HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-1990 Minutes City of San Bernardino, California February 5, 1990 The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor Holcomb at 8:35 a.m., Monday, February 5, 1990, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by City Clerk Clark with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Miller; City Attorney Penman, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Julian. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Pope-Ludlam. RECESS MEETING - CLOSED SESSION At 8:30 a.m., Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the Mayor and Common Council and Community Development Commission recess to closed session for the following: (1 & S-10) a. to give instruction to the City's/Commission's negotiator on the purchase of property pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. The real property which the negotiations concern is generally located at: . , b. to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957; c. to meet with designated representatives regarding labor relations matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6; d. to confer with the Chief of Police on matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings or a threat to the public's right of access to public services or public facilities pursuant to Government Code Section 54957; e. to confer with the attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1), as there is significant exposure to litigation; f. to confer with the attorney regarding Ii tigation pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(c), so that Council/Commission may whether to initiate litigation; pending Section decide 1 2/5/90 g. to confer with the attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally to which the City is a party pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) as follows: City of San Bernardino vs. San Bernardino Baseball Club. Inc. - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 239193; Stubblefield Construction Company. et al vs. City of San Bernardino. et al - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 232998; San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 252058; Sock Dawson. et al vs. City of San Bernardino. et al- United States District Court Case No. SA 88-461 AHS (RWRx); Reynolds vs. City of San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 248752; San Bernardino Dudley Brewster. et al vs. Southern Pacific Railroad. et al - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 249736; Save San Bernardino vs. City of San Bernardino San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 250425; C.F.B. Investments. Ltd. vs. City of San Bernardino - United States District Court - Case No. SA CV89-862 JSC (RWRx); Randall vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 250472; Grady vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 243287. Southern Pacific Transportation Company. et al vs. City of San Bernardino San Francisco Superior Court Case No. 877 359. Charles H. Brown vs. City of San Bernardino. et al - United States District Court Case No. SACV 88-495 (AHS); Charles Hudson Brown vs. Domino. et al - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 243087. CLOSED SESSION At 8:35 a.m., the closed session was called to order by Mayor Holcomb in the conference room of the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. 2 2/5/90 ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb: Council Members Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Miller; City Attorney Penman. Absent: Council Members Estrada, Pope-Ludlam, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Julian. Also present were: Henry Empeno, Deputy City Attorney; Margaret Scroggin, Operations Supervisor in the City Attorney's office; James Robbins, Deputy City Administrator/Administrative Services. COUNCIL MEMBER At 8:37 a.m., closed session. POPE-LUDLAM ARRIVED Council Member Pope-Ludlam arrived at the CITY ADMINISTRATOR JULIAN ARRIVED At 8:37 a.m., City Administrator Julian arrived at the closed session. COUNCIL MEMBER ESTRADA ARRIVED At 8:40 a.m., Council Member Estrada arrived at the closed session. READING OF RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES City Clerk Clark read the titles of all the resolutions and ordinances on the regular and supplemental agendas. CITY CLERK CLARK ARRIVED At 8:45 a.m., City Clerk Clark arrived at the closed session. ADJOURN - CLOSED SESSION At 9:25 a.m., the closed session adjourned to the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RECONVENE MEETING At 9:30 a.m., the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council reconvened in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by City Clerk Clark with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; City Attorney Penman, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Julian. Absent: None. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Gene Fenton of Trinity Lutheran Church. 3 2/5/90 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance was led by Council Member Pope- Ludlam. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY MAYOR - SUN NEWSPAPER Mayor Holcomb stated that he responded to an editorial of January 31, 1990, in which the Sun made misstatements of fact about Lockheed's proposal for the reuse of Norton. He stated that he supports Lockheed's proposal 100 percent and has received satisfactory answers to his questions. (2) Mayor Holcomb read a survey taken at a meeting with the Uptown Exchange Club concerning the Sun newspaper. The results of the survey revealed that citizens of the City are unhappy with the newspaper coverage and would like to see another newspaper established in the City of San Bernardino. He also stated that the public has shown interest in having a local nightly newscast to provide more local coverage of city events. Mayor Holcomb referred to a press release regarding prosti tution in the City of San Bernardino. The press release indicated that the San Bernardino Police Department had determined that several prostitutes had acquired AIDS. He felt that the Sun newspaper should have informed the public of the potential health risks and prostitution activities taking place in the City. Mayor Holcomb commended Cassie McDuff, reporter for the Sun newspaper, in providing coverage of City Hall. He stated that she is a fair reporter and is doing a good job. PUBLIC COMMENTS - LARRY KEMPTON Larry Kempton, 15814 Fresno Street, Victorville, California, spoke regarding a local radio station announcer spreading hate and discontent. Mr. Kempton stated that the announcer, while on the air, requested that someone bring a flag to the station's parking lot so he could burn it. Mr. Kempton asked that the City Council consider the radio station's conditional use permit and inspect the radio station's parking lot, the building and the radio tower. (3) PUBLIC COMMENTS - BOB TRAISTER Bob Traister, District Manager of GTE of California, explained