HomeMy WebLinkAbout51-Planning . CITY OF . SAN "'&IIDlNO~III!QUI!8T L COUNCIL ACTION From: Larry E. Reed, Director Planning and Building Services April 25, 1990 Subject: Appeal of BBC finding and and BBC action of April 6, 1990, by Margaret Buckner, Re: 1642 E. Echo Dr. Dept: DIIt8: Synoplis of Pnvious Council action: None , Recommended motion: That The Board of Building Commissioners' finding of April 6, 1990, that the City had incurred costs of $268.80 for the abatement actions at 1642 E. Echo Drive, and the BBC Order to demolish the buildings and incur the costs of the City's abatement as a lien against the property and a personal obligation of the owner(s) be upheld. cc, 4 Marshall JUlian, City Administrator Jim Richardson, Deputy City Administra+",.. Patricia ZiJl\lllermann, Deputy City Attorney r4~~ Signature Mark O. Young Contact person: Staff Report, Supporting dllt8 1IttlIched: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Appeal, BBC Phone: Order WIIrd: 268.80 384-5181 Ward tI 4 $ (Acct. DescriDtionl , Demolitions Finlll1ce: ~U~ p Council No1lll: t"'nnvt"'TT.- t":a. 1)1P.Ql~9T-26 75-0262 Agenda Item No ..5/ . caTv OF.....~ - MQUDT &. COUNCIL ACTION ,'- , STAFF REPORT u.cKGIlOUJlDI 1. 6/28/76 A Code Compliance Officer inspected the property and found it to be full of trash and debris. An Order to Show Cause was sent to the attorney's office. 2. 5/17/89 The property was inpsected due to complaints. to be full of weeds, trash and debris, with housing. A Notice of Violation was issued to and mailed to the owner. It was found substandard the resident 3. 5/24/89 A Unit Inspection was done and junk cars were found in the yard. A copy of the Unit Inspection report was sent to the owner by regular mail. Letters were sent to the utility companies to remove utilities from the property. 4. 6/2/89 A Notice of Pendency was recorded. 5. 10/12/89 A property profile was obtained, showing Thelma B. Brinkley as the owner of record. 6. 11/17/89 certified mailings were sent to notify interested parties: William Brinkley, Thelma Brinkley, Margaret Buckner, Bank of california and Shirley Bumpus that the case was to be heard at the December 1, 1989 Board of Building commissioners Meeting. The first three noted mailings were were received by the addressees~ and Shirley Bumpus' mailing returned. 7. 12/1/89 The BBC issued an order to adopt staff's recommendation to demolish the building(s) on the property. 8. 1/31/90 The BBC parties. received. Order was mailed to all the same interested All, except, Shirley Bumpus were signed for as 9. 3/23/90 Telephone contact was made by Tom Jeannotte, followed by a letter of appeal. He stated that he was in escrow on the property and, as new owner, he wished to appeal the matter to the BBC. He wanted permission to rehabilitate or demolish the property himself, thus saving city time and cost. His case was placed on the BBC Agenda for April 6, 1990. 10. 4/6/90 The Board again ordered to adopt staff's recommendation to demolish the structures. 11. 4/24/90 A letter of appeal to Council was received from Lawrence Hutton, Attorney for the heirs to the property, as Thelma Brinkley is dead. COUNCIL:CA.STAFF-26 page 1 7S.02'. . . o . 12. 