HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-17-1988 Minutes
CIty of San BernardIno, CalifornIa
Ha'f17! 1988
ThlS lS the tlme and place set for a Recessed Meetlng
of the Mayor and Common Counell of the Clty of San
2ernardlno at thelr Regular Meetlng held on Monday May
__, 198B, at 9:04 a,m, ln the Counell Chambers of Clty
~(3.11 ,300 North I!D" Street I San BernardIno, CalIfornld.
At b:30 p.m. on Monday, May 10, 1988, CouncIl Member
Mlnor made a motIon. seconded by CouncIl Member ReIlly aIld
unanImously carrIed. tha~ the mee~lng be recessed untIl
:':i)O a.m. on Tuesday, May 17, 19J8, In the ~ouncll
Cnamber.:: of CIty Hall, 3uu North '1[/' St,reet, San
BernardIno, Ca~lfcrrlla.
'rhe Recessed MeetIng of the Mayor and Common CouncIL
~i the CIty of San BernardIno was called to order ny Mayor
~llccx 3t ~:04 ~i.m. i on Tuesday, May 1'], lS>:~ ~n the
~ounc~l Chambers c~.f Clt~/ Hal~, :::00 North tlI'!! Stree-t, :"3.3.n
BernardIno l~allfornla.
The Invoc3~10n was ]lV~n
Lxecutlve ASSIstant to ~he Mayor.
?lchard BellnecKE,
l:?LErj(~~E " ,? ALLEGIANCE
Ine Pledq6 ')1 AllegIance was led DY Cauncll MSillDer
Flore.': .
kell Call was caken oy Depu~y CIty Clerk ?es3e WIth
the tollowlng beIng present: Ma}"or WIlcox; CouncIl
Memt'~?rs EeIlly, Fl,~":::'(-:':=: HaudE..ley', HInor. Ml-ller ~ DepuT~V'
Cl~:- (~er~ Reese. ADsen~: CouncIl Members Estrad2
Fc)pe-Lud.Lanl; i~lty At~c~rlley Penman: Deputy ':lt~.
AdmInIstrator Robbln2
PUBLi. '=:~:;)HMENT,.3
There were r:() pU~LIC :omment3
; it)
FR0M totAY l,:LjZ:i
.L'n:~ .i.S th.:=- f~lflle anG jJlace C':)lltlnued_ to fer
nearlDS ~n the ~anQ use 31ternatlvee for the
:t pUr.LlC
I: 1.3 )
~u::ar'lng on ttl8
Dlrector SIracusa stated
;ener31 P~an lS schedu~ed
the tlnal PUbllC
for Wednef3d.e."/
- ~ -
]~ay IH, l~bB, at 5:UO
~ddltlonal testlmony IS
'.111 De conducted.
chedullng In order to
cliJred map to be sent
p.m. She stated that after any
received, the flnal dellberatlons
Sne 5~ressed tt!9 lmportance at
meet the deadllne for the orlglnal.
to Sacramentc.
At 9:UB a.ill., Deptl~V ;:lty Attorney
~ne CaUDell MeetIng.
13race arrl\red
Prlnclpal Planner BautIsta descrIbed Area ~ en the
;!iSP The t,oundarlee-. ar.-e dE. follCJVls:
W'2S1:_ :
CIty boundary
C2..ty boundar:.'
Clty boundary
....,. .ictorla A~.;€r:ue
Recommends AlternatIve HEll,
reccffimendatlon, wlth the iollowlnl~
the PlannIng
exceptlGn8. ;
Recommendatlon 1.
f 3R J3l) and west
f:ssldentlal Suburnan
n~lla,jemen t.
The vacant
c+ Clty
property located east
Creek deSlqnated R2,
remain ME HIllSIde
Secommendatlcn TilS
dIrectlv north of Mountain
deSIgnated RU I hSSldent.:l ~C..l
HillSide Management.
vacan~ property located
Shadows Mobile Home ParK
Ul:"bEtn shDuld rem.:'<.ll1 i'1E.
~8commendatlQn J.
The V3.can-r::
property ~~~~ted
La PralA Avenue
3,t1oulJ r-emal.ll NH
ncrthwester l ~/ of t118 termInus. of
deSl.:]11ated RS RS~lderlt~dl Suburban
HillSide Management.
