HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-17-1991 Minutes City of San Bernardino, California January l7, 1991 This is the time and place set for an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at their Adjourned Regular Meeting held at lO:OO a.m., on Monday, January l4, 1991, in the Development Department Board Room, Fourth Floor, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. The City Clerk has caused to be posted the order of adjournment of said meeting held on January l4, 1991, and has on file in the office of the City Clerk an affidavit of said posting together with a copy of said order which was posted at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, January l5, 1991, on the door of the place at which said meeting was held. The Adjourned Regular Council of the City of San Mayor Holcomb at 9: 18 a. m. , Room, Fourth Floor, City Bernardino, California. Meeting of the Mayor and Common Bernardino was called to order by in the Development Department Board Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by City Clerk Krasney with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Minor; Senior Assistant City Attorney Barlow, City Clerk Krasney, City Administrator Edwins. Absent: Council Members Maudsley, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. WORKSHOP DRAFT DEVELOPMENT CODE CONTINUED FROM JANUARY 14, 1991 (l) Larry Reed, Director of Planning and Building Services, introduced a fifteen minute video prepared by staff, the firm of Jacobson & Wack, and CATV Channel 3. The video explained details of the proposed Development Code. The Council recommended that the video be shown on Channel 3, and be made available to the Board of Real tors, community organizations and service clubs. John Montgomery, Principal Planner, Planning and Building Services Department, distributed a memorandum dated January l6, 1991 which outlined the deferred Development Code language items from the meeting of January l4, 1991, which are outlined below: 1 l/l7/9l ARTICLE I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Director of Planning and BuildinG Services. pages I-3 and I- ! C. Powers The section was revised to read as follows: "Final approval authority for and enforcement of Building Permits, Certificate of Occupancy, specified Development Permits, Home Occupation Permits, Minor Exceptions, Minor Modifications, Sign permi ts, Similar Use Determinations and Temporary Use Permits. All of the above, except Building Permits and Certificates of Occupancy, are subject to appeal to the Planning Commission. The Director may impose conditions of approval or make interpretations of this Development Code, which may be appealed to the Planning Commission." DEFINITION CHAPTER Antenna. paGe I-7 The definition was left unchanged under this heading. However, the definition was changed on page III-2, Section 3 "Antenna" to read as follows: "All antennae, including portable units, but exempting residential satellite dish installations which are lO. 5 feet or less in diameter, l2 feet or less in height, located in the rear yard and are ground mounted, and exempting residential single-pole roof mounted television antennae where the boom or any active element of the antennae array is lO feet or less and the height does not exceed the maximum allowed in the land use district, shall be installed in the following manner:" Club. paGe I-9 The words "non-profit" were deleted from the definition. "Grannv" Flat. paGe I-l2 The definition was changed to read as follows: "An additional dwelling unit intended for the sole occupancy of one adult or two adult persons who are 62 years of age or over, and the floor area of the attached 'granny' flat dwelling unit does not exceed 30 percent of the existing living area of the primary residence or the floor area of the detached 'granny' flat dwelling unit does not exceed l,200 square feet on a lot designated as residential, as defined in Government Code Section 65852 .l. " 2 1/l7/91 Second Dwellina Unit. Dacre I-20 The definition was changed to read as follows: "An additional dwelling unit which may be rented, and the floor area of the attached second dwelling unit does not exceed 30 percent of the existing living area of the primary residence or the floor area of the detached second dwelling unit does not exceed l,200 square feet on a lot designated as residential, as defined in Government Code Section 65852.2." Hotel. page I-l4 The words "for compensation" were deleted from the definition. Motel. paae I-l8 The words lifer compensation" were deleted from the definition. RESIDENTIAL CHAPTER A. Accessorv Structures. pacre II-l3 The following sentence was added to the end of the section: "Building Code requirements may further restrict the distance required to be maintained from property lines or other structures." The "Accessory Structure" section requires a Development Permit for accessory uses, and Table 4.0l on pages II-4 and II-5 would be amended to reflect that requirement for swimming pools/spas, garages and patios/gazebos. C. Densitv Bonus. pacres II-l4 throuah II-l7 l. Affordable Housing (el. paae II-16 Discussion ensued regarding creating language which would outline "standards of maintenance", similar to the "covenants of affordability", which would outline the responsibility of the owner for maintenance of the building structure and landscaping in accordance with City code. John Montgomery explained that the California Building Code states that subsequent owners are required to maintain structures to the standards under which the structure was originally built. Also, discussion ensued regarding creating language which would outline the right of the City to enter the property of a single family residence to abate public nuisances and blight on the exterior of the structure. The Council agreed that amended 3 l/l7/9l language would be presented at a later workshop. 