HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-181 CElJINhHCE NO. MC-ISI 2 OlWINP.NCE Of' 'I'll]:; CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Al''iENDING CHAPTER 8.3(; 01' TUE SAN BElmARDINO KliNICIPl,L CODE TO PROVIDE FOR A HEARING ON 'l'BE EXISTEI\fCL h.ND I-\BA'l'Ef'-IEUT OF A PUBLIC I:!UISANCE OF UP-GENT PUBLIC NUISANCe l'J.'-ID ON TUE l\E;SLSS~'1ENT o:? COSTS AND It'lPOSITION OF LIENS FOR ABATEt;ENT OF RUBLIC NUISANCES liND URGENT PULLIC NUISANCES BLl'ORL 'JIbE BOllED OF tUII..1)Il<!G COhhIS[jIONEHS ItTSTEl\D OF BEFORE ThE CGt,iL.iOLJ COUNC IL. 3 4 5 6 THE MPI.YGR Al\TD COf-.H'lUN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BLRN}\IU)ING DO 01Z.L.'i1IN 1\.5 F()LLO\~'S: 7 8 SECTION 1. Section 8.30.030 Subsection F of the San 9 I Bernardino Municipal II F. Sta ternents advising that any person having any record Code is amended to read: 10 II ti l"le or interest in the land or real property may appeal from the 12 notice and order of any action by the City officer to the Board of 13 BUJ"lding COEtnissioners provided the appeal is made in ,lriting and 14 as provided in this article and filed with the Clerk of the BOdrd 15 or Building Conrdissioners \1ithin five days after -the date set for 16 h8.:tring of the order before "the City officer issuing the same i 17 thilt failure to appeal 'viII constitute a walver of all right to an 18 adLlinistrati ve hearing and deteruination of the l.lal:.- ter; anoll 19 SECTION 2. Section 8.30.060 Subsectiorl D of tlle San 20 Bernardino Ivlunicipdl Code is amened to read: 21 liB. Upon receipt of any appeal filed pursuant to tnis 22 section, the Clerk of the Board sha 11 present it at the next 23 met~ting or the Board of Building Commissioners." 24 SECTION 3. Section 8.30.U60 Subsection C of the San 25 Bernardino Mllnicipal Cede is aI~!ended to read: 26 lie. A hearing shall be held not less than ten days nor rnore 27 than sixty days from the date the appeal vias filed. \,ritten 28 notice or the time and place of the hearing shall be given at Me-1S1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 ]3 14 ]5 16 17 18 ]9 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 least ten Jays prior to the date of tJ1e hearing to each appellant eith.er by personal servicE' or by nailing a copy of the notice to the address sho'.:/n un the a})peal. n SECTIOl, 4. Section 8.3u.06U ~ubsection E' of the ban Der nardino ~'1unicipal Code is acended to read: "F. The notice to appellant shall be substantially in the fed lowing forrei, but rnay incl ude other inforwation: 'You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held before the Board of Building Cornnissioners of the City of San Bernardino at City Hall 011 19 , at the hour of a.nl.., upon the notice and order served upon you. You may be present at the hearing. You may be represented by counsel. You may present any relevant evidence, and will be given full opportunity to cross-examine all witnesses testifying a<0ainst you, to shuw cause why the order served upon you should not be carried out.'11 SECTION 5. Section b.3U.OGO Subsection G uf the San BerrlardirlO Municipal Code is alaerlded to read: lIG. JJ.1he hearing need not be conducted according to the technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses, and the Board of Building Corr~issioners shall hear and accept all relevant eviderlce offered by the appellant. The Board of Building COL',i-lissioners shall, \ii tllin a reasonable time after the conel usion of the -hearing, render its decision in \:Jri ting. The decision shall state the reasons therefor, aud shall be delivered to the al-I ellant personally or mailed with postage prepaid. The effective date of the decision shall be the date of mailing or personal service. The decision of the Board of Building -2- Me-181 . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .. Commissioners shall be subject to appeal pursuant to Chapter 2.64.1 SECTION 6. Section 8.30.070 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code is amended to read: "After any order or decision of the City officer or Board of Building Commissioners or Hayor and Common Council made pursuant It.o this article has heCOIlte final, no person to whon any such order or decision is directed shall fail, neglect, or refuse to obey any such order or decision. Failure to comply with any such order or decision is a misdemearlor, punishable as provided ill Section 8. 3D.IOu. II SECTION 7. Section 8.30.080 of the San Bernardino ~:lunicipal Code is amended to read: "If, after any order or decision of the City officer, Board of Builcling Commissioners, 01" the ['>'layor and Comr.lon Council made pursuant to this article has becone final, tbe person(s) to whom such order is directed fails, neglects or" refuses to obey such ur(~er, the I\f1ayor and COhlhon Council may direct that any a~propriate action be instituted to abate such public nuisance." SLc'rrON- 8. Section 8. JG. U90 of the San Bernardino rlunicipal Code is amended to read: "The City officer shall keep an itemized account of the expense incurred by the City in the abatement of any public nuisance pursuant to the provisions of this article. Such costs all<, expenses, upon approval by the Board of Building Commissioners and confirmation by the ~jayor and Corrunon Council, shall be liens upun the respective lots or prenlises subject to abatement. rrr.le City officer shall institute proceedings for hearin',] and deterrGination of the charges to be assessed pursuant to the -3- Me-1Bl 1 provisions of Chapter 3.68." 2 SECTION 9. Section b.30.140 of the San Bernardino Municipal 3 Code is amended to read: 4 ItA. IThe cost of abatement of an urgent public nuisance upon. 5 a parcel of land shall Le a sp~cial assessment against that 6 parcel. 7 B. The Street St-ircrintendent. or other authorizf~d City 8 officer, contractor or person sllall institute proceedirlgs for 9 l1e~ri11g on the asseSSloent of costs of abatement pursuant to 10 Chc::~pter 3. G8. II 11 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly 12 adopted by the 1-'layor and Common Council of the City of San 13 Bernardino at a regular meeting thereof, helu on 14 the 6th July , 1982, by tlle following vote, day' of 15 to wit: 16 AYES: Council llembers Castaneda, Reilly, Hernandez, 17 Botts, Quiel, Hobbs 18 NAYS: None 19 ADSLN'r: Council Member Strickler 20 ~#/,T/~au/ /' City Clerk 21 22 'j;lin' ~<::::~ce is hereLy approved 23 of 24 an Bernardino 25 ~pproved as to for:in: 26 27 lid., ~.t::> 28 -4-