HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15-1994 Minutes
JUNE 15, 1994
This is the time and place set for an adj ourned regular
meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino from the adjourned regular meeting held at 9:00 a.m.,
Monday, June 13, 1994, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300
North "D" street, San Bernardino, California.
The City Clerk has caused to be posted the order of the
adjournment of said meeting held on Monday, June 13, 1994, and has
on file in the Office of the City Clerk an affidavit of said
posting together with a copy of said order which was posted at 8:45
a.m., Tuesday, June 14, 1994, on the door of the place at which
said meeting was held.
The adjourned regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Council
of the city of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor Minor at
8:05 a.m., Wednesday, June 15, 1994, in the Council Chambers of
city Hall, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California.
Roll call was taken by city Clerk Rachel Clark with the
following being present: Mayor Minor; Council Members Negrete,
Curlin, Hernandez, Oberhelman, Devlin; Deputy City Attorney Roth;
City Clerk Rachel Clark; City Administrator Shauna Clark. Absent:
Council Members Pope-Ludlam, Miller.
At 8:05 a.m., the Mayor and Common
session for the following:
Council recessed to closed
1. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6:
Conference with Labor Negotiator:
Agency Negotiator: Shauna Clark, City Administrator
Emolovee Oraanizations:
San Bernardino Public Employees'
representing General Employees;
San Bernardino Public Employees'
representing Mid-Management Employees;
International Association of Firefighters, Local 891,
representing Fire Safety Employees;
San Bernardino Police Officers' Association, representing
Police Safety Employees.
At 8:05 a.m., Mayor Minor called the closed session to order
in the conference room of the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300
North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California.
Roll call was taken by City Clerk Rachel Clark with the
following being present: Mayor Minor; Council Members Negrete,
Curlin, Hernandez, Oberhelman, Devlin; Deputy City Attorney Roth;
City Clerk Rachel Clark; City Administrator Shauna Clark. Absent:
Council Members Pope-Ludlam, Miller.
At 8:13 a.m., Council Member Pope-Ludlam arrived at the closed
At 8:15 a.m., Council Member Miller arrived at the closed
At 8:33 a.m., the closed session adjourned to the adjourned
regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
At 8:36 a.m., Mayor Minor reconvened the adjourned regular
meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino in the Council Chambers of city Hall, 300 North "0"
Street, San Bernardino, California.
Roll call was taken by City Clerk Rachel Clark with the
following being present: Mayor Minor; Council Members Negrete,
Curlin, Hernandez, Oberhelman, Devlin, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; Senior
Assistant City Attorney Barlow; City Clerk Rachel Clark; City
Administrator Shauna Clark. Absent: None.
In a memorandum dated June 13, 1994, Shauna Clark, City
Administrator, presented the fiscal year 1994/95 budget, and stated
that the City is facing many challenges in financing the City's
current level of services. The impact of the recession, rising
number of legislative mandates and stagnant development over the
past three years have strained the City's fiscal condition. During
the past three years, the City has eliminated 84 positions, and
through a combination of budgets cuts and revenue enhancements,
significant budget deficits have been eliminated.
The proposed general fund expenditure budget for fiscal year
(FY) 1994/95 is $75,271,100, and estimated available funds are
$74,437,400, which reflects an anticipated budget shortfall of
$833,700 for FY 1994/95. Since the issue of the extension of the
city-wide assessment district has not been resolved, specific
recommendations to reduce the budget shortfall have not been
provided. It is anticipated that on June 22, 1994, the matter of
the city-wide assessment district will be resolved and specific
recommendations will be conveyed at the Mayor and Council meeting
scheduled for June 24, 1994.
The proposed FY 1994/95 budget assumes the continuation of the
existing City-wide Assessment District No. 994 (street lighting and
street sweeping); however, it does not reflect the proposed
expansion of the district to include graffiti removal and traffic
signal maintenance.
