HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-13-1989 Minutes
City of San Bernardino, California
May 13, 1989
This is the time and place set for an Adjourned Regular
Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino at their Adjourned Regular Meeting held at 1:15 p.m.,
on Wednesday, May 10, 1989, in the Council Chambers of City Hall,
300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California.
The City Clerk has caused to be posted the Order of
Adjournment of said meeting held on wednesday, May 10, 1989, and
has on file in the Office of the City Clerk an affidavit of said
posting together with a copy of said Order which was posted at
9:30 a.m., on Thursday, May 11, 1989, on the door of the place at
which said meeting was held.
The Adjourned Regular
Council was called to order
Council Chambers of City
Bernardino, California.
Meeting of the
by Mayor Wilcox at
Hall, 300 North
Mayor and Common
9:27 a.m., in the
"0" Street, San
The Invocation was given by Council Member Pope-Ludlam.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council Member Estrada.
Roll Call was taken by City Clerk Clark with the following
being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Flores,
Maudsley, Minor, pope-Ludlam, Miller; City Attorney Penman, City
Clerk Clark, Acting City Administrator Robbins. Absent: Council
Member Reilly.
There were no public comments.
Planning Director Kilger gave a brief overview of what was
expected to be considered at this meeting. Primarily, there will
be discussion on the Land Use Map. However, there may be some
some people who wish to speak on the text who did not give their
testimony at the meeting held on Wednesday, May 10, 1989.
Planning Director Kilger stated it was important to know if
people will be speaking on the text, as there are consultants
here who can provide background information on why some of the
goals, policies and objectives were prepared. If the testimony
has been completed, then adjustments can be made and staff will
start taking testimony from the public on the Land Use Map.
- 1 -
Bud Roberts - Verdemont Area - RL Designation
Bud Roberts, Sierra Engineering 27007 Fifth Street, Highland,
stated he would like to discuss the RL, 3.0 gross designation in
the text. He explained that there is one map currently being
processed by his firm that exceeds that. It comes up to 3.1.
He felt that a use of 3.1 to 3.5 would be more appropriate
because there would be some unique designs that could exceed the
3.0 designation in the text and still make the minimum 10,800
square lot use.
Planning Director Kilger answered questions regarding the RL
designation which allows for a minimum of a 10,800 square foot
lot and currently, a maximum of three units per gross acre, as
recommended by the Planning Commission. It was his
understanding that the 3.0 would accommodate 95% of the current
conditionally approved projects. However, Mr. Roberts has a
project in line that would require 3.1. It has been discussed
with the consultant. A.l addition would not be a major change
in the RL designation.
Mr. Kilger stated that presently, the RS, 10,800 would allow
for a designation up to 4.5, which would not necessarily be
achieved. It could be four dwelling units per acre. If RS
10,800 were used, instead of three dwelling units per acre,
basically four dwellings units per acre would be allowed in that
particular area. It is designated as RL. Most of the tracts in
that area are designed at 10,800 square foot lots at three
dwelling units per gross acre. Mr. Roberts' tract and a few
others can achieve slightly higher if they are very efficient in
their design. In his case, 3.1 would accommodate it.
Woodie Tescher, Consultant from Envicom, referred to a chart
previously distributed which explains the density ratios.
John Edwins - Verdemont Area - RS - RL Zoning
John Edwins, 445 South Arrowhead, Suite B, San Bernardino,
92408, stated he would like to address the RS over the RL, which
was changed at an IPD Session, and suggested zoning everything in
the Verdemont Area as 10,800.
Mr. Edwins stated he has a tract that is approved and next
week will be in the Final Plan Check to go into recordation.
They are at 3.3 to almost 3.4. He stated that they are allowed
only to build 10,800 lots and not allowed to use the standards
and policies of the Verdemont Plan even though they were adopted
and would have allowed them to move some of the lot sizes around
to fit the topographical problems of the land.
Mr. Edwins stated he had agreed to participate in financing
for the Chestnut Storm Drain and other programs, because all of
those programs were based on 10,800 lots or about 3.5 units to
the acre. If the Council adopts the RL over the RS it would
reduce density and it would also cause him to reconsider whether
to participate in any financing of additional infrastructure
because of the reduction in the amount of the net lots.
- 2 -
Planning Director Kilger stated that staff is prepared to get
into a detailed discussion of gross vs. the net density at an
appropriate time, at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council.
Ted Sirkin - TABLE 3, Paqe 43 of Proposed General plan
Ted Sirkin, 10312 Norris Avenue, Pacoima, CA 91331, referred
to TABLE 3, page 43 of the strike-out, underlined version of the
proposed General Plan Document, and stated he would be asking for
an extension of the location for the CG-2 designation.
Consultant Woodie Tescher answered questions regarding
financing for the infrastructure in the Verdemont area, and all
other areas of the City. He stated that because of the nature of
the General Plan, this question has not been examined parcel by
parcel, but only addressed on a cumulative Citywide scale. He
explained that a subsequent analysis would have to consider
specific subareas and locations in terms of the infrastructure.
It is not a purview of the General Plan.
Mr. Tescher explained the relationship between densities and
Planning Director Kilger explained two documents that have
been prepared to facilitate the General plan Hearing process. He
stated that Audit Trail I reflects changes that have been made
since the Interim Policy Document was originally approved in May,
The second handout is Audit Trail II which contains the
Planning Commission's recommendations on the Draft General Plan
Land Use Map. These are reflections of public testimony and
recommendations by staff that were made before the Planning
Commission. This is the document that will be referred to
primarily in today's testimony.
Audit Trail II - Area 11 - Item 9 - Dennis Haensly
Dennis Haensly, stated that he was speaking for the Kendall
Drive feed store property, located at 2340 W. Kendall Drive,
which is presently zoned RU. He is the owner of the property.
