HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-516 MC-S16 , 1 ORDINANCE NO. MC-516 2 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND, AMENDING THE LAND USE ZONING MAP, WHICH IS 3 INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE IN SECTION 19.06.020 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (PETITION NO. 85-14, LOCATED BETWEEN 4 FIFTH STREET AND SEVENTH STREET, HAVING A FRONTAGE OF APPROXIMATELY 420 FEET ON THE NORTH SIDE OF FIFTH STREET, AND 677 5 FEET ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF SEVENTH STREET, AND BEING LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 165 FEET WEST OF THE CENTERLINE OF FLORES STREET), 6 AND ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. 7 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SECTION 1. Pursuant to Chapter 19.06 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code, the real property described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, located between Fifth Street and Seventh Street, having a frontage of approximately 420 feet on the north side of Fifth Street, and 677 feet on the south side of Seventh Street, and being located approximately 165 feet west of the centerline of Flores Street, is rezoned from "0" Open Space to PRD-5, Planned Residential Development at five units per acre. 17 (PETITION NO. 85-14.) 18 19 20 21 22 23 SECTION 2. The zoning map, which is incorporated by reference in Section 19.06.020 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code is amended to reflect the change of zone set forth in this ordinance. SECTION 3. The negative declaration for environmental review, as adopted by the Environmental Review Committee, 24 attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B", and incorporated herein by 25 reference, is hereby approved and adopted. 26 27 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 28 . MC-516 AYES: 5 6 NAYS: 7 ABSENT: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 of The foregoing ) iU"i J meeting thereof, held on , 198 6 , by the Council Members Estrada; Hernandez, Marks, Quiel, Frazier, Strickler None council Member Reilly d!ip<?////.~t/ / City Clerk ordinance is hereby approved this /'" I' day , 198~i (,{ 7" Ii ;:,' , ,{f2_G(.-'~'''' ///c/t2esuy Mayor of he City of San Bernardino 16 Approved as to form: 17/7 0 18 j/~J~W--C_L C'ity At orney 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . MC-:516 . PRD-5 ZONE BOUNDARY All those portions of Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 23, and of Lot 1, Block 94, both of Rancho San Bernardino, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 2, records of San Bernardino County, lying within the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a point in the centerline of Fifth Street (82.5 feet wide, as shown on County Surveyor's Map No. 7102 on file in the Office of the County Surveyor of San Bernardino County), said point being distant along said centerline, North 890 23' 19" West, 561.70 feet from a one-half inch iron pipe marking ttre intersection thereof with the centerline .of Flores Street (50 feet wide), as shown on plat of Tract 2291, recorded in map Book 33, page 11, records of said County; thence North 570 41' 31" West, 1002.77 feet; thence North 250 52' 35" East, 443.43 feet; thence South 640 07' 25" East, 155.80 feet; thence North 250 52' 35" East, 545.74 feet to a oint in the centerline of Seventh Street (82.50 feet wide); said point being distan~ along said centerline North 890 25' 22" }Iest, 852.51 feet from the intersection thereof with the centerline 0 f sa id Flores Street; thence along the centerline of said Seventh Street, South 89025' 22" East, 357.51 feet to the intersection thereof with the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of said Lot 17; thence along said Northerly prolongation and said Easterly line Southerly, 677.65 feet to the Northerly line of said Lot 13; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 13, Easterly, 180.00 feet to the West line of the East 150.00 feet of said Lot 13; thence along said West line Southerly, 180.00 feet to the South line of the North 180.00 feet of said Lot 13; thence along said South line Easterly, 150.00 feet to the Easterly line of said Lot 13, thence along said Easterly line and its Southerly prolongation, Southerly, 497.54 feet to the intersection thereof with the centerline of said Fifth Street; thence along said centerline North 890 23' 19" West, 396.70 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 21.68 acres, more or less, exclusive of streets. eE!.