HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-1008 Adopted: November 17, 1997 Effective: December 18, 1997 1 ORDINANCE NO. MC-I008 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 19.22, SECTION 19.22.030 AND SECTION 19.22.160, TABLE 022.01 OF THE 3 SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) TO ADD NEW DEFINITIONS FOR SECONDARY SIGNAGE AND TO ADD SPECIFIC STANDARDS FOR 4 THE ABOVE LISTED USES. 5 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 6 7 SECTION 1. section 19.22.030 and Section 19.22.160, Table 022.01 of the Municipal Code (Development Code) are amended to add 8 new definitions for secondary sign and primary wall and to add 9 10 11 12 13 specific standards for the above listed uses; all other provisions of Section 19.22.030 and Section 19.22.160 remain unchanged. The definitions and development standards of Section 19.22.030 and Section 19.22.160, Table 022.01 of the Development Code are hereby amended to add the following (see Attachment A, Development 14 Code pages 111-21, 111-34, 111-35, 111-37, 111-38, 111-39 and 15 111-44 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference): 16 "SECTION 19.22.030 DEFINITIONS 17 Secondary Siqn 18 19 A sign identifying a business located within the tenant space of the primary business. Primary Wall The wall on a nonresidential structure that contains 20 the primary entrance to the business." 21 22 SECTION 19.22.160 SIGN REGULATIONS Table 022.01(C) (1) (b) and (C) (3) (b) under REMARKS: 23 24 25 26 27 "Informational andlor secondary signs are allowed on the primary wall only." "A maximum of 2 secondary signs are allowed per location. Max. size of 1st sign is 15% of primary signage. More than one 28 secondary sign requires that total of all primarYlsecondary signage 1 Me-1003 1 be contained within max. sign area." 2 Table 022.01 new line items (C) (1) (g) and (C) (3) (i): 3 Under CLASS: 4 "Drive thru restaurants." 5 Under TYPE: 6 "Secondary wall signage." 7 Under MAXIMUM NUMBER: 8 "Two per street frontage." 9 Under MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: 10 "1.5 s.f. of sign area per each lineal foot of bldg. fronting on a 11 street. 75 s.f. max. sign area in CN, otherwise 100 s.f. max. in 12 addition, 1.5 s.f. of sign area per each lineal foot of the bldg's. 13 rear elevation if a public entrance is provided from a rear street 14 or parking lot. 50 s. f. max." 15 Under MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT: 16 "May not project above eaveline." 17 Under LOCATION: 18 "May be located on parapet or canopy." 19 Under ILLUMINATION ALLOWED: 20 "Yes." 21 Under REMARKS: 22 "Allowable aggregate wall sign(s) 23 allowed permanent window signs." 24 Table 022.0l(C) (4) (a) under MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: 25 "42 s.f. per face." 26 area shall include areas of Under REMARKS: 27 "Secondary signage is allowed up to 50% of the total signage, and 28 the combined area of all signs shall not exceed the maximum sign 2 Me-1008 1 area. For multi-use sites, gas pricing and all tenant signage must 2 be within max. monument sign area. Wall signage will be permitted 3 the same as for single tenant commercial sites." 4 Noted at the end of Table 022.01: 5 "Not applicable to locations within the CR-3, Commercial Regional, 6 Tri-city land use district." 