HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-RDA Item AGENDA ITEM INFORMATION SUMMARY GENERAL INFORMATION: ~ Subje<:\ '-In/. tV/741d-;( & W / /J4~00 /71PCA./ ALl /JIM , Author ~ , Ward I) :1 + & Proj8CI Area JJ1. V Ext2<t3Cj Budget Author~~ Committee CommissionlCouncil Filing Dates 71I<;K. ~.eMi Meeting Dates 5/4/0 D S-//}/9lJ Funding Requirements Dale CLEARANCES: RDA MANAGEMENT REVIEW: Execu1iw DinK:lor Adminialr8live Deputy ~ 5"13 ManagerlSuper;iaor CITY DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW: Dale By Dapl By Depl Dale Yea NlA 0 0 Accounting G D ptA6-trJ 0IlL/ Special CoIa1..1 g- O Ci1y AIlDm8y 0 e City Adminialralllr ~/2/CJtJ RfJA eonll..t(tw recommendation 7;Il1Sk- 7tJ reE /1~ffYa / I %/f() INFORMATIONAL DATA FORWARDED TO CITY DEPARTMENTS/COUNCIL OFFICES: Senllo Mayor's Office Council Ward Council Ward Council Ward Council Ward Department Department By Dale COMMENTS/CONCERNS: Include penlnent comments and concerns ot offices and persons clearing the summary, such as controversial Issues, time constraints and funding complications. IndlClte dates when action must be taken. -Its-- RDA -174 REV. 6-29-89 Redevelopment Agency . City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Stree~ Foorth Floor . San Bernardino, California 92418 (714) 384-SOB1 FAX (714) 888-9413 e. ::; ~ ~e~ MAY 2, 1990 REQUEST TO AMEND PAC BYLAWS; CONSIDER RECOMMENDED PROJECTS LIST; APPROVE RELOCATION GUIDELINES AND OWNER PARTICIPATION PROCEDURES AND SET JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PROPOSED MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Acti..on: 04/03/89 Commission authorized staff to initiate preliminary steps required to consider redevelopment planning for the Mt. Vernon Business Corridor and adjacent areas. (continued on page 2) Recommended Motion: (Community Development Commission) MOTION: Move to approve amendment to the Bylaws as recommended by the (A) Mt. Vernon Corridor Project Area Committee. (continued on page 5) Respectfully Submitted, ~~"Y ~~ Rober J. Temple, Actlng Executive Supporting data attached: YES FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: NONE Director Ward: Project: 1 st, 3rd and 6th MV Commission Notes: RJT:SMM:mv:1997R Agenda of: May 7, 1990 Item No: SynoPsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action: (continued from page 1) 07/20/89 Committee recommended that a meeting be held with Mayor and Committee Members Estrada and Flores to discuss potential boundaries to be discussed by the Commission. 08/07/89 Mayor and Common Council considered redevelopment survey and planning of the Mt. Vernon business corridor and referred matter to Redevelopment Committee to conduct community meetings. 08/10/89 Committee set community meeting dates for September 12, 1989, September 14, 1989 and September 19, 1989 at 6:30 p.m. and asked staff to coordinate the meetings. 08/21/89 Mayor and Council rescinded August 7, 1989 action and formed Mt. Vernon Task Force composed of Councilpersons Estrada, Flores & Pope-Ludlam. 09/21/89 Subsequent to conducting the community meetings, the Task Force recommended the selection of the redevelopment survey area. 10/02/89 a) Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution 89-397 designating a redevelopment survey area. b) Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution 89-398 approving a loan agreement between the City and the Commission. c) Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution 89-399 authorizing the execution of a loan agreement with the Commission. d) Commission adopted Resolution 5209 approving a loan agreement between the City and Commission. e) Commission adopted Resolution 5910 authorizing the execution of a loan agreement with the City. f) Commission authorized the execution of an agreement with Urban Futures, Inc. g) Commission authorized the formation of a Citizen Advisory Committee. 10/10/89 SUbsequent to the Council action designating a redevelopment survey area, the Task Force recommended 1989/90 be established as the base year. 10/19/89 The Task Force recommended that the survey area be amended. 11/06/89 Mayor & Common Council adopted Resolution No. 89-439 designating an amended Survey Area. Mayor & Common Council and Commission adjourned to November 13, 1989. 11/07/89 Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC89-2 approving the preliminary plan. RJT:SMM:mv:1997R 2 Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action: (continued from page 2) 11/09/89 The Task Force recommended the acceptance of the Preliminary Plan and discussed the need to form a PAC. 11/13/89 Mayor and Council adopted Resolution No. 89-440 designating a CAC. Commission adopted Resolution No. 5217 accepting the Preliminary Plan and authorized the transmittal of certain documents. 11/26/89 The Task Force recommended the formation of a PAC; and the formation Procedures. 11/30/89 Mayor and Council adopted Resolution No. 89-465 determining the need to form a Project Area Committee concerning the Mt. Vernon Corridor project. 12/5/89 Citizen Advisory Committee meeting to explain role of Committee. 12/8/89 Citizen Advisory Committee tour of project area. 12/11/89 Public meeting to explain the Project Area Committee formation procedures. 12/29/89 Mt. Vernon Task Force recommended Project Area Committee membership. 01/03/90 Mayor & Council adopted Resolution No. 90-1 approving a Project Area Committee. 01/26/90 Mt. Vernon Task Force reviewed the Preliminary Report, Draft EIR and Redevelopment Plan. 01/29/90 Commission adopted Resolution NO. 5227 approving the Preliminary Report on the proposed Redevelopment Plan. Commission adopted Resolution No. 5228 receiving a proposed Redevelopment Plan and Draft EIR (DEIR). 02/13/90 PAC adopted bylaws, selected officers, and received Preliminary Report, Draft Redevelopment Plan and DEIR. 02/20/90 Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC-90-1 making its report and recommendation as to the conformity of the Redevelopment Plan with the General Plan. 02/22/90 Environmental Review Committee (ERC) reviewed the Draft EIR and continued to 3/15/90. 02/24/90 PAC tour of the project area, reviewed preliminary report, draft redevelopment plan and draft EIR, amended bylaws and reviewed the conformity report. RJT:SMM:mv:1997R 3 Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action: (continued from page 3) 03/05/90 Mayor and Council adopted Resolution No. 90-74 commending the Citizen Advisory Committee and dissolving the committee. Mayor and Council adopted Resolution NO. 90-75 approving the Project Area Committee bylaws. 03-07-90 Project Area Committee Meeting 03-14-90 Project Area Committee Meeting 03-15-90 ERC reviewed Oraft EIR. 03-16-90 Task Force reviewed status of fiscal negotiations. 03-21-90 Project Area Committee Meeting 04-18-90 Project Area Committee recommended a Project List to be given priority during life of plan; and recommended General Plan zone changes procedures be submitted for consideration. 05-02-90 Task Force reviewed PAC recommendations. Staff was directed to research General Plan discussions for Committee's review. The Committee also reviewed and recommended Owner Participation Procedures, relocation guidelines and date, time and place for Public Hearing and Community Workshops. RJT:SMM:mv:1997R 4 (Community Development Commission) MOTION: Move to approve the projects list for the proposed Mt. Vernon (B) Corridor Redevelopment Plan, as recommended by the Project Area Committee. MOTION: Move to adopt RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (C) COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND ADOPTING RELOCATION ASSISTANCE GUIDELINES FOR THE PROPOSED MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. MOTION: Move to adopt RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (D) COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION AND THE RE-ENTRY PREFERENCES FOR OWNERS, BUSINESSES AND TENANTS IN THE PROPOSED MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. MOTION: Move to adopt RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (E) COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONSENTING TO A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE COMMON COUNCIL ON THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE PROPOSED FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) RELATING THERETO. MOTION: Move to adopt RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (F) COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING ITS REPORT TO THE COMMON COUNCIL ON THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND TRANSMITTING DOCUMENT BINDERS TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. (Mayor and Common Council) MOTION: Move to adopt RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE (G) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONSENTING TO AND CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ON THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE PROPOSED FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) RELATING THERETO. RJT:SMM:mv:1997R 5 S T A F F R t ~ 0 R T This is to request that the Commission approve and ratify the Project Area Committee (PAC) bylaws as amended and to consider the PAC's recommended prior1ty 11st of potent1al projects for the Mt. Vernon Project Area. This 1s also to request that the Commission adopt a resolution approving Owner Partic1pat10n Procedures and a resolut10n approv1ng Relocation Gu1delines; and that the Counc11 and Commiss10n adopt a resolution consenting to and call1ng for a Jo1nt Public Hearing on the proposed Redevelopment Plan and the proposed Env1ronmental Impact Report (EIR) and that the Commiss10n adopt a resolut10n approving the report to Counc11. BACKGROUND Initial efforts to establ1sh the Mt. Vernon Corr1dor Project Area cons1sted of three Commun1ty meet1ngs 1n order to ascerta1n a level of 1nterest and support for the project. Follow1ng those initial meet1ngs, the C1ty approved a redevelopment survey area on October 2, 1989, and amended on November 6, 1989 to 1nclude addit10nal public-owned land. Follow1ng the approval of the amended survey area, the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n des1gnated proposed project area boundaries and approved the prelim1nary plan on November 7, 1989. Subsequently, the Counc11 approved a Project Area Committee (PAC) on January 3, 1990. The Comm1ssion approved the preliminary report and received the proposed plan and Draft EIR on January 29, 1990. The documents were d1str1buted to the affected Tax1ng Agencies, Env1ronmental Reviewing Agencies, Plann1ng Comm1ssion and the PAC. During the past few months, staff and the consultants have carefully rev1ewed the documents with the PAC. The PAC's pr1mary task was to make recommendations to and priorit1ze the proposed projects 11st. At the1r last meeting, the PAC recommended the following projects be given prior1ty throughout the 11fe of the plan. Mt. Vernon Project Area Committee Project List Recommendations Infrastructure . . . Des1gn and construction of commuter rail intermodal terminal. Des1gn and construction of off-ramps West of I-215. Landscaping along and within arter1als (med1ans, parkways, flood control channels and railroad rights-of-way). Construction of sewer on West end of Baseline. . RJT:SMM:mv:1997R 6 Recreational/Cultural Develop A. B. C. new or improve existing Teen Youth Center Nunez Park Theatre Social Services such as: . . . Develop Community Center Railroad Cultural Museum Improve and expand the existing park (plaza 7th and Mt. Vernon) Economic A. B. C. Communitv Development Programs Development Program Attract Viva and/or Tianguis Market Promote light Industrial/commercial/professional Attract bank(s) development . Commercial/Industrial rehabilitation loans or grants Relocation assistance A. Mexican Consulate Office B. County facility . Demolition Assistance Program Architectural design and streetscape Program · Land uses A. Mill Street B. Mt. Vernon Street C. 5th Street/Foothill Street . . Sign Public Transportation/Bus Stops Utility Underground Housing . . Provide assistance for construction of a Senior Housing Project - Single Family Low and Moderate Income Housing Amend PAC Bylaws On April 18, 1990, the PAC approved an amendment to Section IV. paragraph D of the bylaws to reflect a majority of the members to constitute a quorum. In accordance with Section VI of the bylaws. any amendment must be ratified by the Common Council. It Is. therefore. recommended that the Council approve the PAC's action. RJT:SMM:mv:1997R 7 Relocation Guidelines In accordance with Sections 33411 and 33352 of the Health and Safety Code, the Commission shall prepare a feasible method or plan for relocation of families or persons displaced from housing facilities in the project area; and nonprofit local community organizations displaced in the project area. The Relocation Guidelines are designed to carry out the following policies: 1. To ensure that uniform, fair and equitable treatment is afforded persons displaced from their homes, businesses or farms as a result of the action of a public entity in order that such persons shall not suffer disproportionate injury as a result of action taken for the benefit of the public as a whole; and 2. In the acquisition of real property by a public entity, to ensure consistent and fair treatment for owners of ,real property to be acquired, to encourage and expedite acquisition by agreement with owners of such property in order to avoid litigation and relieve congestion in courts, and to promote confidence in public land acquisition. Owner Participation Rules The purpose of the rules governing participation and re-entry preferences for owners, businesses and tenants is to establish procedures that encourage and permit participation in the redevelopment of the project area by owners, businesses and tenants . It is, therefore, recommended that the Commission adopt a resolution approving relocation assistance guidelines, and a resolution approving owner participation and re-entry rules for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project. Report to Mayor and Common Council and transmital of document binders The report to the Mayor and Common Council is to review the reasons for the selection of the Project Area; to describe the physical, social and economic conditions existing in the Project Area; to describe how specific proposed public improvements/projects will improve or alleviate blighted conditions existing within the Project Area; to indicate the methods of financing for the Redevelopment Project; to set forth the plan and method of relocation of any property owners or businesses displaced by the Project; to analyze the Preliminary Plan; to include the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission; to include the Environmental Impact Report; to include the report of the County Fiscal Officer and the report of the Fiscal Review Committee; to describe the impact of the Project upon the residents of the Project Area and the surrounding areas; and to summarize the consultations by representatives of the Redevelopment Agency with the affected taxing entities and the public. Document binders have been prepared for the Mayor and Common Council containing documents to be considered or referred to at the Joint Public Hearing. RJT:SMM:mv:1997R 8 Set Joint Public Hearing Staff recommends that the Council and Commission hold a joint public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 11, 1990, to consider the adoption of the proposed plan and the proposed final EIR. At the Joint Public Hearing, the report to Council, proposed final EIR, the reports and recommendations of the Planning Commission, the report of the County Fiscal Officer, a summary of all consultations held with taxing agencies and all other documentation as required by law will be presented. In order to give all property owners in the project area an opportunity to fully understand the redevelopment process, staff recommends three (3) community workshops be scheduled. It is, therefore, recommended that the following schedule be set: Date: Time: Place: Date: Time: Place: Date: Time: Place: Date: Time: Place: Community Workshops Wednesday, May 30, 1990 7:00 P.M. Alessandro Elementary School 670 North Ramona Avenue San Bernardino, California Thursday, May 31, 1990 7:00 P.M. Richardson Prep High School 455 South "K" Street San Bernardino, California Wednesday, June 6, 1990 7:00 P.M. Mt. Vernon Elementary School 1271 West lOth Street San Bernardino, California Public Hearing Monday, June 11, 1990 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers, City Hall 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, California Subsequent to the Public Hearing, the Mayor and Common Council will introduce the first reading of the Ordinance adopting the plan on June 18, 1990. The second reading will take place on June 25, 1990 (not a regular meeting date) which will approve and adopt the Mt. Vernon Redevelopment Project. Recommendation It is, therefore, recommended that the Council and Commission approve the aforementioned actions and adopt the appropriate resolutions. RJT:SMM:mv:1997R 9 , --_-:~ __ c_..,.. . . ~ ~ ~, .':' iT u''"~~'=F:~~'.'