He requested that the zoning be changed to establish the front of
the parcel as commercial CG, and the rear as residential RU.
He stated that the McGrews, 2358 Kendall, would like to change
their zoning of RU to RM. He stated that any RU development is
already standardized in the Verdemont Guide. Mr. Haensly stated
that it appears to be the City's policy to have commercial in
corridors and intersection nodes throughout the City and
suggested that his request is in conformance with this policy.
He spoke against the spot zoning on parts of the street. (See
page 10 for further comments regarding zoning around the Kendall
Drive feed store.)
Planning Director Kilger answered questions
non-conforming uses in the area.
- 3 -
Principal Planner Bautista answered questions, and explained
the Planning Commission actions on two other parcels of land
included as Items 4 and 7 in Area 11, in Audit Trail II. He
explained that the item under consideration, Item 9, Area 11, is
a single family residential along with a commercial use, so the
commercial use portion would be become non-conforming under the
RU designation, as would the other two existing relatively new
projects. Originally, the Council did approve a mixed use
designation for that area.
Audit Trail II - Area 5 - Item 49 - Ted Sirkin
Ted Sirkin explained that his request was in regard to
property located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard from
Macy to Dallas. He stated that the Planning Commission had
recommended approval for his request to change the zoning from
RM to CG-l. He requested that the Council approve the Planning
Commission's recommendation. Mr. Sirkin stated that the
neighbors in the area had banded together to plan for a nice
potential development of a total of nine and three-quarters
Audit Trail II - Area 4 - Item 37 - Diana Williams
Diana Williams, 158 Rosa Court, Colton, spoke regarding
property located at the northwest corner of Fifth and Ramona.
She stated that there are quite a few business on Fifth Street,
such as service stations, grocery stores and various other
types, along with some older homes. She explained that the
property in questions is now is escrow, and the new buyer wants
the zoning to remain either CG-2 or CN, in order that he can
build a small store. He will not build the property if he has to
build a duplex or other residential unit. She stated that the
area is not appropriate for residential units.
Audit Trail II - Area 3 - Items 10, 11, 12 - Linden Malki
Linden Malki, 565 West 9th Street, stated that her basic
request is for the City to retain the original commercial zoning
that has been in effect for a number of years along the Ninth
Street corridor from "D" Street to the Freeway, and "F" Street
from downtown to Tenth Street. She stated that their property
would be worthless with RM zoning.
Ms. Malki also mentioned ownership of an apartment complex on
"F" Street above Ninth Street. She requested that the zoning
remain commercial, or that the Council remove a demolition lien
that was imposed by the City when the apartments were demolished.
Ms. Malki complained about the lack of adequate notification
of the hearing process.
Ms. Malki spoke on behalf of the Independent Auto Dealers
Association and requested that the commercial auto use be
expanded on "E" Street. This is the old traditional auto row
area and it was their opinion that this Ninth and "E" Street area
is excellent for automotive uses, and urged that the expansion of
the auto row be facilitated.
- 4 -
Mr. Kilger answered questions regarding commercial needs in
the City. He stated that staff did two things: (1) They looked
at what was the best mix of land uses from a purely health and
safety standpoint; and (2) based on those calculations, they
looked at the amount of commercial land use. Discussions with
the consultants indicated there was approximately 300% - 400%
more commercial than is currently needed to serve the eventual
buildout of the City.
A discussion ensued
zoning in the traditional
to residential.
regarding the wisdom of changing the
auto related businesses from commercial
Woodie Tescher, Consultant from Envicom, answered questions,
stating that an economic analysis did not indicate that this was
a viable commercial area. The analysis did indicate that the
Plan as drafted has a substantial excess of commercial given to
land uses and this is potentially a problem to the commercial
viability of the City, as it doesn't provide a stimulus for the
economic recovery of the areas that have declined. In respect to
this particular geographic area, the CAC and the Planning
Commission determined that the predominant use was not
commercial. It may have had a historic zoning for commercial,
but the primary use is residential.
Planning Director Kilger stated that the issue is basically
trying to provide the highest and best use by allowing the market
to control. Mistakes have been made and they anticipate
corrections will have to be made. However, over the years, the
plan has provided enough commercial uses.
Planning Director Kilger answered questions regarding the
zoning on Ninth Street, stating that it was a difficult zoning
problem because of the intense mix of land uses.
Audit Trail II - Area 12 - Item 40 and 41 - David Mlynarski
David Mlynarski, 501 N. Placentia, Fullerton, spoke regarding
the two items on the Audit Trail, Item 40, which is located on
the south side of Ohio between Olive and Walnut, and Item 41,
located on the north side of Ohio between Olive and Pine. He has
requested a zone change on both parcels from RL to RS. He stated
that he felt that the RS designation would be more consistent
with the existing lotting patterns, and that the Master EIR would
not be affected by the change in density due to the fact that
there are existing larger lots already in the area.
Item 40 is currently surrounded on three sides by similar
development that was developed under RS land use designation.
He felt that the additional units that could be allowed under
the RS land use designation would provide additional revenue for
drainage improvement, sewer, schools, parks and also provide
additional revenue into the City's general budget by the
increased number of building permits that would be issued for
that property.
- 5 -
Item 41 is also known as Tentative Tract No. 11291.
Currently, the Tentative Tract Map that is approved has a density
of three units to the acre which is consistent with the RL land
use. The lot sizes range from 7500 square feet to approximately
20,000 square feet. However, the density does not exceed three
units to the acre. The problem is that the RL designation would
make the current Tentative Tract Map inconsistent with the
General Plan. Basically, they would have to scrap over $100,000
worth of engineering service that has already been spent. The
first two phases are in Plan Check ready to record.
Planning Director Kilger answered questions regarding the
slope in the areas being discussed.
