HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-04-1988 Minutes Clty of San Bernardlno, Callfornla . May 4, 19(j6 Thls lS the tlme and place set for an AdJourned .(egular Meetlng of the Mayor and Common Councll of the :lty of San Bernardlno at thelr Regular Meetlng held on Monday, May 2, 1988, at 9:03 a.m., In the Councll Chambers of Clty Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardlno, -::a.llfornla. The Clty Clerk has caused to be posted the Notlce or adJournment at sald meetlng held Monday, May 2, 19b8, at 9:03 a.m., and has on flle ln the otflce of the Clty Cler~ an aftidavlt of sala postlng together wlth a copy at sale ~otlce WhIch was posted at 4:3l) p.m., on Tllesday, May .J, 1~8(j, In the Councll Chamt,ers ()f Clty Hall. ::.(JO North "D" .3treet, San Bernardlno, CalIfornIa. The AdJourned RegUlar Meetlng of the Mayor and Common ;ouncll of the CIty of San Berrlardlno was called co order" by Mayor Wllcox at 9:1~ a.m., May 4, 1968, In the CounCll Chambers ~ CIty Halll 3UU North \10" Stree-c, ;~an Bernardlno, Callfornla. . INVOCATION The InvocatIon was gIven by F1111 Arvlzo. ExeCU~lve Asslstant to the Councll. PLEDGE OF ALLbGlANCE The Pledge of AllegIance was led bv CounCIl Member Flores, R\)LL CALL Roil Sall was taken by Deputy Clty Clerk Reese wlth the fOllowlng be Lng present: Mayor WllCOX: CounCll Members Est.ra,da, Fellly, Fl.ores, Maudsley i HlHor, Pope-Ludlam, Mlller; Sr. Asslstant Clty Attorney BarlOW, Depu~y CIty Clerk Reese, Deputy Clty AdmlIlls~rator Robblns. Absent: Nme. PUELI: COl1MENTS There were no publlC commenLS. IAi . FIRE STATION IN TRl-CITY CORPORATE COMPLEX - AP2RCVAL OF CHANGE CRDSR Nt). FIVE In a memorandum datea Aprll ~I, 19dd. Roger Hardgrave, 0lrector of PubliC WorKs/Clty 2nqlneer, explaIned the cequest for Ctiange (!rder No. Flve to the contract wltn !1a.rtln J-aska. Inc., statlfli] ~.n;_1.t tbe Flre Department rias requested tha~ a 5,OOU gallon underground fuel storage tank De lIlstalletl at tile SIte ()t the Flre Statlon In tilE rrl-Clty ComplEX =~ a cost of $44)997. ThIS tanK wll~ 1. - j-4-~_;>ij . ellmlnate the need to take flre equlpment 3tatlon tc otner statlons to refuel, thereby efflclency and equlpment avallablllty. f rom tin s ImprOVIng (1) Roger Hardgrave, DIrector of Public WOrkS!Clty Englneer, answered questlons. statlng that durlng the deslgn of the proJect the Fire Department had requested a fuel storage tanK. but there were not sufflclent tunds. ~nd was not Included In the proJect. He stated there If ~bout $38.300 left In the contlngency fund. Deputy CIty Admlnlstrator Robblns answered questIons. statlng that In a natural dlsaster the tank could be usen :0 refuel other vehIcles. Roger Hardgrave. DIrector of PublIC Works/CIty Englneer/ answered questIons, statIng that no more mODles ~an come Gut ot the Assessment Distrlc~ to tund thlS. Deputy Clty Admlnlstrator 3tatlng that the dlfference of the fuel storage tank would budget. Robblns answered questlons. approxlmately $0.097.00 for come out of this year's . Counc~l Member Mau~ls1ey made a nlotlcll. seconded by Souncll Member Flores and unanlmously carried. that Cnange Order No. FIve to the contract with Martln Jaska. Inc.. for the construction of a FIre Statlon at Trl-Clty Complex, In accordance wlth Plan No. 7270. be approved; authorlzlng the contractor to lnstall a 5.000 gallon underground ille1 storage ta!lK, for an Increase in contract prlce of $44,~97.0:". frc.\n $hib.6'o'U.UO to $833.687.00. RES. Jb-1J~ - RESOLGTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO HOVEY ELEC- TRIC. INC. FOR INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT MILL AND "G" STREET. FAU PR03ECT NO. MG-Hf)57lG) (2) Deputy Clty Clerk Reese read the tltle of the resolutlon. Councll Member Mlller made a motlon, seconded by Councll Member Flores and unanlmously carrled, tnat turther readlng of the resolutlon De walved. Councll Member Estrada made a motIon, seconded by ;ouncll Member Flores, that sald resolutlon De adopted. COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER EXCUSED Councll Member Mlller left the CounclI Meetlng. . c.-4-8ti I . Resolutlon No. ee-1J9 was vote: Ayes Councll Members Maudsley, Mlnor. Pope-Ludlam. Councll Member Mlller. adopted Estrada. Noes: by the followlng Rellly. Flores, None. Absent; COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER RETURNED Councll Member Mlller returned to the Councll Meetlng and took her place at the Counell Table. HISPANIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - CINCO DE MAYO FESTIVAL - REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES FOR PERMITS AND SERVICES - URGENCY MATTER - CONTINUED FROM MAY .2, 1988 ThlS lS the tlme and place eonslderatlon of walvlng the fees for provlded by the Clty for the Clnca de contlnued to tor permlts and serVlces Mayo Festlval. At the meetlng of the Mayor and Common Councll held C)n May 2, 198b. authorlzatlon was gIven to appropriate 11S.00U from Account No. 00I-U92-S3030 for the Clnco de Mayo aetlvltles. wlth che understanding that the money would be replaced by che Flne Arts Commisslon when that process lS changed and the procedure lS set up for the funds to come back from the FlnB Arts Commlsslon for tnat purpose. . The matter of walving fees for permlts 3!ld serVlces was contlnued to May 4, 1983, because the llst of the proposed fees was not available at that tIme. In a memorandum dated May 3. 