HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-13-1986 Minutes
City of San Bernardino, California
January 13, 1986
This is the time and place set for an Adjourned Regu-
lar Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of
San Bernardino at their Adjourned Regular Meeting held at
6:08 p.m., on Thursday, January 9,1986, in the Council
Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernar-
dino, California.
The City Clerk has caused to be posted the Notice of
Adjournment of said meeting held at 6:08 p.m., Thursday,
January 9, 1986, and has on file in the Office of the City
Clerk an Affidavit of said posting together with a copy of
said Order which was posted at 1:00 p.m., on Friday, Janu-
ary 10, 1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300
North "D" Street, San Bernardino.
The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common
Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order
by Mayor Wilcox at 10:50 a.m., on Monday, January 13,
1986, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D"
Street, San Bernardino, California.
The Invocation was given by Jim Morris, a student in
his junior year at San Gorgonio High School.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Gilbert Monzano,
a student at San Gorgonio High School.
Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the fol-
lowing being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members
Estrada, Reilly, Marks, Quiel, Frazier; City Attorney
Prince, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Matzer. Ab-
sent: Council Members Hernandez, Strickler.
Richard Gazi, San Gorgonio High School, Acting Assis-
tant to the Mayor, read a proclamation proclaiming Wed-
nesday, January 15, 1985, as Martin Luther King, Jr.
School Day.
The proclamation was accepted by Mark Easterday,
Student Body President of Martin Luther King, Jr. school.
13-17, 1986
Richard Gazi, San Gorgonio High School, Acting Assis-
tant to the Mayor, read a proclamation proclaiming the
week of January 13-17, 1986, as Student Government Week.
The proclamation was accepted by Lisa King, San Ber-
nardino High School, Acting Mayor for the Day.
This is the time and place set for a hearing to con-
sider the Arthur Young Management Audit of the City of San
Bernardino Parks, Recreation and Community Services De-
partment. (1)
The Arthur Young Management Report of the San Bernar-
dino Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department
indicated that over the last nine years, the Department
had received a relatively level amount of funding and
personnel resources. However, it was found that the De-
partment's goals and objectives were unclear, its person~
nel were generally not deployed in a systematic manner,
and service levels varied considerably. Consequently, the
Department is not achieving the levels of service commen-
surate with the funding allocated to these functions. The
report identified those areas in which opportunities for
improved efficiency were present.
Mayor wilcox opened the hearing.
Nicholas Conway of Arthur Young Company, presented
the results of the Management Study to the Mayor and Com-
mon Council and answered questions as to how the study was
conducted. He spoke regarding the department's level of
appropriation and the true buying power of the Department,
which has remained constant. He stated that personnel and
resources have remained constant in all the divisions of
the Department, but the number of parks to maintain has
increased by 60-70 acres. Mr. Conway stated that there is
no document outlining what the Department is expected to
accomplish. Therefore, the Department does not have a
mission statement. He spoke regarding the amount of land
available in the City for parks and the disproportionate
allocation of facilities in park land. Mr. Conway also
spoke regarding the allocation of work load among the
parks personnel and delineated the amount of man time
required to maintain an acre in different areas or differ-
ent parks throughout the City.
Mr. Conway gave a slide presentation showing problems
in various parks throughout the City.
Annie Ramos, Director, Parks, Recreation and Communi-
ty Services, in a memorandum dated January 10, 1986, pre-
sented her recommendations concerning the Study as
1. Establish a Mission Statement and supporting
goals and objectives for Parks, Recreation & community
Services Department.
2. Conduct a staffing analysis for Parks, Recreation
& Community Services Department's facilities and programs.
3. Determine the cost effectiveness of contracting
public project work.
4. Develop an on-going training program for Depart-
mental personnel.
5. Develop a Master Plan for the Ci ty' spark
6. Provide uniforms to all field personnel.
7. Establish standard times for lunch breaks for
park maintenance personnel.
8. Implement preventative maintenance program for
park sprinklers.
9. Evaluate departmental radio communications.
10. Conduct a community needs assessment for recrea-
tion and community services program.
11. Revise the current method used to quantify par-
ticipation in the City's recreation programs.
12. Reevaluate user fees and charges for recrea-
tional services.
Mr. Conway answered questions and stated that the
level of supervision has increased while the span of con-
trol has decreased over the years.
Annie Ramos, Director, Parks, Recreation & Community
Services, answered questions regarding equipment repair.
City Administrator Matzer answered questions on how
the City identifies its equipment needs.
Mr. Conway stated that it is not uncommon in other
cities for the city to take over the maintenance of school
district park facilities.
Annie Ramos, Director, Parks, Recreation & Community
Services, answered questions regarding the use of school
facilities, such as gyms for recreational programs.
