HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-150 r ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . " ORDIUANCE NO. ~1C-150 ORDINANCL': OF TlIL: CITY UF ~3AN EEENARDINO At';ENlJU.G THE SAN BEFNARDII."O ['lUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CllAPTER 12.90 RELATING TO TtiE ES'l'ABLISHtlEWl', FINANCING AND OPERATION OF ASSESSt1EN1' DISTRICTS IH'LIlIN 'l'HE CITY; AND REPeALING ORDINANCE NO. 3963. THE i1AYOR AND cmU,ION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ShN BEHNJI.RCINO DO ORDAIU AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 12.90 is added to the San Bernardino MUllicipal Corte to read: "Chapter 12.90 ESTABLISflt.1I;N'1', FIl\l~!\CING AND OPEItATION OF ASSESSrn;l'l'r DISTRIC'rt: 12.90.010 General statement. A. 1'he t'layor and Common Council hereby find that in onler to provide an orderly procedure for the acquisition, construction, improvement, completion, repair, management, reconstruction, administration, maintenance, operation and disposition of public property, public places and public improvements, for the oolleotinq of assessments to pay the cost thereof, for the 'da](ing of contributions therefor, and for the Ioakirlg of covenants an~ agreements vlith the bondholrl.ers, if any, to secure paY~',lent of such l~nds, if any, it is necessary that the City exerciBe t11e powers it has by virtue of heing a home rule city and to provide such a prooedure. The procedure provided for herein is to be an alternative to any others provided by, under or pursuant to the Charter, ordinances, and code provisions of the City or the gelleral laws of the State. B. In addition t.o matters specified elsewhere in this chapter, tlle City is authorize<l to lltilize assessment financing alternatives, including without limitation, the following: Me-ISO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3 1. AC(lUire, by condermation, purchase, gift, lease or any other means, property necessary or convenient for the improvement, including any property necessary or convenient_ for the opening, widening, straigbtening, or extending of streets or alleys necessary or convenient for tlle improveJnent. 2. Improve any public places or public property within the district by thE, construction thereon of any improvel1lents necessary or convenient for the purpose of the district. 3. Adloinister, Jnaintain, operate or repair the improvement or provide therefor. 4. Collect fees or charyes to pay all or any part of the cost of improving, repairing, maintaining, or operating the improvement and of acquiring and improving adoi t_ional properties necessary to the improvement. 5. Levy taxes and/or assessments to pay all or any part of the cost of improving. repairinCj. maintainincJ or operating the improvement. and of acquiring and improv inCj additional properties necessary to the improvement. 6. Employ engineers, attorneys, financial consultants 14 ]5 16 17 ]8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ann other personti necessary or convenient for the d.oing of any act authorized by this chapter. 7. Do all acts and thinCjs necessary or convenient for the accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter. 12.90.020 Provisions not exclusive. The provisions of this chapter are not. exclusive. The L'1ayor and Common Conncil shall have the pm~er to provide other procedures or to follow district procedures now or hereafter provideo by general law; provi,Jed, however, that whenever the Ci. t.y -2- Me-ISO I, \. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 is acting pursuant to this chapter the provisions of this chapter shall be controlling to the extent that they are in conflict with aIT! of the provisions of said laws. 12.90.030 Definitions. Unless the particular provision or the context otherwise requires, the definitions as contained in Sections 5003 through 5024, inclusive, and Section 22531 of the Streets and Highways Code shall apply. 12.90.040 Investigation and resolution. A. Before ordering any acquisitions or improvements or both, or the creation of any district pursuant hereto, where the costs of said acquisitions or improvements, construction, completion, repair, management, reconstruction, administration, maintenance, and/or operation are to be paid in whole or in part by special assessment or other special assessment taxes upon property, the Mayor and Common Council shall find that the public convenience and necessity require such acquisitions, improvements, construction, completion, repair, management, reconstruction, administration, maintenance and/or operation in the manner provided in Section 19, Article XVI of the California Constitution. B. Preliminary determination of necessity and intention to proceed: A resolution of preliminary determination of necessity and intention to proceed (hereinafter referred to as resolution of intention) shall be adopted describing in general terms, the following: 1. The intention to proceed under this chapter. 