Audit Trail II - Items 51 throuqh 56 - Jim Roe
Jim Roe, 325 West Ninth Street, spoke first about Item 56
which is located on the northwest corner of 5th and Sierra Way.
He stated that the planning process requirements should be the
same for the City as it is for the private sector, and suggested
that the City should be required to notify surrounding property
owners of pending changes as is required for private citizens.
He stated that the planning process being used for downtown
is fine if it were dealing with a new downtown, but since it is
an existing downtown, it is necessary to deal with existing and
economic realities. He stated that the changes recommended by
the Planning Department on Fifth Street between Sierra Way and
Waterman, are not consistent with the existing lot densities. He
requested that this area be reviewed and let it retain its
Commercial, CG zoning.
Mr. Roe requested that his property on the corner of Fifth
and Sierra Way, plus the entire block be zoned CG.
Mr. Roe spoke regarding Item 51, property located on the east
side of "F" Street between Ninth and Tenth Streets. He requested
the zoning be CG-l or CG-2.
Mr. Roe spoke regarding Item 52, the northwest corner of
Ninth and "F" Streets. He requested a CG designation.
east side
that the
Mr. Roe referred to Item 53 which is located on the
of "F" Street, between Union and 9th Streets, stating
C-2 zoning is acceptable.
Mr. Roe referred to Item 54, which is located on the west
side of "F" Street between 6th and 7th Streets. He requested a
commercial zoning, or at least high density.
He also referred to property on the east side of Mt. View
between 6th and 7th Streets. Three-fourths of the block is zoned
commercial, but his small parcel is zoned residential. He felt
the entire block should be zoned the same.
- 6 -
Planning Director Kilger explained the zoning on the property
in question.
Deputy City Attorney Empeno explained the notification
process, and stated that the City has complied with State
requirements regarding public notices for this General Plan
process. He stated that in this case, public notice by newspaper
advertisements are sufficient. Individual mailed notices are not
Audit Trail II - Area 11 - Item 50 - Chet Anderson
Chet Anderson requested that the Council correct an oversight
that exists in the proposed General Plan regarding zoning in the
area east of Valencia, west of Twin Creek Wash, south of Avery
and north of Marshall. The proposed zoning for all existing
property in the area is RL with a minimum lot size of 720 square
feet. He felt this would be inconsistent with the existing
development. He suggested that the zoning should not be more
dense than RE, Residential Estate and that zoning which is
presently zoned Open Space, should be retained as Open Space.
All of the homes that front on Valencia Avenue in this area are
on lots over one acre in size. He felt that the area is a real
asset for the City and should not be down graded by inconsistent
and inappropriate zoning.
Mr. Anderson stated he had been told the proposed zoning was
an oversight, and there was no reason given for the proposed RS
zoning. He stated he had petitions with signatures of about
sixty property owners objecting to the proposed RS zoning.
He urged the
the stable and
language on page
Council to correct this oversight and preserve
significant neighborhood in accordance with
30 of the Draft General Plan.
He also spoke about a parcel of 21.7 acres that was annexed
into the City as an island in 1978. At that time, the Planning
Commission, and City Council agreed to zone it Open Space because
of the "rural and tranquil nature of the area which is rich in
wild life".
Mr. Anderson answered questions regarding access roads to the
open space area.
Planning Director Kilger stated that, based on the testimony
at the Planning Commission, staff did an analysis of the area.
Principal Planner Bautista answered questions,
south of Avery, most the lots are between one-half
one-half acres in size and one is four and one-half
stating that
and one-and
Principal planner Bautista explained that the designation of
"0", Open Space, was done in error, as the land is not publicly
owned, but privately owned, so Open Space designation would be
- 7 -
Planning Director Kilger referred to State law regarding the
use of Open Space, and stated that if RE is recommended for the
zoning designation in this area, that the Open Space designated
land also be zoned as RE.
Planning Director Kilger answered questions
non-conforming uses, and explained the requirements
allow for a single family residence, or subdividing a
that would
large lot.
principal Planner Bautista answered questions, stating that a
residential designation was given that was consistent with the
surrounding area. Specific lot size was not considered, but he
stated he had no problem with going to a larger lot size
A discussion ensued regarding the land use designations in
the area in question and the various options.
Mr. Anderson stated that there were people in the audience
who agreed with his recommendations. It was his opinion that
no one was in disagreement with these recommendations, as neither
staff nor the CAC had expressed disagreement.
Mayor Wilcox stated that a consensus had been reached that an
RE designation would be appropriate, but would not include the
"0" Open Space designation.
schedule for
is scheduled
completed on
be scheduled
will then be
Director Kilger answered questions regarding the
public testimony on land use, stating that a hearing
for May 17, 1989, at 1:00 p.m. If testimony is not
that day, staff will recommend that other hearings
until all testimony has been received. The hearing
closed and deliberations will begin.
At 11:35 a.m., Mayor Wilcox declared a ten-minute break.
At 11:45 a.m., the Adjourned Regular
the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300
Bernardino, California.
Meeting reconvened in
North "0" Street, San
Roll Call was taken by City Clerk Clark with the following
being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Flores,
Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; Deputy City Attorney
Empeno, City Clerk Clark, Acting City Administrator Robbins.
Absent: Council Member Reilly.
Audit Trail II - Area 10 - Item 23 - Charles Goode
Charles Goode, 1600 Arrowhead Avenue, spoke regarding
property located south of 39th Street, at 3845 Ferndale. He
requested a change of land use from RS to RMH24. The proposed
land use category is RS single family, 4 1/2 units to the acre.