Counc i 1 Member Qu i el made a mo t i on, seconded by
Council Member Marks, and unanimously carried, to imple-
ment a mission statement supporting the goals and objec-
tives for Parks, Recreation & Community Services Depart-
ment, and direct staff and the Parks and Recreation Com-
mission to immediately address this issue and get a cost
estimate back from staff wi th regard to I tem No.2. (Con-
duct a staffing analysis for Parks, Recreation & Community
Services Department's facilities and programs). As to the
rest of the recommendations, the Council would go along
with them, and continue the matter to March 3, 1986, for a
report back on the hiring of a consultant for conducting
the staffing analysis.
At 1:00 p.m., Council Member Estrada made a motion,
seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried,
that the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common
Council recess to a Closed Session under the authority of
Government Code Section 54956.9(b) to discuss Community
Development/Redevelopment matters.
At 1:00 p.m., Mayor Wilcox called the Closed Session
to order in the Conference Room of the Council Chambers of
City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino,
Roll Call was taken with the following being present:
Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Marks,
Quiel, Frazier; City Attorney prince, City Administrator
Matzer. Absent: Council Members Hernandez, Strickler;
City Clerk Clark.
Also present were: Glenda Saul, Executive Director
of the Redevelopment Agency; Sandy Lowder, Manager, Re-
development Agency, Allen Briggs, Sr. Assistant City
Council Member Quiel stated that he would abstain
from participating in the Closed Session, based upon a
contractural arrangement with Mr. Frank Dominguez.
Council Member Quiel left the Closed Session.
At 1:15 p.m., the Closed Session adjourned to the
Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council
in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D"
Street, San Bernardino, California.
At 1:15 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the
Mayor and Common Council reconvened in the Council Cham-
bers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino,
Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the fol-
lowing being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members
Estrada, Reilly, Marks, Quiel, Frazier; City Attorney
P r i n c e ; C i t Y C 1 e r k CIa r k, C i t Y Adm i n i s t rat 0 r Mat z e r .
Absent: Council Members Hernandez, Strickler.
At 1:15 p.m., Council Member Estrada made a motion,
seconded by Council Member Frazier and unanimously car-
ried, that the meeting recess until 5:30 p.m., in the
Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San
Bernardino, California.
At 6:02 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the
Mayor and Common Council reconvened in the Council Cham-
bers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino,
Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk with the fol-
lowing being present: Mayor Wilcox; Council Members
Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez, Marks, Quiel, Frazier,
Strickler; City Attorney Prince, City Clerk Clark, City
Administrator Matzer. Absent: None.
This is the time and place set for a public hearing
to consider prevailing wage requirements. (R-l)
Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Quiel, that the Redevelopment Agency staff
be instructed to include prevailing wage requirements in
appropriate documents only when such are mandated by State
or Federal statutes.
Mayor Wilcox read a letter from Russ Hatle, President
of Community Consultants Corporation, dated January 10,
1986, in which he urged the Mayor to continue an "open
shop" which will permit both union and non-union contrac-
tors and sub-contractors to work within the Redevelopment
Allen Briggs, Sr. Assistant City Attorney, answered
questions and explained what was in effect as far as pre-
vailing wage policy prior to the schurgin agreement.
Glenda Saul, Executive Director, Redevelopment Agen-
cy, answered questions, stating that at one point, the
Redevelopment Agency developed a standard disposition
agreement that had Davis-Bacon language with a reduced
amount of monitoring. However, in the future there will
be less and less federal funds. The Redevelopment Agency
looks over these agreements to determine the impact they
have in allowing the Redevelopment Agency to compete in
the environment. If prevailing wage language is included
in all agreements, then the Redevelopment Agency will
loose its competitive edge.
Mr. Ray Vandernant, attorney, stated that the City
Council is depriving the citizens and that they have a
need to pay prevailing wages, which is a mathematical
Sr. Assistant City Attorney Briggs answered questions
regarding the laws on prevailing wages and read excerpts
from the Labor Code.
It was pointed out that in six competitive cities
surrounding San Bernardino, prevailing wage clauses are
included only where mandated by State and Federal Law.
Council Member Frazier left the Council Meeting.
Joe Doyle, who has lived in the City of San Bernar-
dino for 26 years, read a statement regarding the Depart-
ment of Labor policy on prevailing wages, and stated the
City is in contradiction with Federal Law.
Glenda Saul, Executive Director, Redevelopment Agen-
cy, rebutted his statement and stated that there is no
prohibition concerning Community Development Block Grant
Funds. If these funds are used, the entire project is not
subject to the Davis-Bacon language.
