HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-461 , " . O?PTtJANGE 1-'10. l'-1~-LJ6.l 2 ORDII,lAI)CT': OF r:'I.If.; CITZ 07 >',/j.N BERNARI'II';ro !lH>:PDIlJG CBAP""'se. 1.5 ftO!~. OF TEE :~AbJ DE"tlNAHDli'.lO MfHTICTI'AL COD}I~ TO ADOPT AND Ar~1FPJ; T1Ti: :3 1 ,),',~: ':"iITIOf!S or' 'PEE TJNUOt:t1 (:()m~S, 4 T'I'~ i:/1A"',"O~ ANT) C()t1fvfOIJ (:OTJ~l8IL O:? ,....,i;'~ CTr~-'y 0;:,' .:_~At,l T3~,,~?r)t"1PJ'IInO no ORD/\IN ",r: ?OI,LOf:1S: 5 6 S'-;:CTlon 1. Section 15.04.020 r OJ- the San Bernardino 7 t<unh::iPBl C030 i~,; .'],m0ndr:d to read ~ 8 'll.s.O!~,.O?O Ado,Jtion of Codes. 9 '1"'hose c0rta:in rules and re~ulntiDns whic~ resul~t(~ the 10 erection, constrl1ction, erllargement, Alteration, repair, movi.ng, 11 removal, ~on~rersion~ demolition, occllpancy, eqllipment use, 12 h~igllt, Arpa and maintenance of bllildincrs or strllcttlres and the 13 installation anti maj.ntenan~e of heating, ventilating, 14 refrj.gerntion and related systems in tIl2 City, anrl which nrovide 15 for fJnLCcrn 'F1Jj_L~~in.F CocJr-" .c;tand8r(Lr~ for ~aid buildinEs or 16 f3truct1Jres and min::TJ1.F"li h.OUS:LDJ, requirements for the protec:tlon of 17 life, limh, llealth and property and for the safety and wel:fHrp of 18 the :.!ene:ral pu1~,li(: And the OVTn'2'rs and OCr:ll1)B.Ot~ of res-i..lpnti:~J 19 buildings in the City~ [']1 RS set forth in thosp cArtei..n cO'_:J~S 20 .'loG. 2pnen(lic.<(~;:-;, ~~'l.titlF:-rl 'IJu.iform F)1Jildi'.1f?; Cod:; I (and. 'Uniform 21 Fuilding CocJe Appendix Chapters 1 throlJ[Yh n, 73, aIld 0)'; throlJOo 22 70'), 19;:<1. F~rl.ition; 'rJni~:-orm 3uilding Code Standards', 1~:C7 23 r:~r-lition; 'TJniform Hour::ins: Code' 1 l'?'c~ l:~dition; 'Uniform Si?n 24 Cod,e, 19[:7 ~di.t.ion; 'Uniform Arjmin:i.strativ~l2 Code', 19B? 25 Edition; 'fJni~orm MC'charri.cal Coele' , lS3? Edition, witl1 App2ndL: 26 ,~iwpters p, toroush fJ; thp yearly sl1flDlements to the flniJorm 27 Building, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes published by the 28 International CODEer~nr::f? of EUJ.ldinp~ Ofricials~ 'TJniform Pl1.!rnl.d.,n~ MC-361 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I' II 27 II 28 I , Corl e', 19 r:di..tlon (~nd .Append:b.: Chapte.rs ^ through I); 'UnLfcro Svimming Pool Code', 1982 Edition; tile '(;l]idelines for Solar Energy Installations', 19i1Ll Edition; ':VaUonnl IUectrical Code', lS8ijP,dition; 'Structural Weldin}! Code (Steel)', lqiiO Edition, pu1)lisher.! by the Ameri.can \JeldIng ~;ocj.ety; one coPY of eRch code is on file in the offic~ of tIle City Clerk, and 1.8 identi.fied bv the certific8.tes atta.ched. thereto, reading substantially as fo11O\-Is: 'I, SHAUNA CLARK, hereby certify that one copy of the annexed codes entitled 'Un:,.form BuIldin" Code' (and 'Uniform Build I ng Code ADPend ix Chapters 1 throurzh 11, 73, ann 15 through 70'),1982 Edition; 'Oniform Bnildinl]; Code "t i d' 19"') -'d't' "l'c 'I . l)_anli1r,p" ~(};.. I'..J. :lon; t.nlJOrr:l ~'OlJ.s~,ng Code I, 198?, E;dition~ 'Uni.form Sign Code, 198? Edtt:1.on; 'Uniform Administ-:-aU.ve Code', 19B? E'dition; 'UnIform J>jechaniod Code', 19112 Zdition, uIth AppendIx Chapters A throWch D; the yearly s11pDlempnts to the Uniform Building, Mpchanical 2nd Plumhinf': Codes pubJtshed hy tb.e Interna.tionf:./.l Conference at' Bl,ltlding Offtcials; 'lJnlform iJlumhing Codp.', 19F)? ~~rlition (and App~ndix Chanters A thron~h I); I Uniform 8~:,d.mmin.