities or replace.ent hou.ing for tho.e to be di.pl.Ced by Project activitie.; (2) tho.e m.tter. which de.l with the development of new com.erci.l f.cl1ities and public improvements in the Project Area;' (3) other policy m.tter. which afleet the bu.ine.... and re.1dents of the ~roject Area; and (4) any other matter.'reg~ the Project Are. which may be aubmi tted to the PAC by the OCJl" ..x\ Councl1 or Agency affecting the PZ'Oject Are. during . periOd ~enc1ng upon the cre.tion of the PAC and.nd1ng .t the'th1rd anniver..ry of the .doption of . r.development plan for the Project Area. For' purpose. of 'these Bylaws, .Project Ar.... .h.ll include th.t area proposed to .be included w1'th1n . redevelopment project ere. by virtue of ae.olution No. PC 89-2 .pproved by 'the Pl.nn1ng ~4.sion On November 7, 1989. Section II. MEMBERSHIP A. Selection ! The PAC .hall in! tially consi.t of 'tho.e seventean (17) members .pproved by 'the Common Councl1 by it. ae.olution No. 90-1 .pprovelS on Janu.ry 3, 1990. B. Qu.l1f1cations '1'0 be eligible for membership on 'the PAC, . per.on must be e1'ther · res1dent1.l owner-occupant, . re.1dent1.l tenant, a businessman, or a member of an ex1sting organiz.tion w1'th1n the Project Are. bOundaries. If. member ceases to qu.lify on one of these b.ses (e.g., by removal of residence or business or membership), he sh.ll re.1gn from the PAC; or if he f.Us to resign within sixty (60) day. of the d.te of ths d.te 'that he ce.ses to qualify, his, membership shall be deemed v.c.ted. Any v.cancy shall be filled by .ppo1ntment by the Common Council which m.y .ct upon nom1n.t1on by 'the PAC. DAB/ses/By-L.WS REVISED 5/7/90 REVISED 8/15/90 '0 g c .' o o C. Project Area Boune!ar1.. The Proj.ct Area bounc!ar1.. are 'tho.. wh1.ch have been ae!optee! a. 'the official bounc!ar1.. of 'th_ Proj.c1: Are.. If the proj .ct Ar.. boune!.r1.. .re ...ne!ee!, th.n the PAC .hall be r.conaUt:utad, if n.c....ryby proC.dur.. ..t.bUsh.e! by the C'~n Councll to reflect 'the ciZ'CWlllltllnc.s. D. MembersMp Term Th. t.rms of the PAC ..mb.r. .r. from the e!.te of .PProv.l of the ;PAC ~tll the 31st e!ay of DeCelllber, 1990. At the ene! of that t1..,the ComlllOlt Councll .ay'r.appoint .ember. or .ppOint other member. on _ yaar-to-y.ar ba.1s ... d....d d.sirable in Ught of the currant Project act1v1tie. and in conform1ty with appl1cable legal requirements. Section III. OFFICERS A. The offic.r. of the PAC shall be . ata1rmlln and V1ce- Cha1rmlln and S.cretary. B. Th. Chairman, V1ce-Ch.1rmlln IInd s.cretary of the PAC lIball be el.ct.d by the PAC member. at: its first ...Ung. The Chairman, V1ce-Ch.1rman ane! Secr.t.ry should th.r..fter be .l.cted during the IIIOnth of DeC8lllber in ..ch calandar y..r ane! lIba11 take office effective 1mmee!1at.ly upon such .1ect1on. The Cha1rmlln .hall pre.1de at .11 ...t1ng. of the PAC ene! .1gn all docWllents n.ce.sary to c.rry out the busin.s. of 'the PAC. Th. Vice-Chairman shall, in the absence of the Ch.1rman, act as Ch.1rralln. The Secr.tary .hall keep r.corda of .11 m.et1ngs of the PAC. Section IV. MEETINGS AND OFFICE A. ReOUlar anc2 Special Meet1nos The PAC shall meet at the Villasenor Library, 525 N. Mt. Vernon Avenue, S.n Bernarc21no, Cal1forn1a, or .uch other pl.ce the PAC 1II1ght from t1m.