Sr. Assistant City Attorney Briggs answered questions
and stated that Glenda Saul, Executive Director of the
Redevelopment Agency, was correct, that CDBG funding for
land acquisition does not trigger the Davis-Bacon
Mary Curtin, a labor representative, stated that
prevailing wage protects tax payers' dollars by getting
good craftspeople and good labor. She also spoke regard-
ing the multiplyer effect resulting from the payment of
prevailing wages.
Merv Simchowitz, a local developer, presented the
developer's point of view. He stated that if the City and
Redevelopment Agency cannot compete in the development
environment, it will lose deals. He gave an example of the
IBM deal which went to San Diego.
Mike Russell from Fontana, stated that the prevailing
wage is determined by the State of California, and is
usually a union rate, not a majority modal rate. The
prevailing wage does not mean that the City will get
skilled craftsmen and it creates a false economy with the
arbitrary wage scale. Nationwide, the average cost of the
contract is 20% more when the prevailing wage is paid.
Joe Perez, Executive Secretary of the San Bernar-
dino-Riverside Building Trade Council, urged the Mayor and
Common Council to retain prevailing wage provisions to
avoid the erosion of the economic lives of the City's
Jimmy Cartee, a local architect, asked questions
regarding a developer who had to pay prevailing wages in
the State College area.
Sr. Assistant
Ann Imperato, AFSCME Representative for City Employ-
ees, spoke regarding the issue of setting salaries by vote
and used by example, the salary mechanism for the Board of
Supervisors. This is a prevailing wage.
Lynn Daffney, member of the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers, urged the Council to consider the
human factors in making their decision.
Sam Catalano of the Central City Company, spoke re-
garding the limited tools that a City can use as economic
incentives for development.
Glenda Saul, Executive Director of the Redevelopment
Agency, answered questions.
Joe Doyle, a City resident, stated that the Inter-
national Brotherhood of Electrical Workers took a $3.70
per hour cut 18 months ago, and added that the union does
not just take from the economy, but also gives back.
Mr. Bill Bird, a local developer, pointed out that
the City does inspect projects and requires permits.
Craig Gilbarton, a City resident working in Irvine,
spoke in favor of payment of prevailing wages.
A journeyman from Local 477, Electrical Workers,
spoke in favor of prevailing wages. He stated that no one
but the Union provides minority training and he spoke in
opposition to piece work.
Mr. Wilfred Lemann, representing a group of local
businessmen trying to produce a major commercial facility
downtown, stated that this project will bring employees to
downtown San Bernardino, but prevailing wages could hurt
the economic viability of the project. He stated that
they have a very slim line on the competition and urged
the Council to allow the Redevelopment Agency to continue
to be competitive.
Mr. Mike Russell of Fontana, stated that some con-
tractors pay more than prevailing wage, but no contractors
pay as little as the minimum wage.
Mr. George Romero, a local contractor with 300 em-
ployees, stated that the cheapest wage paid to his employ-
ees is $15.00 an hour to his son. The average employee in
his business earns $18 to $25 an hour, plus benefits. In
1977, all 200 of his employees left the union and stayed
with his company.
Mr. Jim Pence, a local contractor, spoke in opposi-
tion to prevailing wages. He stated that if it is tax
payers' money that's one thing, but the City should not
require prevailing wages when private funding is involved.
Mr. John Broswood, a general contractor, who does not
employ union workers, but pays the prevailing wage, spoke.
He stated he does not bid for prevailing wage jobs because
it is hard to find those workers unless they are union-
ized. He suggested that the City set a prevailing wage
for the area.
Glenda Saul, Executive Director of the Redevelopment
Agency, answered questions.
Lon Indreiri, a local contractor who served on the
prevailing Wage Board for the State of California, stated
that the government needs to get to a true prevailing
wage, rather than a modal base. The present prevailing
wage is inflationary.
Mr. John Edwins, a local developer, stated that
under Redevelopment contracts, if a sub-contractor makes a
mistake, the developer could be sued. He did not want to
take the responsibility for this type of system.
Mr. Dan Evans stated that in 1986, the Inland Empire
will be growing and the market place will be dictating
where development goes. San Bernardino must be able to
The Council discussed whether adopting the motion on
the floor would or would not change the existing policy.
Counci 1 Member Marks made a
seconded by Council Member Hernandez,
substitute motion,
that the hearing be
The motion carried by the following vote:
Council Members Estrada, Hernandez, Marks,
Strickler. Noes: Council Member Reilly.
Council Member Frazier.
Counci 1 Member Marks made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Estrada, to continue the matter of the
prevailing wage until March 17, 1986, for further study by
qualified consultants and that the Executive Director of
the Redevelopment Agency be instructed to prepare an RFP
for presentation at the next Council Meeting for the hir-
ing of this consultant.
