HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-28-1991 Minutes
City of San Bernardino, California
January 28, 1991
This is the time and place set for a Joint Adjourned Regular
Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino/Community Development Commission at an Adjourned
Regular Meeting held at 8: 31 a. m., on Wednesday, January 23,
1991, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street,
San Bernardino, California.
The City Clerk has caused to be posted the Order of
Adjournment of said meeting held on January 23, 1991, and has on
file in the office of the City Clerk an affidavit of said posting
together with a copy of said Order which was posted at 8:40 a.m.,
on Thursday, January 24, 1991, on the door of the place at which
said meeting was held.
The Joint Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common
Council/Community Development Commission was called to order by
Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly at 9:08 a.m., Monday, January 28, 1991,
in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor of City
Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California.
Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Mayor
Pro Tempore Reilly; Council Members Reilly, Flores, Minor, Pope-
Ludlam; City Attorney Penman; Deputy City Clerk Reese; Assistant
City Administrator Wilson. Absent: Mayor Holcomb; Council
Members Estrada, Maudsley, Miller.
At 9:09 a.m., Mayor Holcomb arrived at the Council meeting.
At 9:09 a.m., the meeting was recessed to closed session for
the following:
to confer with
which has been
party pursuant
the attorney regarding pending litigation
initiated formally to which the City is a
to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) as
Stubblefield Construction Companv. et al vs. City of San
Bernardino. et al - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No.
242998; San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 252058.
to confer with the attorney regarding pending litigation
pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c), so that
Council/Commission may decide whether to initiate
At 9:09 a.m., the closed session was called to order in the
Mayor's Conference Room, Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D"
Street, San Bernardino, California.
Roll call was taken with the following being present: Mayor
Holcomb; Council Members Reilly, Flores, Minor, Pope-Ludlam; City
Attorney Penman; Deputy City Clerk Reese. Absent: Council
Members Estrada, Maudsley, Miller; City Administrator Edwins.
Also present: Dennis Barlow, Sr. Assistant City Attorney;
Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor.
At 9:21 a.m., Council Member Estrada arrived at the closed
At 9:45 a.m., the closed session was adjourned to the Joint
Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council/
Community Development Commission in the Management Information
Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San
Bernardino, California.
At 9:46 a.m., the Joint Adjourned Regular
to order by Mayor Holcomb in the Management
(MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North
Bernardino, California.
Meeting was called
Information Center
"D" Street, San
Roll call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Reese with the
following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada,
Reilly, Flores, Minor, Pope-Ludlam; City Attorney Penman; Deputy
City Clerk Reese, Assistant to the City Administrator Fred
Wilson. Absent: Council Members Maudsley, Miller.
At 9:47 a.m., the Joint Adjourned Regular
Mayor and Common CounCil/Community Development
recessed to closed session for the following:
Meeting of the
Commission was
to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code
Section 54957.
AT 9:48 A.M., the closed session was called to order in the
Mayor's Conference Room, Sixth Floor of City Hall, 300 North "D"
Street, San Bernardino, California.
Roll call was taken with the following being present: Mayor
Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Minor, Pope-
Ludlam; Sr. Assistant City Attorney Barlow, Deputy City Clerk
Reese, Assistant to the City Administrator Fred Wilson. Absent:
Council Members Maudsley, Miller.
Also present: Ken
Department; Tim Steinhaus,
Acting Agency Administrator.
Henderson, Director,
Agency Administrator;
Bob Temple,
At 10:05 a.m., Mayor Holcomb left the closed session.
At 10:18 a.m., Mayor Holcomb returned to the closed session.
At 10:36 a.m., the closed session adjourned to the Joint
Adjourned Regular Meeting in the Management Information Center
(MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San
Bernardino, California.