~ Pool Code', 1982 Edition; the 'Gu:tdelines for Solar ETI2rp:y Installations', 198/l f,dition; INationaJ Electrical Codp.', 1981, T'~d:i.t:i.on; 'Structural Helding Code CSteel)', 19(10 Fdition, puhlished b,\r the ~~m(~ric.an Heldins Societ'?, l;,ras filed in my office on , and is a tru.e, correct and complete copy or those certain codes and slJPnlements thereto referred to iD Ordinance No. of the Ci tv of San Bernard 5. no ann by seid Ord inance adopted. hv ;i MC-361 .. reference and made a part thereof as fully as thOllgh SAt 2 forth 2t length ~ 3 SHAONA CLARK City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino' 4 5 be and the same are ~stahlj.shed as rIlles and reg1llatinns as a 6 code of the City and each and every Dart of said cod~s, and e~ch 7 and everv provIsion theTf'3_0 contained, is adopt.ed and made a part 8 hereof as though fully set forth at length in this challter." 9 S~CTION 2. Section 15.04.090 of the San Bernardino 10 Munici pal Code is amende,l to r;>ac1: II "15.()L~.090 UBC Subsection .107 (8) added -. CertHicate of 12 Occupancy. 13 UEe Subsection ]07 (g) is adderl to read as :follo~vs: 14 Section :-.'07. (g) Certificate of Occupancy. I~efore final 15 approval is 8iven for a huilding or portion thereof, the building 16 shall be ready for occupancy with all defects corrected and all 17 construction debris, spot.:; Clnd stains removed and the si.te sh.a11 18 he !CHIded to Linal grade. 19 Bl.lj.ldin~s or structures or yard shall have final inspection 20 I and approval by all departmpots before tll~ public l1tilities may , I connect ['.as or electricity to the building. II l\XCEPTION: 'The DoiIdtn"', Offici.al may grant permission to J connp-ct one or more utilities to the building hefore finDl 21 22 23 24 I i,nsnection is aooroved ",hen it can he shoun thllt \.rithhoJ.dlng a ,. , IUtilitv will be detrimental to health and safety'. II The rl11es and regulations of the 'Cali.fornie Administratj.ve !I Code, Title 8' ,shall apply to the issllance of CertifLcates of I ! r 1 d Occupa.ncy 'Lor- apartment houses, hoteLS, and lodging hOllses; DO." 25 26 27 28 J MC-361 . ! 1 none of such huildin~q shall he H-Sea or ocsl1D:Lecl untJl tlu::~ owner 2 or operator thereof has he en issued a valid Certificate of 3 Occunancy. 4 ;i'or buildin8-s or structures or portions thereof in Groups A, 5 E, I, H, B or R Division J Occupancy, a new Certificate of 6 Occupancy shall be oht,;lj.ned HheneV8r: 7 1 G The buildinp;: has bep.n vacant for one hlJ.n.dred eighty 8 continuous days; or 9 2R There is a change of occupancy, ownership, lessee(s), or 10 of the use; or 11 1. There is a cJlange of occupancy classification of the 12 buLldin~ or portion of the building; or 13 14 q.. There is a ter8poraTY use not exceed in? thirty da_ys. Said new Certificate of OCCtlpancy ffillSt be ohtail1ed prior to 15 aTIV person, fj.rm or coyporation usi.ng or occllDying a building or 16 structure I1nrler conditions requiring the obtainin~ of a new 17 18 Certifj.cat.e 0+ '- Occupancy. Before an application for a Certificate of Occupancy is 19 accepted, B fee shall be paid hv the annlicant to cover the cost 20 of the inspection as follows: 21 22 23 24 25 26 For a Commercial Building no .on For an Apartment House: Any building or combination of buUdings containinq /.i 'm! ts or less Any building: or r..omhination of Du:1.1dlncrs containi.n9; more than I.