Council Member Strickler made a substitute motion,
seconded by Council Member Quiel, that the Redevelopment
Agency staff be instructed to include prevailing wage
requirements in appropriate documents only when such are
mandated by State or Federal statutes.
The substitute motion by Strickler that the Redevel-
opment Agency staff be instructed to include prevailing
wage requirements in appropriate documents only when such
are mandated by State or Federal statutes failed by the
following vote: Ayes: Council Members Reilly, Quiel,
Strickler. Noes: Council Members Estrada, Hernandez,
Marks. Absent: Council Member Frazier.
Council Member Quiel made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Marks and unanimously carried, to continue
the matter of the prevailing wages to Tuesday, January 21,
1986, that staff, which includes the City Administrator
and the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, be
instructed to submit the list of some consultants which
have never done business with the City who could prepare
an economic analysis of the benefits and detriments of
paying prevailing wages, and that information on the
recommended time frame and costs for the study be reported
to the Council and that in the meantime, the Executive
Director of the Redevelopment Agency and the City Adminis-
trator do additional studies of this issue on their own.
At 9:00 p.m., Council Member Estrada made a motion,
seconded by Council Member Strickler and unanimously car-
ried, that the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and
Common Council recess to a Closed Session to discuss pend-
ing litigation under authority of Government Code Section
54956.9(a), case of Walsh et al vs. City of San Bernardino
Case No. 199364, and Government Code 54956.9 (b) Signifi-
cant Exposure to Litigation.
At 9:00 p.m., the Closed Session was called to order
by Mayor Wilcox in the Conference Room of the Council
Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernar-
dino, California.
Roll Call was taken with the following being present:
Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez,
Marks, Quiel, Strickler, Sr. Assistant City Attorney
Briggs; Deputy City Administrator Schweitzer. Absent:
Council Member Frazier; City Clerk Clerk.
Also present were: Ron Solheim, Director, Emergency
Services/Risk Management; Bruce Gadbois, Assistant Direc-
tor, Emergency Services/Risk Management; Kevin Sovereign,
Liaility Claims Specialist, Emergency Services/Risk Man-
agement; Arthur Varden, Special Counsel.
At 9:30 p.m., City Clerk Clark left the Council
At 11:00 p.m., the Closed Session adjourned to the
Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council
in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D"
Street, San Bernardino, California.
At 11:00 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the
Mayor and Common Council reconvened in the Council Cham-
bers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino,
Roll Call was taken with the following being present:
Mayor Wilcox; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Hernandez,
Marks, Quiel, Strickler; Sr. Assistant City Attorney
Briggs; Deputy City Administrator Matzer. Absent:
Council Member Frazier; City Clerk Clark.
In a letter dated January 13,1986, H. Frank
Dominguez, explained the need for an extension of time for
the escrow closing date on a proposed development of a 14
story office building at the corner of Court and "E"
Street, and requested that the Redevelopment Agency extend
the escrow closing date for an additional 12 months, or
until the new downtown hotel has opened or a major tenant
for the facility has been secured.
Council Member Strickler made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Reilly, that according to the agreement the
City has with Mr. Dominguez regarding the Court and "E"
Streets property, that the City follow the letter of the
agreement and that if the escrow is not closed on the
scheduled date of January 15, 1986, Notice of Default be
mailed the following day, as per the agreement, giving Mr.
Dominguez 30 days Notice of Default, as per the recommen-
dation of the City Attorney.
The Mayor and Common Council discussed the motion~
council Member Hernandez stated he would abstain, as
he felt that this item was discussed in Closed Session
Sr. Assistant City Attorney Briggs stated for the
record that the item was legally discussed in Closed
Council Member Quiel stated that he would abstain for
the record due to a possible conflict of interest con-
cerning a contractual relationship with Frank Dominguez.
The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes:
Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Marks, Strickler. Noes:
None. Absent: Council Member Frazier. Abstain: Council
Members Hernandez, Quiel.
Council Member Marks made a motion, seconded by
Council Member Estrada, that the Mayor be authorized and
directed and that Council Member Estrada and any City or
Redevelopment staff person or persons they feel appropri-
ate contact Mr. Dominguez and explore the possibility with
Mr. Dominguez regarding viability and continuation of his
proposed project. (Court and "E" Street property)
Council Member Hernandez left the Council Meeting.
The motion
Council Members
None. Absent:
Abstain: Council
carried by the following vote: Ayes:
Estrada, Reilly, Marks, Strickler. Noes:
Council Members Hernandez, Frazier.
Member Quiel.
Council Member Hernandez returned to the Council
Meeting and took his place at the Council Table.
At 11:05 p.m., Council Member Estrada made a motion,
seconded by Council Member Marks and unanimously carried,
that the meeting be adjourned.
/ City Clerk