HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-23-1989 Minutes ~-r."" k'..:.. ... . City of San Bernardino, california May 23, 1989 This is the time and place set for a reconveninq an Adjourned Reqular Meetinq of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino held at 9:15 a.m., Monday, May 22, 1989. At 4:50 p.m., the Adjourned Reqular Meetinq of May 23,1989, was recessed to Tuesday, May 23, 1989, at 9:00 a.m., in the council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, california. RBCONVENE MEETING The Adjourned Regular Meetinq of the Kayor,and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino reconvened at 9:20 a.m., TUesdaY, MaY 23, 1989, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California. INVOCATION The Invocation was qiven by Richard Bennecke, Executive Assistant to the Mayor. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledqe of Alleq~ance was led by Council Member ReillY. . ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the followinq beinq present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Kember. Reilly, Flor.., Kaudsley, Minor; Deputy City Attorney Empeno, City Clerk Clark, Deputy City Administrator Richardson. Absent: Council Kellbers Estrada, pope-Ludlam, Miller. GENERAL PLAN - CONTINUATION OF LAND USE DECISIONS - AUDIT TRAIL II Audit Trail II is a listinq of recommendations made by the Planninq Commission as a result of land use requests made at the AprilPlanninq commission public hearinqs on the draft qeneral plan. These requests came from members of the public, staff and council members. The followinq land use requests from Audit Trail II were acted on. . South side of Central. both sides of Valley View - Theresa Shea (18) Theresa Shea requested a CG desiqnation for property on the south side of central on both sides of Valley View. Council Kember Maudsley made a motion, seconded by council Kember Minor and unanimously carried, to accept the recommendation of the Planninq commission and desiqnate the property IL. . . - 1 - 5/23/89 't:;A Ov'"l . Nor~heas~ corner S1x~h and Ster11nQ - Cohen \ZCl Alber~ Cohen reques~ed tha~ the northeas~ corner of Sixtb Street and Sterling Avenue be zoned RMH-15. Counc1l Member Maudsley made a mot1on. seconded by CounCll Kember Flores. to des1gna~e the proper~Y IL. The motion failed by the folloW1ng vote: Ayes: Kembers Flores. Kaudsley, K1nor. Noes: Council Kemper Absent: counc1l Kembers Estrada. pope-Ludlam. K1ller. Counc1l Reilly. The Council expressed concerns commission's recommendation of RMH-15 for to be for Nor~on Air Force Base housing. were uncomfor~able with placing a 15 un1t with the Planna, th1S proper~y which Val Members of the Counc1l cap. Council Kember Minor made a mo~ion. seconded by Council " Kember Maudsley and unanimously carried. tha~ the previous it.. be reconsidered. The Counc1l discussed the need to prov1de a buffer betweeD surrounding res1dences and this parcel. Council Member Maudsley made a mo~ion, seconded by councll Kember Minor and unanimouSly carried. that the nor~heas~ corner of Sixth Stree~ and Sterling Avenue be designated OlP. . Northeast corner Mill and Lena Daniel Salter requested that and Lena Road be designated lL. Council Kember Reilly made a motion, seconded by councU Kember Minor and unanimously carried, to concur with tJIt recommendation of the Planning comm1ssion and designa~e tJIt northeas~ corner of Mill Street and Lena Road IL. Road - Salter (31) the northeast corner of Kill Snuth side of Ninth Street. west of Preston - MackZum (45) Errol Mackzum requested that the CG designation for prop.~ on the south side of Ninth Street, west of Preston,- be changed ~ lL. Council Kember Reilly made a motion, seconded Member Flores and unanimously carried, to concur Planning commission and designate the property lL. by coUJlcU wi th till . South side of Ninth Street and Del Rosa - Hesterlv and Frieberq (48) Property owners Hesterly and Frieberg requested that ~ south side of Ninth Street and Del Rosa be changed from RK to Council Kember Reilly made a motion, seconded bY CoUJlC~ . h till. Kember Flores and unanimously carried, to concur Wlt. Planning Commission and zone the area RS. f - ~ 5/;.3/N ~~~. . '- - Nor~h side of Cen~ral. eas~ ex T~ppecanoe - Hubbs _ Paul Hubbs reques~ed ~ha~ the nor~h s1de of Cen~ral. east of tltpecanoe. be changed from ?F to rH. (AT II - 64) Council Member Flores made a mo~~on. seconded by Counc1l Member Maudsley and unan1mOusly carr1ed. to concur w1th the Plann1ng Comm1sS1on's des1gna~1on of rH. Sou~h of Base Line from ReillY (79) Counc1l Member Reilly property sou~h of Base Line. Commission recommended RS. MYr~le to Bar~on - reques~ed an RU designation for from Myrtle to Bar~on. The Planning Council Member Reilly made a motion. seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimouslY carried, to concur with the recommendation of the Plann1ng Commission.. Coneio Drive - Re1llY (BOl Counc1l Memoer Re1lly made a mo~ion. sec~nded Member Maudsley and unan1mously carr1ed, that Cone)o des1gnated RS as recommended by the Planning Comm1ssion. by council Dr1ve be COUNCIL MEMBER At 9:30 a.m. Council Meeting and POPE-LUDLAM ARRIVED Council "Gmner Pope-Ludlam ~ook her place at the Council arrived at Table. the ~ Northeast corner Ninth and Bobbett - ReillY (81) ~ Council Member Reilly requested that the northeast corner of Ninth Street and Bobbe~t be changed from RU to IL. The Planning Commission concurred. Council Member Re1l1y made a mot1on, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unan1mously carried, that the northeast corner of Ninth and Bobbett Streets be designa~ed IL as recommended by ~he Planning Commission. S~~~~ :i~e of Ninth. West of TiDDecanoe - ReillY (B2) V__~_u_ _ots. Ninth and TiDDecanoe - Langlv (101) Council Member ReillY recommended that four areas on the south side of Ninth, west of Tippecanoe, presentlY designated PF, CG-l, RU, and RS be changed to IL. Clifford Langly also requested IL. The planning Commission concurred. Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, to redesignate the property IL as recommended by the Planning Commission. Sixth Street at Pedley - ReillY (22) Council Member Re111y requested that Sixth Street at Pedley be changed from IL to PF. The Planning Commission concurred. . - 3 - 5/23/89 . . . fiEt Councl.l Member Kember Kinor and deslgnat:ed PF. Haudsley made a mO~l.on. seconded by CoUnCl! unanlmously:ar=:.ea. :nat: .:he property be Northwest corner Sixth ~nd 'r~ppecanoe - ~elllv (84) Councll Member Rellly requested that tne nort:hwest corner of Sixth and Tippecanoe be deslgnated RU. The ?lannlng Commlssi~ concurred. Council Member Rellly made a motlon. seconded by Council Kember Haudsley and unanlmously carrled. to accept ~t recommendation of the Plannlng CommlSSlon. 775 E. Ninth Street - Cervantes (85) . Manuel Cervantes requested that the previous CK uses ~ allowed at 775 E. Ninth Street (Rancho Rodriguez property). Tht Planning Commisslon designated the area IL. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Counell Hember Reilly, to concur with the Planning Commission. The motlon carried by the followlng vot:e: Hembers Reilly, ~audsley, Hinor, Pope-Ludlam. Kember Flores. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Ayes: Noes: Hiller. Counell Counell Northeast corner Ninth and TiDDecanoe - Heers (92) William Heers requested that the northeast corner of HiDtl and Tippecanoe be changed to RMH. The Planning Commi..ua designated the area RH. Council Hember Reilly made a motion, seconded by COUDcll Kember Haudsley and unanimously carried, to concur with ~ Planning Commlssion. West of Sierra Continuation Hiqh School - Shira (96) On behalf of the School Distrlct, Scott Shira requestede correction ln the deSignation of School District property west.~ Sierra Continuat:lon "High School. The Planning Commisll- corrected the deslgnation to PF. No action was required bY ~ Council. 23rd Street - Shea (19) change from RS to mUlti-familY~~ and 23rd Streets. The Pla Northwest corner "D" and Theresa Shea requested a the northwest corner of "D" Commission recommended RS. Council Kember Kaudsley made a motion, seconded bY CoUD~ Hember Kinor and unanimOUSly carried, that the northwest COrDJ: of "D" and 23rd Streets be designated RS as recommended bY Commission. - 4 - 5"/23 IN , ~~\o'. -< '- - . 2426 SeDulveda. wes~ s~de. nor~h s~de of Hiqhland. UD to 25th Street - N~cnolson ,:4) Don Nicholson reques~ed that the above area be designated The Planning Comm~ss~on gave ~n RMH des~gnat~on to the east of 25th Stree~. RMH. s~de Counc~l Member Maudsley made a mo~ion. seconded by Council Member Flores and unan~mously carr~ed. to "leave ~t RS". 1765 Garden Drive - Bonadiman (44) Joe Bonadiman reques~ed RMH for 1765 Garden Drive. Council Member Reilly made a Member Minor and unanimously carried, Commission's .designation of RH. 21st Street at Crestview Avenue - Reillv (78) Council Member Re~lly requested that property and Crestview Avenue be changed from RS to CO-l. Commission gave the property an RS des~gnatlon. motion, seconded by Council to concur with the Planning at 21st Street The planning Council Member Reilly made a mot~on. seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carr~ed. to reject the recommendation of the Planning Commiss1on and designate the property CO-l. . West side Palm Avenue. north of Pacific - Maudslev (108) Council Member CG-l on the west designated RS. The designation. Maudsley requested that property designated side of Palm Avenue, north of pacifiC be Planning Commission gave the property at CG-l Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by council Member pope-Ludlam and unanimouslY carried, to concur with the Planning Comm~SS1on. COUNCIL MEMBER MINOR EXCUSED council Member Minor left the Council table. Hiqhland Avenue at Route 330 - Buster (65) William Buster requested a clarification of a line of the map which gave an incorrect designation to a portion of his property on the north side of Highland Avenue. The Plann1ng Commission made the correction and designated the property CG-l. Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, to concur with the recommendation of the planning commission. . COUNCIL MEMBER MINOR RETURNED council Member Minor returned to the Council table. - 5 - 5/23/89 ::. ~ ~'. ~.- --. . South of 39th Street. front~nq Ferndale - Goode ,Z3) Charles Goode requested a change of RS to RMH for pr~.i south of 39th Street =ront~ng on Ferndale. The Pl Comm~ss~on des~gnated the property RS. Counc~l Member Maudsley made a mot~on, seconded by COEl Member Re~lly and unan~mously carr~ed, that the recommendat~. .. the Planning Comm~ss~on for the property south of 39th St fronting Ferndale be des~gnated RH. Northwest corner Lvnwood and Sterlinq - Van Luven (89) Ron Van Luven requested that the northwest corner of L~ and Sterling be allowed to be developed as a small office.. property was des~gnated CN. Mr. Van Luven wants the CN exp to include small offices. The Planning Comm~ssion designated property CN. "i Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by coualll Member Pope-Ludlam and unan1mously carried, that the deS~gnatiG.II be changed to CO-to Victoria Avenue at Marshall - Jacobsen (103) Ed Jacobsen requested RS designation for APN: 285-121-27. located at Victor~a and Marshall. . Council Member Maudsley made a motion, Member Flores and unanimously carried, to Planning Commiss~on's recommendation of RS for seconded by Co concur with this parcel. Kendall west of University Parkwav - Bahr (4) John Bahr requested a CG designation on Kendall west University Parkway. The present designation is RU. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by CoUDC Member Flores and unan~mously carried, that the property deSignated CG-3 as recommended by the Planning comm1ssion. COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM EXCUSED Council Member pope-Ludlam left the council table. ~endall west of University parkwav near flood _ontrol channel - Mc Grew and Haenslv (7 and 9) Paula McGrew requested that the RU designation on west of University Parkway, adjacent to the flood control be changed to RH. The Planning Commission designated the RU. Dennis Haensly requested that the parcel on Kendall University and the flood control channel be redesignated RU. The Planning Commiss1on's designation was RU. betw CG frG! , . - 6 - .5/2.0/8'1 . . . 5~~ counc~l Member Member Flores and changed to CG-3. M1nor made unan1mously a mot1on. seconded by Counc11 carr1sd. ~hat the parcels be 3108 ~eRoV. North of Route :0. west of Hor1n~ Park - WaQoner (13) Jack Wagoner requested that the above parcel to changed from RS to RU. A mot10n by the Plann1ng commiss1on failed and the property remained RS. Counc11 Member Minor made a mot1on, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carr1ed, to retain the RS. Shandin Hills - lot behind Stater Bros. - Riffenburqh l25) On behalf of Block Bros., Ernest Riffenburgh requested that the lot behind Stater Bros. be des1gnated. RS. The planning comm1ssion concurred. Council Memoer M1nor made a motion, seconded by Member Maudsley and unan1mously carried, that the designated RS. Counc11 lot be COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM RETURNED Council Member pope-Ludlam returned to the Council table. Northwest corner Bond and Little Mountain Drive - Riffenburqh (26 and 67) On behalf of Block Bros., Ernest Riffenburgh requested that the northwest corner of Bond and Little Mountain Drive be designated CO-1. The planning Commission concurred. Council Memoer Minor made a motion, seconded by council Kember Flores and unanimously carried, to approve the recommendat1on of .the Planning Comm1ssion for CO-1. Southwest corner Kendall and Shandin Hills Drive - Riffenburqh (27) On behalf of Block Bros., Ernest Riffenburgh requested that the southwest corner of Kendall and Shandin Hills Drives be designated RKH or CG. A Commission motion for RKH failed and the RU remained. Director explained what happens which receives added density, when a senior converts to The Planning housing project, regular housing. Council Member Kinor made a motion, seconded by council Kember Pope-Ludlam, that the property be designated RKH-18. The motion Members Reilly, Kember Kaudsley. carried by the following vote: Ayes: council Flores, Kinor, pope-Ludlam. Noes: council Absent: Council Kembers Estrada, Killer. - 7 - 5/23/89 . . . ""PC: avv COUNCIL MEMBER REILLY EXCUSED Council Member