~Hn:i..ts- - ~~(d) .00 ,~;!:o a 00 plus 5.00 for each uni t over I.V' SECTION 3. Secti_on lSa04a08S of the San Bernardino 27 f.lunid pal Cod" is amended to read: 28 "15.0!.~.O8', nnUorm Administrative Code, 1982. EdiUon, Table !: 'HC-361 . .~ I.' , I I Ii 3-A II Uniforrr Administrative Code, 1982 Edition, Table No. 3-A is .. ., amended - Building Permit Fees. 2 3 amended by adding items 5, 6 and 7 to Other Inspections and Fees: 4 5. A fee in the sum of fifty dollars for the inspection of 5 any existing property or building required to be made by the 6 Department of Building and Safety for compliance with the ,National Housing Act, Section 221 (d)(2) or other lending I I institutions and regulations thereunder shall be paid to the City 7 8 9 by the applicant for such inspection service. 10 6. A fee in the sum of twenty-five dollars for the 11 inspection of a room addition, garage, patio, or other portion of 12 a building when the entire building need not be inspected. 13 7. An annual sign permit fee for off-premise signs shall be II ten dollars due and payable on the second day of January in any ye r, 14 15 which fee shall be doubled if the permit is not obtained by the 16 thirty-first day of January; however, where the sign is first erec ed 17 after January 31 of that year, only the ten dollar fee shall apply" I SECTION 4. Section 15.04.087 of the San Bernardino , I t1unicipal Code is amended to read: I! "15.04.087 Uniform Administrative Code, Table No. 3-B is i! I: amended by add ing thereto New Commerical Build ings, I Ii NEW COt1t1ERCIAL BUILDINGS: The following fees shall include Ilall wiring and electrical equipment in or on each building or " , II other electrical equipment on the premises constructed at the , I same time, $.015 per square foot." SECTION 5. Section 15.04.095 of the San Bernardino 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I 27 I Municipal Code is amended to read: 28 II I I I! iil "15.04.095 UBe Section 1704 amended - Roof coverings. 5 HC-361 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I , 9 ! i 10 II II II 12 I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I 20 I 21 II 22 'I 23 I' II 24 Ii 25 II I, 26 II 27 'I 28 il 'I flEe ~ection 17C~. .~~ amen:ipd to reD~ as follows: Section 1704. Roof CoverJngs. Roof ~o~erings shall he fire ret.s.rr,lant, 1,11ith th~ foJlowi.na exc-2nt:1.nl1S: (a) OrclirlRrv roof coveri11Z may be instal. led on btlildin~s of Croup RAnd GrGUD ~.1 OCCt11;2ncies ~x(:eDt thnt vIood roof covp-rin~ shall tl8ve a minimum of a Class S r~tin~ for thesp occuparlcies. Cb) In the, ~d_12.h ~:irp- ha.'7aru area as def-tned :in r.lectlon ;1 u. .130 of the Sen nardino Municipal Code, no new wood raof coverin~ shal.} h~ installed, pxcept for repairs to wood roof3 not exceeding twenty-five per~ent of th~ e~rj.stjn~ roof arRa. Such reoatrs shall he H:fth materin.ls \\'Jth miniJ~H.1m r-lLlss C !'"2ting for.