4/27/90 A letter of appeal to Council was received from Tom J_nnotte, who ie etill in eecrow on the property. It was diacueead with city Clerk'a office that Mr. Jeannotte still has no standinq, and the appeal . is beinq done to council in reaponse to the appeal of ~ heirs of Thelma i!l Brinkley tbrouqh their attorney. ' ,; . A ., 8TUJ' "CQ~TIO.I ., The current zoninq on this property is RS. This property has been a probl.. for a lonq time. The structures are unsafe, and the case has been beard before the BBC twice, both times with the sue order beinq aaopted by the Board. Mr. J_nnotte was qiven the courtesy of beinq allowed an appeal to the BBC, however, he actually has no standinq. . staff's recommendation is to uphold the Board of 8uildinq Commissioners findiD9 that costs have been incurred of $268.80 for the a))atement actions at 1642 East Echo Drive, and their order to d..olisb the buildinqs and incur the costs of the City'S abatement as a lien aqainst the property and a personal obliqation of the owner(s). \ j "' . , I . COUNCIL: CA. STAFP-26 paqe 2 .. , o o If- 2..S'- "0 Rcporrr- 1~33 -ro tJ(Jo'~P/~' t ........r:.. -.. ..... .--- ~~ 1-e.1;/ 'C'''' . 'Y1"",.., .,\) ,...:-' . --.. - ,;Joe, / .- '19 :('0 . WC uf.O . tlkc Tc /I//t:'-~ . 71Jc. 13- B.C. , C()(.I1JClt IJ~<I'ISI(' AI ON 11819"];...."" "~<:epi/V~ ~ F=d~ P ;ttJ feA,! ttJ C/9 feO d 'T I ~ ~ 2 C'7 01=- S-'/IJ /jtZ.~/II~~P;-~OI ~ c),. p.A( CrJ 71i. J5lfS/S Th~7 whcIV e,ot.lAJC/i ~7;Q.I I ("~" 0",1#5 :r;;9-~.'7'fQ? "'v~.s ~AJI?41~ //1.." illlrl,,,ee$/:'/AJ 7hz' {.Q~e ~7,;Z~ QN -/h< p tetJ ,Po~" 1P/J1P!;."".tII'- ..",,~ .sc.I,.~. -;1.~r :r ~O f'11es"A/7:, ~ -rJ,..", "U~I';v~ 71~ --- ~"e I, N' 4 ~A'AJk ;YO" 1 .( yo t:e /< .- 4"'!J2 -<...w); \(h"/I111-S - ~""'NNO~ 6l. 0/5,. fJ/1/f1r /f've 5'''IV 8~#"'M/1/JO ( C# 92'10 If ... . - t:"dAJ:Sil~Ptl'" ~~.~ /.I~ NMldH, ~nf:I' - rrtil-~/tf1S- ~~ - $R'.3 - 1",'{~r 7.1,,-1" ~N./ _~?t!.('-':~ ~ ~OI(JI"Y ~ 4ru'~7;tP ~-u~r~~ tKa-c. tt:r/ ~e..:u...~ ?~r-..e~ .. PU~"~~ ~ ~'-/ ~/ /9f!c p.I~ " ~~ ~~~ ?,,~I) :: :: . fU'~ tY . ~ Af#y_.....61 1. - tJ_6r.'l ".,~*-e.. . . . ~ ~".J4"'nr/ Aj' HUTTon 4Ino T01CHI4I o LAW.UILDING ..15 NORTH LA CAO~NA DRIVE LAWIIIENCE A. HUTTON MICHAEL oJ. TOIIICHIA ~EGE":~~^ . ,', F!~i '90 AOR 24 P 2 :03 MAILING ADDRESS; IIOX.... COLTOR, CflLlfORRlfl '23U TELE.....ONE 17M. .Z..~.3 April 24, 1990 Shauna Clark San Bernardino City Clerk 300 N. "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Re: Project No. 1833 1642 E. Echo Drive, San Bernardino, CA (Lots 5 , 6 Lying No. of Echo Drive) OWner: Thelma B. Brinkley Dear Ms. Clark: On behalf of Margaret Agnew Buckner, 1068 Hancock, San Ber- nardino, California 92411, an heir in the Estate of Thelma Brinkley, deceased, we hereby appeal the decision of the Board of Building Commissioners dated April 6, 1990 and request a hearing before the Mayor and Common Council on the merits of this matter. Attached hereto, and made a part of this appeal, is a copy of a letter dated April 6, 1990 to the Department of Building and Safety which sets forth the position of the appellant in this matter. It is respectfully requested that the Mayor and COmmon COuncil reoonsider the action of said Board to raze the structure on the premises and instead thereof to permit appellant to rehabilitate the premises on the conditions set forth in said letter and such additional conditions as the Mayor and COmmon Council shall impose. All notices and correspondence in this matter may be sent to the undersigned as the representative of Margaret Agnew Buckner. Yours very truly, , ~ ~-:L --/ HUTTon ~nD TOD.CHI~ o ( I-AW BUILDIHG ..5 ....O.T... "A eAa~HA DRIVE LA."CNCE A. HUTTON ....c.....eL .... To...e"'IA MAILING &OO"c..: .0.... COLTon, ClILlfOaRl41 9232A TELE.....ONE ,.,.., .2.