HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-464 I 2 3 4 , , 5 Ii I 6 I 7 8 II 9 II I, 10 II I' II I I 12 I' II 13 II II 14 II 15 [I I: 16 I: I i I , i ' , , I I , ()?DI~JANCT,~ NO. ___'<C-.,!1.6t! __ ORDINANCF OP '~H}~ CJTY oq SAN B~RNAPDINO AM~NDING E~~l'TON 9.90.010 OF TIP~ SA~; B-ERNARDIUO t-llrN rCI:O AT., corn,:: ;ro ~:'~;~TE.~'Jn TU!1~ AflTPOETT:,! 'Tn SECTJEIrC',/ l'~1)f~:')P ?~F~SO!\!q;-::L O:i-;' TnT'; C?NTPAL CT'T"'t'1AT,I., 'TO ~i:~r!~ol~CI~ SAfl B~RNAP1)T~0 MUNICIPAL, COIJE SRCTION 10.16.710. 'rII:~: HA yon. AND COI'1UJOl\T COONe: IL OF '~}{E C IT~ 07 .SAP BFRNARf'INO no ORDAIN AS FOLLOWG: SECTION 1. Sectio~ s.QO.()lO Sub~ection A of the SaD P.ernard,ino t-111'1:~_.::iD;Jl \~r)(l.e .f.~~ em(~nded to l:-ead ~ 1IA. Sef'_llrity l7,uard personnel, 1tl[-.I,0 shall be off iJnty or retired police offic~rs or r~3erve police offi~~rs, pmployed hy the Redevelopment: Agency of thR City of S..3D J-JernBxdino pursunnt to an BRreement }~etwe2n SQid Aqencv ond the City, relating to a S2~llritv ~uArd program, are authort~ed and Ampowered to arrest and iSS1Je noticc3 to 3pnear for violations of the provisions of ChRpters 5.0!~, 8.1~, 9.48, 9.49, 1?~4, And Sections 9.1?OlO anrt 10.16.210 for incidAnts Bri_sin~ in the Central City Mall and 17 i l!lal1 pUr~JHant to S8ctfan K16.5 find Cha_ptpr;.; 5C nnd .'.~,O of P.")Tt .2. oU~].ic ar~ps in, adjac~nt to, or tmmediately SlJrrOl1nding said 18 i.'ltL~.1 (~;er:.t1..ons C:..?.6, et seq.) O~( thp C'?lifornj.:l P?naJ Code." 19 20 adnpted by thr-:' Ha-"ror <31.1.d CommO!1 CouJ)(',i 1 of the Ci ty 0/ ;;an I IJE~8Bv CSpTIF; that the for?~oin~ orrlinance WRS ,itJ]Y 21 Ger:-na.rdino ;:,11: a _l="~_s.lJl.aL._______.._..__."_________ m(~'etin.?, trI2!';'Or, 1:-u~ld 22 tr dav ()f-" on _ H? ____J.st..... __-!;.!JJ.l ~..7 __,_____."____.___...._ J 93', , b"fl thl~ -.~{)11o~'rIn(?, / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / , / / / 23 / / / 24 / / / 25 I / / 26 / / / 27 / / / 28 / / / MC-464 , . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .. vote, to wit ~ A'.'.'f;'C' . . _,--,U 0 Counci]. r~1ernbers Rstrada., peilly ,narks, 0uiel, Frazier, Strickler .-------.---------------.----------"--..--- NA"YS: !'1one ABSENT: Council ~1eTnb8r Hernculdez ---- ~a~~d1b_----------- --'(:1 ty C _er!( The foregoing ordinance is herehv approved this __2:1'",L__ day of ___.-J.ul.1'--__________ , 198'). (;"7 jEi /i _/ ;' f/ 1,/ /'..1 .'/ __ a A>{,~:(~~f:V .;v{'::.~-----:rc,--------- Mayor or t_'e "lty or San,t,~~rnaruino . . ADpro. ved as to form: ,7 Z- ..~. - /,y' / . 1. '\ . -- - C/- r/r/ ~~.VL~dl:!.(;~ l>l ty At f/;rn-;:'-v I'