HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-28-1988 Minutes
City of San Bernardino, California
March 28, 1988
This is the time and place set for an Adjourned Regular
Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino at their Regular Meeting held at 9:00 a.m.,
Monday, March 21, 1988, in the Council Chambers of City
Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California.
The City Clerk has caused to be posted the Notice of
Adjournment of said meeting held at 9:00 a.m., March 21,
1988, and has on file in the Office of the City Clerk an
Affidavit of said posting together with a copy of said Order
which was posted at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 22, 1988, in
the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San
Bernardino, California.
The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common
Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by
Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly at 5:35 p.m., Monday, March 28,
1988, in the Sturges Auditorium, 780 N. "E" Street, San
Bernardino, California.
Roll Call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Lang with the
following being present: Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly; Council
Members Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam,
Miller; City Attorney Penman, Deputy City Clerk Lang, Deputy
City Administrator Richardson. Absent: Mayor Wilcox;
Council Member Estrada.
There were no comments from the public.
At 5:40 p.m., Council Member Flores made a motion,
seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried,
that the Common Council recess to Closed Session to consider
personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957;
and pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer
with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has
been initiated formally and to which the City is a party as
follows: (3 & 4)
DeTinne vs. City of San Bernardino, Superior Court Case
Nos. 214093 and 222068;
Saldecke, et al vs. City of San Bernardino, et al - San
Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 236836 - Continued from
March 21, 1988;
City of San Bernardino vs. California Construction
Management, Inc., et al - San Bernardino Superior Court Case
No. 238755 - Continued from March 21, 1988.
The Closed Session was called to order by Mayor wilcox
in the Conference Room of the Sturges Auditorium.
Roll Call was taken with the following being present:
Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores,
Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; City Attorney Penman.
Absent: Deputy City Clerk Lang, Deputy City Administrator
At 5:45 p.m., Deputy City Clerk Lang arrived at the
Closed Session.
At 6:05 p.m., the Closed
Adjourned Regular Meeting of the
the City of San Bernardino.
Session adjourned to the
Mayor and Common Council of
At 6:11 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the
Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
reconvened in the Sturges Auditorium, 780 North "E" Street,
San Bernardino, California.
Roll Call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Lang with the
following being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members
Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, ~linor, Pope-Ludlam,
Miller; City Attorney Penman, Deputy City Clerk Lang, Deputy
City Administrator Richardson. Absent: None.
In a letter dated March 25, 1988, Barbara Sky and
Christopher Saldecke, acting as representatives of
C.H.A.R.G.E., Concerned Homeowners Association for Respon-
sible Growth and Environment, requested an exemption from
the payment of fees for use of the Council Chambers in City
Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California, on
Wednesday, March 30, 1988, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The
Council Chambers are requested to be used for a meeting of
C.H.A.R.G.E. (1)
An alternative to waiving the fees for use of the
cil Chambers was also suggested in the letter dated
25, 1988, from Barbara Sky and Christopher Saldecke.
suggested that the City co-sponsor the meeting and
Planning Department staff member attend the meeting.
that a
Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council
Member Mauds ley, that the exempt i on from the payment of
fees by C.H.A.R.G.E. for use of the Council Chambers on
March 30, 1988, be approved. (See substitute motion on Page
4 )
regarding the
Sky of C.H.A.R.G.E.
possibility of the
requested information
City co-sponsoring the
James Penman, City Attorney, explained the City's
position concerning co-sponsoring events.
Barbara Sky of C.H.A.R.G.E. stated that the proposed
meeting in the Council Chambers is going to be a learning
experience to prepare citizens to speak before the Mayor and
Common Council concerning the General Plan revision. She
offered to provide $1,@@0,000 of insurance for use of the
Counc i 1 Chambers. She al so requested that a member of the
Ci ty' s Planning Department staff be present at the meeting
to explain the planning process.
James Penman, City Attorney, answered questions, and
read from Resolution No. 82-462, concerning waiving of fees.
He stated that he would research the possibility of waiving
the fees for the use of the Council Chambers by C.H.A.R.G.E.
and provide information to the Mayor and Common Council on
April 4, 1988.