a program that has gone into effect in January, 1990, providing emergency alert services to communities within the city and rural areas. He stated that this program will become the eyes and ears for the County Sheriff, local police departments and for citizens that need help. He stated that he has 100 vehicles equipped with telephones and radio service available for use. (3) 4 2/5/90 PUBLIC COMMENTS - TERESA ALCOR Teresa Alcor, 6238 Indigo Street, spoke regarding Assembly Bill 497 which places a fifteen day waiting period on the purchase of long-arms. She stated that this bill would also require cities to become involved in the licensing and monitoring of sales of firearms. She stated that this bill will also allow a felon convicted of murder or other violent crimes to have his rights restored to purchase firearms after a period of five years. (3) Ms. Alcor presented a letter to the City Clerk, dated May 19, 1989, from Terry E. Caldwell, Councilman of the City of Victorville, regarding Assembly Bill 497. In this letter, Mr. Caldwell stated that the City Council of the City of Victorville unanimously voted at their regular meeting held on May 16, 1989, to oppose AB 497 and requested that the City of San Bernardino also oppose the Bill. APPOINTMENT THOMAS L. SENSINTAFFAR PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION In a memorandum dated January 25, 1990, Mayor Holcomb recommended the appointment of Thomas L. Sensintaffar, 480 W. Magnolia Avenue, to the Park & Recreation Commission to represent the Second Ward. (6) Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley and unanimously carried, that the appointment of Thomas L. Sensintaffar to the Park & Recreation Commission, as requested by Council Member Jack Reilly, be approved. Council Member Jack Reilly presented a pin of the City to Mr. Sensintaffar. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 8, 1990; JANUARY 11, JANUARY 29, 1990 Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller, that the minutes of the following meetings of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, be approved as submitted in typewritten form: December 18, 1989; January 8, 1990; January 11, 1990; January 16, 1990; January 29, 1990. (7) DECEMBER 18, 1990; JANUARY 16, 1989, 1990; Council Member Reilly stated that he would abstain from voting on the minutes of January 8, 1990, and January 11, 1990. Council Member Minor stated he would abstain from voting on the minutes of January 8, 11, 16, 29, 1990, but he would vote on the minutes of December 18, 1989. 5 2/5/90 The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Members Estrada, Flores, Maudsley, Pope-Ludlam, Abstain: Council Members Reilly and Minor as noted in paragraphs. Absent: None. Council Miller. previous CLAIMS AND PAYROLL Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller and unanimously carried, that the claims and payrolls and the authorization to issue warrants as listed on the memorandum dated January 25, 1990, from the Director of Finance, be approved. (8) PERSONNEL ACTIONS . Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller and unanimously carried, that the personnel actions dated January 25, 1990, in accordance with all administrative regulations of the City of San Bernardino, be approved. (9) WAIVING OF RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that further reading of all resolutions and ordinances on the regular and supplemental agendas be waived. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACTING AS THE AREA AGENCY ON AGING APPROVING REVISED BUDGET FOR THE SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM TO INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL ONE-TIME GRANT SUM OF $34,000.00 FOR THE PURCHASE OF RAW FOOD AND EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO IMPROVE THE MEAL SERVICE FOR THE BUDGET YEAR 1989-90. (Continued from January 22, 1990). (10) City Attorney Penman explained why this resolution is being continued. He stated that the Area Agency on Aging is not happy with its boilerplate agreement and wants to change the contract for the City. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that said resolution be tabled. RES. 90-37 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUESTING THAT THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD SCHEDULE A FORMAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ADOPTION OF CONFORMITY PROCEDURES INTO THE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN. (11) Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. 6 2/5/90 Resolution No. 90-37 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6413 ENTITLED IN PART "A RESOLUTION . . . ESTABLISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN FOR OFFICERS AND/OR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ...", TO REVISE THE PROCEDURE FOR SPECIAL MERIT ADVANCEMENT. (12) Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that said resolution be continued to February 19, 1990, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RES. 90-38 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, RELATING TO A CHANGE IN RATES FOR CITY-PAID LIFE INSURANCE FROM $.56/$1000 TO $.49/$1000 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1990. (13) Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 90-38 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH PAYROLL TAX CONTROL CORPORATION FOR UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION AND COST CONTROL SERVICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 1990. (14) Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that said resolution be tabled. RES. 90-39 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING ANNEXATION NO. 341, (LAFCO 2570) FOR THE TERRITORY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF HILL DRIVE, AND EAST AND WEST OF THIRD AVENUE AND DETACHMENT FROM CSA 38, CSA 70 AND CSA SL-1 AND TO PROCEED WITHOUT HEARING. (15) Council Member Minor stated for the record that he will not support a zone change from RS (Residential Suburban) to apartment zoning. 7 2/5/90 Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 90-39 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. RES. 90-40 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO BOB BRITTON, INC. FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND RELOCATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT GILBERT STREET AND WATERMAN AVENUE. (16) Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 90-40 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. RES. 90-41 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE FINAL MAP FOR REVERSION TO ACREAGE IN TRACT NO. 14356, LOCATED AT SUN VALLEY DRIVE AND FORTY- EIGHTH STREET, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC DEDICATIONS AS SET FORTH ON SAID MAP; AND AUTHORIZ ING EXECUTION OF THE STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID REVERSION TO ACREAGE, WITH TIME FOR PERFORMANCE SPECIFIED. (17) City Attorney Penman answered questions, explaining that the final map was found to be in substantial compliance as required by the Government Code. Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 90-41 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS TO PROVIDE WATER SERVICE FOR THOSE PROPERTIES WITHIN THE SERVICE AREA OF VAN LOON MUTUAL WATER COMPANY, LOCATED OUTSIDE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. (18) Mayor Holcomb explained why he opposed providing water to areas outside of the City of San Bernardino. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that said resolution be continued to February 19, 1990, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California, for the 8 2/5/90 purpose of asking the Water Department to explain why they are not requesting annexation and whether the liability would be on the City or on the Water Department. MC-704 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTION l5.04.070 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIRING A FEE FOR APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS TO THE BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS. (19) MC-705 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SUBSECTIONS 15.04. 080B AND 15.04. 085A OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE INCREASING PLAN REVIEW FEES AND ESTABLISHING A FEE FOR REVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS AND/OR CONSTRUCTION METHODS. (20) Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley that said ordinances be adopted. Ordinance following vote: Maudsley, Minor, None. Nos. MC-704 and MC-705 Ayes: Council Members Pope-Ludlam, Miller. were adopted Estrada, Reilly, Noes: None. by the Flores, Absent: SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE OF FINAL MAP - TENTATIVE TRACT 14356 - SUN VALLEY DRIVE AND 48TH STREET (SEE PAGE 8 FOR RESOLUTION 90-41 ADOPTED EARLIER IN MEETING) City Attorney Penman answered questions regarding the procedures used to determine that the final map for the project located at Sun Valley Drive and 48th Street was in substantial compliance. (17) AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADDING SECTION 12.04.055 TO THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO AN ENCROACHMENT FEE FOR UTILITY LANE CLOSURE. (Continued from December 18, 1989) (21) RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTABLISHING A ENCROACHMENT FEE FOR UTILITY LANE CLOSURE. (Continued from December 18, 1989) (21) This the time and place continued to for possible action on an urgency ordinance and resolution relating to an encroachment fee for utility lane closures. Bob Traister, District Manager of GTE, answered questions regarding lane closures on South "E" Street. 9 2/5/90 Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the proposed resolution and ordinance relative to requiring encroachment permits for traffic lane closures be continued to February 19, 1990, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. HOMELESS SERVICE - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - CONTINUED FROM JANUARY 22, 1990 This is the time and place continued to for approval of a homeless services request for proposals regarding homelessness in San Bernardino. (22) In a memorandum dated January 31, 1990, Kenneth J. Henderson, Director of Community Development, provided a copy of the request for proposals addressing the homeless problem in San Bernardino. Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Pope-Ludlam and unanimously carried, that the homeless services request for proposals be approved, and that staff be directed to issue same. ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS - REBUILDING OF RESIDENCE AT 1040 1/2 WEST BASELINE - CONTINUED FROM JANUARY 22, 1990 (Perea Demolition) This is the time and place continued to for consideration of an ordinance relative to the issuance of building permits for the rebuilding of a residence at 1040 1/2 West Baseline. (23) ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTIONS 19.66.020, 19.66.030, 19.66.040 AND REPEALING SECTION 19.66.050 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO NON-CONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USES. In a memorandum dated January 26, 1990, Larry E. Reed, Director of Planning and Building Services, stated that the proposed ordinance does more than is required, and recommended that only Section 19.66.020 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code be repealed, leaving the remaining sections 19.66.030 and 19.66.040 in place. This type of provision for phasing out older, non-conforming buildings and uses, based solely on age, is not desirable given the large number of non-conforming uses and structures in the City of San Bernardino. Mayor Holcomb stated he felt that the building should be torn down because the residence is a non-conforming use and has a negative effect on the surrounding neighborhood. Council Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion that this matter be continued to February 19, 1990, so that the Pereas can be present. 10 2/5/90 The motion died for lack of a second. A discussion ensued regarding the current ordinance which allows the city to declare framed buildings that are twenty years old as non-conforming uses. Larry Reed, Director of Planning and Building Services, explained why Section 19.66.020 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code should be amended. Mr. Reed made several recommendations for the proposed ordinance.. City Attorney Penman explained prOVlSlons in the present ordinance. He stated that under Mr. Reed's proposal, single family residences would be exempt from the requirements in the new proposed ordinance. Mr. Reed answered questions regarding compliance of the proposed ordinance with the newly adopted General Plan. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the proposed ordinance be referred to the Legislative Review Committee for review, study and recommendation, with the condition that the ordinance be brought back on February 19, 1990. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the matter relating to rebuilding property destroyed by fire at 1040 1/2 Baseline be continued to March 5, 1990. REQUEST TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT - In a memorandum dated January City Administrator, provided a list to be financed from a portion of occurred prior to Christmas. BOND REFINANCING 24, 1990, Marshall Julian, of equipment items proposed the bond refinancing which (25) Mayor Holcomb explained the source of the bond refinancing proceeds. Marshall Julian explained that staff report dated January 24, previously approved by the Mayor and 90 Budget. the backup attached to his 1990, includes equipment Common Council in the 1989- City Administrator Julian answered questions regarding how much money from Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMO's) has already been spent. 