Pecommendatlon 4. The MU, MIxed
Avenue soutn of Hlghland Avenue should be
IJ=-.e 5_~t~~ri-:J P-31:fl
changed to CG,
ommerCi31 ]B:h:':!"ai. ter' thc:=:s prc.per"tl8E. that tr'cUi: <;fl :?':'i. ~i1(
A' <2:-l';tue.
Hr. Cecll Dossett., :",~':72:~ Arroyo 'Jlsta Dr. Hl'jhldHC
CA S~~4E" stated ne l.lVe2 In tne area of the Hlgnland
l~lllS property. He complainea aoout nigh JerlS1CY 0111(.6.
ana tne costs of serVices, such as police serVlce. WhiCh
ar"8 n\0re cost:} t:han for slng_Le iamlly \lnlt3. 14r.
Dossett suggested that tne proposea apartments Wlll
reqlJII8 ~ad:t10rial equ~pmen~ ~11d personnel tor whicl1 the
Clt~r l5 unable to prOVIde and WOU1U Qr~w offlcer2 lron1
Q~her 3reas ill the '_.lty where tners ~~ nQ~ ell~)ugh p0l~(~e
~;J -1
.. -,-".'
.rotectlon now. He recommended that when there IS a
eguest ror a new development there should be provlslons
o lnclude the cost or serVlces. and recommended a slow
rowth polley and a morator~um on hIgh denslty,
peclrlcally on apartments. He also recommended that the
'ounell encourage the County Board of SupervIsors to JOIn
~n a slow concrolled growttl policy.
Mr. John Stubblerleld, 2258 Bradrord, Hlghland.
alltor'nla. asked the CauDell's conslderatlon on LlV~
~arcelE of land located In the Mt. Shadows area, and
~is.trlbuted documents to the CouncIl.
Mr. Stubtlefleld read a CaUDell actlon correspondence
:ated February 17, 198"7, WhICh read In part as follows'
'The PlannIng Department was Qlrected to set aSIde the
~l,gnland Area Plan untIl tne proviSlons are made to tae
,eneral Plan and the Clty catcheE up wlth the Hlgnland
~rsa Pl~Il.!' He set Iorth additlonal lnforma~lon that was
_Deluded In the handoutE given to the CouncIl regardIng
.he H~ghland Area Plan AlternatIve #4 WhICh had been
_ecommended to the Council by the CItIzens CommIttee that
~2';ielcpsd thlS pla.n
He asked the CounCl~ to brIng the Higlllallu Are3 ~13I:
lilternative #4 bac~ as FlrevIously dIrected and tnat It be
~nccrporate(1 as th8 C:lty? preterred alternatIve. He
~sked for one exceptIon to thIS request, WhICh relates t.e
._~t:e .La.nG on tne e3Sc. SIte cd' ;:';,r::ate H19!lWay 33u.
He statea tna~ he was In complete agreement WIth
~:~3if and the PlannlDq CC)rnmlSSlon's reCOffimenaatlorl ~,_:~
'1lxed Use for the parcel2 of land at the entrance to the
1t. 3hadows area.
At 0:20 a.m. Maver WIlcox left tne meetlIlg ano
:ouncll MemDSI" FloreE assumea the duties of Mayor Pro
The second area ~hat Mr. Jtubblefleld addressed is a
small strip of land Just north of the Mt. Shadows MOLlle
Homs l?3.rk that r"u.ns to the Forest Ser\l:Lc:e bound':lry. He
state6 that Staff had recommended thlS area as Hlllslde
~anagement. !he PlarlnlIlg CommlSSlon subsequently
ieslgnated thIS parcel RU to accommodate lts belng an
~xtenslcrl of tIle mobile home park. :le stated they are in
~greement WIth the Flannlng Commlsslcn's recommendatlon.
:ind .::tdL:~:d tt) le.:"ve It. l.n Hl..LlE,lde Management Hould rellJ.er
~.t useless.
=, -- 1. 7 - ,'; t~
The thlrd area is located on on the flat land above
-he Clty Creek Channel on the east slde of State Hlghway
: 30. Staff had recommended thls property for the Hlllslde
j,anagement category also. Mr. Stubblefleld stated that
~he property lS not hlllslde, lt lS relatlvely flat. The
_ lannlng CommlSSlon deslgnated the land R3 for up-scale
Elngle famlly detached homes. Wlthln a few years there
\J111 be a four lane freeway on thlS property, WhlCh will
~eave on~y a narrow stretch of land remalnlng for
cBveloplng and there wlll some effect from the freeway
1.01SB. He stated he had been told by staff that an RM zone
..ieslgnatlcn is more sUltable for thls level of n0158 ~han
_ slngle family detached deslgnatlon and allows
rleXlbllity to mltlgate nOlse problems, He stated they are
asklng the Councll to deslgnate thls la~u RM even though
RM deslgnatlon is an unpopular one.
