HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-25-1988 Minutes . Clty of San Bernardlno, Californla Apnl 25, 1988 This is the tlme and place set for an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardlno at their Adjourned Regular Meeting held at 9:15 a.m., Friday, April 22, 1988, in the Councl1 Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardlno, Californla. The City Clerk has caused to be posted the Notlce of Adjournment of said meetlng held at 9:15 a.m., Friday, Aprl1 22, 1988, and has on file In the Office of the Clty Clerk an affidavit of said postlng together with a copy of sald order which was posted at 4:15 p.m., on Friday, Aprl1 22, 1988, in the Council Chambers of City Hall. 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, Callfornia. . The Adjourned Regular Meetlng of the Mayor and Common Council of the Clty of San Bernardlno was called to order by Mayor Wl1cox at 9:15 a.m., Monday, April 25, 1988, ln the Councl1 Chambers of Clty Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardlno, California. INVOCATION The Invocatlon was glven by Phil Arvlzo, Executlve Asslstant to the Common Councll. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Alleglance was led by Mayor Pro Tempore Jack Reilly. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken following belng present: Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Attorney Grace; Clty Adminlstrator Robblns. Pope-Ludlam. by the Clty Clerk wlth the Mayor Wl1cox; Councll Members Mlnor, Miller; Deputy Clty Clerk Clark; Deputy Clty Absent: Councll Members Estrada. . PUBLIC COMMENTS No one came forward to speak durlng the publlc comments portion of the meetlng. I 4/25/88 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MARCH 21, APRIL 4, 5, 7, 14 AND 15, 1988 Council Member M~ller Councll Member Flores, that March 21, 1988, be approved made a motion, seconded by the mlnutes of the meetlng of as subm~tted. (1) The motion carried by the followlng vote: Ayes: Councll Members Rellly, Flores, Maudsley, M~ller. Noes: None. Absent: Councll Members Estrada, Pope-Ludlam. Abstaln: Councll Member Minor. Councll Member Mlller made a motlon, seconded by Councll Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the minutes of the following meetlngs be approved as submitted: April 4 and 5, 1988 Apnl 14, 1988 April 7, 1988 April 15, 1988 . PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN - LAND USE ALTERNATIVES - HOSPITALITY LANE (TRI CITY), INLAND CENTER AREA, CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ThlS IS the tlme and place set for a public hearlng on the land use alternatives for the Trl Clty area, Inland Center area, and Central Business Distrlct. (2) Ann Slracusa, Plannlng Dlrector, presented an agenda for the meetlng and recommended that publlC testlmony be held untll each area IS completed. TRI-CITY, HOSPITALITY LANE - AREA NO.1 Vlnce Bautista, Principal Planner, gave boundarles of Area No.1, Tri-Clty and Hospltallty as follows: the Lane, North: South: East: West: Santa Ana Rlver Barton Road and the 1-10 Freeway Gage Canal and Mt. Vlew Avenue Hunts Lane and the 1-215 Freeway COUNCIL MEMBER ESTRADA ARRIVED At 9:15 a.m., Councll Member Estrada arrlved at the Councll Meet~ng and took her place. . Steve Svete of EnVlcom used a map to descrlbe the various proposed land uses In Area 1 and delineated the changes from Alternative D (CAC) to Alternatlve E (Plannlng Commlssion). 2 4/25/88 . In a staff report dated Apr~l 25, 1988, the Plann~ng staff recommended a series of six changes to Alternative E for Area No. 1. Staff Recommendation I - South pointe Principal Planner Bautista read the first recommendat~on as follows: In the South Pointe area, Parcel Nos. 141-321-08, 11 should be changed from RM (Residential Med~um) too RU (Resident~al Urban) to reflect the dens~ty of the small lot subdivis~on designed for that parcel. (Requested by property owner/developer) The Plann~ng Director po~nted out that th~s ~s an area where all the infrastructure has been put ~n place and a homeowner's assoc~ation ex~sts. Staff Recommendation 2 - Waterman and Barton Principal Planner Bautista presented a recommendation that the twenty acre parcel at the northwest corner of Waterman Avenue and Barton Road be changed from CN (Commerc~al Neighborhood) to CG (Commerc~al General) to allow a wider range of commerc~al uses to serve the area. . Mr. Bautista the South pointe place. Access streets. pointed proJect can only out that th~s too is a part at and the ~nfrastructure is ~n be ga~ned through lnter~or COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM ARRIVED At 9:25 a.m., Council Member Pope-Ludlam arr~ved at the Counc~l Meet~ng and took her place. Mr. Svete