At 10:38 a.m., the Joint Adjourned Regular Meeting of the
Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino/Community
Development Commission reconvened as a committee in the
Management Information Center, Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North
"D" Street, San Bernardino, California, as a quorum was not
Roll call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Reese with the
following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Reilly,
Flores, Minor; Sr. Assistant City Attorney Barlow; Deputy City
Clerk Reese; City Administrator Edwins. Absent: Council Members
Estrada, Maudsley, Pope-Ludlam, Miller.
John Montgomery, Principal Planner, stated that the first
public hearing for the Development Code has been tentatively set
for 9:00 a.m., Thursday, March 21, 1991. A sub-committee made up
of Council Members and administration staff has been established
to complete study of the Development Code and a workshop version
of the Code will be produced prior to the first public hearing.
Mayor Holcomb suggested the use of a computer to record and
update the progress and decisions made on the Development Code.
City Administrator Edwins explained that her office is using
an Issues Update system whereby issues under consideration are
updated weekly.
John Montgomery, Principal Planner, stated he would study
Mrs. Edwins' system and see if a similar program could be
implemented for the Development Code.
Larry Reed, Director of Planning/Building Services, stated
that it might be difficult to program for the detailed parts of
the Development Code, but suggested it could be used for General
Plan amendments and major issues that will arise in the future.
Mayor Holcomb spoke of a developer who wanted to submit
plans on multiple units which involved a density bonus. He
stated that staff wouldn't accept the plans until marketing
plans were submitted.
Mr. Reed explained that the General Plan requires Marketing
City Administrator Edwins explained that the requirement is
also in the Development Code to prevent a developer from getting
a density bonus, building a senior care facility and later
converting it to multiple family without having adequate parking
and other facilities.
Mayor Holcomb stated that seemed to be a very stringent
provision and suggested instead that the City require a recorded
covenant that states that the developer can never convert without
the approval of the Mayor and Council. He also stated that even
though the developer submits a marketing plan, there is no
guarantee that the developer will follow that plan. He felt the
marketing plan requirement should be removed.
Council Member Estrada returned to the Council meeting and a
quorum was present.
A discussion ensued regarding Covenants,
and Restrictions (CC&RS), and the fact there is
enforcing them.
a problem
Mayor Holcomb stated that if there are CC&Rs, enforcement
provJ.sJ.ons should be included, giving the City the right to
modify or amend them at its discretion. Traditionally, cities
never became involved with CC&Rs because they were mainly for the
benefit of the residents of the tract. But now as more land is
urbanized, the City must take an interest because the residents
of the tract are not in a financial position to enforce CC&Rs.
Secondly, activities within the tract will spillover and affect
other neighborhoods.
A discussion ensued regarding the conversion of senior care
projects to other uses and the conversion of adult mobile home
parks to family use.
Mr. Reed, Director of Planning/Building Services explained
that the issue of converting senior facilities to other uses had
been discussed before and direction had been given by Council to
put provisions into the General Plan to prevent facilities built
for the elderly from being converted to family use. That
direction was also included in the Development Code. Mr. Reed
agreed there may be other options to consider in handling this
John Montgomery stated that the Development Code implements
the General Plan provisions and calls for marketing and
conversion plans. The marketing plan analyzes the long term
feasibility of the project, and the conversion plan refers to
changes in the original plan, such as reduction in unit size or
parking requirements.
Mr. Montgomery explained that the feasibility requirement
had been deleted for those senior projects sponsored by a
government housing agency, Community Development Department, or
a non-profit housing development corporation.
John Montgomery explained that CC&Rs can be used as an
enforcement tool. Another major enforcement tool would be a
Conditional Use Permit.
John Montgomery answered questions, stating that he felt the
conversion plan is important because it forces the developer to
consider possible conversion and the Planning Department to
consider up front the feasibility of conversion in the design of
the project.
Mr. Montgomery answered questions regarding the exclusion of
governmental projects from the requirement of a feasibility
Mayor Holcomb left the meeting and Council Member Estrada
assumed the duties of Mayor Pro Tempore.
Mr. Montgomery explained the parking requirements for
congregate housing units.
