HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-1988 Minutes
~l~Y of San Bernardino. CalIfornia
May 18, 1988
ThlS lS the tlme and place set for an Adjourned
Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Councll ot the
Clty of San Bernardino at thelr Regular Meeting held
Monday, May 16, 1983, and recessed to Tuesday, May 17.
1988, at 9:04 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall,
~OO North "D" Street, San Bernardino, Californla.
The Clty Clerk has caused to be posted the Notlce of
Adjournment of said meetlng held Tuesday, May 17, 1938,
and has on flle ln the Offlce of tne Clty Clerk an
affldavlt of said postlng together wlth a copy of sald
Notlce WhlCh was posted at 1:00 p.m., on Tuesday, May 17,
1988 I In the '.~~ouncll Chambers of City Hall. 3UG North "D!!
Street, Sa~ Bernardino, CalifornIa_
The Adjourned Regular
Councll of the Clty of San
at _ is p.m., Wednesday,
Chambers of City Hall,
Eernardlno, CalIfornIa.
Meeting of the
Bernardlno was
May 18 I 19 G J !
300 North
Mayor and Common
called to order
1n the Coune l.L
liD" Street.. San
The Invoca.tlon
Executive ASSIstant to
1,..ras q1 ven
the Mayor.
The Pledge of Alleglance was led by Mayor Pro Tempore
Jess. Flores.
Roll Call was taken by the Clty Clerk wlth the
following being present- Mayor Wilcox; Council Members:
Estrada, Reilly. Flores, MaudE.ley! MITh:.:C,. Pope-Ludl.~m,
Mlller: Clty Attorney Penman Clty Clerk Clark, Deputy
:ity Adml:listrator P()bblns. Absent: None.
There wer9 no public c()mments under the PllbllC
comments portion of the agenda.
This 18 the tlme and place set for the flnal pub1le
nearlIlg on the land use alterna~lvss and on the InterIm
- 1 -
POlICY Document, WhlCh are part of the first phase of the
general plan reVlSlon process.
The Mayor opened the publlC hearlng.
Les Dabrltz, Execuclve Dlrector of the San Bernardino
Area Chamber of Commerce, ~ead a letter from Chamber
Presldent Gil Snyder regardlng the land use alternatives
and the Interlm POIICY Document. The letter stated th6t
this process has resulted In the clty havlng to maKe
premature land use declsions mostly because the technical
background documents were six months late. There are
many unanswered questions and the 1nterim plannlng
documents w1ll face substantlal changes because of the
.ack of necessary informat1on.
The letter also requested that the Mayor
[,ake 1t very 01ea1' to the general publlC that
plann1ng documents and land use alternatlves
~nd not flnal documents.
and Council
the lnterlm
are Inter:i.i1i
Glorla Anderson, representlng the League of ;.Jemen
~oters of San Bernardlno. read a statement saYlng that
..and use declslons should protect the overall environment
and be concerned with the quallty of life. She spoke
egarding the adverse effects of growth and the need to
~educe the Job and housin9 imbalances. She also opposed
l:lgh density houslng, especially in the downtown areas,
and buildlng in hazard areas.
Debble UbnosKe of P and D Technolog1es and
~epresentin9 Inland Action, spoke regard1ng a letter from
:nland Action dated May 11, 198n, statIng a concern that
'he Highland and Verdemont Area Plans. along with certa1n
'edevelopment plans, are not be1ng considered 1n the
,.evelopment of a new general plan.
Ed Jacobsen, a member of the Local Government
':ommlttee of the San Bernardino Valley Board of Realtors,
Jresented concerns about ens general plan process and
.ledged the support of the Board for contlrw.ed cooperation
In preparation of the new plan.
Dennls Mart1n, the developer of a multl-fam1ly
~roJect on the west slde of Waterman between Welr and
_ommercial, staced that ln August 1984 he was granted a
:ev1sed CUP, CUP 84-60. In August 1987 he requested an
~xtenslon due to the moratorium. In September he was
:nformed by the Planning Department that the extenslOll
could not proceed until the preferred land use
!lternat1ves were selected, but that the City Attorney had
rendered an opin1on that the proJect would recelve an
iutomatic tlme extenslon. In ~ll Alternatlves Ai B, -,
E, ~nG F the land use alternatIve has not changed from
that WhlCh existed when CUP S4-~O was granted. ThlS delay
tas cost hlffi $35,000 a month to walt. Now he was told
Lnder the current oplnlon of the City Attorneyls OffIce
t~at hlS condltlonal use permlt has explred. Therefore,
t9 would have to start the CUP process allover agaln.
