HomeMy WebLinkAboutR07-RDA Item ,\ e e e '0 0 AGENDA ITEMINFORMAnON 8UllMARY 11 JIMa. .,.MJt....: "Iti, . M~LG$ H.,,-..~ ..... /44IJ hi 34/'k c.~.mllll .... -- '/~/,. ",,-,1'0 . .. I ..... AIIIIulfIy, PIlIjIcl ANa C CIJ nll.l~ .... Fur410 ............. .~ ,I;) ? 7/~/,o CLURANcII: v- NIA [J m - r" ." [J aJ ....... 0IunIIl IE] [J i;;;.t-.I. 0 iii ClIr "'.......... RDA CIlmmIItIe IaClCJlJlllJel'dltIlNJ , 'i--.d ./. C.........:. ....h...11oNAL DATA FORwMOEDTO CITY DEPAR'tMENTIICOuNc OFFICES: By _I."~.'~MVIEW: 0IIe ~. ~j.~~jt ~ b-\e-'1Q.. ,IllS crrr_Nn"MENTAL REVEW: DalII ... By ... 111 Sent to ..... 0lI/ce CouncI Wild CouncI Wild CouncI Wild CouncI Wild DepMmenI DepMment ,. DIll ,1;J.t /90 o.a. CC1,,1IE~I!R": ......... ........1lOIlllIIIIQ Ind COOC11III of otIICiMl-...... 0IIIIIIng'" ~.lUl!II. _llll._" ...... 111M ClOftItfaIIiIa Iftd fundll'lg ClOIlIpJ1:..'O....lIIdlull... wilen 1ICIlCM.... be__ ADA -174 7 REV. &-28-88 ,e. . 0 Jledeyel~~ -Cltyo'SaI'Benaardiao ~""D""", ,.,........ ..lIB .. ~. .... 9241. ('114)....1 FAX ('114) 1lMe13 JUNE 18, 1990 MILES HOUSE RENOVATION 1'rIIle .f .,- SynoDsls of PrevIous CommIssion/COuncIl/CommIttee ActIon: 10/27/88 CommIttee recommend purchase of the parkIng lot adjacent to the HerItage House frOlll the ECQllOllIic Development Council <EDC>' 11/07/88 . CoIlIIIlssion authorized purchase of the parkIng lot frOlll the EDC. 03/09/89 COMIittee r,commendedexecutlon of an Exclusive Right to NegotIate with Mr. Ji. Rock. 03/20/89 The CommIssion authorIzed the execution of an Exclusive Right to Negotiate wIth Mr. JIm Rock. (continued on page 2) o Recommended Motion: (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION) That the Executive Director be authorized to executed a First Amendment to Diposition and Development ~grefment extending the cOlllpletion date frOlll July 1, 1990 to September 1, 1990. Respectfully SubmItted, ~~ Rob. J. ~e, Ing Executive Director Supporting data attached: YES Hard: 1st FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Project: CCN Commission Note s : e Agenda of: JULY 2. 1990 Item No. RJT:GH:kak:3032H e . e o o SvnODsls of-PrevIous Commlsslon/Councl1/Comm1ttee ActIon: (contInued from page 1) 06/05/89 Mayor and Common CouncIl/CommIssIon contInued thIs Item to June 19. 1989. 06/08/89 CommIttee revIewed thIs Item and recommended approval. 06/14/" - Mayor and Common Council set a joInt publ1 c hearIng for 11 :00 a.m. on July 5. 1989. 06/22/89 commIttee recommended approval of a DIsposItIon and Development Agreement and that the CouncIl desIgnate the MIles House as a qualIfied hIstorIcal buIldIng. 07/05/89 Mayor and Common Councll/Commlsslon held hearIngs and approved the nleof the property and authorIzed executIon of a DisposItIon and Development Agreement and desIgnated the MIles House as a qualIfIed hIstorIcal buIldIng. 08/07189 CommissIon authorIzed the Executive DIrector to pledge Agency assets guaranteeIng the performance of Mr. Rock In connectIon wIth movIng the house. 06/21/90 CommIttee recommended approval of a 60 day extensIon to the DDA. RJT:GH:kak:3032H . e e . . S T A F F R E P 0 R T It Is r.quest.d that the CommIssIon authorIze the ExecutIve DIrector to eKecut. the attached FIrst Alfndm.nt to DisposItIon and Development Agreement whIch will ext.nd the r.qulred completIon date of constructIon from July I, 1990 to September I, 1990. BACKGROUND On July S, 1989 a ODA was eKecuted wIth JIm Rock whIch provld'd for the r.locatlon arnt r.storatlon of the MfluHous., the lut two story Queen Anne style Vh:torlan house remaInIng In San BernardIno, onto Agency-ownedproperty . i_di.tety ad3acentto and south of th.