A discussion ensued regarding parking for senior projects.
In a memorandum dated January 25, 1991, Kenneth J.
Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department, explained
that the City and Community Development Commission previously
discussed a landscape development and maintenance program, but no
formal action was taken. It is now proposed that a landscape
development and maintenance program be developed and approved.
The proposed program would require City and property owner
financial participation on a fifty-fifty basis. Staff is
recommending that the Mayor and Common Council and Community
Development Commission establish as the target areas those major
arterials recently approved for the Street Tree Master Plan, as
listed on the attachment to the memorandum. It is anticipated
that financing would come from the Beautification Program/Tax
Allocation Bond Proceeds.
Mr. Henderson explained that the proposed program would be
similar in concept and execution to the sidewalk infill program.
The Mayor and Council previously set aside about $1,000,000 in
tax allocation bond proceeds for beautification purposes.
Approximately $100,000 was spent for the Christmas Clean Up
Program and about $20,000 to $30,000 for other programs. There
is approximately $850,000 or $860,000 remaining, so it is
anticipated that the funding for this program would come from
that source.
Mr. Henderson stated that he had talked to Ms. Ramos,
Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services, as it is
her department that would have the responsibility for this
Mr. Henderson explained that because some of the areas are
outside existing redevelopment project areas, mutual benefit
resolutions may be necessary to enable the spending of tax
allocation bond proceeds outside the boundaries of the existing
project areas.
Mr. Henderson answered questions regarding implementation
and financing of the program. He explained the HUD income
criteria, and stated that the Mayor and Council would be asked to
consider granting subsidies to senior citizens on fixed incomes.
Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council
Member Estrada, and unanimously carried, that the Mayor and
Common Council and Community Development Commission direct the
Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services to prepare a
Landscape Development and Maintenance Program; further, that the
City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary authorizing
resolution and mutual benefit resolutions in connection with said
landscaping program.
22, 1991
Land Use District Specific Standards
A. Adult Businesses
It was pointed out that most of the adult businesses are
centralized in the downtown area, and it was strongly suggested
that this type of business be decentralized and spread throughout
other Commercial Regional (CR) areas.
A discussion ensued regarding possible land use zones in
which the adult businesses could be located.
John Montgomery, Principal Planner, explained that there is
very little Commercial Heavy (CH) zoning in the City in which
these businesses could be authorized, but suggested some CH could
be added. Another possibility would be Industrial Light (IL).
There are distance limitations relative to residential areas and
parks, so some areas are automatically eliminated.
Constitutionally, adult businesses cannot be zoned out.
because of
Barlow, Sr. Assistant City
the distance requirements
a large area is needed for
Attorney, stated that
of 1,000 feet from
the location of adult
A discussion ensued regarding locating adult businesses next
to the auto plaza and screening them.
Mr. Montgomery answered questions regarding screening and
development of adult businesses.
John Montgomery responded to questions, stating that a
General Plan amendment is not needed, as there is no policy in
the General Plan that refers to adult businesses and where they
should or should not be allowed. He felt that the Council would
have to consider it a commercial type use. He suggested that CH
would be appropriate.
Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by Council
Member Flores, and unanimously carried, that the adult business
use be removed from the Commercial Regional-Downtown (CR-2) Zone
and placed in the Commercial Heavy (CH) Zone.
Council Member Estrada left the Council
quorum was no longer present. The meeting
committee workshop. It was agreed that any
approved by consensus.
meeting, and a
continued as a
action would be
Commercial Districts - Paoe 11-114
"M. Senior Citizen/Congregate Housing Standards (Refer to
Section 19. xx. xxx." was added.
Service Station (Gasoline) Standards
2. was changed to read as follows: "The minimum parcel size
shall be 15,000 square feet, with a minimum street footage of 100
feet on each street".
Commercial Districts - Paoe 11-115
5. was changed to read: "The maximum number of points of
ingress/egress to anyone street shall be 2."
