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City of San Bernardino, California
February 9, 1987
This is the time and place heretofore set for an
Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council
of the City of San Bernardino at their Regular Meeting
held Monday, February 2, 1987, at 9:02 a.m., in the
Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San
Bernardino, California.
The City Clerk has caused to be posted the Notice of
Adjournment of said meeting held Monday, February 2, 1987,
at 9:02 a.m., and has on file in the Office of the City
Clerk an affidavit of said posting, together wi th a copy
of said Notice which was posted on Tuesday, February 3,
1987, at 9:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall,
300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California.
The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common
Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order
by Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly at 9:04 a.m., Monday, February
9, 1987, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North
"D" Street, San Bernardino, California.
The Invocation was given by Richard Bennecke, Execu-
tive Assistant to the Mayor.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Warren Knudson,
Director, Finance Department.
Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the fol-
lowing being present: Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly, Council
Members Estrada, Reilly, Quiel, Strickler; Deputy City
Attorney Sabourin, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator
Schweitzer. Absent: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members
Hernandez, Frazier.
In a memorandum dated January 29, 1987, Glenda Saul,
Executive Director, Redevelopment Agency, stated that
staff had been negotiating with the representatives of the
Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) for their pur-
chase of the facility located at 566 North Lugo Avenue,
San Bernardino, California. Prior to close of escrow,
YWCA had applied for building permits to allow for a major
rehabilitation of the existing structure now occupied by
them. Ms. Saul explained that staff recommended that
authorization be given to the Executive Director to sign
on behalf of the Agency as owner/builder for the YWCA
remodeling and also to obtain and pay for workers compen-
sation coverage for building trades volunteers who will
provide the majority of the labor. (2)
On February 2, 1987, the Common Council, acting as
the Community Development Commission, approved action to
reimburse the YWCA for workers compensation insurance
costs on volunteer workers in an amount not to exceed
$2500.00, and to continue the matter to February 9, 1987,
as a City item to consider the waiver of fees.
Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Strickler and unanimously carried, to ap-
prove the waiver of building permit fees for the Redevel-
opment Agency on the YWCA Project. (Motion later res-
cinded, see page 2)
Deputy City Attorney Sabourin stated it was the poli-
cy of the City Attorney that the fees were not waiverable
unless provided for by a resolution or ordinance. He
stated that City Attorney Prince had recommended that the
fees be paid and then be reimbursed. It was his under-
standing from previous information that the Redevelopment
Agency was not going to take out the permit.
At 9:10 a.m., Council Member Frazier arrived at the
Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table.
The Council discussed whether or not this was a
Councilor Redevelopment Agency item, and whether or not
the Redevelopment Agency would be taking out the permit.
It was determined that the Redevelopment Agency would take
out the permit.
At 9:12 a.m., Mayor Wilcox arrived at the Council
Meeting and took her place at the Council Table.
Glenda Saul, Executive Director of the Redevelopment
Agency, answered questions, stating that it was her under-
standing that this was to be a City action item only.
Deputy City Attorney Sabourin stated that, given the
circumstances, it was proper to proceed and recommended
that the Redevelopment Agency indicate it is going to act
as owner/builder and that the application would be filed
on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency which would ask for
waiver of fees.
City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions,
stating there is a pol icy that the ci ty does not charge the
City or Agency any fees.
At 9:20 a.m., Council Member Hernandez arrived at the
Council Meeting and took his place at the Council Table.
Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, to recon-
sider the previous motion. Council Member Hernandez de-
clined to vote on this matter.
Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, to rescind
the original motion. Council Member Hernandez declined to
vote on this matter.
Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, to reaf-
firm previous policy to waive fees as it relates to this
specific RDA project only.
Glenda Saul, Executive Director, Redevelopment
Agency, stated she would withhold her signature until
assurance is given that the YWCA is following through on
the workers' compensation.
At 9:24 a.m., Deputy City Attorney Sabourin left the
Council Meeting.
Warren Knudson, Director of Finance,
1986-87 Mid-Year Budget Analysis.
presented the
Mr. Knudson stated that figures indicate that there
will be excessive revenue over the estimate, although the
City is behind in sales tax at this time, which is the
single largest source of revenue to the General Fund. An
8% increase was projected over last year, but there has
been only a 5.1% increase at this time. The second quar-
ter (October - December) receipts, which provides a large
percentage of the total amount, will be finalized in mid-
March, which will provide a more realistic figure.