He explained that there are medium high to high density
- 8 -
apartments to the south of his property, and to the north, a
church which operates a pre-school and grade school during the
week. He stated it didn't seem practical to build four or five
residential units in an area surrounded with existing apartment
projects. He stated that funding would be difficult to obtain
for RS projects in that area, and a higher density designation
would be best for the City from a tax base standpoint.
principal Planner Bautista
zoning in the area, stating that
in the County, not the City, and
units per acre.
answered questions
the apartments in that
are zoned at twelve to
area are
he was
Goode explained the type of units in the area, and stated
not asking for high density on his property, but would
medium high or 24 units per acre. He stated curbs,
and sidewalks are already in place.
Audit Trail II - Area 12 - Items 38 and 39 - Bud
Mr. Roberts, Sierra Engineering, 27007
requested a change in the proposed designation from
two parcels of land, located on the southeast corner
and Olive, and the southwest corner of Irvington and
5th Street,
RL to RS on
of Irvington
Regarding Item 39, the southeast corner of Irvington and
Pine, he stated this parcel is bounded on all sides by RS zoning.
There are existing homes in the area. He recommended the zoning
of RS because of the character of the neighborhood which has
already been established. Mr. Roberts described the rest of the
area, and explained infrastructure development.
Fourth and Sierra Way - Bird Refrigeration - Norris
Norris Gregory, P. O. Box 7393, San Bernardino, CA 92411,
representing Bird Refrigeration, located at 109 E. 4th Street, on
the southeast corner of Fourth and Sierra Way, explained that the
request from Bird Refrigeration for a change of zone had not been
presented to the Planning Commission.
He stated that the area generally is designated as C-O,
Commercial Offices. Four of the parcels owned by Bird
Refrigeration are zoned CO and five of the parcels have an RH
designation. The County Credit Union, the County Central Library
and the County Hall of Records are in the immediate area. Mr.
Gregory requested to have the entire property zoned C-O, or the
remaining parcels be zoned "T" Transitional, to allow for future
Principal Planner Bautista answered questions, and explained
the zoning in the area.
Planning Director Kilger answered
not consider "T" zones. Instead,
districts that are more homogeneous.
questions, stating they do
they are trying to create
- 9 -
Audit Trail - Area 11 - Item 7 - Everett McGrew
Everett McGrew, 2358 Kendall Drive, stated that his original
request was to change the land use designation from RU to RM on
his property located on Kendall Drive, west of University
Parkway, adjacent to the Flood Control Channel. He indicated he
now wants the zoning to be CG-3 behind the Kendall Drive feed
store (2340 W. Kendall Drive). (See page 3 for comments
regarding the Kendall Drive Feed Store.)
Planning Director Kilger explained that, based on the CAC's
recommendation on that area, the feed store would need a CH or
similar zoning. Even though it is an existing use, it would be a
non-conforming use even with a CG-3 zoning. Basically, the
desire is to have some kind of commercial zoning. This can be
determined during deliberations.
Consultant Woodie Tescher stated that a CG-3 designation
would be more compatible in the area than the CH designation.
Audit Trail II - Area 2 - Item 8 - Mark Ostoich
Mark Ostoich, 600 North Arrowhead, Suite 300, San Bernardino,
spoke regarding property bounded by Rialto Avenue on the north,
Mill Street on the south, Sierra Way on the east and Arrowhead
Avenue on the West.
This property is designated generally CH, Commercial Heavy.
He requested clarification on one issue. He stated that many of
the existing uses in that area are office related, and wondered
if the those uses would be contemplated in the amended
Planning Director Kilger stated that the CH designation was
expanded, but it was not specifically stated that Office or
Office-Commercial use would be allowed. He felt that would be
acceptable, but when the text is discussed, the Mayor and Council
will have to take specific action to amend the Planning
Commission's recommendation to include Office uses within the
overall utilization of the CH.
Audit Trail II - Area 4 - Item 30 - John Liqhtburn
John Lightburn, P. O. Box 1622, San Bernardino, CA 92402,
spoke regarding property located at 272 S. Pico. He had
requested a change of designation from RU to IL, which was
recommended by the Planning Commission. He explained that in a
letter dated April 10, 1989, he outlined another eight or nine
lots which he wished to be included in the IL designation. He
presented a copy of that letter to be included into the record
Audit Trail II - Area 3
Roy Robertson, 258 E.
spoke regarding two parcels
Bryant, east of Allen, and
and "H" Street.
35 and 36 - Roy Robertson
Street, #3, San Bernardino,
located on the north side of
southeast corner of Magnolia
- Items
of land
on the
- 10 -
He spoke first of Item 35, on the southeast corner of Bryant,
east of Allen. He stated plans had been approved for development
on that parcel. Then the IPD was put into place, and his plans
no longer were in conformation. He stated he had circulated a
petition among the adjoining property owners, and they were in
favor of his going ahead with the development.
RMH 18.
the IPD.
He has
He referred to Item 36, on the southeast corner of
and "H" Street. He stated he would like that zoned
Plans were approved, but could not be used because of
He is ready to develop that property at this time.
already invested approximately $30,000 in the property.
Mr. Robertson explained that a letter from Mrs. Marguerite
Evans had been distributed to the Council. He stated that he and
Mrs. Evans own property across from the 7-Up Bottling Company,
between Magnolia to 16th Street. He described the various types
of developments in the area and stated that it would not be
appropriate to put low density, single family dwellings in the
David Schultz - Real Estate Broker - Chairman of the
Local Government Affairs Committee of San Bernardino
Valley Board of Realtors
Mr. Schultz referred to a recent conference where planning
matters were being discussed, and a remark was made that he felt
was important to consider: That people select a community on the
basis of what makes the community work for them. He spoke about
the dilemma of revitalizing the residential area of the Central
City. He stated that the CAC passed a motion that the zoning
proposed under the IPD be upgraded to a higher residential use to
promote the development of second units and infill four-plexes
and tri-plexes on existing lots within that part of the City.
That motion was subsequently passed onto the Common Council by
the Planning Commission. It was called Alternative H, which is a
series of statistics in the EIR.
