HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-1183 Adopted: September 7, 2004 Effective: October 8, 2004 ORDINANCE NO. KC-1l83 2 ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE 2004 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE UPTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT 3 4 5 6 WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino ("City") is a charter city and municipal 7 corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of California; and s 9 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") is a public body, corporate and politic, organized and existing under the California Community Redevelopment Law (the "CRL"). The CRL is found at Health and Safety Code Section 33000 10 11 12 et seq.; and 13 WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City ("Common Council"), by adoption of Ordinance No. MC-527 on June 18, 1986, approved and adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Uptown Redevelopment Project; and 14 15 16 WHEREAS, the Common Council has subsequently adopted certain amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for the Uptown Redevelopment Project as follows: l7 18 (i) Common Council Ordinance No. MC-927 on December 19,1995; and 19 20 (ii) Common Council Ordinance No. MC-1161 on December 1, 2003. 21 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the Uptown Redevelopment Project as adopted by Common Council Ordinance No. MC-527, and as amended by Common Council Ordinance No. MC-927, and as further amended by Common Council Ordinance No. MC-1161 is referred to herein as the "Redevelopment Plan"; and 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, the Common Council has initiated proceedings for the adoption of a further amendment to the Redevelopment Plan to reinstate the Agency's power to acquire land in the redevelopment project area of the Uptown Redevelopment Project (the "Project Area") by 26 27 28 eminent domain; and 4819-9325-1584.1 -1- P:\Agendas\Resolutions\Resolutions\2004\04-08-16 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc KC-1l83 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, Common Council and the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Commission") which serves as the governing board of the Agency have called upon the owners of property, residents, business operators and neighborhood organizations in the Project Area to form a Project Area Committee for the purpose of having consultations concerning the proposed reinstatement of the Agency's power of eminent domain and the adoption of an amendment to the Redevelopment Plan (the "2004 Amendment") and the potential of the Agency's exercise of the reinstated power of eminent domain to displace low- and moderate-income residents through the exercise of eminent domain on residential properties within the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the 2004 Amendment does not propose to modify the boundaries of the Project Area or change any of the financial provisions of the Redevelopment Plan. The 2004 Amendment is focused solely on the reinstatement of the Agency's eminent domain authority with respect to all property in the Project Area for a twelve (12) year period following the adoption of the ordinance of the Common Council adopting the 2004 Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Common Council consented to hold a joint public hearing with the Commission with respect to the 2004 Amendment, at which public hearing any and all persons having any objection to the 2004 Amendment or the Final Program Environmental Impact Report described below, or the regularity of any prior proceedings concerning the 2004 Amendment, would be allowed to appear before the Commission and the Common Council and show cause why the 2004 Amendment should not be adopted; and WHEREAS, the joint public hearing of the Commission and the Common Council was duly held on July 19, 2004 regarding the certification of the Final Program Environmental Impact Report and the 2004 Amendment; and WHEREAS, a Final Program Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in connection with the consideration and approval of the 2004 Amendment and certain related redevelopment implementing activities, including a redevelopment study project referred to as the "Mercado Santa Fe Project" and the City General Plan Amendment No. 04-02, and the Common Council has adopted its resolution entitled: 4819.9325.1584.1 -2- P:lAgendaslResolutionslResolutions\2004\04-08-16 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc MC-1l83 2 "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, CERTIFYING A FINAL PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, ADOPTING THE MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN FOR THE REINSTATEMENT OF EMINENT DOMAIN POWERS IN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS OF THE UPTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AND THE CENTRAL CITY NORTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA, AND OTHER ENTITLEMENT ACTIONS, APPROVING CERTIFYING A TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT, AND ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 04-02"; and 3 4 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, the Commission has adopted its resolution entitled: 9 10 "RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING FINDINGS REGARDING CONDITIONS OF BLIGHT IN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA OF THE UPTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, APPROVING THE SECTION 33352 REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL ON THE 2004 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE UPTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND APPROVING THE 2004 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE UPTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT"; and 11 12 13 14 15 16 WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the passage of this Ordinance have occurred and 17 been taken in accordance with applicable law. 18 NOW, THEREFORE, THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 19 20 SECTION I. The facts set forth in the Recitals of this Ordinance are true and correct 21 22 and are hereby made part of the findings and determinations of the Common Council as relate to the approval of the 2004 Amendment. 