HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-708 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Me-70S ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 15.16 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE (1988 EDITION) TOGETHER WITH APPENDICES "I-A, I-B,I-C,II- A,II-B,II-D,II-E,III-A,III-B,III-C,III-D,IV-A,VI-A,VI-B,VI-C,VI-D INCLUSIVE. AND THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARD (1988 EDITION). THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.16 of the San Bernardino Municlpal Code is amended to read: "15.16.010 Citation. The ordinance codified in this chapter and the code and standards adopted by reference in Section 15.16.020 shall be known as the 'Uniform Fire Code". 15.16.020 Codes adopted. The 198B Edition of the "Unlform Fire Code" together with Append ices I -A, I -B , I -C , I I -A, I I -B, I I -D , I I -E , I I I -A, I I 1,- 8, I I I -C , III-D,IV-A,V-A,VI-A,VI-B,VI-C,VI-D inclusive, and the 198B Edition of the Uniform Fire Code Standards as compiled and promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials and the Western Fire Chiefs' Association, and as modified by this chapter, are adopted by this reference as a code of the City of San Bernardino. The provisions of the Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards shall apply to all areas withln the Jurisdictlon of the City of San Bernardlno. Three copies of the 1988 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code, lncluding Appendices, and three coples of the Uniform Fire Code Standards are on file in the office of the Clty Clerk. 1 /17{-7IJt} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15.16.030 Definitions. A. Whenever "jurisdiction" is used in the Uniform Fire Code, it shall mean the city of San Bernardino. B. Whenever "chief" is used in the Uniform Fire Code it shall mean the Chief of the Fire Department of the City of San Bernardino, hereinafter called "Fire Chief". C. Whenever "corporation counsel" is used In the Uniform Fire Code, it shall also mean the City Attorney of the City of San Bernardino. D. Whenever "Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention" is used In the Uniform Fire Code, it shall also mean "Fire Marshal" or "Fire Prevention Engineer:. 15.16.040 Amendments. The following sectlons and provisions of the Uniform Fire Code (1988 Edition) are amended or added to read as set forth in Sections 15.16.045 through 15.16.250. 15.16.045 Failure to comply. Failure to comply with any order or notice issued by the Chief or his representative pursuant to Article 3 of the the Uniform Fire Code shall be a misdeanor, which upon conviction thereof is punishable in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 1.12.010 of trls code. 15.16.050 Responsibility for enforcement. Section 2.101 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read as follows: Section 2.101: 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m('~ 7//8 a. The Fire Chief shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of this code. Under his direction, the Fire Department shall enforce all ordinances, resolutions and regulations of the City of San Bernardino and the laws of the State pertaining to: 1. The prevention of fires. 2. The suppression or extinguishing of dangerous or hazardous fires. 3. The storage, use and handling of explosive, flammable, combustible, toxic, corrosive and other hazardous gaseous, solid and liquid materials. 4. The installation and maintenance of automatic, manual and other private fire alarm systems and fire- xtinguishing equipment. 5. The maintenance and regulation of fire escapes. 6. The maintenance of fire protection and the elimination of fire hazards on land and in buildings, structures, and other property, including those under construction. 