explained the uses for CN and CG. CG would have a furniture store or an appliance store; CN would have ne~ghborhood serving commercial such as small grocery stores, dry cleaners, flor~st shops, and fast foods. He expla~ned that in h~s op~n~on thls parcel ~s too large for CN. Plann~ng Director S~racusa stated th~s parcel direct access on Waterman Avenue but that access gained through a loop road without br~nging through the residential streets. has no can be traffic . Staff Recommendation No. 3 - County Area East of Richardson Staff Recommendat~on No. 3 ~s that the str~p of county area ly~ng on the east s~de of Richardson Avenue between the ra~lroad tracks and the C~ty limits be changed from IL (Industrial L~ght) to RU (Resident~al Urban) to be cons~stent w~th the eXlsting resldential uses. 3 4/25/88 . Plannlng Director Siracusa answered questions statlng that there lS statistical data on acreage for each alternatlve and they will be able to calculate the amount cf residential acreage set aSlde in the final product. She stated that the only force of law on the distrlbution of houslng units is ln the SCAG reglonal plan. The Plannlng Director answered questions regardlng pUblic facilities designations and stated that the publlCly owned land has potential for designation on the plan but lf a plece of property lS shown as a future park or school site, that lS almost condemnatlon at that point. There are other ways to achieve the same obJective through development pollcies. Mayor Wilcox questioned changlng thlS county area from an IH designatlon because of the potential for joint use of Norton Alr Force Base and because the property across the street is designated IH. . Staff Recommendation 4 - Club Area designation Principal Planner Bautista read recommendation 4 that the CR (Commercial Regional) designation used in the "club" area warrants further study. Staff is concerned that the designation may have a Floor Area Ratlo that is too high for the types of uses permltted, or may not be necessary because of the similarlty of uses found in the CG (Commercial General) designation. Therefore, staff requests dlrectlon to study the CR deslgnation further. Plannlng Director Siracusa stated only three areas ln the City with thlS two malls and the club area at Redlands deslgnation does not seem necessary. that as there deslgnatlon: Boulevard, the are the CR COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER EXCUSED Councll Member Miller left the Council Table. Mr. commerclal suggestlon Bautista explained that there are seven designatlons and that staff did not make thlS to the CAC or the Plannlng Commlssion. Councll Member Rellly made a motlon, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanlmously carried, that the Plannlng staff be glven authorlty to further study the CR deslgnation used ln the mall and club areas. . Staff Recommendation 5 - Mixed Use in Tri City and Commercenter Area Staff recommended that the Mlxed Use deslgnation assigned to the area on the west side of Tlppecanoe Avenue warrants further study. The uses permitted lnclude those found ln the CG, CO (Commerclal Offlce) and IL 4 4/25/88 . deslgnatlons. Staff believes that the MU designatlon may, ln fact, descrlbe the entire Commercenter and Trl-Clty area lYlng north of the 1-10 Freeway, west of Tippecanoe Avenue, south of the Santa Ana Rlver and the rallroad cracks and east of the 1-215 Freeway. Therefore, staff requests dlrectlon to further study the potential for expanding the MU designatlon ln thlS area. The Planning Director stated that thlS MU designatlon does not allow for llght lndustrlal and the MU has a deflnitlon for each area lt is used In. COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER RETURNED At 10:08 a.m., Council Member Miller returned to the Council Table. Mr. Svete and Ms. Siracusa answered questlons as to what happens to a developer whose land recelves a different deslgnatlon on the general plan. Ms. Siracusa said that assuming the general plan were adopted, ln certain cases the developers would have to reVlse thelr plans to be conslstent with the general plan. . Councll Me,,,::':::r Rell1y made a motlon, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that staff be glven dlrectlon to further study the potential for expandlng the MU designation ln the Trl Clty and Commercenter area. Staff Recommendation 6 - Waterman and Hospitality Lane - Commercial Serving Designation Staff Recommendation 6 states that the CVS (Commercial Vlsltor Serving) designation lS used ln a very limited area around the intersection of Waterman Avenue and Hospitallty Lane. The study recommended in ltem 5 above should also determine whether this designation should contlnue to be used. John Hoeger, Development Specialist for the Redevelopment Agency, stated that the Redevelopment Plan for that area calls for urban uses. The Tri City proJect area shows a designatlon ln two dlfferent areas and there lS a residentlal portion. . PUBLIC COMMENTS - SOUTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT Mr. Earl Fields, Manager of Santa Ana Area HUD, spoke ln support of the Southpolnte ProJect. Southpolnte was one of SlX proJects out of 85 that came through hlS office, that recelved HUD approval. HUD put the infrastructure ln place for this proJect. Mr. Fields stated he wants to work with the Council for approval. 