7 IIII 8 IIII 9 IIII 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 Me-l001l --, 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 2 19.22, SECTION 19.22.030 AND SECTION 19.22.160, TABLE 022.01 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) TO ADD NEW 3 DEFINITIONS FOR SECONDARY SIGNAGE AND TO ADD SPECIFIC STANDARDS FOR THE ABOVE LISTED USES. 4 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted 5 by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a 6 joint regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of 7 November , 1997, by the following vote to wit: 8 Council Members 9 NEGRETE 10 CURLIN 11 ARIAS 12 OBERHELMAN 13 DEVLIN AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT x x x x x 14 ANDERSON 15 MILLER 16 17 18 x x ~~~ The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 18 19 day of November 1997. 20 21 22 .~;t~ Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form 23 and legal content: 24 JAMES 25 City ~,-v~ 26 27 28 4 Me-l008 ATTACHMENT "A" SIGN REGULATIONS - 19.22 Portable Si~n. A sign that is not permanently affixed to a structure or the ground. Primary Sie:n. The largest sign located on the building front wall containing the main entrance. Me 901 4/18/94 PrinIIlry Wall. The wall on a lWn-residential struaure tJuu contains the primary entrance to the business. Promotional Sign. A sign erected on a temporary basis to promote the sale of new products, new management, new hours of operation, a new service, or to promote a special sale. Real Estate Sie:n. An on-site sign pertaining to the sale or lease of the premises. Roof Sie:n. A sign erected, constructed, or placed upon or over a roof of a building, including a mansard roof and which is wholly or partly supported by such buildings. Secondary Silln. A sign identifYing a business 1ocoted within the te1Ul1lt space of the primary business. Sign. Any structure, housing, device, figure, statuary, painting, display, message placard, or other contrivance, or any part thereof, which is designed, constructed, created, engineered, intended, or used to advertise, or to provide data or information in the nature of advertising, for any of the following purposes: to designate, identify, or indicate the name of the business of the owner or occupant of the premises upon which the advertising display is located; or, to advertise the business conducted, services available or rendered, or the goods produced, sold, or available for sale, upon the property where the advertising display is erected. Sie:n Area. The entire face of a sign, including the surface and any framing, projections, or molding, but not including the support structure. Individual channel-type letters mounted on a building shall be measured by the area enclosed by four straight lines outlining each word. Sign Program. A coordinated program of I or more signs for an individual building or building complexes with multiple tenants. Temporary Sign. A sign intended to be displayed for a limited period of time. Trademark. A word or name which, with a distinctive type or letter style, is associated with a business or business entity in the conduct of business. MC 834 5/19/92 Vehicle Sign. A sign which is attached to or painted on a vehicle which is parked on or adjacent to any property, the