Mr. Stubblefleld stated thlS lS property whlch has
~lrtually all the infrastructure ln place. An RM use
ieslgnatlon would also provlde close proxlmlty to a
freeway and thlS is the exceptlon he requested to the East
Highland preferred alternative #4.
Mr. Stubblefield stated that the 250 acres located
lmmedlately north of the Mt. Shadows Vllla proJect has
been recommended to be Hlllslde Management. This prcperty
alone represents 15.63% of all the vacant R-1, 10,800 land
~n the entlre Clty of San BernardlDo WhlCh could possibly
accommodate up-scale houslng and lS belng recommended for
standards so severe that they could not bUIld on ttllS
property. He stated there are 1638 acres of land ln the
:5%-30% slope category.
Mr. Stubblefleld demonstrated varIOUS slopes and
showed plctures of a subdlV1S1on 1n Beverly Hllls w1th a
slope that exceeds 30%. He stated that the 15%-30% slope
15 not exceSSIve,
land to a
Stubblef1eld statsd that the proposed
that allow one unlt per 40 acres, reduces this
Yleld of SlX UIllts for denslty trarlsfer.
He stated that thlS des1gnation amounts to open space
use because of the standards. He spoke of the need 1n
the C1ty for more up-scale hous1ng, but noth1ng 1S be1ng
done to obta1n 1t. He referred to a study that lnd1cated
that the C1ty should select a large parcel of h1lls1de
land speclflcally 1n the foothllls and designate 1t for
upscale hous1ng and that the C1ty should use 1tS powers to
encourage quallty develcpment.
- 4 -
He a~sc aSKed 101 conslderatlon on the Mt. Sh3GOWS
'llla ProJec~ 3130 ~nown as ReVlew of Plans No. ~b-51. HE
~.tated that thelr request ~~ to proceed accordlng t~)
;reVlOUS CourlCll cilrectlon of tl18 preparation uf a focused
,:lR on trns proJect and requested that the land use
~e::,lqn..:t"t:Lon De left III -:I. mannel.- tiL'tt:. .3.1iu'l'.1s that proJeCT::
p.o go Iorwara. Even tllOUgh mu~tl-famliy dwellIng UDlt3
-~re [If:t ~ pGpu~ar form of hcuslng teday, the Clty must
;'lan ahead for the antlclpated populatIon growth. ThlE
~ana has ~ne comLlilatlon of lc)Catlon, ~ew~ aCid
infr-astructure WhICh theIr company had provIded. He
:equ~sted the S011DCll ]rant the tlexlblllty (:r pr'OV,LUlnj
~he communIty wIttl hIgh qualIty housIng bY adoptll1] tn~
~3St Hlghlana CZ)IOrrtlt:teels Al(err15!lVe;1 wIth th~
2xceptlon c~ the area Just east uf HIghway 33(1,
'~:h3..tl.es. .:,cLul;'~-, ',f F\,ei.d C~ Hell":/er: 5'j'~: N. }\r'ro'^:l1tSac..
Avenu~, Sa11 Berllardlrlo represenL1I1S HIghland HI1~2
~)rcpert,les I fer WIllIam Leonar'd aflCl iNa.rner ilcdji,iun I .=1.,~:'.~~~3:.l
:01' clar'lflcatlcn on one pOInt, He staten tnat Lhey had
;r'SVIOUSIY dSKed that ~:lS property 0e deSl,}rlated ~urS~ldlit
o the SpeCIfIc P~an 8~-1 thae lS already adopted aoe
;:'elter.:s.led t.hat rE:<juesr..:, ThG V_I f-.'::-l.. -~' .J-!l Ciu.e;~t.lC-!l ~lE
':ieslgnated HIllside Manageiilent on t.ile far eaE.tern enJ. of
'_tlS ':ltj!. He requ.f.::,;::.ted ,2, cla.rJ.,tlc;atl-:::)l! '::cnc~.:LnlLl'j PC.ii.C,,-
~tenj 4?J 111 tG2 Draft lnt.erlln POlIC)! IJocument W:i~,:I~
:~.tat2;:: :
"Development W_LChl!: ~he Hl0h~ana Hllls ~pecll~c t'~ali
~le3 shall be subject to envlrol1mental r'eVlew pursuant to
~E0A because of tne length (~t tl~1e WlllCh has ~as~ed SlDce
:he adoptIon of tile plan and certIficatIon of the Elf ana
;),,=-~cau.sE::: of ,::::nan'3ec-, to the pro Ject. I'
Mr. Schu~tz stated that lt would appear
POlICY statement thst 10J woula reI'mlt ~ne
:UF's, whIcn were approved 1n December 1~8J.
