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RES 2021-001 Donated Funds From Estate of Sharell Paramo to Encano Community Center Renovation Project
RES 2021-002 General Plan Advisory Committee Council to Assist with the Comprehensive Update of the City's General Plan
RES 2021-003 Imposing Liesn on Certain Real Property Located within the City of San Bernardino for the Costs of Public Nuisance Abatements
RES 2021-004 Declaring Intention to Establish Proposed Community Facilities District No. 2021-1
RES 2021-005 Declaring Necessity to Incur a Bonded Indebtendness of Proposed Community Facilities District No. 2021-1
RES 2021-006 Declaring its Intention to Consider Annexing Territoy to Comunnity Facilities District No. 2018-1
RES 2021-007 Adopting an Escheatment Policy for Unclaimed Money
RES 2021-008 Approving the City's Updated Personnel Rules
RES 2021-009 Purchase Orders to ATEL Communication From TPX
RES 2021-010 Purchase Orders to Intrado for the Website Content Management System and Services
RES 2021-011 Adamson Police Products for the Purchase of Safety Equipment and Supplies
RES 2021-012 Agreement with IT Simple and Issue a Purchase Order $40,000
RES 2021-013 San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Memorandum of Agreement in the Amount $3,156,784
RES 2021-014 FY 2021-21 Tobacco Grant; Amend FY 2021-21 Adopted Budget Appropriating $1,169,028
RES 2021-015 Soccer Field Rehabilitation at Nunez Park Project
RES 2021-016 Intention to Annex Territory Into Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Annexation No. 8)
RES 2021-017 Intention to Annex Territory Into Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Annexation No. 7)
RES 2021-018 Liens on Certain Parcels of Real Property for Uncollected Business Registration Fees
RES 2021-019 Approving San Bernardino Temporary Staffing (SBTS) Program
RES 2021-020 City's Gun Buy-Back Program
RES 2021-021 Public Hearing to Order Vacation of Portions of 4th Street
RES 2021-022 Approve Final Map for Tract No. 15731
RES 2021-023 Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP)
RES 2021-024 Parking Lot Improvements at Perris Hill & Lytle Creek Community Centers & Lytle Creek Park
RES 2021-025 Animal Services Department Enter a Cooperative Agreement with The Lange Foundation
RES 2021-026 Establishing The AD HOC Financing District Advisory Committee
RES 2021-027 Transfer of Certain City-Owned Real Property Assets to NPHS San Bernardino Developments, LLC
RES 2021-028 Transfer of Certain City-Owned Real Property Assets to MECH
RES 2021-029 First Amendment to the PSA with Liebert Cassidy and Whitmore
RES 2021-030 (Continued Not Approved) Recognizing the SBPDA for the Dispatch Unit
RES 2021-031 Updating the Procedure for IDR Determinations of Local Safety Officer Employees of the Public Employees' Retirement System
RES 2021-032 Job Descriptions and Classification and Amending the Salary Schedule
RES 2021-033 Amendment No. 3 Lease Agreement Vanir Tower Building
RES 2021-034 PSA with Kabbara Engineering for Pepper Street Rehabilitation
RES 2021-035 City-Owned Property Commonly Known San Marcos Avenue and Congress Street
RES 2021-036 CCO #1 to Project No. 7306 with American Asphalt South, Inc. Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation
RES 2021-037 Design Services Agreement with RHA Landscape Architects Planners, Inc.