Discussion ensued regarding public input in the General
Plan revision process.
James Penman, Ci ty Attorney, suggested tha t
C.H.A.R.G.E. could pay the fee of $78 per hour for use of
the Council Chambers and that it could be refunded to them
if it is determined that the fees can be legally waived.
Barbara Sky of C.H.A.R.G.E. answered questions, stating
that it is estimated that the meeting will last three hours.
Council Member Minor of the Fifth Ward stated that if
the City cannot waive the fees for use of the Council
Chambers for the meeting, that he would pay the fees him-
sel f.
Council Member Flores made a substitute motion,
seconded by Council Member Miller, that the matter concern-
i ng the wa i ver of fees for use of the Counc i 1 Chambers on
March 30, 1988, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. by
C.H.A.R.G.E., be continued to the Regular Meeting of the
Mayor and Common Council to be held April 4, 1988, in the
Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San
Bernardino, California, for a report back from the City
The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Coun-
cil Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Pope-Ludlam, Miller.
Noes: Council Members Maudsley, Minor. Absent: None.
This is the time and place set for public discussion of
a development project known as Verdemont Villas, located on
the corner of Kendall and Palm, in the Fifth Ward of the
City of San Bernardino, which is within the boundaries of
the current building moratorium. (2)
Lee Lynch, 6065 N. Olive Avenue, requested a descrip-
tion of the Verdemont Villas development. The following
area resident rose to answer Mr. Lynch's question.
Kimberly Campbell, 2474 Cheryl Court, stated that she
spoke to someone who identified himself as the contractor of
the Verdemont Villas development while she was Shopping in
the neighborhood 7-11 Store. He described the development
to her as a high-income apartment set-up and showed her a
layout of what they were planning to build. She described
seeing security gates and a fire gate on Olive Street for
the Fire Department. There were two-story apartments in the
center of the project, and single story apartments on the
outer perimeter.
The contractor, whose name she could not remember,
invited Mrs. Campbell to his trailer office on the following
Thursday to see the plans of the development. When she went
to the appointment, he was not available.
James Richardson, Deputy City Administrator/Develop-
ment, answered questions, stating that the development is a
300-unit, multi-family apartment complex, originally
intended for senior citizens on land zoned R-3. This pro-
ject is included in Review of Plans 85-125, which was
approved. Slabs have been poured for 36 units, but beyond
that, no construction has yet taken place. He stated that
there is pending litigation concerning further construction
of this project.
Dave Norris, an area resident for six years, stated his
concerns regarding property values and housing tracts that
were built in the area that went bankrupt. He feels that
Verdemont is now becoming a viable area and views develop-
ment of low-income apartment projects as a detriment to
property values. He stated he believed the proposed
development area would be some type of wildlife sanctuary.
Albert Dddi, 2955 Irvington Avenue, superintendent for
the contractor who built the 7-11 complex on Kendall and
Pine, spoke regarding his experiences in building in the
Verdemont area and described help provided to him by the
City Building Inspectors. He described development problems
experienced by contractors in the area concerning high winds
and the costs of undergrounding of utilities.
He complained that inconsistent standards are placed on
di fferent developers by the City. He quest i oned how the
developer of the Verdemont Villas project could have lost
his permits and is now building. He stated that he was told
by City personnel that the property on the southeast corner
of University and Kendall was zoned R-2 and would never be
changed to commercial. He, therefore, did not purchase the
property, and now has heard that another developer obtained
a change of zone to commercial for that piece of property.
Violet Hart, P. D. Box 6908, San Bernardino, expressed
concern regarding the need for an increased selvage system,
and additional schools, stating that students are bussed
from the Verdemont area due to growth of the area. She
feels that these concerns should be met before building is
per~itted, not after the fact.
Mayor Wilcox advised that the sewage treat~ent plant is
presently being increased to more than double its current
capacity and that the problem of odors from the plant is
being addressed as part of the expansion.
