HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-178 " I HC-178 ()EL)rUAI.'rCr~ ~:iO & 2 OEDIUl'J'lCE UF rrnE CITY OF Sl\.N DLENARDINO ArlENDINC Cl:-,lApri:LI< B.li3 OF fI1EL SAN BERNARDII\JU t'1Ut~ICIPAL COlJl: TO FHO,", IDE 1J:'LArr A J'-TUlbl\t~CL AHATEH.ENT Sl1.AL.u B~ l\PPI,I\LED TO ITHE eOARD Of' BUILDING COIlhLiSIOhEFS, AND 'rUNT' 'l'lSL B01\RI\ OF BVILlJIUG COiilnSSIONEKS SLALL LiOLD l-Ll.1I.EINGS eN A,SSEbShLNTS FCE NUISl\tJCE ABI~.1."J-.:':LEt:T; 'TO ELILINAr:I'E TIlL l\.~'tCUN'I' OF INSPECTIOt! FELil\NL TO CORRECT' A HEFE:RENCE FROt,'; SE:CLIOL 8.1B.070 TO SECTION 8.18.060. 3 4 :5 6 r:I'llE [.'{AYOH AND COi"lt'iCti COUNCIL OF THE CI'TY OF Si~.t.J- DEH.NARLliJO DO OI<.LAIN AS FOLLO\~S: 7 8 SECTION- 1. Section 6.18. GCU of the San Bernardino L'lunicipCil 9 Code i5 anended to read as follo\vs: 10 IlT:he Street Superintendent sliall, upon COl:if,letion of t.he 11 aLd teE-tent, i tenlize the costs thereof incl uding incidental 12 expenses, ""Thich if unpaicl shall be assessed against and becorc"le Cl. 13 lien upon tIle property on which the nuisance \'Ias abated, to be 14 collected in the tir,i8 and in the Llanner of the real property -taxes 15 by the tax collector, Fursuant to the procedure set forth in 16 Chapter 3.68. The Street Su})erintendent shall forthv.,i th ini t.iate 17 proceediLgs before the Buard of Building COHi.h1.issioners under 18 Chdpter 3. ()8 for deterrilillation and collection of the assesSE1_ent 19 for costs of abaten~ent." 20 SLCTIOLJ 2. Section b. 18. 08U of the San Lernardino t'iu,nicipal 21 Code is Cl_mended to read as follows: 22 II In t1-1.8 event of an I urgent I l}ublic nuisance , it shall be the 23 duty of the Chief Lngineer of t)',e Fire Departncnt of the City t~o 24 not.if~l the O\'-1ne1' of any lot or r'rernises to abate the saLle of any 25 or all matter referred -to in Section 8.18.010 and found to 26 COLstitute an urgent public Iluisance. Such notice shall be in 27 writitJ.q and shall be delivered to the owner personally, or shall 28 be corlspicuOtlsly posted on 3uch lot or prcrnises, and if such owner MC=-178 28 " 1 neslects tc do so for forty-eisl1t hauls after service or pustin~ 2 of suclJ notice, then -tilt) Chief E;hdll cause tIle lot or prer"lises to 3 be cleared or all such L:u.t.ter, and the nuisance to Le abated, ilnd 4 tilL e},pense of such cl ear ing shtlll Le alien OL t.'he lot. The 5 pruce(,ures tG Le 1.:011u\I/ed vlith rT::.;pect to the asseSSldent of the 6 foregcil19 expense and ice shall be tl1e saMe as tlJose set fortll ir1 7 Section b.18.GGO. 'Dr~;~nt' llublic nUlsance as eTI~loyed in ~his 8 section P1eans \-ihatever is a uenance to public l1eal th or safety, or 9 viLz\tever constitutes ("t fire ha~:..ard under conditions 'which wuulcl be 10 jUdicicllly determined to be a nuisance per se, or a rluisance in ]1 fact, or vrhere trle destruction or removal of the objectioniible ]2 itenlS is reasonaLly necessary under the circumstances to prevent ]3 iLI[,.ediCite harL~ to the E,ublic.11 14 I LLhEBY CI:R'I'IFY that. the fore'joing ordinance ',;;as duly ]5 adopted by the hayor and Common Ccuncil of the City of S2n ]6 Berr~ardin() at a regular meeting thereof, lleld on 17 the 6th July 19H2, bv the following vote, day of ] 8 to wit: ]9 AYES: Council Members Castaneda, Reilly, Hernandez, 20 Botts, Quiel, Hobbs 21 NAYS: None 22 ALSE1\T: Council Member Strickler 23 ~;f,0 ~hb / City Clerk ,,,,, ";;;nNr ;?d d", . ~ -- 24 25 The fore(joing ordirlance i:; :7- ~~~ /;:J' ApIJrcved as to for [.1: Ci~~IW 26 uf 1~B2. 27 flay