2. The proposed improvements, acquisition, construction, -3- Me-150 . 1 cOLlpletion t repair, management I reconstruction, administration, 2 maintenance and/or operation involved. 3 3. The assessment financing alternative to be followed. 4 4. The assessment benefit procedure to be followed. 5 5. rrhe estimated costs of such iHlprover;lents, 6 lacqUisition: corwtruction, cOhlpletion, repair, reCollstructlon, aduinistration, maintenance or managelilent. I 7 operation. 8 6. The amount, based upon the estimated costs, to be 9 assessed a9ainnt each particular parcel. This requireuent may be 10 satisfied by referellcing the erlgineer's report. 11 7. The maximut:1 number of years such assessment shall be 12 levied. 13 8. frhe maximum oLlount of bonds, if any, to be issued to 14 finance the proposed ilnprovehlcnt.s or acquis i tions. 15 9. \Ihether any ongoing management, administration, 16 maintenance or operation of the i)~provement 'will be relluired. 17 10. That such resolution, together with a general 18 deser iption of the proposed il:lprOVement and a map showing the 19 exterior boundaries of the proposed ilOprove)~ent district with 20 relation to the territory imr.lediately contiguous thereto and to 21 the propos(", improvement, is on file with the City Clerk and is 22 available for inSi)ection by any person or persons interested. 23 This map shall govern for all detail s as to the extent of the 24 proposed il:1provf~rnent district. 25 11. The resolution shall also state the time and place 26 for a hearing by the flayor and Corcl!non Council when and where any 27 and all persons interested nay appeClr and show cause, if any, why 28 the Mayor and Con~on Council should not find and determine that -4- Me-150 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 the puhlic convenience and necessity require the for~ation of the proposed iMprovement rlistrict ond the proposed acquisitions or imrlrovelnents \'rithout COliipliance with the Special i\sseSSHlent Investigation, Limitation and Najority Protest Act of 1931 (hereinafter referred to as the "l\ct"); on the question of the estimated cost, the amount of bonds to be issuec'!, if any, and the intention of the tlayor and Cowmon Council to proceed. 12. The resolution shall also state that at the time and place specified in the resolution that any person interested will be heard; and, for the purpose of determinins a majority protest, any holder of title to taxable real property within the proposed im]'rovement ctistrict, acting individually or as part of a group, may file a protest. Any such protest must be filed in vlriting wi d. the City Clerk, and shell 1 inel ude a description of the property in ",hich the signer thereof is interested sufficient to identify the same. If the signers are not shown on the last equalized aS~3eSGment roll as the owners of such property, sllch ~)rotest must be accolapanied by written evidence that such sit]ners are the owners of such property. c. Notice of llearirlg. Notice of hearing as set forth in the resolution shall he given as follows: 1. By publishing a copy of the resolution of intention once at least fifteen days prior to the time fixed for the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation published in the City. 2. By posting a notice of the adoption of the resolution :>f intc".lion on all open streets \.ithin the district at not more th.~HI three hundred foot intervals, but not less than three in all, :>n eadi street so posted, at least fifteen days before the time -5- MG-lSO' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 J6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 fixed for the hearing. No proceeding shall be held invalid for failure to post any street if this section has heen substantially co),'plied with. If the boundaries of the proposed assessment district include more than one-half square lilile in area, pOStillg rec]uirements shall be satisfied by the City Clerk posting such notice conspicuously on or near the main door of the Council Chambers at least five days prior to the time fixed for the hearin9. For such districts, no street posting shall be re<lUirE~d. 3. By mailing a notice of the adoption of said resolution of intention at least fifteen days before the time fixed for the hearing to each holder of title to taxable real property within tl,e proposed improvement <listrict as such o~nership is shown on the last equalized County assessment roll. The notices posted and nailed shall conform to Sections 5193 and 5195 respectively of the Streets and Highways Code. The City Clerk shall cause all the above notices to be given. 