HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-11-1988 Minutes . City of San Bernardino, California June 11, 1988 This is the time and place set for an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at the Adjourned Regular Meeting held on June 9, 1988, at 12:20 p.m., in the Council Cham- bers of City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, Cal iforn ia. The City Clerk has caused to be posted the Notice of Adjournment of said meeting held on Thursday, June 9, 1988, at 12:20 p.m., and has on file in the office of the City Clerk an affidavit of said posting together with a copy of said Notice, which was posted at 10: 00 a.m., Friday, June 10, 1988, in a conspicuous place on the door of the place at which the meeting of June 9, 1988, was held. . The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Com- mon Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor Wilcox in the Management Information Cen- ter (MIC Room), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California, at 9:09 a.m., Satur- day, June 11, 1988. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by Deputy Ci ty Clerk Lang wi th the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Mem- bers Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Miller; Deputy City Clerk Lang, Acting City Administrator Rob- bins. Absent: Council Member Pope-Ludlam; City Attorney Penman. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no commen ts made by the publ ic. (A) BUDGET HEARINGS This is the time and place set for the Police, Fire and Public Works Fiscal Year 1988/89. for Budget Hearings Departments for the (1 ) Jim Robbins, Acting City Administrator, provided copies of four amended pages to be included in the two notebooks handed out at the June 9, 1988, budget meeting. . He stated that the budget for the Fiscal Year 1988/89 is balanced, and that each department was given a bottom line amount of the funds they have available. 1 6/11/88 . BUDGET - FIRE DEPARTMENT Gerald Newcombe, Fire Chief, explained that the Budget Officer and Deputy Fire Chief for the Fire Depart- ment was out of state and unable to attend the meeting on short notice. Chief Newcombe presented the budget for the Fire Department for the Fiscal Year 1988/89. (1) Fire Chief Newcombe provided a handout which item- ized cuts in materials, services and supplies amounting to $186,819 made from the original budget, as the new budget form does not show where cuts were made. He stated that a large portion of the money cut out of the capital improvement was for repair of deteriorating driveways and parking lots. Two new engines, which are critically needed by the department, will cost approxi- mately $76,000, leaving $25,000 for new equipment. The department normally spends $87,000 for new, replacement equipment. . He stated that he was instructed to cut five posi- tions from his department, and he is at a loss to know what positions he can afford to lose. He summarized the amount of people needed on duty per shift. According to standards, 17 new people should have been hired for the new fire station, but only 15 were hired. This is the precise number of people needed for the station, not taking into consideration any vacation or sick time. He provided statistics showing the number of runs the department makes each day. Fire Chief Newcombe explained that overtime listed in the budget is money used to maintain minimum staffing, not for the traditional definition of overtime. 95% of the overtime dollars listed in the budget is used for minimum staffing and 5% is for major incidents, when off-duty personnel are called on duty. He has met with the Director of Personnel to discuss methods of cutting employee expenses, and a satisfactory conclusion was not available. In order to cut five positions, fire safety equipment will have to be shut down. Chief Newcombe could not recommend this course of action. CITY ATTORNEY PENMAN ARRIVED At 9:25 a.m.. City Attorney Penman arrived at the Council Meeting. Fire Chief Newcombe provided statistics to show that the Fire Department has reduced its number of employees since 1971. . 2 6/11/88 . Acting City Administrator Robbins answered questions regarding the savings realized by reducing five positions from the budget. Fire Chief Newcombe answered questions regarding the standards followed for staffing levels. The Insurance Services Organization grades fire departments in order to calculate insurance premiums. The City has been carrying a rating of 3 for ten years. The number of staff has not reduced since the 3 rating was applied. The population of the City has grown. A 1 rating ranks best. In com- parison, the cities of Los Angeles and Riverside are 2s. The National Fire Protection Association also has guide- lines for the number of people required on duty to pro- vide fire protection. The City has cut back from five people and runs the minimum, which is three people per engine. . He al so answered quest ions regard ing the answer ing of emergency calls by the City and commercial paramedics. He explained that some of the commercial carriers also provide transport services and the City does not. The commerc ial carr iers are not requ i red to pro v ide par a- med ics on ambulances. Therefore, it is common to have both carriers present at emergencies. He explained the increase in the Materials/Services/ Supplies budget from $878,876 to $973,876 due to the addition of the new Fire Station 11. Fire Chief Newcombe explained that the ten dish- washers cut from the budget were in response to a study made by the City of Los Angeles, which proved that sick time decreases when dishwashers are used to sterilize dishes at stations so that disease is not passed among the firefighters. He answered quest ions regard ing serv ice organ i za- tions that provide equipment to the City. He explained that the number of top level management positions in the Fire Department has been cut, and answered questions regarding the requirement for a cer- tain number of Captains. City Attorney Penman answered questions regarding supervisory positions being required by the Charter. . 