5 4/25/88 . PUBLIC COMMENTS - CAC MEMBER COURTNEY BUSE - AREA NO. 1 The following recommendat1ons for Area No. 1 were 3ubm1tted by Courtney Buse, a member of the CAC. a) East of Waterman, north of railroad, south of Redlands Boulevard Recommend MU - IL and CG varY1ng adJacent land uses b. 1-10 between Tippecanoe and Mt. V1ew Recommend RM, 14 Recommend RMH, eX1sting development. du./ac. north port1on 24 du./ac. adJ. 1-10 to reflect c) West side Tippecanoe Recommend MU to IL, CG , and RMH 24 du./ac. (prov1de hous1ng for local business and off1ce work force) d) East side Waterman Avenue . Recommend MU to CG and CO INLAND Vince boundaries follows: CENTER - AREA NO. 2 Bautista, Pr1ncipal Planner, for Inland Center, Planning Area gave No.2, the as North: South: Rialto Avenue Santa Ana River East: West: Waterman Avenue 1-215 Freeway Mr. Steven Svete of EnV1com used the maps to outl1ne the area and illustrated the changes from Alternative D to Alternat1ve E. One of the most significant changes was a change to MU in the area between the two malls to link the malls with other commercial type users. Staff Staff Regional) Item 4 of be part of Recommendation 1 - Commercial Regional has the same concerns about the CR (Commercial des1gnat1on 10 this area as was descr1bed 1n Planning Area No.1. Its potential use should the same recommended study. . Staff Recommendation 2 - Public Flood Control The Pr1ncipal Planner read Recommendation No. 2 Wh1Ch states that all flood control areas w1thin the 100 year flood pla1n should rema1n 1n a PFC (Public Flood Control) designatlon. Th1S recommendatlon would affect the sixty acre slte requested by the County Flood Control D1strict to be changed to CG (Commercial General). Staff recommends that th1S site remain PFC until final adopt1on 6 4/25/88 . of the General Plan. Since the General Plan EIR will not prov1de the detail necessary to evaluate a change from PFC '0 CG, the Flood Control District should provide the env1ronmental 1nformation to ass1st a separate study. Mr. David Lewis of the San Bernardino County Flood Control D1strict, used the aerial to show the property he wished to talk about. Generally, it 1S located southerly of the freeway 1n the auto center area. He is request1ng that this SlXty acre site be changed in designation from PFC to CG as the eX1st1ng flood control channel is fully 1mproved and the area is fairly well protected. Mr. LeW1S stated that the traffic study has been completed by the consultant and that they are working w1th Leighton and Associates on the geolog1c reports Wh1Ch should be completed 1n two months. He added that a Commercial General designat10n would help the Flood Control D1strict maX1m1ze 1tS resources. . Staff Recommendation 3 - Waterman Avenue - Mixed Use to IL The Staff recommended that the MU designat10n along the west slde of Waterman Avenue be changed to IL wlth certain office and retall uses permltted by pOlicy. Staff 1S concerned that the area would be unable to absorb so much acreage of commercial uses. Therefore, staff recommends the change along with a direction to staff to study and suggest criteria for office and other commerclal uses ln thlS area through POllCY. (See next recommendatlon for dlScusslon on No.3) Staff Recommendation 4 - Central Avenue between Waterman Avenue and Warm Creek Flood Control Channel With regard to the Waterman Avenue corrldor, staff also recommended that the CH designat10n on Central Avenue between Waterman Avenue and the Warm Creek Flood Control Channel should change to IL to reflect eXlstlng uses. The relatively light traffic volumes on Central Avenue would not support heavy commerc1al uses. Planning Director Slracusa explained the recommendatlon and added that what they do not want to see on Waterman Avenue lS a lot of strip centers, so as mlxed use lends itself to the development standards approach lt lS the preferred category for this area. . Mr. Svete stated that Waterman Avenue 1S increaslngly becomlng a major entryway to San Bernardino and a major access into downtown San Bernardlno so the