(~ ===,::~:~~. ! .eil ."l:= ~_L(r'il~~~]g-l~t-f~'; -'- c__ L~c~__!;.~ -~;~:~il ',-: ,~)~r;-= -!~[t~~~-t~.t<~.. - c ,. II I ~ j ii, '-, !I~~-r ",-0 I~c..,c.i-}t:.c::~'~,>"l'" ~. ~~~~,ilc:~_~t '~ . ,,1clL.n;:::~3~A' '":' \ " , ,-~,,~'.~r~!~i~~~t~~l~"~S~ ___l'I'!~:.n , iL . .~.L~~:~- t II '; ~;m~IM~i; , tJ'~j_:ti~r , '_Lc51,...;sf]r:~~,p=~- tl....,I-I'.~'..f- ----"~--~-~-="'.-.. --+\~~?~r..-:'~ ..;~ ~~:~:~~,~-~-,~-~.:~- ,t~, ,_' .__.1,_, _ I (~!~t@<'~1Wjr'n!~r.~ Ir ,--_... .~ 1~;Q;;._2 . , lU.i :.;;:;0[-.... -.. , -~ i....."--t -'-"'J,. ~ , I . . .( i - ~,;~,:,/!;,r.i ,-- , ',' , -'i';"<='~'l .II ", I ,_ ~- ~l~' J~-=- : i ~I.:: ,____ ~j i:~, .~-=:3~~'lL_'='_4~i~--,~L-=-- JLL r " .i~_C: " '11 ". q ..~i.;:! 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Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project ("Project" or "Project Area") in CQnsulting with and advising the Community Development Commission and the Redevelopment Agency (collectively, "Agency") members, staff, and consultants on: (1) those matters which deal with the planning and provision of residential facilities or replacement housing for those to be displaced by Project activities; (2) those matters which deal with the development of new commercial facilities and pUblic improvements in the Project Area; (3) other policy matters which affect the businesses and residents of the Project Area; and (4) any other matters regarding the Project Area which may be submitted to the PAC by the Common Councilor Agency affecting the Project Area during a period commencing upon the creation of the PAC and ending at the third anniversary of the adoption of a redevelopment plan for the Project Area. For purposes of these Bylaws, "Project Area" shall inClude that area proposed to be included within a redevelopment project area by virtue of Resolution No. PC 89-2 approved by the Planning Commission on November 7, 1989. Section II. MEMBERSHIP A. Selection The PAC shall initially consist of those seventeen (17) members approved by the Common Council by its Resolution No. 90-1 approved on January 3, 1990. B. Qualifications To be eligible for membership on the PAC, a person must be either a residential owner-occupant, a residential tenant, a businessman, or a member of an existing organization within the Project Area boundaries. If a member ceases to qualify on one of these bases (e.g., by removal of residence or business or membership), he shall resign from the PAC; or if he fails to resign within sixty (60) days of the date of the date that he ceases to qualify, his membership shall be deemed vacated. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Common Council which may act upon nomination by the PAC. DAB/ses/By-Laws MOTION A C. Project Area Boundaries The Project Area boundaries are those which have been adopted as the official boundaries of the Project Area. If the Project Area boundaries are amended, then the PAC shall be reconstituted, if necessary by procedures established by the Common Council to reflect the circumstances. D. Membership Term The terms of the PAC members are from the date of approval of the PAC until the 31st day of December, 1990. At the end of that time, the Common Council may reappoint members or appoint other members on a year-to-year basis;as deemed desirable in light of the current Project activities and in conformity with applicable legal requirements. Section III. OFFICERS A. The officers of the PAC shall be a Chairman and Vice- Chairman and Secretary. B. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the PAC shall be elected by the PAC members at its first meeting. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary should thereafter be elected during the month of December in each calendar year and shall take office effective immediately upon such election. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the PAC and sign ~ll documents necessary to carry out the business of the PAC. The Vice-Chairman shall, in the absence of the Chairman, act as Chairman. The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings of the PAC. Section IV. MEETINGS AND OFFICE A. Regular and Special Meetings The PAC shall meet at the Villasenor Library, 525 N. Mt. Vernon Avenue, San Bernardino, California, or such other place the PAC might from time-to-time designate. Regular meetings shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month. Notice of meetings shall be sent to members at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting. The Secretary of the PAC, upon notification by the Chairman, shall be responsible for the posting of said notice and an agenda of all matters to be discussed or acted upon at a public meeting at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the time specified in the notice of the meeting. All meetings shall be conducted and notice thereof shall be given in conformity with the Ralph M. Brown Public Meeting Law (Government Code Section 54950, et seq.). DAB/ses/By-Laws B. Meetings to be Open and Public All meetings of the PAC shall be open and public to the extent required by law. All persons shall be permitted to attend any such meetings except as otherwise provided by law. C. Minutes Minutes of all meetings of the PAC will be kept in a file in the offices of the Redevelopment Agency and the City Clerk. D. Quorum N!fte-~~ A majority of the member$ of the PAC shall constitute a quorum, and a quorum shall be necessary for the PAC to conduct its business. A smaller number of PAC members may. adjourn a meeting from time-to-time until a quorum is present. Except as otherwise provided herein or as otherwise provided by law, concurrence by ft!fte-~9~ a majority of the members of the PAC shall be required for any action of the PAC. E. Rules of Order All business and matters before the PAC shall be transacted in conformance with Robert's Rules of Order (newly revised) . F. Attendance Any member who, without good cause as determined by the PAC, shall be absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings, shall be deemed to have vacated his membership. Section V. DISCLOSURES AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The members of the PAC shall make written disclosures to the Agency, Common Council, and the PAC of the fact and location of all direct or indirect interests in the property presently owned or hereafter acquired in the Project Area; such diSClosures shall be accomplished in conformity with the Political Reform Act (Government Code Section 87000, et seg.) and any applicable local conflict of interest code promulgated pursuant thereto. Members shall cooperate with staff and Agency legal counsel (which shall be the office of the City Attorney) in the review of interests in property, and shall refrain from voting or participating in decisions where they are disqualified by virtue of a conflict of interest. Failure to make such written diSClosure, or to refrain from acting where a member has a conflict of interest, shall be grounds for removal from the PAC. DAB/ses/By-Laws For the purposes of this Section V., the term "direct or indirect interest" shall be defined to include, but not be limited to, any monetary interest in property, or benefit arising from the sale, lease, mortgage, or disposition of property, owned by, in trust for, or subject to inheritance by a member of the PAC, his or her spouse, his or her children, and his or her parents. Section VI. ADOPTION OF BYLAWS The form of these Bylaws shall be initially approved by the PAC, and shall be effective upon ratification by the Common Council. Any amendment may be made by 2/3 vote of the PAC membership and ratification by the Common Council. DAB/ses/By-Laws 1972R Mr. VF.RN:N PR:XJECT ~ cn.MITIEE PR:XJECTS LIST REO:M.t:N)l\TICNS Infrastructure * * * Design and construction of commuter rail intennodal terminal. Design and construction of off-ramps West of 1-215. Landscaping along and within arterials (medians, parkways, flood control channels and railroad rights-of-way). Construction of sewer on west end of Baseline. * Recreational/CUltural Develop A. B. C. new or improve existing Teen Youth Center NJnez Park Theatre Social Services such as: * Develop Ccmnmity Center * Rai I road CUI tural [\;\Jseun * Improve and expand the existing park (7th and Mt. Vernon) Community Development ProRram5 Economic Development Progran A. Attract Viva and/or Tianguis Market B. Promote light industrial/commercial/professional development C. Attract bank(s) * COmmercial/Industrial rehabilitation loans or grants Relocation assistance A. Mexican Consulate Office B. County facility * Demolition Assistance progran Architectural design and streetscape Program * Land uses A. Mill Street B. Ntt. Vernon Street C. 5th Street/Foothill Street * * Sign Public Transportation/Bus Stops Utility Underground HousinR * * Provide assistance for construction of a Senior Housing Project Single Fannly Low and Moderate Income Housing 5 April 18, 1990 1972R MOTION B RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND ADOPTING RELOCATION ASSISTANCE GUIDELINES FOR THE PROPOSED MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the .Commission.) was duly created under the provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the Commission has initiated proceedings for the consideration of the adoption of the Nt. Vernori Corridor Redevelopment Project (the .Project.); and . WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33411 and 33352 of the Health and Safety COde, the Commission desires to approve relocation guidelines for the Project. WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 324 (Chapter 828, Statutes 1989) amending the State Relocation Law (Government Code 7260 At .&.eg.) was passed by the legislature and s;.gned by the Governor on September 25, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Changes made in State Relocation Law by Assembly Bill 324 became effective January 1, 1990; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Housing and Community Development will not be ~repared to amend the California Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines until sometime during 1992. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the Relocation Assistance Guidelines attached hereto, labeled as Attachment No.1, (the .Community Development Commission Nt. Vernon Corridor Relocation Guidelines.), which are incorporated herein by reference, are hereby approved and adopted as the relocation guidelines (the .Guidelines.) for the Project (as presently existing and as may hereafter be amended), with and subject to the fOllowing: (a) Any reference to .public entity. shall be deemed to be a reference to the Commission unless the context requires otherwise. MOTION C (b) In accordance with Section 6032 of the Guidelines the Commission shall provide relocation advisory assistance. Such assistance shall be provided in accordance with the specific relocation plan prepared in connection with specific development projects that will result in displacement pursuant to Section 6038 of the Guidelines. The relocation advisory assistance shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Guidelines. (c) Any informal presentation request made pursuant to . Section 6l56(b) of the Guidelines shall be made to the Executive Director or his designee. (d) In the event formal review and reconsideration is requested pursuant to Section 6158 of the Guidelines, the review shall be conducted by the Executive Director or his designee. Unless a written appeal is filed, all determinations of the Executive Director or his designee shall be final ten (10) days from the date notice of such determination is delivered in person to the complainant or fifteen (15) days from the date the notice is placed in the U.S. mail addressed to the complainant at the address set forth on the complaint. All appeals shall be made in writing to the Commission (or, if a separate relocation appeals board has been established, to the relocation appeals board). In the event a separate relocation appeals board is established it shall proceed with respect to any appeal in the manner and within the time set forth in Section 6158 of the Guidelines and this sub~ection (d). Appeals from the decision of the relocation appeals board shall be made to the Commission within the time and in the manner herein provided. (e) No persons or families of low or moderate income shall be displaced unless and until there is a suitable housing unit available and ready for occupancy by such displaced person or family at rents comparable to those at the time of their displacement. (f) The Commission shall retain the right to provide relocation assistance to the fullest extent legally allowable, notwithstanding the designation of specific amounts in certain sections of the Guidelines. (g) The Guidelines shall incorporate and conform in all respects with the amendments and revisions to the State Relocation Law (Government Code Sections 7260 ~ ~) as such amendment and revisions are set forth in Assembly Bill 324 (Chapter 828, Statutes 1989) which is attached hereto as Attachment No.2. 03/23/90 8079n/260l/0ll -2- SECTION 2. The Secretary will certify to the adoption of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the __ day of , 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: ABSENT OR ABSTAIN: Secretary The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this __ day of , 1990. Chairman of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: Agency Counsel I By: 03/23/90 8079n/2601/011 -3- ATTAca>.mNT NO. 1 IBil~J.II~IIJ.; J"J.Jt'I.8:t~lEf~l~. flfrJfftjil I e u i I rJ h'r ' , J !rf. "J ~i' r ,... to ~ JI .. lll~ ;; ('). ;! l ~ . It ill.. 5 ::sf. a.Jf I i II' ria. il: ,ot rl nl-8" 1 !~S' t! st.. z iifi51:1l ~Ii' iJ!J it l r fi r I; 'I pj Ii." ~ r ~ I i~.. i, II ..h..fE, = 1.I,.e ! L ~s:.:l'l'C ~t I .fl' filii r f . lUll roll (~~m~d.!~ dl~t ~nr f. ~ ~ f!t!=! n 15il~~ hht lrt !h mil hat I If ! t~:f = U l~i!~h . ! , . IF iE J fJ~~UiLJ f !i[iJtiilriUJF ~ffn S': n I ;. i, i '';''If'~.r if lit r 'Ii n' 'C ~ ! I}r!!} !:i :11, , rL 'f LI'{ f'-j., I ' , } 11 illf~fff = I' f~Jh ~~Ji~ fi!; 1mb rk~ I 1 II, h'li~E. ~ lcil-l~~h r lil:oaf Ifff I ,r.fi II j- ~ Ii] 1'1,Jill {'. t!l!:; ~r !i!j ;fa !I: ll:~ ~l i~f'~: '~ ~ j f!