HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-City Administrator - - - - - . c.,..A. SAa.~DI. - RAuar FOR COUNC"'ACTION "lI1I: FRED A. WILSON, Assistant to the Su~~: City Administrator CITY ADMINISTRATOR APPROVAL OF PROCEDURES REGARDING CIVIC AND PROMOTION FUND ASSISTED ACTIVITIES. [)ept: Date: 7/10/90 Synopsis of Previous Council ~ion: 7/9/90 -- Ways & Means Committee approved the adoption of procedures relative to Civic and Promotion Fund assisted activities. Recommended motion: That the procedures relative to applying for financial assistance from the Civic and Promotion Fund, as detailed in the attached staff report, be approved. Con~ penon: FRED A. WILSON Phone: 5122 Supporting elm atr...hed: YES Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: IAcct. No.! (Acct. DescriDtion) Finance: uncil Notlll: ^___..I_ 1.....- 10.1_ /I'J - - - -- ,.. - CITY. SAllIIIIRNARDI"'. R..e..r P'OR' COUNCILIknott STAFF REPORT In order to standardize the procedures relative to applyinq for financial as.i.tance from the Civic and Promotion Fund, the followinq proce.. was approved by the Ways . & Means Camaittee and, a. such, is recommended for adoption by the Mayor and Common Council. . The process which is recommended to be followed includes: 1. Notices will be sent to all previous recipients of Civic and Promotion fund. inforainq th_ of the annual fundinq cycle and requirinq that the attached Request for Fundinq Assistance Form be completed. 2. The completed Request for Fundinq As.istance Form must be subaitted to the City Administrator's Office no later than 4:00 p.m., Auqust 30, 1990 for any activity which will be conducted between the period of July 1, 1990 throuqh June 30, 1991- 3. The city Administrator's Office will review all submittals for completeness and submit the completed packaqe to the Counoil Ways and Means Committee for consideration and recommendation to the Mayor and C~n Council. 4. Aqreements will be drafted for all approved Requests for Fundinq A.sistance. A requirement will be included in the aqreement for an accountinq of all expenditures, at the request of the City. In addition, a report will be required within 30 days of the activity detailinq the event and the costs incurred. 5. After the application period has passed, no other requests will be considered unless otherwise approved by the Ways " Means Committee. 75.02'. o . o o The intent behind the development of these procedures is to allow the City to bUdget for activities requirinqfinancial assistance fro. the Civic and Praaotion Fund. This will help ensure that fundinq will be available to assist activities relatinq to c~ity promotion and other civic proqrams throuqhout the year. FRED A. WIlBON, Assistant to the City Administrator FAW/sh . - . . o Application Guideline. For Funding Requ..t. from the Clvie and~ion Fund The City of San Bernardino has limited funding available to assist qualifying non-profit organizations for activities relating to the enhancaent and support of city-wide cultural prograBaing events of benefit and interest to a broad segment of City residents. Requests for financial assistance may be subaitted in order to as.ist in defraying the expense. of festivals, events or activities sponsored by the orqanization which benefit the City. Funding consideration for eligible activities will be made annually on a case by case basis. Prior year funding of any particular activity doe. not guarantee that an organization will receive funding during a subsequent year. Allocations will depend on the amount of aoney available and the merits of the various activities submitted for consideration. Funding requests must relate to one of the following program categories: 1. Civic proqrama and Events: 2. COllllunity Promotion: FILED: APP. GUIDELINES OS/29/90 .. - . . o GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SUBMISSION OF.REQtJZSTS FOR FUNDING CYVl:C AHD PROMM:ION PUND The caapletad Request fora mU8t be submitted to the City Adaini.trator's Office no later than 4:00 p.m., August 30, 1990 for any activity which will be conducted between the period of July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991. In order that Requ.." for FundiD9 ~sis~ce may receive full and adeqaate corwideration, it 18 .......tiel that they be submitted by the ea'tabliUed deadline ADlil that all requested information be provided. In SOll4l iD8tances it will be necessary to enter estiaated amoun" in Section 7, Proposed Budget. Pl.... be as accurate as pos.ible in order that the COIDIIIittee _y give proper cOl'lsideration to the Request. The city Adainistrator's Office will review all Requests for caapleten... and. submit the caapleted package to the council Ways and Means camaitt.. for corwideration and recommendation to the the Mayor and COIDIIIon Council. Requests will be given preliminary .review as they are submitted. It is therefore reque.ted that organizations submit their Reque.ts a. early.. possible. If there are any questions regarding procedure, feel free to call the City Administrator's Office. FILED: GEN. INSTRUCT. - - - - -- ~ . CITY OF SAN BER-:"~O. CIV~D PAOMOTIO-UND REQUEST F~UND_ ASSISTANCE o ,. O'V-........I~,Add..I,OIC.) 3._ Number of v.... In ExIalInCl Dati Submillld 2. Contact Person TiIII Phon. 4. PI_ 01 S_ Raqueatld or DatI 01 E.... 5. T-",Ida_IonNumber I. kfMiotfar _ tundIng. ~Id: ) 7. __ _at_......... to __ "'. programIpfOjacl e. Pa,e ~ lId 1udgIt: ....... ....MnM.: 01 FuIItma_ 02 P__ 03 0val1ima 04 05 '-: 010 0IlIca SuppIIaa 01,.......... 012 p-.g 013 EquipInanI_ 014 s-ty 015_ . Raftl.... 011 FacilIIy_1 017 Inau..... 011 Oacorltlonl 019 UtililiH: Go Elaclrical_ Phon. _ Other _TOIl' 020 Spacial Equipment 021-.mg 022 _Ion ~ t. LIltA-.111 L1JdF....,..........~__CIly) ~ ...... Budget IIudgat 023 TnlphIn 024 Sc:haWahipa 025 CaiIllriIy Expanon Aceammodllillnl Lodging Other 02l_Expanua: ..-TOTAL - TOTAL ,. .. . . - 11. TOIaf Amount Aeq....... tram Cly: A. ArnounI A.qul.... B. LIII: Other Funding _ c. TalIl 12. Dncrtba~ Iddll.IlII__baing,_IIdlr.lmthaelly' (P........... ~ podI- E_dColll building, 1Ic. (To bo c""'fllolod by Cilyl A. B. C. o AI . . d --, 13. Slgnohn of oppIIc8nI: ) Dill: )