~lthou~ any iu!.t~hEr' eIIVlrODil1811taJ reVlew.
from triot
to proceed
F'.lannlLj DIrect.or Clracusa answereo. qUEE-tlons,
3L3t.lnq that ~,he Lntent was tha:~ wltlLLf1 the El'Jlllan.d
~llj~ Speclilc Plan 5re5 that anythIng that was a~pr'oved
w0ula be able cc 'JO forwa=d but wou~d !)e SU0Jec~ to r1ew
':EQA reVIew becaUEe the ErR IS rathe~ ell and there ffilght
~e new ~ilfur~idtl'JI1.
MI'. ,!cnult~ asked fer clarlflcatloIl ')D tile two :1]~3
that were adoptEd In December. 1987 and If they woul~ l::e
perm~tted to pr'oceed wltnout further envlron~,sr~~al reli12W
DeceU2,e of the negatIve decl.aratlunE that were 1.:::sue(,.).3.t~
n.J, t- '_ .lHi'V .
~t-l ',' ~ :..,:;
F'iannlng [!lrect(~r ~lraCUSa sZ.3ted that If there ale
':CO chanqe.s from tl1t~ 0ru:1 ("'C i~ tha t \iJ'~'_S apprc)ved. by ':";Up, tne<;:
aUla proceea, but U~l the bal~n(-e of tne proJect tne~:
'Juuld. 'dan t to :::,val.:J.:l. le Wild t J. '.- prGp0SeU a.nu. .J.eter iTl 1 Ii,":':
wnetner or not tri2 0r19~Dal ~l.R W3~ adequate. Other'wlse.
:18W lnlt.l6.l f::-tudy !;ll~frlt.. ~)e .C:2'.qUl cea. ,
Mr. Schultz asked
-'ilVlronmerital requlrements
and \'11.1';: t v/ould
reg.:tra.1Dg tbe
be requl!"ell tc'
~lannlng Dlrec~or SlraCUSd dllswered que2t~CG~,
~tatlG0 that the liltent was to make ~. determlnatl()~-;
Ahether' or not the OI'l'::flnal en-'-:l.r'~:nmeIltal ;'v':Jr}: 3.ddre.ss,~(~
:he lssues. If It 16 cur-rent ~i~d nothlrlg has cnanged.
:11el1 It ll16Y be deter-illlIled ". .\t~ exempt. If l~ dC8SI1'r
address all tl~e current lSSU8S, would be requ1red t() 90
..hr'Gu-jD the CEQA pl(;'Ce~'.:: ~~11t:-_..:.. :.:at.ed sne \-JuU.J.-d I.l.,:-:'."_~
~ev~ew the whole p~an ~{j deteIl!i~ne 15 a dlscretlollary
Qerin~[ would be r'equlred,
Mr. Schult3 requ~6ted that :()lldltloD 49J De delst:~(i
lie stated De beileved theIr ElF was still adequa~s ana
.11dt the -cwo :~,UP';::. \-J01..Ll..::i be d...l._l,,:wed 'to pr:CC0,;,,~u \"'lj:,lu.,U~.~
Iur-tlier environmental reVlew. he expressed concern -ci13~
~I an
addlC:'CLI::"l '':~JP
cr c.i1ango::.-
c.ne sf~'c': _;.::.:..('
.Len9tny an:..;.
Fe ere
lionec8ssary pr'oc~ss.