\Jl~EO II-g-B? EXHIBiT ..~ , , , 'KC-516 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE OF DETERMINATION r'r---. r---. "'l SECRETARY FOR RESOURCES D 1416 NINTH STREET, ROOM 1311 ::! CITY OF SAN BERNARO I NO SACRAMENTO. CA. 95814 0 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE 0 a: 300 NORTH D STREET, 3rd FLOOR ..... IL ,,8J'CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92418 175 WEST 5th STREET '---" '---' SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92415 ( PR0JECT NAME' CHANGE OF ZONE No. 85-14 ) PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND lOCATION: Subject property is an irregularly shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 23.74 acres located between 5th Street and 7th Street having a frontage of approximately 420 feet on the north side of 5th Street and 677 feet on the south side of 7th Street and being located approximately 165 feet west of the centerline of Flores Street. The proposal is to-cha~ the land use zoning district from 0, Open Space to R-3-1200, Mu1ti-Fami1yResidentia1~.. (/) -'., [ III '.,- ,) "-, . , - w -.... ::g .-- . --~ . . 'fJ c. ~,- Ul THIS IS TO ADVISE THAT THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO HAS MADE THE FOllOWING DETERMINATION REGARDING THE PROJECT DESCRIBED ABOVE' I. THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ~APPROVED, DDENIED, 2. THE PROJECT DWILL, P(WILL NOT, HAVE A SIGN I FICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. 3. D AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT WAS PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CECA. ~A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WAS PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CECA. A COPY OF THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION IS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW IN THE r " " PLANNING DEPARTMENT, CITY HAll, 300 NORTH D STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92814. 4. A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSI DERAT IONS DWAS, t8:WAS NOT, ADOPTED FOR THIS PROJECT. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ~ 0.. ~I..J '1/2--a/~ (714) 383 -5057 S~RETARY Ooie Rlceived for Fi ling TELEPHONE t ~ MAY '81 sky EXHiiJiT n ERe fORM E MC::"516 '. M_ ~ CiTY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMI TTEE NEGATIVE DECLARATION ~ .... r ""l 00 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO G CLERK OF THE BOARD OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SUPERVISORS 300 NORTH "0" STREET 3rd FLOOR 175 WEST 5th STREET , SAN BERNARDINO, CA, 92418 SAN BERNARDINO, CA, 92415 THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CAL1~ORNIA REVIEWED THE PROJECT DESCRIBED BELOW AT IT'S MEETING OF ._ \. Uhe Z7J Ict&'5. AND FOUND THAT ON THE BASIS OF THE INITIAL STUDY THE PROJECT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. ( PROJECT NAME: CHANGE OF ZONE No. 85-14 J PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION: Subject property is an irregularly shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 23.74 acres located between 5th Street and 7th Street having a frontage of approximately 420 feet on the north side of 7th Street and a frontage of 677 feet on the south side of 7th Street and being located approximately 165 feet west of the centerline of Flores Street. The proposal is to change the land use zoning district from 0, Open Space to R-3-1200, ['""""'-'''''' ,.,"on",'. MITIGATION MEASURES, IF ANY, TO AVOID POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS: .-"1 " ,'1 ~~~;; '~::', (/') -, ('n -Q \'.> v.:> .', . ~ """,. '~, :;;::,.. t/? ,- .. <J1 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ~~ 3/23/8~ (714) 383-5057 DATE TELEPHONE 11.< --- !':-lAY'f:lt s.ky ERe. FORM G :"':::-''!fC-';Iit6. 0 !; tT ,;-.':, .' '\ \.\. '1" ,:) .' 