- ~ilill,lll ~i II,tl frill f!i:tll, I ~ '~a ltftf lIS ~ s~~ >f f= i l~ i i~ r:5' I i' :Ii '_~.fl . 1 ; II ,!ifl: ~1:J f 'f :!E ii' rif.! i '~fiJ filii r~- r if" _ Q. '~5' 1 f IS J '.' ' t :-1 r 11 J r It II,r ' Ill. ~Jt Jr;;fl!tU Or timl f[!f It~. Ii i PI . III !El ti,! Ita ria: I ii~IIJJI hl~ l. II. i.J ili l~lf iUlilli,Jili. 'L! t, fr~J~ II,t E ~ii ,~ I~..! . . i Ii r='l 'C- - . ;"5' - I!l 5' I · Ie' I ; ! h~I~.:d tf~!,[rJIJ!rl i,111 Iftllll .~ l~,"ltlll:i~ t '~[ 1.1 ,11 S'. ' ,fl f- ~ I t~ ! '~i[hi.l) i I .I. II i' 'fl !i,= flflf( i-iii'a. ~ ;5J:,ifi. lil .1[., ,1 ' ;R' lli ,t li[t~ '5'~ Jil[f i w l~ r -rfl,'C il: Ii. 'f" t 'tRl r '~ii 'ililll,t: ; lilt! !l,iii ' ~f~ 1 ~1 1.~~ll"IJ i -'l;a. .. :lllil ~ l.~ fl;'~:S! f.8~il ~ ltt tlltd!= II "I. f 'I i~,...lrl.!'l; ItA ff_r-llpl:ol t n~4' f~-JIJf-lcl-ll-l"l~rllill.-I:i Ij!. II'! '. I 5 1I~ ~IlS=JD= 5if;,.;; ~ i:E l[tl J!-~te r: ." : II ~I ~ ~~ ~f II I. [ r -I. J . ~ ". 'f st, ,1' 1 1 a.) r rill. f JI I'i ! ~ ,~It .Illfl' .. > f II -I II' I ~ I 'r. ta ~ 1.1 t1 ' (f [f W l i ~ · ,. r . ~Il r l 'C IIlI ~i ~i If II I 11 ( , Ir l[t J 1 ..f I ~ .ff~~.ffJ J. I. tl I.!' f I ~ .'Cl ! . fii, tl'-I-II ~!- _11".. I. -}i_ .'f-'- I 'M:; .1;;. I.!. .: . I.:'.~ J f ~'a nf";~";' ..~ "'j h. ~a l' . IJl"t III. Dri ("'f - f It I.. !i. I II.'" fit,.J f 1 i.l i.llIJI'I~ f[j.llt'f I .. . > '1fl !1 . '1"[ . r f 8 .,> , J-E {.Il .t...f fJoll .- - 1 ... If '. ~ ~ . II 'l... I I II. II; r" . . I:S!l .1, J' ] li.1iJf. .1-11- ,,11 I.fJ. rll i I' I. II 1 ~ 'Q 1.1 I I' , f ,I . tl~ .1' lil [[ I,ll l!- I. :I I. II ilu II 11:ill · I !1' f~ . l~ I I II. 1 i rj i~ t ! ll:~ fI " !llt" II f' i I t ~',; ll,~~.= · l!~ IWlJI 'fl' Id~~tr r~ll hi . r \r i 'I 'all.t !IIf-. IiI' li . :t r ill I. .11 l rll I. f l:jr j t}; ti If tr (J" !of I I i~. a I f I'fff. ltill.r:flr f...rt f 111. r rHt iJ ..'. I. 12 . - i'l p'2 oi. -. I.=- If. ~o.. R 01 !I ~ l.e r I.;: 'ir 1 lor liO I 01. .. 0 I 1150!l r; e:1 Ii: r 11 Or r If, Ofll-~"1 I.lo~lli III llfiR 1 t of ~i~~ir ttl 0 ~hJ Blfj,; .. o. i'Clll rff ., It - s .tl al CI I l.z~ll; fs' oS .r Ji.ll 00 01 If Jc:tltl - II! 9 -lc;lle 1 .. f 0 5 :1 I.ii 110 [.J 2 i,i1t l ~l lo[ 0 r It t~ 'f Tlh:so ll~ t~ bU. it. II iJ .MI: ...t ll:U i !hUt r.r I. . · nJ~IICQ"l Ifllol 10Jo)1 1:1 }!klll f!Ii:~I_ndE jl JI .ilo o!i~rl [f~lol' J 1.1 :101 " = rlgo!{lll-t!~io! t1il!fil tfl~s ~:HF l J tf ~ ~rlt[ , J~oi f- f) n i 11 t l! 0 olf~f~t r I.fl I. o[ 0" : - f oi:t.f r I o! !Uo.~~t, r ~ I. 0 -l : i 1.- I.fi f 1 I. o~Qt ! - If ~ - e.. II flit l rr 0 l l:llz-tn I l ri 0 Jltll J:{ Ii rt I' t 1.11IOlill~~Ot j- -;s ( Ht~ if IlIo! Itl. It 1 l l m~ otJ B. It 0 i 15 ~.f rifl 'i Iii I' ristlr rfflr lllt,- ltH ! .' IlnHf'lf~m.. nlnblIf I!!lrlirlIii[tlfilU~ I I a.f~11l a. f l .r f 1= s, lr! ':-i 'ftf fi.1 f lJ.; Jf i. ~ l IJi!fl1kl .. b ~l-l~ ..II if!, " !.J-'~ II( If -ll' oIlt I/tl tb~'~ mIJ:.r lhtb ..1..:1 11 .~ llif lll!afJflu i. . , 'nil 1m "Ufehlf!!--" ~"""r"-"t"l_~,,~,, I"",,! I~ I if . if. :{llof. fli!f-!. . o~i otdH fit . If' oou i ! I' -I&. .a.lf [ a.$Il . f' a.. i~I'~'....15 B-. i . J'*~ If t..':C i.' !:[ f 1 Ii . i ~ i l.ld tt- t P! I · 'I If; dl ihl hhHiJ lid 11 ! L t fij lIt I .~ It · j[ ft. ifl) II full Iplpll!' l~fl~! i Iii JI 8 t l tllll: .rfll I j i .!, Ii:. 'UJ! r '3 iJli it-f ilt ; i d:iJ.f!~:1 ~ f l!!lliJi n _Jili !5 s:!= t~ 'ltt!~ lUlU! II q~mf'W Inilllll' fit; liE! 5 i~ f lil'! e rI t. !t :fif. Ijt[s.IJI r ~R.. ~..J (. .f' !! j lR 'IE' - -l. 1 ~lti fi:i~1 j . I lIt f, Irl i ~'~;i .W!) f!r lthU~ it lj~ i lHh lIt 'J It I~ i J:i f . '1"11, ~ "~'.s. . flit illl;' t. ~ ~ ~ I ~I ~i -!flU t rl~nlr l tf; ..f~ z ~ lll~~ ~ n lIt i~ hli~ ihiU Ih~ ihi~! !tl u:ul1.tf 5 .' , i'Uti'i'1 'if' i' n'i'rlff~ tiffS E - Ii ,: ~ I I,f f, 8 II; f ~ ~B I" - . N a.. ~ l~ d-ilL !;;M!fiM~i~ld~l~lilt.. .J; !n.. i ilJ rot r: r - ~! rt ot Do I' fl1 ,I . 1 1 ; . tf~ f~f[ LIN fr.flJii r ~& Jff'" II I. f " . I, I... ,J & 1 f I J I. f J I. II I . Iq ft~ li}f~~ !il-.fl.1 f ~ll& t.l'le lUg !lt1fi i~ 'lfl~JIB ! ! ~-ia l[f~il' 'r I. "l~llf;1, .1 [ . flft~I1I[') [c , , :rre:, 111 J'if. ; I !;I: r ;( Ill' ri I, r ~l ') , ~ iHif- -tIlt.. .t f . ~~~lt~~ ..I [s- ' il. J '; ,f . ~ ~r I. rl. t~!i i' I r g.r ill. , I ~III Ill! -if "1 I'j I, t I i'i i,5'~ II s-i t 1.fi11- , ] r~ 'jJIIl I !: f I. t I 5.ilHt. ii.~ , B : .. if fir r t fb~ ~n! IiI, Fbtr it. ~t 1~~ i IdtLf 11 ! Jmt~i fr!~lafIU~llrlJiHlt r;fltllt~ [11 fe E ri .r j ~ t~ --JfJ.l~~Jt[fl f~' fllJ I ,Jl II I l~' ~.l II tblJ.j ~rnJI rJn~ f~ . fln: i t _li Jlla .., ffl< [I'll [(It. t ~Jln 1/ tfpI td,l' ti .11 fflj' :2 lr.fir I fa ~~ r" fJllJfrttlJf J!~rrt Illill.. - l~ll'll t i'll~.i'i1lelli'jh: -I i-Jfll=:1 tUEII'i!iIJlj.) I f ~ I lf~'~( iliH~f~~ls'i5!J lJi';8 .t~ ll!-i -:rIEf ll.lllftil" .. S ~ .R. [rei .Ill .1: . .irl S" ..en, fl- h. ~ l::j.I!~ir r ' 1- · R. tD It I I' --;i"}1 ~J- &( R.~' lIlt [- f ih1ill'.lr 'I,~i ~lt iJli'~1 ~{~[.Jif h.i~r .ll.l:ii~f: -fi!~_ r- .!-! r!~. l~ s..flr....~ es. .dm~f[ Jlh~ .rl i at h.drri lift I ~lrffi~ 5 . , It.. 1.2'_ SI! ~ lL~ fa.:!. I" · g" . - i _. - 15 Iii ~f IIJ-i!(lfg .JD :iE i1i Iii:! tl~ itf;til:l ~ t . I fIliI" 1,[ 11 . I' . l . s. f.f . 'I I t & ;'fl= ;: 111.1' ;la.f I 906.1 I',;", 1 1,11 [ I '. ~t;1! rill i i ij [itt:trtl" II' .fIr}. Ilf; Ii " fj! I'l t~l it '~ll~i.J It iil:n ~run'lrf I_'f il i~ , H. (vIii&:_ it Ii' ~l 1I..nra.l!dhil'. 1[1' n IllI ( fr' _ _ .. I r ~1.fl~.tf'I" ocr III - ii. t. ~ J f r l....!' t! ;lhiP!tU!t! 11~r !t;i IU*'i !~nfIRrU ; III afSrj 1'( , i 1 ;9l r lb, lEts'. 51' ~~Il'~ff D i! I i i~ll!1- Il.' J. 1[ rr li~fi 11:J.~t"i.~ 11 Pfll:a.f~lii af ~: r ; [!i.~11 . 1. t~ rlir~ at.~ ii ~ ;tfi~~.g11 fl., f. !~U'Ii'f !- !Ii :;f Ii. ."i i~il ~f. 8, li[~l;:!l-it; !I i i i J'~lf ~ tim Ii. li ilt~ 1~1 ~i"l f t 'rU.tiJil ~r ~ ~ aft; , r,a _!.~ !t~.f rU f:. ,. ~;fl5 .ui ! ItUfll[!HUiinn~ Illt;JP.!i!lfti Jn~~[JtiIIJH~ I 'SlJ1h" ~r~, !,ria.:1. . U1 i rr 1'1 l JI.' ',f i II!bi!~htul~Ullr iJ!:.J~ rdlUl'[ ri.111r J.[ !fJ~ I ,I ~l fS 1:1'. fi I2.b'i," ,II; - 5 1 0 rl~ _',.1 ,110 !'i~rr e.!!.~:l fli,l.sf r'o ,lli~l'r 1 [gl,! [lll'lloi'i; lJi~,~,!t~hlt[ hIJ~J [tl=, fl~,f}llr~ ~1'llllill'IJr~;'I~ J:h fl rl.~ rit Ii 1f.I'oh ',1:. f I'rli;d'1-r~ f~ f ':C; 11, .u'~ l' n . I' pt-.., r 'ra rl.r~ rr rl.r r r r.. r , II fir r fflli f' oc '11, ' . a. 0 0 & 1"-311 -1 a.> If; 0] ~ _,' ..f l l I IUii. tl~ I~i I fi lfl~ ij ~ Hlfd II! l . ~ il.r ooc = ,I D" ! l ' t J a. of I" . f uUt r~3 lilt I J Iff f ! t ~~ lr I f u f ! . in; - lrti E U( ! If toO [:I: II&.ri1fll flrl!l"[1 "'i:! I ! i-p:ei1i~'iIPI !a~'C.i~~ l=pJ J.t If '1'C.fl. :lIf [R n.t fa.i. S:a. _5 it ..."" r R.[!. ,! ff;;:!! .' fz .. t~ rl~" R.l{ .. . Uli If I r[ 1 · fif .~; If e-f." III 'lllr .f [1S1i I. (s". ifl t ' n!. 9 H1 .1 Ifill'! N!n j!lt t iff. !llr ~ii I 1lr r itJ:;'!I 'I[ I' I! 'fl.f ~ 1 i' 'Cot 'j! , . .. . 1:11l"~.!lrl rs" i f ~lrr jl'l fl if ~ 'l::'C. Ie If,f titlihti Iii t;, llrll.fe"> r~1 'llt- ift! ~ i~; t-"u , EI ilf'll~ .~i~i:~ l-=l!-"lI 11.._. &.:[ f-'2.. ..:- t= ~lrllStlt !~il:!J.t~lf.:&iltil.gli-Dlrs~~~Hi:l JlifEf.~ , I ~ .t08B!i'&f..[K K!J. !J'r r"lIr If ,II s.t .- , Ii ;~ ths'> Ih.. r!"~o le.r!5- '1' '1'[ I f 1l.2; f ~ !gr~rIfi . ..&8"f ~~!.i!!5fl Iff!:. l It '.jt lllll i ~i i..;I.~i!E"!! I~~""! ,1. fi i'i' f Is -r lliIJ..51 - I:l~ "i&=;.f ltl'C "a.-- ..:( 1:' I".!' 'i l f. .fril II I. ;":0 U'tlO' i"Ii lii.. Ifa."l n IE' il! 'jdli' ; ~11 t~ltr ~l 5 t:;Jr r: l!Ui: ii 1 If ~I' ~,Ji.fl r G .r _ ilito]!1 Jlff!i~ ~lolll.!fi!; II fltrjf€ III rrl rIll ~ Jli~! I JHrh t~fd JNp.J n dit f ~J[ BrIf J _ f! a. a.! -.. I S II- r or r I. [ r jt~ ill 011 ir- 'Co' I f 1.150 f It! o~ ft i ~ of ..10 "l 0 01-0 !-flt ll2n h rf 'Colg 'I: t!iJ~1 fWh !~'l~! ifi1J! Iln~f ~f fl!! ;1 ill (oO'H._ 0 sofsola.IJl"l r JtrtroolJfllo.oio;~oooa ATTACHMENT NO. 2 .... "".4l'1ON .u&l8TAI'IQ: CIIAPID .. ........... .. Aa'.._ _11M. 111~ till, tIII,,..,.....,.., _~. _.I. _...... m......_ - '..... ........--.............111 . ClMo. .......... ...... . J I ~..--......~ .- --..,.,-......-1 u:GIII.tTlVl COUIIIIL'I1IIClDr All'" a.... D. .:- __1-A.. ........ 10. ......... poIt/ie....., to __ _... .... ......., _ to AO, po..... .......... ... ,.,. ......... .bidl it 4.......... ........ " Ulo ""1_ " Nol ~ ,... ............ A"luiti&iooa,_ b, ,..,roI ,... ............ to _ ... ...... t. ., ....... It. PHniaI nIDca&ioia ........_, - · --..... Irlllt!!!l - Ir _ . . . 14" iI-II' 'j iuili'l.lsttl.lS5il~il(~ISihi!=!~BT-l~ ~ if!] ~ !, .iili~~U(i JJlflpflli{~'ltPtlljf~;f. ifEfOl~~151 E I !I~it,i! 8 .I-:r~ih n 11~IIUd~ .lIt II'll~1 ~hlll.l: · I, 1 i ! II ~~ f.lJ t I! ~ '. ,~ I. :" ! I i "!j~.: ,!:h~! hWI~il~'i'lt ('tffl} t'h~ ! ! iiI I'li Ii 'licf' [J !'IH"<!<t Ifl!t I th. I i Ii t ;1:i)lh~i.~! 1~1! 111'ltJI'liih .,l :fi 11:1 f(' ~ i ; I ~! · "'f.&:" I II." fl, jl I r '. f " . h =: i" ~. "I ~'E ~l t i' J il"1 fl.lrlr' ~f I' f. J 11 f j 1 ~ I . r S S ; Ii' ..'1, ' ii., ,il ~ i . .. III I[h;.~ i iii_I" rrll~I' 'j lIt! tOt"~ 1f t :t l[ ~ I. l!i : _I ! ~' t 1.'1'" "II .,.1 ii, ~ .. .! =" I' ,J, r,I=,f,! ..l- f' : 5 ~ "I: !. ~ hi :"1 sll I fI51 Ii}: l h f f .. ! !- "; · e II I~a f 11 i J 1 U ," S 1. i t II .:l I Ii" in ' , ~_':".., f ~ h I. I i ~;JJil'V~ ~ ~ 'i i )11,& [:i[; :1: ~ ~~ :I~~ P~.I!t:~llg H1it~=I~~ if , [i Ii. ~EiE H ~.. ~ f .~t.~ ~"'~.., ij r . hI: n.;;Ii .Il fl!lr]f i " t i. !.l:rr i'arlf:~:,rl r i ~~ e,~ ;J.pr;.I;!f= itJi ! .!. ~5.iI 0 if[. - . I' ~ r ["if~.h1l (Iii ~!.f5 8 iJI! rl i.,fuiL~~il.lr Itl"":H (:":hl~ihr~f.i.~!H E t lJ. ~..l"~ .f.~ f- fl. I ql.J~ll~' ,. n-n I I I Hi ; . rf f R r I: f~'~j t I il 11. H f \ fi-..{ rt I .J' [~!!~ i "I ~i. ~ i'"' I, If 1 i i l"'i" J '~ 8-;. , .. · i :.":u .... ;'::0. i r ir -lldl' ~II' ~:f"' , 0' j h ~l fi; 'i pEr I'f . i lit If . f; ~ q il ~~I~jJlf' il~ hti~ I '11 .[ (I ,t i If;' f 5'~fr f 1;lI.f'rEll p;,. i Ii r' ~I""' .~=I'I 1 r. ,"II ~ I.' i~~~.!'i.i.f.er' 8'~ t " . r "! r 1'. f 12. i'- F_ 2 . E. .. f' ~ ill f.:.:~JJ "1-1 il, ! '~fr if f :~I;f~H!r~ll ~ r :iJ I'rJl!l 1~~"!iJI':r If 111:.(lf :~i~'" f. r 11;' i: It, r! ! ; . ..fli i. '. t r I j i If ~ !ld i:l:l5 HI I: fll: J. h ~ t i,~Uf:l~ rrJ. ! p ~ ~r.. II Ill. i . I' "f .. f !lln If i. ~ i I. ; i ~1!;J;I~ f.lJI:I"' r ~'f~nlnlnnunilni ~luerl. ~i 11 : ;~~~ '1=111-:1'1 Ii j.hnrdI11.1i l~tl~t~l( ! ~~r( (l.Pi I' fp.t I.... . ~ J t - ~.. ru f" r. i 11["'I.'1'11.11Ii Ii hr~lfid}I1J.lliiI'IJ!1 [oJ ~ \! J,l · .. t:! It ~ II ~:i :j1fr~.ffJlllifjntl- a:[ - I I" r · 1:1 . ..In .. ~ I: - 01'~".1'1. ". rhri. !l . t I .. 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Ifdfh l! ;11 I II IiI J . !;!th~ I~r ; , . 1!~J~ial~ill:lfefJEIIliEffl=lfl(.Jlililf~i. i II ~oo 00 1111 ,I ,~ If! . r. f !, ~. tif i ~ Ji ! il: fi. :f if ffil iif I;il till:!i!i I Ji.'I'I!il.J(lj.r~=~~f:!!ilfi!IJ~I'ifi!.II:II:(!i"ili; . Jr~ I ~ & &. i .(1 I err I ~ J.. f 'If ~f i!iJ '~!l ,~ ~liJ I;~!iftif~i~r Ii II Ii,' I!! JIJw.;111~1:(lf-..;JII:;a;I;;I'I~.!~ =i - ~. - -I!- ----i-i~ &l-t = ~ ~ ~ 1 iifft-=! rta fJf . I ~J~ ~_o 1'- J-~ · '0 ~I 1 fl; II. fi.'.1 III · f ilfi: 1 Itf ~Iff r f I I;I'~ r lili i I I Ilil; ~i .1; I Iflr! r , ~ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION AND THE RE-ENTRY PREFERENCES FOR OWNERS, BUSINESSES AND TENANTS IN THE PROPOSED MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Commission") has initiated proceedings for the consideration of the adoption of the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project (the "Project"~; and WHEREAS, Section 33345 of the California Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.) provides that a redevelopment agency shall adopt and make available for public inspection rules to implement the operation of owner participation in connection with a redevelopment plan; and WHEREAS, Healtn and Safety Code Section 33339.5 provides that a redevelopment agency shall adopt and make available for public inspection rules regarding the extension of reasonable preferences to persons who are engaged in business in the project area to re-enter in business within the redeveloped area if they otherwise meet the requirements prescribed by the redevelopment plan; and WHEREAS, the Commission desires to adopt rules which would apply to the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino as follows: Section 1: The Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino hereby approves and adopts the "Rules Governing Participation and the Re-Entry Preferences For Owners, Businesses and Tenants in the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project" (the "Participation Rules") in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, which Participation Rules shall be effective as of this date. MOTION D Section 2. The Secretary will certify to the adoption of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the ~ommunity Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the __ day of , 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT OR ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Secretary The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this __ day of , 1990. Chairman of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: Agency Counsel By: 01/28/90 8080n/2601/11 -2- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION AND RE-ENTRY PREFERENCES FOR OWNERS, BUSINESSES AND TENANTS IN THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (OWNER PARTICIPATION RULES) I TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 Purpose and Intent 2.0 Definitions 3.0 General Procedures 3.1 Priorities and Preferences Among Participants 3.2 Criteria for Evaluating Proposals Submitted by Participants 3.3 Time Periods and Procedures for Evaluation of Submittals 4.0 Participation by Owners 4.1 Participation in the Same Location 4.2 Participation in Different Locations 5.0 Participation by Business and Tenants 6.0 Procedure for Becoming a Participant 6.1 Submittal of a Statement of Interest 6.2 Submittal of a Proposal for Owner, Business or Tenant Participation 6.3 Completion of the Participation Agreement 7.0 Limitations on Acquisition of Property by the Commission 8.0 Procedure for Amending Participation Rules Exhibit A - FORMAT FOR STATEMENT OF INTEREST TO PARTICIPATE (i) 1.0 PURPOSE AND INTENT On November 7, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino selected boundaries of a proposed redevelopment project area designated as the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project Area (the "Project Area"). The Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Commission") has distributed a draft Redevelopment Plan for review and consideration as part of proceedings to consider the adoption of a Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area (the "Redevelopment Plan"). The Commission desires to promulgate rules for owner participation, which shall be applicable to the Project Area, as presently established and as may hereafter be amended. These "Rules Governing Participation and Re-Entry Preferences for Owners, Businesses and Tenants-in the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project" (herein; the "Participation Rules") are promulgated to implement the provision of the California Community Redevelopment Law, and the Redevelopment Plan for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project ("Redevelopment Plan") regarding participation by owners, businesses and tenants in the Project Area. These Participation Rules set forth the procedures governing such participation in accordance with the draft Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area.. It is the intention of the Commission to encourage and permit participation in the redevelopment of the Project Area by owners, businesses and tenants residing within the boundaries of the Project Area, to the extent feasible and consistent with the Redevelopment Plan. Participation by individual persons and firms is perm1tted; in addition, to the extent feasible, two or more persons, firms or institutions are urged to participate by joining together in partnerships, corporations or other joint entities. 