4. At least fifteen days before tl1e time fixed for the hearing, the engineer shall recor<] an ASSeSSlJent District Boundary Nap with the County Recorder, said map to conform to the requirements of Streets ann IIic~h~'Jays Code, Section 3110. D. Eajority protest. The r.layor and Common Council shall ..",t forth in the resolution of intention, the basis by \lhich a determina.tion shall be Dade whether a r:1ajority protest exists; possible bases may include, but shall not be limited to, determination based on land area, assessed valnation of real pr:.Jperty, assessed valuation of land only or the number of property owners, or any other suitilble determinant. ,~t the ti'f':1~ set for hearinq prot~sts the J.1ayor and Cowman Council shall -G- MG-150' 1 proceed to hear and pass upon all protests so made an(l its 2 decision shall he final and conclusive. The ~ayor and Common 3 Counei 1 may adjourn the hearing from time to time. Any such 4 protest may be withdra,m by any owner ma),ing the Sal;\e, either in 5 writing at any time prior to the conclusion of said protest 6 hec,ring or any adjournment thereof, or orally on the record during 7 I a hearing. I f the t'lilyor and Cowman Council find that tl1e written 8 protests are made by persons who represent !.lore than fifty percent 9 of the property to be assesseu for the improvelnents, as determined 10 on the basis of the determining factor announced in advance, and 11 protests are not ""lithdrawn so as to reduce the sane to less than al )2 majority, no further proceedings shall be taken for a period of 13 one year from the date of the decision of the Mayor and Cornmon 14 council on the hearing, unless the protests are overruled by 15 action of the l1ayor and ComlClon Council. Action to overrule a 16 majority protest shall require not less than a four-fifths 17 affirmative vote of the Council mer,lbers present and voting; for 18 this purpose, five affirmative votes of six voting, or six 19 affirmative votes of seven voting shall be required. 20 21 12.90.050 Zones. 1\. If, in the judgment of the I.jayor and Common Council, 22 varying benefits will be derived by the different parcels 0 real 23 roperty lying \.,ithin the assessment district, the district way be 24 25 26 27 28 divided into zones according to benefits. B. tJunber. 1'he district Play be divided into as many zones, up to the total number of parcels of real property in the district, as l~ay be <ieeDed npcessary, al)(1 eac~ zone shall be composed of and include all the real pruperty within the district -7- MG-ISO I which will be benefited in like wanner. 2 C. Resolution. I'i'hen the district is to be divided into such 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 ]3 14 15 16 ]7 ]8 ]9 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 zones, the resolution of intention shall so state. D. Designation. Each zone shall be designated by a different letter or numller and shall be plainly shown on the map of the assessment district filed in the office of the City Clerk and referred to in the resol ution of int_ention, either by separate boundaries, colorin<j or other convenient and graphic method, so that all persons interested may with accuracy ascertain within which zone any parcel of property is located. E. Plat. It shall be sufficient, in all cases where the improvement ciistrict is to he divided into such zones according to benefits. if the resolution of intention states that fact and refers to the map for the boundaries and ,,11 details concerning the zones. 12.90.060 Changes in boundaries at hearing. A. Rased on the evidence presented during any hearing, the ~1ayor and Common Council may order changes in any of the matters provided in the resolution of intention, including changes in the improvements, tll.e boundaries of the proposed assessment district ancl any zones therein, and the proposed diagran map or the proposed assessment. The ~,'~ayor and Common Council may I without further notice, order the exclusion of territory from the proposed district, but shall not order the inclusion of additional territory within the district except upon written request by a property owner for the inclusion of his property or upon the giving of mailerl notice of hearinq to property owners upon the question of the inclusion of their property in the district. -B- Me-ISO 1 2 Ilearing. The hearinq regarding najority protest shall he E. 3 conductecl as announced in tJH~ resol ntion of intention I and any protests shall be filed in the manner specified in Section 12.90.040 Subsection n Paragraph 12. 