idea was then " let's get the heavy commercial out of the area and let 1t develop lnto an office park setting". The solution for 7 4/25/88 . the existlng retall uses was mlxed use along the Waterman corridor, with industrlal and general commerclal wlth strong deslgn guidelines, such slgniflcant landscaping and setbacks. The heavy commerclal was then designated to the east/west streets such as Central Avenue. ThlS recommendatlon also affects Area 7 but lt is ~lfflcult to discuss one slde of Waterman Avenue wlthout discussing the other. The Councll discussed the need to locate llght lndustrial ln appropriate locations throughout the Clty. Courtney Buse stated that the map appears to hlm to be heavy ln commercial/lndustrial and light ln resldential. Historically, San Bernardino has zoned out undeslrable uses, but the new directlon that the Councll should be thlnking is that there are market economlCS which wlll determlne how a property lS developed. The Councll can make any designatlon they llke on the map but untll the market is ready, that property wlll remaln undeveloped. . Mr. Buse stated that he believes that MU is the appropriate designatlon for the Waterman area because it provides for flexibillty and lf the City wants to designate Waterman as an entryway for the City, lt can overlay Waterman with specral development standards. Mr. Buse presented the followlng recommendatlons specifrcally for the Inland Center area: a) Within 65 CNEL desrgnate some IL b) West and east sides of Waterman Avenue - expand MU-CG and IL in depth. c) Between HE" Street and Waterman, Rialto and rncludlng Mill Street - recommend mrxed use with CG and IL to reflect existrng CM zone. d) Expand CH in depth along Central Avenue. Mr. Buse pornted out that San Bernardino is a core city and because of thls will support uses different from those found ln surroundrng crtres such as Loma Linda or Redlands. . Planning Director Siracusa answered regardrng auto dismantlers in the Waterman area and offered suggestrons on how the deslgnations could be rncreased. questrons and Central amount of IH 8 4/25/88 . Ms. Slracusa and Mr. Svete addressed the issue of changing deslgnatlons on property. Mr. Svete stated that there are always concerns in plannlng an area that is already built. Baslcally, the Clty is developing a "wish iist". COUNCIL MEMBER FLORES EXCUSED Councll Member Flores left the Councll Table. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA Mayor Wllcox stated that thlS lS to take up the Redevelopment Agency that the Redevelopment meeting be p.m., this date. the time scheduled agenda and requested postponed until 1:00 Councll Member Rellly made a motlon, seconded by Councll Member Mlnor, that the Redevelopment Agency meetlng be postponed until 1:00 p.m., this date. Ayes: Noes: Council The motion carr led Councll Members Council Members Member Flores. by the following vote, Reilly, Maudsley, Minor, Estrada, Pope-Ludlam. to-wit: Miller. Absent: . INLAND CENTER - AREA 2 - CONTINUED The discussion on Area 2, Inland Center, continued. Council Member Rellly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller and unanlmously carried, that staff be asked to consider llght industrial on both sides of Waterman Avenue from the Golf Course north to Central and lncludlng the 65 CNEL. The Planning Director stated she interpreted this to mean that the Council lS not changing the map but when the general plan lS prepared, this matter should be studied more carefully. Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by Council Member Mlller and unanimously carried, that the RU and RMH areas on the north and south sides of Rialto, west of the MU area along Waterman, be studied by the staff for RS zoning. COUNCIL MEMBER FLORES RETURNED Council Member Flores returned to the Council Table. . Mr. David Burdick, 237 West Mlll Street and 201 West Mill Street, spoke regarding his plans to expand hlS business. Presently he owns a llght manufacturlng business on the southwest corner of Mlll and Mt. Vlew and lS In between the flrst and second phase of hls proJect. 