~ne Illterlm POlICY
::e =:Dn::;: 1-2 i'='Sj'l ,_ ',..n. Ul :-,Le
He reqlj.e.-~', i- -:,2 ~~h.J t
documel1t ri2 d22lqIlated
.....i.~. c: ()il
SF '~.,::-l
::' ~)ec ::.. : l~-
F -- ~tri .
Mr. Schult= 3Iiswer'ed qU22_..l.0n2 regardlng peGGlDj
;"ll~l'J:1.__l"~"ii, .:..-J.nd :::~'::::'1t8ct the,! ~i.;~(). lld,j. seme c,,-,nVel:2..~I'::_:.,-,n.=
\..,11 tll the F :1.,::',11 ane. G3.I~-te D8pa r-tmen. :ce'}:-:.rCllD'-0 C leanln'j' \._"_\ ,_
.3, d_~'dj_J.;'dge cnafli101. He ,:;.t3.t"="f.l '.:~.;-. ~l:e url:j.~{!z.1.1 ETI~ ',,_,)"_~,-:.
pr-ovlde for t.be :v::-()[eCf~.l"'n (:1 '~>y_,_~: Creet:.
~'l.3.nnln0 :_l:,_'c:.-~'cru..:: :>.l..I.'.'lC:1.l:,C,d. ::tnswered yues'-::.I.'u.n:::
E.t.s.t':Ul'j tli6t ::;:',tafi: would ofJf.)();:'~ removln9 the CUnc.~l t.:...i()lL
reld'=.ln.-.j:o thl~- ma.~:ti-.:.E:' froiii U"U::, ll1terli1l p()llCi.e~.. ',,<h
:2i ~~ tl-lE:'l"'2 1;:: enc'u,~.U ne'y! lnfc:rrnd.-::'lon"tD Harrant. dl 102-3.21
~ll LQltldl study ~DQ th~t ~he )~bllC stlOU1U Ildve ~11~
uppcrtuljlty to i':n()We:I .1'";;: l:ll}..=--."_'"--- and to ada.:re:::-,;: t.nt:'
'.:{Jmml.G3i:){1 :'inu.. Uld I_JUI.\..:" 1...l. 11 ~_ _ L~ apf.H;::;d.1.8v. '~)il Lll,:':;.:-,
V,3.':':. ~_.:::"
~teve ~ve~.~. i~0n5ult3nc w~tll Er1VlCOITl, stated ll€ i~lL
:-Le Issue uf HIllSIde developrne:it 1n San Bernarc11l'lJ l~;:
ci.s:ir.ly one ':;'1 t.he major t)l;~i.li:l..ln,l.] i.3SUeS fcJ~:J.n':3 tne;
Clty tnat came abou~ as a react10.~ tu safety 311d lla~ar~
- 6 -
Lssues and some esthetlc conslderatlons In Shandin Hllls
~nd eastern part of the foothills. There lS concern about
nass gradlng, especlally In the San Bernardlno mountaln
tOOthllls and fire and selsmlC condltlons that produce
)reater danger when those problems occur wlth lncreased
olopes. It was hls opinion that HlIlslde Management does
~llow up-scale houslng because the speclallzed
~equlrements provlde for carefully planned archltectural
ind gradlng technlques.
Plannlng Dlrector Siracusa answered questlons,
ceferred to a slope density chart whlch explalned how
Jnlts could be bUllt under the slope density formula.
A dlScussion ensued regarding slope densltleE and
dhat lS done In other cltles.
Mr. Cecll Dossett expressed concern about the lack of
reglonal parks in thls area, and stated the Clty Creek
~rea would be an ldeal place to locate such a park.
Jacquellne Hamllton, 28633 Arroyo Vlsta Dr. ,
Highland, CA 92346, stated she was In favor of uSlng the
land for a reglonal park. If that was not feaslble, she
expressed support for lower density housing because of the
posslbllity of another fire causlng danger and destructlon
slmllar to that of the Panorama Flre that occurred about
: 1 'Ie year". ago.
Caunell Member Mlller [oads a motlonl seconded by
~ouncil Member and unanlmously carrled, that the publlC
~8aring be closed.
The Councll dlscussed the proposed deElgnations lD
the Hlghland Area.
Council Member Maudsley made a motlon, seconded by
Councll Member Rellly and unanlmously carrled, that In
~dditlon to the staff reco~mendations on the parcel that
LS zoned for apartments at Boulder and Highland Avenue,
that a line be drawn wlth Orchld, progressing eastward -
30nlng the south slde of that Ilne CG, and the north side
lU, wlth the provlslon that Orchld could be extended
stralght across, and wlth the understandlng if Piedmont
were extended, the dlstrlbution may change a Ilttle.