-'-.3 April 6, 1990 Dep.rtment of Building .nd S.fety 300 North "D" Street S.n Bern.rdino, CA 92418 RE: Project No. 1833 1642 E. Echo Drive, S.n BerDilrdino, CA (Lots 5 , 6 Lying No. of Echo Drive OWner: Thelm. B'. Brinkley . GenUemen: The owner of the above described property has pessed aw.y ana her e.tate is in probate. We repre..nt one of the heirs and a person intere.ted in purchadnq the subject property who is williD9 to perform the nece.sary work and furnish the .aterial to briD9 the .tructure on. this property to code. !'o accompli.h thi., she will fir.t bave to puroha.e the property from the e.tate. It appear. a. though we. can 40 this but before .0 .yin; the property, we vou),4 like to know whether the 4emolition of the bui14inq Call be .tayed pendiD9 4et8l:lliution of her buyinq the property. It i. aIlticipeted that lIhewou14 have all u.rer to her purchase vithin .ix week. to two .:>>nth.. If she can purcha.., .he WIl14 be villing to .ign allY cSo..__tat:ion n4tCe..ary to refurbish the property to the City'. atan4erd.. Your prompt r.sponse to this .....ge will be .incer.ly appreciated. Yours v.ry truly, SOftON AND '1'01lCBIA By: Lawr.nce A. Blltton LAB/de cc: Margaret Agn.w,Buckner John Agnew ~ 1 2 3 4 , 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, 16 17 II 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 .UD 01' BUXU)XH t!nMV'l'SS:rOrU ORDER NO. 1370 REPOlt'l' NO. 1833 01"'.01' 'lD BOARD 01' SUXU)XNG COJOaSSI01fER8 01' TD CITY 01' SAIl .~ AUTIlOUz:rNG TD ABA'tAl'lAl'l"l' 01' A PUBLIC NUISAKCB. "RK4A8, punuant to the S.n Bernardino Municipal Cod., Titl. 15, Chapt.r 15.28, the Buildinq Offici.l h.. po.t.d . buildinq(.) located at 1642 Echo Drive ., San B.rn.rdino, Californi., and has notified per.on (.) h.vinq an int.r..t in th. above prop.rty that the buildinq(.) or premi... con.titut.... public nui.anc., WJI'R1I.'DS, pur.uant to San Bernardino Municip.l Cod., th. J!Uildinq Offici.l has served . "Notic. of e.arinq Befor. the Boud I of Buildinq Co..i..ion.rs of th. City 'of S.n Bernardino, r.latinq to ab.tement of .aid nuis.nc., to th..p.rson(.) havinq an inter..t' in th. above prop.rty, and has pr.p.r.d a decl.ration of mailinq of th. notic., a copy of which is on file in the.. proc..dinq., and 1fR1nU:AS, a h.arinq was h.ld to rec.iv. and con.ider all r.l.vant evidenc., objections or prot..t. on April 6 19jLI and WHERIAS, the Board of Buildinq COIDIIIission.r. h.ard th. t..timony and exaain.d th. .vid.nc. offer.d by the parti.. " r.lative to the all.qed public nui.ance, , HOW, ''&'"I'''f''BlORE, IT IS ORDERED BY THE BOARD 01' BUILDING COJOaISIONERS 01' THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECT:rON 1. ....d upon th. evidence sublllitte~ i~.. found m and det.nained that th. buildinq(.) and/or pr.lIIi~. ~catec:l at 1642 Echo Drive , San B.rnardino, california~ co]stituted a --< -1- '"tl N N U1 ,:, r- ;T"1 :u ~. 15,< u~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 ~7.RD 01' Bt1ILJ)ING COHMISS~R8 ORDER NO. 1370 REPORT NO. 1833 public nui.