HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-266 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . 1 OJUJINIUKl: NO. "~c- 2fJ: 2 ORDIN"NCE OF THG CITY OF o;AN BEENhldJINO AI'IENDING SBC'i'IONS 6.l4.150 AN)) 6.l4.1bO OF 'EllE SAN BERNARDINO [iiUNICIPAL CODE TO 3 Il,J~:/L'Ir.i.'ur.cE AN I~D()pr_2ION ::.>2RVICE FLE FUR DOG~ AND CA1'S, Tu Dr;CREA~c '.L'l-i~ DISPU~AL FGE FOR DOGS AND CA'i'S, 'liO Lr~Cl{EASE 'l1HE FEE FOn. 4 ANIMl'..L~) SOLD F'UE H2SEAECH, AND TO EEQUIRE ACCREDlfI'A11ION GY 'I'HE: f\.Ull~--;HICi~N i-1::iiJ0CI1\fl'IOt~ FLJH. ACCREDI~1Ar.i..'ION UF Ll\130RAlJ.'ORY ANlhiiL Ci~nE 5 F01Z H8SEliECH l\Nli"lliL ~l-iLLS. 6 BE I'...' HESOLVED BY TIll:: hAYGE !IND COl'lt'lON COUNcIL OF 'i'HE CITY OF S1~1~ lJj~HN1-\H.1Jli\j(J AS FULLOHS: 7 8 Section 6.24.150 of tile ,;all Berllardillo l"lUllicipal ,,1;C1'I01, 1. 9 Cude is amenejed to read: 10 "6.24.150 Fees - Disposal. 11 A. Adoption service or disposal fees (animals delivered to 12 City uy ()\Jners). 13 1. Adoptioll service fee: 14 tl/Clve dollar" for eacll adult dog 15 six dollars for each cat, Littell or puppy 16 (For this fee, City will assure former O'v.JIler tbat 17 ttle animal Ilill l.Je held for adoption not less than 18 four day".) 19 2. I)l~pOsal service fee: five dollars for each adult dog two dollars for each cat, Littell, or puppy B. Pick-up service charge. six dollars C. VetetO inar iall picJe-up serv ice charge: five dollars for Olle animal one dollar for each aoditlollal allim"l D. Adoption fees (to nel/ o\/llers): fifteen dollars for each dog or puppy MC-266' 15 . . 1 ten dollars fur each cat or kitten 2 E. ReSeaLCll dllilaal sdles: 3 fifty dollars for each dog or puppy 4 tnirty dollars for each cat or kitten 5 I'~ . If t,m or more persons are interested in the purchase of 6 a ~articular dog, puppy, cat or krtten, the animal control officer 7 8Il<.!11 COIlduct a lJublic sole by sealed bids. The dog, puppy, cat 8 or hrtten shall be sold to the highest brdder, except if one 9 bidaer desires to provide a home for such animal and another ,"lllts 10 tne animal for research. In such event, a dog, puppy, cat or 11 ki t ten shall be sold to an ino i v idual des iring to prov ide a honle 12 for such animal rather than for research purposes. All bids must 13 exceed tne sale price of fifteen dollars for each dog or puppy, or 14 of ten dollars for each cat or kitten." 16 Code is awenued to read: SECTIO~ 2. Section 6.24.160 of the San Bernardino Municipal 17 "6.24.1LO Research animal accreditation. 18 City shall not sell, for researcn purposes, any animal to any 19 person or ol-ganrzation not accredited by the American Association 20 fOl Accreditation of Laboratory Anrmal Care." 21 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly 22 adopted by the Mayol and Common Council of the City of "an 23 24 Bernardino at a meeting thereof, lleld on regular the 18th day of A ., prlJ. , 1983, by the following vote, 25 to \lit: 26 27 28 -2- MC-26l>, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . 1 AYES: Council hembers rasteneAa, ~arks, 0uiel., Sobbs. 2 strickler 3 none UAYS: 4 l~DSEN'll : Council Members Reilly, ~erna~dez 5 6 bpz-z/ua'fIY / City Cler}: 7 rn1€"= foreyoing ordinance is hereby t day 8 April , 1983. Oi 9 10 APFl:Oved as to [oLIn: 11 /{~ /~~r~ City A'toL'tley 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 'ity of San lJernardillu -3-