Re11ly left ~he Counc~l table. Nor~hwes~ corner Kendall and Mounta1n - Anderson (28) Harold Anderson requested a change from RM to CG-l at the northwes~ corner of Kendall Dr1ve and Mounta1n Avenue. Council Member Minor made Member Maudsley and unanimously Planning CommisS1on and designa~e a motion. seconded by Council carr1ed, to concur with the this corner CG-l. COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER ARRIVED At 10:10 a.m.. Council Member Meeting. Miller arrived at the Council CITY ATTORNEY PENMAN ARRIVED City Attorney Penman arrived at th. C9uncil meeting. COUNCIL MEMBER REILLY RETURNED Council Member Reilly re~urned to the Council meeting. Eas~ side Valencia. north of Marshall. sou~h of Bernard Wav - Anderson (50) Chet Anderson requested RE designation on the east side of Valencia, north of Marshall and south of Bernard Way. A motiOD to change the des1gnation to RE failed at the Planning CommiaaiOD meeting. In a memorandum dated May 18. 1989, Henry Empeno, Deputy City Attorney, regarding the possibility of designating open space for the Valencia Area. The memo stated that any chang. from a residential zone to an open space designation in the new General Plan will probably result in a successful "taking" claim by a private proper~y owner because this would effectively take away any development potentl"l. After discuss10n Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Counc11 Member Pope-Ludlam, tha~ the area sou~h of the south property line of the homes on the south side of Bernardl Way, south to Marshall. between Valencia and the flood con~ro channel, be designated RE. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Members. Reilly, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Killer. Council Kember Flores. Absent: Council Kember Estrada. council !loes: S~~therlV of Shand in Hills Circle. Tract 12958 - R~_fenburqh (58) and South of Kendall. east of Shand in Hills Circle. Tract 12955 (59) 5 On behalf of Block Bros., Ernest Riffenburgh requested Rd for tract 12958 which is southerly of Shand in Hills Circle an for tract 12955 which is south of Kendall Drive, east of ShandiD Hills Circle. - 8 - 5/23/8t~ . ~(' ..." -. - . The Plann1ng Direccor answered quesC10ns regarding che hillS1de managemenC overlay. Council Member Minor made a mOC10n. seconded by Member Maudsley and unan1mously carr1ed. thac che Comm1ssion's recommendat1on for RS be approved. Council Planning COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER EXCUSED Council Member Miller left the Council table. Northeast corner of Universitv and I-215 - Riffenburqh (60a) On behalf of Block Bros., Ernest Riffenburgh for the northeast corner of University and I-215. Commission designated the property RL. Planning Director Kilger explained that this property is in the hillside management area which has a designation of RL. CG on this site would require extensive grading. RL on this site would affect the density transfer for residential development. requested CG The planning Mr. Riffenburgh was present and explained this request. He used a map to show che various parcelS in Shandin Hills owned by Block Bros. and answered questions regarding their development plans. . Council Member Minor made a motion, Member Maudsley, that the northeast corner I-215 be designated RL. (Reconsidered later) The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Flores, Kaudsley, Kinor. Noes: Council Kember Pope-Ludlam. Absent: council Kembers Estrada, Killer. seconded by Council of University and COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER RETURNED Council Member Miller returned to the Council table. After further discussion. Council Kember motion, seconded by council Kember pope-Ludlam carried, that the previOUS item be reconsidered. Minor made a and unanimously Council Member Kinor Member pope-Ludlam, that I-215 be designated CG-3 made a motion, seconded by council the northeast corner of University and as requested. After discussion on the topography of density transfer under the RL, council Pope-Ludlam withdrew their motion. the land and Members Minor the and . ~ittle Mountain Peak Area. west of Little Mountain Drive - Riffenburqh (60b) Ernest Riffenburgh, on behalf of Block Bros., requested that the Little Mountain Peak Area, west of Little Mountain Drive be designated MH. The planning Commission designated the land RL. - 9 - 5/23/89 . . . .