11 2/5/90 The Council requested that a report be prepared showing how much money has been received through bond refinancing and how much money has been spent, in order to have a full financial picture of where the City stands. Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that this matter be continued to later in the afternoon with a summary of how the bond refinancing funds have been spent. (See page 26) RECESS MEETING - FIVE MINUTE BREAK At 10:40 a.m., the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council recessed for a five-minute break. RECONVENE MEETING At 11:00 a.m., the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council reconvened in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by City Clerk Clark with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; Senior Assistant City Attorney Barlow, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Julian. Absent: None. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Community Development Commission/Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Holcomb in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RES. 90-42 - RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONSENTING TO THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WITH GREENLEAF-NEELEY INVESTORS. (R-3A) Bob Temple, Acting Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, answered questions regarding a completion date for the second phase of the project. Phase two of the project is to construct additional industrial space for manufacturing and industrial users in the State College Business Park. Senior Assistant City Attorney Barlow stated that he has been informed that twenty-four months from the start of the project would be acceptable as the completion date. Mayor Holcomb stated for the record that there will be no payments until all permits for phase two have been obtained. 12 2/5/90 Sharon Mills with Greenleaf Development, the managing partner for Greenleaf-Neeley Investors, concurred with the Mayor, stating that all permits for phase two will be obtained prior to receiving any reimbursements from the Agency. City Clerk Clark read the title of the resolution. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor, that said resolution be adopted as amended by interdelineation to provide that a completion date of twenty-four months from the start date of the project be inserted. Resolution No. 90-42 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. SPECIAL MEETING - STREET IMPROVEMENTS - UTILIZING BOND PROCEEDS Mayor Holcomb called a Special Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission as follows: (See page 14 for Special Meeting minutes). February 2, 1990 To: Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino Re: Special Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mayor of the City of San Bernardino has called a Special Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission for 11:00 a.m., Monday, February 5, 1990, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. The purpose for which this meeting has been called is to consider a recommendation of funding sources for street improvements from bond proceeds and authorization to proceed with work. SHAUNA CLARK City Clerk 13 2/5/90 SPECIAL MEETING The Special Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council/ Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor Holcomb at 11: 05 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by City Clerk Clark with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; Sr. Assistant City Attorney Barlow, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Julian. Absent: None. City Administrator Julian explained why there substitute backup for this item. is a STREET IMPROVEMENTS - BOND PROCEEDS - AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED In a memorandum dated February 5, 1990, Marshall Julian, recommended that bond proceeds be allocated for the street improvements, as outlined in Exhibits 1-8, and that the Director of Public Services be authorized to proceed with the work. (Special 1) Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the recommendation for funding sources for street improvements from bond proceeds and authorization to proceed with work be opened for discussion. The Mayor and Council questioned the allocation of funds to various street projects and the appearance that some projects have been approved and funded more than once. CONTINUE SPECIAL MEETING Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that the Special Meeting be continued to after the luncheon workshop. (See page 27). RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the reconvened in the Council Chambers Street, San Bernardino, California. Mayor and of City Hall, Common Council 300 North "D" ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; Sr. Assistant City Attorney Barlow, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Julian. Absent: None. 14 2/5/90 APPROVAL OF CULTURAL ENHANCEMENT FUNDS - ROOSEVELT BOWL AND LA PLAZA PARK PROGRAMING In a memorandum dated January 25, 1990, Annie F. Ramos, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services, requested approval of funds in the amount of $8,000 from the Cultural Enhancement Fund for programming events at Roosevelt Bowl and La Plaza Park. Performances are scheduled to be held during the months of May, June, September and October, 1990. (26) Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that $8,000 from the Cultural Enhancement Fund for programming at Roosevelt Bowl and La Plaza Park be approved. RECLASSIFICATION IN CITY CLERK'S OFFICE - DEPUTY CITY CLERK II TO ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR II In a memorandum dated January 25, 1990, Gordon Johnson, Director of Personnel, recommended that the position of Deputy City Clerk II be upgraded to Administrative Operations Supervisor II in the City Clerk's office. Mr. Johnson stated that the upgrade was based on the results of a study which determined that the duties currently performed by the Deputy City Clerk II were similar with the duties performed by individuals currently classified as Administrative Operations Supervisor. (27) City Clerk Clark reclassification study. answered questions regarding the Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that the position of Deputy City Clerk II be deleted and one position of Administratiye Operations Supervisor II be added to the City Clerk's budget; and that the Director of Personnel be directed to update Resolution 6433. ESTABLISHMENT OF SALARIES - FIRE DEPARTMENT RANGES P-5, P-6, P-7, FIRE MARSHAL AND TRAINING OFFICER In a memorandum dated January 25, 1990, Gordon Johnson, Director of Personnel, stated that a survey of ten cities was conducted to determine the average salaries for P-5, P-6, P-7, fire marshal and training officer positions, as required by Section 186 of the City Charter. The new monthly salary ranges, effective August 1, 1989 are as follows: (28) battalion chief training officer fire marshal deputy fire chief fire chief P-5 $5015 $5310 $5438 $5826 $6864 P-6 P-7 15 2/5/90 City Administrator Julian answered questions regarding the salary study for the various positions in the Fire Department. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the salaries for Fire Department ranges P-5, P-6, P-7, fire marshal and training officer be established as outlined in the staff report effective August 1, 1989, and that the Director of Personnel be directed to prepare an amendment to Resolution No. 6429. AMEND BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 975 - MILL & PEPPER LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE In a memorandum dated January 15, 1990, Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public works/City Engineer, stated that a petition from property owners was filed requesting the formation of an assessment district for the maintenance of landscaping along major streets bordering Tentative Tract No. 13953. This subdivision adjoins the boundaries of Assessment District No. 975 for Mill and Pepper Streets. (29) Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the City Engineer and City Clerk be authorized to initiate proceedings for the expansion of boundaries of Assessment District No. 975 (Mill & Pepper Area Landscape Maintenance District) under the provisions of Chapter 12.90.060 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code and Section 3113 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. AMEND BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 991 VERDEMONT & OLIVE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE In a memorandum dated January 15, 1990, Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public works/City Engineer, stated that property owners filed a petition requesting the formation of an assessment district for the maintenance of landscaping along the major streets bordering Tentative Tract No. 13530. This proposed subdivision adjoins the boundaries of Assessment District No. 991 along Verdemont & Olive Streets. (30) Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the City Engineer and City Clerk be authorized to initiate proceedings for the expansion of boundaries of Assessment District No. 991 (Verdemont & Olive Area Landscape Maintenance District) under the provisions of Chapter 12.90.060 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code and Section 3113 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. 16 2/5/90 AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED - STREET IMPROVEMENTS - UNDER CHAPTER 12.92 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE In a memorandum dated January 15, 1990, Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that a list of streets needing driveway fill-in improvements has been prepared. The estimated contract cost is $32,813.00 for the improvements. (31 ) In his memorandum Mr. Hardgrave explained that if the property owner chooses not to make the street improvements, then the construction will go to bid for an outside contract or be done by the Public Services Department. Director Hardgrave recommended that due to the low contract cost, the city should up front the cost for the street improvements, and allow the property owners three years to pay the assessment on their county tax bills. Council Member Estrada made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the Director of Public Works/City Engineer be authorized and directed to initiate proceedings for driveway fill-ins under the provisions of Chapter 12.92 of the Municipal Code on the following described parcels of land: 140-042-18; 140-101-24; 145-182-12; 146-243-19; 140-042-19; 144-072-15; 145-182-26; 140-051-31; 144-191-01; 145-211-11; 140-072-21 ; 145-061-20; 146-221-27; and that assessments in excess of $50.00 therefor, if any, will be collected in annual installments, not exceeding three years, on the respective county tax bills and that such installments will bear interest at the rate of 7% per annum on the unpaid balance. VACATION - NORTHERN SECTION OF CAROLINE STREET BETWEEN CLUB WAY AND SUNSET DRIVE In a memorandum dated January 23, 1990, Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that the Environmental Review Committee at its meeting of December 14, 1989, recommended the adoption of the negative declaration for Public Works Project No. 89-46 for the vacation of the northern section of Caroline Street between Club Way and Sunset Drive. A 14-day public review period was afforded from December 21, 1989 through January 3, 1990, and no comments were received. (32) 17 2/5/90 Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the negative declaration for Public Works Project No. 89-46, vacation of the northern section of Caroline Street, between Club Way and Sunset Drive, be adopted; and that a finding be made that the vacation of the northern section of Caroline Street between Club Way and Sunset Drive is consistent with the circulation element of the General Plan. CITY ATTORNEY PENMAN ARRIVED City Attorney Penman arrived at the council meeting and replaced Senior Assistant City Attorney Barlow. INSTALLATION OF STORM DRAIN IN UNIVERSITY PARKWAY - ROUTE I-215 TO A POINT 1,200 FEET NORTHEASTERLY - J. D. STINE In a memorandum dated January 12, 1990, Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that all work under contract with J. D. Stine for the installation of a storm drain in University Parkway, from Route I-215 to a point 1,200 feet northeasterly, was satisfactorily completed as of November 22, 1989. The final contract price was $285,523.67. (33) Mr. Hardgrave stated in his memorandum that the City received two stop payment notices from subcontractors to J. D. Stine Company totaling $29,286.33. The City Attorney's Office is currently researching a method of settling the stop payment notices. Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the work performed by the contractor on the installation of a storm drain in University Parkway, from Route I-215 to a point 1,200 feet northeasterly, in accordance with plan No. 7329, be approved and accepted; and that final payment be authorized subject to the resolution of the filed stop payment notices. RES. 90-43 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MAKING APPLICATION TO THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR EXPANSION FOR THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF DEVORE ROAD, SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE I-215 FREEWAY. (S-l) Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution Ayes: Council Ludlam, Miller. Absent: None. No. 90-43 was adopted by the following vote: Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Minor, Pope- Noes: None. Abstain: Council Member Maudsley. 