HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-184 . 1 HC-184 ORDINANCE NO. 2 OlWINANCE OF 'l'LE CITY OF SAN EEENAIWINO AHENDING CHAPTER 2.58 OF THE SAN ELRNAl<DI1>JO l.HJi-.jIClfil-\L CODE Tu PHUVID:E 'l'lll:/C 1'EB TIUES, uf\.'l'LS AtTD PLu\.CES OF' hLL'T ILGG OF TEE VARIOUS BOAPD5, COL',lIlISSIONS AND CGt''ltllrr'l'EES OF TI'.L CITY OF' SAl\j BEHNAF.DINO C';bALL BE ES1rABLISLiED BY RESOLUTION OF THL L,AYGl( AND C01"ilViCiN COUNCIL, MiD PEPE1\LING SA!" BEENARDINO lv1UUICIPAL C(jL'L SECrCIUNS 2.58.030 'I'L.RlJUGIl 2.58.160, INCLUSIVE. 3 4 5 6 ThE HAYOR AND CONI UN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDItW DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOVi::;: 7 8 SECrI'ION" 1. E;ection 2.5B.020 of the Sbn Bernardino i'lunicipal 9 Code is alilended to read: 10 112.58.020 tJleetings of boards, COLlfdissions and comLlittees. II The dates, times and places of regular meetings of all ]2 boards, COInLlissions and cGIllrni t tees or the City shall be set fortl1 ]3 in a resolution of the i'iayor and COlIlmon Council. II 14 SECTION 2. Sections 2.~8.C30 tllrough 2.58.160, irlclusive, of 15 the ~an Bernar6irlo Municipal Code are repealed. 16 I hEREBY CEII.TIFY that tne foregoing ordinance vias duly ]7 adopted by the Mayor and Comr,1on Council of the City of San ]8 Bernardino at a regular Ideeting- thereof, held on ]9 tlH~ 6th day of July , 1982, by the followirlg vote, 20 to "dt: 2] AYES: Council f'lenbers Castaneda, Reilly, Hernandez, 22 Botts, Quiel, Hobbs 23 NAYS: None 24 ABSENT: Council ~ernber Strickler 25 ~h?//~.afib ,/ City Clerk 26 27 28 . t'lC-184 - 1 The fares.aing ordinance is hereby approved thi 2 C7vf- , 1982. of 3 4 Approved as to forw: 5 ~~wec; CitY.tttorney - 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 13 ]4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Clay c; ( , -1 Bernardino