He urged on behalf of the
give serious consideration to
community to refocus on that
clarify it in terms of zoning
Board of Realtors that the Council
the desires of the citizens of the
Alternative H in a way that will
Mr. Schultz stated that the Board of Realtors supports the
Chamber of Commerce's position as set forth in the document dated
May 10, 1989. Included in that is the concern that the minimum
lot size in RM and RU designations be eliminated in order to
accommodate this zone of development.
James Wirth - Revitalization of Inner Cit
Mr. Wirth, 0 Sierra Way, re erre to a letter he had
submitted on May 12, 1989, to the Mayor and Common Council, in
which he made suggestions regarding lots sizes in the Inner City
area. He stated that the problem of achieving revitalization of
older deteriorating portions of the City has been resolved for
two older portions of the City, but the problem remains for the
- 11 -
remainder of the deteriorating inner City. He stated the problem
centers around minimum lot size. He explained that he had spoken
to Council Member Reilly and gotten his support for the policy he
had suggested.
Dave Hawlev - On Behalf of Partner Hank Bickler - Shandin
Hills Golf Course Area
Mr. Hawley stated he was speaking on behalf of his partner
Hank Bickler regarding the area covered in Area 11.
Planning Director Kilger stated that Mr. Hawley and Mr.
Bickler had appeared at meetings in January or February when the
Draft Land Use Plan was put together. There was also a letter
presented on March 24, 1989.
Mr. Hawley stated that he was one of the owners of Shandin
Hills Golf Course and he and Mr. Bickler are owners of 30 acres
adjacent to the golf course. It was their intent to develop this
property in coordination with the golf course and mitigate an
existing uncontrolled runoff of storm water onto the golf course.
A Tentative Tract Map was approved for this parcel in 1980, but
was allowed to expire in 1982 for economic reasons.
He stated that development of this property would not
adversely impact the area in any way, and would help solve the
runoff problem and increase the tax base of the Redevelopment
Project Area. He stated they would like the property to be
excluded from the Hillside zoning and be allowed to be developed
under the PRD standards under RL zoning because of the prior
approval of the Tentative Tract Map and the Master Plan.
Mr. Hawley answered questions regarding the slope percentage,
which varies from flat to 30% or 40% on the upper ends. He
stated they were not suggesting it had to be the 45 units as
previously approved, but they felt that some kind of planned unit
development would be beneficial and consistent with the area.
Planning Director Kilger stated that this is
difficult properties that will have to tested
Hillside Management Policy during deliberations.
one of
At 12:25 p.m., Mayor Wilcox declared a one-hour lunch break.
At 1:45 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of
Common Council reconvened in the Council Chambers
300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California.
the Mayor and
of City Hall,
Roll Call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Reese with the
following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada,
Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Miller; Deputy City Attorney Empeno;
Deputy City Clerk Reese, Acting City Administrator Robbins.
Absent: Council Members Reilly, pope-Ludlam.
- 12 -
Leo Lyons - North side of Kendall Drive between "F" & "G"
Leo Lyons, 2526 Lincoln Drive, stated his property is
located between "F" and "G" on the north side of Kendall Drive.
The property is being used for auto repair. It is in a CG-2
Automotive designation. His main concern that it is not a
blighted area, as he planned this for his retirement income.
Planning Director Kilger stated that area is designated CG-l,
General Commercial.
Mr. Lyons answered questions, stating that the property is
being used for auto repair, tune-up and a body and fender shop.
Planning Director Kilger suggested that CH would be an
appropriate designation for auto repair and body shop.
Ted Yoshimura - Verdemont Area - Palm & Kendall
Ted Yoshimura, Financial Research, Inc., 240 Fifth Ave., City
of Industry, referred to his property which is approximately 1.6
acres located at Palm Avenue and Kendall. He stated that there
are approximately 300 apartment units being developed to the
north and east of the property. To the south there is commercial
zoning. He stated that their concern involved the compatibility
of their parcel. The Planning Commission is recommending RE,
Residential Estates. He felt it would be inappropriate to have
an estate home surrounded by all the other types of activity, and
requested that their property be made more compatible with the
surrounding area.
Planning Director Kilger and Vince Bautista, Principal
Planner, answered questions, and showed the area on the map.
Planning Director Kilger explained the Planning Commission's
action which designated both sides of Palm from Belmont to the
Flood Control as Residential Estates. This action recognized
existing lots, and did pick up Mr. Yoshimura's property.
Mr. Yoshimura stated that currently they are in conversation
with a number of entities. He stated they are talking about a
senior care facility, which he felt would be appropriate.
At 1:50 p.m.,
Council Meeting.
Council Member pope-Ludlam
returned to
Mr. Kilger explained that the original recommendation on the
Draft Plan was RL and then through some discussion on existing
lots, the Planning Commission changed it to RE.
A discussion ensued regarding the development in that area,
and which came first - the apartments or the one acre lots.
- 13 -
Mr. Kilger stated that staff has indicated that prior to the
Verdemont Plan, that site was designated for Multi-Family. The
Verdemont Plan proposed to change it to estate lots or lower
density lots. Following that, there was a lawsuit, the City
settled, and the apartments are going in.
Georqe Switzer - 331 W. 20th Street - Area 11
Mr. George Switzer, 2226 E. Highland Avenue, stated he was a
real estate agent, representing a client who owns property at 331
W. 20th Street, west of Arrowhead Avenue. He stated his client
wishes to sell this property to Continental Land Title Company,
which is located directly behind that facility. The Title
Company needs to expand their parking lot, and it is their
intention to use the land for that purpose.
He explained that the Planning Department had indicated that
under the current zoning, a parking lot would not be possible.
Therefore, he is asking that the zoning be changed from RU to
CO-l which would allow the parking lot. The sale of the property
is contingent upon the ability of the Title Company to put a
parking lot on the property.