Larry Reed, Director of Planning/Building Services, and John
Montgomery, Principal Planner, answered questions regarding
outside storage of motor vehicles. (Page 11-115, No. 10)
Commercial Districts - Page 11-117
Dan Dickerson, Fire Marshal, Fire Department, stated that
the Fire Department would like to amend Item 24. He explained
that Fire Code, Article 79, indicates that if there is no
qualified attendant, there should not be hold open devices, as
there is a potential danger the device could break and cause a
fire hazard. If there is a qualified attendant, then they could
be allowed.
24. was changed to read: "No pump nozzles on self service
islands shall be equipped with hold open devices."
Commercial Districts - Paoe 11-117
O. Service Station Conversions.
City Administrator Edwins suggested that if service station
conversions were allowed, they should be required to meet the
minimum standards for conversions. She explained that if
convenience stores are required to have restrooms and other
amenities, the conversions should provide similar amenities.
John Montgomery answered questions, stating that the Service
Station Conversion Section provides that if there is a conversion
to another use, there would be a requirement that all standards
for that use be met.
Paragraph 0 was amended to read as follows: "A structure
originally constructed as a service station and which is proposed
for conversion to another allowable use shall require upgrading
and remodeling for such items as, but not limited to, removal of
all gasoline appurtenances, removal of canopies, removal of pump
islands, removal of gas tanks, removal of overhead doors,
additional street improvements or modification of existing
improvements to conform to access regulations, and exterior
remodeling and any additional standards as required by this
Development Code.
Commercial Desion Guidelines - Page 11-118
Mr. Montgomery explained that design guidelines will be
adopted by resolution, not by ordinance.
Industrial Districts - Paoe 11-135
The following footnote was added to IL and IH under Table
08.01: " (1) Unless attached buildings are proposed whereby no
side setbacks would be required for the attached side."
Industrial Districts - paoe 11-136
Item 2. b. was amended to read as follows: "Retail sales
occupy no more than 15% of the total building square footage."
Mr. Montgomery explained that this is in accordance with
General Plan policy 1.32.11.
Industrial Desion Guidelines - Paoe 11-145-147
A discussion ensued regarding architectural designs and the
requirement for certain types of roofs.
Mr. Montgomery answered questions, stating that a
designed building having an overall architectural theme
articulated surfaces, would not need a preferred roof.
explained that a plain box type building is not wanted.
articulation, variation or uniqueness is desired.
Mr. Montgomery agreed to add language to "10.
require that equipment be screened.
Roofs" to
Industrial Desion Guidelines - Paoe 11-146
Mr. Montgomery answered questions, stating that metal
buildings are permitted, and should be architecturally designed
to provide variety and visual interest to the streetscape.
At 12:05 p.m., the meeting was recessed until 2:00 p.m., in
the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall,
300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California.
At 2: 15 p.m., the Joint Adjourned Regular Meeting of the
Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission
reconvened as a committee in the absence of a quorum, in the
Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300
North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California.
Roll call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Reese with the
following being present; Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly; Council
Members Reilly, Flores, Minor; Sr. Assistant City Attorney
Barlow, Deputy City Clerk Reese, Assistant to the City
Administrator Wilson. Absent: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members
Estrada, Maudsley, Pope-Ludlam, Miller.
Special Purpose Districts - Page 11-152
Under General Standards, the first sentence was amended to
read "Any structure located in a special purpose district shall
be subject to a development permit and shall be:"
Special Purpose Districts - Paoe 11-153
A discussion ensued regarding the definition and standards
for state-of-the-art water conservation.
John Montgomery explained that one of the General Plan
policies is addressing the future needs of the Airport Overlay
District, and a new ACUZ Study. He explained that when that is
done, the ordinance will have to be reworded to analyze the take-
off patterns, projected noise and other conditions.