Council Member Maudsley made a motlon, seconded by
Councll Member Mlnor and unanlmously carrled, that the
parcel north of Pledmont, east of Cactus be zoned RS.
(Prevlously 30ned MH)
- . -
Deputy Clty Attorney Grace answered questlons
regarding a letter from the law flrm of Hill, Farrer, &
Burrlll regarding a potential lawsult. She stated It
wouldn't be approprlate to comment on pendlng Iltlgatlon
ct this tlme. As to the possibility of future lawsults,
,ony property owner who feels aggrieved by thlS process
could challenge the plan. Basically, as long as there IS
adequate eVldentlary basls upon which to Justlfy any of
the density Ilmitatlons belng proposed, she felt
recommendatlons that staff has made wlll stand legal
Councll Member Maudsley made a motlon, seconded by
Councll Member Minor. that:
1. The
Hest of Clty
should remaln
vacant property located east of SR
Creek designated RS, Resldential
MH, Hillslde Management;
2. The vacant property located dlrectly north of
Mountain Shadows Moblle Home Park deslgnated RD,
Resldential Urban should remaln MH, Hillslde Management ;
3. The vacant property located northwesterly of the
termlnus of La PralX Avenue deslgnated RS, Resldentlal
should remaln HM, Hlllside Management;
4. The MU, Mlxed Use along Palm Avenue south at
Hlghland Avenue should be changed to CG, Commerclal
General for those propertles that front on Palm Avenue.
The motlon
council Members
Members Rellly.
falled by the
Maudsley, Mlnor.
Flox'es. Absent:
followlng vote: Ayes:
Mlller. Noes: Councll
Councll Members Estrada,
At 10:20 a.m., the meetIng recessed for a flve mlnute
At 10:40 p.m., the Recessed Meetlng of the Mayor and
Common Council reconvened In the Councll Chambers of Clty
Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardlno, Callfol'nra.
Roll Call was taken by Deputy Clty Clerk Reese wlth
the followrng being present: Mayor Pro Tempore Flores;
Councll Members Rellly, Flores. Maudsley, Minor, Miller;
Deputy Clty Attorney Grace, Deputy Clty Clerk Reese.
Absent: Mayor Wrlcox; Councll Members Estrada,
Pope-Ludlam; Deputy Clty Admlnlstrator Robblns.
- b -
Councll Member Maudsley made a motlon,
ouncll Member Mlnor that:
seconded by
1, The vacant property located east of SR 330 and
west of Clty Creek be deslgnated RS, Resldentlal, and
~equlre Speclfic Plan;
2. The vacant property located dlrectly north or Mt.
Shadows Mobile Home Park remaln RU for moblle homes only
~nd requ1re a Condiclonal Use PermIt, to allow tlme to
~ook at the envIronmental Issues;
3. The vacant property located northwesterly of the
cermInus of La PralX Avenue deslgnated RS, Resldential,
should remaIn MH, Hlllslde Management;
4. The MU, Mlxed Use
Highland Avenue should be
General for those propertIes
along Palm Avenue south of
changed to CG, Commerclal
that front on Palm Avenue.
The motIon carrIed by the follOWIng vote: Ayes:
CounCIl Members ReIlly, Maudsley, Mlnor, Miller. Noes:
Council Member Flores. Absent: Councll Members Estrada.
MAY 6, 1988
This 1S the tlme and place contInued to for a publlC
hearing to conslder the proposed General Plan Land Use
Alternatlves In the Del Rosa Area. (lb)
Warner Hodgdon, 3295 Broadmoor
BernardIno, referred to the follOWIng
prevIously been entered Into the records
Clty Clerk:
Boulevard San
letters whlch had
and flIes of the
1. March 25, 1988, concernlng the General Plan
update, (I) Alternatlves A, B, and C, clrculatlon
contInUIty wlth land uses, State College UnlversIty; (2)
Clrculatlon (Roads and Freeways) continulty wlth Land
Uses. (3) SLate College (UniverSIty) General Plan
HarrIson Freeway and Circulatlon Plan Element.
