HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-RDA Item e.... e e '. o o Recle.eIop~~q. C~of~~ ~ Nar1Ia "i)"...... .......... . .............. ~ 9241. (714)__1 'AX (714) ......13 I'rIde ~ ~.. JUNE 22, 1990 AUTHORIZING AN UNRESTRICTED LINE OF CREDIT WITH WELLS FARGO BANK SynoDsls of PrevIous CommIssIon/CouncIl/CommIttee ActIon: 4-02-90 CoInunlty Development CommIssIon receIved and filed the fIrst Agreement wIth Wood-Huslng and AssocIates for fInancIal servIces. 4-09-90 CommunIty Development CommIssIon receIved and fIled status report on the fIrst Agreement wIth Nood-Huslng and AssocIates. 4-09-90 CommunIty Development CommISsIon recelve~ and fIled the second Agreement wIth Wood-Huslng and AssocIates. RecOlllmtndedMo~ Ion: (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION) Move to dIrect the Agency's ExecutIve DIrector to accept and execute the Loan Proposal Letter and subsequent Loan Documents wIth Wells Fargo Bank. Respectfully SubmItted, R~~~cutlve DIrector SupportIng data attached: Yes FundIng requIrements: NA CommIssIon Notes: Hard: All Project: All 1306A Agenda of: Item No.: July g 1990 . . e . o Redevelopment Agency S T A F F R E P 0 R T - The flna of Wood-Huslng and Associates was directed to assist the Agency with the maximization of yields the Agency can earn on Its Investment portfolio by undertaking a review of the cost, risk and rate of return fro. alternate Inves~nt strategies available consistent with the Agency's existing tnvestment policies, and the firm was directed to maximize the leverage which that portfolio gives the Agency In obtaining loanable funds fro. the banking cOllllUnlty, Wood-Huslng and Associates has now assisted In negotiating with Wells Fargo Bank a maximum line of credit for use on Redevelopment Projects. Attached for your review Is a Loan Proposal Letter with Wells Fargo Bank. This Proposal Is designed to extend credit to the Agency In the aggregate principal amount of $7,000,000. Of this $7.000,000. $1,000,000 Is an . unsecured line of credit payable at prime rate to be repaid at the Agency's terms. but with a maturity date of Dtce~er 1. 1991. The remaining $6,000,000 Is a secured lIne of credit payable atprl.. rate minus .501 to be repaid at the Agency's terms. wIth a maturtt~ d.te of December 1. 1991 and with collateral of secured Interest In cash or cash equivalents of not less than the L1 ne CollIIII tment. There are nC) c_'tlMnt or loan fees, but the Agency will matntaln the ratIo of cash or cash eqUivalents to the Unsecured Line of Credit CollIIIltment of not less than 1.5 at any time. This Proposal Letter expires on July IS, 1990 and all loan documents must be . signed by August I, 1990. If this Proposal Letter Is executed, the Agency will pay to the Bank upon demand all of the Bank's costs and expenses, IncludIng reasonable attorney's fees, expended In the preparation of the loan agreement and other loan documents If outside counsel Is used, but the Bank anticipates usIng their Inhouse counsel. o o I'LLI - T I a..... e K.~._1'I' . e WBLLS FARGO BAR bIUlDDUU\i"A-'" LIRB OF o.kun PROP08AL JuDe II, 1190 e - 0"," .