HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-408 , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I - .' . ORDHJANCE NO .'~C-40 8 ORDINPNCS OF THE CITY O~ SAN B~RNARDINO REZONING A CiRTAIN pM.:C'.\l. OF LAND, A~lEN!)ING 'ITJ.: [.AND USE ZONING ~lAP, \mICE L; l:Nz~OQI)()RAT~O BY REFFR~NCE -(N 2~:CTTON 19.06~02n OF rrIiE SAN BFJWAfWLNO NIHITe If' AJ, COTH.: (p::TITION NO. W, ~l';., AN IRR,,:CllLARLY- SHl.PED PAnCii;L OF LAND CON.~: JS''crL\1G 0[" APPRO;:: IMATEL Y 2t.~... n t'\CJ?F:~~ lr/',~]TNG A F.R.ONTAGF OF 1, 7~~} F~:ET ON '{'EE NORTH ,(~IDr: OF I~-~::J.S Al\!P A {"r:~o;'rl'AGE OF If85 FE:r<'I' O!,\f THE SCHJTI1 SIDE OF' COLLE(;i~ kV:f<:N!1C ANn !}F: "!.NG LOCATED APj?ROX Il'-1ATFl.Y ~i;30 rEl~'}' ffJJ;::~rT OF THf'; C?NTEP.LINE OF ~'I"T~ ~OT'~Gr I)AR~'li\V ) '"}__"1.I,, .............IL:,-:<r.' I \.1:.,1(. _(.. Tm: MAYOR. AND C01-1MON COUNCIL 0;1 TE:l CITv 0\1 SAl~ m:>WAP'rnNO J)D {)RDATN AS ~OlJLOW3: S~CTION 1. Pursuant to Chapter 19.06 of the San Bernardino ~.1unic:Lpal Code, the real property described in f:>z:hibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, nn lrreglllarlY'-3haped parcel of land cons] sting of Hpproxirnately ?!.~.g ac:res having.q frontage of 1,7:S:f feet on the nort!l side of 1--715 and a frontage of b35 feet on tIle SOllttl 8icte of College Avenue and being located approximately 330 feet west of the centerline of State College Parkway, is rezoned from 8-3-3000 t'1ultiple Family Resic!enti.al to PHD-I/dl Planned Residential Development at 14 dwelling units per acre. (i'ARCr.:L NO. ONE 'j'lWUf;i\Nn T!IIRTY,,\))Nl\, PETITION NO. tv.-E'.) I I reference in :']ecti.on 19,,06.0')(} of the [';an Hernardino Hunicipal , ! (~Od0 in amended to reflect tl1e change of zone set forth in tllis ,I II ord inanee. il I I HER~8Y C~RTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly r adocted.bY the Mayor and Common counCil.of the City of San II ilernarr:l1no at a __. _~~.9--'!~.~::_..______._ meet ~ni; thereof, he 1,1 on the 'I 1!_._12th_. day of ..__-,':"'..?1:e.:cmb~E_.__..____., '1984, by the foUo~'ing vote, !I to \~it: r~ ;~:CT:r.ON ;: ~ oJ""!. !.,le z00ing f;J,'JP, ,;",ld.r..h is incorr0rated by MC-40B II II , II AYES; . Counc i 1 11",mhers <<Ca!3._1c3I'~2~:.L PeiL~ZL_!:~:FI1an~ez_-,-.___._ 2 Marks Ouiel Frazier strickler ._".___._._____L_.L."..~_.__,_.:..L._.::._..__.,_"._.__l..__,~__~~.~_~__~__..,.__~__.___._._ 3 NAYS: _._ _._1.1 on~..... <.<..____.___.__m.____<<.___h.._ 4 ABSENT: Vone .-.-.----~-.-~.",.----_.-____.__._._.___~__._________"..__L__,__ _~__,"______ 5 I ! I I I II II of .<._!;?~.p.<:temt?~L_.___' 1984. I II II II A d f' I pprove 118 to .orm: 0 IlcmxP~ I .___.. ~H~~~~___.___<_ ~!erlc his /rf..~__.< day 6 7 8 1be foregoing ordInance is 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 " I' ,I 21 II 22 II I " 23 24 ii !i II 25 II 26 i! 'I I. " 27 II 'I 28 Ii " II I ? II MC-408 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The land referred to in this report is situated in the State of California, County of San Bernardino, and is described as follows: That portion of Section 18, township 1 north, range 4 west, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, according to the extension of the lines of the Official Government Survey extended into the Rancho Muscupiabe, as per plat recorded in book 7 of Maps, page 23, records of said County. described as follows: . Begi nning at an angle poi nt in Parcel No.2 of the property as conveyed to Hotel Kingsway Operating Co.. by deed recorded February 19. 1965 in book 6334. page 748, Official Records. said point being the end of that certain course that runs south 570 27' 00" west 460.82 feet. sai d poi nt bei ng the true poi nt of beginning; thence south 270 54' 00" east 252.72 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 400.00 feet; thence southeasterly along said curve 193.03 feet through a central angle of 270 39' 00" to the point of tangency of said curve; thence south 550 33' 00" east 341.57 feet to an angle point in said Hotel Kingsway property; thence south 340 27' 00" west 40 feet to a point. said point being in the southerly line of College Avenue. as conveyed to the City of San Bernardino. a municipal corporation. by deed recorded October 6. 1966 in book 6708. page 799. Official Records; thence south 550 33' 00" east 285.06 feet along the southerly line of said College Avenue to a point in a curve concave to the northeast with a radius of 640 feet; thence southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 250 04' 19" a distance of 280.06 feet to a point in reverse curve concave to the southwest with a radius of 20 feet; thence southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 850 39' 19" a di stance of 29.90 feet; said point being in the westerly line of Varsity Avenue. as conveyed to the City of San Bernardino. a municipal corporation. by deed recorded October 6. 1966 in book 6708, page 799. Official Records; EXi;iSlT A .. KC-408 . thence south 050 02' 00" west along the westerly li ne of sai d Varsity Avenue 74.24 feet to a point on a curve concave to the east having a radius of 260 feet; thence southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 230 52' 35" a distance of 108.35 feet; thence southeasterly along said westerly line of Varsity Avenue south 180 50' 35" east to the intersection of the south line of the property conveyed to Arthur G. Linkletter and A. Ronald Button, by deed recorded February 21, 1949 in book 2363, page 469, Official Records; thence south 88051' 50" west along the south line of said Linkletter property and its western extension to a point in the northerly line of the property conveyed to the State of California, by deed recorded October 25, 1955 in book 3772, page 93, Official Records; thence northwesterly, along said State of California pro- perty to a point that is south 57027' 00" west to the true point of beginning.