Mr. Montgomery stated that the Mayor had indicated
wanted to allow some additional flexibility in all
districts on uses, and that any use could be allowed
C.U.P. in the Airport Overlay District.
that he
of the
with a
It was agreed by consensus to allow a C. U. P for uses not
Establishment of Subdistricts Paoe 11-167
Item 5 was added as follows: .. 5.
service commercial uses are permitted.
at the northeast corner of Mill and "G"
CCS-5 Auto-related and
This district is located
Street. "
B. CCS-2 District - Paoe 11-168
Item 1. was amended
4 stories (52) feet.
approved conditional use
to read: " 1 .
This height
permit. "
Building height - maximum
may be exceeded with an
C. CCS-3 District - Paoe 11-169
The words "Commercial and" were inserted before "Industrial
District" .
E. CCS-5 District - Page 11-169
A new Paragraph E. was added to read as follows: "E. CCS-5
Uses and development in the CCS-5 Subdistrict are subject to
the standards and guidelines contained in Chapters 19.xx and
19.xx (Commercial and Industrial Districts) of this Development
Code. "
Landscape Setback buffer - Page 11-170
A discussion ensued regarding Landscape Setback Buffers
Buildino Facade - Paoe 11-172
Under "Undesirable It I in Paragraphs A. B. c. and D. "will"
was changed to "shall".
Freewav Adiacent Sions - Paoe 11-173
In the seventh paragraph, the word "maximum" was inserted
on the second line between the words "the" and "width".
At 2:40 p.m., City Administrator Edwins returned to the
Council Meeting.
Prohibited Signs - Page 11-174
Item J. at the top of the page
"Animated signs, except time/temperature
message Boards, in CR-4."
was amended to read:
devices and electronic
Prohibited Structures - Paoe 11-174
8. The paragraph under "PROHIBITED STRUCTURES" was amended
by deleting "The following are prohibited: A. Metal structures"
and changing B. to read as follows: "A. structures with open,
exposed craneways are prohibited."
Foothill Fire Zones Overlav District - Page 11-175
John Montgomery explained the background of the Foothill
Fire Zones. The General Plan refers to the Foothill Communities
Greenbelt Plan, and there is also the Verdemont Area Plan
Standards. Those two documents contain standards for basically
three different zones: Fire Zone A, Fire Zone B, and Fire Zone
C. He explained that the Planning staff is trying to take the
provisions out of those two documents and put the standards into
the Development Code. The Overlay Zone was created which
basically incorporates the zones created by the Foothill
Community Greenbelt Plan. Mr. Montgomery explained the slope
percentages for each of the three zones.
Fire Chief Wright recommended the use of sprinklers in
homes in the Fire Zone Overlay District, as not only do they
provide protection for the home, but by saving the home, the
environment is also protected. He questioned determining fire
hazard zones based on percentages of slopes, because that is
merely one factor.
Fire Chief Wright explained the fuel modification program
which provides for a wide strip of land where flammable native
vegetation has been removed or modified or both and partially or
totally replaced with drought tolerant fire resistant plants. It
provides a more acceptable level of risk from wildland fires.
Fuel modification also provides a reduction of radiant and
convective heat, thereby providing fire suppression forces a
safe area in which to take action.
Chief Wright
Modification" .
a document
Chief Wright answered questions regarding building homes up
against the National Forest boundary, and the fuel modification
requirements for a single family home.
Charlyn M. Archuleta, Project
Development, 501 N. Placentia Avenue,
questions regarding overlay maps.
Ca, had
John Montgomery answered questions, stating that all overlay
information will be available to the public.
Fire Chief Wright explained the necessity for flexibility in
fire safety precautions for the foothill areas. He stated that
the Municipal Code requirement of two means of access and other
provisions would prevent builders from building in certain
areas. But by having fuel modification and sprinklers in homes,
he felt there would not be a major fire.
Charlyn Archuleta referred to the provision on Page 11-175
relative to street, and questioned whether or not curbs and
gutters and fully dedicated streets were required.