18 2/5/90 RES. 90-44 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH GARY S. RASMUSSEN & ASSOCIATES INC. RELATING TO INITIAL PHASE OF LANDSLIDE POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE SAN MANUEL FIRE BURN AREAS. (S-2) City Attorney Penman explained why the Indian Bingo settlement money cannot be used. Mayor Holcomb suggested that of landslide assessment could reserves. funding for the initial phase come from the general fund Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Council Member Miller and unanimously carried, that said resolution be adopted and that funding is to come from the general fund reserves. Resolution No. 90-44 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. RES. 90-45 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY APPROVING MEMBERSHIP OF THE SOLID REQUIRED UNDER A.B. 939 AND REPRESENTATIVE AND ALTERNATE FROM BERNARDINO. OF SAN BERNARDINO WASTE TASK FORCE DESIGNATING A THE CITY OF SAN (S-3) Council Member Maudsley made a motion, seconded by Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that Council Norine Miller be designated the representative and Mayor as the alternate to the Solid Waste Task Force. Council Member Holcomb Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 90-45 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. RES. 90-46 - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH COMCAST CABLEVISION RELATING TO THE INSTALLATION OF MICROWAVE EQUIPMENT ON COMCAST CABLEVISION LEASED PROPERTY. (S-4) Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley, that said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 90-46 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: None. 19 2/5/90 EMERGENCY ABATEMENT - RATIFICATION OF COSTS - 2568 EAST PIEDMONT DRIVE In a memorandum dated January 26, 1990, Marshall Julian, City Administrator, requested that the Mayor and Council ratify the action taken by his department in authorizing payment for the emergency demolition and clearance of debris from property located at 2568 E. Piedmont Drive. The amount of the abatement is $29,442.00. (S-5) In a memorandum dated January 24, 1990, Don H. Hesterley, Code Compliance Supervisor, provided information justifying the emergency abatement at 256S E. Piedmont Drive. Attached to the memorandum was an estimate in the amount of $29,442.00, from Wiltshire Builders & Associates, Inc., the contractor, who performed the demolition. City Administrator Julian stated that the money spent for the abatement will be recovered by placing a lien against the property. City Attorney Penman explained why there was an emergency to abate the property. Larry Reed, Director of Planning and Building Services, also stated that because of the size of the property, a considerable amount of junk and debris was removed from the site, adding to the cost charged by the contractor. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Maudsley, that the action of the City Administrator authorizing payment in the amount of $29,442 for abatement work performed at 2568 E. Piedmont Drive be ratified. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: Council Member Pope-Ludlam. Absent: None. AMENDED PROPOSED ANNEXATION SOUTHWEST OF I-215 FREEWAY, SOUTHEAST OF I-15 FREEWAY, NORTHWEST OF CAJON BOULEVARD In a memorandum dated January 26, 1990, Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that the City began annexation proceedings of the area located southeast of the I-15 Freeway and southwest of the I-215 Freeway. In the meantime, a property owner adjacent to the proposed annexation has requested to be included in the annexation proceedings. (S-6) Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor, that the Director of Public Works/City Engineer and the City Clerk be authorized to proceed with the amended proposed 20 2/5/90 annexation of the territory generally located southwest of the I- 215 Freeway, southeast of the I-15 Freeway, and northwest of Cajon Boulevard. The motion carried by the following vote: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: Council Member Maudsley. Absent: None. RECLASSIFICATION - CIVIL SERVICE OFFICE SECRETARY In a memorandum dated January 30, 1990, Marshall Julian, Ci ty Administrator, provided memorandums from Gordon Johnson, Director of Personnel, and Roger DeFratis, Chief Examiner, requesting the reclassification of the secretary position to personnel assistant in the Civil Service Office. (S-7) City Administrator Julian answered questions regarding the qualifications for the personnel assistant position. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Pope-Ludlam, that the position of secretary, in the Civil Service Office, be reclassified as personnel assistant, range 1105, and that the Director of Personnel be directed to prepare the necessary amendment to Resolution No. 6433 effecting this change. The Member Noes: motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Council Member Maudsley. Absent: None. Council Miller. PERSONNEL ACTIONS - CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE City Attorney Penman requested the following additional personnel for the City Attorney's Office. The following individuals were recommended for appointment in the City Attorney's Office: (S-8 & S-9) Royce O. Hurst,* Deputy City Attorney IV, range 3461, step 3, effective 2/6/90; Robert Simmons, Deputy City Attorney IV, range 3461, step 5, effective 2/6/90; Sheri L. Hover, Legal Secretary I, range 3288, step 1, effective 2/6/90; Kosar Quadri, Legal Secretary I, range 3288, step 1, *Only one position of Deputy City Attorney IV will be filled. City Attorney Penman requested that removed from the list of personnel actions of Deputy City Attorney IV will be filled. Royce O. Hurst be as only one position 21 2/5/90 Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the personnel actions submitted by the Chief Examiner, in accordance with all administrative regulations of the City of San Bernardino be approved. (Council action was taken in conjunction with Item S-9) REORGANIZATION - ADDITION AND DELETION OF POSITIONS - CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE In a memorandum dated January 10, 1990, James F. Penman, City Attorney, requested that the position of Assistant City Attorney be deleted and the following positions be authorized: one City Attorney Investigator; two Paralegal I's at salary range 327; two legal secretary positions; and the authority be given to place all six legal secretary positions at the I or II level. (S-9) Mayor Holcomb stated that he strongly supports the request for additional personnel in the City Attorney's Office. MAYOR HOLCOMB EXCUSED At 11:45 a.m., Mayor Holcomb left the council meeting and was replaced by Mayor Pro Tempore Flores. City Attorney Penman made a presentation explaining why this proposed reorganization in his office will save the city money. City Attorney Penman answered questions regarding the number of positions currently in his department. Council Member Reilly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the position of Assistant City Attorney be deleted and that an additional position of Sr. Assistant City Attorney be authorized; that two Paralegal I positions be authorized and their salaries established at range 327; that two legal secretary positions be authorized and the City Attorney be given the authority