HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-440 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I 22 I II 23 I ! i I 24 I 25 I I 26 II 27 I, 'I , 28 , (ji?DUJM.TCr: NO, ~.\C--4 4 0 OR.I}I!>U~NCr" OF' rnpF C J:T~/ (\~,' SAhl HE1nTA j;T) Tt,) 0 Ar1FJTTn:f'~r; r>~c'_;l !(V,I ]. 9.. L~~l. ?10 0";-;' 'T'p>~ ,C:AI\;PEPb~A:-~DTN() ~'1UNICI:OAr. COPJ,; '-r'o T"iJCLrn'Ji.-'~ BfJIL,J)INGS IN ~HE PAPflNG DISTP!~~ 7ACAiJT TN ~XC:~SS OF ONE FTJND~En FIG,~,rT~,' flAY::::, AND TO P?nVJT);~ AN f':X~Mr7'ION I~l' :~IJCH BUTLD~U(~:~ HA'J? Br~:~n [~,:i:~.1()~:rATEf! DOPIHG r~'~~~: O!\I~: ~fT.F]DT:.Ff) S;::(;nT~~ DAY \,7 AC~~.nr;y.l PE"n::OD. Tnr~ NAc/On Ar:JD CO~'1~10N COIJr~CJI" OF "j'!,1'? C!c,-,v'f 0';: :~Ai\1 ?FFNA';:nTl'JO DO 09~\4 1t\7 A:::; -?OT.LnirJ;~: 3FC'!'TOt1 1.. ;:::ectLon J.t:~S6. ?10 of th2 ~'~a.n Dernaniino (':l1.rdc:iDDl Cc~e is amended to read: "J.C:'.56..?lO Arldit:!o!)s QT str1Jctur21 ~n18-;:-~ement of f~x'lstin.9: bllildin~s, Gtl~lrlings vqcent in excess of OIJe 111Jl1~red eighty :1a,rs F,--:\~mrtion ~ A~ J3nildinr;:~.; and struct1.1res locaterl in thl;~ nA.~d{i'17 district ~hRll be governetl by the oarkinc SDBce Rnrt nonconformin? YP?ulati,oDs, i.f any, in ~'ffect at the time of th~j,r constr~!ction~ In t1le event or. ?n addtt:i_on to or structuYDl enJ.Hry:,::mf=nt of 2- btd.ldi:ng or ~trl.1ctHrp Jocat2d ~.;J~_thin the l),3.rkin.~. dj.str.-:i.ct, parkin,--: soac:es shall be nrov';ded. f.or the addition or strllctlJral enl~r~ement 8G spe~ified ill nestion 19.56.~C(I. H~ fJarl(ing SDHr:es 51'18:1.1 be provided as sner..i-::i.erl 11": .S.e.-:tJ.on lQ.56.?OO for anv hu:;lcJ::_n~ or stt"llctur'2 loc8t~~1 1,r~thin t1:i~ narking distri~t whi~h r2mains 1TBcBnt Eor a oeriod of time in e)~ces~~ o:r' on~ hond.red p:L::~:hty dP,llS. c. Any buil~ing suhiect to tile nrovisi.onE of 2ection 10~56~?OO by Subsection B hpI'eof~ shall. be eJ:2mnt f~om ~ilCh DrO'Iisrons if dnrinq: the one IHllKlred eJ~hty fl8~' "lIA.c.ancy 1.1er5.o6, tJu~ bHi J_d in'!, or '3 true t1!re Ls re::-DOV3 ted in a manner con:;'~ s t~:1t wi t~..! cri t~:r'i..B urom~J1.p:atec.l by resolution of the t';avor ,?:I1I..l ComrnOil Counr::tl.. /\11\' ::n}rh b1JtldinE! or ~,}truc.ture. c(.'<rrlplvin.? "I,,,'Lth $1.1r:.h MC-440 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . . criteria shall be subject to the parking space requirements of Subsection A hereof." I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a req111ar meeting thereof, held on the , 1985, by the following day of !>larch 7th vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Castaneda, Peillv, Hernandez, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler NAYS: CounciJ t1ember Marks ABSENT: 1\;one t,;! "', '/" //:',) / J ',/;' .~ f.- .7 I//_~/ . --~, ..J..... ./'/" City Clerk of ,''''arch The foregoing ordinance is hereby 8th day , 1985. Approved as to form: 7