- Group P .3nd (~~OHt) ~1 Occuvanci es and Clas~~ B for aJ 1 other ocC'.upanc:les. ~kylights shall he ~onstrllcterl as req~!ired in Ch~oter 34. PenthOH.ses shal J he con~trqcpd ElF: requi.r2d. in Chenter '.~(. :~or llse of DIAstj.cs i.n roofn, see ChAnter r.;') 'L. War Attics: Access a!'vl Area., ~:;E:'e .::;ec. 1'.1.on 1?(r:: . ~or Roof Draina~e, ~ee ~ection 1?Ol. (c) TI).e orn"'.risionr.: of ;-:pction ??n7 I:b) of the Un:!.form BuildinQ CodA shall not apply tl::lthiil the City of SFl.D Bernard:fx~o." Sl~C7'Tnr.,i (.!. Section 1~.O~.113 is add~d to the San B~rnardino Municinal Code to read: "1'j.O!~.11.: rn~c Secti.on /0((3 (10) 2rJd2d -- On-site !murovempnt Permi.t. PBC ,Suhs€cti.on '700.3 (l.n) is added to reAd AS follo~~s: Se~tion 7003 (10). On-site Improvement Permit. No person shalJ. constrllc.t any on--SJte imDrovpment f01::" moto!" ve-hicle stora~e, ~arkin~ or vehLcle circlll.ation, or for th~ disposal of , i) .' MC-361' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 i 20 I , 21 I I I 22 II 23 il il 24 II 25 II II 26 ,I " " 27 Ii I: II 28 II 'I Ii II Ii II I':' , 1- lllaste throll.g.h 2 private S0.wer ms.in, vritholJt flrst obtaining: a. permit from tIle (~ity ineerN The provisions of this section shall not apply to .s renidential drive~Jay to be used i.n connection with the occupancy of a single-family residence or a multi-family residential development of four or less units. A permit iSS1Jed by the City Engineer for the purpose of constr\lction of tIle improvements set forth herein shall hereafter !)e knOtIn 8:.1 an on'-Gi te improvement permit. Ii :j Er.::;T Ior;r 7 ~ Section 15 ~()/~.16~; is added to the ;:.an BernardLno ~lnicipal Code to read: "}5.0/..165 LJilC Section 7006 Ch) added .. On-site Improvement Plans and Specifi~ations. 1JBC Section 7006 (h) is added to read as follows: 3ection 7006 (h). On-site Improvement Plans and Specific:ati.ons. \fuen required by tIle City EngiIleer, each application for an on-sj_te improvement permit shal_l lle accompanied by two sets of plans and speci.ficatJ.ons. !Jlans anr~ E;pec Lf ica tiotls require(l by the Ci ty Eng tneer sha1 J Le nreparp.d and si~ned by a certJ.fied civil engj.neer. Specifications rnay l)p incorporat0rl into the pIann as general notes in lieu of a separate clor.:umen t ~ 11 SJ~CTJON B. Section 1~;.O~.167 is adrl~d to the San Bernardino Municipal Code to ree~: "lS.Oi,.167 UBC::ectIon l006 0) added-- InformatIon 011 On- site Improvemeilt Plans. nEe Section 7006 CO is added to read as follOlil-S: Section 700b (i). InformatIon on On--.site Improvement :'1.3.I1S. On-site improvement plans 811811 contain all information set forttl 7 MC-361 in Section 7()06(d) of the flEe and stlRll illclude ttle following adrlitional j_nforrnation~ 1" Elev3t.LnDs of top of cllrb, bac1{. of side'1Jalk, and finish sllrfacA of navetnent. ? Flow line el.evations, and rates of grade of ~urb And ~utter, r:i.bbon ~utters, d~aina8e faci.litieG, and private S'2\ler mains" ]. Detailed plans of nIanter curbs, curh and gutter, ribllon 811tters anrl drainage facilities. h Detailed specifications of materials includin~ portlan(] cement concrete, asphalt concrete, a~greBate 1)Bs2, sewer pipe and pi_pe bedding. ~. Size and number of parking spaces, directional signs .