As part of the FY 1993/94 mid-year budget review held on
February 21, 1994, a forecast was made relative to the City's FY
1994/95 budget which assumed revenue collections and department
expenditures would remain at the same level as FY 1993/94 and
$500,000 would be set aside for mandatory Charter Section 186
compensation. Based on these assumptions, it was anticipated that
the general fund would realize a shortfall of $1,424,700 for FY
1994/95. However, the original shortfall has been reduced to
$833,700, as a result of the following: a cost allocation plan
which was recently completed identified an additional $461,000
which could be charged to various capital improvement projects;
there was a reduction in the PERS rates for employees and it is
anticipated that an additional $100,000 in sales tax would be
state Budaet Impact. On January 7, 1994, the Governor
released the proposed FY 1994/95 state budget. Although the
proposed budget did not directly impact cities in terms of revenue
reductions, there are many assumptions in the Governor's budget
which makes the budget outlook for cities much more unpredictable
than it may appear from the initial reading.
The major assumption is that the Legislature and the
Administration are considering the adoption of a budget based upon
the receipt of $3-5 billion in revenues, which may not be
forthcoming. Additionally, the budget would probably not include
contingency funding for lawsuits which may be lost by the state and
could produce an additional cost of $2 billion.
If the Legislature adopts a budget based upon these factors,
it would mean that the cuts made to local government would be kept
to a minimum. However, cities would be at a greater risk after the
election in November. If the economy does not experience a
significant turnaround, the state's budget would produce a crisis
which could necessitate a special legislative session in December,
and the cities could expect to be significantly impacted. However,
if the economy were to recover strongly during the last quarter of
1994, the recovery would assist greatly in reducing the deficit.
General Fund Revenues. The fiscal year 1994/95 revenue
projections are very conservative. with the exception of the
slight growth in sales tax revenue, no growth is assumed in any of
the major revenue categories. For the past three years,
collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) monies have been used to
fund capital purchases. However, the last year these funds were
available was for FY 1993/94. The net impact for this revenue loss
for FY 1994/95 is $900,000. The FY 1994/95 estimated available
resources are $74,437,400, and assumes continuation of all existing
city revenue sources, which includes estimated revenues of
$66,670,000; $839,400 in net transfers to other funds and an
estimated beginning fund balance of $2.98 million.
The FY 1994/95 total resources represents approximately a five
percent (5%) reduction over the beginning FY 1993/94 budget of
$77,489,800. Revenue sources which have remained stagnant and most
affected by the economic situation are development fees and
property taxes. The amount anticipated for utility Users Tax
reflects a reduction over FY 1993/94 because of a one-time transfer
of revenues from the utility Users Tax Trust Fund. The Edison
Company indicated a loss of a number of accounts in the City which
would also have an impact on the utility Users Tax.
Transfers to the general fund total $4,784,300, and transfers
out of the general fund total $3,483,900, which results in a net
transfer in the general fund of $1,300,400.
Expenditures. The FY 1994/95 budget is $75,271,100, which
includes transfers out, and represents a 0.7 percent increase over
the beginning FY 1993/94 budget. As previously noted, department
budgets were held at the same level as FY 1993/94. Allowances were
made for mandatory internal service cost adjustments in certain
departments. with the exception of the City Attorney's Office,
which is proposing that two new positions be established within its
budget, no other additions in personnel were presented. Charter
section 186 requirements have been budgeted at $500,000, as well as
the Fire Department final year sell back costs as determined by
Proposition 172 revenues are budgeted at $372,000, and
pursuant to Resolution No. 94-41, these funds are to be used for
public safety services and not to be used to supplant the existing
budget. The Police Department budget increased by $319,500 over
the FY 1993/94 allocation, and the Fire Department's proportionate
share of the 800 MHz radio system is approximately $70,000. In
addition, the Fire Department budget was increased by $60,000 to
purchase disaster preparedness supplies. Combined, the items total
$449,500 which offsets the proposed Proposition 172 revenues.
Equipment costs in the general fund include the first year
lease payment for 24 new police cars which totals approximately
$200,000, ongoing clean up of underground storage tanks at a cost
of $40,000, funding for the City business system computer software
upgrade at a cost of $39,000, purchase of supplies to enhance the
city's level of disaster preparedness, and the estimated first year
lease payment for the 800 MHz voice-radio system at a cost of
$575,000. Smaller miscellaneous equipment purchases have also been
included in each respective department budget.