7. The means and adequacy of each exit in the event of fire, from factories, schools, hotels, lodging houses, asylums, hospitals, churches, halls, theaters, amphitheaters, an all ther places in which people work, live or congregate from time to time for any purpose. B. The investigation of the cause, origin and ircumstances of fire. b. It is the duty of, and the following persons are hereby 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ;J}I-7tJeJ authorized to enforce the provisions of this code and make arrests and issue citations as authorized by law: 1. Fi~e chief, Deputy Chief, Fi~e Ma~shal, Battalion Chiefs, Fi~e Investigato~s and Fi~e Inspecto~s. 2. Such othe~ office~s o~ employees of the City of San Be~na~dino as may be ~ecommended by the Fi~e Chief and app~oved by the Mayo~ and Common Council. 15.16.060 POLICE POWERS Section 2.105 of the Unifo~m Fi~e Code is amended to ~ead as follows: Section 2.105: The Fi~e Chief and each membe~ of the Fi~e Depa~tment whose p~incipal duties a~e fi~e fighting and fi~e p~evention se~vice shall have the powe~s of a "peace office~" as defined in Section 830.1 of the Penal Code in enfo~cing this code and othe~ laws and ~egulations ~elating to fi~e p~evention. 16.16.070 Liability fo~ damages. Section 2.108: a. This code shall not be const~ued to hold the public entity o~ any office~ o~ employee ~esponsible fo~ any damage to pe~sons o~ p~ope~ty by ~eason of the inspection o~ ~einspection autho~ized he~ein p~ovided o~ by ~eason of the app~oval o~ dlsapproval of any equipment or process authorized herein, or for any action in connection with the cont~ol o~ extinguishment of any fi~e o~ in connection with any othe~ official duties. b. Fire suppression and rescue or emergency medical costs 4 1 l11t-7{){3 are recoverable in accordance with California Health and Safety 2 Code Section 13009(a). 3 C. Any person who negligently, or in violation of law, 4 causes an emergency response, is liable for the costs of securing 5 such emergency. This shall include but not be limited to 6 7 situations such as traffic accidents, or spills of toxic or flammable fluid or chemicals. Expenses incurred by the Fire 8 Department for securing such an emergency situation shall 9 constitute a debt of such persons and is collectable by the Fire 10 Chief in the same manner as in the case of an obligation under 11 contract, expressed or implied. 12 15.16.080 lnspection Fees 13 Section 2.201 (a) of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to 14 read as follows: 15 (a) The fire prevention bureau shall inspect, as often as 16 may be necessary, all buildings and premises, lncluding such 17 other hazards or appliances as the chief may designate for the 18 purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected any 19 20 conditions which would reasonably tend to cause fire or contribute to its spread, or any violations of the purpose or 21 provisions of the code and any other law or standard affecting 22 fire safety. 23 A fee shall be charged for the following types of 24 inspections: X = annual inspection fee, Y = individual inspection 25 FEE Established by resolution 26 Y process, ,fire 27 General Use (malls,special displays, clearance) 28 5 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 Y 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 x 11 x 12 x 13 x 14 x 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1J1{-71J6 Manufacture of organic coating Auto tire rebuilding plants High piled combustible stock Automobile Wrecking Yards Cryogenic fluids Bowling alley & refinishing, sanding Convalescent and nursing homes Homes for the aged Hospitals less than 100 beds Hospitals 100 beds or more Nursery schools and child day-care homes Sanitariums Schools (private) Cellulose nitrate plastics, pyroxlin Combustible fiber facilities Compressed gas (non-flammable) Over 6000 cubic feet Compressed gas (flammable) Over 6000 cubic feet Dust Prevention (Collection Systems) Explosives Fireworks displays (shows) Fireworks booths Spraying/dipping (flammable) Finishes - spray booth Flammable Liquid Storage Tanks Underground storage (per 1000 gals) Aboveground storage (60 to 999 gals) (per 1000 gals) 6 1 x 2 3 4 5 6 y 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 x 11 x 12 x 13 x 14 x 15 x 16 x 17 x 18 x 19 x 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 )111- 7tJ8 Flammable Sto~age Inside sto~age Mo~e than 60 gallons o~ 50# solids Less than 60 gallons o~ 50# solids Outside Sto~age Unde~g~ound sto~age (pe~ 1000 gals) Aboveg~ound sto~age (69 