23 24 SECTION 2. Conditions of blight still affect the Project Area. At the present time, the Agency may acquire land in the Project Area by purchase and other negotiated means, but the Agency's power to acquire land necessary for specific redevelopment project activities lapsed in 1998. In general, the purpose and intent of the Redevelopment Plan is not changed by the 2004 Amendment. The purpose and intent of the Common Council with respect to the 2004 Amendment is to eliminate and prevent the spread of blight in the Project Area. The 25 26 27 28 4819-9325.]584.1 -3- P:\Agendas\Rcsolutions\Resolutions\2004\04-08-16 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc Me-liB3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 reinstatement of the Agency's eminent domain authority with respect to all property in the Project Area for a twelve (12) year period following the adoption of this Ordinance is necessary and appropriate to achieve this purpose and intent. The 2004 Amendment shall assist the Agency to achieve this goal of promoting the redevelopment of the Project Area and the general welfare of the inhabitants of the City, by enabling the Agency to assemble parcels which are necessary to support specific redevelopment activities to prevent and eliminate the spread of blight in the Project Area. Apart from the reinstatement of the power of eminent domain, the 2004 Amendment does not add territory to the Project Area or make any other revision to the Redevelopment Plan. SECTION 3. (a) The Common Council hereby acknowledges its receipt of the written report, dated July 2004, on the 2004 Amendment which has been prepared pursuant to CRL Section 33352 (the "Section 33352 Report"). As set forth in CRL Section 33457.1, the Section 33352 Report contains the information relating to the 2004 Amendment to the extent warranted by the proposed reinstatement of the power of eminent domain in the Project Area. The following subsections of the Section 33352 Report for the 2004 Amendment do not require further discussions or consideration as the proposed reinstatement of the Agency's redevelopment powers does not change the content or analysis of the matters covered under such subsections of the report which was prepared and considered by the Common Council under Section 33352 at the time when the Redevelopment Plan was originally adopted in 1986. The subsections of the Section 33352 Report relating to the 2004 Amendment where substantive analysis is not required at this time are identified as follows: Section 33352( c) Section 33352( d) the Five Year Implementation Plan; why the elimination of blight cannot b accomplished by private party action alone; method of financing; the relocation plan; analysis of the preliminary plan; report and recommendation of the Plannin Commission; Section 33352(e) Section 33352(f) Section 33352(g) Section 33352(h) 4819-9325-1584.1 -4- P:lAgendaslResolulionslResolutionsI2004\04-08-16 Uplown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc MC-1l83 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Section 33352(j) Section 33352(1) Section 33352(n) general plan conformance; report of the County fiscal officer; and summary of Agency consultations with affecte taxing agencies. The reinstatement of the Agency's power of eminent domain does not require further analysis at this time under any of the foregoing subsections. The Common Council further acknowledges its receipt of the other written reports, exhibits and information presented by City and Agency staff and consultants at the joint public hearing which was conducted prior to the adoption of this Ordinance, together with all written and oral testimony and statements presented by interested persons prior to the close of such joint public hearing. (b) The Common Council hereby finds and determines that the joint public hearing conducted with respect to the 2004 Amendment was full and fair. SECTION 4. The Common Council hereby finds and determines that: a. The Common Council has previously found and determined in Ordinance No. MC-527, that the Project Area is a blighted area, the redevelopment of which i necessary to effectuate the public purposes declared in the CRL. For the reason set forth in the Section 33352 Report, the Common Council hereby further find and determines in connection with its consideration of the 2004 Amendment, th that such findings and determinations originally set forth in Ordinance No. MC 527 continue to be valid. Conditions of blight in the Project Area as originall observed at the time of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan remain in existence which blighting conditions as observed in 2004 include deteriorated an dilapidated buildings (33352 Report pages B-4 to B-B), substandard design tha prevents or substantially hinders economically viable use or capacity of th buildings or lots (33352 Report pages B-B to B-15) mixed and incompatibl commercial, industrial and residential uses (33352 Report pages B-15 to B-17) lots of irregular form and size creating a hindrance to future development (3335 4819.9325-1584.1 -5- P:\AgendasIResolutionslResolutions\2004\04-08-16 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc Me-lIB3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 b. 4819-9325-1584.1 Report pages B-18 to B-19), prevalence of absentee owners having detrimenta effects on building conditions and maintenance of such buildings (33352 Repo page B-19), impaired investment leading to high vacancy rates and depreciate values (33352 Report pages B-20 to B-21), prevalence of building and zonin code violations (33352 Report pages B-22 to B-24), and high levels of seriou criminal offenses in the Project Area (33352 Report pages B-25 to B-29). In 200 the Project Area displays symptoms of both "physical and economic blight" a these terms are defined in CRL Section 