to place all six legal secretary positions at the I or II level; that the Director of Personnel be directed to update Resolution Nos. 6413 and 6433 to conform to action taken by the Mayor and Common Council regarding this matter. COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM EXCUSED Council Member Pope-Ludlam left the Council meeting. City Administrator Julian suggested that the for the secretarial positions be referred to Committee. fringe benefits the Personnel 22 2/5/90 Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly, that the matter relative to the unit classification for the secretarial positions be referred to the Personnel Committee. COUNCIL MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM RETURNED Council Member Pope-Ludlam returned to the Council meeting and took her place at the council table. RECESS MEETING - LUNCHEON WORKSHOP At 12:20 p.m., Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada and unanimously carried, that the Regular Meeting recess to a luncheon workshop in the Redevelopment Agency Board Room, Fourth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RECONVENE MEETING At 12:50 p.m., Mayor Holcomb called the luncheon workshop to order in the Redevelopment Agency Board Room, Fourth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by City Clerk Clark with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; City Attorney Penman, City Clerk Clark. Absent: City Administrator Julian. LUNCHEON WORKSHOP - NORTON REUSE PLAN - JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING This is the time and place set for a hearing on the land use alternatives for the Norton Air Force Base Reuse Concept Plan. (24) Kaye Schurkens, Senior Planner, explained the purpose of the hearing. She stated that Norton may be turned over as early as 1992 and that the Department of Defense has prepared an environmental impact statement. There was some discussion regarding the possibility of reversionary clauses to land at Norton. Ms. Schurkens stated that Norton has a 10,000 foot runway in top of the line condition. According to economic research done by P & D Technologies, the design capacity of the airport is 200,000 total annual flights. The airport is experiencing an 80% vacancy of the use at this time. The proposed number of flights will be 37,000. Kaye Schurkens of the Department of Planning and Building Services used a map to present alternative 1. Using this alternative the airport use would be less than 20% of its designed capacity. Streets would remain at their current width 23 2/5/90 . .~._----,.._._.__..~-_..._----_..._-_. I which is 22 feet to 33 feet from curb to curb. There would be no redesign of existing street layout. Buildings would be used "as is"; except for life safety features they would not be brought up to current codes and standards. Land usage would be left as it is now. Under alternative 1, the airport related usage would be 1,760 acres, light industrial would be 198 acres, residential/commercial would be 285 acres, and other usages such as the golf course would be 45 acres. Ms. Schurkens answered questions regarding the noise contour and the parallel safety zones. Ms. Schurkens presented alternative 2 which increases airport usage and proposes that a transition street connect Del Rosa Avenue and Tippecanoe. This would be a major arterial similar to University Parkway. Other streets would be allowed to remain as they are unless they present an immediate problem. Buildings whose design and usage fit the land use pattern would remain and existing buildings which remain would be brought up to current codes and standards. The existing commissary building (100,000 square feet) would become a new airport terminal. Alternative 2 includes 1,822 acres of airport related uses; 160 acres of light industrial uses, 261 acres of commercial regional uses and 45 acres of other uses (golf course). Alternative 3 would provide 1,860 acres of airport related uses, 383 acres of office industrial park and 45 acres of other uses. Al ternative 3 would maximize utilization of the airstrip. Tippecanoe/Del Rosa would be redesigned as set forth in alternative 2 and would be up-graded to a 64 foot width curb to curb. Buildings would be replaced and the land recycled for an office industrial park, which allows for commercial usage when it supports the existing users. This transition would take place in phases. A greenbelt would be planted along all arterial streets and along the safety zone. The existing commissary building would become the San Bernardino regional airport terminal. Ms. Schurkens stated that each of the alternatives would require re-alignment of the golf course. An alternative 4 was recommended by P and D Technologies, but a map was not shown. Mr. Bill Leonard spoke regarding the need to retain BSD and the commissary. 24 2/5/90 Ms. Schurkens answered questions regarding the alternatives and mentioned that Orange County is looking at Norton for its passenger airport potential. Earl Godwin of the Re-use Committee spoke regarding P and D Technologies' findings about the use of the airport. He stated that the role for the airport is not commercial travel, it is as a major service area for commercial fleets. Mr. Godwin also spoke regarding the noise contour which never leaves the base under the re-use proposals. Mayor Holcomb suggested a residents of the city and adjacent the land use alternatives. community meeting to allow areas an opportunity to review It was pointed out that the land use decisions for the base are strictly up to the City of San Bernardino. In the interest of courtesy to neighboring communities, Mayor Holcomb ordered staff to set up a townhall meeting to be held Thursday, February 8, 1990, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino. RECESS MEETING At 1:55 p.m., the Luncheon Workshop recessed to the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING At 2:05 p.m., Mayor Holcomb called the Regular Meeting to order in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by City Clerk Clark with the following being present: Mayor Holcomb; Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Pope-Ludlam, Miller; Sr. Assistant City Attorney Barlow, City Clerk Clark, City Administrator Julian. Absent: None. PROCLAMATION - HOME OF NEIGHBORLY SERVICES - COME HOME TO THE HOME WEEK - FEBRUARY 10 - 17, 1990 Lorraine velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, read a proclamation of the Mayor of the City of San Bernardino proclaiming February 10 - 17, 1990, as "Come Home to the Home Week" in the City of San Bernardino, in recognition of the Home of Neighborly Services providing cultural activities and other services to San Bernardino. (5) Lee Jackson, Director of Home of Neighborly Services, and Charles Seymour were present to accept the proclamation. 