RES 2021-038 Legislative Body of the City of San Bernardino Community Facilities District No. 2018-1 (Safety Services)
RES 2021-039 Acting as the Legislative Body of the City of San Bernardino Community Facilities District No. 2018-1
RES 2021-040 Election to Submit to the Qualified Electors the Question of Levying a Special Tax
RES 2021-041 Declaring Election Results for Community Facilities District No. 2019-1
RES 2021-042 Establishing Community Facilities District NO. 2021-1 (Ferree Street)
RES 2021-043 Necessity to Incur a Bonded Indebtedness for Community Facilities District No. 2021-1 (Ferree Street)
RES 2021-044 Special Election and Submitting to the Voters of Community Facilities District No. 2021-1 (Ferree Street)
RES 2021-045 Declaring the Results of the Consolidated Special Elections within Community Facilities District NO. 2021-1
RES 2021-046 Annexed to Community Facilities District NO. 2019-1
RES 2021-047 Declaring Election Results for Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 (Maintenance Services)
RES 2021-048 Adopting an Amended Conflict of Interest Code Pursuant to the Political Reform Act of 1974
RES 2021-049 Ratifying Executive Order NO. 2021-01
RES 2021-050 Authorizing the Execution of the First Amendment to the Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus
RES 2021-051 Agreement with the State of CA for the PLHA Program and Accept the $1,622,027 Grant
RES 2021-052 The Making Hope Happen Foundation to Prepare a Promise Neighborhoods Program
RES 2021-053 Establishing the Emergency Rental Assistance Program Committee
RES 2021-054 Approving the Annual Renewal of the City's Property Insurance for a Premium NTE $1,292,000
RES 2021-055 Construction Contract with JCOS Development, Inc., $374,800 to Provide Community Center Upgrades
RES 2021-056 Authorizing the Issuance of its Refunding Bonds
RES 2021-057 Certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report
RES 2021-058 Approving Approval of Development Permit Type-D 20-02 Allowing the Consolidation of Four Parcels
RES 2021-059 Approving the Vacation of a Portion of 4th Street and Rescinding and Repealing RES 2020-216
RES 2021-060 The Third Amendment to the Legal Service Agreement with Carpenter, Rothans & Dumont LLP
RES 2021-061 The Extension of Time to the Reciprocal Easement Agreement eith El Corte Ingles, S.A.,
RES 2021-062 Application for, and Receipt of, Local Government Planning Support Grant Program Funds
RES 2021-063 Tow Service Agreements with Various Tow Service Carriers and Reaffirming Towing Carrier Requirements
RES 2021-064 Award of a Construction Contract with Pacific Play Systems, Inc.
RES 2021-065 Award of a Construction Contract with Martinez Concrete, Inc.
RES 2021-066 (See RES 2021-088) Establishing the Downtown Advisory Committee
RES 2021-067 (Failed (3-4) Use of the City Seal
RES 2021-068 Procedure for Elected Officials to Place Items on the City Council Agenda
RES 2021-069 Elected Officials' Interaction with City Staff and Involvement in Administrative Affairs
RES 2021-070 Electoral Redistricting Advisory Committee
RES 2021-070 Electoral Redistricting Advisory Committee (2)
RES 2021-071 Third Amendment to Neighborhood Stabilization Program Developer Master Agreement
RES 2021-072 Execution of PSA with Annie Clark
RES 2021-073 Execution of an Agreement with Eide Bailly LLP
RES 2021-074 Execution of Agreement with Davis Farr LLP
RES 2021-075 Execution of Agreement with Hinderliter, de Llamas & Associates
RES 2021-076 Examination of Transactions and Use Tax Records of the CDTFA
RES 2021-077 Purchase Orders to GovConnection, Inc.
RES 2021-078 FY 2021-21 Power Resiliency Allocation
RES 2021-079 First Amendment to PSA with Bio-Tox Laboratories, Inc.
RES 2021-080 Construction Contract Award - Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation
RES 2021-081 Stop Sign Installation at Various Locations
RES 2021-082 Construction Contract Award - Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation
RES 2021-083 First Amendment to Consultant SA with Paragon Partners, Ltd.
RES 2021-084 Public Works Equipment Purchases
RES 2021-085 (Item was Vetoed by the Mayor) Award of Nuisance Abatement Services Agreement to Cemex Corporation for Removal of Concrete Pile on N. Palm Avenue
RES 2021-086 Declaring Glen Helen Road Property as Surplus Land
RES 2021-087 Grant Award San Manuel Band of Mission Indians for Animal Shelter Programs and Services
RES 2021-088 Establishing the Downtown Advisory Committee
RES 2021-089 Purchase and Sale Agreement with ICO Real Estate Group, Inc.
RES 2021-090 PSA with PlaceWorks for Professional Planning Services Local Hazard Mitigation Plan and Emergency Operations Plan
RES 2021-091 First Amendement to the LSA with Woodruff, Spradlin & Smart
RES 2021-092 PSA with the Inland SoCal United Way
RES 2021-093 Purchase of Network Equipment from GovConnection, Inc.
RES 2021-094 Grant Award for Virtual Youth Programming
RES 2021-095 VSA with RP Landscape and Irrigation, Quality Light and Electrical, Sierra Pacific Electrical Contracting, C&W Construction Specialties Inc. and Fairview Ford Sales Inc.