33031. c. The reinstatement of the power of eminent domain in the Project Area will assist with the redevelopment of the Project Area in conformity with the CRL and is in the interests of the public peace, health, safety, and welfare. The adoption and carrying out of the 2004 Amendment remains economically sound and feasible for the same reasons as indicated at the time when the Redevelopment Plan was adopted. The 2004 Amendment will not change the original findings of the Common Council that the Redevelopment Plan is consistent with and conforms to the General Plan of the City including, but not limited to, the Housing Element of the General Plan. The adoption and carrying out of the 2004 Amendment will promote the public peace, health, safety, and welfare of the City and would effectuate the purposes and policies of the CRL and in particular will assist the Agency to elimination and prevent the spread of blight on lands which the Agency may not otherwise be able to acquire by negotiated purchase or cause to be abated by other means. The power to acquire real property by condemnation upon the reinstatement of the Agency's power of eminent domain, as provided for in the 2004 Amendment, is necessary to the execution of the Redevelopment Plan, and adequate provisions have been made for payment for property to be acquired, if any, as provided by law. d. e. f. P,lAgendaslResolutionslResolutions\2004\04-08-16 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc -6- MC-1l83 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 J. 4819-9325-1584.1 g. The Agency has adopted the relocation rules and regulations of the State of California and therefore has a feasible method for the relocation of families and persons displaced from the Project Area, if the implementation of the 2004 Amendment should result in the temporary or permanent displacement of any occupants of housing facilities in the Project Area. The Common Council hereby finds and declares that in the event that any person is displaced from the Project Area as the result of the Agency's acquisition of property, whether by exercise of the power of eminent domain or otherwise, that there shall be provided in the Project Area or in other areas not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities and at rents or prices within the financial means of such persons and families displaced from the Project Area, decent, safe and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of and availability to the displaced families and persons and reasonably accessible to their places of employment. The Common Council hereby finds and declares that in the event the Agency may acquire any property in the Project Area by exercise of the power of eminent domain or otherwise, that the families and persons who reside on such property shall not be displaced by the Agency prior to the adoption of a relocation plan pursuant to CRL Sections 33411 and 33411.1. Dwelling units housing persons and families of low or moderate income shall not be removed or destroyed prior to the adoption of a replacement housing plan pursuant to CRL Sections 33334.5, 33341 and 33413.5. h. 1. k. Based upon the information set forth in the Section 33352 Report, the noncontiguous portion of the Project Area referred to as "Subarea B" is blighted. The elimination of blight and the redevelopment of the Project Area in the absence of the 2004 Amendment is not reasonably expected to be accomplished by private enterprise acting above without the aid and assistance available to the Agency under the 2004 Amendment in light of the fact that blight continues to P:\Agendas\Resolutions\Resolutions\2004\04-08-16 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc -7- Me-UB3 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S exist in the Project Area on a broad and substantial scale, and private property owners acting alone often cannot address conditions of blight on land which they own or can acquire without Agency assistance because such land, standing alone, is too small in size, too irregular in shape, too obsolete in present use or configuration or is too adversely affected by other blighting conditions which impair its value and limit investment of new capital and prevent its economic reuse and redevelopment, all as demonstrated in the Section 33352 Report. The time limitation on commencement of eminent domain proceedings contained in the 2004 Amendment, is reasonably related to projects to be implemented in the Project Area and to the ability of the Agency to eliminate blight within the Project Area. The 2004 Amendment does not amend or affect any financial provision or other time limitations or amend or affect the limitation on the number of dollars to be allocated to the Agency that are contained in the Redevelopment Plan. SECTION 5. The Common Council has adopted its Resolution entitled "A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino Adopting Written Responses to the Written and Oral Objections to the Amendment to the Uptown Redevelopment Project Area Plan." The Common Council hereby approves and adopts each of the findings set forth in such Written Responses. The Common Council hereby overrules each and every written and oral objection to the adoption of the 2004 Amendment, as submitted to the Common Council prior to the close of the joint public hearing which preceded the adoption of this Ordinance. I. The Common Council hereby finds and determines that in calendar year 2004, the Project Area is a predominantly urbanized area and displays a combination of conditions set forth in CRL Section 33031, and the Section 33352 Report, which remain and are today so prevalent and so substantial that they cause a reduction of, and lack of, property utilization of the lands in the Project Area to such an extent that such conditions constitute a serious physical and economic burden on the community which cannot reasonably be expected to be reversed or alleviated by private enterprises or government action, or both, without redevelopment. 