Mr. MartIn recommended
conform to the new land use
be released immediately or
commlttee be adopted.
that proJects that totally
plan b9 recommended to OFR to
that a fast rack or exemptlon
City Attorney Penman responded to Mr. Martln and
offered hlm an opportunlty to see the documentation that
shows thlS declsion was part of the court order. He
stated that only tentatlve maps are automatlcally extended
tut that he would talk to Plannlng and OFR regardlng
grandfathering prOV1Slons.
W. R. Holcomb. 505 North Arrowhead Avenue. spoke on
behalf of property owners of flve acres on Tippecanoe on
the east slde adjacent to the Santa Ana wash. He stated
he has had no response and no dlalogue from Plannlng on
his requests that this parcel be deslgnated for hea7Y
~ndustry. He also explained why heavy industry is better
for a city: hlgher taxes. hlgher wages, etc. He talked
regardlng the speciflcs of the property and explalned why
he felt that these five acres are ldeal for heav~
Mr. Holcomb also complalned that Plannlng
never been able te artlculate one good reason
property is not recommended f()r heavy industry.
sU,ff has
why thIS
The Mayor asked staff fer a response.
Plannlng Dlrector Slraeusa seated that the Flannlng
Department has no obJectlon to carrYlng the heavy
lndustrial ln that area over to the flve acres as leng ~3
it does not abut any reSIdentIal.
DaVId LeWIS, repreEenclng SaIl Bernardino County Flood
;ontrol Dlstrlct, requested that flood control property
located adjacent to the ~uto ,:eIlter be retaIned 1n tne
~ommerclal deslgnatlon set forth ln Alternatlve E. He
3tated that Planning staffls recommendatlons at the first
public hearing came as a surprise as they were opposite
frGm the CAe's ~nd P1211111ng CommIssIon's recommendatIon.
Mr. LeW1S dlstrlbuted a document from Leighten and
.'.ssoclates, elititled: "Update Report ef Fault
Investlgatlen for Existlng Recharge BaSlns between Orange
Show Road and r,.larm Creek" CIty c.'t San Bernardino'l. Ht-~
- J -
explained the report and stated that the llllet3 ~o the
channel come from tne Auto Center Drlve facility and from
a channel that will be resolved through the development
review process. He added that hIS Information wi~l be
confirmed by Mike Walker, DIrector oi TransportatIon and
Flood Control, for addltlonal support.
Mr. Lewis presented a map showing the relatlonshlp of
the channel to the surrounding uses.
Ann Siracusa, PlannIng Director, stated that staff
wanted to be sure the detalled envlronmental work was done
prior to the change to a commerclal designatlon Slnce the
envlronmental work on the plan ltself will not be as
detaIled as it needs to be. Slle recommended thIS renlain
In flood plaln management untll completion of the
envlrOllmental work.
Council Member Estrad~ requested the record show the
receipt of a letter dated May 17, 1988, from Trl Clty
Corporate Center, 485 Carnegie Drlve, San Bernardino. The
letter stated that Trl-Cltj"S overall master plan has
always been a mixed use plan showlng hotel, restaurant,
research and development, retall and office uses, and
seated that it lS extremely crltical and necessary that
the zonlng for Tri-City Corporate Center have enough
fleXlbllity to allow the contlnued maturaClon of the mlxed
use concept.
~he Planning Director suggested
set aside until all testlmony has
:lme, the Plannlng Department wlll
forth with their recommendatlons.
that thlS request be
been heard at which
be prepared ~o come
Ruth Greenwood, 1391 Andreas, owner of property
across the street from Seccombe Lake, questloned why thlS
property lS being recommended for hlgh denslty
reSidentIal. As she purchased this property deSIgnated
commerCIal, sne l"equested that It remain that way.
Jess Jacquet, 1773 West 20th Street. Presldent of the
20th Street Homeowners ASSOclation, recommended chat :ti8
Mayor and Council deslgnate areas wlthln the growth
pattern for" schools 30 that the property would not 116ve to
te condemned at a later date.
Larry Claunch 248B Third Avenue. Muscoy, obJected to
a proposed houslng development ln the area and requested
~ore upscale housing for the Muscoy area.
Mr. James Carr.
:alifornla, owner of J.M.C.
Tract 13274 referred to
7101 Cambria Circle, Orange,
Development and the bUllder of
by Larry Claunch, stated he
- ~ -
appeared before the Council on Aprll 26 a~ which tlme the
flannlng staff recommended an RS deslgnatlon and the
Councll adopted It. On April 23, 1988, he went to the
~oratoriuffi Exemptlun Comffilttee and found to h1S surpC1se
t~at a group of homeowners was present to appeal the
frO]ect. Several lssues were raised by surrounding
Iroperty owners.