86-133363 RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS ,385 HAY 21 Prl 2: 00 ~.l RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF AND wP..EN RECORDED, RETURl'l TO: City Clerk F~';< sv::. CJ5 D~? City of San Bernardino 7'\ D 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 LiSA F."~ D P OIl .~ S.L,i< BLi;f~/l.RDINO CO., CALIF. COVENANT RONNING WITH THE LAND WHEREAS, the San Bernardino County Flood Control District is the owner of land located in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and described in Exhibit "A", which Exhibit is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth herein. WHEREAS, the San Bernardino Flood Control District has requested a zone change for future residential development on said land. WHEREAS, on the 5th day of Mav , 19~, the ~Iayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino adopted Ordinance No. MC-516, granting Change of Zone No. 85-14, Planned Residential Development - five dwelling units per acre (PRD-5) for the property described in Exhibit "A". WHEREAS, said property must be developed in a manner to address noise and compatibility considerations. WHEREAS, it is hereby agreed and acknowledged by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, a body corporate and politic, that said granting of Zone Change 85-14 is approved subject to certain conditions to mitigate noise and to obtain compatibility with adjoining uses. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows: As a condition precedent to the development of the property described in Exhibit "A" for residential purposes, a solid, decorative, masonry wall shall be constructed along the perimeter of project and landscaping shall be installed along the westerly line of said property. Both the landscaping and the wall shall be in accordance with the requirements of the City of San Bernardino. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the San Bernardino County Flood Control District has executed this document this day of :FEBRIJARY , 1986. NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT: By: ~ L~bert L. Hamrock, Chair'DaI1 Board of Supervisors of tt'1e Gmmty of San Bernardino (Item if31 - Board Agenda of 2/24/86) "l ....' ACCEPTANCE BY CITY. The City of San Bernardino hereby accepts the covenant included within the attached document. I certify that I am authorized to accept grants and conveyances to the City of San Bernardino as authorized by resolution of the Mayor and Com~on Council. Dated: ~ 14 ,1%'" CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO " By: r/~t7/J?#~Jti., / City Clerk MC-516 ~o ' ~ "" 0;"'..... '.~' "'- - -<::-~- "'".-- .' .~.~.1 . , ~. '-..~ .,..'"PitD-~ - .,......... -- 4'. . _..-"".. _.....~..--~,..............~...... ZONE BOUNPIf:~. 86-133363 All those portions of Lots 13, 1~, 15, 1E. End 17, Block 23, and of Lot 1, Block 94, both of Rancho San Berna~dino, as pe~ plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, . page 2, records of San Bernardino County, ly:ng within the follolling described . ~par.cel of land: Beginning at 8 .point 1n the centerline cf Fifth Street (82.5 feet wide, 8S ;;;hown on County Surveyor's Map No. 7102 01' file in the Office of the County Surveyor of San Bernardino.County), said point being distant along said centerline, North 890 23' 19" We~t, 561.70 feet from a one-half inch iron pipe marking ~he inter'sedion thereof with the centerline .of Flores Street (50 feet wide), as shown on plat of Tract 2291, recorded in map Book 33, page 11, records of said County; thence North 570 ~1' 31" West, 1002.77 feet; thence North 250 52' 35" East, 1143. ~3 feet; . thence South 6~0 07' 25" "-ast, 155.80 feet; thence. North 250 52! 35" East, 5~5. 7~ feet to a oint in the cent-erline of Seventh Street (82.50 feet wide); said point being distant" alon,; said centerline North 890 25' 22" .Iest, 852.51 feet from the intersection thereof with the centerline of said Flores Street; thence along the centerline of said Seventh Street, South 890 25' 22" East, 357.51 feet to the intersection thereof with the Northerly prolongation of the ~sterly line of'said Lot 17; thence aiong said Northerly prolongation and said Easterly line Southerly, 677.65 feet to the Northerly line of said Lot 13; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 13, Easterly, 180.00 feet to the West. line of the East 150.00 feet of said Lot 13; thence along said West line Southerly,. n_'J80.00 feet to. the South'~line of the North 180. 