2.0 DEFINITIONS "Business" means any person, persons, corporation, association, partnership, or other entity engaged in business within the Project Area on the date of, or subsequent to, adoption of the Redevelopment Plan by the Common Council. "City" means the City of San Bernardino, California. "Commission" means the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino. "Common Council" means the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. 03/28/90 8885n/2601/11 -1- "Executive Director" means the Executive Director of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino, or his designee. "Owner" means any person, persons, corporation, association, partnership, or other entity holdinq title of record to real property in the Project Area on the date of, or subsequent to adoption of the Redevelopment Plan by the Common Council. "Participation Agreement" means an aqreement entered into between the Commission and an owner, business or tenant livinq or operatinq within the Project Area in accordance with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan and the rules as designated herein. "Proiect Area" means the Project Area described in the Redevelopment Plan. "Redevelopment Plan" means the draft Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project as transmitted by the Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 5228; provided that, in the event the Commission completes proceedinqs to adopt a Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area, the Redevelopment Plan as so approved shall thereupon replace the draft Redevelopment Plan as the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area for the purposes of these Participation Rules. Unless otherwise expressly set forth herein, the Redevelopment Plan shall include any amendments to the Redevelopment Plan as the Common Council shall elect to approve. "Statement of Interest", and "Statement of Interest to Participate", means Exhibit "A" hereto, which is incorporated herein by reference. "Tenant" means any person, persons, corporation, association, partnership or other entity that rents or leases real property on the date of, or subsequent to, adoption of the Redevelopment Plan by the Common Council. 3.0 GENERAL PROCEDURES These Participation Rules have been adopted by the Commission specifically to implement the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project reqardinq participation and the exercise of re-entry preferences for owners, businesses and tenants within the Project Area (Section 406 of the Redevelopment Plan). Owners, businesses and tenants who are desirous of exercisinq their participation riqhts and preferences shall abide by these Participation Rules in exercisinq their preferences and participation opportunities. 03/28/90 8885n/2601/11 -2- The Commission desires and encourages participation in the redevelopment of the Project Area by existing owners, businesses and tenants to the extent feasible in best achieving the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan. In view of the pattern of land usage and development envisioned by the Redevelopment Plan, owners, businesses and tenants in the Project Area will be encouraged, when feasible, to take advantage of their participation re-entry and preference opportunities as described herein. Participation opportunities are, however, necessarily subject to and limited by factors such as the following: The elimination and/or modification of some existing uses. The realignment and/or alteration of some streets. The ability of participants to finance and complete proposed redevelopment within a reasonable time pursuant to a schedule for performance with uses and improvements consistent with and in furtherance of the Redevelopment Plan. The capability and/or experience necessary to implement proposed development, as determined in good faith by the Commission. The construction and expansion of public facilities. 3.1 Priorities and Preferences Among Participante The Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area and these Participation Rules authorize the Commission to establish reasonable priorities and preferences among participants; accordingly, the follOWing order of priorities is established: OWners participating in the same location in compliance with the Redevelopment Plan deSiring to build new developments or to rehabilitate existing improvements for uses which conform to the Redevelopment Plan. OWners relocating within the Project Area in accordance with and as a result of the Redevelopment Plan. Business and tenants relocating within the Project Area in accordance with and as a result of implementation by the Commission of the Redevelopment Plan. 03/28/90 888Sn/2601/11 -3- 3.2 Criteria for Evaluating Proposals Submitted by Participants (A) The Commission may, in its discretion, decline any offer of owner participation, resolve conflicting proposals between owners or resolve conflicting proposals between owners and others interested in developing their property. Proposals submitted for particular sites of land uses will be appraised by the Commission after consideration of the following factors: 1. Conformity of the proposal, including with respect to uses, with the Redevelopment Plan and other applicable enactments; 2. Conformity of the proposal with the intent and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan; 3. The degree to which the proposal best furthers the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan; 4. The employment opportunities and economic benefits to the Commission and to the community which can be reasonably expected to result from the implementation of the proposals; 5. Development team qualifications, including experience and financial capacity to undertake the project, the ability of the person(s) desiring to redevelop the property to implement the proposed project, taking into consideration the proponent's financial capability, prior experience with similar development, degree of site control, ability to obtain financing, ability to abide by Commission deSign standards and development controls, and readiness to proceed; 6. Estimated cost, if any, of City or Commission involvement, inClUding the proviSion of City or Commission services, to be required if the proposal is accepted; 7. Removal of blighting conditions within the Project Area and the upgrading of uses; 8. Economic benefits to the Commission, the City, and the community, as determined by a cost/benefit analysis, if the proposal is approved and the proposed development implemented; 9. The likelihood of successful implementation; 03/28/90 8885n/2601/11 -4- 10. Time schedule for completion of the proposed project; 11. Involvement of other Project Area tenants or owners; 12. Completeness of the proposal, including land uses, site control, financing proposal, densities, tenants and, if applicable, manufacturer or franchise approval; 13. Environmental benefits (or lesser degree of detrimental impact); and 14. Quality of design, project concept and architectural desiqn features. . Satisfaction of the above listed criteria can be effected by the submitted party itself, or by a partner or jOint venturer. Any such partner or joint venturer must be identified at the time of submittal and must be authorized to make representations to the Commission on behalf of the partnership or joint venturer. (B) In the event conflicting submittals are received which satisfy the criteria set forth in Section A, the following criteria shall be applied to resolve such conflict: 1. Best satisfaction of the criteria set forth in Section A; 2. Greatest public benefit. The Commission may receive and consider proposals from persons other than Owners or Tenants concurrent with the receipt and consideration of proposals by Owners and Tenants. The Commission will evaluate all such proposals based upon the criteria set forth in Section 3.2. The Commission shall give preference to proposals by Owners and Tenants in the event an Owner or Tenant submits a proposal which fulfills the criteria set forth in Section 3.2 to substantially the same extent as that achieved by a proposal by a person other than an Owner or Tenant. 3.3 Time Periods for Participation and Procedures for Evaluation of Submittals At anytime prior to entering into an agreement with a developer from outside the Project Area for the assemblage of a particular site, the Commission, through its staff, will notify all directly affected Owners and Tenants from within the 03/28/90 8885n/260l/ll -5- particular site of the Participation Rules. Owners and Tenants s~ notified will be given thirty (30) calendar days to respond, indicating by a "Statement of Interest" whether they are interested in being considered as participants and, if so, in what capacity (further described in Section 7.1). Any Statement of Interest must be in writing, in the form of Exhibit "A". The Commission staff shall, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of a Statement of Interest, acknowledge receipt of the Statement by a confirming letter to the prospective participant. Such written acknowledgment shall not obligate the Commission to ultimately reach agreement with the applicant or to reject other proposals. Within forty-five (45) days of the deadline for submitting the Statement of Interest, (thus within a total of seventy-five (75) days from original notification) any Owner or Tenant desiring to be considered as a developer must submit a detailed proposal of the project which shall include such items as a construction pro forma, an operating pro forma, a business plan, side elevations and a site plan. An Owner or Tenant desiring to participate as a Tenant shall describe generally its business, and shall provide such additional information as may be requested by the Executive Director. The Commission's staff will be available throughout the above-listed time frame to discuss proposals and to assist informally in the making of necessary adjustments conducive to the parties involved; provided that the proponent, and not the Commission staff, shall be responsible for the content of any proposal. The Commission will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the interest Owners, businesses and Tenants desiring to participate in the project. Upon receipt of requests for consideration by Owners or Tenants from within the Project Area with respect to owner participation or re-entry of business within the Project Area, the Commission, through its staff, will review such submittals, as set forth below. A similar process is to be followed with respect to other Owners and Tenants of other properties within the Project Area at such later time as the Commission or its Executive Director shall deem appropriate. Upon receipt of submittals, initial evaluation shall be conducted by the Executive Director of the Commission. Each party making a submittal is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of its submittals. If requested by the Executive Director, submittals shall include a construction pro forma (if applicable), an operating pro forma, a business plan, side elevations and a site plan. Proposals to participate as tenants shall include a description of the subject business, a business plan, and suc~ other information as the proponent may deem appropriate or as may be requested by the Executive Director. These items may also be requested of a party that expresses an interest to participate solely as a Tenant. 03/28/90 8885n/2601/11 -6- In the event the Executive Director notifies a party making a submittal that the submittal is incomplete or that additional information is required, such party shall be allowed two (2) weeks to complete its submittal. The failure to provide such additional information of the submittal in a timely manner will terminate consideration of any such submittal. Upon receipt of one or more submittals, and additional information as applicable, the Executive Director will evaluate the submittal and make a determination with respect to whether the submittal conforms to the criteria set forth in Section A. In the event a party having made a submittal disagrees with conclusions reached by the Executive Director, such party may appeal such decision to the governing board of, the Commission by making written request therefore within ten' (10) days after the Executive Director transmits notice of the initial evaluation. The review of such submittal(s) by the Commission shall be de ~ (anew). Where the Executive Director deems appropriate, the Executive Director or a staff member will meet with the applicant and discuss the proposal prior to making a determination concerning the proposal. A determination shall be made by the Executive Director within forty-five (45) days after the receipt of the proposal, or the time the proposal is required to be received, whichever is earlier; provided that the foregoing 45-day period shall be subject to reasonable extension upon the mutual agreement of the Executive Director and the party making the submittal. Any decision by the Executive Director resolving a conflict between submittals may be appealed for de ~ review by the governing body of the Commission by the applicant by making a written request within ten (10) days after the Executive Director transmits notice of his decision. If an appeal is filed in accordance with the procedures herein set forth, all times otherwise applicable pursuant to these rules shall be extended until the Commission decides the appeal, or the appeal is withdrawn or otherwise finally determined. 4.0 PARTICIPATION BY OWNERS 4.1 Participation in the Same Location In appropriate circumstances where such action would foster the unified development contemplated by the Redevelopment Plan, an OWner may participate in substantially 03/2B/90 BBB5n/2601/11 -7- the same location either by retaining all or portions of his property, or by retaining all or portions of his property and purchasing adjacent property if needed and available for development in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. An Owner who participates in the same location may be required to rehabilitate or demolish all or part of his existing buildings or the Commission may acquire only the buildings and remove or demolish such bUildings. Where a proposal to participate in the same location involves a bUilding in good condition, but with an eXisting use which does not conform to the provisions of the Redevelopment plan, the Commission may allow such use to continue provided that such use is generally compatible with the permitted uses in the area in which the building is located. ,In order to remain in the Project Area with a nonconforming use, the Owner must agree to the imposition of such reasonable restrictions as are necessary to protect the permitted uses in the remainder of the Project Area. The final decision concerning acquisition of real property by the Commission will be based upon the conditions eXisting at the time the Commission purchases property or enters into participation agreements. 4.2 Participation in a Different Location When necessary to accomplish the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, the Commission may purchase from existing Owners real property within the Project Area at fair market value or at another price requested by the seller. The Commission may thereafter offer for sale or lease such properties, which may be cleared, or cleared and reassembled properties, unless a public use is contemplated for the property acquired. The Commission may receive and consider proposals from persons other than Owners or Tenants concurrent with the receipt and consideration of proposals by Owners and Tenants. The Commission will evaluate all such proposals based upon the criteria set forth in Section 3.2. 