Finance Director Knudson answered questions, stating
that there will no Revenue Sharing Funds in the City's
Budget next year.
The Mayor and Council discussed possible alternatives
to providing additional income to the City.
Finance Director Knudson answered questions, stating
that it is anticipated there will be a favorable ending
fund balance of between $700,000 to $900,000 at the end of
the Fiscal Year.
Animal Control Department Shortfall
Finance Director Knudson reported a projected short-
fall in the Animal Control Department. He stated it is
anticipated that $110,000 will be necessary to supplement
that activity by the end of the year.
FAU Unexpended Balance
Finance Director Knudson reported that notification
was received from Caltrans showing an unexpended FAU bal-
ance of $352,746 and recommended that plans be prepared
for the bridge on South E Street and traffic signals on
Del Rosa.
Mr. Knudson stated that action items regarding the
FAU funding would be brought back to the Council.
Underground Fuel Tank Monitoring
A discussion was held concerning the State require-
ment that the City monitor underground fuel tanks and the
fact that various other governmental agencies are doing
the same job.
City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions,
stating this was a State mandated duty, and agreed to look
into duplication of monitoring.
Finance Director Knudson stated that the cost for
monitoring this program is estimated at $30,000.
Inoperable Vehicle Program
City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions
regarding the Inoperable Vehicle Program and explained why
it was not included in the Code Compliance Officer
duties. He stated that the Fire Department had been doing
this job for quite a few years and has a civilian fire
inspector in this position.
The Mayor and Council discussed the background of why
this program had been under the direction of the Fire
City Administrator Schweitzer agreed to look into
this program and determine when the responsibilities were
changed from the fire fighters to a civilian position.
Central City Area Traffic Signal Timing Plan
Mr. Knudson stated there is a request for progressive
traffic signal timing plans for the Central City Area, at
an estimated cost of $8,950, which could be allocated
from salary savings in Engineering. This item will be
brought back to Council as an action item at a later meet-
Personnel - Personnel Clerk I Position
Mr. Knudson stated that the Personnel Department had
requested the reinstatement of an authorized but unfunded
Personnel Clerk I position at the cost of approximately
$7,000 for the remainder of the fiscal year. This request
was brought about by the open and continuous hiring of Law
Enforcement Trainees by the Police Department and addi-
tional duties being assigned to the Personnel Department,
such as finger printing of new employees and the 1986
Immigration Reform Act. Funding for the remainder of the
fiscal year would be available from within the Personnel
Department budget.
City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions,
stating there are approximately 90 persons hired each
month due to a high turnover of temporary and part-time
It was suggested that this matter be considered by
the Personnel Committee.
After School Playground Programs
Finance Director Knudson stated that at the time of
the budget adoption, staff was seeking to pursue after
school playground programs in cooperation with the San
Bernardino City Unified School District. The School Dis-
trict is not interested or not able to provide any assis-
tance in this area, so Parks and Recreation will provide
what programs they can.
The Mayor and Council discussed the need to be using
the playgrounds after school hours even though there is
possible liability. It was suggested that the State Leg-
islature be contacted to determine if some legislation
could be passed to address this issue.
Parks - Wind Damage
Finance Director Knudson spoke of wind damage in two
City parks. The Parks, Recreation and Community Services
Department will try to identify funding for repairs in the
amount of approximately $20,000 from the department bud-
get. If this is not possible, there will be a request for
funds to repair the damage.
The Mayor and Council discussed the use of Ward Park
Funds to repair the damage in the park facilities, and
suggested the Parks, Recreation and Community Services
Department contact Council Members of the involved Ward.
wildwood Park, which suffered damage is located in the
Fourth Ward, but Council Member Strickler, Seventh Ward,
could be contacted, as his Ward is adjacent to Wildwood
Postal and Collection Center
Finance Director Knudson stated that limited funds
were allocated for the operation of the Postal and Collec-
tion Center on Mt. Vernon in the 1986-87 budget. He
stated that the City Treasurer has been attempting to find
another location, but has not been successful in locating
a City facility to house the operation. A report from
the City Treasurer is being prepared and will be forwarded
as soon as it is completed.
The Mayor and Council discussed the possibility of
purchasing a mobile home and moving it to various loca-
tions in the City to provide service for all the wards at
various times.
City Administrator Schweitzer stated the City Treas-
urer has done an analysis on the possible mobile home
solution and will have a report on this soon.