principal purpose of which is to attract attention to a product sold or an activity or business located on such property Wall Sign. A sign painted on or fastened to a wall and which does not project more than 12 inches from the building or structure. Window Sie:n. Any sign that is applied or attached to a window or located in such a manner tliat it can be seen from the exterior of the structure. m-2l 12/94 1'A.BLE 022.01 51GN _\lLAT1O'" ," LAN'! uSJ' c,'fEGO'lY p,BMi\RRS ~ """''''"''' ",^,,,,,,,,,, ,-"""",," iU."""." '{\O CLASS 1"'lPE MAXIMUM 'Ii'.,..... "ON .""RT N _VlEO =------- \~ NUMBER e. S\GtlS PEllM\n:!!,D tl cG ell ,o,1'l\) ell eOMM"!!,Re\A" D\5"m\CU1 I.~ ~.Nct@ Allow.bI' .ggt<~a'" woll sign(S) .... sbalI ~ UIlY be loca,e<! 00 'i.S one single {ace sign \,5 s.t. of sign It.y oot ptoicct ,,,,Iud< ..... of allowe<! pe""".... wilJ.\O"" a.. BusineSS Wa\\or .... pet eacl\ abO'ie the calle-line parapet ot canopy pe' bldg., pel stlee' sign> ldenti.f\C1.tiOn ca""PY Of par"'I\S \0\ l\IlOaIf"",of {tOntar.(... tAa"" 3 signS bldg. ftontinS on per bUSi.ness . sueet. 15 s.f. roa1o' sign area in eN, otlI<rwls, 100 s.l. UIl" In alldition, \.5 s.f. of si&>' atea pet eacl\ IU1<oI fOO' ofd\e bldgS. ~ elevation i.f a (t\lb\l.C enuance ~\ is ptovide<! fto'" a reaT sU<<-t ot I"'t1<in&IO,.50 s.f. roax.. ltay be loCated on 'i.s . 'f...... space s\lall \lave' minIn""" of one pri1l\af)' aad up \0 .15 s.f. of ",tal t-Aa.y not pfolcc1 100 linCal feet of ..all I'OS'" b, Sina,le 'fenan\S WanO! sign atea per abO"c ea'lc\ine panptt or canOPY !nfo"""tional andJor lleorr4or1 slglll {our infO. si&n5 per . . 15,000 s.f. 01 canoPY ca.cb \incal {to of ale t.Ilowe<! on {\Ie p,itnlrY wt.ll oply. larger in n\u\li~ primae)' b\d.g. {\Ie \JUi\diOS ...1I 'fwo sign> fot {\Ie f"" 100' ... sill' tenant ot single fr01\\i.ge. one pri.\1larJ pet 50 ~I fee' up 10' ...,.. 014 sign pet s":l,n<!'<Y I.OSm. tenant siteS 'Na\\. ma~iR\'l1tn of second><'! wans ,lgllI mree signs per n\ust \\aYe street . See 'I (s\fl&\e .......) ot,4 (tOultipIO frontage or ......l.l... fot o{\tCt 'ign'~ bUsineSS I"'~ lot Me 901 411g/94 ftonta&c ",iID a . A ",.xirIU"" 0/ Z ....o4or1 sfpS.... CUSto((\Ct' al/Dwc4 per 10'''''.' · cntt>lY" . 61'" ~ ./10 slgII illS" 0/ prfnUl11 slgIlGI" 610,.".... 0.' ....,.J/tl1 slgII r<4,"",l/tlIl- 0/ all prfnUl11J....,.J/tl1 sl"'" b. ,o.tllin.d ..iI/Iin ..... sign ....... M'y onlY be ."",Ite<l 'ies . A1JlhOtl%<d in lieU of. woll ,ig" PtojcGun& one double fac.e sign 15 ..f. max. pe' maY fIO\ e1Jctvi '" {\Ie b\<I8 to ..ltiCl\ {\Ie . ...~ only ..be" 00 llcildil>& ~\ c. BuSlneSS lao' beyot<!eavel\nC ..\ba<~ is fCllUi,e<! ~ \dClIIi!tcatiDn pet {tOntas.c copy "I.... TABLE 022.01 SIGN REGULATIONS BY LAND USE CATEGORY CLASS TYPE MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM LOCATION ILLUMINA nO REMARKS \ ~ NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN rlEIGrlT N ALLOWED I ~-~ 2S % of the glass Wh-dow \Cttering Allowable aggregate of window sign(s) area. .... d. BusinesS WindoW One 51&" per windoW No. Uc.ept signs 0 identification (perma""nt) area upon which permitted on interior or consuucted of neon shall intlude areas of allowable. wall signs 0 CO th.C signtS tll.terior of glass tube letters and/or \""aled wicv10w or dOOr symbOlS e. Business Monument One double face sign 24 d. in