5.0 PARTICIPATION BY BUSINESSES AND TENANTS Pursuant to these Participation Rules, businesses or Tenants in the Project Area will be given a reasonable opportunity to remain or preferences to re-enter within the Project Area if they otherwise meet the requirements prescribed by the Redevelopment Plan and these Participation Rules. In the case of re-entry, preferences will be given if suitable facilities become available with implementation of the Redevelopment Plan. The viability of the involvement of a 03/28/90 888Sn/260l/ll -8- business or Tenant in re-entry will depend, in part, upon the ability of the person to participate on the basis proposed, includinq such factors as the ability to pay the requisite rent, the suitability of the proposed tenancy for the development under consideration, readiness to proceed, and those other factors as qenerally set forth in Section 3.2. 6.0 PROCEDURE FOR BECOMING A PARTICIPANT 6.1 Submittal of a Statement of Interest The Commission will, throuqh its staff, work with each Owner, business and Tenant in the Project Area who desires to participate. The Commission will notify by certified mail, return receipt requested, the last known assessed of any particular property. Such notification will refer to these Participation Rules and shall state that the Commission, throuqh its staff, is available to answer questions or qenerally to provide advisory assistance. The notification will advise all such persons of the date by which interested Owners, businesses and tenants should submit to the Commission a completed form entitled "Statement of- Interest to Participate" (see Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). Every Owner, business or Tenant interested in becominq a participant shall submit to the Commission a completed Statement of Interest to Participate (Exhibit A) within thirty (30) days from the date of the notification. All Statements of Interest to Participate received after the established date for submission may be qiven consideration by the Commission, at its discretion, but in a priority secondary to those Statements of Interest to Participate received within the established date as defined above. The Commission shall proceed to neqotiate with each Owner, business or Tenant returninq the Statement of Interest to Participate as appropriate to each Owner, business or Tenant response. Failure to comply with time limitations as described in Section 3.3 shall be deemed to constitute an abandonment and relinquishment of any riqht of the proponent to be considered as a participant pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan and these Participation Rules. Subject to the provisions of these Participation Rules, the Commission will endeavor in qood faith to accommodate Owners, business operators or Tenants desirinq to develop or improve property in the Project Area by expeditinq 03/28/90 8885n/2601/11 -9- the negotiation of Participation Agreements upon request. The foregoing shall not be deemed to diminish the rights or discretion of the Commission in implementing the Redevelopment Plan. 6.2 Submittal of a Proposal for OWner, Business or Tenant Participation The Commission, by inclusion of the Participation Rules or reference to these Participation Rules in writing to any potential participant, shall be considered to have notified each OWner, business or Tenant who has submitted a valid Statement of Interest to Participate (Exhibit A) of the time within which they must submit a proposal for participation, if they desired participation. In addition, if the Commission determines that an Owner, business or Tenant within the Project Area will be required to enter into a Participation Agreement, the Commission shall notify the Owner, business or Tenant in writing of its intention to require a Participation Agreement, and shall provide the OWner, business or Tenant with a copy of the proposed Participation Agreement. 6.3 Completion of the Participation Agreement Each OWner, business or Tenant who has submitted an acceptable proposal for participation shall enter into a Participation Agreement with the Commission. Each Participation Agreement will contain provisions necessary to ensure rnat the participation proposal will be carried out, and that the subject property will be developed and/or rehabilitated and used in accordance with the conditions, restrictions, rules and regulations of the Redevelopment Plan and the subject Participation Agreement. Each Participation Agreement will require the participant to jOin in the recordation of such documents as the Commission may require in order to ensure conformanee with applicable laws, conditions, restrictions, rules and regulations. The Participation Agreement will also provide that a successor-in-interest of the original participant may become a partiCipant with the written approval of the Commission. A Participation Agreement shall generally provide that if the Owner, business or Tenant does not comply with the terms of the agreement, the Commission, in addition to other remedies, may acquire their property or any interest therein by any lawful means, including eminent domain, for its fair market value as of the date of the Participation Agreement (or such other value as may be negotiated), and the Commission may thereafter dispose of the property or interest so acquired in 03/28/90 888Sn/2601/11 -10- -- accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. All Participation Agreements will become effective only when approved by the Commission. 7.0 LIMITATIONS ON ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY BY THE COMMISSION The Commission shall not acquire real property to be retained by a participant pursuant to a Participation Agreement if the Participant fully performs under the agreement. The Commission shall not acquire real property on which an existing building is to be continued at its present site and in its present form and use without the consent of the owner or occupant unless: -- Such bUilding is required, under applicable housing, bUilding, electrical, plumbing or other codes or standards, structural alteration, improvement, modernization or rehabilitation, to assure that such structures are decent, safe and sanitary for people and businesses to occupy; and/or The site or lot on-which the building is situated requires modification in size, configuration or use; and/or, -- It is necessary to impose upon such property any of the standards, restrictions and controls of the Redevelopment Plan and the Owner fails or refuses to participate in the Redevelopment Plan by executing a Participation Agreement. 8.0 PROCEDURE FOR AMENDING PARTICIPATION RULES The Commission may amend these rules at any meeting held after their adoption provided that the fOllOWing has been complied with: Notice has been given in a community newspaper of general circulation a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the date of adoption of the amendment(s) to the Participation Rules; and Amendments to the Rules are available for review at the Office of the City Clerk a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date of adoption of the amendment(s) to the Participation Rules; and 03/28/90 888Sn/2601/11 -11- -- Notice has been qiven by certified mail at least thirty (30) days before the date of adoption to all parties who have, within the ninety (90) days precedinq the meetinq at which the amendment of these Rules is to be considered, received from the Commission written notice pursuant to Section 3.3 of these Rules of an opportunity to participate. . Persons or businesses affected by any proposed amendment may appear individually or as a body to voice their opinion for consideration by the Commission. 03/28/90 8885n/260l/ll -12- EXHIBIT "A" COHHUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO HI. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT STATEMENT OF INTEREST TO PARTICIPATE I hereby express my interest in participation in the Ht. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project and submit the following information. 1.. Name Telephone 2. Home Address 3. Name of Business 4. Address of Business 5. My present involvement in the Project Area is. I own ( ): am a Tenant ( ): and wish to rehabilitate ( ): build ( ): sell ( -y my present property. If Tenant, indicate. month-to-month-r__): lease r- ): expiration date of lease. Options extend lease to- If lease includes an option to purchase, so indicate . Comments. 6. I am interested in participating. As a Property Owner As a Tenant Other (please describe). 7. My present type of business is. 8. If I participate. I would like to continue at the same location I would like to change my present location I would like to acquire real property for expansion (indicate approximate requirements) 03/28/90 8885n/2601/11 EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of 2 9. Background, experience, and information concerning your proposal (you may include further information on this page or attach additional sheets if you desire to do so), (a) Generally describe backgro~d and experience. (b) Describe the activities you propose and indicate your experience relevant to your proposal (c) If you enclose a business plan or construction .nd operating pro forma relative to your proposed activity these will be considered with your statement of interest. REMARKS , 10. I understand that submission of this Statement of Interest does not in any way obligate me to participate in the Project, Signed. Print Name, Title (if applicable), Date. 03/2B/90 8BBSn/2601/11 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONSENTING TO A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE COMMON COUNCIL ON THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE PROPOSED FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Community Development Commission") is considering the adoption of a proposed Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan"), and has prepared a Preliminary Report, as provided for by statute, in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the State CEQA Guidelines and the Community Development Commission procedures adopted pursuant thereto, the Development Commission has prepared and completed the proposed final EIR for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 33458 and 33355 of the California Health and Safety Code, a joint public hearing of the Common Council and the Community Development Commission may be conducted at which the adoption of the proposed Redevelopment Plan and the proposed final EIR prepared in conjunction therewith will be considered; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission has submitted to the Common Council its report concerning the Redevelopment Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Community Development Commission consents to a joint public hearing with the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino concerning the proposed Redevelopment Plan and the proposed final EIR and requests that the Common Council set the time, date and place for such hearing. MOTION E Section 2: The Secretary will certify to the adoption of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the __ day of , 1990, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: ABSENT OR ABSTAIN: Secretary The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this __ day of , 1990. Chairman of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: Agency Counsel By: 04/19/90 8134n/2601/011/32 -2- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING ITS REPORT TO THE COMMON COUNCIL ON THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND TRANSMITTING DOCUMENT BINDERS TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Community Development Commission") has prepared a Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan") for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project (the "Project") in compliance with the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code, Sections 3300, et seq.); and WHEREAS, Section 33352 of the California Community Redevelopment Law states that every Redevelopment Plan submitted by a redevelopment agency to the legislative body shall be accompanied by a report on the plan; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission has prepared document binders for members of the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino (the "Binders"), which Binders contain documents to be considered or referred to at the joint pubic hearing on the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Community Development Commission approves and adopts its report on the Redevelopment Plan for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. SECTION 2: The Executive Director of the Community Development Commission is hereby authorized and directed to transmit the Binders for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project to the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. SECTION 3: The Secretary will certify to the adoption of this resolution. I~OTION F I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof. held on the day of . 1990, by the following vote, to wit:- AYES: Commissioners: NAYS: ABSENT OR ABSTAIN: Secretary The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this _ day of . 1990. Chairman of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: Agency Counsel I. I By: 04/19/90 8168n/2601/011/33 -2- EXHIBIT A THE REPORT [to be inserted] 04/19/90 8168n/2601/011/33 -3- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONSENTING TO AND CALLING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ON THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE PROPOSED FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Community Development Commission") is considering the adoption of a proposed Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan"), and has prepared a Preliminary Report, as provided for by statute, in connection therewi th; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the State CEQA Guidelines and the Community Development Commission procedures adopted pursuant thereto, the Development Commission has prepared and completed the proposed final EIR for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 33458 and 33355 of the California Health and Safety Code, a joint public hearing of the Common Council and the Community Development Commission may be conducted at which the adoption of the proposed Redevelopment Plan and the proposed final EIR prepared in conjunction therewith will be considered; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission has consented _ to the holding of such hearing and has requested that the Mayor and Common Council set the time, date and place for such hearing; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission has submitted to the Common Council its report concerning the Redevelopment Plan (the "Report"), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The Mayor and Common Council consent to and, at the request of the Community Development Commission, call a MOTION G joint public hearing with the Community Development Commission to be held on , 1990 at p.m. in Common Council Chambers to consider and act upon the proposed Redevelopment Plan and all documents and evidence pertaining thereto, together with a joint public hearing on the proposed final EIR for the Project. SECTION 2. The City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino shall, in cooperation with the Secretary of the Community Development Commission, prepare, publish and mail such notices and documents and do all other acts as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Resolution in the manner required by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1990. day of Mayor of the City of San Bernardino ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino I hereby certify regularly adopted by of San Bernardino at day of that the foregoing Resolution was duly and the Mayor and Common Council of the City a meeting thereof held on the , 1990. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: By: Agency Counsel 04/19/90 8l33n/260l/0ll/34 -2- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ON THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a joint public hearing will be held by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino and the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino at the San Bernardino Common Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, 1st Floor, San Bernardino, California, Monday, June 11, 1990 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter, to consider approval and adoption of the Redevelopm.nt Plan and the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Plan. In order to give all property owners in the Project Area an opportunity to fully understand the redevelopment process, the Community Development Commission has scheduled the following community workshops for all interested citizens: Date: Time: Place: \ Date: Time: Place: Date: Time: Place: Wednesday, May 30, 1990 7:00 p.m. Alessandro Elementary School, 670 N. Ramona Avenue, San Bernardino Thursday, May 31, 1990 7:00 p.m. Richardson Prep High School, 455 South "K" Street, San Bernardino Wednesday, June 6, 1990 7:00 p.m. Mt. Vernon Elementary School, 1271 West 10th Street, San Bernardino The scope and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area are to implement activities which will eliminate and prevent the spread of recurrence of conditions of blight. Such activities include the revitalization of the area, housing rehabilitation, construction of needed traffic and circulation improvements, school, cultural and recreation improvements; the rehabilitation and conversion of existing structures that are consistent with the Plan; the redevelopment of properties that are inconsistent with the Plan; and the construction of other public improvements and facilities. The Community Development Commission proposes to reserve the right to use the power of eminent domain within the Project Area. 1 The Community Development Commission's Report to the Mayor and Common Council on the proposed Redevelopment Plari pas been prepared and will be presented at the public hearing. The report includes, but is not limited to, the Environmental ~mpact Report on the proposed Redevelopment Plan, the reports and recommendations of the Planning Commission, the report of the County fiscal officer~ a summary of all consultations held with the taxing agencies and all other documentation required by Community Redevelopment Law. The report is available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk, 300 North "D" street, 2nd Floor, San Bernardino, California. The Community Development Commission will undertake the proposed Project if, after public hearing, the Mayor and the Common Council approves and adopts the proposed Redevelopment Plan. All persons having any objections to the proposed Redevelopment Plan or the regularity of any of the prior proceedings, or deny the existence of blight in the proposed Project Area, may appear before the Community Development Commission and Mayor and Common Council and show cause why the proposed Redevelopment Plan should not be adopted. At any time no later than the hour aforesaid set for the hearing, any person or organization may file in writing with the city Clerk of the City of San Bernardino a statement of his or her \ . objections to the proposed Redevelopment Plan. Any person or organization desiring to be heard will be given an opportunity to be heard. At the aforesaid hour, the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission shall proceed to hear and pass upon all written and oral objections to the proposed Redevelopment Plan. The Community Development Commission and the Mayor and Common Council shall consider all evidence and testimony for and against the adoption of the proposed Redevelopment Plan. In addition, the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission will, at the same time and place, hold a joint public hearing to consider the Final Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Redevelopment Plan and consider all evidence and testimony for or against the certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report. At the day, hour and place of said hearing, any and all persons desiring to comment on, or having objections to, the content of adequacy of the Final Environmental Impact Report may appear and be heard before the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission. A map of the Project Area and legal description is produced herein and is also available for public review at the City Clerk's Office. Interested persons may also inspect the proposed Redevelopment Plan, Final Environmental Impact Report, and all other information pertaining thereto at the city Clerk's Office, 2 .( 300 North "0" street, 2nd Floor, San Bernardino, California. Anyone having specific questions can visit the Co~unity Development Commission's office at 300 North "0" Street, 4th Floor, San Bernardino, California, or call (714) .38(-5081. city Clerk, City of San Bernardino Date Secretary, Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino D~te Published: May 14, 1990 May 21, 1990 May 28, 1990 June 4, 1990 3 l, LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Revised - 12/05/89) (Revised - 12/11/89) (Revised - 01/18/90) Those portions of Township 1 South, '.Ranqe 4 'West, Rancho San Bernardino, Muscupiabe Rancho, various Subdivisions. and Tracts lyinq within the Corporate Limits of the City of San Bernardino and beinq that portion thereof lyinq qenerally South and West of Interstate Hiqhway 215 beinq more particularly described as follows: Sub Are. "A" Beqinninq at a point in the Present Corporate Limit Line of the city of San Bernardino where said line intersects the Southerly line of Hiqhland Avenue, 100 feet wide: THENCE Ellsterly alonq said Southerly line to a point of intersection with the Southwesterly line of the Pope, Talbot and Pierce Addition, as per plat recorded in Book 11 of Maps, paqe 38, records of San Bernardino County, said line also being the Southwesterly Line of Parcell of the Northwest Redevelopment District: THENCE Southe~sterly alonq said Southwesterly line 3775 feet, more or less, to an anqle point in said Parcell: THENCE Northeasterly alonq the boundary line of said Parcell, 300 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of Tract 5724, as per plat recorded in Book 74 of Maps, paqes 90 and 91, records of said County: THENCE Southeasterly' alonq the Southwesterly line of said Tract 5724 to a point of intersection with the before mentioned Southwesterly line of the Pope, Talbot and Pierce Addition: THENCE Southeasterly alonq said Southwesterly line of the Pope, Talbot and Pierce Addition to a point of interse~tion with the North line of Baseline Street, 60 feet wide, said point also beinq on the Boundary line of Parcel 2 of the Northwest Redevelopment District: THENCE Westerly, Southerly and Easterly alonq said Boundary to an anqle point therein, said point beinq the intersection of the West Line of Block 94 of Rancho San Bernardino as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, paqe 2, records of said County and the Northerly line of 9th street, 60 feet wide;.- THENCE continuinq alonq said Boundary Southerly and Easterly to a point of intersection with the Northerly prolonqation of the Westerly line of Block 23 of said Rancho San Bernardino, said point also beinq the Westerly terminus of the center line of 7th Street, 82.5 feet wide: THENCE Southerly alonq the Westerly line of said Block 23 to the Southwest corner of Lot 16 of said Block 23: THENCE Easterly alonq the Southerly line of Lots 16, 17 and 18 of said Block 23 to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of Garcia Street, 40 feet wide, said point being the Southerly terminus of said Westerly line: THENCE Southeasterly in a direct line to the Westerly terminus of the Southerly line of 6th Street, 60 feet wide: THENCE Southerly 150 feet, more or less: THENCE Easterly 150 feet, more or less, to a point on the Westerly line of Tract No. 2291 as per plat recorded in Book 33 of Maps, paqe 11, records of said County: THENCE Southerly alonq said Westerly line .1 \ to the Southwesterly corner of said Tract 2291, said point also being on the Northerly line of 5th Street, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of Tijuana Street, 30 feet wide; THENCE Southerly alonq said Ea'sterly line, and Northerly prolongation thereof, to the North line of Kingman Street, 40 feet wide; THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line, 461 feet, more of less, to a point of intersection with the Northerly prolongation of a line parallel with and 195 feet West of the Westerly line of Cabrera Avenue, 30 feet- wide; THENCE Southerly along said line to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 140 feet South of the Southerly line of Kingman Street, 40 feet wide; THENCE Easterly 225 Feet, more or less, along said line to a point of intersection with the Easterly line of said Cabrera Avenue; THENCE Northerly 29 feet, more'or less, along said Easterly line; THENCE Easterly 469.95 feet, more or less; THENCE Southerly 8.00 feet, more or less; THENCE Easterly 147 feet, more or less; THENCE Southerly .31 feet, more or less; THENCE Easterly 49 feet, more or less; Thence Northerly 9.75 feet, more or less; THENCE Easterly 174.15 feet, more or less; THENCE Northerly 11.5 feet, more or less; THENCE Easterly 50 feet,'more or less; THENCE Northerly 130.00 feet, more or less, to a point on the Southerly line of Kingman street; THENCE Easterly 25.00 feet, more or less, alonq said Southerly line; THENCE Southerly 140.00 feet, more or less; THENCE Easterly 50 feet, more or less; THENCE Northerly 11.5 feet, more or less; THENCE Easterly 50 feet, more or less, said point being the Southwesterly corner of Lot 40 of Santa Fe Tract per plat recorded in Book 15 of Maps, pages 49 and 50, records of said County; THENCE Easterly along the Southerly Line of Lots 30 through 40, inclusive, of said Santa Fe Tract to the Southeast corner of said ~t 30; THENCE Northerly along the Easterly line of Lots 30, 28 and 7 of said Santa Fe Tract to the Southerly line of 5th Street, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Westerly along said Southerly line to a point of intersection with the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of Herrington Avenue, 50 feet wide; THENCE Northerly along said Westerly line to the Northerly line of 6th Street, 60 feet wide; THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line to~ the Easterly line of an Alley as shown on plat of Security' Investment Companies Gilbert Subdivision recorded in Book 19 of Maps, page 45, records of said County; THENCE Northerly along the Easterly line of said Alley whose width varies from 15.00 feet to 20.00 feet to a point on the Southerly line of 8th street, 60 feet wide; THENCE Northerly in a direct line to the Southeast corner of Lot 105 per plat of Vernon Homes Subdivision recorded in Book 23 of Maps, page 29, records of said County; THENCE Northerly along the Easterly line of Lots 105, 58, 57 and 10 of said Vernon Homes SUbdivision to the Southerly line of 9th Street, 82.50 feet wide; THENCE Westerly along said Southerly line to the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of Herrington Avenue, 50.00 feet wide; THENCE Northerly along said Westerly line and prolongation thereof to the Northerly line of 10th Street, 60.00 feet wide; THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line to the Southeast corner J. of Lot 8, Block 2 per plat of Tract No. 1705 recorded in Book 25 of Maps, paqe 28, records of said County, said point beinq 158.85 feet West of the Westerly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Northerly alonq a line parallel with and 158.85 West of said Westerly line to the Northeasterly corner of Lot 8, Block 1 of said Tract 1705; THENCE Westerly alonq the Northerly line of said Lot 8 to the Northwesterly corner thereof; THENCE Northerly alonq the Westerly line of Lot 27 of said Block 1 and its Northerly prolonqation thereof to a point of intersection with the Northerly line of 11th street, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Easterly alonq said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Northerly alonq said Westerly line to a point of intersection with the Southerly line of Baseline Street, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Easterly alonq said Southerly line to a point of intersection with the Southerly prolonqation of the Westerly line of Davidson Street, 50.00 feet wide; THENCE Northerly alonq said Westerly line and the prolonqation thereof to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 251.00 feet North of Northerly Line of Baseline; Street; THENCE Easterly alonq said parallel line to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of Massachusetts Avenue, 50.00 feet wide; THENCE Southerly alonq said Westerly line to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 150.76 feet North of Northerly line of Baseline Street; THENCE Easterly alonq said parallel line to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of "X" Street, 50.00 feet wide; THENCE Easterly on a direct line to the Northwest corner of Lot 6 per plat of Eastwood Subdivision recorded in Book 21 of Maps, paqe 62, records of said County, said point also beinq on a line parallel to and 150.81 feet North of Northerly line of Baseline Street; THENCE Easterly alonq said parallel line to the Northeast Corner of Lot 1 of said Eastwood Subdivision; THENCE Northerly alonq the Easterly Boundary of said Eastwood SUbdivision to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 126.23 feet, more or less, South of the Southerly line of 13th Street; THENCE Easterly alonq said parallel line 98.59 feet, more or less, to a point on the Easterly line of Lot 9 per plat of Leonard Acres as recorded in Book 21 of Maps, paqe 69,_- records of said County; THENCE Southerly alonq said Easterly line 41.80 feet, more or less; THENCE Easterly 95.00 feet, more or less, to the Easterly line of Lot 10 of said Leonard Acres; THENCE Northerly alonq said Easterly line and the Northerly prolonqation thereof to a point on the Northerly line of 13th Street, 60.00 feet wide; THENCE Easterly alonq said Northerly line to the Southeast corner of Lot 6, Block B per plat of Central Home Tract recorded in Book 25 of Maps, paqe 4, records of said County; THENCE Northerly alonq the East line of said Lot 6 to the Southerly line of Home Avenue, 53.00 feet wide; THENCE Westerly alonq said Southerly line 50.00 feet, more or less to the Southerly prolonqation of the Westerly line of Lot 25, Block A per said plat of Central Home Tract; .THENCE Northerly alonq said Westerly Lot line and the Southerly prolonqation thereof to the Northwest corner of said Lot 25; THENCE Easterly alonq the Northerly line of Lots 1. 