HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-22-1991 Minutes City of San Bernardino, California January 22, 1991 This is the time and place set for an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at their Adjourned Regular Meeting held at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, January l7, 1991 in the Development Department Board Room, Fourth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. The City Clerk has caused to be posted the order of adjournment of said meeting held on January l7, 1991, and has on file in the office of the City Clerk an affidavit of said posting together with a copy of said order which was posted at 2:30 p.m., Friday, January la, 1991, on the door of the place at which said meeting was held. The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor Holcomb at lO:46 a.m., in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by City Clerk Krasney with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Reilly, Minor; City Clerk Krasney, City Administrator Edwins. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Flores, Maudsley, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; City Attorney Penman. ANNOUNCEMENT BY MAYOR - LACK OF A QUORUM Mayor Holcomb stated that he was establishing the Development Code Task Force Committee. He stated that Council Member Reilly was designated as Chairman, and members would include Council Members Minor, Flores and Maudsley. Mayor Holcomb announced that as all members of the Council were not present, and that due to the lack of a quorum, the meeting would proceed as a Committee. WORKSHOP DRAFT DEVELOPMENT CODE CONTINUED FROM JANUARY l7, 1991 (l) Discussion ensued regarding the Development Code public hearing. The public hearing was tentatively scheduled for Thursday, March 2l, 1991, at 9:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER ARRIVED At lO:55 a.m., Council Member Miller arrived at the Council meeting. 1 l/22/9l MAYOR HOLCOMB EXCUSED At lO:59 a.m., Mayor Holcomb left the Council meeting and Council Member Reilly assumed the duties of Mayor Pro Tem. John Montgomery, principal Planner, Planning and Building Services Department, distributed a memorandum dated January 22, 1991, which outlined the deferred Development Code language items from the meeting of January l7, 1991, which are outlined as follows: CITY CLERK KRASNEY EXCUSED At ll:OO a.m., City Clerk Krasney left the Council meeting and the City Clerk's duties were assumed by Deputy City Clerk Vale. DEFINITION CHAPTER Infill Development. paae I-l4 The definition was added to read as follows: "Infill Development. Development that occurs on up to 4 contiguous vacant lots scattered within areas that are already largely developed or urbanized. Generally, these sites are vacant because they were once considered of insufficient size for development, because an existing building located on the site was demolished or because there were other, more desirable sites for development." RESIDENTIAL CHAPTER Minimum Room Size Standards. paae II-l9 Mr. Montgomery stated that the proposed language incorporated into the standards the following issues: the averaging concept; and standards for infill development. COUNCIL MEMBER MAUDSLEY AND POPE-LUDLAM ARRIVED At ll:05 a.m., Council Members Maudsley and Pope-Ludlam arrived at the Council meeting, and a quorum was present. CALL TO ORDER The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Reilly at ll:06 a.m., Tuesday, January 22, 1991, in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. 2 1/22/9l ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Vale with the following being present: Mayor Pro Tem Reilly, Council Members Reilly, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; Deputy City Clerk Vale, City Administrator Edwins. Absent: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Flores; City Attorney Penman. WORKSHOP DRAFT DEVELOPMENT CODE JANUARY l7, 1991 RESIDENTIAL CHAPTER CONTINUED FROM ( l) Minimum Room Size Standards. page II-l9 John Montgomery explained the difference in minimum livable area in square feet, and minimum average livable area in square feet. He stated that the minimum livable area applies to one residential structure, and that minimum average livable area applies to residential structures being builtin groups, which allows a developer to average the total square feet of the project for flexibility in design, composition and content. This averaging concept would allow developers to build projects with a broader appeal to buyers at different economic levels within the same project. A discussion was held regarding the affordability of homes being built under the proposed standards. RESIDENTIAL CHAPTER Minimum Room Size Standards. paae II-l9 The section was amended to read as follows: "Minimum room size standards are as follows: Room Minimum Area in Sauare Feet Garage 400 Bedroom llO (l40 sq. ft. average) (not including closets) Full Bathroom (Tub or Shower, Toilet and Lavatory) 35 (50 sq. ft. average) Half Bathroom 25 (30 sq. ft. average)" 3 l/22/9l Minimum Dwellina Size Standards. pages II-l9 and II-20 The section was amended to read as follows: "The following minimum dwelling areas are computed by calculating the living area as measured from the outside of walls and excludes garages, carports, exterior courtyards, patios or balconies. 1. The minimum area requirements residential units are as follows: for single-family a. Single-Family Dwellings Minimum Livable Area in Sauare Feet Minimum Averaae Livable Area in Sauare Feet l,200 sq. ft. l,700 sq. ft. b. Infill Single-Family Dwellings Minimum Livable Area in Sauare Feet l,OOO sq. ft.* *Note: The minimum setbacks of the applicable land use district shall be applied. 