CN, S ft. abOve grade or Must not erta.te uatnc Yes . Min. sueet frontage of \00' required. IdenliflCation per sucel frontage 32'.1. inCa, 4 ft. abOve top. of l\UI.rd at cornets or . Pta.nter base or landscape arcll (0 be CIl. and CH planter or drivewayS. hlay not be provided equal to 4 tilDe, tbe area of lar<IsCaped mound I""aled within 100 fl. one {ace of me sisn (berm) of any II district . May be l""aled withi" S fl. of public rigbl-of-way f. Drive thru Menu bOard 0"" per bldg. :lO s.I. 7ft, Shall not be I""aled SO Ye' shall face away from the street restaurantS as to be a ba1afd for driveway or corner radios g. Drive fhru Secondary Two per :drect 1.5'.f. ofsign May not project May be located on r., . AIIo,,"'l< O""g"" ,,011 signl') "". RsUlUrants wall sigt<<ll'I frontage and plr tach abol'I tal/Ilia' pDNIPet or tdJIOPY .holl iIl'Iud' ""os of oIlo".4 /bI.oI fool of p,nftIJII,m windoW sign- ~\ bf4g. f....ti.g D-IJ 4- street. 75 ,.f.1fliU. ,ign ana in CN, otherwisl1oo ..f........ In .,d4iIio., 1.5 ..f. oj sirn orca per lach UReal foOl of /ll< bf4g',. "ar elevation if appbli' tntrIJII" is p....i4c4 from 4 ,tar S",d or porlWtg lot. 50 "f. m"". h. Business Mot1UJl\tntor one double-face sign 12S ,.I. perfacc 2S ft., with 22 fl. MaY be \""aled in Ye, . Site must ba.e at least 300 ft. froQIaJC Identification pole sign with per business maximum sign face \aDdSCaped setback area a<liacct1l to tbe right-of-way of a"'" decorative .r copy area beiglll or fedtt1l ftttway pole cover and monument Of . \lefer to SeC. 19.14.030(6) 8< (1). supportive strUCture Preeway Corridor Overlay Zoo<: for ~\ to c.onsist of an arca sign regulations equal to ,ign face or ': copy area freeway (off- One double face sign Pu....nt to SeCtion 19.12.080(4) si.te) per qua\\fyin& b\l.s;I\CSS CLASS TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER One primary and up 10 four info. Signs per primary bldg. frontage. One primary sign per secondary wall. maximum of three signs per business b. Single Te""".. - 15,000 s.f. or larger in multi-tenant or single lCnant sites Wallar canopy TABLE 022.01 SIGN REGULATIONS BY LAND USE CATEGORY MAXIMUM MAXIMUM LOCA nON ILLUMINA TIO SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT N ALLOWED 75 s.f. of tolal May not project may be located on Yes sign area per above eaveline parapet or canopy each lineal ft. of the building wall length. Secondary walls must have streel frontage or parking lot frontage with a customer entrance c. Business Window One sign per window 2:5 % of the glass Window lettering No, except signs Identification (permanent) area upon which pennincd on interior or constructed of neon ~ the sign is exterior of glass lUbe letters located window or door ...;a d. Business Under One per entrance 6 s.f. per face Below eaveline and Identification marquee (double face) beneath canopy Of marquee with 7 ft. clearance from sidewalk level to lowest point of sign e. Business Monument One double face 25 s.t, per face 6 ft. above gnde or Shall be setback a min. Yes Identification 4 ft. above top of of 5 ft from front or planter or landscape side property lines mound f. Center Identification Centers less man 25 acres Monument One double face per each street frontage ~ 't. 75 s.f. per face Sign shall not exceed the height of the structure it