Mr. Carr addressed each of the lssues and explained
tow the tract met all the requlrements of the City. Also,
l.e has rece1ved a letter from the school distrlct statlng
tue dlstr1ct can support the proJect. He added that all
~ots in the project are larger than the 200 units to the
[outh and the lots are 7900 square feet. Th1S lS not a
lustom home area. It 1S for econoffilcally priced hous1ng.
Mr. Carr stated he made agreements with the Clty to
lrovide an overslzed sewer line to serVlce the area to the
Lorth and he w1ll be putting lt ln, but this is the flfth
time thlS project has been before ehe Planning Department
bnd City Councll. It has been approved and reapproved for
1~-1-7200 and meets and exceeds the design standards for
the City. He stated he does not buy the argument that
~_ingle famlly houses are not compatlble with single famlly
Louses, especlally Slnce hlS. proJect has larger lots.
John Nuslal. 15010 Avenue of SClence, SUlte 105 San
Liego. was present to represent Henry Bickler and the
Eawley famlly who are t.he owners of property Just north of
~handin Hills Golf Course. He requested that a parcel of
vacant land at the northern end of Bond Street be
~edesignated with PRD standards Wh1Ch would permit the
clusterlng of UlutS. He requested that a 46 Ulllt
"up lex-type proJect, approved In 1980, be approved for
~esubmittal. The previous map explred because of
Musial spoke regarding the benefits of the
a luxury development. mltlgatlon of a dra1nage
a secondary emergency access co the north, and a
that would be conslstent wlth what was approved
~'roJect. :
1.3nd use
The Planning ~lrectQr stated that staff has no
problem with the request.
Susan Bemis, 4 Upper Newport
representing Tarnutzer Compan1es,
property at the sc~~heast corner
Plaza, Newport Bs~ch,
spoke regarding their
of Highland and Del
- :.J
Ms. Bemls explalned the development hlstory of the
property and requested that lt be deslgnated commerclal to
allow the development or a SlX to eight theatre complex.
Sne spoke regarding her contacts wlth Planning staff WhlCh
g3ve her all the information for a commercial project and
on the day before she was to go for development review
called her and told her that the proJect was belng
recommended for a medium reSIdentIal deSIgnatIon. She
urged the Council to retaIn commercial zuning as she has a
slgned lease with a theatre operator and the resldential
WIll not penci~ out.
Dr. Judith Rymer, 2405 Shasta Drive, San BernardIno,
representing Cal State San Bernardino! spoke regarding the
development preferences of the University, illcluding
slngle family development, a mOVle theatre, and
professional offIces. She spo~e regarding the need to
follow an overlay zone for the Universlty Area and stated
tnat additlonal apartments, convenlence stores or a rast
food restaurant wlll not enhance the area.
She obJected to plans for a fast food restaurant at
the southeast corner of Kendall and University Drive as
the entrance to the campus is not approprlate for a fast
food restaurant and suggested that an upscale restaurant
or coffee shop be put In, ~n lts place.
David Henck, 26210 Clrcle Drlve, Lake Arrowhead,
stated that he is the owner of the property at 40th and
Johnson WhlCh has received a flood control recommendation
and does not understand the reason for this,
Ann Siracusa, Plannlng Dlrector, stated that thlS
correctIon had been missed on the map ~nd the change would
be made.
Kirk S. Garvin; 370 West Sixth Street, Suite 215
and B1Shop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
SaInts, spoke regardIng church property. The church has a
:riangular parcel on the south side of Northpark WhlCh was
crlglnally deslgnated 83. He stated the church plans a
$3,000,000 facility on that parcel and is concerned about
tIle :olllng designati(~~.
The Planning Dlrector stated that all churches
requlre a conditional use permit but are permItted ln any
zone distrlct.
W. R. Holcomb, 505 North Arrowhead
dlstrlbuted a parcel map shOWIng a parcel west
parcel owned by the church mentioned by Mr. Garvin
~e stated he agreed WIth the Council that there
many apartments in the Unlverslty area but the
of the
are too
needed to look at the issue of good planning. The parcel
In questlon is presently zoned R3 but has a recommended
interIm land use desIgnatIon of RI. He stated that thlS
15 a small slIver of land; too small for an RI
Mr. Holcomb requested that the Plannlng staff be
requlred to artlculate thelr reasons for downzonlng thlS
parcel to R1 and support thelr reasons with necessary
Mr. Valdean Watson, 2295 Mesqulte Drlve, spoke 1n
support of the church proposed on the south slde of North
Park Boulevard and requested the Councll give this parcel
the zone that would facllltate ltS development as a
Dorlan Johnson, Block Bros. and Marlborough
Levelopment Corporatlon 2029 Century Park E, #1550, Los
Angeles, spoke regardlng a four acre parcel at the
northwest corner of Bond and Llttle Mountaln Drive.