2. The minimum area requirements for apartments are as follows: Livable Area Bedrooms Baths in Sauare Feet Maximum Number Minimum Number 500 Bachelor 1 600 1 1 800 2 1 1/2 l,OOO 3 2 l,200 3 + 2" Multi-Familv Housina Standards. paaes 1I-22 and II-23 Items ten and eleven were added to the end of the section, on page II-23, to read as follows: "lO. A Management Plan shall be submitted for review and approval for multi-family developments with lO or more dwelling units. This Plan shall be comprehensive, and shall include the following components: 4 l/22/9l a. A staffing/personnel section with job descriptions for each position. A 24 hours, live-in manager is required. The number of cleaning, desk clerk, security and maintenance personnel shall be delineated. Adequate numbers of personnel shall be provided based on the number of units, amenities, services provided and project size. Staffing levels shall be provided in consideration of the number of hours per day needed for service. Consideration should be given to providing sufficient staff to handle emergencies. b. An emergency response section shall be prepared which outlines the roles of each staff member in emergency situations involving fire, police, medical and disasters. A system for training staff in proper emergency procedures shall be included. Emergency response hardware (i.e. shut- off valves) shall be adequately labeled and located for staff members in their training. c. policies regarding compliance with state and federal fair housing laws shall be delineated, as well as a tenant selection/screening method. Residents referred by government or nonprofit agencies shall be accepted for screening without bias. Fair and legal eviction procedures, including an appeal process, shall be delineated. A tenant committee shall be established to handle grievances and operational complaints by tenants. This committee's procedures/bylaws shall be delineated. d. Residency rules shall be delineated and provided and explained to each resident prior to rental of a unit. e. Rental rate policies shall be delineated. These shall include the initial rent levels, policies on the collection of rent, how increases in rent will be made and implemented in a fair manner. These policies shall also establish how security deposits will be set, received and returned. f. Guest policies shall be delineated and shall include rules regarding the allowed number of guests per resident, the time that guests may arrive and must depart. Failure by a resident to conform to the guest policies shall subject the occupant to termination of tenancy by the manager. 5 l/22/91 g. If a resident is arrested on the premises (including the parking area) for drug or prostitution violations, the resident shall be evicted and prohibited from tenancy for a minimum of six months. The management shall not rent rooms to known prostitutes or Penal Code 290 or Health and Safety Code 11590 registrants, as identified by the Police Department. h. A minimum of monthly tenancy shall be required. ll. Security provisions shall be provided in the following manner: a. Video cameras equipped with infrared detectors must be strategically placed in all public areas including hallways, elevator entrances, lobby areas, garage areas, laundry areas, profit centers and other common areas, and monitored for internal security. The monitoring staff shall be separate from other staff in order to provide for adequate monitoring. b. Unit doors shall be equipped with interior locks and key card entrance systems which shall be reprogrammable. c. Adequate measures shall be taken to provide for vehicle parking security including limited secured access by electronic wrought iron security gates and fencing, night lighting and video camera monitoring. Override devices for gates shall be provided for the Police and Fire Department. d. Private security guard(s) shall be provided between the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. for facilities under 75 units in size, and on a full time, 24 hours a day basis, for facilities 75 uni ts or more in size. The number of required guards shall be stipulated by the Police Department. The security guard(s) shall be fully uniformed, bonded, P.O.S.T. certified, licensed by the State to bear firearms and bearing firearms while on duty. e. Valid photo identification shall be required as a condi tion of tenancy. A valid photo identification is a state or official driver' s license, a military identification card, an official state identification card or a San Bernardino Police Department registration card. Management shall post in the registration area 6 1/22/9l signs declaring that photo identification is required by tenants, and that the registration information will be presented to the Police Department upon demand. f. Management is to keep and maintain complete and accurate tenant registration cards in duplicate, including photocopies of required photo identification. Registration information shall include the name of the occupant, unit number, vehicle type and vehicle license number. The duplicate copies of the registration cards shall be taken to the San Bernardino Police Department monthly. Registration information shall be provided to the Police Department upon demand. Discussion ensued regarding the proposed management and security plans language as submitted. The section was amended to read as follows: "lO. A Management and Security Plan shall be submitted for review and approval for multi-family developments with l2 or more dwelling units. These Plans shall be comprehensive." The remainder of item lO, and all of item II were deleted. CITY ADMINISTRATOR EDWINS EXCUSED At ll:lO a.m., City Administrator Edwins left the Council meeting. DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY SKROPOS ARRIVED At ll:lS a.m., Deputy City Attorney Skropos arrived at the Council meeting. Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, explained that when projects corne before the Planning Commission, the Conditional Use Permit may stipulate conditions of approval. At that time, the Planning Commission can make a review of the project, its size, location, and price range to determine how extensive the management plan should be. Mr. Montgomery explained that the General Plan allows multi-family residential structures in certain land use districts which do not require a Conditional Use Permit because it is an allowed use in that district. However, conditions of approval can be added to the Development Permit for multi-family residential structures with l2 or more units. These go to the Planning Commission for review and approval. O. Senior Citizen/Congregate Care Housina Desian Standards. paaes II-30 throuah II-32 7 l/22/9l Item 18, page 11-32, was amended to read as follows: "18. Developers of Senior Citizen/Congregate Care housing shall provide a marketing analysis which analyzes long term feasibility and a conversion plan of Senior residential units to standard units, with a corresponding reduction in the number of units to equal the density allowed in the underlying land use district if the project is not occupied by Seniors 60 years of age or older. The feasibility study and conversion plan shall not be required if the project is sponsored by any government housing agency, the City's Community Development Department or a non-profit housing development corporation. If the proposed project is to be located in the CO-I, CO-2 land use district the conversion plan shall address the transformation of residential units into the uses allowed in the Commercial Office land use districts." COMMERCIAL CHAPTER O. CCS-4 (Central Citv South District. paoe 11-62 Flood Control Channel) John amendment additional Montgomery explained that depending to the Central City South plan is district, CCS-5, may be added. on how finalized, the an Table 06.01. Commercial and Industrial Districts List of Permitted Uses. paoes 11-64 throuoh 11-79 Mr. Montgomery stated that in addition to CCS-1, CCS-2 and CCS-3 an additional column, CCS-5, was added. Central City South districts initially required a conditional use permit approved by the Council. This is an onerous condition to place on development in the area, and is time consuming for both staff and the developer. Discussion ensued regarding Table 06.01, Commercial and Industrial Districts List of Permitted Uses, pages 11-64 through 11-79. This table represents those uses in the commercial/industrial land use districts which are subject to a development permit or a conditional use permit. John Montgomery stated that an amended table would be proposed at a later workshop. Item follows: (E) or as 46. Pipelines, page 11-69, was amended to read as "46. Pipelines, (as defined in Section 19.20.030 (12) superceded by State or Federal law)." Discussion ensued regarding pipelines regulated by the 8 1/22/91 State of California, Public Utilities Commission. Item 49. Electric, gas and sanitary services, was amended by placing a D under land use district CR-4. Discussion ensued regarding private sanitary services such as septic tanks. A discussion was held regarding the Threshold of Review, Table 31.01, page IV-2, and how it relates to Table 06.01, Commercial and Industrial Districts List of Permitted Uses. John Montgomery explained that if Single Room Occupancy (SRO) standards were adopted by the Council, item "70. Hotels, rooming houses, camps, and other lodging places", page 11-73, 7011 Hotel/motels would be amended. Item 100 D. "Equestrian Trails", page 11-78, was added to the table, and designated P in all land use districts. Item 100 1. "Temporary Uses (Subject to a (T) Temporary Use Permit)", page 11-79, was added to the table, and designated T in all land use districts. B. Commercial Land Use District Standards. paoe 11-80 Item 1. was amended to read as follows: "All indoor uses shall be conducted within a completely enclosed structure. Limited outside uses (e.g. patio dining areas and nursery sales limited to plants and trees) shall be approved with a Development Permit" . Item 2. was amended to read as follows: "There shall be no visible storage of motor vehicles (except display areas for sale or rent of motor vehicles) , trailers, airplanes, boats, recreational vehicles, or their composite parts;. . ." Item 5. was amended to read as follows: "Elevations structures shall be architecturally treated to compatibility with high quality neighboring structures." of all ensure RECESS MEETING At 12:00 p.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council recessed to 1:00 p.m., in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. 9 1/22/91 RECONVENE MEETING At 1:15 p.m., Mayor Pro Tem Reilly reconvened the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Vale with the following being present: Mayor Pro Tem Reilly; Council Members Reilly, Maudsley, Minor, Miller; Deputy City Attorney Skropos, Deputy City Clerk Vale. Absent: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Flores, Pope-Ludlam; City Administrator Edwins. Table 06.02. Commercial Zones Development Standards. paoe II-81 Discussion was held regarding the front, rear and side setbacks required in commercial developments. The rear setback and side setback (each) were changed in land use districts CG-1, CG-2, CG-3 and CG-4 only, to zero with a footnote (3). The following three footnotes were added: "(1) This standard is only required for new commercial or industrial developments. (2) The minimum setback of 20 feet is required only on major or