19Bd Annle Ramos, Director of Parks, RecreatIon & CommunIty SerVIces; presented the request of the Inland Emplre Hlspanlc ':hamter of :~(Jrnmel~ce for the use of Plaza Park 1 Mt. Vernon Avenue between 17th and Vlctorla Streets, for the Annual .:lDCO de Mayo Fiesta. The use of La Pla~a Park requ~res the use of Clty forces and equlpment such as plcnlc tables, trash cans. bleachers, and electrlcal l~ems. In addltlon, crowd and ~rafflc control durlng the festlvltles requlres addltlonal man hours for the Pollee Departmen~. The costs are: Fees, : Addltlonal costs not llsted ln fee schedule I 70S.0u _0.,734.00 TOTAL 7,439.00 . It was the recommenda~lorr of the Parks, ana Communlty SerVlces Department that the request be approved with ~he condltlons as set the appllcatlon/permlt. whlch was attached. Recreatlon Chamber's forth Hi ,j - 5-4-Bb . Councll Member Estrada made a motlon. seconded by Councll Member Rellly and unanlmously carrled: 1. To authcrlze the utll1zatlon of Clty crews and equlpment and Clty Pollce personnel for asslstlng the Inland Emplre Hlspanlc Chamber of Commerce ~n tnelr C~nco le Mayo Flesta at La Plaza Park; ~. To walve the expenses lncurred by the use of Clty torces and equlpment and Pollce Department personnel ln ~rovldlng asslstance to the Inland Empire Hlspanlc Chamber of Commerce for the Clnco de Mayo Flesta at La Plaza Park; 3. To approve the closlng of portlons of 7th Street on the north slde of La Plaza Park and on thE 60uth side of ~he Park on Vlctoria Street from 8:00 a.m., May 5, to ~:OO a.m., May S. 19B8, so that the streets may be used In conJunctlon wlth tue Inland Emplre Hlspanlc Chamber ._ Commerce Clnco de Mayo Flesta. DEPUTY Deputy Meetlng. CITY ADMINISTRATOR ROBBINS EXCUSED Clty Admlnlstrator Robblns left the CaUDell . PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN - LAND USE ALTERNATIVES - NORTON AREA - NORTH CENTRAL SAN BERNARDINO ThlS IS the tIme ana place set for a publIC hearing on the land use alternatlves for the Norton Area - North :~entral San BernardIno. l3) Anne Slracusa. Plannlng Dlrector, stated that tne ?lannlng Commlsslon had expressed concern that staff was maklng recommendatlons that they had not seen before. dowever, the pL'ocess now beIng conducted IS provlded to dllow these matters to be dlscussed. She stated that staff 15 recommendlng the Plannlng Commlsslonts Alternatlve E. wlth some exceptlons. These changes came from a var1ety of places: errors nave been found; reactloIl co new 1nformat1on which has come In the form of letters! meetlngs with people arId site V!5ltS. Steve 5vete, EnVlcom Corpora~lonf Consultant wlth tile ~lanning Department an the General Plan. read a memorandum dated May 3, 1988, addressed to the Mayor and Common ~ounclli as follows: i1fhlS memorandum arises from che need to cla~lfy the purpose of the land use alternatives deCiSIon making process. . - 4 - 5-4-88 . 1. In maklng recommendatlons regarding land use deslgnatlons, declslons should be based upon the predomlnant type and character of land use deslred In an ~rea. Declslons should not be constrained wlth preclse ~se types allowed In a glven category; such dlScusslons dill take p~ace durlng dellberaclons 0f 20il111g. Furthermore, the Councll should not be overly concerned ~lth retalillng eXlstlng use~ If it 16 the desIre to red1rect the character of an area. 2. The HMU" U.,=:,e deslgnatlon should be furtller applled only when lt 1S the express deslre of the CounCll to mlX resldentlal wlth commerclal proJects. It a mIX In commerclal or lndustrlal types 1S lntended, lc lS best to apply the lntended predomlnant land use type." COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM EXCUSED Council Member Pope-Ludlam left the Council Meeclng. Mr. Svete stated he felt that the MU deslgnatlon lS 081!1g over-used. recommendatlon to deslgnatlon. It already developed such. In partlcular. he dlsagreed wlth the deslgnate Trl-Clty as General Mlxed-Use was hlS oplillon that arg~c that are are clearly defIned and should remain as . Mr. Svete emphaslzed two pOlnts: 1. Try to stay away from MU; these they 2. The deflnltlon of the preclse uses from each of categorles can De made ln deslgn dellberatlons- can be defined lfi 6 general way at thIS elme. Mr. property. abandoned decisions manner. Svete answered questlons regardlng zonlng of He stated that he was not suggestlng MU be as a category, but expressed concern that regardIng the use of MU be made In a cautlous . Plannlng Director Slracusa stated there IS a very iarge amount of eM Zonlng In the City whlch has allowed a lnix of commercIal and ludustrlal type of uses. It was the staffls oplnlon that there needs to be some kInd of deslgnatlon WhlCh allows that to contlllue 50 that a lot of relatlvely new buslness and facllltles are not severely ~mpacted. She stated ~hat they are committed to a mix l)f commercial and llght lndustrlal In many portlons of the :lty and suggested It could be called sC)methlng different. out somethlng that lS recognIzable. She stated there were parts of the Clty where there needs to be a mIX of Lecai~1 commercIal! office and llgllt IndustrIal as was done In ~he fri-Clty Development a~ea. c, :;-4-130 . DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY GRACE ARRIVED At 9:42 a.m.. Deputy Clty