identifies or 20 ft.. whichever is less SballllOt be locatod 50 as to be a hazard for driveway or comer radius Yes REMARKS i!i I .... o o 00 . Tenant space shall have a minimum of 100 linear feet of wall length . Informational and/or seCOnddry signs are allowed aD the primary wall only, Two signs for the first 100'. one sign per SO additional feel up to a max, of 4 signs . See 11 (sinale tenant) or 14 (mulliple tenant) sites for other sign standards MC 901 4/1g/94 . A maximum oj Z secondory .ign. an tJIlowed,.r loclllion. . Mu. ,ize oj 1" rign is 15.. oj primary rigndg,. More lIum one lecondtuy rign requin. tIuIllolQJ oj tJIl primtuy/secotulary lignage be contained wilhin mar. ,ign and- Allowable aggregate of window sign(s) area shall include areas of allowable wall signs Signs shall be uniform in color and design for all tenant identification within che CCDler . Min. streel frontage of 100' required . Planter base or landscape area to be provided equalro 4 times die area of one face of die sign . May be locatod wilbin 5 ft. of public right-of-way, MC g34 5-19-92 . . Min. .lreel rrolUage of 200 ft. required Sign may idelllify center and/or up ID 3 major tenams Planter base or landscape area equallD or greater than 4 times die area of one face of a sign Venica1 cleannce of 10 ft. required for freeslalXlin& signs projecting over vehicular passageway A minimum of 2O~ of Ibe sign area sba11 be dedicated 10 ceDler identification. MC 834 5-19-92 . . . 'f~LE 022.01 81CN ltEC\JLA ",ON' ," L"'" usE c,,'f€GO'" "nON l\.J..UMlNA. 'TlO ..."..".. ...,.."'" WC' . -"'liS> SlGN A.RfA SlGN \\f.lG\\'T ~ CLA.SS '\"'ipf. ~. Centers '2.5 acres 'Monument ot gtealer MA.XlMUM NUMBf.R 110,J.l"'rlaCc one dOU\)\C face pe' suee\. (rontage e. ~ s. Cen<e' \GenUf.,..""" (ftee",aJ adi.) Monutntnt Of -po\e sign. wltb decorative co~et one double {a.ce sign. ~t center b..orl'/et1\t'll !<MOll bO',d On< pe' \)\d. rts\J,utantS i. Drive thtU StCOndtJI'Y 1Wo pt' s(r(d ,.....,..11 wall sigaaC' f",nlD&' ..;a ~ Rf.MA.R\<.S ~ \ 'Q o '" . t.\1". ,ue<' 1,0nl'S' of 1.'100 fl. ,.~,ed. II ,ue.' llOnl>S' is leSS Ib>J1 I loo f.... 1lle. 1lle .......... .IV' de"IoP""'" ~ lot ee..... I... Ib>J1l5 ..... app\J S\ZO OlSJ i<\Cntily U\' \0 4 .,.,hO' ....... -_...\ rI....' ""'" 0' l.,.w;ape .... ....... \0 0' S""'" 1b>J14 \inIC' 1lle .... 01 ... I&CO ol1lle .1&. . ....etli<;&\ cl....... 01 10 fl. ~ 10' ltccsl&l"liDi siZOS plOiCCliDi O'Iet .eJ>iCUl" p&S",e","J ^ ~ .flOllo ol1lle siZO.... snail "" delli<;aled \0 .....' il\Onllf...tiOI\. t.\C ,:\4 5_19.92 c...., .iI< ....' \l&" at)ea$\ 'lOO fl. of {,o...,e &IIi&CO'" \0 1lle rlz\lI-Of-"'"Y of I ,.... 0' fedetal {teC"'Y R.fet \0 SeC. 19.14.0'JO(6) &. (1). 1't<.",IY Cottil\O' o-<.day 7..0'" fot sign (Cpanons Slsn snail no' ....ed 1lle neizll' of me sttUCtutC it ,dentines ot '1~ ft.. w\)\Chtyet is \est Sba\\ not \)e located SO as to be a. bazard for a driveway or comer {l.d.i.us y.. . . . . . t.\IY "" located I" \&I"l,..ped ..lbaC" .,el yes . 125'.1. per (ace 25 (I.. ",ith 11 fl. ....\{llUII\ .\gO faCC 0' cOI'l' nelint &I"l monument ot $I1pPO"\" suu<lUt< \0 consist of an aIel equal to siin {aCC ot CO~ atea AJlDwab1' asg,eg." woll dgn(s) "". .holl in''''''' ...... .f "",,w.d p.........,., wiJIIlOw sip. S\ltol\ fac' o""Y 110m ...ee1 yes M.Y nol p",fect 4bOYl CClYflinf snall not "" 1OC0ted $0 as to be. a naz,ard. fot driveway or COt'J\Cf {&dius Altsy be located on p(J1lJPtt or conopY YeS 1 ft. . 