3 6/11/88 . BUDGET HEARING - PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING Assistant City Engineer Gene Klatt presented the budget for the Public Works/Engineering Department. The same staffing level has been maintained since 1972, des- pite the growth in population and territory. (1) Bob Torbitt of the Central Garage Division was pre- sent to answer questions regarding the budget. Wayne Overstreet, Superintendent of Public Build- ings, answered questions regarding the budget. He ex- plained costs for the rejuvenation of furniture from the remodeling of City Hall. Andy Green, Acting Director of Finance, questions regarding the dollar amounts listed sonnel being correct, but there were changes in tion descriptions. answered for per- the posi- Gene Klatt answered questions and described vacan- cies in the department. . Acting City Administrator Robbins answered questions regarding the difference in dollar amounts for the same number of positions. RECESS MEETING At 10: 35 a.m., the meeting recessed for a short break. RECONVENE MEETING At 10:46 a.m., Mayor Wilcox called the Budget Hear- ing to order in the Management Information Center (MIC Room), Si x th Floor, Ci ty Hall, 300 Nor th "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Lang with the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Mem- bers Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor; Deputy City Clerk Lang, Acting City Administrator Robbins. Ab- sent: Council Members Pope-Ludlam, Miller; City Attorney Penman. BUDGET HEARING - POLICE DEPARTMENT Don Burnett, Chief of Police, handed out copies of the 1988/89 Budget Proposal Supplemental Information and a memorandum dated June 10, 1988, regarding Community Service Offices. (1) . 4 6/11/88 . Acting City Administrator Robbins stated that the documents have not been reviewed by staff. Chief Burnett answered questions regarding costs of the Community Service Offices. He stated that if they were closed, the City would realize annual savings of $21,242. This figure does not represent any personnel savings. COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER ARRIVED At 10:48 a.m., Council Member Miller arrived at the Council Meeting and took her place at the Council Table. Chief Burnett summarized his handout entitled "1988- 89 Budget Proposal Supplemental Information". He des- cribed the consequences of making the recommended cuts of ten sworn and 4 civilian positions within the department. The department has fewer sworn personnel per thousand population than in the Fiscal Year 1975-76. The concept of Community Oriented POlicing is not responsible for any additional personnel costs. . Chief Burnett suggested that the Community Services Offices located on Victoria and Mt. Vernon could be closed. A committee is reviewing the services being provided by the CSOs and will make recommendations for improvements and/or the deletion of certain offices. He pointed out the increase in aggravated assaults with a firearm and described action being taken against gang violence. He stated that the officer on duty at Seccombe Lake Park 56 hours a week, could be replaced wi th a pr i va te security service. Chief Burnett answered questions regarding Community Service Offices, stating that Police Assistants and Area Commanders are the only people actually located in the offices. He encouraged the reading of the 30 page report dated June 10, 1988, regarding the CSOs and stated their importance in the community. CITY ATTORNEY PENMAN ARRIVED At 11:07 a.m., City Attorney Penman arrived at the Council Meeting. . Discussion ensued regarding the benefits seven Community Service Offices. Chief Burnett that they are not all properly located. of the agreed 5 6/11/88 . Chief Burnett answered questions regarding personnel savings by deleting the Community Service Offices and returning to the use of the Police Station as home base for all police personnel and actions. Captain Dave Thomas answered questions, stating that 5 lieutenants, 9 sergeants, 2 corporals, 31 officers and 16 assistants were brought in for the opening of the Community Service Offices. Acting City Administrator Robbins stated that the figure he was provided from the former Director of Finance regarding the savings for the closing of the Community Service Offices was $48,1il1il1il. Captain Mike Lewis stated that he had received the figure of $21,242 from the same source. Discussion oper a t i ng twen ty disabilities. ensued regarding the Police Department officers below the figures shown due to COUNCIL MEMBER ESTRADA EXCUSED At 11:32 a.m., Council Member Estrada left the Coun- cil Meeting. . Lieutenant Tom Maier provided background concerning his four years of experience with the operation of the Communi ty Service Offices. He stated that four offices average 2,1il1il1il contacts per year, and one office handles 4, Iillillil contacts. The office with the lowest number of contacts is 61il1il contacts per year. He stated that civilian volunteers work in the cen- ters and described the increase in the faith of the citizens of the City in the Police Department due to the centers being available. Council Member Minor stated he would support the continuance of the Community Service Offices and expects a CSO in hi sward. He al so requested tha t the night officer in charge at the Police Station be more acces- sible to the public. Chief Burnett answered questions regarding the num- ber of reserves allocated in the budget. Discussion ensued having Code Enforcement Service Offices. regarding the possibility of Officers located in the Community . 6 6/11/88 . City Attorney Penman stated that the Investigator in his office is available to the Police Department as a resource to the police officers when handling code com- pliance problems. It was suggested that the Sierra Way Community Ser- vice Office be relocated to Waterman Avenue. The pistol range at Perris Hill Park was discussed. City Attorney Penman recommended that from a safety and legal standpoint, funds should be allocated for the immediate remodeling of the range to handle the critical safety problems that exist. Captain Dave Thomas answered questions, stating that $25,000 would not take care of all of the needed remodel- ing at the range, but would take care of the immediate safety hazards. Discussion ensued regarding an expanded program to control gang activity in the City. . City Treasurer Craig Graves answered questions re- garding overtime expenses of the Police Department. The incurred parades. Mayor and Common Counc i 1 discussed the costs by the Police Department for activities such as SETTING OF FUTURE BUDGET HEARINGS Discussion ensued regarding the setting of future budget hearings. It was decided that there are two departments (Parks, Recreation and Community Services and Public Services) which need a budget review and that other departments could be heard by the Mayor and Common Council if they so desire. ADJOURNMENT At 12:20 p.m., Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously car- ried, that a Budget Hearing be set for Friday, June 17, 1988, at 1:00 p.m., in the Management Information Center (MIC Room), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California, in order to review the bud- gets for the Parks, Recreation and Community Services and the Public Services Departments. . No. of items: No. of hours: 1 3 (~a) ~(~~/) Deputy City CleiK 7 6/11/88