Attorney Grace arrived at the Councll Meetlng and replaced Sr. Asslstant Clty Attorney. Mr. Svete answered guestlons, statlng that the speclflc 20nlng wlll be used as part of the deslgnated lses In that area after the General Plan lS adopted. He explalned that the lntent of thls process lS an lnterlm pOlicy document which defines the predominant des1re of each geographlc area that lS mapped. Plannlng Dlrector Slracusa stated that the General Plan lS a general descrlptlon of what lE to happen and 20nlng provldes the speclflc development standards and how that general V1Slon happens. ThlS lS a two-part process Jealing first wlth ~he General Plan, then wlth the ~mplementatlon, of WhICh zonIng is a maJor part; but no~ che only part, COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM RETURNED Councll Member Pope-Ludlam returned to the Caunell MeetIng and took her place at the CouncIl Table. . Deputy Clty Attorney Grace answered questlons, statlng that a revis10n can be made to the zonlng ~rdlnance text to speclfy any number of non-confrmlng ilses. That means that it 15 legal and can stay unless arl amortlzat1on per10d lS establ1shed. When amendments of this nature are made, It Should be saId whether or 110( th1s use 1S to be allowed In perpetulty and whether an amortIzatIon perioo wlll be establIshed. That IS somethlng that w1II be done when the zoning ord1nance map 3nd text are revIsed In order to Implemen~ the plan deslgnatlons that are belng dec1ded now. Planlllog DIrector Siracusa explaIned that existlIlY uses can also be grandfathered 1n elther by callIng out the speCIfic locatIons of those uses, or sometimes it IS done In terms of the general use. She stated it lE important to remember that the General Plan 15 not Just a map It lS a whole document. and every plece of that document needs tC) be conSIdered and be conslstent wlth the whole. Plannlng DII'ector SIracusa answered questions cegard1ng defln1ng the zones at a later date. She stated :hat each deslgnatlon would ln fact be a dlscreet zone so that when someone looks at the General Plan Map. they are ~15o looklng at the Zonlng Map. There wlll be a lot of people who are used to tradlt10nal zon1ng des1gnat1ons and ~t's ImpC)rtant to decide whether to re~aln the more . - 6 - 5-4-88 . trad1t1onal zone des1gnat1ons title or whether to use the same title for land use deslgnations as for dlstric~ designat1on. Mr. Svete answered quest10ns regard1ng adJustments to parcel boundaries. He stated that many of these Ilnes, espec1ally 1n the hills1de areas, are general1zed and to De legal, follow the parcel boundar1es, so there may be 311ght adJustments. Also, wlth the mixed use category, Chere w1ll probably be several types of MU zon1ng because there are d1fferent combinat1ons 1n eaCh sub-area, cherefore, different requ1rements. Planning Dlrector Siracusa stated that If the C()unCll wanted to reta1n the concept of one-des1gnat1on-eguals-a ZOIls-distrlct, tilen it would be necessar"y to have d1fferent desIgnat1ons, or d1fferent names for those. Plannlng Director SIracusa explaIned the areas tllat were continued to today's meetIng for discuss10n. She stated that one action taKen by ~he Caunell prevIously was ~o specIfIcally desIgnate the area from 4th Street to 9th 3treet al!)ng Mt. Vernorl as GeneI'a~ Commerclal. . The areas to be dIscussed today are the corrIdors ~long Mt. Vernon north of qth Street; and the Basel1ne and Highland Avenue corridors basically from the 215 Freeway 'Co the wash. (curIell Member Pope-Ltldlafil requested that a meetll19 be held May 5, lSbB ~o allow property owners to discuss '~he deslgnatlons on the Mt. Verzlon corrIdor and have the deslgnatlons clarlfled. PlannIng Dlrector 31racusa answered qU&2tlor15! stat1ng that the mot1on regard1ng the areas des1gnated on ~he CAe!s Plan was mIxed use alor19 Baseline, Mt. Vernell what portIon of mlxed use there 1S along Hlghland, be 20mmerclal only. Staff suggested that the CaUDell conslder ~ m1X that lncludes commerc1al and llgnt industr1al as :here are a l1umber of eXlstlng ligllt industrlal uses. The :ommlSSlon did not make ~nat recommendatlon. Staff :-ecommended the llght Lndustrlal ffiJ_X. Plannin'] C()mmi::~E.lOn recommended commerCIal only, whlcn would De retail! ")fflC2, but not the .l.Lght lndustrlal, alId not auto types ~f uses. Presently, body and fender wor'K would not be ~erm~tted In the ~ ~ ZOD1Ug Dlstrlct. There 3re cer~aln ~ypes of auto repalr ailowed but there are some otner Lndustrlal types ()f uses In tt18 3rea. . It was pOlnted out that amendments tc the Northwest !rO]8ct Area Plan could be eXpenSl'lS and would result Ln exposure to the County and other taxlllg agencies tor ~eneS0~latlon at agreements. -- -; - S-q-UH . Plannlng Dlrector Slracusa stated there would be no problem wlth havlng the meeting requested by Councll Member Pope-Ludlam, but there mlght be problems In aotifYlng all property owners. It was suggested that people could be called by phone, and that the Northwest ProJect Area Commlttee could oe instrumental In gettlng the word out. Mayor Wllcox suggested that dlSCUSSlon of thlS area De contlnued untll after the proposed meetlng of property 'owners. She suggested that a tllne and locatlon be set and determinatlon be made concernlng the mechanlsms for notlflcation I US.lng public..