to 999 gals) (pe~ 1000 gals) Fumigation and The~mal insecticidal fogging Ga~ages (automobile- ~epai~) Haza~dous chemical (Appendix V-A sto~age) Liquified pet~oleum gasses (ove~ 500 gal wate~ capacity) Lumbe~ ya~ds Woodwo~king Shops Magnesium Matches (sto~age) Ovens indust~ial (baking and d~ying) Assembly/occupant load unde~ 5000 (loose seats) Assembly/occupant load 5000 o~ mo~e (loose seats) Assembly/movie theate~s (fixed seats) Assembly/Club (Lodges, ~ec~eation halls) Assembly/Chu~ches Assembly/Dance studios and ball~ooms Assembly/Bowling alleys & Billia~d Pa~lo~s Assembly/Mo~tua~ies & Cemete~y Chapels Mechanical ~ef~ige~ation Tents and ai~-suppo~ted st~uctu~es Ai~po~ts and helipo~ts 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /n/-708 The amount of the fee fo~ each type of inspection shall be established by ~esolution of the Mayo~ and Common Council. 15.16.090 Applicant appeals. Section 2.303 of the Unifo~m Fi~e Code is amended to ~ead as follows: Section 2.303: (a) The applicant may appeal the Fire Chief's denial, suspension o~ revocation of a pe~mit or his inte~p~etation of this code to the Board of Fi~e Commissioners within ten days f~om the date of the decision. The Board shall adopt reasonable ~ules and ~egulations for conducting its p~oceedings. The Boa~d shall ~ende~ its decision and findings in w~iting to the Fire Chief with a duplicate copy to the applicant. The applicant may appeal the decision of the Boa~d to the Mayo~ and Common Council as provided in Chapte~ 2.64 of the Municipal Code. The Mayo~ and Council shall ~ende~ its decision and findings in writing to the Fire Chief with a duplicate copy to the applicant. With regard to any appeal, the Boa~d may recommend to the Mayor and Council such new legislation as is consistent therewith. (b) When an appeal is filed, a p~ocessing fee in an amount established by resolution of the Mayo~ and Common Council shall be paid by the applicant to ~esea~ch and p~ocess the appeal for the 8oa~d of Fire Commissioners. (c) The fee shall be paid to the Fi~e Depa~tment. 15.16.100 Standa~ds. Section 2.304 Subsection (c) of the Unifo~m Fire Code is 8 11l/-7??& 1 amended by adding the following: 2 (C) The following California Code of Regulations shall 3 apply to all A,E, AND I occupancies only. 4 CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATION 5 Title 19, Public Safety 6 Title 24, Building Standards 7 8 15.16.110 Revocation of permits. 9 Section 4.107 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 Section 4.107: Any permit or certificate issued under this 12 code may be suspended or revoked by the Fire Chief when it is 13 determined that: 14 (a) It is used by a person other than the person to whom 15 the permit or certificate was issued. 16 ( b) It is used for a location other than that for which it 17 was issued. 18 (c) Any of the conditions or limitations set forth in the 19 20 permit or certificate have been violated. (d) The permittee fails, refuses or neglects to comply with 21 any order or notice duly served upon him under the provisions 22 of this code within the time provided therein. 23 (E) There has been any false statement or misrepresentation 24 as to a material fact In the application or plans on which the 25 permit or application was based. 26 15.16.120 "ALL-WEATHER DRIVING SURFACE" defined. 27 9 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 me-7cg Section 9.103 of the Unifo~m Fi~e Code is by amended by adding the following definition: ALL-WEATHER DRIVING SURFACE is an all-weathe~ d~iving surface with a concrete or asphalt covering over base material and a ~oadbed compacted to ninety-five pe~cent density and of sufficient thickness to suppo~t the imposed loads of fi~e appa~atus. 15.16.130 "Fi~ewo~ks" defined. Section 9.108 of the Unifo~m Fi~e Code is amended by amending the definition of "Fi~ewo~ks" to ~ead as follows: Fi~ewo~ks shall mean and include any combustible o~ explosive composition, or any substance or combination of substances, o~ device p~epa~ed fo~ the pu~pose of a visible o~ audible effect by combustion, exploslon, deflag~ation, o~ detonation, and shall include blank ca~t~idges, toy pistols, toy