Dana Panke - Three lots on Ninth Street between
"F" and "G", an "G" and "H" - Fifth and Mt. Vl.ew
Mr. Dana Pankey, P. O. Box 1644, Big Bear Lake, California,
commended the Council on their interest in the property owners'
concerns and explained that he had not appeared at earlier
meetings, as he had no knowledge of them.
He stated he had property on Baseline and on Highland along
the west end of the City, and agreed with the Planning
Commission's decision of CG-2 along those two areas.
zoning of property he
and Mt. View. He
He expressed his concern regarding the
owns near the northeast corner of Fifth
requested CR-2 zoning instead of the CO-I.
Mr. Pankey answered questions regarding the use of the
property, stating he could not reveal the specific use, but would
like a "store type" use.
Mr. Pankey answered questions regarding the three properties
he owns on Ninth Street. The properties are located between "F"
and "G" and between "G" and "H". It was his opinion that both
sides of Ninth Street between "F" and "H" Streets should be zoned
commercial, CG-2. He spoke specifically about the southeast
corner of "H" and Ninth, where he has a deep commercial lot.
Paul Wieler - Area 3 - Northwest corner of Mt. View & 13th
Mr. Wieler, on behalf of his partner, Vic Fenster, spoke
regarding property located at 1300 N. Mt. View Avenue, which is
the northwest corner of Mt. View and 13th Street. He stated
their businesses are located at that site, and originally, it was
zoned residential, but was later changed to AP, which is now
called CO. The Master Plan calls for it to be changed back to
- 14 -
residential. He requested that the CO zoning be retained in
order that they can continue conducting their businesses in that
location. He stated there was not much demand for apartments or
houses in that area.
Bill Sikes - 1557, 1561, 1571 No. "E" Street -
1956 No. "E" - 1956 No. "E" Street - Area 3
Bill Sikes referred to a letter sent to the Planning
Commission and the Council which was delivered earlier,
containing details of his comments today. He also stated he
would have additional information in writing to the Council for
their consideration.
He stated there were two areas he wished to talk about. The
first is 1956 North "E" Street, where his tenant, Print Quik, is
located. He stated he has a commitment to that tenant to build a
more attractive facility in that location. He will provide
additional data at a later date.
He also spoke regarding 1557, 1561, 1571 North "E" Street.
He has been the owner-operator of this facility for seventeen
years. The proposed zoning has been changed from commercial back
to residential, and those restrictions that would be imposed
would not enhance the City nor the operations of his business.
He stated he would provide the City with more information
regarding this location.
Planning Director Kilger explained that this area is zoned
for high density apartments now, RMH. He stated that this is one
of those areas discussed relative to trying to provide more
multi-family on the thoroughfares with nodes of commercial. The
issue was brought up at the Planning Commission and evaluated and
they chose to stay with multi-family.
Mr. Sikes answered questions regarding the location of his
Principal Planner Bautista answered questions regarding the
size of lots and densities allowed on various lots.
Planning Director Kilger answered questions, stating it was
the intent of staff to try wherever possible to provide for
additional multi-family on major thoroughfares. It was the
future land use policy decision to concentrate the node
commercial into the major intersections. It may require
transitioning existing commercial over to multi-family.
ChOna Hak Kim - Area bordered by 40th Street, "E" Street,
Floo Control Channel and Krauss Place - Area 11
Mrs. Kim spoke for Chong Hak Kim, regarding property at 40th
and "E" Streets, which is located in Area 11. She stated that
in 1988, Mr. Chong Hak Kim purchased the nine lots, which were
zoned C3-A, intending to build a full service car wash. The
proposed changes zoned the north one-fourth as CG-l and the south
three-fourths RM. His plans for the car wash require the use of
- 15 -
the entire property, not just the north one-fourth. The property
is bounded in the west by a church, to the south a Flood Control
Channel, to the east a gas station and to the north a public
mini-storage. He felt his plans are appropriate for this area
and splitting the property into CG-l and RM is not appropriate.
Principal Planner Bautista answered questions.
Planning Director Kilger stated that this area was designated
as Commercial, C3-A, prior to the IPD, and the IPD changed that
to multi-family. He thought that this change was due to limited
access to the property.
Mr. Bautista explained the lack of access to 40th Street. He
further stated that CG-l would be permitted with a C.U.P.
A discussion ensued regarding the use of the parcels.
Planning Director Kilger explained that this is a very
difficult site to designate, because of the different uses in the
area: light industrial, single family homes, and commercial. He
recommended that if a decision were made to change this portion
to commercial, it all should go commercial to avoid conflict.
Mr. Kim stated that they needed all the property for the
proposed car wash, and eventually perhaps a tune-up shop, tire
shop, mini mart, for a total shopping center.
Mr. Bautista stated
least half of Krauss
that in order to develop this parcel, at
Way would have to improved to provide
Patricia Green - Sunset Group - 225 W. Hospitality Lane
Patricia Green, representing the Sunset Group, 225 W.
Hospitality Lane, referred to an area of approximately eighteen
acres, bounded on the north by the Southern Pacific Railroad
tracks, on the south by Commercial Road, on the east Waterman
Avenue, and on the west Hunts Lane. She stated the land is now
designated as CR-3. She stated that to make a good transition
from CR-3 to the RU, which is directly south of the property,
they would like to have a buffer of IL designation. They plan
to do some type of R & D type of project, and some of those
people may need to have some outdoor storage, so they would like
a designation that would allow that.
Ernest Fisher - Area 3 - 1554 N. Stoddard
Mr. Ernest Fisher, spoke regarding property located at 1554
N. Stoddard. He stated that this property was purchased as
commercial property in 1978, and the business located at the site
was the Big "K" - Kedco Corporation, which does repair work on
oxygen regulators, flow regulators, and welding equipment. He
stated that this is a small business at present, but they hope to
expand in the future. However, the proposed zone change from
Commercial to Residential would jeopardize their plans.