Gpposlte the golf course, west of existing multIfamIly
residentlal, and contiguous to an Rl development,
Mr. Johnson stated that this parcel has been
designated RL under the current land use alternatlve which
IS less dense than the existIng residentIal to the north.
Orlglnally this parcel was developed for a commerclal use
and requested that a commerclal designatlon for office use
be considered for that property, which would make lt
conslstent wlth the use across the street. He added that
the owner of the golf course concurred that commerc1al
~ould be the prefererltial use for that property.
Plannlng Dlrector Slracusa stated this property has
teen designated RL throughout the General Plan reVIsion
process, but that thlS particular reques~ was not
discussed specifically by the CAe c1r the ':ommlSS1()n.
Steve Pleasant, eM EngineerIng, 225 E. AIrport Dr"lVe,
San Bernardino, was present to represent the owne~~ 0f
property on the northwest corner of Kendall Drlve and
Unlverslty Parkway. He stated he supported the land use
deslgnatlon of MU as set forth on the present map and
stated that as he embraced the concerns of the University
that the development proposed wlll include upscale office,
commerclal and restaurant uses desired by the University.
Mr. Pleasant answered quest lonE of the
regarding the amount of gr~dlng to be done on the
snd stated that the commerclal wlll be elevated a
few feet
7 -
and set back to elImInate the gradIng of the hill. The
hill provides a nice backdrop for the development. Parklng
will be screened and the hill WIll not be graded.
Joy Kolstad, 1542 Indian Trail, San Bernardino, a
nember of the San Bernardino Valley Homeowners Coalition,
spoke in oppositIon to: the Ilmit on the amount of time
glven to her. the surplus of apartment units in the City
of San Bernardlno, the adverse effects of poorly managed
growth in the City, the deterioration of public serVlces,
impacts on traffic clrculation, lack of responsible fiscal
il:anagement, and the lac,: of a Cl ty library in the State
College area. Ms. Kolstad also stated that the Interim
~olicies were hurriedly put together without suffIcIent
tIme for reVlew.
Ms. Kolstad gave a lengthy presentation about her
perceptions of problems within the PlannIng Department
concerning the processing of applications. She explained
the deflnltions of "deemed complete" and "deemed
:.nccmplete" . She ':lave statistics on the number ()f
cpplications in the Planning Department that have been
deemed complete without thorough review by the Planning
] epartment.
Planning Director Siracusa responded to the charges
~ade by Joy Kolstad, stating that there are proJects
subJect to the permIt streamlining act and others are not.
Ehe said that 25 proJects out of the 89 listed by Ms.
rols-tad are not subject to the lIdeemed complete" issue.
The Planning DIrector explained the state law on
"deemed complete", Deeming something complete under "the
[tate law means the PlannIng Department cannot compel a
I:eveloper to give additlonal information for the
<oppllcatlon other than InformatIon that is required by
I~EQA. It also starts the clock ticking and gives Planning
a certain amount of time to process a proJect Wlth a
negatIve declaratIon. Flnal action must be taken within
six months from the date a proJect is deemed complete.
For a project with an EIR. it's ~welve months.
The Plannlng Dlrector added that in most cases the
developers voluntarily extend the timing by agreeing to
provlde additIonal information requested by Planning.
The Planning Director also stated that in lOOKIUS
Into the complaint from Ms. Kolstad, she did flnd a number
of projects for which the ~o days had lapsed without
?lanning sendIng a letter notifying complete or incomplete
ind added that her staff has been spoken to on thIS
];,atter. As of this. date there are 50 proJects whIch are
:eemed complete but she stated she could not tell the
- 8 -
Council how many
many were deemed
they needed.
of those had lapsed the 30 days and how
complete because Planning had everything
The Plannlng Director answered questions.
At 7:35 p.m., Mayor Wilcox ordered a ten minute
At 8:00 p.m., the AdJourned Regular Meeting of the
Mayor and Council of the City of San Bernardino reconvened
in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D"
Street, San Bernardino, California.
Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the
followlng being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members
reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Mlnor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; City
Clerk Clark, Deputy City Admlnlstrator Robbins. Absent:
Council Member Estrada, City Attorney Penman.
Norma Archie, 1902 West 15th Street,
Flanning CommlSSloner Gome: of the First
for reconsideration on project 87-64 for
three story apartments in the Sixth Ward.
questioned why
Ward is asking
constructlon of
Mayor Wilcox suggested
~rom the First Ward was not
held over for her return.
that as
the Council Member
that this matter be
Planning Director SIracusa stated that Commlssioner
(~omez had requested a reconsideration on the proJect and
.t was voted down, but the applicant had appealed the
vroJect to the Council. The proJect will be before the
(.ouneil on June 20. 1988.