Carlos Rubio, 7063 Meyers Court, expressed concern
regarding low-income housing in the area and its effect on
increased crime. He stated that the traffic system in the
area is already lacking for the amount of traffic. He re-
quested that the City plan ahead and meet prospective needs
before allowing development of an area.
Geraldine Wong, 5794 Christopher Street, strongly
opposed the building of low-income housing. She purchased
her home less than eight months ago, and was told by the
sellers that the property upon which the Verdemont project
is to be constructed was planned for a
school and a park. She expressed concern
fire protection in the Verdemont area.
the lack
John Hogy, 3203 Irvington, described his experience of
purchasing a townhouse in the north end of San Bernardino
and its value did not appreciate due to multi-family dwell-
ings in the surrounding area. He sold that property to buy
in the Verdemont area, and does not want to have the same
set of circumstances.
He expressed concern regarding the 7-11 commercial
building with a gas station less than 20 feet away.
passed by
Fountain, who is currently building a home in the
area, stated that poor craftsmanship is being
City Inspectors.
Leo Flores, 6177 Robin
drainage and flooding in the
information regarding where a
to be constructed by the City.
Road, spoke regarding storm
Verdemont area and requested
storm drain project is going
He objected to low-income housing in the area, stating
that there is plenty of other vacant land to be used.
Ken Henderson, Director of Community Development,
stated that he has been unable to determine that the Verde-
mont Villa project is Section 8, low-income housing. The
County, not the City, sponsors Section 8 housing. The
County has informed him that it is not sponsoring any
Section 8 housing in the City at this time. The program for
funding this type of project is being cut back and has a
waiting list within the corporate boundaries of the City.
He further stated that the County has not accepted
applications for Section 8, low-income housing in one and a
half years. This project is not receiving any City financ-
ing. When a project is financed conventionally, without
City funding, the City has no way of determining if the
project is for senior citizens.
He invited any member of the public to come to his
office and review the housing study, which is entitled "San
Bernardino City's Optimal Housing Product Mix Recent Trends,
Future Expectations and Policy Considerations", and to meet
wi th him concerning any questions they might have. He is
currently working on a comprehensive housing policy for the
City, which involves community input. He stated it is being
held up by the General Plan revision.
As a point of clarification, he stated that there is no
scientific evidence to prove that low-income housing has
anything to do with the crime rate of an area.
factor in
the Ci ty
4% is
a 9% apartment
considered the
Mr. Henderson recommended that a comprehensive housing
policy be finished before the Mayor and Common Council take
further action regarding development.
James Penman, City Attorney, stated that under the
direction of the Mayor and Common Council, the City Attor-
ney's Office undertook careful investigation of what had
transpired with the renewal and extension of permits for the
Verdemont Villas project. He explained that the City of San
Bernardino is under a building moratorium imposed by the
State Office of Planning and Research. Prior to the mora-
tor i urn, the ~layor and Common Counc i 1 approved an urgency
ordinance for a building moratorium and an investigation
began concerning allegations regarding this project.
He stated that it was determined that a City official,
who is no longer an employee of the City, had gone beyond
his authority and executed permits for the project, calling
them renewals. The permits were wrongly given new numbers
and a fee was not charged for the renewals, as required by
City ordinance.
Mr. Penman
information, the
office to oppose
the permits were
told the audience that based upon this
Mayor and Common Council instructed his
the development of the project in court, as
received unlawfully and could not be relied
Sharon Allen, 6058 Shepherd Dr i ve, sta ted she phoned
Verdemont Villas and was told that the development was to be
a senior citizens housing project, and that rent would be
$490 per month.
Joe Bryant, 1962 Indigo, spoke regarding the lack of
fire protection and schools in the Verdemont area. He also
expressed concern over low-income housing neighboring single
family dwellings.
Steve Butterworth, 6055 N. Olive, stated his concerns
regarding increased traffic on Olive Street due to the pro-
posed project and the safety of children in the area.
Verne Devore, 2945 W. Irvington, a member of
C.H.A.R.G.E.. referred to Chapters 19.66.010 and 19.66.080
of the Municipal Code, regarding notification being made by
the City to property owners within 500 feet of a proposed
development. He stated that he was not notified regarding
the development of Verdemont Villa.