- 16 -
Mr. Fisher had three questions: (1) Why~ (the zone
change)~ 2) Who has interest in the new zoning of commercial
property~ and (3) what Federal monies are being used in this
change. He stated his concern is for future growth in San
Bernardino, and that large businesses are treated better than
small businesses.
A discussion ensued regarding Mr. Fisher's questions, and he
was told that there are no special interests in the new zoning,
and there are no Federal monies involved.
Mayor Wilcox assured Mr. Fisher that all businesses are
welcome in the City.
Planning Director Kilger stated because of the complexity of
the area, staff has gone through that area twice. Many
businesses were there before zoning was ever conceived. He spoke
of certain requirements to minimize spot zoning and bring
conformity to the neighborhood. He stated that staff will go
back to that area for further research.
Dennis Kelly - Audit Trail II - Area 8 - Item 78 - Council
Member Reilly - 21st Street at Crestview
Dennis Kelly, 549 E. 21st Street, stated he had previously
sent a letter regarding this matter. Council Member Reilly has
also made a request on this as indicated in Audit Trail II, Area
8, Item 78, which requests that the Planning Commission's
recommendation of RS be changed to CO-I. He stated that several
other home owners agree in this request. The zoning has allowed
medical offices in the area, and he felt that a change to
residential is not a good decision. He stated that because of
the growth of the hospital across the street, traffic and parking
have become a real problem.
Mr. Kelly stated stated that the area is not conducive to
residential use any more and requested that CO-I,
Commercial-Office designation be given to the property to allow
the current home owners to sell their property for office use.
Mr. Kelly answered questions regarding the area.
Don Townsend - Representinq Northwest PAC and citizens
of the Wests ide
Don Townsend, 1677 W. Baseline, representing the Northwest
PAC Committee, the citizens of the Westside of the City, and his
family, who own commercial and residential property in the
Northwest Project Area, stated he would give the Planning
Department a color coded map concerning his request. He spoke
regarding the fact that there had not been anyone from the
Westside to speak regarding zoning in that area, and referred to
a discussion relative to high density on the main corridors of
Baseline, Highland and Mt. Vernon. He requested that the Council
take note of the recommendation of the community and of the
Northwest Project Area.
- 17 -
Lois Willis - 1336 North "0" Street - Area 3
Lois Willis, 3155 Sepulveda, stated that she had spoken with
Mr. Bautista who suggested a CO-2 designation for the 1300 block
of North "0" Street. She stated that was agreeable with her,
although the petition that was presented earlier asked for CO-I.
She stated that she spoke for most of the people on that block,
who agreed that either CO-lor CO-2 was acceptable.
At 3:07 p.m., Mayor Wilcox declared a ten minute break.
At 3:17 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of
Common Council reconvened in the Council Chambers
300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California.
the Mayor and
of City Hall,
Roll Call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Reese with the
following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada,
Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; Deputy City
Attorney Empeno, Deputy City Clerk Reese, Acting City
Administrator Robbins. Absent: Council Member Reilly.
Antonio and Candelaria Atilano - Property north of
Central Avenue, west of Foisy Street
Senior Planner Valerie Ross spoke for Antonio and Candelaria
Atilano, who own property north of Central Avenue, west of Foisy
Avenue, between Central and Drake. Before purchasing the
property they spoke to members of the Planning Department and
were told that the property was designated for Commercial.
Recently, they came in with plans for a used car lot and were
told that the designation had been changed to IL, Light
They are requesting
go ahead with their plans
include only a used car
they might have an auto
auto related uses.
a designation of Commercial so they can
for a used car lot. The present plans
lot, although possibly in the future,
repair, auto upholstery shop and other
A discussion ensued regarding the zoning in the area.
June Salomon - Southwest corner of Tenth and Western
June Salomon, 6255 Palm Avenue, Whittier, California 90601,
stated that she owned property on the southwest corner of Tenth
and Western. She requested that the zoning on that property
allow her to build a duplex there. She stated that in March of
this year she had spoken to a member of the Planning staff and
was told at that time, she could build a duplex on the property.
She proceeded to arrange for a loan and had plans prepared. In
April, she came in to submit the plans and was told about the
change in the zoning that would not allow the construction of a
- 18 -
Leaque of Women Voters - Letter dated May 13, 1989
Mayor Wilcox referred to a letter dated May 13, 1989, from
the League of Women Voters. In the letter, concern was expressed
regarding several issues. One issue was whether or not the
recommendations made by the CAC were given sufficient
consideration. They also felt that there were too many changes
to evaluate carefully, and suggested the extension of the public
comments period. They questioned whether enough attention has
been paid to social and environmental impacts, public facilities
and services, and improving the City's aging infrastructure.
The letter further stated that the Open Space designation in
the Plan falls short of standards for a city of this size. It
also questions the effects of allowing higher densities of
housing in some areas of the City. Finally, they stated that
their overall concern is that the Plan be a blueprint for orderly
growth which considers the quality of life of the people who live
and work in San Bernardino.
MQlph Miller - East side of "D" Street from wabash
nortn to within 145.12 feet of 14th Street - Area 3
Mr. Adolph Miller, 1859 Random Drive, Anaheim, California,
described his property as Assessor's Parcel Number 145-212-10,
145-212-11, and 145-212-34, and requested that the zoning be
changed from Single Family residential to Multi-Family
Residential. He stated that his property is surrounded by land
developed for multi-family residential.
Rod MacDonald - Rancon Developers for Tri-City Corporation
Rod MacDonald stated he was responsible for planning, design
and architecture for Rancon Developers for Tri City Corporate
Center. He stated they were pleased that the General Plan has
identified their project as one of those areas for continued
quality growth. He also agreed with the Planning staff that it
would be in the best interest of the City and Rancon to
immediately adopt a Specific Plan which would formalize the
Master Plan they have been working from for over four years.