Jeff Blakkolb, 820 Vista Drive; San Bernardino, was
present to represent hlmself and four neighbors. He
suggested that the hillslde management p~an be enlarged to
hlS area to prevent h1gh density hous1ng on Little
At 8:08 p.m., Council Member Estrada and Clty
Attorney Penman returned to the Council Table.
Johnnie Johnson,
~o represent Pauline
desterly part of the
adjacent to Devore.
2736 Lakeslde, Orange; was present
Faut who owns 148 acres 1n the
Verdemont Area. The property 1S
- 9 -
Mr. Johnson stated he is aware of the improvement
needs for the area and requested that the entire 148 3cres
te deslgnated the same as on the Verdemont Plan so that
t:1E econOffilCS of the development would support the
Frank Tracadas, 4150 North liE" Street, 3an
Bernardino. spoke about the piece of property on the north
slde of Kendall. Just east of ?"tlm. and south of Cable
Creek. Mr. Tracadas stated that because the property lS
long and narrow lt is not feaslble for RE and requested RM
or F;TJ.
Charles Schultz of Reld and Hellyer, 599 North
Arrowhead. spoke regarding the Cable Lakes property WhlCh
is bounded by 1-215, Little League Drive, Cable LaKes
channel and the bluffs. He stated that the property has
Pes-7 zoning (per the Verdemont Plan). He stated that lt
was his understanding that the Councll acted recently to
change the proposed Interlm Policy Plan from MFP
floodplain management, to RS wlth a speciflc plan and
that the speclfic plan process be followed prlor to the
development of the property.
Mr. Schultz stated that they have received approval
of the tentative tract on and the condltional use permit,
and that they believe that they have the right to proceed
wlth development. He added that the problems wlth traffic
and flooding are addressed ln the conditions of the CUP
and that in order to make a project in the area profltable
and acceptable, substantial flood control channels must be
P'-1t In.
Schultz asked the Mayor to
grandfathering policy in
would permit this project to
clarlfy whether the
the Interlm POI1CY
Planning Director Siracusa stated that the way the
glau~~.therlng policles are presently written, if a
project has an active condltional use permit. a reVlew of
plans approval, or tentative tract and lt is still wlthln
lts active perlod. then lt would be permltted to develop
under the rules that were in effect on April ~~ :988.
Under the condltions of OPR and as of Aprll 22, 1988.
north of the 1l1inell tracts of lO,dOO or grea+.::er were
permitted to develop.
Clty Attorney Penman stated that the grandfatherlng
lS a suggestion by staff that he has some legal concerns
about and he would like co talk to the people at OPR and
get back to the Councll on that issue.
- 10 -
Attorney Schultz presented further concerns about a
Planning Depar~ment recommendation that a consultant be
trred to do a specific plan for rnfrastructure and
Jmprovements in ~he Verdemont area. He felt that this
Ihould be under~aken at thrs ~ime. but as part of the
1inal general plan. The cost of hiring a consultant would
2dd further frnancial impact to development of the area,
bnd an additional consultant would place a tremendous
burden on the City of San Bernardrno.
John Lrghtburn. P. O. Box 1622. San Bernardino
~2402, was present to represent Chuck King and Associates
relatrve to two preces of property. one adjacent to
Lrttle League Drrve, above Palm, and the other on Kendall
bt Pine Street. He expressed his concern that the new map
shows the frrst parcel at RL which would not allow them to
have a viable proJect, and the other parcel on Kendall at
~S. He stated that it was hrs understanding from the May
:2, IS88, meetrng, that RU was berng approved for the two
~arcels he represents.
Mr. Lightburn stated that the property was originally
~oned in the Verdemont plan as Res 14 after a great deal
(;f public iIlput. He added that it seemed to be the wisdom
,f the people involved at that trme that Res 14 would
provide the proper buffer next to the freeway.
Mr. Lrghtburn stated they supported the comprehensrve
public improvement plan recommended for the area, and
Explained at length why he felt that his property. which
Las a great deal of frontage, should be given an RU
The City Clerk responded to a request that the matron
wf May 12. 1988, be clarrfied as rt pertarns to the
~arcels represented by Mr. Llghtburn. The matron took 45
mrnutes as it covered the entire Verdemont area. The
lilotlon concerning the two parcels owned by Mr. Kin9 was
pot clear because although the maker. Councrl Member
~strada stated that the property should be RD, the other
Flembers of the Council responded with "no apartments".
with that response those parcels were not addressed again,
so the final decision was unclear.