9 4/25/88 . He 1S waiting for a uf a commercial manufactures. liquefact10n report showroom for the for the building furniture he Mr. Burd1ck's designation would products near their concern was that a restr1ct h1S abil1ty manufacturing slte. light lndustrial to retail his The Planning Dlrector stated that the Commission supported a policy WhlCh would allow goods manufactured on the site to be sold on the slte as long as the retail portlon is ancillary to the manufacturlng business. Mr. Burdick was whether or not an IL separating the retall lt to another user. more flexlb1lity. concerned about the future and deslgnatlon would restrict him from portion of his business and selling He preferred MU as it would allow The Planning Director explained her ObJection to MU 1n that area, as too much MU wlll cause the loss of the ability to plan for part1cular uses. . Mr. Svete pOlnted out that lf too much commerclal lS deslgnated, the market wlll not support lt, then you run the risk of creatlng too much competltlon from other commerclal areas. Deputy City Attorney Cynthia Grace answered questions, and stated that assumlng Mr. Burdick's proJect lS bUllt under the present ordinances, it may become a non-conforming use under a new general plan. Staff agreed to take note of Mr. Burdick's concerns and reply at a later date. MAYOR WILCOX EXCUSED - COUNCIL MEMBER REILLY MAYOR PRO TEMPORE At 11:57 a.m., Mayor Wilcox left the Councll Chambers and Council Member Reilly assumed the duties of Mayor Pro Tempore. Mr. John Suverkrup, owner Street, stated his business requested the area recelve flexibllHy. of Suverkrup Lumber on lS 90% commercial, an MU designation Mill and for . Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanlmously carried, to take another lOOK ~t both sides of Mill Street from "E" Street to Waterman Avenue, including the area south to Central, recognlzlng the comments of the property owners, for the possiblllty of broadening the uses permitted. 10 4/25/88 . The Council dlscussed the railroad spur Suverkrup property and a suggestion was made "ndustrial be designated wherever heavy delivered by rall. behind the that llght goods are Plannlng Director Siracusa requested direction on the timeframe for reporting back to the Council on the studies to be undertaken and the changes ordered. Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly stated he would like staff to be able to respond before this process is final and asked them to report back by May 18, 1988, so property owners would not be left floatlng. The Planning Dlrector responded that enough time to adequately study each of concern. The staff will look at the areas must keep in mind that staff lS not gOlng of lnvestlgation that needs to be done. there is not the areas of but the Council to do the kind CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT - AREA 3 Vince Bautista, Principal Planner, boundarles of Area 3 as follows: gave the . North: South: East: West: Base Line Street Rialto Avenue Waterman Avenue 1-215 Freeway Staff Recommendation 1 - Downtown CR Staff Recommendation 1 states that staff has concerns about the CR (Commercial Regional) designation in the downtown area descrlbed in ltem 4 of Planning Area 1. Its potential use should be part of the same recommended study. (Study authorized durlng Area 1 discussion) Staff Recommendation The CO (Commercial expanded to include the one-half way between "D" to Fifth Streets. 2 - Downtown CO Offlce) designation should be area from Arrowhead Avenue to and "E" Streets and from Second The Planning Director and the Princlpal answered questions of the Council regardlng the uses envisloned In the downtown area and regarding substitute for their recommendation of CO. Planner future MU as a . Plannlng general plan pOlnted out vertlcal nnx above. Director process lS that an MU Wl th retail Siracusa pointed out that the a directlon for future use and designation could allow for a on lower storles and commerclal 11 4/25/88 . Staff Recommendation 3: further study the potentlal between Seccombe Lake State ?ark. Staff requested direction to for a greenbelt connection Urban Park and Meadowbrook Council Member Rellly made a motlon, seconded by Councll Member Estrada and unanlmously carrled, that staff be given dlrection to further study the potential for a greenbelt connection between Seccombe Lake State Urban ?ark and Meadowbrook Park. Staff Recommendation 4: Since the MU deslgnation ln this area requlres residential uses, staff recommends a policy that existing motels not be permitted to convert to apartments. This policy lS needed because motels do not meet the more stringent development standards for apartments. Councll Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Counell Member Miller and unanlmously carried, that as the MU deslgnation in the area requires resldential uses, a policy be adopted that existing motels not be permitted to convert to apartments. . COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM EXCUSED Council Member Valerie Pope-Ludlam left the Councll Table. Staff Recommendation 5: The RMH (Residentlal Medium High) designation around the Central Library should be changed to MU to accommodate similar comblnatlons of uses as planned to the east and south. Plannlng Director Siracusa spoke regarding the NU zone and the general plan process. She