~ , " (", no::. Mr. Riffenburgh was presen~ ~o expla~n the request :or MH. Woodie Tescher of Env~com expla~ned that all property wiU the MH overlay has an RL des~gnat~on. The Plann~ng D~rector explained how the hills~de management district was established. All MH des~gnat~ons were changed to RL and staff drew a generalized line at the ,base of the slop... Wherever the grade 1S 15% or less, as determ~ned by an engineer the development standards are under the RL designat~on. Whe~ the grade is greater than 15%, the MH comes in and the slope charts determine the density. Council Member Minor made a motion, Member ReillY and unanimously carr~ed, designated RL as recommended by the Planning seconded by that the Commiss~on. Council area be East and west sides of Little Mount~in Drive. south of Kendall - Riffenburqh (60c and d) Ernest Riffenburgh, representing Block Bros., requested U on the east and west sides of Little Mountain Dr~ve, south of Kendall Drive as the area is not within the MH overlay. The planning Commiss~on des~gnated the property RL. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the east and velt sides of Little Mountain Drive, south of Kendall, be designatli RS as requested by the applicant. East side of Little Mountain Drive. Peak Area - Riffenburqh (60 e and f) On behalf of Block Bros., Ernest Riffenburgh requested. designation on the east side of Little Mountain Drive, south at Kendall, and MH des~gnation on the east side of Little MOunU~ Drive in the peak area south of Kendall. Council Member Member Miller and designated RL. Minor made unanimously a motion, carried, seconded by councU;" that both areaS !If;';':? t S'..., South of Kendall. west of Shand in Hills Drive - Riffenburqh (61) Ernest Riffenburgh, representing Block Bros., requeste41f south of Kendall Drive, west of Shandin Hills Drive. ~ 'council Member Min~r made a ~otion, seconded by co~ Member Maudsley and unanlmously carrled, that therecommendatl:-~,w of the Planning Commission be approved and the proP'. designated RS. ' Genevieve between 39th and 40th Streets - Hofer (93) George Hofer requested a higher density than RK on Street between 39th and 40th Streets. :r - 10 - .5P.3/n ~~. . counc1l Member Maudsley made a mO~10n. Member Miller and unan1mously carr1ed. ~o planning commiss1on's recommenda~ion for RM. seconded by council concur w1th ~he NOir~h of 48thStree~. Sun Valley Dr1ve and Lake P_acid Drive - Wor~h1nq~On (98l Glen Worth1ngton reques~ed RM for property north of 48th Street on Sun Valley Drive and Lake Placid Dr1ve. The planning commission gave the proper~y an RU des1gnation. council Member Member Flores and planning Commission. Minor made unanimously a mo~ion. carried. seconded by council ~o concur with the Morqan Road at Little Mountain Drive - (62) Forecast Corporation requested Road at Little Mountain Drive. recommended RL. Forecast RS for The property at Morgan planning Commission Principal Planner Bautista stated that this is an approved tract for RS. . Council Member Member Maudsley and designated RS. Minor made a motion. unanimouslY carried, seconded by Council that the property be Northeast corner 44th and Sierra Wav - MarzullO (68) Paul Marzullo requested that the northeast corner of 44th Street and Sierra Way be designated RMH. The Planning commission concurred. Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by council Member Flores and unanimouslY carried. to accept the Commission's recommendation for RHH. . TABLE IA OF TEXT - INCORPORATE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROJECT AREA PLANS . City Attorney Penman stated he made contact with Mr. Mark Huebsch who is outside counsel for the Redevelopment Agency regarding the compatibility of the Redevelopment AgenCY project Area plans and the general plan. The City Attorney read from a memorandum from Mark Huebsch which stated that the Redevelopment Agency Project Area plans would have to be incorporated into the general plan instead of superseded by the general plan. The City would then have a reasonable amount of time to amend the project area plans to bring them into conformity with the general plan. Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member pope-Ludlam and unanimously carried. that Table lA, Relationship to Other Plans and Documents, page 6 of the text, be reconsidered. - 11 - 5/23/89 . . . ~(' The City Attorney answered questions and seated that as lt' as amendments to the proJect area plans are iim~ted to land Us . the fiscal rev~ew process w~ll not be tr~ggered. t council Member pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded~ Council Member Re~lly and unanimously carr~ed, that the 1 paragraph on Table IA,right side. be amended to read a,s foll "The General Plan w~ll ~ncorporate the Redevelopment Ag Project Area Plans as now exist1ng and as may from t1me to t be amended". The City Clerk questioned the relationship of the prall area plans to the general plan and pointed out that when th ' are inconsistenc1es in land use designations between the plans, the plann~ng approval process for development cannot forward. ' RECESS MEETING At 12:00 p.m.. council Member pope-Ludlam made a mot~' , seconded by counc1l Member Flores and unanimously carrie,d. the meeting recess unt~l 1:30 