Some of the key projects included in the proposed Capital
Improvement Program are: $900,000 for resurfacing of streets
throughout the City, funding for installation of intercepting sewer
on "I" street from Mill to Fifth street, installation of Mt. Vernon
Avenue master plan storm drain from the east branch of Lytle Creek
Channel to Baseline Street and Mt. Vernon Avenue, widening Rialto
Avenue grade crossing with Santa Fe Railroad between Rancho and
Pepper Avenues to planned ultimate width, upgrade traffic signals
at "E" and 34th streets, supplemental funding to finance the cost
for widening the Kendall Drive and Cajon Boulevard bridges over the
Devil's Canyon Creek Flood Control Channel and installation of a
catch basin on Kendall Drive at Little Mountain Drive.
In a memorandum dated June 15, 1994, Barbara Pachon, Director
of Finance, stated that the departments' bottom line budgets have
been adjusted to reflect a reduction in the fiscal year 1994/95
Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) rates. The savings
realized from the lower PERS rates for fiscal year 1994/95 have
been used to help balance the budget.
Shauna Clark, city Administrator, provided an overview of the
proposed fiscal year 1994/95 budget.
Fred Wilson, Assistant City Administrator, provided an
overview of the anticipated budget shortfall, revenue and
expenditures; and stated that final action on the budget would not
be taken until the Mayor and Council determines whether Assessment
District (A.D.) No. 994 will be extended. He stated that the
proposed fiscal year 1994/95 budget does not reflect the expansion
of A.D. No. 994.
Barbara Pachon, Director of Finance, provided an overview of
the general fund revenues anticipated for fiscal year 1994/95, and
answered questions concerning the proposed budget.
senior Assistant City Attorney Barlow answered questions
regarding the findings of the Harvey Rose Management Audit of the
City Attorney's Office.
A discussion ensued regarding the proposed outline for the
budget presentation.
Assistant city Administrator Wilson provided an overview of
the key capital improvement projects anticipated for fiscal year
At 9:12 a.m., Senior Assistant City Attorney Morillo arrived
at the Council meeting and replaced Senior Assistant Deputy City
Attorney Barlow.
Discussion continued regarding the findings of the Harvey Rose
Management Audit and the affect it would have on the proposed
fiscal year 1994/95 budget.
Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council
Member Pope-Ludlam, that the City Attorney's Office budget be
approved on a line-by-line item basis.
A discussion was held regarding the motion.
The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes:
Members Negrete, Curlin, Hernandez, Pope-Ludlam. Nays:
Members Oberhelman, Devlin, Miller. Absent: None.
At 9:22 a.m., Senior Assistant city Attorney Barlow arrived at
the Council meeting and replaced Senior Assistant City Attorney
Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council
Member Pope-Ludlam, that the following positions be approved:
(Note: There was no vote taken and the motion was subsequently
amended. )
1 - city Attorney
2 - Senior Assistant City Attorney
1 - Senior Deputy city Attorney
1 - Deputy city Attorney IV
1 - Deputy City Attorney III
1 - Deputy city Attorney II
1 - Paralegal I
Richard Morillo, Senior Assistant city Attorney, stated that
the additional Deputy City Attorney IV and Legal Secretary I
positions requested in the proposed fiscal year 1994/95 budget were
recommended by the Harvey Rose Management Audit. Mr. Morillo
further stated that an additional Paralegal position had been
deleted and the City Attorney's Office reduced its proposed
expenditure for outside litigation costs by $125,000, which was the
projected savings the audit indicated could be realized with the
hiring of the additional attorney and secretary. He stated that if
the Council approves only the recommended positions within the
motion, the Council should consider reestablishing the second
Paralegal I position and increase the City Attorney's Office budget
by an additional $125,000.
A discussion was held regarding the staffing levels of the
City Attorney's Office, and the proposed additional positions being
requested for the fiscal year 1994/95 budget.
Senior Assistant City Attorney Barlow explained that the
duties of his position and his secretary's have not been reduced as
a result of not providing services to the Economic Development
Agency because the agency documents still require review by the
City Attorney's Office.
Discussion continued regarding the staffing levels of the City
Attorney's Office.