Planning staff and the consultant answered questions
~egarding the feasibility of developing the parcel RS or
~L. The Planning Director stated that staff needs to take
2nother look at the parcels and come back to the Councrl
~ith a final recommendation.
Members of the Council explarned
rotrng for May 12. 1988, concernIng these
ard that RS was their preference for both
wha t the~/
- 11 -
John Lightburn requested RU wIth a PRD requirement.
He rSlterated that RS would nOL be economically feasible
and the PPD would still provIde for detached single family
The CouncIl discussed a PRD deSIgnatIon for thIS
David Mlynarski. 501 North Placentla, Fullerton, was
present to represent MDI Corporatlol,. He addressed page
12 of the Interim Polley Document which sets forth the
grandfather policy, and recommended that the cutoff date
in the grandfather policy be changed from April 22, 1988,
tJ June 11, 1988. WhICh IS the date that OPR wIll approve
cr disapprove the InterIm Policy Document.
The Planning Director stated that the April 22 date
w~s chosen because it was the fIrst hearIng date and that
would stop a rush from developers who would submit theIr
frojects to PlannIng and pressure Planning to deem them
complete out of order. That date is strIctly arbitrary and
the June 11th date would also be a leg1tImate date.
Mr. MlynarsKI also presented concerns about the
proposed Infrastructure plan. With the changes in staff
and land use designations, it has been difficult to
develop thIS area. He added he would like to work with
CIty staff on the improvement plan If he could be directed
to someone on City staff to carry this program forward.
Mr. Mlynarsk1 stated he 1nterpreted the motIon of
May 12, 1988, as Council Member Estrada directlng staff to
take the Verdemont plan, absent any apartments. and
provide an overlay represellting the current land use
designations which the staff and consultant are USIng In
lieu of existing land use designation. He added he dC)9S
not believe that staff correctly interpreted the motion.
as evidenced by the map on the wall which shows incorrect
deSIgnations. He has a project that was deemed consistent
with the Verdemont plan, but the map on the wall IS not
conSIstent WIth the Verdemont plan.
Plannlng Director Siracusa concurred that the illap
was Incorrect and stated that in rechecking the map there
is an area that should show go from 14,400 to 20 000 sq
feet and the legend needs to be corrected.
The Mayor and Councll discussed the procedure for the
rest of the meetIng and the tIme constraints that they
face 1n terms of mee~lng the deadlIne fer submittlng the
document to OPR.
- l~ ~
Mayor Wilcox suggested ~hat as many of
were heard before, that the time limlt for
reduced from five minutes to one ffilnute
cae-half minutes.
the speakers
speakers be
or one and
Council Member Pope-Ludlam left the Council Table.
Councll Member Mlller made a
Councll Member Reilly, that the time
set at one and one-half minutes.
motlon, seconded by
limit for speakers be
The Council asked the audlence how they felt about
the time llmlt.
Helen Kopczynski stated that she felt that those who
have no new information should be limited, but as she has
new information she wanted the full five minutes.
The motion carrled by the following vote:
Councll Members Estrada. Rellly, Flores. Maudsley.
N~es: Council Member Minor. Absent: Councll
Glen Gipson, 6495 Palm Avenue, spoke regarding the
Citizens Advlsory Committee which met as often as four
times per week and took as much tlme as they felt
necessary to corne up wlth the RE land use deslgnatlons In
the Verdemont area. He seated that the area is not vacant
land, but includes h~mes on one acre parcels. On about
730 acres, there are 125 homes complete and four under
Helen Kopczynski, 3150 Cable Canyon. stated that the
Councll's action of May 12. 1988. relntroduclng the
Verdemont Area Plan was a travesty. She complalned that
the recommendations of the CAC and Planning Commission
were ignored and stated that she would record the
lllegalities In the Verdemont plan that did not meet
environmental impact requirements.
Ms. Kopczynskl gave a lengthy presentation of her
concerns about the general plan revlsion process and flaws
In the Verdemont Area Plan.
City Attorney Penman responded to Ms. Kopczyns~l's
complalnts about the process. He stated that there has
been a lot of confusion about the Interlm Policy Document.
It lS a draft of the general plan accord1ng to OPR and it
1S not subject to CEQA by law. The Government Code
- 13 -
provides for the Director of OPR to give extensions based
upon terms and the Interlm POI1CY Document is a term
:mposed on the Clty. The EIR wlll be part of the final
~;eneral plan process.
James White. P. O. Box 10129 Newport Beach, owner of
Sunflower Propertles. stated that he has lost over
S500.000 by having hlS property conflscated by the City of
San Bernardlno and he has no way to recover it. He stated
he has contributed a lot of easements to the City for new
I'ine Avenue and without his partlcipation it would not
,'xist. He also requested that since he has not been given
enough time to explain his case. that the Council recelve
hnd return any calls made to them by him during the
upcoming weekend.