p.m., in the council Chambers City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, Californ~a. RECONVENE MEETING At 1:40 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor I' Common Council of the City of San Bernardino reconvened in Council Chaml:lers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, Bernardino, California. " ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the fOllg being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members ReillY, Flor Minor, Miller; Deputy City Attorney Empeno, City Clerk Cl Deputy City Admin~strator Richardson. Absent: Council Membe , Estrada, Maudsley, pope-Ludlam. AUDIT TRAIL II - CONTINUATION OF LAND USE DECISIONS This is the time and place continued to for decisionsl Audit Trail II. Audit Trail II is a listing of recommendati made by the Planning Commission as a result of land use reques made at the April planning Commission public hearings on , draft general plan. 6555 North Pine - Jackson (17) Juanita Jackson requested a designation of PCRat 6555 Rol Pine (hang glider park at end of Pine, north of Ohio). Planning Commission gave this property RL. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by collo' Member Miller and unanimously carried, that the property designated PCR. - 12 - 5/-'-<'>/31 . . . kC!' ~. ..... -' - Calmat - Chanqe of owners - Private Parcels (66) Representatives of Calmat requested a notat~on of change of owners for private parcels designated !E. (In the Verdemont area next to the I-215 freeway, next to the wash) Council Member Kember Flores and desiqnated IE Kinor made unanimously a motion, seconded by Council carried, that the parcels be Southwest side of I-215 from Ll~le Leaque Drive to Devore Road - Racoosin (86) Charles Racoosin requested IL on the southwest side of I-215 from Little League Drive to Devore Road. The Planning Commis.ion gave the property RL. Council Member Minor made Member Plores and unanimously desiqnated IL. a motion. seconded by Council carried, that the property be Palm Avenue from Kendall to the ra~lroad tracks - Racoosin (94) Charles Racoosin requested a commercial desiqnation for both sides of Palm Avenue from Kendall to the railroad tracks. The Planning Commission expanded the CG-I to incorporate this area. Council Member Member Reilly and Planning Commission. Minor made unanimous.Ly a motion, carried, seconded by Council to concur with the West of Palm between~~ollJlnsL.~.a..i'p~ - Smitb (100) Sharon Smith requested a change from RE to RL west of Palm Avenue between Washington and Irvington. The Planning Commission retained the RE. . Council Kember Member Plores and Planning Commission. seconded by Council to concur with the Kinor made unanimously a motion, carried. Verdemont Area - Request for 2000 Sq foot lot size - De Crona (91) Larry De Crona requested a pOlicy change to build a small lot subdivision (2000 sq ft) in the Verdemont Area. The planning Commission denied the request. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved and the minimum lot size standard of 5000 sq feet be retained. - 13 - 5/23/89 :, ~~i .... - . . . . ~ou~~-?_~de of Oh~o between Olive and Walnut - , Ii,l 'i.I:1Slr s k i.J..i Q 13Jl ct.J~ us~--1..lJ Dav~d Mlynarsk~ and Courtney Buse each requested that: south s~de of Oh~o between Olive and Nalnut be deslgnated The Plann~ng Commiss~on des~gnated the area RL. " COUNCIL MEMBER MAUDSLEY rtRRIVED council Member Maudsley arr~ved at the council Meeting. Roger Hardgrave. Director of Public Works/City Engineell explained how the fees for the improvement district are der~Ve411 Planning Director Kilger answered questions stating that tII language, as presently written, will not allow lot averaging II the city. (Clarified on page 15) ~ , Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by cOllnCl Hember Flores. to deslgnate the area RL as recommended by Commission. The motion Hembers Reilly, Council Hembers Haudsley. carr led by the followlng vote: Flores. Hinor. Miller. Noes: Estrada. pope-Ludlam. Abstain: Ayes: coun:),' None. Absen ' Council He .. and Pine - Buse (3) , on the southwest corneril Commission gave the prope~ Southwest corner of WashinQton Courtney Buse requested RS Washington and Plne. The Planning an RL designation., Council Member Hinor made a motion. seconded by counc~ Member Flores and unan~mously carried, that the RL designation ~ confirmed. Southeast corner of Irvi~JL~~~JLnd Olive - Grit[in (381 Liz Griffin requested an RS deS~gnatlOn for the southea'l corner of Irvington and Olive. . council Hember Minor made a motion, seconded by cOUDci Member Flores and unanimously carried, to concur with tb~ Planning Commission's recommendation of RL.' ~outh~est corn~~~lrvin~ and Pine - Griffin (39) .