~nnouncements! phC111ng, and aSslstance of the Northwest PAC, and that the meetlng be fIeld at the PubIle Erlterprlse Center at 7;00 p.Ut. May ~, 198b. ~heryl Brown, 15~J W. Baseline, Vice Chalr at che Planning CommlssloD! stated there has Just been a process whereby many nours have been spent on rec81vlug testlffiony and studYlng thlS lssue, She obJected to the Councll pos~poning it agaln for more communlty lnput. It was her oplnlon that the Northwest ProJect must conform with the General Plan, as there 15 nothing from OPR saYlng there nas to be a development plan. . Ms. Brown stated t!lat ~hey coui~ aSK for dl~ ~ommerclal uses, not general commerclal uses. The way the o~an ~s now, thereJs 110 place for people to move up. The~e can't be a mix In the communlty where there wlll be all dlfferent economic bases, 311 dlfferent races movlDg illta ~he communIty because ever)! lot IS the same size. There's liO place for commerCia.!. on all dJ.fferent J..8vels. 2118 3ta~ed she felt that the Counc~l should go ahead with tnat plan as tIle pubIle hearlI1S lIas been tleld, and It 26 rIot tair tc postpone the General Plan because of the Jedevelopment Plan. CaUDell Member Pope-Ludlam made a Inotlon, secoIlded by ~ouncll Member Estrada, to contInue this portIon of the :ueeclng to Friday, May 6, 1988, at ~:OO a.m. III the '2ouncil Chambers of CIty Hall, 3UO North !lL'>! Street I San 3er"nardlno, CallforOla. (See page lu for vote). Jurleen McGInnIS, 1624 N. SUSIe Lane, a homeowner at ~he Orallgewood Estates/ representing 120 people, stated ~nat many people cannot get to these meetlngs because of dork. S11e requested that thlS matter NOT be contlnued, alld that a decislon be made tooay, . Norma ArchIe, 1902 W. 1.5th Street, stated sne was a nomeowner and asked that the matter not be continued. ana that a decislon be inade today. ~ ij - L~-4-Jb . Mr. Morsell Johnson, 444 E. Foothlll Blvd., stated lt lS lmportant that some deC1Slons De made to benefit the people of the Westslde. People took off from work because ~hey felt that the decislon would be made today. He stated that there should De enough lnformatlon to make a deC1Slon it ~hlS tIme. It was hIS opinlOIl cnat there IS 8110ugl: lnformatlon here to deal wlth the fact that many people .~ant the area changed and, In representlng the lnterest of the people OD the westslde, the questions should be ~nsweredf as that area needs to be commercIal. John Hoeger. Development SpecIalIst Redevelopment ,\'Jency! answered questIons re93rdinq chan91!lr_:J tHe =ommerclal designations all HIghland, BaselIne and Mt. Jernon, In VJ,ew of that area beIng In a Redeve~opment ?rO)9ct Area. He stated that the maIn exposure seems to ")8 to the alnendment Itself, not to the basic underly~ng plan, although the plan IS not made to be conslstent With el16 General Plan. He suggested several stra~egles cnac could be used In dealln9 wltn thIS sItuatIon. MI'. Hoeqer stated legal costs would be 150,000 he had quoted __ that the mInImum prIce for around $30,000. rather than ~n ear"ller meetIng. the the . Samuel Johnson. a Westslde property and buslnesE owner of restaurant and banquet faCIlItIes. as well as an auto repalr serVlce, read a letter addressed to the Mayor 3nd Coune!l. He stated that he had"bee!l In bUSIness on M~. lernon SlDce September 1957, and complained that cltlzens ~nd bUSIness owner"s east {)fthe fr'eeway are treated better 1~1 the Mayor a~d Common Councli than those from ~ne ~estside. He sta~ed i~ cost him tROrley every tIms 118 comee so a meeting and felt tllst other Wests Ide property owner's ~elt ~he same. lie urged that the commercial desIgnatioIl ;)e given to thlS 3r'83 and that a declsloIl be made today. Mr. Johnson al.SC; COlnpl.alnea :ibout the iTianner l!l WhlCh the Redevelopment Agerlcy sells property to outside ,Jevelopers. He st5ted that four years ago he had a -;omplet.e set of p13ns stamped "approved!! wlth the Plannlng 0epartment to expand hlS shop. Because of the RI)A'E ()rder ~nat illS property at thlS tlillS was hlgh rlse reslden~lal, ,:18 C(";!J.lci net prcceed \'li t1; the ~~xpans lc'n. Cheryl Brown, buslnes~ owner as well as VIce Chalr )1 -cn.e Plannin'::J CommlZ;~Slonl aSY..ed if it 'tlas possIble for ~he Redevelopment Agency to renegotIate WIth the taXIng ~gencles so ~hat the RDA plan can be changed wlthout ~lurtlng the people on ~he WestsIde. . ~:'ead :'tn<:i David Lec}luga, 2217 ~nd Street. sta~ed that the documents cOIlcer'Dlng the Northwe3~ ProJec~ though~ chat very few people had done SQ. He tlS [lad Area, ur'3ed 5-4-88 . ~hat no shortcu~s be taken and thac thlS process be thought through very carefully before maklng any changes. Mayor Wllcox stated that she didil' C wan~ to leave the lssue when there 13 great dlvlslon. It was pointec! out that what 13 teeing done 11srB toda) 1S to provIde one more opportunIty for cItIzens to present input relatlve to thIS partlcu~ar part of the plan. That ioes not mean that what IS beIng presented IS necessarl~Y '..;hat. IS 9'Oln':l to be In th8:~ener'~-1.l .t")}.':::l. Jurieen McGInnis, reSIdent of the Orangewood Estates, ;tated that she tlad attended five meetlrlgs WIth the people in her communIty and they all agreed tnat they donlt want ~partments. They wan~ what ()~0er parts of the Cl~Y navs; freedom from crIme and commercIal deve~opment, The vote to contlnue thi;::. d.l.s\-::1J~'::,L)n to Frlday I Ha:,{ lS:8J, at 9:0(: a,m" In the Counc~l Chambers of Clty Hr.tll, 300 North It I)lt :~t.ree~~. San Berr1-:.1.rdlnO, Callforn 1-3. i carrIed by the followIng vote: Ayes.: CaUDell Members Est;':-d'-..la i Re.:J..lly, ? lures I r.iauds.18Y i .