Sara Regan, 924 Oceanfront, Balboa. representing
Jordan Miller, construction lender on the project
ffientioned by James White, gave the costs of making the
necessary improvements for new Pine. The property is not
llense enough to support single family development nor lS
~t economically feasible to provide the improvements
hithout the multiple family ~oning. She added that the
1111 at the back of the property screens the proposed
.:partments from existlng single family residential.
Ms. Regan questioned the grandfathering provisions of
~he Interim Policy Document.
Clty Attorney Penman stated he did not have an answer
:0 her speciflc questions wlthout checking with OPR.
David Burdlck, owner of property on Mill Street
~etween Arrowhead and Waterman Avenue, and recommended XU
..r CH at least 300 feet back from Mill Street.
The Planning Director stated thlS
~Ieen restudied by staff and she
recommendations for this meeting,
recommending heavy commercial for part
an area that has
has handwritten
She Wlll be
of this area.
Sharon Smith, 6260 Palm Avenue, stated she dld not
concur with all homeowners who want one acre lots and the
?ecple surrounding her have no objections to 10r800 square
foot lots but the intention of the people around them is
to sell at least one-half acre lots because developlng
thelr indlvldual parcels into four or three lS not
feasible. She added that the cost of pavlng a Clty
street is a big hardship on an acre lot and pointed out
:he need to be able sell off a one-half acre and they have
~o reason to plow weeds. People ride horses down their
Lots and there is no reason to clean up after o~her
~eoplets horses.
- 14 -
Arnold Stubblefield 2258 Bradford Avenue, Highland.
s~ated he was present at ~hlS meeting because it was hlS
vnderstanding that the standards for development of the
tillsides would be decided at thlS flnal hearlng. He also
requested that the Council adopt the Planning Commission's
recommendation for Mountaln Shadows as set forth on
Alternatlve Map D.
The Mayor explained to Mr. Stubblefleld that due to
the amount of publlC testimony the Council wlll be unable
to complete the adoption of the standards at this meeting.
The Council discussed whether or not the public
hearing portion of the meeting should be closed.
Clty Attorney Penman explained thelr optlons.
At 9:26 p.m.. Council Member Miller made a motlon.
seconded by Councll Member Escrada and unanimously
carried. that the public hearing be closed.
The Mayor and Council dlscussed the need to hold
additional meetings in order to take action area by areal
and whether or not to stay and complete those actlons or
to recess to another date. It was agreed to take 3 short
recess and come back to complete the actlons.
At 9:40 p.m.. Mayor Wilcox called for a flfteen
rnnute recess.
At 9:55 p.m., the Adjourned Regular
Mayor and Common Council of the Clty of
reconvened ln the Council Chambers of Clty
"D" Street, San Bernardlno, California.
Meeting of the
San Bernardlno
Hall, 300 North
R01~ ~qll was taken by the Clty Clerk with the
followlng belng present: Mayor wilcox; Council Members
Estrada, Reilly, Flores. Maudsley, Mlnor, Pope-Ludlam,
Miller; City Attorney Penman Clty Clerk Clark. Deputy
City Administrator Robbins. Absent: None.
Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded c:-
:ouncil Member Miller and unanlmously carrled, that the MU
for the Tri City Commercenter Area lnclude llght
lndustrial, offlce commercial, and general commerclal;
- 15 -
that in the Southpolnte area, ~he portlon deslgnated RM be
changed to RU but with the 5000 square foot mlnlmum lot
Slze; and that the IH on the east side of TIppecanoe
edjacent to the Santa Ana Wash, be apprcved.
(Area No.2)
The Planning Director presented her recommend3tiaI1S
for the areas along South Waterman up to Pialto Avenue.
She recommended that the frontages along Waterman Avenue
from the Santa Ana wash to Fifth Street be MI] WIth IL, CG,
and CO with a caveat that there needs to be deep setbacks.
heavy landscaping along Waterman and llmltations on types
cf commerclal and amount of commercial allowed, in or'det"
to avold strip centers.
The PlannIng DIrector answered questIons of the
Councrl regardlng the adult-only commerclal users wlthln
this area and stated thc)se would be restricted to heavy
commercIal under the policies.
could be
Tescher of Envicom also answered questlons
adult businesses. He stated their locatlons
controlled by settlng distances between
bUSInesses and other types of bUSInesses.
The Plannlng Dlrector pOlnted out that ultimately
each city has to have a zone for adult-only buslnesses.