RES 2021-096 Second Amendment to PSA with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc.
RES 2021-097 Construction Contract with United Way Storm Water, Inc. TMDLS-Track 1
RES 2021-098 Construction Contract with Ortiz Enterprises, Inc.
RES 2021-099 Purchase Order Increases UC Fence, San Bernardino Paint, McCain Inc., Econolite, Inland Body and Paint Center, BHI Plumbing, Heating and Air, and Southern California Gas Company
RES 2021-100 Purchase and Sale Agreement with ICO Real Estate Group, Inc.
RES 2021-101 Appeal 21-01 for DP-P 20-10 & ME 20-01
RES 2021-102 Best Friends Grant Acceptance
RES 2021-103 Amendment to AALRR Legal Service Agreements
RES 2021-104 Designation of Fifteen Zero Emission Vehicle Parking Stalls at Santa Fe Depot
RES 2021-105 Irrevocable Agreement to Annexation No. 2021-363
RES 2021-106 Construction Contract Award - Various Signal Lights Upgrade
RES 2021-107 Cooperative Funding Agreement with the City of Redlands - Alabama Street Rehabilitation
RES 2021-108 Design Services Agreement Mt. Vernon Storm Drain
RES 2021-109 Updating Assessment Engineer's Reports-Previously Formed Landscape and Lighting Maintenance Districts
RES 2021-110 Stop Sign Installation at the Intersection of 28th Street and Arrowhead Avenue
RES 2021-111 Approve Final Tract Map No. 20145
RES 2021-112 Construction Contract Award - 5th Street Senior Center Outside Dining Cover
RES 2021-113 Final Approval of 2010A Series Tax Allocation Bond Refunding
RES 2021-114 Hometown Heroes Military Banner Program Policy
RES 2021-115 Dissolution of Standing City Council Sub-Committees
RES 2021-116 Notice of Availability of Surplus Land - Carousel Mall
RES 2021-117 Approve the City Investment Policy for FY 2021/22
RES 2021-118 First Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement with Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences Consultants
RES 2021-119 Adopting SB1 2021-2022 Road Maintenace Program List of Projects
RES 2021-120 Declaring Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments within Assement District
RES 2021-121 Declaring Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments within Assement District
RES 2021-122 Declaring Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments within Assement District
RES 2021-123 Declaring Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments within Assement District
RES 2021-124 Declaring Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments within Assement District
RES 2021-125 Risk Management Insurance Renewal Fiscal Year 2021-22
RES 2021-126 Maintenance Services Agreement to RE-Surface Re-Purpose Outdoor Sports Courts in Parks
RES 2021-127 Construction Agreement Award - Kendall Drive Slope Rehabilitation
RES 2021-128 First Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement with IDC Consulting Engineers, Inc.
RES 2021-129 Professional Services Agreement for Administrative Hearing Office Services
RES 2021-130 Revised Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (FY 2020-21 to FY 2021-22) for Measure I Local Expenditures
RES 2021-131 Professional Services Agreement for On-Call Plan Review, Inspection & Stormwater Management Services
RES 2021-132 Accept the Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant
RES 2021-133 Amendment to Services Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc.