cannons, toy canes, Dr toy guns in which explosives are used, firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, roman candles, daygo bombs, sparklers, or other devices of like construction and any devices containing an explosive substance, except that the te~m "Fl~ewo~ks" shall not include auto fla~es, pape~ caps containing not in excess of 0.25 g~ain of explosive content pe~ cap o~ toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns Dr other devices for use of such caps, the sale and use of which shall be pe~mitted at all times. "Safe and Sane Fi~eworks" as defined in Section 12529 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of Califo~nia a~e excepted f~om this defin.ltion of "Fi~ewo~ks". 10 )Jj (-"7 e;f)' 1 15.16.140 Fire hydrants. 2 Section 10.206 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding 3 the following paragraph: 4 (C) Fire hydrants on private property shall have a designated no 5 parking zone identified by a red painted curb, beam, or stripe at 6 least eight inches wide and fifteen feet in each direction from 7 the hydrant with white color painted six inch by one-half inch 8 letters stating NO PARKING on both sides of the hydrant. 9 15.16.150 Access roads. 10 Section 10.207 Subsection (b) of the Uniform Fire Code is 11 hereby amended to read as follows: 12 (b) Where required. Fire apparatus access roads shall be 13 required for every building hereafter constructed. The access 14 roadway shall be extended to within one hundred fifty (150) feet 15 of, and shall give reasonable access to , all portions of the 16 exterior walls of the first story of any building. An access road 17 shall be provided within fifty (50) feet of all buildings if 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 than six (6) feet eight (8) inches in height in each one hundred 26 (100) lineal feet or major fraction thereof of the exterior wall 27 28 natural grade between the access road and building is in excess of thirty percent (30%). Where the access roadway cannot be provided, an approved fire protection system or systems shall be provided as required and approved by the Fire Ch1ef. Access oor(s) shall be provided at near ground level for firefighting urposes 1n accordance with the Building Code. There shall be at least one door not less than three (3) feet in width and not less 11 ))'1(- Joe which faces the access roadway. 1 2 acceptable for such purposes. 3 15.16.160 Fire Lane, No Parking. 4 Section 10.207 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding 5 subsection (m) to read as follows: 6 (m) Fire Lane, No Parking. The Owner or individual in 7 control of emergency access roadways and streets in private 8 developments shall paint all curbs red and label in six inch by 9 one half inch white letters "No Parking Fire Lane" every twenty 10 feet where parking is not allowed and/or conspicuously post 11 legible permanent all-weather signs with lettering having a 12 inimum height of two inches and a minimum width of one-half inch 13 very fifty feet or at locations as required by the Fire 14 epartment to comply with the access provisions of the Uniform 15 ire Code, Section 10.207. Signs are to read: "Fire Lane, No 16 arking". In addition to painting, "No Parking, Fire Lane" on 17 he red curbs, they shall post all weather signs at 100 foot 18 ntervals throughout, that state the following: 19 Red curbs indicate Fire Lanes. No Parking is allowed in 20 hese areas. Violators will be cited. M.C. 15.16.010 21 15.16.170 Malntenance of access roadways. 22 Section 10.207 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding 23 ubsection (n) to read as follows: 24 25 26 27 28 Metal roll-up doors are not (n) Maintenance of access roadways. Access roadways hall be provided and maintained in a passable condition at all imes. Any obstruction or impedance to reasonable access may be 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /Jl{- 70[3 r~pair~d or r~mov~d forthwlth by any public saf~ty ag~ncy and th~ expense of repair or removal is to be borne by the owner of the roadway and in the case of an obstructing v~hicl~ or obj~ct by the own~r of said vehicle or object. Prior to and during construction, the owner or contractor shall provide and maintain all roadways in a condition that will support the impos~d loads of ~m~rg~ncy apparatus in all weath~r conditions. 