-'llner i Pope-Ludlam, L-l1~:Ler. Noes: None. Absent.: None, . CITY CLERK At lO:4S (":ounc1-1 l1eeti.ng CLAHK ARHIVED a.m.; Clty Clerk ClaLr~ and rsplac~(i Deputy r:l~Y arrIved at C l.er}: l.=\'eese. tn~3 RECESS MEETING At 10:45 3.ffi. tne A(l]ourned RegULar MeetlIlg recessed for a flve ffilnute break. RECONVENE MEETING At 11:00 a,m., ~he Adjourned Re~!01ar MeeLL!J; .~+ ~he ~ayar and Common Councll reconve!:~d In the CouncIl ~hambers oi Cl ty Hal.l, 300 Nortjj Ill)" Street I ~~an Bernardino. Callforn13. l~OLL CALL Call was caken by Clty C.~0rk Clark wlth the belng present: Mayor Wllcox; Cauncll Members Rellly I Flores! Maudsley! >~lncr, Pope-Ludlam, Depucy Clty Attorney Grace Clty Clerk Clark. Deputy Clty Admlnistrator RJ0C1DS. Roll ic:llowl.ng 2strada, Mlller; ,':"b2.ent: . PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN - LhND USE ALTERNATIVES - PLANNING AREA NO. NORT~N ThlS 1S the tlme and place set for a publlC hearlng )0 the land U32 alternatIves for PL2nnlng Area No. i Norton A1r Force Base area. The boundarles are Basellne on the north; 2._3.nt.a Arlb. Rl.ver on the 2<;,')th: Palm, Avenue on ~ne east; Waterman Avenue on the west. lO -- 5-4-1_~d l . Mr. Svete descrlbed Plannlng Area No.7. statIng Norton AIr Force Base lS tlle prlmary land use in the area 3nd its designated use is FF! PublIC FaCIlIty. Southwest Jf the base is an area that the Planning CommISSIon has recommended the bulk of the land for an 11 des1gnat1on. rhe one exceptlcIl 1S along Central AvenuE, deslqnated to~ ~eavy commercial. The heavy commerclal use IS to accommodate ()utdoor c~orage type commercial rBc1l1tles, 1nclud1ng used car sales and certaIn other auto related faCIlities. That was ~r1g1nally des1gnated along Waterman, espec1ally the east 31d8 of Waterman. to recognIze current use. However/ durIng dISCUSSIons about the changIng nature of Waterman A'renue It was decided that east-west str'eets In tllat 3r-ea 3h0uld be used, so the CH deSIgnatIon a10119 Central was clldllged. Aiong the WatermaIl corridor Itself, there is the ffilxed use deSIgnatIon for 11gh~ lndustry and commerclal- JfilCe and It was lutended that the offIce portIon be delayed. It was to have an off1ce-park k1nd of character with 3enerous setbacks. strIct landscapIng. The CommlSS10ll felt very strongly that Waterman Avenue IS an entrance to th<::: <:.lty and a major ':::CL.i:l2ctJ..cn between tJle Tri CIty Commerce Center Area and the downtown and tney wanted It to have strollg vlsual amenItIes and develop lilt2 ~ ve!~f nlce area. . Mr. Svete stated that as far north as ThIrd Street the general character applIed In the Norton Area ~~ lndustr"lal publIC faCIlity and heavy commerclal. No~th ~)f that are some reSIdentIal deSIgnatIons and a R-M MedIum Hange Density up to 14 UUlts per acre. Mr. Svete lescr1bed the1r pOInted out varIOUE desi<.}natl()n~, . areas ell the map and Mr. Svete expla1ned there lS an area north of the aase, WhlCh has been discussed as a pOSSIble locatlon for 3 jOlnt use faCIlity at Norton. The area IS located north of Third, east of SterlIng as far east as VictorIa, WIth ~n Irregular northern boundary. The PlannIng CommIssion recommended General Commerclal on the north SIde of Third 3S far north as FIfth and for the remainder of the area RM Medlum DenSIty ReSldentlal. Much of thIS land IS vacant. St.s.rf recommended Alternative HEll, the PlannIng ~GlnmlS,slon recorunenda t :;..on I Wl th the followlng exceptl.c,ns',; Recommendatlon No. 1 - Waterman Avenue The MD, Mlxed Use, along Waterman Avenue snQu~d extend northerly to 3rd Street to Include the area deslgrlated CH C(]ffimerCIal fieavy. . - J.1 )-'-:\;-dd . Recommendatlon No.2 - Ncr~h ot 9th Street, east of Valencia Avenue, scuth of Oll.ve Street and west of the East TWln Creev. Channel Staff recommendatlon No. 2 is Jf 9th Street, east Jtreet and west of ~esldentlal Medium, :onslstent with the of V51enclb that the property llcrth Avenue, south ~~ Ollve Creek Channel. tlle 2M F:.lJ, F:esldentHll Urban moblle h()me parks. the E3St TH1H J:'>-2 de;:':lgnated density of the The Plannlng Director answered questlons, statlng :hat the Roesch Llnes DUSlness would be Included in the SU jesignatlon, and It may })8 deslrable to desIgnate that In ~xansl~lonal Use. F:ecommendatl:)rl No. .3 - South of 9th Street from t.he eXlstlng moblle home parv. (east of the southerly extenslon of VaLsnCla AVellUe) to the East TWIn Creek Channel Stbff recommendatIon IS that scuth of 9th Street from the eXlstlng mobIle home park (east of the southerly extenslon of Valencla Avenue) to ~h8 East TWlfi Cr-eek :hannel the CG, CommercIal General, be changed to RD. Residentlal Urban, for approximately 800 feet deep. . F:ecommenda~lon No.4 - Sterlln~ Avenue. north of 5th Street Staff recommendatlon 1S that the area ioca~ed at Sterllng Avenue north of 5th Stree~ be changed froin RM, ReSIdentIal Mediurn. to IL, Industrial Light. PlannIng D1rector Slracusa c1~ed two reasons for ~hlS recommendatloIl. \1) The C1ty of HIghland 11a5 lndlCated they aI'e conslderlng designatlng the area around :hat as IndustrIal; and (2) If the JOInt use at Ncrton