RES 2021-134 Accept Fiscal Year 2020 EMPG Grant
RES 2021-135 2021 Fireworks Regulatory Fee Rate
RES 2021-136 Establishment of Local Campaign Finance Regulations
RES 2021-137 Resolution to Determine Confirm Assessments and Proceeding for Unpaid Solid Waste Collection Services
RES 2021-138 Operating Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Appropriations Limit Calculation
RES 2021-139 Job Descriptions and Classifications and Amending the Salary Schedule
RES 2021-140 The Majority Representative of the Police Dispatcher I and Police Dispatcher II Positions
RES 2021-141 License Amnesty and Fee Waivers
RES 2021-142 First Amendment to Landscape & Irrigation Maintenance Agreement - Inland Empire Landscape
RES 2021-143 First Amendment to Landscape & Irrigation Maintenance Agreements - Willowbrook Landscape
RES 2021-144 Amendments to Landscape & Irrigation Maintenance Agreements - RP Landscape
RES 2021-145 Appropriation of Funds Fleet Services Budget
RES 2021-146 FY 2020-21 Year-End Budget Adjustments
RES 2021-147 Construction Contract Award - Storm Drain Repair at Various Locations
RES 2021-148 Irrevocable Agreement to Annexation No. 2021-364
RES 2021-149 Annual Usage, Software, and Maintenance Agreements for FY 2021-22
RES 2021-150 Notice of Availability of Surplus Land - Arden Guthrie
RES 2021-151 Design and Development Standards for Wireless Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way
RES 2021-152 Fee Schedule for Wireless Encroachment Permits to Install Wireless Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way
RES 2021-153 Senior Companion Program - First Year of a Three Year Grant Award
RES 2021-154 Repealing Resolution 2021-02 and Establishing the General Plan Advisory Commitee
RES 2021-155 Escheatment of Unclaimed Funds in Accordance with Escheatment of Unclaimed Money Policy
RES 2021-156 CALNET/Next Gen Contract for Verizon Cellular and Data Network Services
RES 2021-157 Imposing Liens to Recover Costs for Code Enforcement Abatements
RES 2021-158 Purchase and Sale Agreement for 301, 321 & 325 West 40th Street
RES 2021-159 Subordination of Deed of Trust - 4349 N. Perishing Ave
RES 2021-160 Director of Animal Services to Enact Reduced or Waived Fees
RES 2021-161 First Amendment to the Interim Golf Course Management Agreement - Shandin Hills Golf Course
RES 2021-162 Administrative Policy Regarding Municipal Volunteer Program (MVP)
RES 2021-163 (NOT VOTED ON) Approving the Municipal Volunteer Program (MVP) Policy - Offices of Elected Officials
RES 2021-164 Administrative Policy Regarding Travel Authority and Expense Policy
RES 2021-165 Administrative Policy Regarding Use of City Equipment and Resources
RES 2021-166 Annual Cannabis Update & Integrity Standards
RES 2021-167 Assessment Levies for Maintenance Assessment Districts
RES 2021-168 Assessment Levies for Maintenance Assessment Districts
RES 2021-169 Assessment Levies for Maintenance Assessment Districts
RES 2021-170 Assessment Levies for Maintenance Assessment Districts
RES 2021-171 Assessment Levies for Maintenance Assessment Districts
RES 2021-172 Mary's Mercy Center (APN 0274-011-29)
RES 2021-173 Final Tract Map No. 20293
RES 2021-174 Final Tract Map No. 17329-1
RES 2021-175 Job Descriptions and Classifications and Amending the Salary Schedule
RES 2021-176 First Amendment to LSA with AALRR
RES 2021-177 Health Benefits Plan Year 2022
RES 2021-178 Cooperative Funding Agreement with the City of Loma Linda
RES 2021-179 Five-Year Capital Project Needs Analysis (2022-23 through 2026-27) for Measure I 2010-2040 Expenditures
RES 2021-180 Irrevocable Agreement to Annexation No. 2021-365
RES 2021-181 Sterling Avenue Rehabilitation
RES 2021-182 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program FY 2021-22 to FY 2025-26 for Measure I Local Expenditures
RES 2021-183 PSA with Hurts, Brooks, Espinosa, LLC
RES 2021-184 Approve Final Tract Map No. 20043
RES 2021-185 FY 2021-22 Special Tax Levies for Previously Formed CFDs
RES 2021-186 FY 2021-22 Special Tax Levies for Previously Formed CFDs
RES 2021-187 FY 2021-22 Special Tax Levies for Previously Formed CFDs
RES 2021-188 Renewal of IQM2 Streaming Software, Civica Website Content Management Software, and Purchase Additional Streaming Hardware
RES 2021-189 Approve Final Tract Map No. 18829
RES 2021-190 Interim Operations and Maintenance Division Manager (U) Employment Agreement
RES 2021-191 LEAP Grant Award
RES 2021-192 Reclassification of the Assistant City Clerk to a Chief Deputy City Clerk
RES 2021-193 PSA with Bear Demographics and Research, LLC
RES 2021-194 Encanto Community Center Lease Agreement with County of San Bernardino
RES 2021-195 Award of as Needed On-Call Traffic Engineering PSA
RES 2021-196 Irrevocable Agreement to Annexation No. 2021-366
RES 2021-197 Award PSA for Local Roadway Safety Plan Report
RES 2021-198 Acceptance of AHS Properties
RES 2021-199 Job Descriptions, Classifications, Reclassifications and Amending Salary Schedule
RES 2021-200 Amendment No. 1 to PSA with Valued Engineering, Inc.