-nce for the reasons set forth in Exbibit "A", attacbe4 hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth at leJl9th as findings of fact of the Board. SECTION 2. Based upon the evidence sublllitted, it was deter- mined that the City of San Bernardino was required to initiate abatement actions, that the City incurred costs in the sua of $ 268.80 to abate the above property, and that these costs and any future costs to the City to abate the above property sliall be the personal obliqation of the owner(s) as well as a lien on the above property. SECTION 3. The owner(s) shall obtain a Demolition Permit and D~tISB '1'BE BUILJ)ING(S) located at 1642 Echo Drive , San Bernardino, California within sixty (60) day. from the postinq of a copy of this order on the above property. If the building(s) is not demolished within the prescribed period of time, the build- 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ing(s) will be demolished by the City and the costs shall be the pereonal obliqation of the owner(s) as well as a lien on the above property. \, SECTION 4. Any person agqrieved by this order may, within fifteen (15) days after Aorfl 10. "1290 , appeal to the Co_on Council by filinq with the City Clerk a written statement of the order appealed from the specific qrounds of appeal and the relief or action sought from the Co_on Council. -2- S 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16' 17 II 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 21 1 2 3 ~ OF BUILDING COIIMISSIL ORDER NO. 1370 REPORT NO. 1833 4 % ..... ~IPY ~t: the fonvoill9 order va. duly adopted by the Board of 8Ulldill9 Co.ai..ioner. of The city of San Bernardino at a reaular meeting thereof, held on the 6th day of. April , 19~, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: ,........i..ioner. Warren Miller Herb Poll k n W Jack Hunt NAYS: None ABSTAIN: William Ponder ABSIH'1': The foregoing orcSer is hereby approved this 9th day of A ril 1990 . . - Approved a. to form and legal content: JAIIII F. PI1IIIAN CITY A'1"1'01tNBY ~iJ - BY: ' AJ /V.I".., L./..1 _____.. CE:l03 -3- ,-- O JEPARTHENT OF BUILOING AND SAF." COOE ENFORCEMENT OIVISION \.I PROJECT NO 1833 STAtiMlflT OF COSTS SAN ilEANARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE. TITLE 15 The undersign. ....JleCtfully subllits the following st.tlnlent of casU incurred by the City of S&n ...........illO in Iblting the pUbliC nu1slnce that existed on the propert110catecl at: 1641 ElSt Echo Drive Owner: . Thelma B. Brinkley Address: 1642 E. EchO Drive Assessors No: 155 2~1 26 More particularly described IS: Lots 5 & 6 lyino no of &cho Drive IT:~IZAT!ON Building and Safety De~ar~~ent Costs: Title Search Inspector's 7ime Secret~ry' s Time Camp 1 Retirement Equipment Certified ~ailing Pictures Costs from Previous Hearing Hearing Time Attorney's Costs Contractors's Costs S 2 x S16/hr S 2 x S13/hr S 25'; S lOx 50c S 2x52x2S 6 x 51 S S SUB 70TAL Administrative Costs 40~ TOT"'L COSTS 25.00 32.00 26.00 5.00 8.00 6.00 S 50.00 S 40.00 S S 192.00 S 76.80 5 268.80 Rev. 10/88 \.~.I.1 V~ .:0_ "~^^"~tl.. .~'1'MEH'l' or BUILDINQ An~... n 300 No~ wDw StnW SAN UlUfAllDINO, CA 9241. . EXHIBrr wAw An ift.~i_ ..0..... ot tho below IHftUone4 .~(.) and/o~ pr..i..., ..... .......