$an BernardIno HistorIcal SocIety's prop.rty located at the southwest corn. I' of 8th and "0. Str.et. The OOA requlr.s that all IlIJIrovements be completed no later than July 1; 1990. Mr. Rock has r.quest..a.60d,y 'Kt.nslon to Sept.llber I, 1990 to complete the renovatIon (SM attached) due to addItIonal llIIprov.ments that have been don. above and beyond those required by the DDA and the CIty, I.e. *Inlald brick drive *Contlnuous elevated handicap ramp. *Radlus wrought Iron entry fencing. *Interlor moulding reproductIon. Staff has regularly Inspected the project. and estImates that It Is 851 complete. Mr. Rock has gone to extraordinary lengths to preserve the architectural IntegrIty both Interior and exterIor of the house. For example the InterIor wood work was all stripped to the origInal wood, and where necessary the Original IlIOUldlngs were reproduced. This Isa time consuming process which Mr. Rock dId not have to do. RECCM4ENDATIQN: Mr. Rock has made a diligent .ffort to "Intaln the architectural Int.grlty of the MIles Hous. and In dotng so has encountered delays. It Is recommended that he be given an addltlonll 60 dlYs to cOlllplete the project. The amendment has been approved by Agency Counsel and has b.en executed by Mr. Rock. RJT:GW:kak:3032H e - - .' . i' ~. i. ,',; '.~. ~ ",.1: a . ~ . , ~ e . o dan. 13. 1990 Mr. JU1 I.II","er R..fty.lo...."t A""C1 Chy of$an lunardtn, 300 .0. D Str..t S.n I.rn.rdtno. C.. 12418 R.: Mn.. Houu Thts lett.r h. for..1 ....."..t.f. tt.. ..ttnston of our Dtsposttton ."dOt'11ep.."t A.r...."t. S.ctto" 503. II. r.quest . '.0 ...." tt......... ".don. Wh.. ...b., ..endtng the co.pl.UO._at.D ....dS.pt. ,. '''O.(Att.ch- ...t No.3. It,.,,!). .As"u are .w.... ., your tn.p.cttons.. w. ......".. .ou noVe .nd blyo"d"tr..' con.trucUoit..tltOd:.hth tn ,rchUectu.' qualtt, .nd thl ..ithettt dlsf,.. of our t.prov...nt.. t.e.. tnlatd brtck drt,e. ~.tlttl.y....d ".ndtc.p r..p. r.dtu. wr,ught1r,n .ntr" f."ct". ",d tatertor .ouldt"g r.producttons. If furth.r t.f'....tto" or co.-u"tc.tton t. n'lded to .xp.dtt. thts r.quest. pl.... otve .. . c.". .It. Rock Rock Enterprhes .JR:gb ~.~'.-;...,..... 1,- ..... 'I' Ii I.! W ~ f .""1. Ii ' n: ' . :il. " 'Ii ',: L/;' " '. oJ 't : ' ,::' t: e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e o o FIRST ~ TO DISPOSITION AND Dava.oPMBJnt AGRBBMENT THIS FIRST AMBNDMBNT TO DISPOSITION AND DBVBLOPMBNT AGREBMBNT by and between the RBDBVBLO!'MBNT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BBRNARDINO (the "Agency") and ROCK ENTBRPRISBS, a sole proprietor8b1p (the "Participant") i. made and entered into this day of , 1990; WITNESSBTH: WHERBAS, the parties hereto entered into that certain Disposition and Development Agr....nt dated July 5, 1989, and WKBRBAS, it is the de.ir. of the parti.s to amend said Agr....nt to extend th. term thereof 60 days, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as fOllows: 1. Paragraph V. 12. of Attachment No. 3 of the Disposition and Development Agre.ment is amended to read as follows: "12. ~l.tion of ~truct1on. Pa .lclpent eha11 COIIpl.t. construction of all of th. Participant Illlprovements. Within on. hundred sixty (160) days aft.r the . COlDIIIlm.cement of construction, but not later than Sept.mber 1, 1990." 2. Exc.pt as am.nded herein said Di.position and Development Agr.ement shall remain in full force and effort. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / DAB/.es/ROCk.agr June 19, 1990 e . . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o 1 2 IN WI~NESS WHEREOF, the Parti.. have executed this First 3 Amendment to Agr.....nt on the day and date fir.1l abov. shown. 4 "AGENCY" 5 REDIVE-.oPMENT AGINCY OF ~HE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO By: APPROVJtI) AS '1'0 PROGRAM: By: ~~F APPROVED AS '1'0 FORM AliID LBGAL CONTENT: "PAR~ICIP~" DAB/s_/Rock.agr June 18, 1990