4819-9325-1584.1 -8- P:\Agendas\Resolutions\Resolutions\2004\04-08~ 16 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc Me-U8J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 6. The Common Council hereby amends the Redevelopment Plan as follows: Subsection "C. Property Acquisition" of Section "v. PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT ACTIONS" of the Redevelopment Plan is herby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "c. Propertv Acquisition 1. Acquisition of Real Property Except as specifically exempted herein, the Agency may acquire real property by any means authorized by law, including by purchase, lease, obtain option upon, acquire by gift, grant, bequest, devise, or otherwise, any real or personal property, and any improvements on it, including repurchase of property owned by Agency, exchange, cooperative negotiation, or eminent domain. It is in the public interest and is necessary in order to execute this Plan, for the power of eminent domain to be employed by the Agency to acquire real property in all portions of the Project Area, with the following exclusions: a. Except as otherwise provided, within, or otherwise provided by law, no eminent domain proceedings to acquire property shall be commenced after twelve (12) years from the date of adoption of the ordinance approving and adopting the 2004 Amendment to the Uptown Redevelopment Plan. Agency shall not acquire from any of its members or officers any property or interest in property except through eminent domain proceedings. Property already devoted to a public use may be acquired by the Agency through eminent domain, but property of a public body shall not be acquired without its consent. b. c. 4819-9325-1584.1 -9- P:\Agendas\Resolutions\Resolutions\2004\04-08-16 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc MC-1l83 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 The Agency at the request of the Common Council may accept a conveyance of real property (located either outside a survey area) owned by a public entity and declared surplus by the public entity, or owned by a private entity. The Agency may dispose of such property to private persons or to public or private entities, by sale or long-term lease for development. All or any part of the funds derived from the sale or lease of such property may at the discretion of the Common Council be paid to the City, or to the public entity from which any such property was acquired. Any exercise of its power of eminent domain by the Agency shall be subject to all of the limitations set forth in this 2004 Amendment. These limitations may only be extended by subsequent amendment of the Plan. d. The Agency shall, if at all, exercise the power of eminent domain in accordance with the provisions and prerequisites of the California Eminent Domain Law [Code of Civil Procedure Sec. 1230.010 et seq.] and the California Relocation Act [Government Code Sec. 7262 et seq.]. Acquisition of Personal Propertv, Any other Interest in Real Property, and Anv Improvements in Real Propertv Where necessary in the implementation of the Plan, the Agency is authorized to acquire personal property, any other interest in real property, and any improvements on real property including repurchase of developed property previously owned by Agency by any lawful means." 2. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 7. The Common Council designates the Redevelopment Plan, as amended by the text of the 2004 Amendment as set forth in Section 6 of this Ordinance (hereinafter, the "Amended Plan"), as the official redevelopment plan for the Uptown Redevelopment Project. 4819-9325-1584.1 -10- P:\AgendasIResolutionslResolulions\2004\04.08- J 6 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc MC-1l83 2 3 4 5 SECTION 8. The Common Council hereby authorizes and provides for the City's expenditure of money to implement the Amended Plan. SECTION 9. The Agency is hereby vested with the responsibility for carrying out the Amended Plan in accordance with the provisions thereof and of applicable law. SECTION 10. The Common Council hereby declares its intention to undertake and 6 complete any proceedings necessary to be carried out by the City under the provisions of the 7 Amended Plan. 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 11. The City Clerk shall comply with the applicable procedures of the CRL with respect to the adoption of this Ordinance, including the transmission of a copy of this Ordinance to other public entities and the recordation of this Ordinance, or the recordation of a Notice of Amended Plan as authorized by the CRL. SECTION 12. If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance, is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Common Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each, section subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance, irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions of this Ordinance be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 13. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published in a newspaper of general circulation as required by law. SECTION 14. The City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this Ordinance to be transmitted to the Agency. 4819-9325.1584.1 -11- P:\AgendasIResolutionslResolutions\2004\04-08-16 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc MC-1l83 2 ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE 2004 EMINENT DOMAIN AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE UPTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT 3 4 5 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and joint Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of September ,2004, by the following vote to wit: 6 7 8 Council Members: Ayes Navs Abstain Absent ESTRADA X LONGVILLE x MCGINNIS X DERRY X KELLEY X JOHNSON X - MC CAMMACK X ~~t~ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this 9th 19 ,2004. September 20 21 22 Approved as to form and Legal Content: By: ~7./~ ()'y Attorney 23 24 25 26 27 28 4819-9325-1584.1 -12- P:\Agendas\Resolutions\Resolutions\2004\04-08-16 Uptown Ordinance 2004 Amend.doc