RES 2021-201 Initation of I-210 FWY Interchange Eastbound Off-Ramp
RES 2021-202 Adoption of Reimbursement Policy
RES 2021-203 Agreements with Staples Advantage
RES 2021-204 On-Call Building Plan Check, Inspection and Staffing Services
RES 2021-205 PSA with Willdan Engineering, Interwest Consulting Group, Inc., and 4Leaf, Inc. for On-Call Plan Check, Inspection and Staffing Services
RES 2021-206 Irrevocable Agreement to Annexation No. 2021-367
RES 2021-207 Purchase and Sale Agreement with BBC Properties, LLC for the Vacant Property Indentified as San Bernardino County APN 0269-181-04
RES 2021-208 Purchase of Internet Services from Spectrum Enterprises in an Amount NTE $76,500
RES 2021-209 Shandin Hills Contract Amendment
RES 2021-210 Modular Building Project Cost Increase
RES 2021-211 Parking Restrictions on the West Side of State Street North of Highland Avenue
RES 2021-212 Revision and Clarification - Travel Authority and Expenses Policy
RES 2021-213 Adoption of Procurement Card Policy
RES 2021-214 ENA for Carousel Mall
RES 2021-215 Ingram Library Services Contract
RES 2021-216 Inland Library Pension Liability
RES 2021-217 OpenGov Inc for Software Services
RES 2021-218 OTS STEP Grant
RES 2021-219 Senior Nutrition Program Grant
RES 2021-220 Intent to Annex Territory: Community Facilities District No. 2019-1 Maintenance Services
RES 2021-221 Installation of Stop Signs at Various Locations
RES 2021-222 Intent to Annex territory into Community Facilities District No. 2019-1
RES 2021-223 The 2021 Legislative and Regulatory Plarform Update
RES 2021-224 Emergency Rental Assistant Program 2 - State Match
RES 2021-225 VSA with Creative Commercial Services
RES 2021-226 Amending Hometown Military Banner Program Policy
RES 2021-227 PSA with Data Ticket, Inc.
RES 2021-228 Subordination of a Deed of Trust in Connection with 1575 Glenview Street
RES 2021-229 Software Service Agreement for Office 365
RES 2021-230 Software Services Agreement with GovInvest, Inc.
RES 2021-231 Amendment to the PSA with David Taussig & Associates Inc.
RES 2021-232 Reclassification of Budget Office to Budget Division Manager
RES 2021-233 PSA with Solutions Simplified for DocuSign Software Services
RES 2021-234 Amendment to PSA with California Computer Options, Inc.
RES 2021-235 PSA with California Building Evalution & Construction, Inc.
RES 2021-236 Co-Operative Funding Agreement with San Bernardino County for Street Rehabilitation
RES 2021-237 PSA with Willdan Engineering
RES 2021-238 Construction Agreement Award - Fencing for Seccombe Lake Park & Pioneer Memorial Cemetery
RES 2021-239 JPA - Upper Santa Ana River Watershed Infrastructure Financing Authority
RES 2021-240 Amend the FY 2020/21 Operating Budget Cannabis BUsiness
RES 2021-240A Allocate Unappropriated Senior Services Trust Account Revenue
RES 2021-241 Animal Shelter Electrical Services Replacement Change Order No. 1
RES 2021-242 Purchase Order for Caterpillar Backhoe Loader
RES 2021-243 Agreements with Miller Architectural Corporation, SVA Architects, Inc., and Westgroup Designs
RES 2021-244 PSA with KOA Corporation
RES 2021-245 Imposing Liens on Certain Parcels of Real Property for Uncollected BusinessRegistration Fees
RES 2021-246 Cash Handling and Revenue Control Policy
RES 2021-247 American Rescue Plan Update and Budget Amendment
RES 2021-248 Amendment No. 1 to the HOME Investment Partnerships Program
RES 2021-249 Subordination of a Deed of Trust in Connection with 2674 W. Via San Carlos
RES 2021-250 NOT USED
RES 2021-251 Memorandum of Understanding with the San Bernardino Police Officers Association
RES 2021-252 Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) ā 3RD Year of a 3 -Year Grant Award
RES 2021-253 PSA to PM Group in the Amount of $67,635 for the Design, Print,and Mail of City of San Bernardino PRCSD Trimester Brochure
RES 2021-254 Construction Contract Award ā Installation of LED Solar Powered StreetLights on āEā Street Between Baseline Street and Highland Avenue
RES 2021-255 Purchase Order for Installation of a Battery Backup System