Jccurs, one of the two locations that were des1gnated for ,:he termlnal fac 111 toY 13. on that north sIde i which 'wCtl1d ~aptuIe Lhe advantage for commercial and lndustIlal levelopment related to that terffi10al facillty. Plannlng D1rector Slracu~a stated that the Cltlzen ~dvlsory CommIttee deslgnated the northern portlcn above ]lxth Street as Slngle Famlly, the mlddle portlon as RM, Iud Commerclal General along Tllird Street. Tlle RM to the east ~~ eXlstlng. The Plannlng Commission said they 11dn t want tile Slngle F3mj~Y and It sh()uld te RM, WhlCh :s up to 14 UDlts per acre. Now, staff 1S recommendlng ~lg11t Industr~~l. . Albert Cohan, ~1)U AveIlue of tile Stars, Los ADg8~2S :allfornla, stated he dld not agree wlth deslgnatlng the ~rea north of th6 Base as Industrlal, as he has had d deal pending wlth the Base Slnce 1985 to construct dwelilng ;lnlts in that arsa. He stated that the Base is presently ~~ort about 1,000 dwelllng unlts. There 12 a ~ 1/1 year -1.-- - .1.':" ~-4-8d . waItIng perlOQ for authorlzed tns Base hous1ng. Mr. Cohan ;onstructlon of the J..lfted. Base hOUSIng. In 1986 Congress to proceed with solICItIng off base stated he 1S ready to proceed w1th the housing as seon as the moratorlum lS Mr', Cahall felt ~hlS project would be very beneflclal ~o the C1ty. It would be 98% occupied by m111tary ~ersonnel, ana carefully supervIsed. The other 2%, If not ~illed by m111tary personnel, would be opened to the free 1arketi but that IS very unlIkely, as the Base IS so sllort ,)f hous1ng. Mayor WIlcox stated that one of thIngs that ffi6kes a DaEe vlable IS the avaIlabIlIty of base housing. Loslng the base would mean a loss of economy in the CIty. She also p01nted out that for one of these agreements for base housing to be negotiated, the housing must be witlllii 30 mIles or- one llour guaranteed travel time to the base. . It was pointed out that thIs is the last remalcllng parcel of vacant CIty land thaL could accommodate a number ;)f induEtrlal uses and lnternal e,uppller.:;,! and 11 nCl: avallable, those businesses would locate 1n the C1ty of ~flghla!ld. The questlon was I'alsed concernlng the WIsdom ~t concentratlrlj huuslng wlth hlgh denslty ImmedIately adjacent to an 31r fIeld. Mr. Cchan stated that he was Il0t asklng for that area to be zoned Resldent1al. He stated were about 50-60 acres of raw ~and between Slxth and the Base, and the owners of chat land would ~eep ic Commercial-IndustrIal. all of there ,'~. tree t lIke tc. PlannIng DIrector Siracusa answered questions. It was pOInted out tha~ tilers 1S a very hIgh vacancy rate 1n San Bernardlno, and concern was expressed over the posslbility of Norton mOVIng out of the area, leaVIng many addltlonal hOUSIng unlts vacant. Mr. Cohan answered questions; statlng they have a 15 for the hous1ng contract, and have been Base wlll ask Congress to authorlZ8 an years. year agreemenc told t11a t the .3.ddl tlonal ten Mr. Cohan answered questlons, stating that there are two areas; one 15 20.7 acres and one lS 14.8 acres. The 300 urllts are all the 20.7 acres. . Mr. Cohan stated that the Base had ltS own crl~eri3 odsed on reqUIrements of the Federal Government. There w1ll be ~wo. three, and four bedroom unlts 1n the project wlth rents between $395 and $500 for a four' bedroom unit '1':' - .l.~) - 5-4-88 . WhlCh 15 1600 square feet. Gover"oment regulatloflE r-equlr-e 3 washer and dryer In each apartment, a mlnlffium room size! and many recreational amenlties. The Base would ~lke to keep all military personnel In one proJect. Mr. :ohan sald 118 was aware of tile vacancies in ~he Clty but ~hey do not necessarIly meet the government's criteria. He stated chey had prelimlnary approval for the pr'cJec~ from the Clty seven days before the moratorlum came down. Mr. Nea Cohan, 1448 Laurel Way, Beverly Hl11S, CA, sta~ed the actual housing numbere In thelr ~echnlcal background repor~ indlcated there were 1316 vacant ~ulti-family unlts 1n the Clty and ltE sphar"s of ~nfluence. There was a vacancy factor of approxlJuately 10% In apartments and attached dwellIng unIts. Jehn Bohanllanj 555 Rancho San~a Fe Rd'i San Marcos, CA 92069, stated he represented Mldway Homes, owner of the parcel between Fifth and SIxth Street! llltrudlng Oil Jterllng. He stated that a number of years ago. that proper-ty was zoned for medlum dSllSity. At the time he acgulred.. he had asked ~ha~ the Clty change the zonlng to Llght Industry. He sta~ed he IS agreeable to the Llght Industry deslgnation on the approxlmately 27 acre2. He stated he does not oppose the 20rllng for the preVIOUS speaker of medIum dens1ty on h~g parcel. . Mr. Albert CDhan stated they are asking that the area remain as it was before the General Plan came about. Tile other property owner1s property was zoned Illdu5trlal. Mr. :ohan stated hIS property was zoned Residential and explained that the constructlon of the project wlll be ~rom prlvate funds. He also stated that they have a zonlng )f R-2.! 