25 2/5/90 APPEAL HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF VARIANCE NO. 89-8 - CONSTRUCT FREE STANDING MONUMENT SIGN - 228 W. HOSPITALITY LANE - THE SUNSET GROUP This is the time and place set to hear an appeal on the Planning Commission's denial of Variance No. 89-8, to construct a second free-standing monument sign located at 228 W. Hospitality Lane, as requested by The Sunset Group. (34) Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council, stated that the appellant requested that the appeal hearing be continued to February 19, 1990, as more information will be available at that time. Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores and unanimously carried, that the appeal hearing be continued to February 19, 1990, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California, as requested by the appellant. REQUEST TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT BOND REFINANCING CONTINUED FROM EARLIER IN THE MEETING - SEE PAGE 11 This is the time and place continued to for consideration of a request to purchase equipment utilizing proceeds from bond refinancing. (25) In a memorandum dated January 24, 1990, City Administrator Julian recommended that the list of items of equipment proposed for financing from a portion of the bond refinancing be approved. The list is divided into two categories: a) equipment previously approved by the Mayor and Common Council in the 1989-90 Budget; b) additional equipment discussed and approved by the Mayor and Common Council at various times to meet the needs of problems surfacing during the past few months of 1989. City Administrator Julian stated that a discussion with Mr. Tim Sabo revealed that the definition of how the bond proceeds can be used has changed. The City can still accomplish what is indicated in the staff report, but the City must have definite language adopted. City Administrator Julian explained that findings will have to be made showing that the purchase of equipment is a benefit to the project area. A discussion ensued regarding a request for equipment purchases for the Police Department. James Robbins, Deputy Services, answered questions financial software and word Processing Department. City Administrator/Administrative regarding a request to purchase processing software for the Data 26 2/5/90 CITY ATTORNEY PENMAN ARRIVED City Attorney Penman arrived at the Council meeting and replaced Sr. Assistant City Attorney Barlow. Council Member Minor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Estrada, that the equipment listed in the staff report from the City Administrator, dated January 24, 1990, be approved in principle as follows: General Fund 1989-90 budgeted equipment - $269,642; Graffiti program equipment - $52,500; High pressure washer $1,200; Abatement equipment $75,700; Uniforms- $4,000; Fire equipment - $31,400; Police equipment - $28,400 and that the matter be brought back on February 19, 1990 with a proper motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Estrada, Reilly, Flores, Maudsley, Minor, Miller. Noes: Council Member Pope-Ludlam. Absent: None. City Administrator Julian asked if the Council would like a report of justification on the remaining items not approved on the staff report dated January 24, 1990. SPECIAL MEETING - STREET IMPROVEMENTS - BOND PROCEEDS - CONTINUED FROM EARLIER IN THE MEETING SEE PAGE 14 This is the time and place continued to for consideration of recommendations for funding sources for street improvements utilizing bond proceeds and authorization to proceed with the work. (Special 1) In a memorandum dated January 22, 1990, Marshall Julian, City Administrator, provided a listing of residential and major arteries recommended for resurfacing, utilizing bond proceeds. Mayor Holcomb stated that the bond monies can only be spent on certain categories and explained the various categories and the limitations. Mayor Holcomb suggested several priorities that he would like to see the bond monies used for as follows: a) to buy public facilities; b) to build a parking structure to be used strictly for the public; c) to upgrade 40th Street starting from Electric Avenue to Kendall Drive; d) to develop three new parking structures in the downtown area; e) to remove the abandoned buildings in the downtown area; f) to acquire the old buildings on Waterman Avenue around the corner to Fifth Street and replace these buildings with upscale buildings compatible with Seccombe Lake Park. 27 2/5/90 Mayor Holcomb stated that he would like the County to fund its share of the upgrading of 40th Street, from Electric to Kendall Drive. He stated that he will propose that the County fund their share of the upgrading by using the increments claimed in the Northwest Industrial Park. City Administrator Julian questioned if there were any items on the street lists Council would like to discuss. Roger Hardgrave answered questions regarding the estimated project costs for South "E" Street, Mill Street and Inland Center Drive left turn lanes. He stated that this project will remove all the dips at the five intersections. Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Minor and unanimously carried, that the following be approved in principle: that the funding of the repair and improvement of the streets designated in Exhibits 1-8 be approved from tax allocation bond proceeds and increment funds, in the amount of $790,683, and from the City's share of CMO proceeds, in the amount of $763,229; that the Mayor and Common Council determine that the work required to repair and improve the streets designated in Exhibits 1-8 can be performed by City forces and that the Director of Public Services be directed to have such work performed; that the Director of Public Services be authorized to seek bids for the cold-planing of such streets designated in Exhibits 1-8 as may be necessary; that the funding of the matching portion of the cost for the federal aid street/signal projects designated in the memorandum from the Director of Finance be approved from tax allocation bond proceeds, in the amount of $75,000, and from the City's share of CMO proceeds, in the amount of $182,600; and that staff be directed to take the necessary steps to transfer funds to the appropriate accounts. APPOINTMENT BRUE SR. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CONTINUED FROM EARLIER IN THE MEETING SEE PAGE 21) City Attorney Penman pointed out that action taken earlier in the meeting did not include the appointment of Denice Brue to the Sr. Assistant City Attorney position in the City Attorney's office. (S-9) 28 2/5/90 Council Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Council Member Reilly and unanimously carried, that the appointment of Denice Brue to Sr. Assistant City Attorney, range 4513, step 3, be approved. ADJOURNMENT At 2:53 p.m., Council Member Miller made a motion, seconded by Council Member Pope-Ludlam and unanimously carried, that the meeting be adjourned to 1:30 p.m., February 14, 1990, at the Feldheym Library, 555 West Sixth Street, San Bernardino, California. (35) SHAUNA CLARK City Clerk L / ..~ by iX-I /u Uf'd'/' Deputy C y Clerk No. Items: 49 No. Hours: 5 hrs. 53 min. 29 2/5/90