~a"'. . e e e o o .........=. .:.'?r;:'"' ~1I ',' '. ,,' .. '. ..Offioe '....:a..IIl"...... vo ....... . IliiiiIP. CA ..no LOM~~LI"a.. Date: June 18, 1990 1Ir. ~n J. .......1., .x~tive Director .......1 '\J ..~ .....al'.r *Jut Citl' .01.... ~ 300 JIorth-p- ItrMt, l'01trtll Floor "n "_rdino. (:A 92418 Dear Hr. 2'eJDple: Well. Fargo Bank. National Aa.~,tation (-Bank-) is ~l"l!.d to ~rovicle -to the llecIevelC"..nt ."~...!tt .~ .CJ,t.1' of. .... "rul'dino (-Borrotter-) a propo..l ~ .at.... U. or_it. ~1_l)4.ti... de.cribed below in the. anre",tepriacipal ~Tfl..t (Or! Seven Million Dollu. (.7,000.0001, \)Il the foll.,ift9 t.,.. aad c:ondition., so 10Q9 a. thel'._.' been fto..~t'.ia1. aav.l'.e Change in Borrower'. financial ClOncu'Uon, a. detei'lline4 by Bank: 1. Type of Credit: A) Un.ecured Liu of Credit s) S.cured Line of Cre4it 2. Principal AIlIount: A) $1,000,000 S) $6,000,000 3. Purpo.e: A ~ S) A..i.t witb financing Re4evelopment Project.. ... Yntel'ut Rate: A) Prime Rate B) Prime Rate - .50% 5. Repayment: A' BI Cuh venerated frOll Agency financing or inve.tment activitie.. 6. Prepayment: A) None 8) None 7. Maturity Date: A' B) Deceaber 1, 1991 : e e e o o ......l<l1fr _t Agency P.... 2 8. eo.penaating Bal.nc... Ro coat.-.etual bal_no... .r:. r:eguhed ~t it I.. .._..-t" ~t tblt A"heY will..i~in it', prt.ar.rbanking r:.l.tioaahip with Me11. r..r:go. ,. Commitment or: Loan F.e. Rone 10. Borl'OWing ..... Rone 11. CoUatenh A) B) Rone Security intel'lUt in ea.h or ea.h equiv.l.nt. 01 not 1... than the Line C~itileDt. 12.. Guar:uti... Rone 13. Subordination.. Rone 14. Reporting. T.... cre4it .cc~~cdation. ue _de .v..il.bl. .ubject to the te...... co"itiou .nd P1'O,,18ion. 01 compr....aive lo.n docUlllenta to.e_._f.. bt. 89r:r:<*er. including without lillitation . loan .,ral'fll't, aU 1ft 10raaDel .ubatance aati.f.ctor.r to Bank and all of wb.lc"ahaU be executed prior: to -.t 1. 1990. Said loan 4~ta _U includ. .uch r:epre.entation.. w.rr.ntie.. coaaUiou. cc.vaa.nta and eventa of delaul t .. Bank de.. appropriate. whiob .baU be in addition to the tel'll. .nd proyi.ion. atated in thi. letter. Wheth.r or not the loa~ .greeMnt .nd other loan docWlent. .re .greed to and executed. or: wheth.r: or: not .ny loan alledbed aJ>>ov. ia .de. Bonower wiU pay to Bank .i....i.t.ly upon d.-nd .11 01 Iaftk'. co.t. and ._penaea, inClUding reaaonable ..ttor:ney'a fee.. expended in pr:epar:ation of the loan .gr:....nt and other loan 4ocu.ent.. - e e o o Bank A"I'V.. tlut ript to t.raiJaat. .th18 propo...l at any ti.. pr.j,or t4t ...... a r...lpt of aco.pta....., iOJ'I'GWr. _ \'biaprQpOul 18 Pitl"....1 to BOr.nMfer ..841 ...y ...t. ~ tr....'.rrecl or .aal,n.d withOu' ...... prior wpitten ~....t..of .tq.. Bank. .Your .ok..~........t. of. ~. .1.ter a"ll .a~itUte a~...,. of the to~~ 't4lnI.ancl ~.".Ol'.' ",1... ..~oepted or te_..ted~ tll18 Propo..l will eXl'iN 0" ....11' 15. 1990. Sino.rely, WILLS FAROO UNK, 1f.A. cf2.?t" Jla Bela Vice Pre.ident Acknowledged and acceptecl , 1"0: Reelevel"ll lilt AgeDOJ' of the eity of San .......rclillO By: RobIrt J.~...le Executive Direotor