00 f_~t;_of said _U:>t;u 13;.thence o. along said South line Easterly, 150.00 feet to the Easterly line of said Lot 13, thence along said Easterly line and its Southerly prolongation, Southerly, ~97"5~ , feet to the .intersection thereof with the centerline of said Fifth ~tr~et; thence . . . '. '". .". .... - . c-', . along said centerline North 89023' .19" West, 396.70 feet to the Point of Beginning. .<." .-~'. : . . . .. ..' ". . '. . -1:- ~ ," . .. .-' ".-. '.., . ........." ;,. ;..- ~'. -" ..". . .",' .... ", ......-....... . . ." . . '~.' '. '- .. Containing 21.68 acres, more or less, exclusive of streets. .. ..... ." .- e~vl~Et? H -B-BC3 EXHIBIT A CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (FOR DAMAGES TO PERSONS OR PERSONAL PROPERTY) (Complete Both Pages) A claim against the City of San Bernardino must be filed with the City Clerk within 6 months after the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the City of San Bernardino and not another public entity. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to: CITY CLERK, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, 300 North 0 Street, San Bernardino, California 92418. If additional space is needed to answer one of the questions, please attach an additional sheet. WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FAL~fl:!~IM1r' " (Penal Code Sec. 72; Insurance Code Sec. 556.11~ File No. RM-1S 2-88 OISTR IBUTION: White, Canary & Pink - City; Goldenrod - Claimant DATE STAMP '0 c:o ,.... .~ ..,---r7f I' ,) s.-:.:/J,01. II/' CLAIMANT INFORMATION Name ~ f<..... 'J;I(~fl, ~ Address to which claimant desires notices to be sent: Addre~s:2..t "if /~ ,112 1.$1/-7 tl.fJ1;{..11 Name"'-'lMI<.. ,S/tt/C ex! ~\-11. .L/-Il!J.1/-R... dl f/tJ Zip Code Addres;':'~//If (,(;4. ~q /II Phoneskl ") - 77.,r=. tit! tJ---- 1) I!r!i... Jz. &Ad ..L x. Resident Work ! Driver's License No.1 I,,' 0-cJ/f'lu' Birth Date Social Security No'-) tl- '30 tj :;L,/3 ~!;T/I {. t'2-7 7 Zip Code ,I 19 ' ' ( ;LAIM INFORMATION /~.' Date of claim incident ~ 1-' / I (; .2... /1 . _ 9 I) Time ....;J.;.-it." :::. Exact and specific location of event from which the claim arises 2l 8 & 11 Wr!-/~/;1;;f 1/ -Sfltl /d./ ~tl.Jf'L.J.11 1;/ 3,' A.M. if P.M. ---- 1/ 1'1 . ,I. l,:.: It, 6 {It Describe the occurrence, event, act, object or omission you claim caused the injury or damage. --;0/ v~;.t(,.>/ - "It'! {vre Uf/1"1 I1Y ill,51/fl"e List persons involved or injured. Injured Yes No ..0 1. Name Address 2. Name Address 3. Name Address Describe injuries for each person, matching injuries with numbers above. 1. -4-- 2. 3. of San Bernardino or its employees were at fault. I vi> 8f/1(\11 ~) t, I~ 4- <;'''R f j) IM.s. .~ -<! 7/t, L 5 3 .~ ~/- .JZ _rl~ re'/-' I) (9/tJ :S3() t'ft1 'II Me 1 Subtotal LESS THAN $10,000 Property Damage 2--,J){J qJ ti ~. .2\~ , Bodily Injury DAMAGES CLAIMED Amount claimed as of this date. Estimated amount of future costs. f?~P.E" 'I'" ! '.'..''.}, I _ ;', :1 FRf' Total Costs of Claim 2 \.~j) - ,~A.O;! 7 . {} 1 s/,) Basis for computation of amounts claimed or attach copies of all bills, invoices, and estimates, cUd t ~ Ult:~ JIt 4-1\ i7i R /II b7 '90 rEi] 15 Al1.jl lit". / A f/j; ( Ct! DAMAGES CLAIMED - MORE THAN $10,000 You must indicate court jurisdiction: Municipal Superior CLAIM INVESTIGATION Give the names of any employee(s) who have been involved. 1#('1 iC jl u 'c? Was this incident reported to a law enforcement agency? Yes~No_lf yes, which agency? Who reported it? When was it reported? List the following: Witnesses: Hospitals or Doctors: Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Indicate additional information which you believe might be helpful in considering this claim. WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM! (Penal Code Sec. 72; Insurance Code Sec. 556.1) I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated upon information or belief and as to such matters I believe the same to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is TRUE and CORRECT. Signed this / )- day of Fi2.j RM-15 2-88 DISTRIBUTION;