-=\nr:J strlpinge1f ~~~ECTJON s. c' +-." ,)pc cIon 15.04.175 is added to the San Bernardino ~lllicipal Code to read: "IS.O/,..l.?', une Cjection iOO? (c) added .. On..site Tl1Jnrovement P" "_ 18n :Revie~tT :,:;'~~es. !)nc Section /00/ (c:) is added to reael as follo",rs: Section 7007 (c). On~site Improvement Plan Review ~ees. t.Jhen an oTImsite improvpment plan is required to he submitted., a plan review fee 311al.]. he pai~ at the tj.me of Sllbmitting plans and . r. t' .speC]~:Cl\..a _Ions for reViCT,i>!" .:.laid reVie1iJ fee shall be in an amount estahlished by reaollltion of tile Mayor anrl Comrnon COl1nci.l" Items to l)e reviewer} are 'hard-sllrface' improvenlents incll1din~, l)ut not litni.tpd to, paving, curbs, sj.dewal~s, privqte f.)(~wer m8.~__nn and d,rainEl_':!.e fa.cilitiefi" The revie.~jl of landscap:Ln~, and irrigation are not :i.Deluded in the on.~sitp improvement pIon ,;j I .' MC-36i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 i I I 22 I I I, 23 II I I I I 24 I I I 25 26 " 'i Ii 27 II 28 I I. il I, Ii II . '." r2vieVl ~ Ii GECTION 10. S~ction IS.U4.177 Is added to the San BerDe.rdino Nl.1.nir:iprtl Code to reacl; t11~') 0(")(1'0 17? liJ":,1C ;-),ect-Lon /'UO/ Cd) arlo_ed, ~- On-.-site ImproveMent Permit Fees~ ODe Sec.tion 70(r} (d) :1..3 add(~l..l to r<~acl as :follows ~ Sect1.nn 7(]07 (I~). On.-sitp Improvement P~rmit Vees. A fee for each on~site imorovement nerrnit shall be oaid to the City Engineer~ naid fee shall l,e in an nmo\!ot establ:ished by resolution of tIle (-1aYDr t3_nd Common Councj_l. n S1:~cr:'.'IO'i..J 11. Section 1_'~.[)~~,~179 is a!lded. to the ,s8.n H1;}rnardino f.viunlcJnal Cod? to read; "l'i.OLI..17,) UBC SectIon 70lL (g) added .. On-site [mprOVAment lnspection~ OBC ~~er:tion 70J/., (g) :L:.:~ adde(l to read as folloT"7S ~ See t.t OD. li~ ({-:.)~ On",site Inli)rovpment T.nspectlon~ All 011.,- site improv-ements for vlb:.Lch r3 -Pf~rmit is reqnirpd shall be sllhject to tnspection ~'iY the- City ~:'.~ng:E.ne~r throu?;h his de~:::lgnatf?d reoresentat"lve~ii I I{~Rl~BY Cl~PTI~'! that tl1e forPfoing ordinance was d\lly adopted by the Mayor and Common CO\lncil of tile City of San Berna.rdino at a reqular meeting thereof~ l,~ld ---"-~'.'~---~--_'~'_'_____"..._.n..~...__~~ on the 20th '_.^'----~._- vote, to Hit: / / / / / / / I / I / / / dA.y of __~_~::...~L__...__~.._.,_________, 19B5, by the fol1ol'linr; "". ., / / / / / / / / / / / / . HC-3~1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I I , 20 II 21 I: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I, Ii II I " , ~, " ' .. ~'v~' (' 6,_',,-,,. : Counr..l_ 1 r ,s_<:~_",_~aned,::!__~:,J:ll.Y..!.._~:'Ena~_c:1_~~~,~~_::~s , Frazier, Strickler NAYS: None --- ._._'___.._.._..__..__.._._..,__..____._~_______..___.__k_._.____.______..__...___.__.____~___. _,...___ AW~L:fJ'C- Council Member Quie1 .-..-.-.-----.--~_.----___._.___.>~__._..._._,_,,___._~_>__,~,_,"_" ____.,__._.___._."_..u~.._._ n.__. __~.4'.L:i"'l,6~,__._._____.. City ~~ The f oregoinR ord :Lnance is her(-~ 11Y approv(-=:d tl" 21st day ApDrov~d as to form: of _____ !'l~_.__.__..___..___., 1 /J2dA--U/I/J~ C{ tyni~~~ey----------' 10