stated that what is deslgnated in the general plan lS an absolute and cannot be varied from wlthout a change ln the general plan but addltionally there will be many development standards ln the zoning code that have to be adopted. The Councll can require that any resldentlal development in an MU zone come through a dlscretlonary process. Development Specialist John Hoeger also pointed out that in some cases the Councll can requlre a specific plan prior to development. . Councll Member Estrada made a motlon, seconded by Councll Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the RMH designation around the Central Library be changed to MU to accommodate simllar comblnations of uses as planned to the east and the south. 12 4/25/88 . Staff Recommendation 6: Staff recommended a minimum lot Slze for development of res1dential uses around 8eccombe Lake State Urban Park be established by POllCY. 3taff also recommended that projects should be at least Jne acre in size to encourage consolidatlon of substandard ~ots. Tom Malone was present to represent his mother who owns property south of the Pavilion ln Seccombe Park. He stated that the property is zoned office commercial and he would like lt to remain office commercial because of the Slze and shape of the parcels. He felt that resldential was not appropriate. The Princlpal Planner pOlnted out being dlscussed lS in an RDA proJect would requlre assistance from the RDA. that the property area and a change . Mr. Malone stated that as a former County planner he was very famillar wlth Planning laws and practlces and that his mother's property lS appropriate for offlce commercial as there are traffic congestion and noise problems now caused by the Pavllion and Seccombe Park. He talked about the crime in the area and questioned whether the Clty would use eminent domain to assemble the one acre parcels as recommended by Plannlng. Planning Director Slracusa addressed hlS questlons and explained the process through IPD if Mr. Malone goes forward wlth development at thlS tlme. Mr. Malone stated he lS requesting that the property frontlng on Flfth Street be designated office commercial and perhaps some type of mlxed use. He is thinking about a slngle story offlce bUllding with an art gallery and behind that a three to four story condominium with a patio for the condos on top of the office. COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER EXCUSED Council Member Miller left the Councll Table. COUNCIL MEMBER ESTRADA EXCUSED Council Member Estrada left the Councll Table. . Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanlmously carried, that a mlnimum lot Slze for development of residential uses around Seccombe Lake State Urban Park be established by policy and that proJects should be at least one acre 1n Slze to encourage consolidatlon of substandard lots. 13 4/25/88 . COUNCIL Council Table. MEMBER ESTRADA RETURNED Member Estrada returned to the Counc~l Courtney Buse spoke regard~ng ma~ntain~ng a sense of neighborhood in the area. MAYOR WILCOX RETURNED At 1:20 p.m., Mayor Wilcox returned to the Counc~l Meeting. Ann S~racusa, regard~ng the 7 UP Planning Director, Bottling Company. answered quest~ons CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Council Member Minor Council Member Flores and hearing for Areas 1, 2, and made a mot~on, seconded unan~mously carried, that 3 be closed. by the COUNCIL MEMBERS POPE-LUDLAM AND MILLER RETURN Council Members Pope-Ludlam and Miller returned to the Council Table. . FLOOD CONTROL - AREA 2 - INLAND CENTER The Planning Director requested that the Counc~l review the the staff recommendations and address any actions they want to take so that staff has adequate time to amend the maps. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Counc~l Member Flores and unanimously carried, to concur with staff's recommendation 2 concern~ng the flood control property and order that the sixty acre site in question remain PFC until completlon of the envlronmental reports and then at that time, evaluate a change from PFC to CG. SOUTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT - TRI CITY AREA 1 The Plannlng Director po~nted out that action needed to be taken on the South POlnte project from Area No. 1 which has completed the~r lnfrastructure and has a homeowner's associat~on in place. She stated that the South pointe development, which was addressed In Staff Recommendatlon 1, Area 1, has requested an RU des~gnation for 3800 square foot lots. If the Council ~s inclined to let the RU go forward, the Counc~l should make an exception for just that project on the basis that the infrastructure ~s already in place. . Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Councll Member Flores and unanimously carr~ed, to allow a min~mum of 5000 square feet for the resident~al lots ~n the South Pointe ProJect. 14 4/25/88 . Deputy City Attorney Cynthia Grace answered questions regarding the legal ramificat~ons of the Council's jec~s~on and stated that if the lots are legal lots or a iegally recorded subdivision, there could be problems. Council Member Reilly made a :ouncil Member Miller, that the !"econs~dered. motion, seconded previous action by be The mot~on carried by the follow~ng vote, to-w~t: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: Counc~l Member Maudsley. Absent: None. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carr~ed, that the lssue on the size of lots for South Po~nte be postponed unt~l the Council meeting of Apr~l 26, 1988, to be held at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of C~ty Hall. COUNCIL MEMBER MAUDSLEY EXCUSED Council Member Maudsley left the Council Table. . REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION At 1:37 p.m., Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carr~ed, that the adJourned regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Counc~l recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to meet w~th ~ts negot~ators to discuss the terms of d~spos~t~on of certa~n real property generally located at Base Line and Med~cal Center Drive. The Party to whom the Council's negotiator may negotiate is Haagen Development Corporation. CLOSED SESSION At 1:45 p.m., the Closed session was called to order by Mayor Wilcox ~n the anteroom of the Council Chambers of :::~ty Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernard~no, Californ~a. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken w~th the following being present: Mayor W~lcox; Council Members: Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, M~nor, Pope-Ludlam, M~ller; Assistant Attorney Barlow. Absent: City Clerk Clark, Deputy C~ty Admin~strator Robb~ns. . Also present: Sandy Lowder, Assistant Director of the Redevelopment Agency; Lorraine Velarde, Administrative Ass~stant and Jeff Kinsell and Rhonda Connelly from ~he f~rm of Miller and Schroeder Mun~cipals, 15 4/25/88 . RECESS CLOSED SESSION At 2:10 p.m., the Closed Session AdJourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North Bernardino, California. recessed to Council In "D" Street, the the San RECONVENE MEETING The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council reconvened In the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, Californla. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk wlth the following belng present: Mayor Wilcox; Councll Members: Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; Clty Attorney Penman; City Clerk Clark; Deputy City Administrator Robbins. Absent: None. ADJOUl\N TO MIC ROOM Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by Councll Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the meeting adjourn to the MIC room on the slxth floor of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. . RECONVENE MEETING At 2:15 p.m., the adjourned regular meetlng of the Mayor and Common Councll of the City of San Bernardlno reconvened in the MIC Room on the sixth floor of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, Callfornia. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members: Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; Assistant City Attorney Barlow; City Clerk Clark; Deputy City Adminlstrator Robbins. Absent: None. CLOSED SESSION - RDA PERSONNEL MATTER At 2:15 p.m., Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, to recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code Sectlon 54957 to dlscuss Community Development Commisslon personnel matters. . ADJOURN CLOSED SESSION At 2:25 p.m., the Closed Session of the Community Development Commission adjourned to the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, California. 16 4/25/88 . RECONVENE MEETING The adJourned regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino reconvened at 2:25 p.m. in the MIC room on the s~xth floor of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken by the C~ty Clerk with the following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Counc~l Members: Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; City Attorney Penman, City Clerk Clark, Deputy City Adm~nlstrator Robbins. Absent: None. ADJOURN MEETING At 2:26 p.m., Counc~l Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Counc~l Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the meeting adjourn to Tuesday, April 26, 1988, at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernard~no, California. . ~/ma-A1~ /' CHy Clerk . 17 4/25/88