20GO. vlhic:l1 .s.ll':JvJs. ::22 units per acre. However, ior thls projecti the zonIng 15 approxlmately 16-17 UDlts to t:le acre, Mr. Cohan stated that if the jOln~ use of Nortoll Alr ?orc8 Base does not happen, then he didn't see any JustIfication for that mUCh lndustrlal In ttlat area, as It loes not have freeway access. It was pOlnted out that a letter had beerl sigl1ed by MaJor Howe, of Norton Alr Force Basel WhICh gIves a :onflrmatlon of the 1986 agreement relat1ve to at least 300 famIly unIts. . Sherrie Nisly, 3200 KIPS Korner Norco; CAr owner of property Just south of Basellne between Waterman and TLppecanoe, s~a~ed that approxlmately 150 fBe~ soutn of Base~lne currently 1S CommercIal, and her property 1S tne next 100 feet. It appeared to her that the map reflected ~hat the CommercIal deslgnatlon was cOffilng down to their 9roperty, which lS c~lrrently ZGusd Reslden~lal, Below her - 14 - S-4-8b . property is RM, WhICh IS tIle deslgnatlon she would llke on ~er property. She wanted to de~ermlne how many feet wlll ')6 changed to Commer"cial south of Basel~ne. Plannlng Dlrector Slracusa answered questlons, ;~atlng that the lutent was to reflect the CommercIal that "s existlng now. She explalned the deslgnatlon on the .:lap wasn1t mearl~ to go Into other uses and may have beerl inaccurate on the scale of the map. CouncIl Menlber Estr"ada made a motion, seconded by .ouncll Member Miller and unanlmously carried, to approve cecommendatlon No.1. that the MD. Mlxed Use, along Waterman Avenue extend northerly to Thlrd Street to lnclude the area desIgnated CH, Commercial Heavy. It was pOlnted out that Roesch's Bus 1lne, located In the area north of Ninth Street, east of Valencla Avenue, south of OlIve Street and west of the East TWIn Creek ,~hannel, IS a nl2Jor use 1TI ~11at a~eal SlId If put In the PU deSIgnatIon/ would have to be a non-conformIng use, COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER EXCUSED Councll Member Mlller left the Councll Meeting. . PlannIng DIrector SIracusa answered ql18StlOllS, statlng that Roesch's Bus 11ne could be grandfathered lD. Because of the rlature ot the use, that 15 a very transferable use. She recommended that if the deSIgnatIon 2U 15 approvedf that It be grarldtathered in and allow thenl to stay in that kInd of provislon. But if tile use were changsdi it would conveI't to RUr or. l( Ci)ljld be ]randfathered lli forever. It was requested that Plannlng staff come back later ~lme witli a specIfIC deSIgnatIon for the Roesch :Jines. at a B"= -- CounCIl Member ReIllY made a rnotlon, seconded DY ~ouncll Member Estrada and unanlmously carried, to approve aecommendatlon ~. that south ()f Ni:lth Stree~ from the eXlstlng moblle home parK (east of the southerly extenslon )f Valencia Avenue) tc ~he Ea~t TWIn Creek Channel the CG. ~ommerclal General be changed to RD. ResidentIal Urban. ~cr ~pprcz~mately 800 feet deep. CounCil Member Maudsley made a motlon, seconded b}; Cc)uncll Member Estrada and unanImously carrlsdl that Recommendatlon (North of 9th Street, east of VaieDcla Avenue, south of Olive Street and west ot the East TWln :reek Channel, the RM Resldentlal Medlum. be deslgnated ~U, ReSldentlal Ur.Octl1, ~n[lSlstent with th8 . - IS - 5-4-8t . lenslty of ~he mobIle home parks. I be continued to FrIday May G, 19881 at 9;00 a.m. I in the CouncIl Chambers of CIty :-fall, 300 North !l D" ;3 treet j San Bernardino, CalifornIa. CouncIl Member Maudsley mane a motIon! seconded by ~ouncll Member Estrada and unanImously carrIed. that ~ecommendatlon 4 (The area located at Sterllng Avenue ~lorth of 5th Stree~ should be changed from RM, ReSldentlal ~ejium,to 11, IndustrIal LlghL) be contInued to FrIday, :1aj 61 1988, at 9:00 a.m.. In the Council Chambers of City ~{all, 300 North !'DtI Street I San Bel'nardino i CalifornIa. CouncIl Member Pope-Ludlam made a !notlon, seconded by _ouncll Member Estrada and unanlffiously carrled, that Planning Area 8, Nortll central San Bernardino. bounded by ?arkdale Avenue to TWIn Creek Wash to 5B 30 to Victorla ,~\renu.e on the north Basellne Street c.n the south, ;lctcrla Avenue on the east and the 1-215 Freeway on the west. be continued to Friday, May 6, 1988, at 9:u0 3.m. lL the Counell Chambers of Clty Hall 300 North PD'; ~treet I San Bernardlno, California. . HISPANIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESIDENT Mr. Gon=a~es, Presldellt of the Hlspanic Chamber ~~ :cmmerce thanked the Mayor and Councll for thelr support tOl: -ehe ClllCO de Hayo Festival and lnvlt.ed them tu partlclpate In the parade and festlvltles. (Ai RECESS MEETING - LUNCHEON WORKSHOP WITH SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING GENERAL PLAN At 12:07 p.m. the Mayor aDd Caunell recessed to the .:1anagement Informatlon Center (l1Ie) i Sixth Floor; Clty Halll 300 North rlDlf 3trget. San Bernardino! Cal.ifcrnl-3, for a JOln~ workshop on the General Plan. GENERAL PLAN WORKSHOP ~ SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTPICT At 12:55 p.m.! the J()lntwor~:shop Wlt.h the San Bernardlno Clty Unifled School Dlstrict was called to ,~rder by Mayor Wllc()x In ~lle Management Informatlon Center (MIC), Slxth Floor, Clty Hall 300 North IIDll Street, San Bernardlnoi Califorula, (4) EOLL CALL Roll Call was taken wlth the followlng belng pr'ssent; Mayor Wl1ccx; Council Members Estrada, ReillYi Flores! Maudslay, Mlnor Pope~Ludlam, Mlller; Clerk TYPlst II Brown, representlng the Clty Clerk's Offlce, Deputy Clty AdminIstrator Fobblns. Absen-c: City Attorney Penman. . Also presen~: School Board Members Dr. Chuck :hrlstls, Hardy Brown, Shelby Obershaw, Lou Yeager Larry NElgelj EIlsa Dlaz: representlng the Sa~ Bernardlno Clty lJl1~fie{i School Dlstrlct: Dr. Neal Reber'tEi Superln~enden~ - 10 ~ 5-4-8f: . .'