30..1. 1.5 ..f. .f ,;gn (U"fA pcr tach 1in.a1fo.1 of 1114g. /tooling oft A str,et. 7S ..f. ..... sign ..... in eN. otherwiS' 100 ..f. ,"IV<. In <Ufdilillo.I.5 ..J. of sign Att" per ...,h 1in.a1f..1 oflla' 11I41'" rellT.1e,..dlln if .publi' ...,...,ce is p",.ue4f"''" · reAT strett or potil"g lot. 511 ..f. ..... -r j\BLE 022.01 SIGN t$GllL'''oNS a<.......~ usE c,'fEGOa< REMARRS ~ MAJ(lMUM "",,,,,",, ""',,,",, """ """ tWl""'''''' CLASS 1''lPE, SII3" ,"". stG" ,,~ " ,,,",,"!D =---- \~ t-lU_MBER 4.~ ~ " COII'binarion 01 rno_oI ,.,.l wall 10,," 01 buildinj\ Not abO'll: ea'ic\lnc "{.. . ,. Service Wall ooe pet street ",.y b< used. bur 00 more 1baI1a toW S....n frontage. maJ,.. '2 {ace not \0 or 20 ft.. whic\1C"CI' 01 3 ,iV" ldentiflCation ellCeed 50 ,.I. \s leSS ar<! . "[be ""","","01 ,illn oball b< delill..,.! Monument one per street 4J ,.I. pe' lace 61\. to ill<lude me identitY of me .,.un... frontaSe. 100\"' 2 price lig'" are allowed in .....tdJtlC" 'W'itb. s~t.Cl rcplatiOOS . StCondo'Y rig..g. iJ ollDwed ., III SO"" oJ t/lIlDlOI sip"" sn4 t/lI ..,.bined ..... oJ 011 siS"' ,1toII noI ",,,ed tit. ,...un'" ,iP ...... . F.r ..uUi-"" s/US, g" pri<Jng sn4 011 U.... siP"f' ..rat be w/lIJIll .,ox. ..........1 rig....... Woll sig.'" ,.i/I b. p.,:;"uuA tit. ..... .. Jor singl. u_I.......rdDI sUu. a.\ 1 sJ. per face %fL No SpecW se"'''' ,ig'" oball b< 1jsnit<4 '" ,..ell b. Special Wall or 0" {or ead' putol' itetuS as sellse...e. (ullse...e. ai', wate'. grourol islaod. not to eoceed a caslUe' aod ,\Ulll b< ..,niI\UII\inated ~ So...... Srg'" \01&\ of 4 per station S.~ ~ O",uod 1\00' wity.\ow' No . SUCh ,iV" are lindted '" tetnPO",y 25,," 01 me .......g.. ouch as "'"' 0' ,pecW a. 1't011\O Signs. WindOw window arca onlY evcalS. No bUSiacSS \dendftcJ.tion is pennirted . Role' '" Set. \9.22.010. TetnPU",y SiV" 101\. j.oCVed so as not '" No . "umoriz.ed upon me ~ ola b. ConluucUon freestanding 0" ,ingle lace ,ill" ,.,.1. C(~tc uaffiC bautd Of grading 0' buildini pernUt per SUCCI fronta&e over \UlOll public right. . Siln oball b< .._<49'"" lD of.way ee(t\ficateol~ 3. d. pe' I..e Ill. Wilbin me subjeCl No Si&" ",,11 b< ,ell1Oved upon ~ of e. FuWtC Facili.tY Frces~ing. one pet street p,opertY Ute \JUildiDS('1 " or Tenant wall or fron1A&e or teOl1lt ~1ndow 32 ,.I. po' I..e Ill. Wilbin me ,ubjeC' No To adve,use Ute sale 0' I.... 01 ,lJUCIll'" or i\ d. lWll \!Stale F,ee,taWing, one per sneel p,opertY grouul' ,.,.l ... 10' me P"'I"'" 01 wan or {ro'[rtJ.ge advertising an aseOC'l OCOUpying me w\!1dOw pteroiSC=5 _.._"n.lD Set.ion 19.22.0')0. MC 919 91~t96. --------- Ti\l}L"E 022.01 SIGN gEGll",,"O~~:' L~^':. CA TE~~~,,,^",O .......KS cV" ri'" ~^"~"~ _,~UM ~,:;; U",GUT -- "LcO""" ---- NUMBER SIGN p..REA. - ~ "".,.""..- "" ,"",'" "". "."m . ..~ ,.' ~ ,.-...- .."..."".'- ","'."- . .. ...-~.,...'"..,._"~....- ' \. )>.U tenant identif\Cation .nd public 1I\lorOl.llon "g , Plan: . ,_ ". ......,.." ....... . I . . f . f be "",(11\\tted on a.n~ pa(ce . . f 15 s<\u.re feet and a ....'OIUOl heIght 0 0 eel"'Y e- b. one OIon"ment sign up to a n""'OIUOI .re' 0 . i<d B' wool Tri-CiIY l.wI as< district 'NDI ""pUe.bl. tD IOC,,"..' with"' the CR-), c<>,",""e g . t .... ~ ~ ~ I g Ol