RES 2021-256 Stop Sign Installation at the Intersection of Magnolia Avenue and MeyersRoad
RES 2021-257 Purchase Order for Six Cubic Yard Back Rear Loader
RES 2021-258 Calling an Election to Submit to the Qualified Electors the Question of Levying a Special Tax within the area Proposed to be Annexed to Community Facilities District No. 2019-1
RES 2021-259 Declaring Election Results for Community Facilities Disctrict No. 2019-1
RES 2021-260 Calling an Election to Submit to the Qualified Electors the Question of Levying a Special Tax within the area Proposed to be Annexed to Community Facilities District No. 2019-1
RES 2021-261 Declaring Election Results for Community Facilities District No. 2019-1
RES 2021-262 NOT USED
RES 2021-263 Annual Purchase Order for Daniels Tire Services
RES 2021-264 Issuance of a PO to Fairview Ford Sales for the Purchase of One New 2021 Ford F-450 Stake Bed with Tommy Lift Gate and One New Ford F-150 Super Cab
RES 2021-265 Purchase of Vermeer SC802 Stump Cutter
RES 2021-266 Award Design Services Agreement for a Raised Median Island Along Kendall Dr Curve
RES 2021-267 Animal Shelter Electrical Service Replacement
RES 2021-268 Middle Management Employees Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
RES 2021-269 Management/Confidential Employees Compensation and Benefits Plan
RES 2021-270 Volunteer Tracking Software Purchase for Animal Services (All Wards)
RES 2021-271 Strategic Planning Workshop and Fiscal Year 2021/22 Action Plan 2021-2025
RES 2021-272 Extension to the Reciprocal Easement Agreement
RES 2021-273 Authorizing Certain Officers to Invest Funds in LAIF
RES 2021-274 Award Design Services Agreement to DLR Group for the Preliminary Design of the New Animal Shelter
RES 2021-275 PSA Prime Government Solutions, LLC for Agenda Management Software
RES 2021-276 PSA Prime Government Solutions, LLC for Agenda Management Software
RES 2021-277 CALNET 3 ICB and ATO Approvals for Verizon Data Network Services
RES 2021-278 Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with KOA Corporation
RES 2021-279 Censuring Mayor John Valdivia
RES 2021-281 Subordination of Deed of Trust in Connection with 766 N San Carlos Avenue
RES 2021-282 First Amendment to Library Internet Service Agreement - Califa Group, Inc.
RES 2021-283 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Funds
RES 2021-284 COPS Hiring Program Grant
RES 2021-285 Edgerton Drive and Skylark Drive Fire Lane Access
RES 2021-286 Issuance of a Purchase Order to Fairview Ford Sales
RES 2021-287 Construction Agreement Award for Roof Replacement at Paul Villasenor Branch Library
RES 2021-288 Award of a Construction Contract for Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation
RES 2021-289 Fiscal Year 2021/22 1ST Quarter Report
RES 2021-290 Maddy Act Local Appointments List
RES 2021-291 Opting CIty into National Opioid Settlement
RES 2021-292 Adoption of Debt Management Policy
RES 2021-293 Authorize the Issuance of a Purchase Order for Police Motorcycles
RES 2021-294 Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Z&K Consultants, Inc.
RES 2021-295 Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with IDC Consulting Engineers, Inc.
RES 2021-296 Adopt Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Chapter 10
RES 2021-297 5th Street Senior Center Outside Dinning Cover
RES 2021-298 Citywide Street Lighting Upgrades
RES 2021-299 Contruction Contract Award for Upgrades to Various Signal Hardware
RES 2021-300 Coorperative Agreement with SBCTA for Waterman Avenue at State Route 210 (SR-210) Interchange Project
RES 2021-301 2nd Amendment to Right of Way Services Agreement with Paragon Partners, Ltd.
RES 2021-302 Award of Design Services Agreement for Lighting Circuit Design for Genevieve Street and
RES 2021-303 Award Design Services Agreement for Lighting Circuit Design for the Newmark Ball Field and Speicher Multipurpose Field
RES 2021-304 City Support for Downtown Events
RES 2021-305 Accepting a Grant Award from The San Manuel Band of Mission Indians in the Amount of $2,220,000