James Penman, City Attorney, stated that a large number
of variances were approved by the former Council and that
the present Council is very conservative in granting
variances. The Municipal Code will be subordinate to the
court's decision of whether or not the developers of Verde-
mont Villa have a vested interest.
Verne Devore, resident, further
should stop the project. He expressed
would not stop the development, as it
the developers a settlement.
stated that the City
concern that the City
does not want to pay
Starlett Johnson, 6222 Brenda Lane, stated that
al though she purchased her home three months ago, she wi 11
sell and lose equity if the apartment project is allowed to
go forward behind her. She referred to promises made to her
by the contractor concerning the open field at Redwood and
Pine. She was told it would be more houses and a park, and
now she hears rumors it is going to be low-income housing.
Randy Beas ley, 6204 Woodpi ne Avenue, expressed concern
over the basic quality of life in the Verdemont area and the
common goal of the residents to improve the area. He
requested that there be better communication between the
City and residents so that they can have input on decisions
affecting their area.
James Penman, City Attorney, advised that if the court
issues an order that the developers have a vested interest,
the most that can be done is for the City to file an appeal
to the court. He told the audience that it would be helpful
to them to follow the Planning Commission agenda to keep
informed of building in their area.
Tony Ichsan, 6222 Brenda Lane, stated his concerns
regarding fire safety protection, sewage and a recent major
traffic accident at University Parkway and College Avenue.
Ron Sheets, area resident, spoke regarding traffic
congestion and hazards in the Verdemont area.
Ken Henderson, Director of Community Development, made
supplemental comments regarding public involvement in the
General Plan revision process. He reiterated the importance
of a comprehensive housing pOlicy. He stated that the 1986
Tax Reform Legislation makes it difficult for industrial,
commercial and bond financing of housing projects. In 1987,
there was one application for multi-family residential bond
Greg Sadick, an employee of the developer of Verdemont
Villas, spoke, stating that the development is not Section 8
housing, it is not low cost housing, and it is not a senior
citizen project.
Chris Saldecke, 6464 Palm Avenue, spoke regarding rent
subsidies being a way to get around calling a project low-
income housing. He stated that Planning Commission meetings
are not the only way to keep up with what is going on in the
Verdemont area. He encouraged residents to watch the
agendas of the Redevelopment Agency and the Environmental
Review Committee.
He also expressed concern over the prospect of allowing
further building without taking care of flood control,
traffic, sewage, the bridge on Palm and additional schools
Jay Shrine, 5985 Gregory, questioned the issuance date
of the first building permit for Verdemont Villas.
City Attorney Penman sta ted tha t he knew the renewal
date to be June 10, 1987. He answered questions regarding
why the project did not start earlier and explained the AVCO
test that will be used by the courts to determine vested
interest. The court will take into consideration the total
project cost and the amount the developer has spent in
good faith reliance on permits, etc.
He also explained the use of
judge to hear the cases concerning
in the crowded court system.
an experienced, retired
the building moratorium
one in the
Wilcox stated that the City Attorney and
Council Members would be happy to remain at the
to answer questions, and stated that unless any-
audience had something new to offer, the public
be ended.
Council Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the
following requests for two closed sessions be continued to
Tuesday, March 29,1988, at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Cham-
bers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino:
(3 & 4)
Pursuant to Government Code Sections 54957 to consider
personnel matters and 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney
regarding pending litigation which has been initiated for-
mally and to which the City is a party as follows:
DeTinne vs. City of San Bernardino, Superior Court Case
Nos. 214093 and 222068;
Saldecke, et al vs. City of San Bernardino, et al - San
Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 236836 - Continued from
March 21, 1988;
City of San Bernardino vs. California Construction
Management, Inc., et al - San Bernardino Superior Court Case
No. 238755 - Continued from March 21, 1988.
At 8:30 p.m., the meeting adjourned to 5:00 p.m., Tues-
day, March 29, 1988, in the Council Chambers of City Hall,
300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California.
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v Deputy City Clerk