secondary arterials. Ten (10) feet is the minimum front setback on all other streets. ( 3) Except if adj acent to any Residential Land Use District, the minimum side or rear setback shall be 10 feet." The designations on footnotes 1, 2 and 3 were changed to 4, 5 and 6 accordingly, due to the above listed addition. Table 06.03. Commercial and Industrial Districts Specific Standards. paoe 11-90 M. Senior Housing, was amended by moving the + under land use district CG-1 to CO-I. 2. Land Use District Specific Standards. paoe 11-91 The section was amended to read as follows:" . , the following standards shall apply to specific commercial land use districts. (See Table 06.03 on previous page.) For residential uses in commercial land use districts, see Table 4.03, and the 10 1/22/91 standards contained in Chapter 19.04.030 (2)." A. Adult Businesses. pages 11-91 throuoh 11-94 The first paragraph was amended to read as follows: "Adult businesses are permitted, subject to a Conditional Use Permit, only in the CH land use district. For the purpose of this Section, the following definitions shall apply:" (CH, Commercial Heavy) Items 9. Public Park, 10. Relioious Institution and 11. School were deleted. The designations of items 12 through 15 were changed to 9 through 12 accordingly. B. Alcohol Beveraoe Control "ABC" License. paoe 11-95 Discussion ensued regarding the Alcoholic Beverage Control off-site licensing procedures. The first paragraph was amended to read as follows: "A business or establishment requiring an issuance of an "ABC" license is subject to a Conditional Use Permit, excepting an establishment containing 25,000 square feet or more which does not sell alcoholic beverages as its principal business,. " COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER EXCUSED At 1:45 p.m., Council Member Miller left the Council meeting. ANNOUNCEMENT BY MAYOR PRO TEM REILLY - LACK OF QUORUM Mayor Pro Tem Reilly announced that due to the lack of a quorum, the Council meeting would proceed as the Development Code Task Force Committee. The second paragraph was amended to read as follows: "The above structure subject to an off-site 'ABC' license shall not be located within 500 feet of any religious institution, school, or public park within the City;. . ." CITY ADMINISTRATOR EDWINS ARRIVED At 1:51 p.m., City Administrator Edwins arrived at the Council meeting. C. Automobile Sales. paoes 11-95 and 11-96 The first paragraph was amended to read as follows: .Development Code and shall enhance and promote the image of City. A Conditional Use Permit shall be required, and dealerships must be constructed in the following manner:" Item 2 was deleted, and the designation of items 3 through 13 were changed to 2 through 12 accordingly. " the all 11 1/22/91 _~_'_'_.m'__'_'______" _..__.__.'__. ________________ D. Automobile Dismantling. paoes 11-96 throuoh 11-98 The first paragraph was amended to read as follows: "Automobile dismantling establishments are subject to Conditional Use Permit review and shall be constructed in the following manner: II COUNCIL MEMBER MAUDSLEY EXCUSED At 2:11 p.m., Council Member Maudsley left the Council meeting. Item 14 was deleted, and the designation of items 15 through 17 were changed to 14 through 16 accordingly. F. Convenience Stores. paoes 11-98 throuoh 11-100 The first paragraph was amended .less than 5000 square feet of gross Conditional Use Permit review; and operated in the following manner:" to read as follows: " floor area are subject to shall be constructed and Item 12 was amended to read as shall be installed in a convenient inside of the store." follows: location "A bicycle rack visible from the Item 13 was amended to read as follows: "Each convenience store shall provide a public restroom located within the store." H. Drive-Thru Restaurants. pages 11-100 through 11-102 The first paragraph was amended to read as follows: "This Section contains standards for drive-thru restaurants as well as prohibition of same in specified land use districts. Drive-thru restaurants are subject to Conditional Use Permit review." Discussion ensued relative to the restrictions these standards would place on drive-thru restaurants. John Montgomery stated that these standards are from the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Items 8, 9 and 10 were deleted, and the designation of items 11 through 14 were changed to 8 through 11 accordingly. DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY SKROPOS EXCUSED At 2:45 p.m., Deputy City Attorney Skropos left the Council meeting. I. Mini-Malls. paoes 11-102 and 11-103 The first paragraph was amended to read as follows: "Mini- malls (small scale up to 30,000 square feet, multi-tenant 12 1/22/91 shopping centers) are subject to a Conditional Use Permit and shall comply with the following standards." Discussion ensued regarding the difference in the definition of mini-mall and a shopping center; however, no changes were made to the definitions. Item 1 was amended to read as follows: "All development and operational standards outlined in Section 19.xx.xxx (x) (Convenience Stores), except for items Nos. 4 and 17 shall apply. " J. Mini-Storaoe. paoes 11-103 and 11-104 The first paragraph was amended to read as follows: "Mini- storage facilities are subject to a Conditional Use Permit and shall be constructed in the following manner:" ADJOURNMENT (3) At 3:00 p.m., Mayor Pro Tem Reilly adjourned the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Counc il, acting as the Development Code Task Force Committee, to Wednesday, January 23, 1991, at 8:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RACHEL KRASNEY City Clerk / By >2:./ ~ z%{..e~ Melanie Vale Deputy City Clerk No. of Items: 3 No. of Hours: 3 13 1/22/91