HomeMy WebLinkAboutR01-RDA Minutes . . o . o . :r .0 '1'.11:' S ~"U.J.TJ: ~() ..dlSIOll/......lU.Of-'" AGulCJ: 01'. 'l1li: etft or' SUI _IftDfttRO Pp;u,r'IJlBftDG .JULy 16, 1990 11.00 A... Th. R.vuhr JI.eting of the Co_unity Developll8nt . Co.miaaion/Redevel()p18nt Agency meeting was called to order by . ChairaaD ..R. BolcClllb at 11105 a.II., .~, July 16, 1990, in the C01JDCll CII~1:s, City Ball, 300 HOrth "0" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call w.s taken with the following being present: C~1as1oD IleIlbers. Bsth.r Bsuada, Jack Reilly, .t.._ Flores, Jlicha.l Jlaudllley, 'loIII Jlinor, Valerie Pope-Ludlam, HOrine Jliller. SUI'!' PUSBft John Boeger , Development Hanapr, Redevelol*8nt Agency 7 Dennis A. BarlOW, Benior As_istant City AttOrDey7 Shauna Edwins, City AdIIIin1strator7 Sandra Hecl1na, Deputy City Clerk/Recording Secretary. S'l'A'D S8RPLUS LUD PROIl 6'1'B m' 9'1'B S'I'ltBftS ALOIIG ~I.""~- In a staff .",.port dated July 10, 1990, Iten Benderson, Director, Co-.unity Jlevelol*8Dt, reported that in sept.-l,a1:, 1988, the city entered into an agr....nt with the State to acquire .pproxillately seventy acres of State ~ s~lus land for the dev.10Jllll8nt of approximately four hundred units of off- base military hOlasiag. '1'he purchase. price for the land in question was ..tablisbed by a state e~issioned .pprlli8al at $3,038,000. An escrow deposit in the amount of $300,000 was .ent by the City to the State, actual monie. came from U.S. Air Force. (1) As a result of the congressional deCision to close Norton Air Force Ba.., the Haxor reque.ted an inve.tigation on the pos.ibility of the City/Redev.lopnent Agency acquiring the site for future develop818Dt purpo.... On July 2, 1990, the C~iSBion authorbed .taff to proceed with the acquisition with. the purchase price to be spread over a ten-year period. As part of the Commission's Iletion, staff was directed toproc..s a payment in the llDlOunt of $300,000 to the U. S. Air Force for reimbursement of its payment of the escrow deposit. 1 7/16/90 . . C) . . COIIIIlisdon 1l8lllber Reilly ude a motion, . seconded . by Commission .~r Hiller and ~q.~f-oualy carried, that the CO~lli~ o.v.lopment eo...i..lon Authorize and direct ataff to pay th4l United $tates Air l'o,rce a total of $300,000, which aum shall fully reimburae th4l AU rorce for ita ..cxow depodt on behalf- of the City of San "rnardino for the acquisition of approxiaately seveat;y acres of State owned land fre. 6th to 9th Streets along 'liPCleCanoe. CODB ~.--~~LIlI.DA (W. a(IpIKIE_1ll11x Ina staff report dated July 5, 1990, Robert 1'8aple, Acting Executive Director, Redevelol*8Jt,t Agency, statedj,n June, 1988, the AgenCy entered into an......nt with the Ci~ to provide code eaforc..nt within the~lopal8Jlt project areas. This agreement is now al.1bject torefttnraL Since that t_, there have been s~ increases in persona.l costs, the Ageq has Started adoption pr~eedings for the.t. Vernon PrOject... ~ and a need h.s been identified for a -pro-active- 8Jlloxc....tprogr_ in commercial and industrial .reaa included in reclevelolB"nt project areaa. (2) The code enforcement lett.r of agr....nt. presented today would increase the level of code enforcement effort in redevelopment project.areas frQm two officers to three officers, . who would handle .xisting as.i9ftll\8llts plus the newllt. Vernon Project Are., plus an incr.ased effort at pr..-ptive enforcement in commercial and industrial areas. COIRission ~r Killer ude a motion, seconded by Commisaion . "--r rlores and unan1moWlly carried, that the Coaiadon approve the attached Letter of ~._.nt and approve an incre.se in the Agency's budqet frQm $14,000 to $135,000 for code enforcement services. RBCBSS a&I5T~ - CLOSBD nssIOII At 11:15 a.m., th4l ~ty Development Commission recessed to the closed session for the following: (3e) e. to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. ADJOOU CLOSED SBSSIOR At 11:30 a.m., Chairman Holcomb adjourned the closed session to the regular meeting of the COIIlIUDity Development Commission. 2 7/16/90 o o o . o ~"_aI$IR'.Lm At 11130 a.m., Cha1rlaU JIolcOlllb meeting of the COIIIIIlunity Development Agency. ROLL CALL Roll call vas tuenvith ~ following being present 1 Chai~ HolcOltb, Coemia....on. .i't'...... Bsther .strada, Jac::kReilly, Jess Flores, KicJlael Kaudaley, Tom Minor, Valerie Pope-Ludlam, Norine Killer. Absent 1 None. . reconvelMMi the regular CaIIIl18sion/aedevelopment S'l'AFF pIIR~ John Boeger, . DevelopmeDt Kanager, RedeYelClpasnt Agency 1 Denn18 Barlow, Senior AB.dstaDt City Attosney, SJaa\UUl Bdwins, City Administrator 1 Sandraifeclina, Deputy City Clerk/Recording Secretary. ADJOUP_E-&" At 11133 ...., Cha~ HolcOltb adjo~ the COIIIIIlunity Developlll8nt COIIIIIli.don/......loplll8nt. .~......ung to Honday, August 6, 19'0, at 11100 a..., in the CoulKI.f.l~'-rs of City Hall 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. (4) 3 7/16/90