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March 21, 1990
6:00 P.M.
The Mt. Vernon Corridor Project Area Cannittee (PPC) rreeting was
called to order at 6:07 p.m., at the Villasenor Library, 525 N. Mt.
Vernon Avenue, San Bernardino, Cali fornia, by Canni ttee Olairrran Jose
Ra..L CAlL
Roll Call was taken with the following being present: MerTbers
Melvin Elliott, Alfredo Enciso, Teresa S. Enciso, Maureen A. Giovanni,
Graciano Garez, Jose Garez, Esther Mata, Tod M::Donald, Kevin Mi tchell,
Manuel Morales, Trinidad Padilla, Gloria L. Torres, Randy WYatt. Absent:
R. Wade Byars, Sr., Richard Olurchwell, Ernest Vasquez, Sr.
Staff Present: Dennis Barlow, Sr. Asst. City Attorney; Susan M.
Gonzales, Project Manager - RDA; Jill M. Hammer, Secretary - RDA; Roger
Hardgrave, Di rector of Publ ic WorksfCi ty Engineer, City of San
Bernardino; Don Hesterley, Code Enforcement Supervisor, City of San
Bernardino; Carl Morgan, Urban Futures, Inc.; Jarres Penmann, Esq., City
Attorney; Alex Valenzuela, Code Enforcement ~ficer, City of San
Guests Present: Malcolm Elliott, Tan Gonzales, Wanda Hudgrave,
Ruby Hesterley, HOrtensia Lopez, T. Martinez, HOrtensia Sabas, Juan Sabas.
PIedRe of AIleRiance
Dennis Barlow, Esq. led those in attendance in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the American flag.
Ms. Gonzales distributed a copy of the minutes to each rrerrber and
guest present. Olairrran Garez suggested that the minutes be approved at
a later tirre during the rreeting to afford Cannittee rrerrbers tirre for
review of the minutes.
2. Presentation by the Departrrent of Planning and Building Services
Olairrran Garez introduced Mr. Don
Supervisor for the City of San Bernardino.
City Ordinance 15-24 addresses a broad
Hesterley, Code Enforcement
Mr. Hesterley stated that new
spectrun of elements which
contribute to blight within a City. Mr. Hesterley explained the l'btice
of Violation and the IO~y Notice to Abate fonTS which are received by
each indi vidual whose property is in v iolat ion of current Code
Mr. Hesterley introduced Mr. Alex Valenzuela, Code Enforcement
Officer for the Mt. Vernon area. Mr. Valenzuela stated that it is his
responsibility to enforce current Code standards in the Mt. Vernon area
in the residential areas as well as those areas dedicated to canrercial
use. Mr. Valenzuela stated that it is his desire to work with the
property owners to obtain voluntary carpliance to all Code violations.
Mr. Valenzuela requested assistance fram the CCnnUttee in reporting
properties to him that may possibly be in Code violation.
Mr. Valenzuela stated that he knows that the recent derrolitions in
the Mt. Vernon area are of interest to the CCnnU ttee. He cont inued
explaining that the derrolitions are a result of new State legislation, S8
547--which mandates the upgrading to Code of all unreinforced masonry
buildings by 1991.
Mr. Padilla asked who is responsible for assigning a lien to a piece
of property when the owner refuses to carply with Code enforcement
efforts. Mr. Hester ley responded that the Ci ty is responsible for that
type of lien.
Mr. MJrales asked questions concerning equal enforcement of sign
standards not only in the Mt. Vernon area but in the City as a whole.
Mr. Penmann responded that Code Enforcement Officers are working allover
the Ci ty--not just in the Mt. Vernon area--to gain carpliance to the
City's sign ordinances. Mr. Penmann encouraged Comnittee lTElTbers to
support the goal of these efforts which is a cleaner annosphere for the
City as a whole.
Ms. Mata questioned the penalty being assessed for a first offense
Code sign violation. Mr. Penmann stated that the first offense does not
usually justify the maxirrum fine amount, but the lack of cooperation by_
the property owner, after the first offense, usually does result in the
maxirrum fine amount being assessed.
Mr. ~att asked what Code enforcement steps would be taken in the
near future in the Mt. Vernon area. Mr. Valenzuela stated that he would
be aggressively rreeting with property owners in the Mt. Vernon area fram
5th St reet to Highland Avenue solici t ing carpliance for the areas of
their buildings that are in Code violation. Issuance of citations will
be a part of this effort. The owners of the vacant buildings in the
aforementioned area will be a primary focus of Mr. Valenzuela's interest
and tirre cammitrrEnt.
Mr. Mitchell expressed that he does not think many of the property
owners currently being cited for Code violations are aware that their
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buildings are in violation of the City's Code. Mr. Penrann explained
that Mr. Mitchell's observation may be true; however, there has been much
publicity in recent rrcnths in the local newspapers concerning the City's
increased efforts in this area.
Chairman Gomez asked how the Mt. Vernon PPC can help to support the
Code enforcerrent efforts of the Ci ty. Mr. Penmann encouraged CarIni ttee
lTBTbers to discuss the information received at this rreeting openly with
their business colleagues and to positively support the benefits of such
Mr. (Jaciano Gomez offered the service of the newspaper he publishes
to aid in the effort of communicating the City's Code enforcerrent
intentions to the people in the Mt. Vernon area.
Mr. Hesterley concluded this portion of the rreeting explaining that
the City is now requiring purchase of a permit by' a property owner to
rent any single farrtily, duplex or triplex residence. Mr. Hesterley
stated that the permit can be obtained at the present tirre at no cost
through the City's Business License Department in the City Clerk's
Office; however, in the near future, there will be a fee assigned to this
required permit. Mr. Hesterley stated that at the tirre that the permit
is issued a fee is charged to conduct an outside inspection of the
property in question. If the outside of the residence warrants Code
enforcement attention, then an inside inspection will be requested.