~.N condition. vbich .ba11 lnc1ud. lNt not be li.U'" to tbe 'o11_ia9, wen ob..no.... - tha OVAer(.) ud all inton.tad partla., a. indlcat'" on th. Tit1a Raport, van sent a cert1tl'" ..l11nV of th... crondiUOIUI. - 'l'ba nOHnndation ill for abataant ot tha .tnCtUJ:a(.) and/or pr..i..., and/or an ordar to vacata .tha prw.... Ou.. - A . .... .. bU nq. or pru ... al'tl ac: a to. putiJl1c au1aenoe. ... .ucb nuisanc.. .ball b. abat'" by tho repair, r.lIloVal o~ ....litlon of .uab un.afe bullcUnv. by tho proper procacl\lr.. Peralt. ar. requir.d prior to .tartinq repair or de.o- li1:ion'vorle. TOTAL C~STS INCURRED TO CATE: $ ~"g. ~ ,0 OWNtR:r~\~ LOCATION )G,II2.. ~c.~tJ 1)('. ACCRESS~, ~ . ASSESSOR'S 'NO. 15~. ::u. c:,:,y$~ ?,~ ....'-oi'.l:..... C c... ~ TYPE/BLOO oS Fit PHCNt NO. V VIOLATION_U", .......:.. \-....:~, -L@.l'"IIC.+CJrv' CA'r~: or INSPECTION~ DATE PR!:PAREC....l.1..:.J9. - ~, IT~ NO. 1. 2. ./ 3. 4. V"" 5. 6. ./ 7. v 8. 3 II. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. V 15. SU.S~ANnAAD HousrNC 't"ad.au.~. S.ni~.~ian'- UHe eR. -10 S-=e'l'tON 1001 Lack of or improper water c10.et, lavatory, bathtub or .hover in dwe1linv. Lacle of or iIIprop.r kitchen .ink or drainboard in dw.11- inv. Lack of hot and cold 1"\Innin; water in dvell1nq. ,Lack of adequat. h.atinq faci1itie.. Lack of or illproper operation of required v.ntllatin9 .quipllOnt. . Lack of minillum a.ount. of natural liqht and ventila- tion. RoolI and .pace dimen.ion. 1e.. than required by code. Lacle of. required .lectrica1 1i;htinq. Da.pne.. of babitable roo.. Infe.tation of in.ecta, verllin or rodent.. Qen.ral dilapidation or illproper ..intenance. Lack of conn.ction to required .evaqe di.po.a1 .y.te.. Lacle ot ..intenance of .eptic .y.t... Lack of 'adequate qarbaqe and 1'\lbbLah .toraq. and removal facLliUe.. Inadequat. houaeko.pinq - tra.h, qarbaqo, etc. 1& . 'UL HAZJJlDS ruBCI .n .. ..1 vacant. Fire da..v" .tructure. Broken door. and vindOVll. Ill89a1 addition (bootlev) . Inadequate veather protection (roof leaJcs, etc.) Inadequate foundation. .e99inq floor.. Inadequate rat-proofinv. Chianey .tructure un.ound. Teaite d"'Ve. structural inteqrity q\1e.Uonable. PLDMIlING tUPCI Water heater illeqally installed in bath or bedrooa. Water heater ha. no T . , valve or ..!saie tie down.. Leakinv/broken/pluqqed .ever drains. Leakinv and/or broken pipe.. Cro.. connected plumbinv. Yard .prinkler. must have vacuuan'br.aks. ~eHANY~AL fUMe' Illeqal qas heater or appliance. Improperly vented vater heater. Inadequate or missinq qas shut off valve. Combustibles stored too near h.atinv appliances. ELECTRICAL tNECI ov.rtusinq - branch circuit. not to .xc..d 15 amp. for liqhts and 20 amps tor r.ceptacle.. Hissinq electrical covers or fixtur.... Inadequate outlets. Electrical service entrance is inadequat.. Hazardous or illeqal virinv. CZNEllAL ISRMCl Pools - staqnant vater inadequate vat. Not to b. occupied until corr.ctlon. ar. ..d.. C.rtiticate ot Occupancy requir.d. Improper Occupancy. Nuisance Possible Fire Hazard. Smoke Oetectors Required. Addres. required,on all bui14invs and/or apa~ents. S\lppl.m.n~: J::l.J:j. tL.. +1'1 tha.,.... "'. . t:.... -... ~ ,fSb:.uJ:~'-. All Cod.. ~\:dO~:~ I~"-a::':;.':' ~rt of the San Bernardino Hunicipal Code (SIKC 15.04.020). INSffCTION IlZPORT WAS GIVEN TO: A property owner . manaqer C tenant o by hand delivery E reCJUlar mail F c.rtitied ..il November 17 19 89 - . , '-L or ~ .J 0/ i t. =f .; THIS on if 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. 7. I. t. 10. 11. V' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. a. 9. AA . o REPORT NO. .0.....) inadequate tence .