~f Schools; Dr. Mc~ly Hellns, Al Bru~on, Dr. Hal Bari:l]i ~cott Shera. Al Brlggs. Hardy Brown, President ~f t~le Board of Educa~lon. stated that Dr. Chrlstle had presented a Posltlon ~tatement of ~he San BernardIno CIty UnIfied Senael JlstrlCt Board of Educatlon regardlng Clty of San 3ernardlno General Plan Revlslon Study. RepresenLatlves of the UnifIed School DIstrIct gave a :omprehenslve preSSllLatlon of current School DIstrIct :ondltlons and fInancIal needs. It was pOlnted out tnat the DIstrIctts positIon 13 not one of 11no 9TOWth'l I but one with planned orderly Jrowth that would allow ttlem the oppor'tunlty to get tIle flnanClal resources to construct facilIties that can house '.:11e 3t,udents. . It was reported that there iz a great deal at legIslatIon being considered ~n Sacramento regardlng 3chool fees. There wlll be an ltem on the June ballot. deslgnated as Proposltion 75 WhlCh will provlde SaGO,GaD{DaO for school facilities 3nd it has been ~romlsed that another proposiLion will be on the November Dallct. The an:ount needed fer schools over the next five years varles somewnere between five and eleven bIllIon -'1.0118.:::'s. Jcott Shez"a presented and explalned a document entltled "Student Enrollment and Flnanclal Impllcatlon" of ~he General Plan ReV1Slon Study on the San Bernardino Clty UnIfied School Dlst.rlct'l. The report Indicated an actual ,,:-nrcllment ..:is of October, 1987 I of 35;118. The projected enrollment as of October, 1988, of 36;812; and projected enrollment as of 0ct()ber-; 1994; of 50,397. The total estlmated cost of school constructlon. excludlng land was 3103,222.560.00. The report stated that the reV1Slon of the General Plan could slgniflcantly Increase thIS ~roJectlon bY permlttlng more Intense resldentlal jevelopment of the plannlng area. However the proJect =ould be reduced ill land-use deslgnations and reduce the density of resldentlal constructlon permItted In toe t)la.nnlng area. Mr. Shera stated that the School DistrIct sees 3 ~remendous need for addl~lonal schooi facilitles and ~mphasl=ed as of next September, wltn the exception of ?aclIlc Hlgh School, all the Dlstrlct schools wlll be Jpen. . It was sta~ed that It would cost approxlmately $7.~ mIllIon dollars to re-open Paciflc Hlgh School, as roof cepalr-s wou:d have to be made, a coolIng system lns~alled. - 17 - :.-4-88 . ~~ew sewer system, all new classrOOln equlpme11t purchased and many other costs. A dlScusslon 8rlsued regardlng the use of portable :lassrooms, whlcn are adequate, but dlsadvantages lnclude ~he fact tllat they are not part cf the maIn building. do ~ot have dr-Inking water or restroom faClllt18s, they take Jp p16yground space, and at tllE pr-eserlt are telnporary ~)ul1dings , A School Dlstrict representatlve stated that the Clty _.as been divided Into fou.r grIds, ~leed and prlorlty for state ald. lnc~udlng the State UnIversity areas. 1S one with great nsed. to identIfy the areas of T11e northwest quadrant! N. Verdemont and Devore h dISCUSSIon ensued regardIng locatIons for l1ew 3chools. It was paInted cut tha~ about 10 acres 15 11eeded :or an elementary schooli 30 acres for an intermedIate 3cf1oo1i dnd about 50 ac~es fo~ a hIgh school. . I~ was pOlnted out tha~ because of the antlclpated 'Jrowth In the school populati()n, It ffilght be necessary to ]0 to double seSSIons In the future, and that the IncreaSIng crafflc would create problems. It was suggested that In working WIth the General Plan changes, that 3 study be done regardIng the ffiOV9ment of people. PlannIng DIrector Siracusa regarding populatlon flgures. answered queE.tlons A dIScussion ensued regardIng the hIgh tranSIency ~ate. In a faIrly stal,le school, the rate WOllld be about 30%. and could go as hIgh as 50% In other schools. These fIgures Indica~e the dlfflCu~ty In educat~ng students whc are not constant 111 thelr attendancE. The tranSIency rate lS bdsed on the number of students enrolled In a school l!1 Jeptember as compared to how many cf those students aroe 2tlll In attendance ~!l June. Representatlves of the Sctloc)l DIstrlct expressea CO!lCern 0ver hlgh denslty hauslng. as It preserlts a slgnlflcant lmpact on the schools' ablllty to provlde the type of educatlon tlley wish to supply. They suggested ~hat prOV1Slons 1n the Genera: Plan be senEltlve to the lmpact ()f hlgh derlslty. A brlef d~scuss~on took place regardlng the use of lottery money 1D the school system. It was stated that abc)u~ 2 1\2% of the budget comes from the lottery 3ud is to be used only for Instr-uctlonal materlals. . -- J~) 5-4-;:';(; . It was pointed out that the school population 15 ,:hanglng. Flve years ago, there were 50% minorlty. That clgure has changed to 57%. There lS also an lncrease of Jeople In ~he child bearlllg age. Dr Roberts thanked the Mayor and Council ~pportunity to discuss the School District as it :0 the General Plan. wlth the hope that these :lscussicn can continue on a regular basis. for the relates types of ADJOURNMENT At 1:45 p.m. I Councll Member Minor made a mO~lon. jeconded by Council Member Flores and unanlmously carr'ied, :hat ~he meetlllg be adjourned to 9:00 a,m., FrIday, May 6; ~98[), 1D "(he Council Chambers cf Clty Hall, 300 North !lr" :treet. San BernardiIlo, Callforn13. ~<P?7#/~d) /' City Clerk . ;1JtfJ"2~ t;JL4V Deputy Clty ~lerK . -- 19 -- 5~4-88