HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-1020 Adopted: ApriI 20, 1998 Effective: May 21, 1998 1 ORDINANCE NO. Me 1020 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTERS 19.02 AND 19.08 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT 3 CODE) REGARDING CHILDREN'S SERVICES CENTERS. 4 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 5 SECTION 1. Section I9.02.050, DEFINITIONS is amended to 6 add a definition of Children's Services Center (see Attachment I-A, 7 8 9 10 Development Code page 1-9, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). SECTION 2. Section INDUSTRIAL Table I9.08.020, 08.0I 11 DISTRICTS LIST OF PERMITTED USES is amended to add a new item (6) Children's Services center, as a conditionally permitted use 12 in the OIP land use district, and renumber the remaining items 13 sequentially (see Attachment I-B, Development Code page 1I-I28, a 14 copy of which 15 16 17 is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) . IIII 18 IIII 19 IIII 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 9 LIEN 10 ARIAS 11 SCHNETZ 12 DEVLIN 13 ANDERSON 14 MILLER 15 16 23 Approved as to form and legal content: 24 JAMES F. PENMAN, 25 City torney Me-1020 17 18 19 of 20 21 22 26 By: 27 28 1 ORDrNANCE. . .AMENDrNG CHAPTERS 19.02 AND 19.08 OF THE SAN 2 BERNARDrNO MUNrcrPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) REGARDrNG CHrLDREN'S SERvrCES CENTERS. 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted 4 by the Mayor and Common Council of the city of San Bernardino at a 5 6 7 8 ioint regular meeting thereof, held on the 20th day of April , I998, by the following vote, to wit: Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT ESTRADA x x x x x x x ~~ ~TY~ The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this 2] day April , I998. ~ VALLES, Mayor f San Bernardino I~~, ~-Q 2 Me-1020 ATTACHMENT I-A BASIC PROVISIONS - 19.02 Children's Services Cemer. A facility operated by a non-profit organization to administer services to children suspected of having been neglected or abused. The facility may include professional medical andforensic services, food, shelter, legal assistance, personal guidance, and other similar services for children up to 17 years of age, the facility may also include temporary sleeping quarters with a licensed foster care professional to provide for children in transition from one foster home to another Gitv. The City of San Bernardino. Clinic. A place for outpatient medical services to human patients. Club. An association of persons (whether or not incorporated) organized for some common purpose, but not including a group organized primarily to render a service customarily carried on as a business. Clustered Subdivision. A subdivision development in which building lots are sized to conform to the "footprint" of the structures and sited closer together than conventional development, usually in groups or clusters, provided that the total density does not exceed that permitted under conventional zoning and subdivision regulations. The additional land that remains undeveloped is preserved as open space and recreation land. Private development easements around the structures are permitted for inclusion of private landscaping, pools, spas, yards, etc. Combination Residence/Office Use. A structure used for a residence and an office where no major external structural alterations or additions are made and no advertising is permitted except for up to a 3 square foot attached sign identifying the name of the occupant or business. Commercial Vehicle. A vehicle customarily used as part of a business for the transportation of goods or people. Commission. The Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino. Communitv ADartment. A development in which an undivided interest in the land is coupled with the right of exclusive occupancy of an apartment located on the land. Communitv Care Facilitv. Consistent with Health and Safety Code (Section 1267.8) the intermediate care facility shall include provisions for developmentally disabled habilitative - nursing or congregate living. Conditional Use/DeveloDment Permit. A discretionary entitlement which may be granted under the provisions of this Development code and which when granted authorizes a specific use to be made of a specific property, subject to compliance with all terms and conditions imposed on the entitlement. Condominium. A development consisting of an undivided interest in common for a portion of a parcel coupled with a separate interest in space in a residential or commercial building on the parcel. Construction Commencement. The start of construction of substantial site and structural 1-9 5191 Me-l020 ATTACHMENT 1-B INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS - 19.08 IE (INDUSTRIAL EXTRACTIVE) DISTRICT C. This district is intended to promote the mining and processing of the City's mineral resources in the Cajon Creek, Lytle Creek, and Santa Ana River areas, while ensuring their compatibility with adjacent land uses. Additionally, this land use district provides for the development of interim uses including, but not limited to lumber yards, outdoor storage, plant nurseries, recreation (non- structural), etc., which do not impair the long term ability to extract and process mineral resources. 19.08.020 PERMITTED, DEVELOPMENT PERMITTED AND CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USES The following list represents those primary uses in the manufacturinglindustrial zoning districts which are Permitted (P), subject to a Development Permit (D) or a Conditional Use Permit (C): TABLE 08.01 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS LIST OF PERMITTED USES MC 888 1/6/94 LAND USE ACTIVITY CH OIP II.. IH IE I Accessory structuresluses typically appurtenant to a D D D D D principally permitted land use activity; 2. Agricultural Production-crops; D D 3. Agricultural Services; D D D 4 Assembling, cleaning, manufacturing, processing, D D' D D repairing or testing of products including automotive related (except dismantling) and welding and excluding explosives, conducted entirely within an enclosed structure except for screened outdoor storage areas; 5 Assembling, cleaning, manufacturing, processing, repair D D of products, research, storage, testing or wholesale land uses (except explosives) with a portion of the operation (other than storage) occurring outside of the enclosed structure: A. Outside land uses in the CH and IH districts C C within 150 feet of a residential land use district; 6. Children's Services Center; C IT-128 2/94