-to-t1m_ c2..1gnat.. R.gular m..t1ng. .hall be hele! on the .econc2 W.dne.e!.y of .ach month. Notice of meetings shall be s.nt to m.mber. at l...t f1v. (5) days in .dvllnc. of the meeting. The S.cr.tary of the PAC, upon notification by the Chairman, shall be responsible for the posting of said notice .nd.n .g.nd. of .11 m.tt.rs to be d.:I.scus..c2 or .ctee! upon at . public m..t1ng .t l...t seventy-two (72) hours prior to the time spec1f1.e! in the notic. of the meeting. All meetings shall be cone!uctec2 ane! not1c. thareof shall ba givan in conformity with the R.lph M. Brown Public Maating Law (Government Code Section 54950, et sag.). DAB/.es/By-L.wS 'iO <9 (0 . o o B.. Meetings to be ODell and Public All .eetings O~ the PAC shall be open and pubUc to the ext.nt r.quired bylaw. All persona .hall be P8r111tted to attand any such .eetings excepta. otherwise providel! by law. C. M1nutes Minute. o~ all .eetings o~ the PAC will be kept in a ~ile in the of~ice. o~ the Rel!evelop.ent Agency and the City Cl.rk. D. Quorum Ni-ae-o(+t .A ..a.1or1t:y o~ the -Mber. o~ the PAC 8hall con,stitute a quorum, and a quorum . 8hallbe neces.ary ~or the PAC to conl!uot Lot's business. . A -aller number o~ PAC ..e..bers ..ay al!j Ourn a .eeting ~Z'ClID tae-to-t1M untU a quorum 18 present. Except as otherwi.e provi.,.d herein O%'.s Otherwise Providel! by hw, concurrence by Itifte-ffi a ma.1odty o~ the ....bere of the PAC 8hall be requirel! for any acden o~ the PAC. E. Rules of Ord.r All busine.s anI! matters be for. the PAC shall b. transactel! 1n conformance with Rob.rt's Rules of Orl!er (n.wly r.vis.l!) . F. Attanl!ance Any member who, without gooc!cause as determ1nel! by the PAC, shall be ab.ent fram thrae (3) con.eoutive regular ..eetings, .hall be 4.....1! to have vaoatel! Ms liIembereMp. S.otion v. DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The members of the PAC .hall .ake wri ttan disclosure. to the Agency, Common Councll, anI! the PAC of the ~act anI! location of all I!ireot or indirect interests in the property pre.ently own.d or hereaft.r acquirel! in the Project Area; such disclo.ures shall b. accOlilplished in conformity with the POlitical Re~orm Act (Gov.rnment Col!. Section 87000, et seo.) and eny appUcabl. local conflict of inter.st Cod.PrOIiIulgated pursuant thereto. Memb.rs .ha11 cooperate with staff and Ag.ncy l.gal oounsel (wMch shall be the office of the City Attorn.y) in the review of interests in property, anI! shall refrain from voting or participating in I!ecisions where they are disqualifi.1! by virtue of a ~lict of interest. Failure to .ake such written diSClosure, or to refrain from acting where e member has a conflict of interest, .hall b. grounds for removal frOlil the PAC. DAB/s.s/By-Laws '0 Q o , o o For t:h. purpo... of t:hi. S.cUon V.. 'the 'term -d.1rect: or indirect: int:.net:- .h.ll b. d.fin.d to includ.. but: not: be 1111I1 t:.d t:o. any mon.t:.ry int:ere.t: in property, or ben.f1 t: ar181ng from 'th. a.le. 1..... aort:sraoe, or d.1.poeit:ion of property, owned by, intruet: for, Or aubj.ct: 1:0 inh.r1t:anc. by . llaber of the PAC, hia or her apoua.. hi. or her chi1dr.n, .nd hie or her parent:e. Sect:ion VI. ADOPTION OF BYLAWS The form of 'th..e Byla.. ahall ~ 1n1t:ia11y approved by the PAC, .nd ahall b. .ff.ct:iv. upon r.t:ific.t:ion by t:h. Common Council. Any ...ndm.nt: .at be ma". by if a . maioritv vote c5f the PAC m~ership and ratifi~.tion by the Common Council. DAB/..S/By-Laws