12.90.070 Final deter~ination of necessity and orderinq Iwork. 1\. If no protests are made, or if any protests sha11 have been heard and overruled, the Ilayor anc1 COJ,unon Council may adopt a resolution finding anc1 c1etermining that the public convenience and necessi t_y require the proposed improvelilen-ts and/or acquis i tions, managelnent, adninistration, maintenance and/ or operation. Such resolution shall be referred to as Itresolution ordering work'l. Such resolution shall del:ermine that the Act shall not apply; shall order the \lark; shall direct the City Clerk to advertist~ for bids; and shall specify that the contract will be a>larded pursuant to the standard procedures used by the City in the award of public works contracts. B. The resolution ordering work shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of not less than four-fifths of the rnewbers of the COlllmon Council voting thereon, as in Section 12.90.040, and any findings and determination so adopted shall be final and conclusive. C. \ihenever th.) total anount bid by the lowest responsil, Ie bidder plus the estimated al:lOunt of inciclental costs exceed by more than fifteen percent the engineer's estimate of cost as stated in the resolution of intention, the [''1ayol- and Common Council shall be consultecl before further action is taken. The I'layor and Common Council may thereupon order anyone of the 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 J3 ]4 ]5 ]6 17 ]8 ]9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -9- Mc-iso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 following: 1. Readvertise for proposals or bids for the performance of the \,.JorK as in the first instance, ....Jithout further procee<.1ings, or 2. Terlninate the proceedintJs; or 3. Notify the property owners within the district by rnail of such increase and seek guidance froLl affected property owners. Each affected property owner will be asked to express a preference as to: a. }\ccepting the bid as submitted. b. Rejecting the bid and readvertising. Terminating the proceedings. c. If proceedings are taken pursuant to Subsection C Paragraph 3 of this section, existence of a najority protest as earlier providect for will be determined; if such majority protest is determined to exist, the r1ayor and Common Council shall utilize the proce(lures of Section 12.90.040 Subsection D herein, and proceed in accordance therewith. 12.90.080 Assessment financing alternatives. The Mayor and Cowman Council shall determine which of various financing alternatives shall be utilized. Alternatives available inclu<1e: A. The improvet<1ent and/or acquisition may De prefunded by the City and tJIP assesst<1ent levied, collected and enforced in the saLle laanner I at the sal>le time, and \vi th the sane penal ties and interest, as in the case of taxes levied for the City, to securf~ repayment. to the City of sai,i prefunding; or B. Bonds may be issued to finance the improvement and/or -10- Me-ISO 2 enforced in tl),f; saLle manner, at the same time, and with the sarile 1 accluisition and the dssessment loay be levied, collected and 3 penalties and interest, as in the case of taxes levied for the 4 City, to pay the premium and interest, if any, due on said bonds. 5 If this assessr.lent financing alternative is used, the City [,lay 6 retain bond counsel to provide the details of the issuance and 7 repayment of said bonds. 8 C. Bonds way be issued before contracting or obtainin'J 9 options for the purchase of land, property or rights-ot-way to be 10 11 12 I aC'-juired, if any, or obtaining a judgE1ent in eminent dOI"ain for Ithe acquisition thereof. D. The financing for iilaintenance, repair, managernent, 13 reconstruction, administration or operation of the district, if 14 any, shall be included in the assessment roll for the improvehlent 15 and/or acquisition, if any, and shall be the total cost for such 16 maintenance, repair, management, reconstruction, adr~inistration or 17 operation as estimated by the engineer for each fiscal year in 18 which the assessment is to be levied and collected. 19 E. The provisions of Sections 8800 to 8809, inclusive, of 20 tht:~ [)tr~ets and Highways Code shall apply to asseSSI~-lents levied 21 hereunder. 