Chairman Gomez thanked Mr. Penmann, Mr. Hesterley and Mr. Valenzuela
for their attendance and valuable contribution to this rreeting.
3. Presentation by Mr. Ro~er Hard~rave, Director of Public
1!Iorks/City Engineer
Mr. Hardgrave called attention to the list of potential projects
currently being reviewed by the COmmittee. Mr. Hardgrave encouraged the
COmmittee to give preference to projects that would induce new
development and thereby increase the potential for increased tax
increment accruals.
Ms. Gonzales asked if any of the projects on the Potential Projects
Li st are incl uded in the Capi tal Irrproverrent Progrcrn. Mr. Hardgrave
responded that none of the projects on the list have a source of funding
at this tirre. Mr. Hardgrave stated that he would send a copy of the rrcst
recent Capital Improvement Progrcrn to Ms. Gonzales.
Mr. Hardgrave was reques ted to rev iew the Potent ial Pro jects Li st
and indicate possible funding sources for each project so that the
COmmittee could participate in prioritizing these projects with as much
information as possible.
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MW. MCDonald questioned the rationale for including a project on the
Potential Projects List which is not located within the official Project
Area boundaries yet services the Project Area. M.Jch discussion ensued
concerning the appropriateness of using tax increment monies to complete
projects not within the official boundaries. A second issue was also
raised concerning cooperation in completing projects that are located in
adjoining redevelopment project areas.
MW. Barlow stated that for a project to be funded outside the
Project Area boundaries a project ll1Ist benefit the Project Area. Very
specific findings ll1Ist be made by the COnnUssion for this type of project
to be accomplished.
COnnUttee rTBTbers asked if the $8.9 million referenced by
COnnUssioner Pope-Ludlan in a recent Sun article was available for the
Mt. Vernon Project Area. Mr. Barlow responded that'the $8.9 million is
not a recent discovery of funds but rather a recent receipt of funds.
The funds are restricted for use to low~d housing.
MW. Ell iott asked if special assessrrent dist r icts are ever fonred
within redevelopment project areas. MW. Barlow responded affirmatively.
MW. Mitchell asked how funds could be obtained to underground
utilities in the Mt. Vernon Project Area. MW. Hardgrave stated that a
major project to underground utilties is planned in the near future for
Mt. Vernon Avenue fram 9th to 21st Street.
Ms. Mata thanked MW. Hardgrave for his attendance and valuable
contribution to the rreeting.
4. OlanRe of MerIDership Roster
Ms. Gonzales stated that staff has not been able to make contact
with MW. Willian Sigers personally or by mail to ascertain if he still
has an interest in serving on the Mt. Vernon PAC. It was noted that MW.
Sigers has been absent fram three consecutive rreetings, and therefore,-
the Bylaws state that his name should be rerroved fram the rTBTbership
A motion was made by Randy ~att, seconded by Kevin Mitchell and
carried unanimously to remove the name of Willian Sigers fram the
official Mt. Vernon PAC Roster due to change in qualification status.
Discussion ensued concerning whether the number needed for a quorum
should be adjusted according to the number of rTBTbers on the official Mt.
Vernon PAC Roster. MW. Barlow continued stating that it is his
recommendation that replacement rTBTbers be sought for those rTBTbers who
submit their resignation.
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The issue was raised concerning replacement rrerrbers not having the
benefit of previous information disseminated to the COmmittee. ~.
Barlow stated that he \\Quid research this issue further. It was decided
that this issue wi II be an item included on the agenda for the next
5. Project Manager's Report
~. Gonzales reported to the COmmittee that the Potential Projects
List can still be arrended. She encouraged COmmittee rrerrbers to add
projects or delete projects as they rrove ahead with the prioritizing
efforts associated with this list.
~. Gonzales stated that she will reorganize the list of Potential
Projects and incorporate available financial information as well as
infonmtion obtained in the Capi tal Irrprovements Progran for the next
~. Elliott presented literature fram the City of San Juan
Capistrano concerning its rrost recent successful redeveloprrent efforts.
It was suggested that an item be included on each rreeting agenda to
allow for miscellaneous reports on the Mt. Vernon Project Area fram
COmmi ttee rrerrbers. ~. Gonzales requested that any COmmi ttee rrerrber
desiring to give further infonmtion on a topic should contact her before
the COmmittee rreeting so that the item can be posted with the agenda in
keeping with Brown Act requirements.
1. Mt. Vernon Carr idor Proiect Area Carrni ttee Minutes
~. Teresa Enciso requested that her narre be added to the narres of
those who were present at the last rreeting on March 14, 1990.
Cf. Page 2, ~. Padilla stated that
title fram Gents Organization Facility
his rrot ion was to change the
to Cmrrun i ty Center Banquet-
A rrot ion was made by Graciano Garez,
car r ied unanirrous ly to approve the minutes
1990 as corrected.
seconded by Randy Wyatt, and
of the rreet i ng of March 14,
6. Adiourrrrent
~. Gonzales reported that the conference room at the Vi lla Senor
Library is not avai lable for the next COmmittee rreet ing scheduled for
April 18, 1990. ~. Gonzales stated that each COmmittee rrerrber will be
noti fied of the rreeting place to be used for the rreeting of April 18,
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Cannittee rrerrbers expressed congratulations to Ms. Gonzales on the
occasion of her upcoming wedding.
A rrot ion was ITBde by Gra(:~!ino Garez, seconded by Randy \\}'att and
unanirrously carried to adjourn the rreeting of the Ntt. Vernon Corridor PAC
to Apr i I 28, 1990.
Respectfully submitted,
Esther Mata
Secretary for the Ntt. Vernon PAC
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