The Council expressed concerns about the
concentratlon of adult-only buslnesses in one area of the
The PlannIng DIrector recommended the implementation
Gf an overlay district for the airport landing zone.
slde of
PlannIng Director stated that along the
Mill Street west of Waterman to Sierra Way.
staff is recommending heavy commercial
what IS developed there.
On the south sIde of Mill Street. west of Watennan to
Arrowhead, the staff is recommendlng heavy commerclal back
from the MU along Waterman.
The Planning Director answered questions regardIng
:he recommendations for the Waterman, Mill area. She
recommended heavy commercial for Sierra Way and Arrowhead
between Mill and Rialto for the interim, but stated the
area needs a block by block analysls.
- 16 -
Mayor Wilcox questioned this recommendation.
The Planning Director explained her recommendation
\h1Ch 1S based on the ffilX of light industrial and heavy
(offimerclal users in the area. The area is so mixed it is
~ difficult area to label. The only alternat1ve to this
~s to deslgnate the entire area MU.
The Council expressed concerns about having such a
~arge area designated MU.
The Planning Director suggested taking the MU down
the frontages and designating the balance IL.
After discussion, Council Member Estrada made a
notion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously
carried, to designate MU along the frontages (both sldes)
cf Sierra Way and Arrowhead Avenue, between Rialto Avenue
"nd Mill Street and the balance of that "rea north of Mlll
above the heavy commercial on Mill) lS to remain IL. The
I,U includes IL, ':8; and CH.
(Area 2)
Council Member Flores made a mot1on, seconded by
Council Member Reilly and unan1mously carried, that the
?lood Control District property adjacent to the auto
center (near Orange Show Road) be designated CG if there
"re no significant environmental impacts.
Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by
~ouncil Member Re1lly and unanimously carried, that the
,ittle finger of land which is designated IL be cut off to
I.ake a straight Ilne and the little finger north of the
~lley be designated CG like the rest of the area and south
,f the alley be designated RS.
Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by
.ounc1l Member Reilly and unanlmously carried. that the
00rtion that is south of Rialto Avenue bordered by a flood
:ontrol channel on the east and the ra1lroad tracks on the
1est. south to Walnut, remain IH for the wrecking yard on
~alnut, and that the rest of the area be des1gnated IL
.xcept as follows: east from the wrecking yard, designate
:he existlng mob1le home park RU and the balance of the
~xisting residential RS (near Belleview and Congress
- 17 -
Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by
Councll Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, that the
the area north of Mill, east of Rancho from Chestnut to
Macy where there are slngle famlly resldences that go
torth on Macy and east on Chestnut for about three or four
lots, be designated RS to conform to the eXlsting
residentlal, and the balance remain as designated: RU.
COUDCll Member Rellly made a motion, seconded by
Councll Member Estrada and unanlmously carried, that the
east side of "D" Street from Eighth Street north to the
south 11ne of the proposed CG along Base Line Street be
changed from RS to CG to reflect eXlsting commercial uses
1n an area that is presently 95% commercial; and that the
MU designatlon be extended to include the following
property, (RS to MU): beginning at the lntersectlon of 7th
Street and Pershing Avenue to the south line of 8th
Street, thence west to the west line of Arrowhead Avenue,
thence north 200+ feet, then west to the east (rearl
property 11nes. of those lots facing "D" Street.
Council Member Rellly made a motlon, seconded by
Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carr1ed, that the
west one-half of the south half of the block between
Wabash and Gilbert bounded on the west by Parkslde be
changed from from RS to CHC except those slngle family
lots facing Wabash are to remain R3 (existing use: Senior
C1tizen Congregate Care); and the east one-half of the
south half of the block between Wabash and Gilbert be
changed from RS to RM except those single family lots
faclng onto Wabash and Pepper Tree Lane are to rBmaln RS.
eA1sting use: newly constructed large apartment
Planning Director Siracusa spoke regarding a parcel
in Area No. 3 an tIle corner of Waterman and Rialto
Avenues, eAtendlng from Meadowbrook, which 1S designated
on the commlssion's plan as RMH and stated there has been
a lot of concern expressed about having higher denslty
apartments in that area. She stated that she does not
have a recommendation but she is concerned about the
deslgnatlon 1n that area.
After discussion the Planning Dlrector recommended
RMH on the existing high rises and RU for the periphery.
- 18 -
councll Member
,;xlstlng high
~he balance be
Member Estrada made a motlon, seconded
Reilly and unanin1c)usly carried, that
denslty resldentlal be designated RMH
deslgnated RU.
At 10:40 p.m., Councll Member Pope-Ludlam made a
motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously
carried, that the meeting adjourn to Monday, May 23, 1988,
at 9:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300
Horth "D" St.reet, San Bernardino, California.
/' City Clerk
:10 Items: I
No Hours: 5hrs40min
- 19 -