22 23 12.90.090 Assessment according to benefit. A. After the adoption of the resolution ordering work, the 24 engineer :,hall proceed to estimate as to all lots and parcels of 25 land within the assesstr.ent district, as shown by the diagran map, 26 the benefits arising froIn such y/(jrk, and to be received by each 27 such lot or parcel of land. He shall thereupon prepare an 28 assessment roll for subl'nission to the f''1uyor and Cornmon Council for -11- Mc-iso I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 confirmation by resolution, which assesses upon and aqainst the lallds in the aS~3essment clistrict the total amount of the costs and expenses of UUCIl work ane'!/or the cost of managenent, aduini.stration, maintenance or operatiol1 of the improvement, if any, for the firut year or for the term of the asseSSl:1ent. Such roll shall assess the total sum upon the several lots or parcels of lane'! in the assessment district benefited thereby, in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each of U,e several lots or parcels of land within the district or within each zone included in the nistrict, if any. B. 11ethod of determining the assessment benefit. The method of determining U,e assessment benefit to be received by each of the said several lots or parcels of lanct within the ,listrict anct/or zone shall be set fortll in the resolution of intention, which way include, but shall not he limited to, land area, assessed valuation of real property, assessed valuation of land only or nunber of lots or parcels. c. AsseSSI,lel1't computation. The annual asseSSldent provided for in this section shall be conq)uten on the basis of the formula set forth in the resolution of intention originally adopted or as modified by subsequent cbange and nodificat.ion or other proceedings conducted pursuant to this chapter or any other law, and the limitations upon the rate or period thereof provided in the Act (as ctefinect in Section 12.90.040 Subsection B Paragraph 11) shall not apply. If the assessed value of any parcel of property does not appear on the tax roll, an estimate('! assessed value of such parcel shall be ':lacte by the Director of Public \/orks in consul tation with the County [\ssessor, and such estimat_e shall -12- MC-15ll 1 for purposes of sllch ad valorem asseSSl1lent be considered the 2 assessed val ue of such parcel. 3 D. Subsequent year assessments. Except as otllcrwise 4 provided by the issuance of bonds, the cost for the i,oproveHlent 5 and/or aC<.juisition or lUana~jement, administration, maintenance or 6 operation of the improvement, if any, for any subsequent fiscal 7 year during \.hich an asseSSlllent is to be levied and collected 8 within the assessnent district pursuant to this chapter, shall be 9 dccoF'plished by preparing an assessment roll for sublllission to the 10 l>layor and Conmon Council for confirmation by resolution for each 11 fiscal year in which the assessment is to be levied and collected, 12 and sllall constitute the levy of an assessFlent for the fiscal year 13 referred to in the a.ssessment. t~l1en a hond issue funds the costs 14 involved, such assessments shall be levied and collectell as 15 specified in the bond-authorizin9 r8so1utioll or ordinance. 16 12.90.100 Engineer's report. 17 Prior to or at the time of the adoption of the resolution of 18 intention, the eu')ineer shall file a report with the City Clerk. 19 ~hen the report is filed with the City Clerk, the City Clerk shall 20 pres;Jt'..t: it '.to the r,1ayor and Common Council for consideration. t1'ne 21 '1ayor and Conunon Council may modify it in any respect. The 22 report, as mouified I shall stand as the report for the purpose of 23 all subsequent proceedings except that it may be confirmed, 24 modified, or corrected as provided in this chapter. The report 25 shall be J,lade available to the pubLic for inspection and shall 26 include, but shall not be lil1:i.ted to, the following: 27 7\. 1\ description of the type of i,oprovernent and/or 28 acquisi t~ion. -13- Me-ISO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 13 14 ]5 ]6 ]7 18 ]9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I B. l\n estill:ate of the cost of the iraprovewent, inc1udinq incidental costs, and/or the cost of the acquisition, if any, and the annual costs of mana'Jement, adninistration, maintenance or operation of the improvement, if any. C. A plat map indicating thereon the boundaries of the proposed assessment district. D. A proposed assessment roll showiny the estimated individual asseSSlllents to be assessed. against each parcel within the district for each year an assessment is to be levied and co llected wi thin the district. 