Mr. Montgomery responded that requirement for a
road is that it be dedicated to the City and is of
paved width.
a minimum
A discussion ensued regarding developments in the foothill
Ms. Archuleta objected to the requirement of sprinklers in
subdivisions, as it would greatly increase the cost, and may make
the development financially unfeasible.
Fire Chief Wright
expense of sprinklers
stated that in his experience, the extra
in subdivision units has not been a
It was pointed out that controls are necessary in the
foothill areas, as safety precautions are essential.
At 3:45 p.m.,
the meeting was recessed
for a ten minute
At 4:08 p.m., the Joint Adjourned Regular Meeting of the
Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission
reconvened as a committee, due to a lack of a quorum.
Roll call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Reese with the
following being present: Mayor Pro Tempore Reilly; Council
Members Reilly, Flores, Minor; Sr. Assistant City Attorney
Barlow, Deputy City Clerk Reese, City Administrator Edwins.
Absent: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Maudsley, Pope-
Ludlam, Miller.
Access and Circulation - Paoe 11-175
Item C. 2. was amended by adding "and
where abuts
Access and Circulation - Paoe 11-176
Item E was amended by adding "No parking shall be allowed
on the bulb of the cul-de-sac."
Roadside veoetation - Page 11-176
The paragraph was amended by adding "+ C".
Water Supply - Paoe 11-176 and 11-177
Paragraphs B. and D. were amended by adding "+ C".
13 1/28/91
Erosion Control - Paoe 11-177 and 11-178
Paragraph B was amended by adding "+ C".
Paragraph E was amended by adding "such
water truck, hydroseeding with temporary
palliative, and/or wind fences" after the
measures" on the second line.
as sprinkling by
irrigation, dust
words "preventive
Paragraph F. was amended by adding "+ C".
Construction and Development Desion - Paoe 11-178 and 179
Paragraph E was amended to read: "Structures
permi tted in narrow canyon mouths or ridge saddles,
approved by the City Engineer and Fire Department."
shall' be
only if
Paragraph G was amended by changing the word "materials" to
"assemblies" and adding "and C where abuts wildlands."
Paragraph H was amended by changing the word "Attic" to
"Soffit" and adding "and C where abuts wildlands".
Paragraphs I, J and K were amended by adding "and C where
abuts wildlands".
Paragraph L was amended to read: "Patio structural members
and roofs shall be encased with Uniform Building Code non-
combustible materials. (A+B) and C where abuts wildlands."
Paragraph M was amended by deleting "extra thickness" and
adding "+ C".
Paragraphs Nand 0 were amended by adding "and C where abuts
Paragraph P was amended to read: "All roof coverings shall
be constructed with non-combustible, non-wood materials, (A+B+C)
Paragraph Q was amended by changing the word "materials" to
materials" to
S was amended by changing "one hour fire resistive
"non-combustible" and adding "and C where abuts
Paragraph W was deleted.
Paragraph X (new paragraph W) was amended by adding "+C".
Construction and Development Desion - Page 11-180
Paragraph Z (new paragraph Y) was amended to read as
follows: "All new swimming pools or other significant water
sources (500 gallons or more) where abutting wildlands, shall be
equipped so as to be used in an emergency by including in its
required equipment a submergible electronics pump and a minimum
of 50 feet of 2 inch diameter hose. (A+B+C)"
The Council agreed by consensus to continue the Development
Code Workshop until 1:00 p.m., Friday, February 1, 1991, in the
Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300
North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California.
The Council agreed by consensus to continue the closed
session items until 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, January 29, 1991, in the
Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300
North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California.
The Adjourned Regular
Tuesday, January 2 9 , 1991,
(MIC), Sixth Floor, City
Bernardino, California.
Meeting was continued to 9:00 a.m.,
in the Management Information Center
Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San
City Clerk
By cI(}&'2caJ ~-<2--L/
Deputy J.ty Clerk
No. of Items: 4
No. of hours: 5.45