25 through 30, inclusive, Block A of said Central Home Tract and its easterly prolongation to a point of intersection with the Easterly Line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway: THENCE Southerly along said Easterly line through its various courses to a point of intersection with the centerline of'3rd Street, 82.50 feet wide: THENCE Westerly along said centerline line. through it various courses to a'point of intersection with the Northeasterly prolongation of the centerline of Viaduct Boulevard: THENCE Southwesterly along said centerline to a point of intersection with the centerline of 2nd Street, 60.00 feet wide: THENCE Westerly along said centerline to a point of intersection with the centerline line of Mt. Vernon Avenue, 82.50 feet wide: THENCE Southerly along said centerline to a point of intersection with the centerline of King Street, 60.00 feet wide: THENCE Easterly along said centerline to a point of intersection with the East line of an Alley in Block 6 per plat of Insurance ': Land Subdivision recorded in Book 16 of Maps, page 37, records of said County, said alley being 12.00 feet wide: THENCE Southerly along said East line to the Southwest Corner of Lot 20, Block 6 of said plat, said corner also being on the northerly line of an Alley in said Block 6, 12.00 feet wide: THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of Lot 9, of said Block 6: THENCE Southerly along said Easterly line and its southerly prolongation to a point of intersection with the Southerly line of Rialto Avenue, 82.50 feet wide: THENCE Westerly along said Southerly line to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 150.00 feet East of the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue: THENCE Southerly along said parallel line to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 150.00 North of the Northerly line of Francisco Street (formerly known as Belleview Stre3t): THENCE Easterly along said parallel line 10.00 feet more or less to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 160.00 feet East of the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue: THENCE Southerly along said parallel line to a point of intersection with the Northerly line of Francisco Street, 50.00 feet wide: THENCE in a direct line to a point on the Southerly line of Francisco Street said point also being on the.' Easterly line of an Alley, 12.00 feet wide, between Block 1 and Block 4 per plat of Corbett Tract recorded in Book 8 of Maps, page 21, records of said County: THENCE Southerly along said Easterly line to a point of intersection with the Northerly line of Congress (Central) Street, 50.00 feet wide: THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of Lenore Avenue, 50.00 feet wide: THENCE So~therly along said Easterly line its various courses and distances to a point of intersection with the Northerly line of Lytle Creek Channel: THENCE Westerly along said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue, 82.50 feet wide: THENCE Southerly along said Easterly line to the Northwest corner of Lot 8, Block H per plat of Boren's W. A. Subdivision recorded in Book 2 of Maps, page 9, records of said County: THENCE Easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot 8 to J. ( \ the Northeast corner thereof: THENCE Southerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 8 to a point on the Northerly line of Walnut Street, 60.00 feet wide: THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the centerline of an Alley, 14.00 feet wide, in Blocks E, P, and G of said Boren's W. A. Subdivision, said centerline being parallel with and 143.00 feet more or less East of Easterly line of .Mt. Vernon Avenue: THENCE Southerly along said centerline and it's Southerly prolongation to the Southerly Boundary of said Boren's W. A. Subdivision: THENCE Easterly along said Southerly line to a point of intersection with the Easterly line of Pear Street, 60.00 feet wide: THENCE Southerly along said Easterly line, following its various courses, to the Southerly terminus of said Pear Street, said point also being the Northeasterly corner of Assessors Parcel No. 137-161-21: THENCE Southerly 40 feet, more or less: THENCE Westerly 135.36 feet, more or less: THENCE Southerly 117 feet, more or less: THENCE Westerly 100.00 feet, more or less: THENCE Southerly 218.50 feet, more or less, to a point on the Southerly line of Mill Street, 82.5 feet wide: THENCE Westerly along said: Southerly line to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 110.00 feet East of the Easterly line ~f Mt. Vernon Avenue: THENCE Southerly along said parallel line to. a point of intersection with the Southerly line of Huff street, 50.00 feet wide: THENCE Easterly along said Southerly line 6.00 feet, more or less to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 116.00 feet East of the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue: THENCE Southerly along said parallel line to a point of intersection with the Southerly line of Esperanza Street, 50.00 feet wide: THENCE Westerly along said Southerly line to a point of intersection with the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue, 82.50 feet wide: THENCE Southerly along said Easterly line to a po~nt of intersection with the Easterly prolongation of the Present Corporate Limit Line of the City of San Bernardino: THENCE along said Present Corporate Limit line through its various courses to an angle point therein whiCh lies 180.00 feet more or less West of the centerline intersection of Mill Street and Bordwell Avenue, also being the Westerly line of the Santa Fe Railroad right of way; THENCE' continuing along said Present Corporate Limit Line, Northerly. 1140.00 feet, more or less: THENCE Westerly 120.00 feet, more or less to a point of intersection with the Southwesterly line of the Lytle Creek Flood Control Channel; THENCE Northerly along said Southwesterly line through its various courses to a point which lies Southerly 650.00 feet, more or less, and Easterly 414.28 feet, more or less, from the centerline intersection of Rialto Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue, said point also being the Northeast corner of Assessors Parcel No. 142-222-2: THENCE Westerly 394.28 feet, more or less, to the Easterly line of Pennsylvania Avenue, 50.00 feet wide: THENCE Southerly along said Easterly line to a point of intersection with the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line of Parcel 1 per plat of Parcel Map No. 4833 in Book 45, page 31 and 32, record of said County; THENCE Westerly along said Southerly line and the Easterly prolongation to the Southwest corner of said }, " Parcell, also being a point of intersection with the Westerly line of Rancho Avenue, 88.00 feet wide; THENCE Southerly along said Westerly line to a point 553.65 feet Southerly of the intersection of said Westerly line and the Southerly line of Rialto Avenue; THENCE Westerly 34.00 feet, more or less; THENCE Northwesterly 168.70 feet, more or less to an angle point; THENCE Northwesterly 120.00 feet, more or less, to an angle point; THENCE. Northerly 298.00 feet, more or less, to the Southerly line of Rialto Avenue, 40.00 feet wide; THENCE Westerly along said Southerly line 160.00 feet, more or less; THENCE Northerly 610.60 feet, more or less, to the Southerly Right of Way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; THENCE Westerly along said Right of Way to a point of intersection with the Northwesterly Right of Way line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe; THENCE Northeasterly along said Northwesterly Right of Way to the East corner of Tract No. 3939 per plat recorded in Book 52 of Maps, pages 19 through 21, inclusive~ records of said County; THENCE Northwesterly along the various courses of the boundary of said Tract No. 3939 to a point of intersection with the Southerly line of Foothill Boulevard, width varies from 100.00 feet to 120.00 feet; THENCE Westerly along said Southerly line to a point of intersection with the Southerly' prolongation of the Westerly line of Parcel Map 7668 as per plat recorded in Book 80, pages 95 and 96, records of said County; THENCE Northerly along said Westerly line and prolongation thereof to a point of intersection with the Westerly prolongation of the Northerly line of Tract No. 3984 as per plat recorded in Book 51 of Maps, page 27, records of said County; THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line and prolongation thereof, to the Northwest corner of Lot 9 of said Tract No. 3984; THENCE Southerly along the Westerly line of said Tract no. 3984 to the Southwest corner thereof; THENCE Easterly along the Southerly line of said Tract No. 3984 to ~ point on the Easterly line of Meridian Avenue, 62.00 feet wide; THENCE Southerly along said Easterly line to the Southwest corner of Tract No. 7050 per plat recorded in Book 90 of.Maps, page 44, records of said County; THENCE Easterly along the Southerly boundary of said Tract No. 7050 to the Southeast corner thereof; THENCE Easterly along the Southerly line of Parcel Map 3525 per plat recorded in Book 32 of: Maps, page 19, records of said County to Southeast corner thereof; THENCE Northerly along the Easterly boundary of said Parcel Map 3525 to the Northeast corner thereof also being a point on the Southerly line of Tract No. 4755 per plat recorded in Book 61 of Maps, page 50, records of said County; THENCE Easterly along said Southerly line to the Southeast corner of said Tract No. 4755 said point also being the Southwest corner of Tract 10364 per plat recorded in Book 143 of Maps, page 57 through 59, inclusive, records of said County; THENCE Easterly along said Southerly line to a point of intersection with the Easterly line of Macy Street, 60 feet wide; THENCE Northerly along said Easterly line through its various courses to a point on the Southerly line of Tract No. 4858 per plat recorded in Book 59 of Maps, pages 78 and 79, records of said County; THENCE Easterly along said Southerly line 305 feet, more or less, to the Southeasterly corner of said Tract No. 4858; .I ~.. THENCE Northerly alonq the Easterly line of said Tract No. 4858 to a point of intersection with the Southerly line of Sixth street, 50 feet wide; THENCE Easterly alonq said Southerly ~ine to a point of intersection with the Southwesterly line of Terrace Road; THENCE Northwesterly alonq the said Southwesterly line throuqh its various courses to the Northerly line of Tract No. 10043 per plat recorded in Book 157 of Maps~ paqes 47 and 48, records of said County; THENCE Easterly alonq said Northerly line to the Northeast Corner of said Tract No. 10043 said corner also beinq a point on the Present Corporate Limit Line of the city of San Bernardino; THENCE alonq said Present Corporate Limit in a Westerly and Northerly direction throuqh its various courses to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containinq approximately 1983 acres. Exceptinq: Beqinninq at the Northwest corner of Lot 21, per plat of Tract No. 2349, recorded in Book 33 of Maps, paqe 82, records of San Bernardino County; THENCE Easterly alonq the Northerly line of Lots 13 throuqh 21, inclusive, of said Tract No. 2349, to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of Garner Street; THENCE Southerly alonq said Westerly line 8.41 feet, more or less; THENCE Easterly 385.30 feet, more or less, alonq a line parallel with and 124.00 feet North of the Northerly line of Oranqe Street; THENCE Southerly 144.00 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the centerline of Oranqe Street; THENCE Easterly alonq the Easterly prolonqation of said centerline to the Southwest corner of Lot 5, per plat of Tract No. 1752, recorded in Book 26 of Maps, paqe 1, records of said County; THENCE Northerly alonq the Westerly Boundary line of said tract to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 3, said corner beinq 134.75 feet South of the Southerly line of Baseline Street; THENCE Easterly alonq a line parallel with .the Southerly line of Baseline Street to a point on a line parallel with and 94.00 feet East of the Easterly line of "L" Street; THENCE Southerly alonq said parallel line 150.54 feet, more or less; THENCE Easterly 182.00 feet, more or less; THENCE Southerly 367.50 feet, more or less to a point of intersection with the South line-- of 11th Street, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Easterly alonq said Southerly line of 11th Street to the point of intersection with the Westerly line of "J" Street, 20 feet wide; THENCE Southerly alonq said Westerly line, width varies from 20 feet to 60 feet, to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 135 feet north of the Northerly line of 5th Street; THENCE Westerly alonq said parallel line to a point on the Easterly line of Lot 21 per plat of McFarlane Subdivision in Book 3 of Maps, paqe 45, records of said County; THENCE Northerly alonq said Easterly line to the Northeast corner of said Lot 21; THENCE Westerly 547.00 feet, more or less, alonq a line parallel with and 140.00 feet Northerly of the Northerly line of 5th Street; THENCE Northerly 188.5 feet, more or less, to the Northerly line of Spruce Street, 48.5 feet wide; THENCE Westerly alonq said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of "L" Street, 60 feet wide; z THENCE Southerly along said Westerly line to the Northerly line of the Alley, in Block 8 per plat of Garner Subdivision recorded in Book 3 of Maps, page 77, records of said CountY;'~ENCE Westerly along said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the centerline of Garner Street, 60 feet wide, also being a point on the Easterly boundary of Central City West Redevelopment area; THENCE Southerly along said Easterly boundary of said Redevelopment area to the Southeasterly corner of said Redevelopment area; THENCE Westerly along Southerly boundary of said Redevelopment area to the Southwesterly corner of said Redevelopment area; .THENCE Northerly along the Westerly boundary of said Redevelopment area to the Northwest corner of said Redevelopment area, said corner also being on the centerline of Spruce Street; THENCE Easterly along said centerline to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 155.75 feet Easterly of the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue; THENCE Northerly along said parallel line to a point on a line which is 135 feet Northerly and parallel to the Northerly line of Spruce Street; THENCE Easterly along said line to a point, which is 205.75 feet Easterly and parallel to the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue; THENCE Northerly along said parallel line to the Northerly line of Victoria street, 27.2 feet'wide; THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line 88.85 feet, more or less; THENCE Northerly 383.80 feet, more or less, to the Northerly line of 7th Street; THENCE Westerly along said Northerly line to a point on a line 140 feet Easterly and parallel to the Easterly Right of Way line of Mt. Vernon Avenue; THENCE Northerly along said parallel line to the Northerly line of Vine street, 50 feet wide; THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line 88.00 feet, more or less; THENCE Northerly along a line parallel with the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue 140.00 feet, more or less; THENCE Westerly 44.00 feet, more or less; THENCE Northerly 1.62 feet, more or less; THENCE Westerly 44.00 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with a line 135 feet Easterly and parallel to the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue; THENCE Northerly along said parallel line to the Southerly line of 8th Street, 60 feet wide; THENCE Easterly along said Southerly line to the Southerly prOlongation of the Westerly line of Garner Street, 60 feet wide;: THENCE Northerly along said Westerly line to the Southerly line of 9th Street, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Easterly along said Southerly line to a point of intersection with a parallel line 319.00 feet Westerly of the Westerly line of ilL" Street; THENCE Northerly along said parallel line to the Northerly line of 10th street, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Westerly along said Northerly line to a point on a line 147.5 feet Easterly and parallel to the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue; THENCE Northerly along said parallel line to a point of intersection with a line 196.50 feet Northerly and parallel to the Northerly line of 10th Street; THENCE Easterly along said parallel line to a point on a line 245.5 feet Easterly and parallel to the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue; THENCE Northerly along said parallel line to a point on the Southerly line of Tract 1798 per plat recorded in Book 26 of Maps, page 14, records of said County; THENCE Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 8 of said J. \ Tract 1798 and the Northerly prolongation thereof to the Northerly line of 11th street, 82.5 feet wide: THENCE Westerly along said Northerly line to a point on a line 110 feet Easterly of and parallel to the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon: THEN!