Fire Department Staffing
Finance Director Knudson stated that consideration
for the 1987-88 budget includes a request for funding for
addi tional personnel in the Fire Department to staff the
new Fire Station which is scheduled to open in mid-fiscal
City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions,
stating that a report regarding the cost of the proposed
new fire station will be provided to the Mayor and
Counc i 1.
Sturges Auditorium - Seccombe Lake Funding
Finance Director Knudson stated that full year fund-
ing for Sturges Auditorium and Seccombe Lake will be in
the 1987-88 budget.
The Mayor and Council discussed funding for Sturges
Auditorium and previous indications that it was supposed
to become self supporting.
Mayor wilcox stated that the Foundation is in charge
of Sturges Auditorium, with coordination handled through
Thelma Press and Norm Baffrey in the Parks, Recreation and
Community Services Department, and agreed that the Council
needs a full report and up-date on Sturges auditorium.
Public Services Department - Painting and Striping
Finance Director Knudson explained that the Public
Services Department will be requesting monies for painting
and striping projects.
Garage Study and Budget
Finance Director Knudson stated that while recommen-
dations from the Hughes-Heiss Garage Study are not final-
ized, it is estimated there will be costs of $100,000 to
$150,000 for capital outlay items.
City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions,
stating the Hughes-Heiss Study is supposed to be completed
in about two weeks, which will recommend changes in the
Garage Department to improve efficiency and save money.
However, there may also be recommendations for new equip-
ment that will be necessary to implement the changes.
At 10:15 a.m., Council Member Hernandez left the
Council Meeting.
General Plan Update Workshop
Finance Director Knudson stated there will be a work-
shop on February 16, 1987, at noon in the MIC Room to
discuss a General Plan update. The financial impact of
the update will be between $125,000 to $150,000.
Wage and Benefit Negotiations
Finance Director Knudson explained
benefit negotiations and charter-mandated
have a major impact on the 1987-88 budget.
that wage and
increases will
Health Plan
Finance Director Knudson stated that the Self-Insured
Health Plan Fund has a deficit balance due to falling
behind in payments from the previous year when Blue Cross
was handling claims. The program was changed to John
Hancock in January, 1986.
City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions
regarding the payment of insurance claims and explained
why the City is behind in payments. He stated the new
plan with John Hancock is in good shape, but the City is
having to pay old claims out of current revenue.
The Mayor and Council discussed the problem of the
deficit payments in the Insurance Program and expressed
concern as to the loss ratio.
City Administrator Schweitzer stated there will be an
analysis prepared in June, that actuarial studies have
been done, and that the present program is satisfactory.
He stated that City employees had chosen to subsidize
retirees in the insurance program. Mr. Schweitzer stated
he would work with Wyatt Company and prepare a report on
the health insurance issue.
Reserves - Operating Contingency
Finance Director Knudson stated the reserves are not
what they should be and the City will probably have less
than $200,000 in operating contingencies at the end of the
fiscal year. He stated that if the City were to maintain
a 5% reserve level, there would be about 2.5 million
The Mayor and Council discussed the importance of
raising the amount of the contingency fund and possible
ways to increase revenue, such as fee increases and util-
ity tax. The Mayor and Common Council agreed that ser-
vices should not be cut.
Finance Director Knudson answered questions regarding
the City computer service, which is not as yet providing
all the information that is needed.
vice and Narcotics Unexpended Balance
The Mayor and Council discussed the Police Department
Budget that reflected a 91% unexpended balance in the
Vice-Narcotics Item and the possible appearance that the
City is not doing enough to battle drug abuse.
City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions,
stating that action is being taken in this item, but paper
work has not been done, so the proper balance is not re-
Utilities and Janitorial Services
The Mayor and Council discussed utility and jani-
torial services and costs.
Finance Director Knudson answered questions, stating
that the utility exemption program was working very well.
He explained the various methods of publicizing the pro-
gram so all eligible persons would be aware of this
City Safety Program
City Administrator Schweitzer answered questions,
stating that the City has a good safety program and that
there has been a dramatic decrease in claims. He stated
he had a six-month report and will provide it for the
Counc i 1.
Summary of Financial Picture to be Presented
in March, 1987
The Mayor and Council discussed the importance of
implementing cost savings without cutting back on ser-
Finance Director Knudson agreed to provide a summary
of the City's financial condition at the end of March,
At 11:20 a.m., Council Member Strickler made a mo-
tion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously
carried, that the meeting be adjourned to Monday, February
16, 1987, at 9:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City
Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California.
/ City Clerk