12.90.110 General provisions. The following general provisions shall apply to all proceedinys taker1 hereunder: A. City initiation. Tl1e City rnay prepare a report, adopt_ a resolutioll of intention, forJn an asseSSlllerlt district, or take any other uction to provide the improvement nnd/or a.cquisition, construction, completion I repair, manageYLv.=nt, reconstruction, adrllinistration, maintenance or operation, without any petition therefor. B. Contribut ions.. Not\~Ji thstanding any other provision in this chapter, the tlayor and Cowman Council may provide for a contribution or contributions by the City of part of the costs and expenses of the work or may acce[Jt and provi,le for contribution toward the cost and expenses of any work done under this chapter, fruw any funds wade available for the purpose of the district by any local, state or national agency or authority, or from any other person or entity, and it shall not be necessary to set forth or give notice of such contribution in the resolution of intention -14- or in any other proceedings under this cllapter. Such notice may be given in the discretion of the r'1ayor a.nd Common Council. c. Lapse of time. It shall not be necessary for any specified time to elapse between t.he performance of acts except as otherwise required by this chapter. D. !,esolution sufficient. The ~layor and Cowmon Council may act by resolution \1here an ordinance is specified. by general law. E. Assessment upon public property. ~;.Jllenever proceedings any real property belonging to any county, city, puhlic agency, school board, educi'ltional, penal or reform institution or institntion for the feeble minded or the insane shall be assessed in accordance \lith the provi.sions of Sections 5300 through 5325, inclusive, of the Streets and liit]hways Code. F. 'l:lermination upon determination of no benefit. If the ~layor and COl.ullon Council find and determine that the area proposed to constit\lte tlle assessment district will not be benefited thereby the Mayor and Common Counci 1 shall ter,,,inate the proceedings. G. Effective date; effect of determinations in resolution; limitation on actions. From and after the oate the "layor and COl,lIoon Council adopt the resol ution of intention, the area naEled therein shall constitute the assessment district within the City bearing the nane set forth in U,e resolution. The deternlinatioris ma(~e in the resolution forraing the aSfit?SSrnent district shall be final and conclusive. No action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, or void the resolution, or any of the proceedings, acts -15- Me-ISO I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 11 ]2 ]3 J4 ]5 ]6 ]7 ]8 ]9 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 or determinat ions theretofore taken, done, or made pursuant t_o t)lis cllapter, sllall be maintained by any persoll unless suell action or proceeding is cUlmaenced within thirty days after the adoption of sud. resolution. Thereafter, all such actions or proceedings, and any defense of invalidity of such resolution or of BllCh proceedings, acts or determinations, are forever barred. 1I. Dispos i tion of property. The r'luyor and COf!lmOn Council, subject to the provisions of the City Charter, lIlay determine that any parcel of property acquired from the proceeds of the aSSeSSI'lent district or any improvements, extensions or replacements thereof or add! t_ions thereto, ur(~ no longer needed for the purpose of the assessment district or such facilities may be othen<lse better provided. Subject to the provisions of the city Charter, and restrictions in the resolution providing for the issuance of any outstanding bonds, if any, relating to the facilities involved, the property may thereafter be sold, leased or otherwise disposed of, either during or after the term of the assessment or bonds and the proceeds placed in a fund as designated by the Hayor and Common Council and used for the benefit of the assessment district. I. Assessment roll. Except as o~lerwise provided by the iSSllance of honds, the asscssmerlt roll shall state the an~unt to be assessed upon each lot or parcel of land within the district and shall refer to said lots or parcels of land by their respective County Assessor's parcel number as shown on the last equalized County assesSh1ent roll, and shall refer to the fiscal yei'.r to w[lich it applies, and shall upon its confirmation he filed in the office of the Director of Publ ic Horks/Ci ty Enqineer. v/hen -16- Me-I50 ~ '.' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO ] I 12 ]3 ]4 ]5 J6 17 ]8 ]9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a Land issue funds the costs involvE.'