=E Northerly along said parallel line to a point on a line 132 feet Northerly and parallel to the Northerly line of 11th Street: THENCE Easterly 50 feet along said parallel line to a point on a line 160. feet East of and parallel to the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue: THENCE Northerly along said parallel line to the Northerly line of Orange Street, 40 feet wide: THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line to a point on a line 210 feet Easterly of and parallel to the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue: THENCE Northerly along said parallel line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing approximately 191 acres. Also Excepting: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 8, per plat of Knights Subdivision, recorded in Book 2 of Maps, page 65, records of San Bernardino County, said point also bei~g on the Westerly prolongation of the Southerly line of 3rd Street, 60 feet wide: THENCE Easterly along the said Southerly line to the Westerly line of the Alley of Block 2 per plat of Insurance Loan , Land SUbdivision, recorded in Book 16 of Maps, page 37, records of said County: THENCE Southerly along said Westerly line to the Northerly line of King Street, 60.00 feet wide: THENCE Westerly along said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of Pi co Avenue, 60.00 feet wide: THENCE Southerly along said Westerly line of Pi co Avenue to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 134.00 feet Southerly of the Southerly line of King Street, said line also being the Northerly line of the Alley in Block 4 per said Insurance Loan and Land Subdivision: THENCE Westerly along said parallel line to the Southwest corner of Lot 13, in said Block 4: THENCE Northerly along the Westerly line of Blocks 3 and 4 of said Insurance Loan and Land Subdivision to the Southerly line of 2nd Street, 38.50 feet wide: THENCE Easterly_ along said southerly line to a point of intersection with the- Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of said Lot 8, per aforementioned plat of Knights Subdivision: THENCE Northerly along said Westerly line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing approximately 10 acres. Also Excepting: Beginning at a Southwest corner of Lot 14, Block 0, per plat of Murray and Payne Subdivision, recorded in Book 4 of Maps, page 27, Records of San Bernardino County, said corner also being on the Northerly line of the Alley, of said block: THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of the Alley of said block, also being the Southeast corner of Lot 7 of said Block: THENCE Southerly along said Westerly line to a point of intersection with the Northerly line of Lytle Creek .l f- Channel; THENCE Northwesterly along said Northerly line to a point of intersection with the Southeasterly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company per plat of Mu~ray and Payne Subdivision as recorded in Book 4 of Maps, page 27 ,records of said County; THENCE Northwesterly along the said Southeasterly line to the POINT OF. BEGINNING. Containing approximately-7 acres. Also Excepting: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly line of Muscott Street, 50 feet wide, and a line parallel with and 130 feet North of the Northerly line of Francisco Street (formerly known as Belleview Street), 50 feet wide; THENCE Easterly 416.24 feet, more or less, along said parallel line; THENCE Southeasterly 159.56 feet, more or less, to a point on the Northerly line of Francisco Street; THENCE Easterly along said Northerly line 126.44 feet, more or less; THENCE Northerly 130.00 feet, more or less to a point of intersection with the Southwesterly Right of Way of the East Branch of Lytle Creek; THENCE Southeasterly along said Right of Way, along' its various courses, to a point of intersection with the Easterly line of Artesian Avenue, 41.25 feet wide; THENCE Southerly along said Easterly line to a point of intersection with the centerline of Oregon Street, vacated; THENCE Easterly 50 feet, more or less, along said centerline to a point of intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of Lot 7 of Block H of the Murray and Payne Subdivision as per plat recorded in Book 4 of Maps, page 27, records of said County; THENCE Southerly 198.75 feet, more or less, along said Easterly line and Northerly prolongation thereof to a point of intersection with the centerline of a certain alley in said Block H; THENCE Easterly along said centerline and Easterly prolongation thereof to a point of intersection with the Southeasterly Right of Way of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; THENCE Northeasterly along said Southeasterly Right of Way to a point of intersection with the Southwesterly Right of Way of the East Branch of Lytle Creek; THENCE Southeasterly along said Right of Way, through its various courses, to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 150 feet West of th~ Westerly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Southerly along said parallel line to the Southwest corner of Lot 3 of Block 5 of the Martin Tract as per plat recorded in Book 3 of Maps, page 27, records of said County; THENCE Easterly 50 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 3, said point also being on a line parallel with and 100 feet West of the Westerly line of said Mt. Vernon Avenue; THENCE Southerly along said parallel line to a point of intersection with the Northerly line of Chestnut Street, 60 feet wide; THENCE Westerly 50 feet along said Northerly line to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 150 feet West of the Westerly line of said Mt. Vernon Avenue; THENCE Southerly along said parallel line to a point of intersection with the Northerly line of Mill street, 82.5 feet wide; THENCE Westerly along said Northerly line to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 12 of Block 10 of said Martin Tract; THENCE Northerly 125 feet to the .ll Northwesterly corner of said Lot 12; THENCE Easterly 50 feet to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 12, said point also being on a line parallel with and 150 feet West of the Westerly line of Grape street, 60 feet wide; THENCE Northerly 310 feet, more or less, along said parallel line to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 3 of Block 8 of said Martin Tract; THENCE Westerly 150. feet, more or less, to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 6 of said Block 8, said point also being on a line parallel with and 300 feet West of the Westerly line of said Grape Street; THENCE Northerly along said parallel line to a point of intersection with the Northerly line of Birch Street, 60 feet wide; THENCE Westerly 100 feet along said Northerly.line to the Westerly terminus of said Birch street, said point also being on the Westerly line of said Martin Tract; THENCE Northerly along said Westerly line to a point of intersection with the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly line of Walnut street, width varies 34 feet to 71.25 feet; THENCE Westerly along said Northerly line and Easterly prolongation thereof to a point 190.00 feet, more or less, Westerly of the Westerly line of San Marcos street; THENCE Northerly 425.12 feet, more or lessr THENCE Easterly 50 feet, more or less to a point of intersection with a line 140.00 feet Westerly of and parallel to the westerfy line of San Marcos street; THENCE Northerly 318.50 feet, more or less, along said parallel liner THENCE Westerly 396 feet, more or less; THENCE Southerly 350 feet, more or less; THENCE Westerly 215.47 feet, more or less, to the Easterly line of Muscott Street, 50 feet wide; THENCE northerly along said Easterly line through its various courses to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing approximately 53 acres. Also Excepting: Those portions designated as Well Sites NO.8, 13 and 16 located in the Northeasterly corner of Lot 6, Block 66 per plat of Rancho San Bernardino in Book 7 of Maps, page 2, records of said County. Also Excepting: Those portions desiqnated as Well Sites NO.4, 5, 6, 7 and 14 located within Lot 1, Block 66 of said Rancho San Bernardino. Also Excepting: Lot 20, Block 25 per said plat of Rancho San Bernardino except the South 200.00 feet and that portion lying within Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Right of Way. Also Excepting: Beginning at a point 53.08 feet, more or less, Easterly of the Easterly line of Mt. Vernon Avenue and 150.00 feet, more or less, Northerly of the Northerly line of Mill Street; THENCE Northerly parallel with said Easterly line 100.00 feet, more or less; THENCE II Easterly parallel with said Northerly line 75.00 feet, more or less; THENCE Southerly parallel with said East~rly line 100.00 feet, more or less; THENCE Westerly parallel with .said Northerly line 75.00 feet, more or less, to the POINT OF ~EGtNNING. Net area of Sub Area "A" is approximately 1722 acres. ( ~ l Sub Are. liB" Beginning at the intersection of the centerline 6f.Rialto Avenu~ and the Westerly Right of Way line of "I" Street, .&lso being the Southerly line of Uptown Redevelopment Sub Area "B" , THENCE Easterly along said centerline of Rialto Avenue to.theWest Right of Way line of State Highway 215, THENCE Southerly along the Westerly line of said Interstate 215, following its various courses to a point of intersection with the Northwesterly line of the Alley, per plat of Tract No. 1963, recorded in Book 28 of maps, page 52, records of San Bernardino County, THENCE along said Northwesterly line to the Southwest corner of Lot 7 of Block 2 per said Tract, THENCE Northwesterly to the Southeasterly line of Colton Avenue, THENCE Southwesterly along said Southeasterly line to the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line of Hillcrest Avenue, 60 feet wide, THENCE Westerly along said-.southerly line to the Southerly prolongation of the West line of "I" Street, THENCE Northerly along said Westerly line to a point of intersection with the Southerly line of Grant Avenue, 50.00 feet wide, THENCE Westerly along the said Southerly line to a ~oint of intersection with the Westerly line of "J" Street, THENCE Northerly along the said Westerly line to a point of intersection with a line parallel with and 355.00 feet Southerly of the Southerly line of Hazel Avenue, THENCE Easterly along said parallel line to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of "I" Street, THENCE Northerly along said Westerly line to a point of intersection with the Southerly line of Hazel Avenue, 50.00 feet wide; THENCE Westerly along said Southerly line to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of "J" Street, THENCE Northerly along said Westerly line to a point of intersection with the South line of Mill Street; THENCE in a direct line to the intersection of the Northerly line of Mill Street and the Westerly line of "J" Street, THENCE Northerly along said Westerly line to a point 317.68 feet, more or less, Southerly of the Southerly line of Congress Street, THENCE Easterly along a line parallel with the Southerly line of Congress Street to a point on a line parallel with and 160.00 feet, more or less, Westerly of the Westerly line of "I" street, THENCE Northerly: along said parallel line 17.00 feet, more or less, THENCE Easterly 160.00 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the Westerly line of "I" Street, THENCE Northerly along the said Westerly line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing approximately 115 acres. .11 Sub Are. "C" I ~. Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 22 per ple,t of Rancpo San Bernardino recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 2 ,records pf San Bernardino County, said beginning being an angle point ;n the Westerly Boundary of the Southeast Industrial Park Redevelopment District: THENCE Easterly along said Southerly line of said Lot 22 and said Boundary line to a point of intersection with the Easterly line of (Orange Show Road) Auto Plaza Drive: THENCE Southerly; along said Easterly line to a point 260.00 feet, more or less, So~t~,rly of the centerline of Show Case Drive South: THENCE Westerlya~ong a course in the Present Corporate Limit Line of the City :.o~rSan Bernardino and the Easterly prolongation thereof to an angl, point therein: THENCE Northerly along said Present,corpor~te Limit~ine and its Northerly prolongation 1220.00 feet, more or less" ~o a point on the Southwesterly line of San Bernardino Flood Control District Boundary: THENCE Northwesterly along said Boundary to its intersection with the Present Corporate Limit Line: THENCE Northeasterly along said line 420.00 feet, more or les.s, t9 an' angle point therein: THENCE continUing Northeasterly alongj the Northwesterly line of San Bernardino Flood Control Boundary to its intersection with the Present Corporate Limit Line: THENCE Northwesterly and Northeasterly along said Present Corporat~Limit Line to its intersection with the Northeasterly boundary of ~aid Flood Control District: THENCE Southeasterly and No~ell6~rly along the various courses of said Flood Control Distric~ Boundary to its intersection with a line parallel with and 648. QQ feet, OIlore or less, Northerly of the Southerly line of Lot 29, BlockS4 per plat of Rancho San Bernardino recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 2, records of said County: THENCE Easterly along said pa~allel:dine to a point I.In the Southwesterly Right of Way line ~ the San Bernardino Freeway, Interstate 15: THENCE Southerly along said Southwesterly Right of Way line through its various courses to a point which is 100.00 feet Northwesterly of the Northwesterly line of (Orange Show Road) Auto Plaza Drive, said point also being on the Westerly boundary of the Southeast Industrial Park Redevelopment District: THENCE Southwesterly along said line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. containing approximately 101 acres. ~ ')11 DJ II , I .' ~ ) , , I : e ~l -; j. J ; 'f II [ 1*"7- -.,;... ,...-=-...-:=----1-~ omQ~Jf~~ '4i)_iI;~St{E"'~~~'i~~C~~;' I - '. \ s r:;....- . 1;11'- _.~,~-/(- 'L 1 ;;:. C.--;;' \ "i . ....i~.,' r-'l' , . : I ~~ --~.L-. l:J~L~i- . r: I I: i ii : .mI' J - 1,r. - . -~.',r Ir' J' Ell .: -r'.".--:::;. n JilC:J)j_~.~----Ci ...---- ,-_.~ '. ...-- \ , Project Area Map MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT t"""c;..",~ Project Area Boundaries 'N en rN.A.p:-J Not a Part