15.16.180 Automatic Fir~ Extinguishing Syst~ms. S~ction 10.306 (a), (c) paragraphs 1 and 3, (d), (h) an (i) of th~ Uniform Fire Code are am~nd~d to r~ad as follows: 10.306.(a) G~n~ral R~quir~ments. An automatic fir~ extinguishing syst~m shall be installed throughout all occupancies and locations as set forth in this s~ction. This s~ctlon shall apply to all n~w construction or r~mod~l of ~xisting structur~s wh~n 1. Th~ building ar~a is incr~ased to 5000 squar~ fe~t or more. 2. In buildings of 5000 squar~ f~~t or mor~ the r~mod~l consists of fifty perc~nt (50%) or more of th~ building or floor. For special provisions on hazardous chemicals and magnesium, and calcium carbid~, s~~ S~ctlon 10.309 and Articl~s 48, 49, and 80. For purpos~s of this s~ction, area separation walls of less than four (4) hour fire resistive construction, or a clear nattach~d spac~ of not l~ss than t~n (10) f~~t shall d~fin~ ~parate buildings. 13 1 2 3 )1Jt- 708 10.306.(c) Group A Occupancies. 1. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in all buildings Dr portions 4 of buildings classified by code as Group A, Division 1; Division 5 2, Division 2.1; or Division 3 occupancies that exceed five 6 thousand square feet in floor area. 7 EXCEPTIONS: 1. All occupancies of Type I Fire Resistive or 8 Type II Fire Resistive construction of the square footage allowed 9 by the Uniform Building Code chapter 5, provided with and 10 approved fire detection system, within all buildings or portions 11 of buildings classified by code as Group A, Division 1; Division 12 2, Division 2.1; or Division 3. 13 2. Buildings divided by a four (4) hour fire wall, as 14 defined in the Uniform Building Code, without openings, when 15 the largest area is less than 5000 square feet. 16 10.306. (c) 3. Exhibition and Display Rooms. An automatic 17 sprinkler system shall be installed in rooms classified as Group 18 A occupancies which have more than five thousand square feet of 19 floor area which can be used for exhibition or display purposes. 20 10.306.(d) Group B Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler 21 system shall be installed in all buildings or portions of 22 buildings classified by code as Group B, Division 1; Division 2; 23 Division 3; and Division 4 that exceed five thousand square feet 24 in floor area. 25 EXCEPTIONS: 1. All occupancies of Type I Fire Resistive or 26 Type II Fire Resistive construction of the square footage allowed 27 by Uniform Building Code Chp. 5, provided with an approved fire 28 14 1 ~>>(-~6 detection system within all buildings o~ po~tions of buildings 2 classified by code as Group 8, Division 1; Division 2; Division 3 or Division 4. 2. Buildings divided by a fou~ (4) hou~ wall 4 without openings when the la~gest a~ea is less than 5000 squa~e 5 feet. 6 7 15.16.190 Sp~inkle~ system supe~vision ala~ms. 8 Section 10.307 is amended to ~ead as follows: 9 Section 10.307 All automatic fi~e sp~inkle~ systems cove~ing 10 buildings ove~ 5000 squa~e feet shall be monito~ed by an app~oved 11 cent~al station. Any system not p~esently monito~ed that cove~s 12 5000 squa~e feet o~ mo~e shall comply with this ~equi~ement 13 within 90 days afte~ the adoption of this code. 14 15.16.200 Chimney spa~k a~~este~s. 15 Section 11.111 of the Unifo~m Fi~e Code is amended to ~ead 16 as follows: 17 Section 11.111. Chimney spa~k a~~este~s. 18 (a) Each chimney used in conjunction with any fi~eplace o~ 19 any heating appliance in which solid o~ liquid fuels a~e used 20 shall be maintained with an approved spark arrester~ 21 22 23 (b) An app~oved spa~k a~~este~ shall mean a device constructed of stainless steel, aluminum, copper, or brass, woven galvanized wire mesh, nineteen gauge minimum or 24 t~~ee-eighths inch minimum to one-half inch maximum openings, 25 mounted in o~ ove~ all outside flue openings in a ve~tical 26 o~ nea~ ve~tical position, adequately suppo~ted to p~event 27 15 28 . . , //11-1 tf~; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 mo0ement and to be visible from the ground. 