!u, such assessment roll procedures as are provided for in the bond-authorizing resolution or ordinance shall prevaIl. J. Assesslilent diaqri'll;] nap. Prior to the confirmation of the assessment roll t)y tlle Mayor and Common COllncil, the engineer shall file with the City Clerk and the Director of Public ,larks! City Engineer an assesswent diagram map. Upon the confirmation of thp assessment roll, the City Clerk shall record a notice of assessment, as provided in Streets and Ilighways Code Section 3114. "'Jhereupon the said assessment shall attach dS a lien upon the property assessed, as provi<lecl in Streets and Highways Code section 3115. A copy of the notic(~ of assessment so recorded shall be publ ishe,1 pursuant to Section 6066 of the Governnent Code. Notice of the recording of said assessment shall be given pursuant to the provisions of Streets and Hi9hways Code Section l0404(a),(b) and (c) only. following: 1. The exterior boun<laries of the assessJ.,ent district. The diagral1 map shall show the 2. The boun<laries of any zones within the district. 3. rl'he lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land "ithin the district and the relative location of the same to the work to be done. Each lot or parcel shall he identified by a distinctive nuwber or letter. a. The lines and dimensions of each lot or 1''11"".-1 of land shown on the diagra{~ wap shdll con.form to those shown on the COllnty Assessor's '''aI's for tl1e fiscal year in which the diagran mal' is prepared. The diagran !{Iap may refer to the County Assessor IS lilaps for d dE~tailed description of the lines and -17- Me-ISO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 dimensions of any lots or parcels, in \llhich case, those rnaps shall govern fOl- all details concerning the lines and dimensions of such lots or parcels. b. Any changes in the lines and dimensions of any lot or parcel of lClnd shown on the diagra,a nap so filed with tile City Clerk due to any lot splits or subdivisions which may occur in subsequent years need not be change" on the ctiagram nap; however, such chanses shall be reflected in the assessment roll for each subsequent year. K. Dissolution of asseSSloent district. Upon completion of the term for the collection of assessments within the district as set forth in the resolution of intention, the confirmation and collection of the final assessment, or upon adoption of a resol ution ,Hssol ving t.he district, the district shall automatically dissolve and shall no longer be bindinq upon the property within the district. L. District not exclusive. The formation of an assessment district pursuant t.O this chapter ..lithin any area of the City shall not be exclusive. The f1ayor and Conn:on Council shall have the authority to create any number of districts within the sarae area, subject to the provisions of this chapter. 12.90.120 Payment of construction assessment - Discharge of lien. 'rhe owner of or any person interested in any lot or parcel of land upon which an assessnent for construction has been levil~,-, under the terms of this chapter ,cay at any time before COl,llilenCeHlE:nt of proceedings for sale, payoff the assessnent and discharge the land involveCl from the lien of the assesSlflent. The discharge may -18- Me-ISO , , . . I be had by paying to the treasurer the unpaid principal sum of the 2 assessment, with int.erest. thereon (if any) up to the next 3 succeeding July 1. As used in this section, 'unpaid principal 4 sum' means those installments of principal that are due to be paid 5 at future dates through the term of the assessment. This 6 rovision shall not apply to any maintenance assessment. 7 12.90.130 Changes. 8 Any change of work, boundaries of assessment district, 9 amounts of assessments or proceedings taken pursuant to this JO chapter after the hearing of protests on the resolution of ]1 intention shall be conducted under the provisions of Streets and ]2 Highways Code Sections 10350 through 10358." 13 SECTION 2. Ordinance No. 3963 is hereby repealed. ]4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly ]5 adopted by the r~ayor and Common Council of the City of San ]6 Bernardino at a regular meeting thereof, held on ]7 the 5th , 1982, by the following vote, day of 7\nril , ]8 to wit: ]9 AYES: Council Members Castaneoa, Reilly, Bernandez, 20 Quiel, Hobbs, Strickler 2] NAYS: None 22 ABSENT: Council Member ~otts 23 day 24 25 The foregoing ordinance is hereby "',' 26 o f _/>:"';1.f:/ _j~ / , 1982. 27 Bernardino 28 Approved as to form: ~ ~~0..~, -- City A torney -19-