Council Member Hernandez amended his motion,
Council Member Pope-Ludlam, that the secretarial
included in the list of positions to be approved;
following positions be approved: (Note: There was
and the motion was subsequently amended.)
seconded by
positions be
and that the
no vote taken
1 - Administrative Operations Supervisor
2 - Senior Assistant city Attorney
2 - Legal Secretary I
1 - Legal Secretary II
1 - Paralegal I
1 - city Attorney
1 - Senior Deputy City Attorney
1 - Deputy City Attorney IV
1 - Deputy City Attorney III
1 - Deputy city Attorney II
1 - Executive Secretary
Discussion ensued relative to the Legal secretary Trainee
Council Member Hernandez amended his motion, seconded by
Council Member Pope-Ludlam, that the Legal Secretary Trainee
position also be added to the list of secretarial positions to be
included in the list of positions to be approved; and that the
following positions be approved: (Note: There was no vote taken
and the motion was subsequently amended.)
1 - Administrative Operations Supervisor
2 - Senior Assistant City Attorney
2 - Legal Secretary I
1 - Legal Secretary II
1 - Paralegal I
1 - City Attorney
1 - Senior Deputy City Attorney
1 - Deputy city Attorney IV
1 - Deputy city Attorney III
1 - Deputy City Attorney II
1 - Executive Secretary
1 - Legal Secretary Trainee
Discussion continued regarding the staffing levels of the City
Attorney's Office.
Richard Morillo, Senior Assistant City Attorney, stated that
he would prefer that an additional Legal Secretary I position be
approved, and recommended the deletion of the Legal Secretary
Trainee position. He stated that the City Attorney's Office had
reduced its bottom-line budget by $12,000.
Shauna Clark, City Administrator stated that the reduction of
the $12,000 within the City Attorney's Office was realized through
the reduction of PERS rates.
Council Member Hernandez amended his motion, seconded by
Council Member Pope-Ludlam, that the Legal Secretary Trainee
position be deleted, that an additional Legal Secretary I position
be added to the list of secretarial positions to be included in the
list of positions to be approved; and that the following positions
be approved: (Note: There was no vote taken and the motion was
subsequently amended.)
1 - Administrative Operations Supervisor
2 - Senior Assistant City Attorney
3 - Legal Secretary I
1 - Legal Secretary II
1 - Paralegal I
1 - city Attorney
1 - Senior Deputy City Attorney
1 - Deputy City Attorney IV
1 - Deputy City Attorney III
1 - Deputy City Attorney II
1 - Executive Secretary
1 - Legal Secretary Trainee - DELETE
Discussion continued regarding the staffing levels of the City
Attorney's Office.
Council Member Hernandez amended his motion, seconded by
Council Member Pope-Ludlam, that the following positions be
approved within the City Attorney's Office; and that the remaining
positions be referred to the Personnel Committee:
1 - Administrative Operations Supervisor
2 - Senior Assistant City Attorney
3 - Legal Secretary I
1 - Legal Secretary II
1 - Paralegal I
1 - City Attorney
1 - Senior Deputy city Attorney
1 - Deputy city Attorney IV
1 - Deputy city Attorney III
1 - Deputy City Attorney II
1 - Executive Secretary
1 - Legal secretary Trainee - DELETE
The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes:
Members Negrete, Curlin, Hernandez, Pope-Ludlam. Nays:
Members Oberhelman, Devlin, Miller. Absent: None.
Mayor Minor announced that he would consider vetoing the
motion, and that he would announce his decision later in the
At 10:00 a.m., Council Member pope-Ludlam left the Council
Discussion continued regarding the staffing levels of the city
Attorney's Office, and ensued relative to the various line items
within the City Attorney's Office budget.
Council Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Council
Member Negrete, that the city Attorney's Office budget be approved
with the exception of Personnel Services.
The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Council
Members Negrete, Hernandez. Nays: Council Members Oberhelman,
Devlin, Miller. Abstain: Council Member Curlin. Absent: Council
Member pope-Ludlam.
A discussion was held regarding the impact to the City if the
extension of Assessment District No. 994 was not approved.
At 10:44 a.m., the adjourned regular meeting of the Mayor and
Common Council adjourned. The next meeting will be held on Monday,
June 20, 1994, at 8:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall,
300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California.
City Clerk
~I V /
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::iu..zanna Cordova
lXlputy City Clerk
No. of Items: 3
No. of Hours: 2.45