~ Liz Griffin requested an RS des~qnation for the southwe'~ corner of Irvington and Pine. council Hember Hinor made a motion. Member Flores and unanimously carried. Planning Commission's recommendation of RL. seconded by counc to concur with , S: :''-. ,'~ ;~ - 14 - 5/23;) . -,-', . . ~C',.. u "-' North side of O_hiQ..Jleq!ftn_Q..li..,e~n~:j,ne-= ~.lY.n_arski (41) David Mlynarsk~ requested that the north side of Ohio between Olive and P~ne be des~gnated RS. The Plann~ng Commission recommended RL. . principal Planner John Montgomery answered questions about the approved tentat~ve map for this property. Deputy City Attorney Empeno answered questions regarding the legal implications of zoning designations for tracts that have received preliminary approval. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Haudsley, that the property be designated as. The motion carried by the following Members Reilly, Maudsley, Minor, Miller. Flores. Absent: council Members Estrada, vote: Ayes: Council Noes: Council Metlber pope-Ludlam. Southeast c~ner of Bel~n~d Palm - GiDson (57) Glen Gipson requested that the southeast corner of Belmont and Palm be des~gnated RL. The Planning Commission expanded the RE to cover this corner. council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores. to concur with the RE. The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Council Members Flores, Maudsley, Minor. Miller. Noes: Council Member Reilly. Absent: Council. Members Estrada and pope-Ludlam. STATUS OF EXISTING PLANS - TEXT CHANGE - PAGE 7 OF INTRODUCTION - STATUS OF EXISTING PLANS AND ALLOW LOT AVERAqING planning Director Kilger referred the Council to page 7 of the text which addresses the status of existing plans. The second sentence on page 7 reads: "Whenever inconsistencies occur between a document and the General Plan. or where a document omits specific poliCY or text regarding any issue, then the more restrictive provisions will take precedence". The planning Director used examples to explain the significance of this language. For example, the Verdemont Plan. which has been incorporated into the general plan. allows lot averaging, the general plan does not. The general plan, being the more restrictive, would prevail. - 15 - 5/23/89 ~l'S ., ,. . . . After discuss1on. Counc11 Member M1nor made a mO~1on. seconded by Counc1l Member Re1lly and unan1mously carr1ed. to remove ~he second sen~ence on page 7 of the tex~ in order to allow lo~ averaging. AUDIT TRAIL III - LAND USE DECISIONS Audit Trail III is a lis~ reques~s from proper~y owners and others who appeared before ~he Mayor and Council. The following actions are from Audit Trail III. 1300 Block of "D" Street - Willis (B-1) Lois Willis requested that the 1300 block of "D" Street be changed from RS and RU to CG or CO. A petition from surrounding property owners was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Willis. Council Kember Reilly made a motion. seconded by Council Kember Flores and unanimously carried. to change the RU designation for the west side of "D" Street from 13th to 14th Street and on the east side of "D" Street (.the lots fronting "D" Street) to CO-2. Ninth Street from "D" Street to 1-215 and "F" St~;;t from Slxth to Tenth Street - Malki (BS) Linden Kalk1 requested CG-l on Ninth Street from "D" Street to 1-215 and on "F" Street from Sixth Street to Tenth Street. Council Kember Kaudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Kember Reilly and unanimously carried, to retain thl previous motions for this area. (Kotions made Saturday, Kay 20, 1989-see pages 8 and 9 of Kinutes) Ferndale. south of 39th Street - Goode (B-9) Council Kember Maudsley made a motion. seconded by Council Kember Killer and unanimously carried, that the previous action to designate property on Ferndale, south of 39th Street RH. bl reconsidered. Council Member Kember Reilly and designated RMH. Maudsley made a motion, seconded bY council unanimously carried, that the property bl RL Densitv - Citv Wide - Kvlnarski (A-2) council Member Minor stated it was his original inten~ to allow 3.4 dwelling units per acre in the RL designation and madl a motion, seconded by Council Member Killer, to reconsider. I request from David Klynarski for a change in the poliCY Wh1Ch restricts RL densities to 3.1 units per acre. Woodie Tescher stated that this would increase our density by a total of 376 units which would not adverselY impact thl EIR. - 16 - i 5/23/8\ -- ~ ra .,- . Brad Kilger expla1ned how an 1ncrease 1n che number units under the RL zone would impacc che fooch111s which have the hillside managemenc overlay. Council Member Minor withdrew his mocion. Southeast corner Fourth and Sierra Way - Greqorv (B 11) Norris Gregory requested a CO des1gnation for the southeast corner of Fourth Street and Sierra Way. The five parcelS in question are currently designated RH. Council Member Member Miller and designated CO. Reilly made a motion. seconded unanimously carr1ed, that the by Council parcels be North of Shandin Hills Golf Course - Bickler (B 18) Henry Bickler and D. Hawley requested a change from MH to RL and exclusion from the MH standards for p~operty north of ShaDdin Hills Golf Course. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, to deny the request and retain the MH overlay. . Kendall between "F" and "H" - Lvons (B 19) Leo Lyons requested that he be allowed to continue to lease his building at 826 Kendall Drive to a person who does minor auto body repair and that he be permitted to use his building at 824 Kendall Drive as a location where he details cars. Council Kember Maudsley made a motion, Kember Flores and unanimously carried, that and "H" be designated CG-1. seconded by Council Kendall between "F" Palm. north of Kendall - Yoshimura (B-20) Ted Yoshimura requested that a 1.5 acre parcel located on Palm, just north of Kendall Drive be designated RH. The property is currently designated RL and is surrounded by RE, RH and CG to the south. . council Kember Kinor made a motion, Kember Kaudsley and unanimously carried, designated CN. (Later reconsidered) seconded by Council that the property be Arrowhead Avenue at Twentieth Street - Switzer (B 21) George switzer requested a change from RU to CO-2 for property at Arrowhead Avenue and Twentieth Street to allow for the demolition of a house at 331 West 20th Street to create additional parking for Continental Land Title. . Council Kember Kember ReillY and granted and the area Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council unanimously carried, that the request be designated CO-2. - 17 - 5/23/89 . ~.... . Northeast corner Fifth Street and Mt. View - Pankey (B 22) In a letter dated May 10, 1989. Dana Pankey requested CI for his four parcels fac1ng Mountain View, just north of Fif' Street. near the northeast corner. Northwest corner Thirteenth and Mt. View - We11er Paul Weiler requested that the northwest Thirteenth and Mt. View be changed from RH to CO-1. (B 23) corner Council Member Maudsley made a mot1on. seconded by Counc Member Reilly and unan1mously carried, that the east side of Ht View between Fifth and the south property line on where the mo.' southerly apartment building is south of Sixth Street designated CO-2. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded Member Maudsley, to Change the corner to CO-1. by The motion Council Members Member Miller. carried by the forlowing vote, to-wit: Aye. Re111y, Flores, Maudsley, Minor. Noes: Council Absent: Council Members Estrada, Pope-LUdlam. 1956 North "E" Street - Sikes (B 24b) Bill Sikes requested that 1956 North "E" Street be chan from RKH to a commercial, designation that would allow estate office to remain where it is. . Council Member Reilly be designated Member Minor made a motion, seconded by COUDC and unanimOUSly carried, that 1956 North "E' CG-l. . Council Member Member Maudsley and deSignated RH. 1900 Block of "E" Street - Hevwood (B 43) and Nessel (B 72) and Sikes (B24bl Hal Heywood and Bill Nessel requested a commercia1~ designation for the 1900 block of North "E" Street.l" Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that "E" Street from the north property line of San Bernardino High School, north to ~. northwest corner of 20th and "E" Street and north property 1111', thereof, be designated CG-1. i c, j corner of ~ , l 'it map. Planning Staff stated that this is a line change on tbl Minor made a motion, seconded by counc1~ unanimOUSly carried, that the property b~ ,1 .il' ! . " 40th 40th and "H" Street - Kim {B 25} Mark Kim requested that property at the southwest and "H" Streets be changed from RH to CG-1. .<- - 18 - ;:',... "-' . ..:- . North of Commerc~al between Hunts Lane and Waterman Avenue - Green (B 26) Pat Green requested an IL des~gnat~on for property north of commercial between Hunts Lane and Waterman Avenue. Counc~l Member Member Maudsley and designated IL. Flores made a motion. seconded unan~mously carried. that the by Counc~l property be 1554 Stoddard - Fisher (B 27) Ernest Fisher requested a change from RKH to CG-1 for property at 1554 Stoddard. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hiller and unanimOUSly carried. that the west side of Stoddard from 15th to 16th be designated CG 2. Foisv and Central - Atilano (B 30) Antonio At~lano requested that his property at FOisy and Central be changed from IL to CG-1. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that this property be designated IL. . RECESS MEETING At 4:45 p.m., Council Member Minor made a .motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, that the meeting recess until 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, Hay 24, 1989, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ~dZ/~~ ./ City Clerk . - 19 - 5/23/89