15.16.210 Accumulation of waste material. Section 11.201 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding the following: (e) In the event that abatement is not performed as required ln subsections (a) and (c) of this section, the Fire Chief may cause such abatement by giving notice to the owner of the property upon which such condition exists to correct such prohibited condition, and if the owner fails to correct such condition the Fire Chief may cause the same to be done and make the expense of such correction a lien upon the property upon which such condition exists in accordance with Chapter 8.18 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code. 15.16.220 Fire damage. Section 11.416 is added to the Uniform Fire Code to read as follows: Section 11.416: The owner, occupant or other persons having under his control, any property, or materials on a property damaged by fire, when access by the public is Possible, shall secure the property by boarding up all openings, fencing, barricading or other appropriate measures within ten days of otice by the Fire Department. Within thirty days after written notice to do so has been erved, all debris and/or damaged materials shall be removed from he property and proof furnished that contractual arrangements ave been made for demolition, replacement or repair of all fire 16 / . '. /)1l'- 7 tJ& . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 damaged st~uctures remaining on property involved in the fire. 15.16.230 Requirements for use of candles and other open- flame devices. Section 25.116 Subsection (b)(2)(k) of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read as follows: K. Lighted, hand-held candles are especially dangerous and shall not be perm1tted or used. No permit is required for battery-operated candles or other electric candles. 15.16.240 Permits for manufacturing, sale and discharge of fireworks. Section 78.102 Subsection (b) of the Uniform Fire Code is amended to read as follows: (b) Except as provided by this code or the San Bernardino Municipal Code, it shall be unlawful for any person to store, offer for sale, expose to sale, sell at retail or use or explode any fireworks; provided that the Fire Chief shall have power to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the granting of permits for supervised public display of fireworks by a public agency, fair association, amusement park, ottler organization, or for the use of fireworks by artisans in pursuit of their trade. Every such use or display shall be handled by a competent operator approved by the Fire Chief and shall be of such character and located, discharged or fired in a manner determined by the Fire Chief or his designated representative, after proper investigation, not to be hazardous to property or to 17 . . . /11/,- 7,?g. .' ; 1 endanger any person. 2 15.16.250 Life safety requirements for existing buildings. 3 Appendix i-A, Section 1 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended 4 to read as follows: 1. General. 5 6 (a) Purpose. The purpose of this appendix is to provide a 7 reasonable degree of safety to persons occupying existing 8 buildings by providing for alterations to such existing buildings 9 which do not conform with the minimum requirements of this code. EXCEPTION: High-rise occupancies. 10 11 ******** END ******** 12 13 III 14 III 15 III 16 III 17 III 18 III 19 III 20 III 21 III 22 III 23 III 24 III 25 III 26 III 27 III 18 28 III /1//- /113 :. - ORDINANCE ADOPTING - 1988 UNIFORM FIRE CODE WITH AMENDMENTS . . ,- .. 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly 2 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 3 Bernardino at a regular 4 of March 5 Council Members: 6 ESTRADA REILLY 7 FLORES MAUDSLEY 8 MINOR POPE-LUDLAM 9 MILLER 10 11 12 meeting held on the 5th day , 1990, by the following vote, to wit: , 1990. 17 Approved as to form and legal content: ? J (e~ AYES NAYS ABSTAIN x x X X X X X ~1:??~0 , City Clerk The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this 13 of March 14 15 16 18 JAMES F. PENMAN 19 City Attorney 20 21 22 (; By: ;.M/V."...fV;;' (J 23 24 25 26 27 28 day 19