1. March 28, 1988, concernIng General
CAC (1) Freeway Rt. 30/330 at Highland Avenue;
Rt. 18 (HarrIson Freeway) from Rt. 30 North
Avenue; (3) MH Hlllslde Management
Plan Update
(2) Freeway
to Waterman
Flrst Draft
Mr. Hodgdon read a letter dated AprIl 13, laS8,
concernIng the State College Area General Plan - General
- 9 -
Plan Update - (1) Freeway Rt. 18 (Harrison Freeway)
,aterman Avenue - Interim Rt. 18; (3) Old Arrowhead
ind Contiguous Land.
( 2 )
Attachments to thiS letter included:
Current State
~as been amended 12
College Area General Plan Map, WhiCh
times through May 31, 1966 to June I,
The City General Plan Map, received February 10,
1986, lndlcatlng under the sectlon entltled "General Plan
Jpdate", amended August, 1984, lncludes through Amendment
The current General Plan Map lndlcatlng under the
oectlon entitled "General Plan Update", amended Aprll,
,986, lncludes through Amendment 86-2;
The East San Bernardino - Hlghland General
~ortlon of the General Plans of San Bernardino
:ounty, adopted December 15, 1975;
Plan - A
City and
Mr. Hodgdon requested that the Old Arrowhead Road
Area as adopted ln the State College Area General Plan be
incorporated lnto the recommendations for the new General
Plan Update for the City of San Bernardlno.
Mr. Hodgdon stated that approxlmately 85% of chlS
communlty is bUllt out wlth about 15% remalnlng, but 100%
)f the attention 1S gOlng to the 15% remaining land and
not to the 85% already bUllt. Of that 85%, much lS
:reeping blight which is hard to address and takes a lot
0f work. The real effort is addressing the 85% and
~oldlng back the deterioratlon.
Mr. Hodgdon stated there has been talk about much
Jrowth in San Bernard1no, but the facts show that in 1987
chere was less than a 5% growth in San Bernardlno and a
11% growth in Ranoho Cuoamonga. The b1g growth has been
ln older homes that have changed hands and are now
multiple family homes. It was hlS oplnlon that the blg
lmpact on the communlty and the School Dlstrlct comes from
the impact of the multl-use ln the older areas. The
maJorlty of the crlme lS not ln the perlmeter and the new
areas. It is in ~he in~ernal, older areas.
R1Ck Lazar, 248 E. Hlghland, San Bernardlno, CA, a
~eal estate broker. was present to represent a client and
:0 address the proposed MH Hlllslde Management
ieslgnation for his cllent's property. He stated that he
- 10 -
felt the MH desrgnatron was rather restrictive rn terms of
allowable density for developers wrshrng to burld in thrs
area. The MH desrgnation allows 2 unrts per acre rn the
_5% grade or less, then as the slopes become more
evere, r tallows vrrtuall y very II ttle, rf any,
<:evelopment, which is overly restrrctrve for hrs clrent's
Mr. Lazar stated that hrs clrent has a rectangular
~lock of 45 acres north of Piemont. south of Hemlock,
'lenerally gorng north to south. Out of the 45 acres there
Rre between 15 and 17 acres whrch have a slope of
Rpproximately 8% - 9% grade. Under the proposed MH
designatron, that would allow only approxrmately 34
Louses. .
Mr. Lazar requested that they be allowed to go under
~he RL designatron whrch would be one to three unrts per
Rcre. They would hope to develop it so that the one to
~hree unrts would go in at the generally 8% grade areas
_eavrng the more severe slopes unbuilt because of the
concerns that have been addressed, If the three un1ts
"llowed were burlt on 15 acres they would have 45 houses
clustered rn the n1ce areas, then leave the less buildable
,-,reas alone.
Mr. Lazar
~n question 1S
Eill. and rs a
answered quest1ons, stating that
1n the area popularly known as
highly desirable area.
the area
Mr. Lazar commended the Plann1ng Department
~hBrr hard work on the proposed General Plan.
he was not questrornng the fact that they are
an EIR and Specific Plan, as he felt that these
chat need to be addressed.
staff for
He stated
are thlnojE.
He also expressed concern about ~he small developer
tryrng to do a nrce development and then frnd1ng the
denslty standards too restrlctive. He stated he didn1t
want to see San Bernard1no lose developments to
nerghbor1ng crties, and the Crty should make it
economrcally feasrble for developments to occur here,
wlthout severe restr2ctions.