Mr. MacDonald referred to an issue regarding floor area ratio
and the manner in which they subdivided their property. He asked
that staff have interpretive capabilities as they relate to this
He also spoke about providing a full range of food services
businesses in the area. Presently, there are high and medium
range restaurants, but no drive-through facilities. As part of
the master planning, he believed they can handle the planning
problems with proper architecture and screening.
Mr. MacDonald stated the original General Plan did not
provide for a height limit. The modifications that are before
the Council have both a floor area ratio and height restriction.
He felt they were not consistent and it would be difficult to
- 19 -
agreement with
We're asking
complete the specific plan. They are fully in
the floor area ratio alone under the new concept.
that the four-story limit be reconsidered.
Richard Bristow - 741 E. Baseline
Richard Bristow, 5655 Edgemont Drive, spoke regarding
property located at 741 E. Baseline. The property is located on
the south side of Baseline, and is 146' wide and extends 950'
south. Originally, it was used commercially. For the past ten
or twelve years, it has been rented to the RV dealer whose main
business is cross the street. He uses the front portion of the
property to store and show RV's. The front portion is zoned
CG-2, and the back portion is RM. He requested that the entire
property be zoned CG, so that it would be more marketable in the
event he decides to sell the property.
Principal Planner Bautista answered questions, and explained
why the property has two zoning designations.
Planning Director Kilger answered questions, stating that the
intent of the zoning was to provide access from Olive, which is
at the rear of the property, for the multi-family portion.
Mo Ghiassi - 2402 - 2402 1 2 Lero
Mo Ghiassi, 8 03 S ypark Circ e, Suite "H", Irvine,
California 92714, spoke regarding property located at 2402 - 2402
1/2 Leroy, and requested a higher density designation. He stated
that there are two existing units on the property and he wished
to construct five additional residential units. He explained
that there were other developments in the immediate area with
eleven to fourteen units each.
He stated that when he first applied, he was told the zoning
was RMH, and prepared plans. Later he was told that the zoning is
not RMH, but is RS.
Planning Director Kilger stated that because of the lot size,
Mr. Ghiassi would probably be able to get only one additional
unit on the property even with the RMH designation.
Eric Aschemeyer - 4408 Fourth Street
Mr. Eric Aschemeyer, 13355 Emerald Way, Chino, CA 91709,
stated that recently, his associate and he acquired property in
San Bernardino located at 4408 Fourth Street, which is 96 feet
wide and 640 feet deep. It is now zoned R-l. He requested that
the zoning be changed to CG so that they can construct a mini
storage. He stated the property is next to a private school and
a church. A single family dwelling is on the front of the
Mr. Aschemeyer answered questions regarding the
the property, and whether or not it was in the
County. It is located off of Kendall Drive.
location of
City or the
- 20 -
Planning Director Kilger stated that the zoning for a mini
storage would be CH or IL. He explained that prior to the IPD,
this area was R3-3000. Under the IPD it was changed to RS. He
recommended that the whole area be studied to determine the most
appropriate designation.
Frank Tracadas - Area 7 - East of Coneio, south of Baseline
Frank Tracadas, 463 North Sierra Way, spoke regarding a nine
acre parcel of property located east of Conejo, south of
Baseline, and extends from the Flood Control Channel on the west
past the Flood Control Channel on the south. The primary
business is Moran Meats, and other businesses are Desert
Industries and Pepper Tree Foods. The businesses, especially
Moran Meats, want to expand, and also need outdoor storage, which
is not possible with the CG-2 zoning. Therefore, a CH
designation is requested to allow for the proposed expansion and
outdoor storage.
Frank Tracadas - Area 12 - Palm and Kendall
Frank Tracadas, 463 North Sierra Way, also spoke regarding
property located east of Palm, north of Kendall, south of Cable
Creek. He stated that under the old zoning they were allowed
fourteen units per acre. He described the zoning on adjacent
parcels and requested that the zoning of CG-l or CG-2 be the
designation for his property. He felt that the property meets
all of the criteria for an upscale commercial development.
M. Cisneros - 29th and Waterman Avenue
Ms. Cisneros, 7512 Sterling, San Bernardino 92410, spoke
regarding property located on the southwest corner of 29th and
Waterman. She stated they had recently purchase two adjacent
parcels, 50 they now have three adjoining parcels. She explained
that during the term of former Mayor Al Ballard, the property was
rezoned to commercial, but it was her understanding that it is
now residential. It was her opinion that residential was not
appropriate. She stated that the traffic in the area is
horrendous, and there is commercial zoning in the areas
surrounding her property. She would like it to remain as
Commercial General.
Ms. Cisneros also commented on property at 531 E.
Street. She agreed with Mr. Kelly who spoke earlier in
meeting that the area should go back to AP, or CO-I, as that
is not appropriate for residential.
Helen Kopczynski - General Plan and EIR Document
Helen Kopczynski, 8150 Cable Canyon, stated she was speaking
as a private citizen, not a member of the CAC. She stated that
she felt the proposed General Plan is more permissive than
restrictive and that the City is doing more "encouraging"
than "requiring". She also was not in favor of the higher
densities in the Verdemont Area, and raised the question of
whether the City is in compliance with the Foothill Community
Greenbelt Study. She also questioned the lack of additional
parks, and insufficient open space provisions. She stated she
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was surprised that no one had responded to the Environment Impact
Report, but suggested that would be difficult to do because of
the constant changes being made to the document.
At 4:15 p.m., Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that the meeting
be adjourned to 9:00 a.m., Monday, May 15, 1989, in the Council
Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino,
/ City C erk
No. of Items: 3
No. of Hours:
- 22 -