2. Amenities Bonus Provision. paae II-l7 The land use district "COl/2" was added, between "CG-2, and CR-2", in the first sentence. l8 E. Golf Courses and Related Facilities Standards. paae II- l. Item number three was deleted, thereby renumbering items four and five accordingly. 2. The word "club" was added to item number four (formerly number five) on the second line. The revised definition read as follows:" .maintenance buildings, and half-way club houses shall be designed and. . .". G. Minimum Room Size Standards and H. Size Standards. pages II-l9 and II-20 Minimum Dwellino A discussion was held regarding minimum room size standards, minimum dwelling size standards, the averaging method to calculate square footage, and the impact these standards have on infill housing. Mr. Montgomery explained that the utilized to allow the architect more content and composition of construction. averaging flexibility method was in style, Discussion ensued regarding the minimum room size standards and minimum dwelling size standards (items G and H), pages II-l9 and II-20. John Montgomery stated that amended language would be proposed at a later workshop. Sandra Paulsen, Senior Planner, Planning and Building Services Department, distributed a memorandum dated January 16, 1991, which outlined the concerns of the San Bernardino Valley Association of Realtors. In a letter to Council Member Norine Miller, dated January l4, 1991, Mr. Jim Trammel, President, San Bernardino Valley Association of Realtors, l798 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California, requested that the minimum room size and minimum dwelling size, (items G and H), pages II-l9 and II-20, standards be deleted. Mayor Holcomb instructed Larry Reed, Director of Planning and Building Services, to respond to the letter from Mr. Trammell and make the Development Code video available for his viewing. B. Condominiums and Multi-Familv Developments. II-20 The words "Multi-Family Developments" were changed to 4 l/17/9l "Attached Single Family Developments". John Montgomery stated that amended language would be proposed at a later workshop. CITY CLERK KRASNEY EXCUSED At lO:30 a.m., City Clerk Krasney left the Council meeting and the City Clerk's duties were assumed by Deputy City Clerk Vale. K. Multi-Familv Housina Standards. pages II-22 and II-23 John Montgomery stated that the following statement under items number one and number six, "multi-family developments with .lQ or more dwelling units" was changed to read "multi-family developments with 12. or more dwelling units". Discussion ensued relative and security system requirement video monitors) on multi-family approval. to imposing a management plan (securi ty personnel, lighting, developments as a condition of Discussion ensued regarding items ten, eleven and twelve, page II-23, relating to fire hydrants, fire flow, Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Fire Code. William Wright, Fire Chief, Fire Department answered questions regarding hydrant and sprinkler requirements in residential, industrial and commercial structures. COUNCIL MEMBER MAUDSLEY ARRIVED At lO:39 a.m., Council Member Maudsley arrived at the Council meeting. COUNCIL MEMBER ESTRADA EXCUSED At lO:40 a.m., Council Member Estrada left the Council meeting. Discussion ensued regarding systems in both single family structures. the and requirement multi-family of sprinkler residential Larry Reed, Director of Planning and Building Services, stated that when a single structure has l5 or more units, or more than two stories, it is required to have sprinklers. Detached single structures with less than l5 units are not required to have sprinklers. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores, and unanimously carried, to delete items ten, eleven and twelve, page 11-23. This change establishes the policy that the City will utilize standards established in the Uniform Building Code. 5 l/l7/9l Larry Reed stated that the Building Code establishes the location where sprinklers are required, and the Fire Code establishes how they must be installed and maintained. 8. Private Streets. page II-25 Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public works/City Engineer, stated that City street standards require a standard eight inch high curb and gutter, and recommended controls be established for the design and quality of construction. The second sentence was revised to read as follows: "The streets shall be built to standards and specifications for Public Works construction." lO. Fire Department Standard. pacre II-26 The sentence was revised to read all structures shall be within l50 single story and 50 feet multi-story." as follows: "All parts of feet of paved access for ll. Residential Specific Standards. paae II-26 A new item "d. Lighting" was added, thereby renaming items E through J (old item D through I). RECESS MEETING At ll:05 a.m., Mayor Holcomb declared a ten minute recess. RECONVENE MEETING At 1l:2l a.m., the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council reconvened in the Development Department of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by Deputy City Clerk Vale with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor; Senior Assistant City Attorney Barlow, Ci ty Administrator Edwins. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. M. Private Tennis Court Desicrn Standards. page II-27 Mr. Montgomery explained that these standards combination of standards from the City of Santa Barbara City of Newport Beach where there have been problems with tennis courts. are a and the private Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney, explained that these standards would apply to tennis courts located at both single family residences and multi-family developments. 6 l/l7/91 CITY ADMINISTRATOR EDWINS EXCUSED At ll:30 a.m., City Administrator Shauna Edwins left the Council meeting. Sandra Paulsen explained that if the Council did not want these standards to be mandatory, they should be moved to the Design Guidelines section, and deleted from the Standards section. The following sections were renamed accordingly because item M was deleted. M. Recreational Vehicle Storaae Facilities. paaes II-27 and II-28 Discussion ensued regarding the recreational vehicle storage facilities construction standards; however, no changes were made. N. Second Dwellina Unit/"Grannv" Housina Desian Standards. paae II-28 l. The designation of this section was changed from 0 to N, due to the deletion of the previous item, M. Private Tennis Court Design Standards. 2. On item two the following portion of the sentence was deleted "such second unit shall be constructed or attached to the existing main dwelling unit living area." 3. On item five, "l5%" was changed to "30%". 4. On item six, square feet". "640 square feet" was changed to "l200 5. On item eight, the first sentence, second line, was revised to read as follows:" . addi tion to and the same as that required for the main dwelling, pursuant to. . .". 6 . On item nine, the words "shall not" were changed to "mayll. 7. On follows: " the property item ten, the last line was revised to read as . .dwelling may continue only as long as one unit on is owner-occupied. . .". COUNCIL MEMBER MILLER ARRIVED At ll:45 a.m., Council Member Miller arrived at the Council meeting. o. Senior Citizen/Congreaate Care Housina Design Standard. ~aaes II-30 throuah II-32 1. On item two, the word "private" was deleted. 7 l/17/9l 2. On district" were standards)". item five, changed to the words "Table 4.02 "the underlying land use (residential development 3. On item fourteen, the following item was added: "f. Senior citizen/congregate care parking requirements may be adjusted on an individual project basis, subject to a parking study based on project location and proximity to services for senior citizens including, but not limited to, medical offices, shopping areas, mass transit, etc.". RECESS MEETING At 12:05 p.m., Mayor Holcomb recessed the meeting until 2:00 p.m. RECONVENE MEETING At 2:55 p.m., Mayor Regular Meeting to order Room, Fourth Floor, 300 California. Pro Tern Reilly called the Adjourned in the Development Department Board North "D" Street, San Bernardino, ROLL CALL Roll call following being Reilly, Flores, Barlow, Deputy Absent: Mayor Miller. was taken by Deputy City Clerk Vale with the present: Mayor Pro Tem Reilly; Council Members Maudsley, Minor; Senior Assistant City Attorney City Clerk Vale, City Administrator Edwins. Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Pope-Ludlam, O. Senior Citizen/Conareaate Care Housing Desian Standard. paaes II-30 throuah II-32. continued. MAYOR HOLCOMB RETURNED At 3:00 p.m., Mayor Holcomb returned to the Council meeting. Discussion continued relative to the Senior Citizen/Congregate Care Housing Design Standards. John Montgomery stated that amended language would be proposed at a later workshop. Mr. follows: of paved Montgomery stated that item 19 was added to read as "All parts of all structures shall be within l50 feet access for single story and 50 feet for multi-story." John Montgomery, Principal Planner, Design Guidelines would be adopted by ordinance. explained that resolution, not the by Discussion ensued regarding the Threshold of Review, Table 31. Ol, page IV-2, the review process and the level at which approval would be granted. 8 l/17/9l Larry Reed explained responsibilities: to expedite being of the community, and to will last. that planners have two development for the economic look for quality development main well that MAYOR HOLCOMB EXCUSED At 3:55 p.m., Mayor Holcomb left the Council meeting, and Council Member Reilly assumed the duties of Mayor Pro Tern. Residential Development Desian Guidelines. paaes II-33 through II-58 Discussion ensued regarding this section; however, no changes were made. ADJOURNMENT (3) At 4:00 p.m., Mayor Pro Tem Reilly adjourned the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council to Tuesday, January 22, 1991, at 10:30 a.m., in the Management Information Center (MIC), Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RACHEL KRASNEY City Clerk By '-/4L/a",<.<-~ ~ Melanie Vale Deputy City Clerk No. of Items: 3 No. of Hours: 4 9 l/l7/9l