Plann1ng D1rector Srracusa answered questions
regarding density, statrng that 1t wrll take severa~
nonths to develop the ordrnance and standards that wrll
address the ~ssue. Planning staff will be worklng wlth
the consultant and the advisory commrttee to establrsh the
~igures. She stated that for this interrm perrod, they
nay be able to set a densrty, but all of the standards
that would go rnto that ordrnance may not be avarlable.
- 11 -
Plannlng Dlrector Siracusa stated If someone wants to
'10 forward with a Speclflc Plan they can propose densltles
,nd the Speciflc Plans could be adopted. Speclflc Plans
are always amendments to the General Plan.
Plannlng Dlrector Slracusa stated that any area 1n
Iilllside Management that wants to proceed ln advance of
~he adoption of the Plan would be able to do that by
:peclflc Plan. At the tlme the Council reVlews the
:~peclfic Plan, a yes or no decision regardlng the density
could be made.
Ms. Siracusa stated that lt 18 lmportant to
understand that the map itself doesn't mean a lot unless
:here are pOlicies that tell how the map wlll be used and
.nterpreted over the next few months by staff, Councll and
he Plannlng CommlSSlon during the time when there is not
Gn offlcial General Plan. This would replace the standards
.,n~ conditlons that the State has lmposed.
The Plannlng Dlrector stated that the Councll may
1Jant to set a cap lndicating denslty thac mlght be
I:onslderably higher than the recommended density. It' E
~alr to set a cap because ~here probably are denslties
~hat the Councll wouldn't want to consider and wouldn't
want to encourage a developer to spend money to do a plan
~hat lS deflnltely over the denslty that would be
Councll Member Rellly made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Miller and unanlmously carrled, to requeEt
chat Plannlng Etatt study what a denslty cap mlght be.
At 11:10 a.m., Councll Member Estrada arrlved at the
Councll Meetlng and took her place at the Councll Table.
John Stubblefleld nad questions regarding the
preparatlon of a Speclflc Plan.
Plannlng Dlrector Slracusa answered questions,
statlng that ln the Hillslde Management area during the
lnterlm period, If a developer wants proceed, he would
have to prepare a Speclflc Plan. She stated lt would be
falr to set a maximum cap for Councll conslderatlon. That
cap would be higher than perhaps would be adopted later in
the foothill management formula wlth all the other
standards. ThlS would glve the developer an opportunlty
-0 propose somethlng withln a range that might be
consldered over the next year.
John Stubblef1eld questloned whether or not the
developer or Clty prepared the Speclflc Plan.
, "
- ..l.":' -
Plannlng Dlrector Slracusa answered questlons,
tating that the developer needs to be the one responslble
cor preparlng the Specific Plan, but there will be an
,lternatlve arrangement whereby the environmental
~econna1ssance lS prepared first by a consultant h1red by
~he City, The C1ty would develop the scope of work that
~as to be addressed In the Spec1flc Plan. The developer
',ould then hlre someone to prepare the Speclfic Plan. The
developer would have to pay the C1ty staff for thelr
~eVlew tlme, but lt would be the developer's Speciflc
?lan. The same envlronmental consultant would complete the
~nvlronmental analysls on the Speclflc Plan ltself, WhlCh
0ives the developer more control of what lS in the Plan
.end yet indicates what the plan has to address ln terms of
8nvlronmental factors.
Councll Member Maudsley made a motlon, seconded by
Louncll Member Reilly and unanlmously carrled. that the
..ear1ng be closed.
Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by
Councll Member Rellly and unanlmously carrled, that the
';acant property located northwesterly of the termlnus of
~terllng Avenue and Foothill Drlve remain RL, wlth 20,000
"quare ft. lots.
Councll Member Maudsley made a motlon, seconded by
Councll Member Rellly and unanlmously carrled, that the
'lacant property located northwesterly of the termlnus of
Davld Way deslgnated RS, ReSldential Suburban remaln MH,
Hillside Management.
At 11: 25 a.m., Councll Member Reilly made a motlon,
Eeconded by Council Member Mlller and unanimously carried,
'hat the meetlng be adjourned to 5:00 p.m., May Ib, 1988,
,11 the Counell Chambers. of Clty Hall, 300 North "D"
~treeti San Bernardlno, Callfornla.
)Jk~ ~~
Deputy Clty Clerk
- 13 -